
ankle deep Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

knöcheltief adj
deep freezer
deep freezer
Axial-Rillenkugellager n techn.
Axial-Rillenkugellager pl
deep groove ball thrust bearing
deep groove ball thrust bearings
Fritteuse f, Friteuse f alt
chip pan, deep fat fryer, deep fryer Am.
Fußreif m, Fußreifen m
ankle bracelet
Gefrierkammer f, Gefriermaschine f
Gefrierkammern pl, Gefriermaschinen pl
(deep) freezer
Hochseefischerei f
deep-sea fishing
Hochseeflotte f
deep-sea fleet
Klemme f, Schwulität f
in der Klemme sitzen, in Schwulitäten sein
in der Klemme
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sein (sitzen)
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sitzen
to be in a spot
in deep water
to be in a tight squeeze
to be in a fix
to be in the tight corner
to be up a gum tree
Knöchel m, Fußknöchel m, Fußgelenk n, Fessel f anat.
Knöchel pl
Rillenkugellager n techn.
Rillenkugellager pl
deep groove ball bearing
deep groove ball bearings
Scheiße f, Kacke f vulg.
tief in die Scheiße geraten vulg.
jdm. Scheiß erzählen vulg.
shit, crap, poop coll.
to get into deep doo-doo
to bullshit sb. coll.
Socke f, Socken m
Socken pl
Söckchen n
sich auf die Socken machen ugs.
ankle sock
to get weaving, to cut along
Sprunggelenk n anat.
ankle joint, ankle
Steilpass m (Fußball) sport
deep forward pass
Tiefatmung f
Tiefatmungen pl
deep breathing
deep breathings
Tiefkühlkost f, Tiefkühlware f, Feinfrostware f cook.
deep-frozen foods
Tiefkühltruhe f, Gefriertruhe f
deep-freezer, freezer
Tiefkühlung f
deep-freezing, quick-freezing
Tiefschlag m
Tiefschläge pl
deep hit
deep hits
Tiefschlaf m
deep sleep
Tiefsee f
deep sea
Tiefseearten pl biol.
deep-sea species
Tiefseeebene f
abyssal plain, deep-sea plain
Tiefseefisch m
Tiefseefische pl
deep-sea fish
deep-sea fishes
Tiefseeforschung f
deep-sea research
Tiefseegraben m
deep-sea trench
Tiefziehen n
Ãœberlegung f
reifliche Ãœberlegung
ohne Ãœberlegung
deep thinking
without thinking
Upwelling n, nährstoffreiche Aufwärtsströmung aus der Tiefsee
upwelling, nutrient-rich upward current from the deep sea
Verwurzelung f
(deep) rootedness
aus prp, +Dativ
aus dem Fenster
aus Neugier
aus der Flasche trinken
aus dem Zusammenhang reißen
aus der Ãœbung sein
aus Sachsen
aus tiefem Schlaf erwachen
aus folgendem Grund
out of, from
out of the window
out of curiosity
to drink out of the bottle, to drink from the bottle
to take out of its context
to be out of training
from Saxony
to awake from a deep sleep
for the following reason
ausrenken, verrenken v
ausrenkend, verrenkend
ausgerenkt, verrenkt
sich den Knöchel verrenken
to put out
putting out
put out
to put one's ankle out
dunkelblau, sattblau adj
dark blue, deep blue
Vergangenheit erforschen
to dip deep into the past
frittieren, fritieren alt
to deep-fry
hüfthoch adj, bis zu den Hüften
waist-high, waist-deep
innen, drin, drinnen adv, im Inneren
nach innen
von innen
nach innen gerichtet
tief im Inneren
inwards, inward
from within
inward looking
deep inside
knietief, kniehoch adv
knee-deep, knee-high
knöchelhoch adj
knöchellang adj
ankle length
knöcheltief adj
oberflächlich adj
rosenrot adj
deep pink, roseate
tief adj
am tiefsten
tief, unergründlich, dunkel adj
tief durchatmen
to take a deep breath
kühlt tief
kühlte tief
to deep-freeze {deep-froze, deep-frozen}
tiefblau adj
deep blue
tiefbraun adj
deep brown
tiefempfunden adj
am tiefempfundensten
deep felt
deeper felt
deepest felt
tiefgekühlt, tiefgefroren adj
deep-frozen, quick-frozen
tiefliegend adj
tiefliegende Augen
sunken, deep-set
deep-set eyes
deep black
mit dem Fuß umknicken
mit dem Fuß umknickend
mit dem Fuß umgeknickt
to twist one's ankle
twisting one's ankle
twisted one's ankle
sich verknacksen
sich verknacksend
sich verknackst
sich den Fuß verknacksen, sich den Fuß vertreten
to twist, to sprain
twisting, spraining
twisted, sprained
to twist one's ankle
sich verlieben (in +Akk)
sehr verliebt
to fall in love (with)
falling in love
fallen in love
falls in love
fell in love
deep in love
hoch verschuldet, tief verschuldet, schuldengeplagt adj
deeply in debt, deep in debt, debt-ridden
etw. versenken
to deep-six Am. coll.
fest verwurzelt adj
deep-rooted, deep-seated
wählen, auswählen, aussuchen, auserwählen, küren, vorziehen
wählend, auswählend, aussuchend, auserwählend, kürend, vorziehend
gewählt, ausgewählt, ausgesucht, auserwählt, gekürt, vorgezogen
sie wählt, er
sie sucht aus
sie wählte, ich
sie suchte aus
sie hat
hatte gewählt, er
sie hat
hatte ausgesucht
das auserwähltes Volk
zwischen Baum und Borke wählen übtr.
to choose {chose, chosen}
she chooses
she chose
she has
had chosen
the chosen people
to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea fig.
Das geht über meinen Horizont.
That's too deep for me.
Das ist mir zu hoch.
That's too deep for me.
Das lässt tief blicken.
That gives a deep insight.
Der Schnee liegt meterhoch.
The snow is more than a meter deep.
Er hat (sich) den Fuß verstaucht.
He sprained his ankle.
Er hat es faustdick hinter den Ohren.
He's a deep me.
Es trat eine tiefe Stille ein.
There fell a deep silence.
Fall nicht vom Stängel (Stengel alt)!
Take a deep breath, wait for this!
Holen Sie tief Atem!
Draw a deep breath!
Ich glaube, ich habe mir den Knöchel gebrochen.
I think I've broken my ankle.
Schon steht sie bei ihm tief in der Kreide.
She's already deep in debt to him.
Stille Wasser sind tief. Sprw.
Still waters run deep. prov.
Andrew-Schnabelwal m zool.
Andrew's beaked whale, Bowdoin's beaked whale, deep-crest beaked whale, splay-toothed beaked whale (Mesoplodon bowdoini)
Ultramarin-Hakenschnabel m ornith.
Deep-blue Flowerpiercer
ankle bone
ankle length
deep blue
deep breathing
deep breathings
deep felt
tief kuehlen
deep freeze
kuehlt tief
deep freezes
deep frozen
deep groove ball bearing
deep hit
deep hits
deep sea
deep sea fishing
deep sea research
deep seas
Holen Sie tief Atem
draw a deep breath
Er hat den Fuss verstaucht.
he sprained his ankle.
Er hat den Fuß verstaucht
he sprained his ankle
in der Klemme
in deep water
sie hat den Fuß verstaucht
she sprained her ankle
Das ist mir zu hoch.
that's to deep for me.
das geht ueber meinen Horizont
that's to deep for me
Es trat eine tiefe Stille ein
there fell a deep silence
eine tiefe Bedeutung
a deep meaning
tiefer Schlaf
deep sleep
tiefes Blau
deep blue
mit tiefem Bedauern geben wir bekannt
with deep regret we have to announce
Atem m; Atemzug m
Atemzüge pl
Atem holen
Atem schöpfen
mit angehaltenem Atem
den Atem anhalten
tief Luft holen
to catch one's breath; to draw (a) breath
to draw breath
with bated breath
to hold one's breath
to take a deep breath
Atmung f; Atmen n med.
abdominale Atmung
aerobe anaerobe Atmung
angestrengte Atmung
assistierte Atmung
asthmaartige Atmung; asthmatoide Atmung
ausreichende Atmung
beschleunigte Atmung
Biot'sche Atmung
bronichiale Atmung
bronchovesikuläre Atmung
erschwerte Atmung
fetale Atmung
flache Atmung; oberflächliche Atmung
gesteigerte Atmung
große Atmung; Kussmaul'sche Atmung
innere äußere Atmung
keuchende Atmung; schwere Atmung
kontrollierte Atmung
künstliche Atmung
langsame Atmung
paradoxe Atmung; Pendelluft-Atmung
periodische Atmung; Cheyne-Stokes'sche Atmung
pfeifende Atmung
puerile Atmung
pulmonale Atmung
röchelnde Atmung
schnappende Atmung
schnelle Atmung
seufzende Atmung; ziehende Atmung
Silvester'sche Atmung
Brustkorbatmung f; thorakale Atmung
tiefe Atmung
unregelmäßige Atmung
verlangsamte Atmung
vesikuläre Atmung
respiration; breathing; pneusis
abdominal respiration
aerobic anaerobic respiration
laboured respiration; forced breathing
assisted respiration; mechanical respiration
asthmoid respiration
adequate respiration; respiratory adequacy
accelerated respiration; tachypnoea; polypnoea
Biot's respiration; Biot's breathing
bronchial respiration; tubular breathing
bronchovesicular respiration; bronchovesicular breathing
impeded respiration; hampered breathing; difficult breathing
foetal respiration; placental respiration
shallow respiration; hypopnoea
Kussmaul's respiration; air hunger
internal external respiration
gasping respiration; wheezing respiration
controlled respiration
artificial respiration
slow respiration
paradoxical respiration; pendelluft respiration
periodic breathing; Cheyne-Stokes respiration
hissing breathing
puerile respiration
pulmonary respiration
stertorous respiration
spasmodic respiration
rapid respiration; tachypnoea
sighing respiration
Silvester's method
chest breathing; thoracic breathing; costal respiration
deep respiration
irregular respiration
slow respiration; bradypnoea
vesicular respiration
Bass m mus.
Bässe pl
tiefer Bass
vorgezogener Bass
deep bass
anticipated bass
Bergbau m; Bergbauindustrie f min.
Bergbau über Tage
Bergbau unter Tage
(in einem Gebiet) Bergbau betreiben
Bergbau und Forsteinsatz
mining; mining industry
opencast mining; open-pit mining; open-cut mining
underground mining; deep mining
to mine (an area)
mining and logging
sich in Bewegung setzen; anlaufen; in Gang kommen übtr. v
Das Schiff ist vorige Woche ausgelaufen.
Der Startschuss für das Turnier war (am) Freitag.
Ihr Gesellschaftsleben muss erst richtig in Gang kommen.
Die geballte Durchsetzung von technischen Innovationen kommt immer erst in Gang wenn die Weltwirtschaft eine tiefgreifende Krise durchlaufen hat.
to get under way
The ship got under way last week.
The tournament got under way on Friday.
Her social life has yet to get properly under way.
A concentrated implementation of technological innovations typically will not get under way before the global economy has gone through a deep crisis.
Bierbass m ugs.
deep bass voice
Bodenhaltung f agr.
Bodenhaltung (Lebensmittelkennzeichnung)
Eier aus Bodenhaltung
in Bodenhaltung gezüchtetes Fleischgeflügel
barn rearing; barn system; deep-litter system
Barn (food labelling)
barn eggs; deep litter eggs
deep-litter table fowl
Bohrgerät n min.
deep boring implements
Dilemma n; Sackgasse f; Teufelskreis m; Zwickmühle f; verfahrene Situation f; vertrackte Situation f
in der Zwickmühle
Da beißt sich die Katze in den Schwanz. übtr.
catch-22 situation
between the devil and the deep blue sea
It this is catch-22.
Dings n; Dingsbums n; Dingsda n
ganz aus dem Häuschen sein
in der Klemme stecken; in der Patsche sitzen
dohickey; dojigger; doodad; doodah Br.; doohickey; hickey; gimmick
to be all of a doodah
to be in deep doodah Br.; to be on a sticky wicket
Echostreuschicht f im Meer envir.
deep-sea scattering layer; deep scattering layer DSL ; sound-scattering layer
Einblick m (in etw.); Aufschluss m (über etw.); Verständnis n (von etw.)
Einblicke pl
einen Einblick in etw. geben
Aufschluss darüber geben ob ...
ein besseres Verständnis von etw. bekommen erlangen
dazu beitragen das Zusammenspiel dieser Faktoren besser zu verstehen
Einblick in etw. bekommen
Das lässt tief blicken.
insight (into sth.)
to give an insight into sth.
to provide insight into whether ...
to gain greater insight into sth.
to allow greater insight into the interactions between these factors
to gain an insight into sth.
That gives a deep insight.
Erstzug m (beim Tiefziehen) techn.
first draw (in deep-drawing)
Festwalzen n mach.
deep rolling
Fritteuse f; Friteuse f alt
chip pan; deep fat fryer; deep fryer Am.
elektronische Fußfessel f
electronic tag; GPS ankle bracelet
Fußgelenk n; Fessel f anat.
Fußgelenke pl; Fesseln pl
ankle joint; ankle; joint of the foot
ankle joints; ankles; joints of the foot
Fußkettchen n
Fußkettchen pl
ankle chain; anklet
ankle chains; anklets
Fußreif m; Fußreifen m
bangle (for ankle)
Gefrierkammer f; Gefriermaschine f
Gefrierkammern pl; Gefriermaschinen pl
(deep) freezer
Glockenschneidrad n (für eine Verzahnung) techn.
deep counterbore-type cutter; extended boss-type gear generator
Hirnstimulation f med.
tiefe Hirnstimulation
brain stimulation
deep brain stimulation DBS
Hochseeflotte f naut.
Hochseeflotten pl
deep-sea fleet
deep-sea fleets
Innere n; Inneres
(tief) im Inneren
inside; interior
(deep) inside
Karst m geol.
Karste pl
nackter Karst
subkutaner Karst
tiefer Karst
karst; chalky formation
karsts; chalky formations
naked karst
subcutaneous karst
deep karst
Klemme f; Schwulität f
in der Klemme sitzen; in Schwulitäten sein
in der Klemme
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sein sitzen; in der Zwickmühle stecken
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sitzen
to be in a spot
in deep water
to be in a tight squeeze
to be in a fix
to be in the tight corner
to be up a gum tree
Klitorisarterie f anat.
tiefe Klitorisarterie
artery of the clitoris; clitoridal artery
deep artery of the clitoris; profunda clitoridis artery
Klitorisvene f anat.
dorsale Klitorisvene
tiefe Klitorisvene
vein of the clitoris
dorsal vein of the clitoris
deep vein of the clitoris
Koma n; komatöser Zustand m med.
alkoholisches Koma
endogenes exogenes Koma
reversibles irreversibles Koma
tiefes Koma
im Koma sein
ins Koma fallen
künstliches Koma
in künstlichen Tiefschlaf versetzt werden
coma; comatose state; carus
alcoholic coma
endogenous exogenous coma
reversible irreversible coma
deep coma
be in a coma
to fall into a coma; to go into a coma; to slip into a coma
medically induced coma
to be placed in a medically induced coma
Leistenring m anat.
Leistenringe pl
äußerer Leistenring
innerer Leistenring
inguinal ring; abdominal ring
inguinal rings; abdominal rings
external inguinal abdominal ring; superficial subcutaneous inguinal ring
internal inguinal abdominal ring; deep inguinal abdominal ring
Meeresströmung f
Meeresströmungen pl
Meeresströmung an der Oberfläche
tiefe Meeresströmung
ocean current; sea current; marine current; drift
ocean currents; sea currents; marine currents; drifts
surface current
deep current
tiefe Nackenarterie f anat.
deep cervical artery
tiefe Nackenvene f anat.
deep cervical vein
Napfziehen n (tief) techn.
deep drawing; dishing; cupping
Oberschenkelvene f anat.
Oberschenkelvenen pl
tiefe Oberschenkelvene
femoral vein
femoral veins
deep femoral vein
Ohrarterie f anat.
vordere hintere Ohrarterie
innere Ohrarterie
tiefe Ohrarterie
auricular artery; auditory artery
anterior posterior auricular artery
internal auditory artery
deep auricular artery
Sandalette f
Sandaletten pl
ankle-strap sandal; high-heeled sandal
ankle-strap sandals; high-heeled sandals
Scheiße f; Kacke f vulg.
tief in die Scheiße geraten vulg.
jdm. Scheiß erzählen; jdn. verarschen vulg.
shit; crap; poop; turd; shite; cack Br. vulg.
to get into deep doo-doo
to bullshit sb. coll.
Socke f; Socken m
Socken pl
Söckchen n
sich auf die Socken machen ugs.
ankle sock
to get weaving; to cut along
Spitzfußstellung f med.
foot (ankle) drop

ankle deep Definition

(n.) The joint which connects the foot with the leg
(a.) Deep as from the breast to the feet
(superl.) Extending far below the surface
(superl.) Extending far back from the front or outer part
(superl.) Low in situation
(superl.) Hard to penetrate or comprehend
(superl.) Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect
(superl.) Profound
(superl.) Strongly colored
(superl.) Of low tone
(superl.) Muddy
(adv.) To a great depth
(n.) That which is deep, especially deep water, as the sea or ocean
(n.) That which is profound, not easily fathomed, or incomprehensible
(a.) Deeply fetched or drawn.
(a.) Laid deeply
(a.) Having a loud and sonorous voice.
(a.) Profoundly book- learned.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the deeper parts of the sea
(a.) Having a deep waist, as when, in a ship, the poop and forecastle are much elevated above the deck.
(a.) Rising to the knees
(a.) Sunk to the knees
(a.) Not deeper than the skin

ankle deep Bedeutung

soul kiss
deep kiss
French kiss
an openmouthed kiss in which your tongue is inserted into the other's mouth
deep fording fording at a deep place in the stream
deep supporting fire fire on objectives not in the immediate vicinity of your forces but with the objective of destroying enemy reserves and weapons and interfering with the enemy command and supply and communications
ankle brace a brace worn to strengthen the ankle
ankle bracelet
an ornament worn around the ankle
deep freezer
electric refrigerator (trade name Deepfreeze) in which food is frozen and stored for long periods of time
deep red
a deep and vivid red color
deep brown
burnt umber
a medium brown to dark-brown color
deep middle cerebral vein accompanies the middle cerebral artery deep in the Sylvian fissure, empties into the basal vein
cervical vein
deep cervical vein
vena cervicalis profunda
a vein that accompanies an artery of the same name
deep temporal vein temporal veins that empty into the pterygoid plexus
ankle joint
mortise joint
articulatio talocruralis
a gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus
deep water serious trouble
deep-dish pie
a pie made of fruit with rich biscuit dough usually only on top of the fruit
deep space any region in space outside the solar system
Deep South the southeastern region of the United States: South Carolina and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Louisiana, prior to the American Civil War all these states produced cotton and permitted slavery
deep literary term for an ocean, denizens of the deep
Nares Deep a depression in the floor of the Atlantic Ocean to the north of Haiti and Puerto Rico
oceanic abyss
a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor
deep-sea diver a diver in the deeper parts of the sea
deep pocket a source of substantial wealth (usually plural), a patron of the arts should have deep pockets
deep freeze temporary inactivity or suspension, the legislation has now been revived after ten years in the deep freeze
deep the central and most intense or profound part, in the deep of night, in the deep of winter
deep-dye dye thoroughly
deep-fat-fry fry in deep fat, deep-fry the potato chips
cook by immersing in fat, french-fry the potatoes
deep freeze store in a deep-freeze, as for conservation, deep-freeze the food
throw overboard
throw from a boat
give it the deep six
toss out, get rid of, deep-six these old souvenirs!
go far
go deep
extend in importance or range, His accomplishments go far
deep exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy, deep political machinations, a deep plot
deep-lobed having deep bilateral lobes
deep-pink of a deep shade of pink
deep-yellow of something having the color of a pumpkin
strong, intense, deep purple, a rich red
deep very distant in time or space, deep in the past, deep in enemy territory, deep in the woods, a deep space probe
cooked by frying in fat
deep having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center, sometimes used in combination, a deep well, a deep dive, deep water, a deep casserole, a deep gash, deep massage, deep pressure receptors in muscles, deep shelves, a deep closet, surrounded by a deep yard, hit the ball to deep center field, in deep space, waist-deep
deep-water of or carried on in waters of great depth, a deep-water port
coming only to the ankle or knee
deep relatively deep or strong, affecting one deeply, a deep breath, a deep sigh, deep concentration, deep emotion, a deep trance, in a deep sleep
difficult to penetrate, incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge, the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them, a deep metaphysical theory, some recondite problem in historiography
of an obscure nature, the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms, a deep dark secret, the inscrutable workings of Providence, in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life- Rachel Carson, rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands
characteristic of the bony face of a cadaver
deep with head or back bent low, a deep bow
having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range, a deep voice, a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice, a bass clarinet
deep-sea of or taking place in the deeper parts of the sea, deep-sea fishing, deep-sea exploration
deep large in quantity or size, deep cuts in the budget
deep-mined of coal, as contrasted with coal obtained from a strip mine, deep-mined coal
deep extreme, in deep trouble, deep happiness
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The ankle, or the talocrural region, is the region where the foot and the leg meet. The ankle includes three joints: the ankle joint proper or talocrural joint, the subtalar joint, and the Inferior tibiofibular joint. The movements produced at this joint are dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot. In common usage, the term ankle refers exclusively to the ankle region. In medical terminology, "ankle" can refer broadly to the region or specifically to the talocrural joint.