
anti European Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

europafeindlich; antieuropäisch adj pol.
anti-dumping policy
anti-dumping duty
anti-inflationary policy
anti-trust laws
anti-trust legislation
antizyklische Wirtschaftspolitik
anti-cyclical economic policy
Abhebesicherung f, Absturzsicherung f
anti-derail device
Abtreibungsgegner m, Abtreibungsgegnerin f
anti-abortionist, pro-life activist
Ackerbohne f bot.
field bean, broad bean, English bean, European bean, horse bean
Amtsblatt n
Amtsblätter pl
im Amtsblatt bekannt gebend (bekanntgebend alt)
Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
official gazette, official journal
official gazettes, official journals
Official Journal of the European Community, Gazette of the European Community
Anthelminthikum n, Wurmmittel n med. pharm.
anthelmintic, anti-worm drug
Antiabtreibungskampagne f
anti-abortion campaign
Antiarrhythmikum n med.
Antiblockiersystem n (ABS), Blockierschutzbremssystem n auto
Bremssystem n mit ABS
anti-lock braking system (ABS)
antilock brakes
Antidiskriminierung f
Antidumping-Vorschriften pl
anti-dumping provisions
Antiepileptikum n med. pharm.
Antifaltencreme f
anti-wrinkle cream
Anti-Inflationspolitik f
anti-inflationary policy
Anti-Korruptionsgesetz n
Anti-Korruptionsgesetze pl
anti-corruption law
anti-corruption laws
Antikommunist m, Antikommunistin f pol.
Antikommunisten pl, Antikommunistinnen pl
anti-communist, anticommunist
anti-communists, anticommunists
Antipersonenmine f, Tretmine f, Schützenabwehrmine f mil.
Antipersonenminen pl, Tretminen pl, Schützenabwehrminen pl
anti-personnel mine
anti-personnel mines
Anti-Rutschbelag m
anti-slip covering
Antischaummittel n
anti-foaming agent
Antisemit m, Antisemitin f
Antisemiten pl, Antisemitinnen pl
Antisemitismus m
Anti-Aliasing n, Kantenglättung f comp.
anti-aliasing, antialiasing, dejagging
Anti-Atombewegung f, Anti-Atom-Bewegung f, Antiatomkraft-Bewegung f
anti-nuclear movement
Anti-Subventionsverfahren n
anti-subsidy procedure
Anti-Viren-Programm m comp.
Antivirus-Software f comp.
anti-virus software
Arbeitsmatte f
Arbeitsmatten pl
anti-slip mat
anti-slip mats
Aufsteigesicherung f
anti-derail device
Ausländerfeindlichkeit f
anti-alien feeling
Beitrittsgegner m
Binnenmarkt m
Europäischer Binnenmarkt
single market
European Single Market (ESM)
Blendschutzfilter m
anti-dazzle filter
Blendschutzschild n
anti-glare shield
Blockierschutzbremsen pl
anti-lock brakes
Diabetes f, Zuckerkrankheit f med.
Diabetes verhütend
Diebstahlsicherung f
anti-theft device, anti-theft system
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchte f
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchten pl
anti-theft warning light
anti-theft warning lights
Diebstahlwarnanlage f
anti-theft alarm
ECU (Europäische Währungseinheit)
ECU (European Currency Unit)
Entwicklungsfonds m fin.
Europäischer Entwicklungsfonds (EEF)
development fund
European Development Fund (EDF)
Entzündungshemmer m
Europameister m, Europameisterin f sport
Europameister pl, Europameisterinnen pl
European champion
European champions
Europameisterschaft f (EM) sport
Europameisterschaften pl
European championship
European championships
Europa-Parlament n, Europäisches Parlament pol.
European Parliament
Europawahl f pol.
Europawahlen pl
European election
European elections
Europawissenschaften pl
European studies
Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Europäische Investitionsbank f
European Investment Bank (EIB)
Europäische Kommission f
European Commission
Europäische Raumfahrtbehörde f
European Space Agency (ESA)
Europäische Menschenrechtskommission
European Commission on Human Rights
Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG)
European Economic Community (EEC)
Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessensvereinigung f (EWIV)
European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
Europäischer Börsenverband
Federation of European Stock Exchanges
Europäischer Forschungsraum
European Research Area
Europäischer Investitionsfonds (EIF)
European Investment Fund (EIF)
Europäischer Gerichtshof
European Court of Justice
Europäischer Rat pol.
European Council
Europäischer Rechnungshof
European Court of Auditors
Europäischer Regionalfonds (ERF)
European Regional Fund (ERF)
Europäischer Sozialfonds
European Social Fund
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
Europäisches Patentabkommen
European Patent Convention
Europäisches Patentamt (EPA)
European Patent Office (EPO)
Europäisches Polizeiamt
European Police Office
Europäisches Zentralbankensystem (EZBS)
European System of Central Bank (ESCB)
Flak f, Flakgeschütz n mil.
Flaks pl, Flakgeschütze pl
anti-aircraft gun
anti-aircraft guns
Flakartillerie f mil.
anti-aircraft artillery
Flakfeuer n mil.
anti-aircraft fire, flak, aerial barrage
Fliegerabwehr f mil.
Flugabwehrrakete f mil.
Flugabwehrraketen pl
anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missiles
Freihandelszone f
Freihandelszonen pl
Europäische Freihandelszone f
free-trade area
free-trade areas
the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)
Frostschutzmittel n auto
antifreeze, anti-freeze, antifreeze admixture
Gefrierschutz m
Gegenauslese f
Gegenübernahmeangebot n
anti-takeover proposal
Gegner m, Gegnerin f
Gegner pl
Gemeinschaftsrecht n
Europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht
community law
European Community Law
Geruchsverschluss m
mit Geruchsverschluss versehen
anti-siphon trap
to provide with a water seal, to seal
Globalisierungsgegner m, Globalisierungsgegnerin f pol.
Globalisierungsgegner pl, Globalisierungsgegnerinnen pl
anti-globalization activist, anti-globalization protester
anti-globalization activists, anti-globalization protesters
Handball m sport
(European) handball, team handball
Indo-Europäer m
Indo-European, Aryan
Induktionsschutz m
anti-inductive protection
Inertisierung f, Inertisieren n chem.
von der Schulter abzufeuernde Infanterie-Flugabwehrwaffe
inertization Am., inertisation Br., inerting
shoulder launched infantry anti-aircraft weapon
Infanterie-Flugabwehrwaffe f mil.
infantry anti-aircraft weapon
Judenhass m
Kartellgesetz n, Kartellrecht n
anti-trust law Am., monopolies law
Kartellgesetzgebung f
anti-trust legislation Am., legislation against monopolies
Kernkraftgegner m, Kernkraftgegnerin f, Atomkraftgegner m, Atomkraftgegnerin f
Kernkraftgegner pl, Kernkraftgegnerinnen pl, Atomkraftgegner pl, Atomkraftgegnerinnen pl
anti-nuclear activist
anti-nuclear activists
Kernwaffengegner m, Atomwaffengegner m
Kernwaffengegner pl, Atomwaffengegner pl
anti-nuclear protester
anti-nuclear protesters
Krankenversicherungskarte f, Krankenversichertenkarte f
Krankenversicherungskarten pl, Krankenversichertenkarten pl
europäische Krankenversichertenkarte
health insurance card, medical card
health insurance cards, medical cards
European Health Insurance Card
Krisenkartell n
anti-crisis cartel
Luftverteidigung f mil.
anti-aircraft defence
Menschenrechtskonvention f
Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention
convention on human rights
European Convention on Human Rights
Numerus m
anti log
Opposition f
der Opposition angehören
in Opposition
to be in opposition
Panzerabwehrmine f mil.
Panzerabwehrminen pl
anti-tank mine
anti-tank mines
Panzerabwehrwaffe f mil.
Panzerabwehrwaffen pl
leichte Panzerabwehrwaffe
anti-tank weapon
anti-tank weapons
light anti-tank weapon
Panzerbüchse f mil.
Panzerbüchsen pl
anti-tank rifle
anti-tank rifles
Querstabilisator m
Querstabilisatoren pl
anti-roll bar
anti-roll bars
Radbruchstütze f
anti-derail device, wheel collapse support
Anti-Raketen-Rakete f, Abfangrakete f mil.
Anti-Raketen-Raketen pl, Abfangraketen pl
anti-ballistic missile (ABM)
anti-ballistic missiles
Raketenabwehrvertrag m, ABM-Vertrag m pol.
Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, ABM Treaty
Rat der Europäischen Union pol.
Council of the European Union
Rostschutzfarbe f
anti-rust paint, rust protection paint
Schuppen pl, Hautschuppen pl, Kopfschuppen pl
gegen Schuppen
Schwingungsdämpfer m
pulse damper, vibration damper, anti-vibration damper
Stabilisator m
anti-roll bar, stabilizer bar
Tränenblech n
raised pattern plate, chequer plate, checkered plate, non-slip steel floor plate, safety tread floor plate, anti-slip plate Am.
Trennpapier n
anti-adhesive paper
im Uhrzeigersinn
entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn
mathematischer Uhrzeigersinn (linksdrehend)
counter-clockwise Am., anti-clockwise Br., contra clockwise
counter-clockwise (CCW)
Umweltagentur f
Europäische Umweltagentur
environment agency
European Environment Agency
Verteidigungsgemeinschaft f
Verteidigungsgemeinschaften pl
Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft
defence community Br., defense community Am.
defence communities, defense communities
European Defence Community (EDC)
Vertrag m, Staatsvertrag m
Verträge pl, Staatsverträge pl
Vertrag über die Europäische Union
unmittelbar anwendbarer Vertrag
Römische Verträge
Vertrag von Paris
Treaty on European Union
self-executing treaty
Treaties of Rome
Treaty of Paris
vertraglicher Verzicht auf gegenseitige Abwerbung
anti-pirating agreement
Währungsfonds m
Europäischer Währungsfonds (EWF)
monetary fund
European Monetary Fund (EMF)
Währungssystem n
Europäisches Währungssystem (EWS)
internationales Währungssystem
monetary system
European Monetary System (EMS)
international monetary system
Walzlager n techn.
Walzlager pl
anti-friction bearing
anti-friction bearings
Warensicherung f (gegen Diebstahl)
antishoplifting, anti-shoplifting
Windsicherung f
wind drift safety device, anti-storm device
Wirtschaftsraum m
Wirtschaftsräume pl
einheitlicher Wirtschaftsraum
Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum (EWR)
Einheitlicher Europäischer Wirtschaftsraum
economic area
economic areas
unified economic area
European Economic Area (EEA)
Single European Economic Area
antiarrhythmisch adj
antiemetisch adj med.
antiepileptisch adj med.
antisemitisch adj
antitumorös, geschwulsthemmend adj med.
antitumour, anti-cancer
arbeitnehmerfeindlich adj
asozial adj
am asozialsten
anti-social, asocial
more anti-social
most anti-social
blendfrei adj
deutschfeindlich adj
entzündungshemmend adj
europäisch adj

Deutsche europafeindlich; antieuropäisch {adj} [pol.] Synonyme

Englische anti-European Synonyme

anti European Definition

() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
(a.) Of or pertaining to Europe, or to its inhabitants.
(n.) A native or an inhabitant of Europe.
(a.) Aryan

anti European Bedeutung

anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
European bream
Abramis brama
European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales, of little value as food
blackbird merl
ouzel ousel European blackbird
Turdus merula
common black European thrush
common European jay
Garullus garullus
fawnolored jay with black-and-white crest and blue-and-black wings
European magpie
Pica pica
a common magpie of Eurasia
European creeper
Certhia familiaris
common European brown-and-buff tree creeper with downurved bill
European nuthatch
Sitta europaea
a kind of nuthatch
European shrike
Lanius excubitor
a common European butcherbird
European water ouzel
Cinclus aquaticus
a water ouzel of Europe
grey sea eagle
gray sea eagle
European sea eagle
white-tailed sea eagle
Haliatus albicilla
bulky greyish-brown eagle with a short wedge-shaped white tail, of Europe and Greenland
European fire salamander
Salamandra salamandra
a kind of European salamander
European toad
Bufo bufo
common toad of Europe
European tortoise
Testudo graeca
small land tortoise of southern Europe
European wolf spider
tarantula Lycosa tarentula
large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement)
European black grouse
Lyrurus tetrix
large northern European grouse that is black with a lyre-shaped tail
European cuckoo
Cuculus canorus
common cuckoo of Europe having a distinctive two-note call, lays eggs in the nests of other birds
European roller
Coracias garrulus
common European blue-and-green roller with a reddish-brown back
European swift
Apus apus
common European bird with a shrieking call that nests chiefly about eaves of buildings or on cliffs
European goatsucker
European nightjar
Caprimulgus europaeus
Old World goatsucker
European water shrew
Neomys fodiens
widely distributed Old World water shrew
European spider crab
king crab Maja squinado
a large spider crab of Europe
European lobster
Homarus vulgaris
lobster of Atlantic coast of Europe
European bittern
Botaurus stellaris
a kind of bittern
European gallinule
Porphyrio porphyrio
purple gallinule of southern Europe
European sandpiper
Actitis hypoleucos
a variety of sandpiper
European curlew
Numenius arquata
common Eurasian curlew
European wildcat
Felis silvestris
bushy-tailed wildcat of Europe that resembles the domestic cat and is regarded as the ancestor of the domestic cat
European brown bat
Eptesicus serotinus
common brown bat of Europe
European house cricket
Acheta domestica
lives in human dwellings, naturalized in parts of America
common European earwig
Forficula auricularia
sometimes destructive to cultivated bulbs
corn borer European corn borer moth
corn borer moth
Pyrausta nubilalis
native to Europe, in America the larvae bore into the stem and crown of corn and other plants
European rabbit
Old World rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus
common greyish-brown burrowing animal native to southern Europe and northern Africa but introduced elsewhere, widely domesticated and developed in various colors and for various needs, young are born naked and helpless
European hare
Lepus europaeus
large hare introduced in North America, does not turn white in winter
European wood mouse
Apodemus sylvaticus
nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens
European lemming
Lemmus lemmus
notable for mass migrations even into the sea where many drown
European elk
Alces alces
large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male, called `elk' in Europe and `moose' in North America
European catfish
Silurus glanis
large elongated catfish of central and eastern Europe
European smelt
Osmerus eperlanus
the common smelt of Europe
European perch
Perca fluviatilis
a perch native to Europe
European sea bream
Pagellus centrodontus
food fish of European coastal waters
European flatfish
Platichthys flesus
important food fish of Europe
European sole
Solea solea
highly valued as food
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
fragmentation bomb
antipersonnel bomb
anti-personnel bomb
daisy cutter
a bomb with onlytoper cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments, most effective against troops and vehicles
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids, NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox- and Cox- enzymes
stabilizer bar
anti-sway bar
a rigid metal bar between the front suspensions and between the rear suspensions of cars and trucks, serves to stabilize the chassis
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