
anti wheel lock Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Antiblockiersysteme pl mach. techn.
anti-wheel-lock braking systems
anti-dumping policy
anti-dumping duty
anti-inflationary policy
anti-trust laws
anti-trust legislation
antizyklische Wirtschaftspolitik
anti-cyclical economic policy
Schloss, schließen
lock up
Abhebesicherung f, Absturzsicherung f
anti-derail device
Abschlussmutter f techn.
Abschlussmuttern pl
head lock nut
head lock nuts
Abtreibungsgegner m, Abtreibungsgegnerin f
anti-abortionist, pro-life activist
Achsfolge f
wheel arrangement
Achsstand n techn.
wheel base
Aktionsrad n
Aktionsräder pl
impulse wheel
impulse wheels
all-wheel, four-wheel, 4-wheel
Anthelminthikum n, Wurmmittel n med. pharm.
anthelmintic, anti-worm drug
Antiabtreibungskampagne f
anti-abortion campaign
Antiarrhythmikum n med.
Antiblockiersystem n (ABS), Blockierschutzbremssystem n auto
Bremssystem n mit ABS
anti-lock braking system (ABS)
antilock brakes
Antidiskriminierung f
Antidumping-Vorschriften pl
anti-dumping provisions
Antiepileptikum n med. pharm.
Antifaltencreme f
anti-wrinkle cream
Anti-Inflationspolitik f
anti-inflationary policy
Anti-Korruptionsgesetz n
Anti-Korruptionsgesetze pl
anti-corruption law
anti-corruption laws
Antikommunist m, Antikommunistin f pol.
Antikommunisten pl, Antikommunistinnen pl
anti-communist, anticommunist
anti-communists, anticommunists
Antipersonenmine f, Tretmine f, Schützenabwehrmine f mil.
Antipersonenminen pl, Tretminen pl, Schützenabwehrminen pl
anti-personnel mine
anti-personnel mines
Anti-Rutschbelag m
anti-slip covering
Antischaummittel n
anti-foaming agent
Antisemit m, Antisemitin f
Antisemiten pl, Antisemitinnen pl
Antisemitismus m
Anti-Aliasing n, Kantenglättung f comp.
anti-aliasing, antialiasing, dejagging
Anti-Atombewegung f, Anti-Atom-Bewegung f, Antiatomkraft-Bewegung f
anti-nuclear movement
Anti-Subventionsverfahren n
anti-subsidy procedure
Anti-Viren-Programm m comp.
Antivirus-Software f comp.
anti-virus software
Antriebsrad m techn.
Antriebsräder pl
drive wheel, driving wheel, power wheel Am., traction wheel
drive wheels, driving wheels, power wheels, traction wheels
A-Radschaufel f
a-wheel blade
Arbeitsmatte f
Arbeitsmatten pl
anti-slip mat
anti-slip mats
Aufsteigesicherung f
anti-derail device
Ausdrehung f
cut out, wheel tread
Ausländerfeindlichkeit f
anti-alien feeling
Bandschloss n
belt lock
in Bausch und Bogen
lock, stock, and barrel
Bedienungshandrad n, Schaltrad n
Bedienungshandräder pl, Schalträder pl
control wheel
control wheels
Beitrittsgegner m
Blendschutzfilter m
anti-dazzle filter
Blendschutzschild n
anti-glare shield
Blockierschutzbremsen pl
anti-lock brakes
Bordscheibe f
flanged wheel
Buchstabenschloss n
combination lock
Bugrad n aviat.
Bugräder pl
nose wheel
nose wheels
Datensatzsperre f comp.
Datensatzsperren pl
record lock
record locks
Diabetes f, Zuckerkrankheit f med.
Diabetes verhütend
Diamantenscheibe f
diamond wheel
Diebstahlsicherung f
anti-theft device, anti-theft system
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchte f
Diebstahlsicherungswarnleuchten pl
anti-theft warning light
anti-theft warning lights
Diebstahlwarnanlage f
anti-theft alarm
Differentialsperre f techn.
differential lock, differential pawl
Drahtspeichenrad n
Drahtspeichenräder pl
wire wheel
wire wheels
Drehscheibe f
Drehscheiben pl
(potter's) wheel
elektrisch angetriebene Drehscheibe f
power-wheel, electric powered wheel
Druckluftschleuse f mach.
Druckluftschleusen pl
air lock
air locks
Einschlagswinkel m
Einschlagswinkel pl
steering lock angle
steering lock angles
Einsteckschloss n
Einsteckschlösser pl
mortise lock
mortise locks
Entzündungshemmer m
Ersatzrad n auto
Ersatzräder pl
spare wheel
spare wheels
Farbenrad n
Farbenräder pl
color wheel
color wheels
Federring m techn.
Federringe pl
geschlitzter Federring
spring washer, spring ring
spring washers, spring rings
spring lock ring
Felge f
Felgen pl
abnehmbare Felge
dreiteilige Felge
einteilige Felge
empfohlene Felge
fünfteilige Felge
genietete Felge
geschweißte Felge
mittengeteilte Felge
mögliche Felge
nicht zerstörbare Felge
schlauchlose Felge
theoretische Felge
vierteilige Felge
zweiteilige Felge
zweiteilige Felge mit geteilter Radscheibe
demountable rim
three-piece rim
one piece rim, single piece rim
recommended rim
five-piece rim
riveted rim
welded rim
centre split rim
alternative rim
non-fangible rim
tubeless rim
theoretical rim
four-piece rim
two-piece rim
divided wheel, split (divided) rim
Flak f, Flakgeschütz n mil.
Flaks pl, Flakgeschütze pl
anti-aircraft gun
anti-aircraft guns
Flakartillerie f mil.
anti-aircraft artillery
Flakfeuer n mil.
anti-aircraft fire, flak, aerial barrage
Fliegerabwehr f mil.
Flügelrad n
Flügelräder pl
fan wheel
fan wheels
Flugabwehrrakete f mil.
Flugabwehrraketen pl
anti-aircraft missile
anti-aircraft missiles
Formschluss m mach.
form lock, positive form locking, form fit, positive-locking fit
Freilauf m
free wheel, freewheel
Frostschutzmittel n auto
antifreeze, anti-freeze, antifreeze admixture
Fußdrehscheibe f
kick wheel
Gebetsmühle f
prayer wheel, prayer mill
Gebläserad n
Gebläseräder pl
blower wheel, impeller
blower wheels, impellers
Gefrierschutz m
Gegenauslese f
Gegenübernahmeangebot n
anti-takeover proposal
Gegner m, Gegnerin f
Gegner pl
Geruchsverschluss m
mit Geruchsverschluss versehen
anti-siphon trap
to provide with a water seal, to seal
Gleichdruckrad n techn.
Gleichdruckräder pl
impulse wheel
impulse wheels
Globalisierungsgegner m, Globalisierungsgegnerin f pol.
Globalisierungsgegner pl, Globalisierungsgegnerinnen pl
anti-globalization activist, anti-globalization protester
anti-globalization activists, anti-globalization protesters
Glücksrad n
wheel of fortune
Heckantrieb m
rear-wheel drive
sich nicht das Heft aus der Hand nehmen lassen übtr.
to remain at the wheel fig.
Hinterrad n
Hinterräder pl
rear wheel, back wheel
back wheels
Hinterradantrieb m
Hinterradantriebe pl
rear wheel drive
the rear wheel drives
Igelrad n
Igelräder pl
sprocket wheel
sprocket wheels
Induktionsschutz m
anti-inductive protection
Inertisierung f, Inertisieren n chem.
von der Schulter abzufeuernde Infanterie-Flugabwehrwaffe
inertization Am., inertisation Br., inerting
shoulder launched infantry anti-aircraft weapon
Infanterie-Flugabwehrwaffe f mil.
infantry anti-aircraft weapon
Judenhass m
Kammrad n
Kammräder pl
cog wheel, brake wheel
cog wheels, brake wheels
Kanalschleuse f techn.
Kanalschleusen pl
canal lock
canal locks
Kartellgesetz n, Kartellrecht n
anti-trust law Am., monopolies law
Kartellgesetzgebung f
anti-trust legislation Am., legislation against monopolies
Kegelrad n techn.
Kegelräder pl
bevel gear wheel, bevel wheel
bevel gear wheels, bevel wheels
Kernkraftgegner m, Kernkraftgegnerin f, Atomkraftgegner m, Atomkraftgegnerin f
Kernkraftgegner pl, Kernkraftgegnerinnen pl, Atomkraftgegner pl, Atomkraftgegnerinnen pl
anti-nuclear activist
anti-nuclear activists
Kernwaffengegner m, Atomwaffengegner m
Kernwaffengegner pl, Atomwaffengegner pl
anti-nuclear protester
anti-nuclear protesters
Kettenrad n
Kettenräder pl
chain wheel, chain pulley, chain sprocket
chain wheels, chain pulleys, chain sprockets
single chainwheel
double chainwheel
triple chainwheel
Kettenrolle f
chain wheel, return sprocket
Kindersicherung f
child lock
Klinkenrad n
Klinkenräder pl
jdm. einen Knüppel zwischen die Beine werfen übtr.
to put a spoke in sb.'s wheel
Kontermutter f, Klemmmutter f techn.
Kontermuttern pl, Klemmmuttern pl
check nut, lock nut
check nuts, lock nuts
Kreuzschlüssel m techn.
Kreuzschlüssel pl
wheel lug wrench
wheel lug wrenches
Krisenkartell n
anti-crisis cartel
Läppscheibe f
lapping wheel
Laufkranz m
wheel tread, travelling rim
Laufrad n
Laufräder pl
bogie wheel, wheel
bogie wheels, wheels
Laufrad n techn.
Laufräder pl
running wheel
running wheels
Laufrollenabdeckung f
Laufrollenabdeckungen pl
wheel cover
wheel covers
Leitrad n
Leiträder pl
guide wheel
guide wheels
Lenkrad n, Steuer n auto
Lenkräder pl, Steuer pl
verstellbares Lenkrad
steering wheel
steering wheels
adjustable steering wheel
Lenkradwinkel m
steering wheel angle
Lenkradschloss n auto
Lenkradschlösser pl
steering-column lock, steering-wheel lock
steering-column locks, steering-wheel locks
Lenkschloss n
steering lock
Linksschwenkung f mil.
left wheel
Locke f, Haarlocke f
Locken pl, Haarlocken pl
Lufteinschluss m
air lock
Luftschleuse f, Schleuse f
Luftschleusen pl, Schleusen pl
air lock, air shower
air locks, air showers
Luftverteidigung f mil.
anti-aircraft defence
Materialschleuse f
material lock
Mausrad n comp.
Mausräder pl
mouse wheel
mouse wheels
Mühlrad n
Mühlräder pl
mill wheel
mill wheels
Multifunktionslenkrad n auto
multifunctional steering wheel
Mutter f, Schraubenmutter f (zur Schraube) techn.
Muttern pl, Schraubenmuttern pl
lockere Mutter
selbstsichernde Mutter
unverlierbare Mutter f
Muttern kontern
nut, screw-nut
nuts, screw-nuts
loose nut
self-locking nut, clinch nut
captive nut
to lock nuts
Nachleitrad n
Nachleiträder pl
guide wheel
guide wheels
Numerus m
anti log
Opposition f
der Opposition angehören
in Opposition
to be in opposition
Panzerabwehrmine f mil.
Panzerabwehrminen pl
anti-tank mine
anti-tank mines

Deutsche Antiblockiersysteme {pl} [mach.] [techn.] Synonyme

Beeilung!  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂEin  bisschen  dalli!  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMach  fix!  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMach  hin!  (umgangssprachlich)  
Ade  ÂAdieu  ÂAuf  bald  ÂAuf  Wiedersehen  ÂBis  bald  ÂBis  dann  ÂBye  ÂCiao  ÂMach's  gut  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂSalü  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂServus  ÂTschau  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂTschö  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂTschüs  ÂTschüss  ÂWir  sehen  uns!  

Englische anti-wheel-lock braking systems Synonyme

anti wheel lock Definition

() A prefix meaning against, opposite or opposed to, contrary, or in place of
(a.) Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
(n.) One of party opposed to a federative government
(a.) Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
(n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.
Balance wheel
() A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock
Balance wheel
() A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance).
Balance wheel
() A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine
Brush wheel
() A wheel without teeth, used to turn a similar one by the friction of bristles or something brushlike or soft attached to the circumference.
Brush wheel
() A circular revolving brush used by turners, lapidaries, silversmiths, etc., for polishing.
Car wheel
() A flanged wheel of a railway car or truck.
Catharine wheel
() See catherine wheel.
Catherine wheel
() Same as Rose window and Wheel window. Called also Catherine-wheel window.
Catherine wheel
() A revolving piece of fireworks resembling in form the window of the same name.
Chain wheel
() A chain pulley, or sprocket wheel.
Chain wheel
() An inversion of the chain pump, by which it becomes a motor driven by water.
(n.) The wheel in a clock which regulates the number of strokes.
Crown wheel
() A wheel with cogs or teeth set at right angles to its plane
(v. t.) To lock with two bolts
Fudge wheel
() A tool for ornamenting the edge of a sole.
(n.) A tuft of hair
(n.) Anything that fastens
(n.) A fastening together or interlacing
(n.) A place from which egress is prevented, as by a lock.
(n.) The barrier or works which confine the water of a stream or canal.
(n.) An inclosure in a canal with gates at each end, used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from one level to another
(n.) That part or apparatus of a firearm by which the charge is exploded
(n.) A device for keeping a wheel from turning.
(n.) A grapple in wrestling.
(v. t.) To fasten with a lock, or as with a lock
(v. t.) To prevent ingress or access to, or exit from, by fastening the lock or locks of
(v. t.) To fasten in or out, or to make secure by means of, or as with, locks
(v. t.) To link together
(v. t.) To furnish with locks
(v. t.) To seize, as the sword arm of an antagonist, by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him.
(v. i.) To become fast, as by means of a lock or by interlacing
(n.) A contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting
Lock hospital
() A hospital for the treatment of venereal diseases.
Lock step
() A mode of marching by a body of men going one after another as closely as possible, in which the leg of each moves at the same time with the corresponding leg of the person before him.
Lock stitch
() A peculiar sort of stitch formed by the locking of two threads together, as in the work done by some sewing machines. See Stitch.
(n.) A waste weir for a canal, discharging into a lock chamber.
(n.) The wheel in an escapement (as of a clock or a watch) into the teeth of which the pallets play.
(a.) Having a paddle wheel on each side
Sprocket wheel
() Same as Chain wheel.
(a.) Having a paddle wheel at the stern
Water wheel
() Any wheel for propelling machinery or for other purposes, that is made to rotate by the direct action of water
Water wheel
() The paddle wheel of a steam vessel.
Water wheel
() A wheel for raising water
(n.) A circular frame turning about an axis
(n.) Any instrument having the form of, or chiefly consisting of, a wheel.

anti wheel lock Bedeutung

anti-takeover defense resistance to or defense against a hostile takeover
anti-war movement a campaign against entering or continuing a war
lock any wrestling hold in which some part of the opponent's body is twisted or pressured
wheel bug
Arilus cristatus
large predatory North American bug that sucks the blood of other insects
wheel horse
a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle
air lock
a chamber that provides access to space where air is under pressure
anti-G suit
G suit
worn by fliers and astronauts to counteract the forces of gravity and acceleration
anti-inflammatory drug
a medicine intended to reduce inflammation
anti-submarine rocket a shipboard system to fire rockets at submarines
anti-TNF compound a class of drugs that block the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), used in cases of rheumatoid arthritis because TNF instigates inflammation of the joints
balance wheel
a wheel that regulates the rate of movement in a machine, especially a wheel oscillating against the hairspring of a timepiece to regulate its beat
bevel gear
pinion and crown wheel
pinion and ring gear
gears that mesh at an angle
wheel cycle
a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals
bicycle wheel the wheel of a bicycle
buffing wheel a wheel that is covered with soft material
car wheel a wheel that has a tire and rim and hubcap, used to propel the car
catherine wheel
a circular firework that spins round and round emitting colored fire
combination lock lock that can be opened only by turning dials in a special sequence
cylinder lock a lock in which a cylinder rotates to move a bolt, tumblers are pins, inserting the key lifts and aligns the pins to free the cylinder to rotate
daisy print wheel
daisy wheel
a wheel around which is a set of print characters that make a typing impression on paper
driving wheel a wheel that drives a motor vehicle (transforms torque into a tractive force)
escape wheel gear that engages a rocking lever
Ferris wheel a vertical rotating mechanism consisting of a large wheel with suspended seats that remain upright as the wheel rotates, provides a ride at an amusement park
fifth wheel a steering bearing that enables the front axle of a horse-drawn wagon to rotate
fifth wheel spare an extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle
four-wheel drive
a transmission that provides power directly to all four wheels of a motor vehicle
four-wheel drive WD a motor vehicle with a four-wheel drive transmission system
fragmentation bomb
antipersonnel bomb
anti-personnel bomb
daisy cutter
a bomb with onlytoper cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments, most effective against troops and vehicles
gear wheel
geared wheel
a toothed wheel that engages another toothed mechanism in order to change the speed or direction of transmitted motion
grinding wheel
emery wheel
a wheel composed of abrasive material, used for grinding
idle pulley
idler pulley
idle wheel
a pulley on a shaft that presses against a guide belt to guide or tighten it
lantern pinion
lantern wheel
a small pinion having cylindrical bars instead of teeth, used chiefly in inexpensive clocks
lever lock a lock whose tumblers are levers that must be raised to a given position so that the bolt can move
lock a fastener fitted to a door or drawer to keep it firmly closed
lock ignition lock a restraint incorporated into the ignition switch to prevent the use of a vehicle by persons who do not have the key
lock lock chamber enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level, used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it
lock a mechanism that detonates the charge of a gun
lock-gate a gate that can be locked
lock ring
lock washer
washer that prevents a nut from loosening
mill wheel
water wheel that is used to drive machinery in a mill
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids, NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox- and Cox- enzymes
paddle wheel
a large wheel fitted with paddles and driven by an engine in order to propel a boat
planetary gear
epicyclic gear
planet wheel
planet gear
an outer gear that revolves about a central sun gear of an epicyclic train
potter's wheel a horizontal rotating wheel holding the clay being shaped by a potter, the potter's wheel was invented in Asia Minor around BC
rack wheel an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims
ratchet wheel toothed wheel held in place by a pawl or detent and turned by a lever
toothed wheel
a wheel with teeth for making a row of perforations
roulette wheel
game equipment consisting of a wheel with slots that is used for gambling, the wheel rotates horizontally and players bet on which slot the roulette ball will stop in
safety bolt
safety lock
a bolt that cannot be moved from outside the door or gate
safety catch
safety lock
guard consisting of a locking device that prevents a weapon from being fired
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