
arch Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

schelmisch, schalkhaft adj
bogenförmige Wölbung f; Bogen m constr.
Gewoelbe, Fussruecken
schelmisch; schalkhaft adj
Bogenspannweite f arch.
arch span
Feuergewölbe n
brick arch
Rundbogen m arch.
round arch
Blendbogen m
blind arch
Rippenbogen m anat.
costal arch
Rückführdecke f; Rückführgewölbe n (Rostfeuerung) mach.
reflux arch
Aortenbogen m anat.
aortic arch
pointed arch
Bogenmauerwerk n constr.
arch masonry
arch support
Gaumenbogen m anat.
palatal arch
Druckbogen m min.
pressure arch
Bogen m, Gewölbebogen m, Gewölbe n
Bögen pl, Gewölbebögen pl, Gewölbe pl
triumphal arch
Segmentbogen m
segmental arch
Kielbogen m; Eselsrücken m; Sattelbogen m; Schottischer Bogen m; Akkolade f arch.
ogee arch; ogee
Dreigelenkbogen m
three-hinged arch
Radkastenabdeckung f auto
wheel arch. cover
Spitzbogen m arch.
pointed arch; ogive
(waagerechte) Bogenflanke f (Wappenkunde)
arch die (heraldry)
Spitzbogen m arch.
pointed arch, ogive
Bogenhöhe f
arch rise, arc height
Hinterstevenbogen m (Schiff) naut.
propeller arch (ship)
Bogenhöhe f
arch rise; arc height
Fußrücken m anat.
arch; arch of the foot
Fußrücken m anat.
arch, arch of the foot
Rosenbogen m
Rosenbögen pl
rose arch
rose arches
Radkastenverbreiterung f auto
wheel arch. extension
Frontbogen m; Ansichtsbogen m arch.
Frontbögen pl; Ansichtsbögen pl
face arch
face arches
romanisch adj arch.
romanischer Bogen
Roman arch
Erzfeindschaft f
archenmity; arch enmity
romanisch adj art
romanischer Bogen
Roman arch
Weite f (eines Druckbogens)
span (of pressure arch)
Gewölbestein m, Keilstein m, Wölbstein m, Wölber m
Gewölbesteine pl, Keilsteine pl, Wölbsteine pl, Wölber pl
arch brick
arch bricks
Gewölbestein m; Keilstein m; Wölbstein m; Wölber m
Gewölbesteine pl; Keilsteine pl; Wölbsteine pl; Wölber pl
arch brick
arch bricks
Radkastenverkleidung f auto
wheel arch. trim panel
Rundbogen m arch.
Rundbögen pl
round arch
round arches
Senkfußeinlage f med.
Senkfußeinlagen pl
arch support
arch supports
Kreuzbogen m arch.
Kreuzbögen pl
crossed arch
crossed arches
Torbogen m; Arkade f arch.
Torbögen pl; Arkaden pl
arch; archway
arches; archways
stockkonservativ adj ugs.
arch-conservative; uptight Am.
Torbogen m arch.
Torbögen pl
arch, archway
arches, archways
stockkonservativ adj ugs.
arch-conservative, uptight Am.
Triumphbogen m arch.
Triumphbögen pl
triumphal arch
triumphal arches
Wirbelbogen m
Wirbelbögen pl
vertebral arch
vertebral arches
Halbwölbstein m constr.
Halbwölbsteine pl
shallow arch brick
shallow bricks
Katzenbuckel m
einen Katzenbuckel machen
cat's arched back
to arch one's back
Hubb-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) zool.
Hubb's beaked whale; arch-beaked whale
Bogenansatz m arch.
spring of an arch, springing of an arch
Bogenansatz m arch.
spring of an arch; springing of an arch
Dreigelenkbogen m
Dreigelenkbögen pl
three-hinged arch
three-hinged arches
Quadersteinbogen m constr.
Quadersteinbögen pl
ashlar masonry arch
ashlar masonry arches
wölben v; sich wölben v
to arch
wölben v, sich wölben v
to arch
Bogenstaumauer f
Bogenstaumauern pl
arch dam; arched dam
arch dams; arched dams
Aktenordner m; Briefordner m
Aktenordner pl; Briefordner pl
lever arch file; file
lever arch files; files
Erzfeind m, Erzfeindin f
Erzfeinde pl
arch enemy, archenemy
arch enemies, archenemies
Erzrivale m; Erzrivalin f
Erzrivalen pl; Erzrivalinnen pl
arch-rival; arch rival
arch-rivals; arch rivals
Erzfeind m; Erzfeindin f; Erzgegner m; Erzgegnerin f
Erzfeinde pl; Erzfeindinnen pl; Erzgegner pl; Erzgegnerinnen pl
arch enemy; archenemy
arch enemies; archenemies
Erzrivale m, Erzrivalin f
Erzrivalen pl, Erzrivalinnen pl
arch-rival, arch rival
arch-rivals, arch rivals
Lichterbogen m; Schwibbogen m Dt. (Weihnachtsschmuck)
Lichterbögen pl; Schwibbögen pl
candle arch (Christmas decoration)
candle arches
Vollwandbogen m (Stahlkonstruktionen)
Vollwandbögen pl
solid web arch. (steel constructions)
solid webs
Massivbogen m arch.
Massivbögen pl
massive arch; arc doubleau
massive arches; arcs doubleau
Schwibbogen m; Schwiebbogen m arch.
Schwibbögen pl; Schwiebbögen pl
arch of a cylindrical vault
arches of a cylindrical vault
Vollwandbogen m (Stahlbau)
Vollwandbögen pl
solid web arch. (structural steel engineering)
solid webs
Hubb-Schnabelwal m zool.
Hubb's beaked whale, arch-beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi)
Gäste-WC n; Gästetoilette f
Gäste-WCs pl; Gästetoiletten pl
guest bathroom; half bath arch.
guest bathroom; half baths
einen Buckel machen
Die Katze machte einen Buckel.
to hump one's back; to arch one's back
The cat arched its back.
Stützbogen m constr.
Stützbögen pl
discharging arch; safety arch
discharging arches; safety arches
einen Buckel machen; den Rücken krumm machen v
Die Katze machte einen Buckel.
to hump one's back; to arch one's back
The cat arched its back.
konservativ adj
am konservativsten
stockkonservativ adj
more conservative
most conservative
jds. Intimfeind m; Erzfeind m
Intimfeinde pl; Erzfeinde pl
sb.'s arch-enemy; archenemy; nemesis
arch-enemies; archenemies; nemeses
Bogenspannweite f; Spannweite f des Bogens; lichter Strebepfeilerabstand m arch.
clear spacing of counterforts; arch span Br.; clear buttress spacing Am.
beugen v (Rücken; Arm)
seinen Rücken beugen
to arch; to form into arch (back; arm)
to arch one's back
Zahnbogen m; Alveolarbogen m (Arcus dentalis) anat.
oberer unterer Zahnbogen
dental arch
superior inferior dental arch; dental arch of the upper lower teeth
Hobelmaschine f mach.
Hobelmaschinen pl
Querhaupt der Hobelmaschine
planing machine; planer
planing machines; planers
arch of the planing machine
Strebebogen m; Bogenstrebe f arch.
Strebebögen pl; Bogenstreben pl
straining arch; arc boutant; flying buttress
straining arches; arc boutants; flying buttresses
Vorschub… (Brücke) constr.
Vorschubbogen m
Vorschubgerüst n
Vorbauschnabel m
launching … (bridge)
launching arch; formwork launching girder
launching gantry
launching nose
Bruchsteinbogen m constr.
Bruchsteinbögen pl
rustic arch; rubble-stone arch; rubble arch Am.
rustic arches; rubble-stone arches; rubbles arches
Vorschub... (Brücke) constr.
Vorschubbogen m
Vorschubgerüst n
Vorbauschnabel m
launching ... (bridge)
launching arch; formwork launching girder
launching gantry
launching nose
Fachwerkbogen m arch. constr.
Fachwerkbögen pl
Dreigelenk-Fachwerkbogen m
latticework arch; trelliswork arch
latticework arches; trelliswork arches
trelliswork arch with three hinges
(beidseitig) eingespannt adj constr.
eingespannter Bogen (Stahlbau)
eingespanntes Gewölbe arch.
beiderseits eingespannter Balken
nicht eingespanntes Stabende (Stahlbau)
restrained; fixed
rigid arch. (steel construction)
sprung arch
constrained beam; fixed beam
free end (steel construction)
Neigung f; Schräge f; Steigung f (Stufe, Bogen, Schraube usw.) constr. techn.
Dachneigung f; Dachschräge f; Dachgefälle n
Treppensteigung f
Steigung von Turbinenschaufeln
mit geringer Neigung
pitch (step, arch, screw etc.)
roof pitch; pitch of the a roof; roof inclination
pitch of the staircase
pitch of turbine blades
Bogen m; Mauerbogen n; Gewölbebogen m; Fensterbogen n arch. constr.
Bögen pl; Mauerbögen pl; Gewölbebögen pl; Fensterbögen pl
Dreigelenkfachwerkbogen m
Fachwerkbogen m
Parabolbogen m (Gaudi)
Tudorbogen m (Spitzbogen aus vier Kreisbögen)
flacher gedrückter Bogen
schiefer Bogen; einseitiger Bogen
trussed arch with three hinges
trussed arch
parabolic arch (Gaudi)
Tudor arch. (four-centered arch)
skene arch
skew arch
Betonstaumauer f; Staumauer f; Talsperrenmauer f; Betonsperrmauer f; Sperrmauer f; Betonsperre f (Wasserbau)
Betonstaumauern pl; Staumauern pl; Talsperrenmauern pl; Betonsperrmauern pl; Sperrmauern pl; Betonsperren pl
Bogengewichtsmauer f; Bogengewichtsstaumauer f
gekrümmte Staumauer; Bogenstaumauer; Bogenmauer; Einzelgewölbestaumauer; Gewölbestaumauer
Pfeilerplattenstaumauer; Plattenstaumauer; Plattenmauer
Staumauer Sperrmauer mit frei aufliegender Platte
concrete dam; dam (water engineering)
concrete dams; dams
arch-gravity dam
arched dam; arch dam
flat slab deck dam; flat slab dam
free deck dam
Brücke f constr.
Brücken pl
Bogenbrücke f
Drehbrücke f
Schwimmbrücke f; Pontonbrücke f
Seilbrücke f
Straßenbrücke f
Tunnelbrücke f; Röhrenbrücke f
bewegliche Brücke
eine Brücke bauen; eine Brücke schlagen geh.
arch bridge; arched bridge
swing bridge
pontoon bridge
rope bridge
road bridge
tubular bridge
movable bridge
to build a bridge; to erect a bridge formal
Magister m; Magistra f Mag. stud.
Magister pl
Magister m der Architektur Mag. Arch.
Magister m der Philosophie
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
seinen Magister machen
Master; Master's
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch. NUI
Master of Arts MA; M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Science MSc
to take do one's Master's
sich aufwölben v
sich aufwölbend
sich aufgewölbt
to arch up; to uparch; to dome up; to bow up; to warp up(ward); to upwarp; to buckle
arching up; uparching; doming up; bowing up; warping up(ward); upwarping; buckling
arched up; uparched; domed up; bowed up; warped up(ward); upwarped; buckled
Magistertitel m; Magister m stud.
Magister m der Architektur Mag. Arch.
Magister m der Philosophie
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
den Magistertitel erwerben; seinen Magister machen ugs.
Master's degree; Master's
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch. NUI
Master of Arts MA; M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Science MSc
to earn your Master's degree; to obtain your Master's; to get your Master's coll.
Staumauer f; Talsperre f; Sperre f (Wasserbau)
Staumauern pl; Talsperren pl; Sperren pl
gerade Sperre; geradlinige Sperre
offene Sperre; Entleerungssperre f; Dosiersperre f; Sortiersperre f
gebogene Sperre; bogenförmige Sperre; Bogensperre f
Talsperre mit Vielfachkuppeln
Talsperre mit festem Ãœberfall
Auslaufsperre f; Abschlusssperre f
Balkensperre f
Betonsperre f
Einlaufsperre f
Drahtschottersperre f; Steinkorbsperre f
Holzkastensperre f; Steinkastensperre f
Holzsperre f
Rechensperre f
Schlitzsperre f
Seilsperre f; Netzsperre f
Steinsperre f
Vorsperre f; Gegensperre f
dam; barrage fixe (water engineering)
dams; barrages fixe
linear dam
open dam; permeable dam; self-flushing dam; debris-sorting dam
curved dam; arch. dam
multiple dome dam
permanent overfall weir
outlet dam
beam dam; log dam
concrete dam
inlet dam
gabion dam
wooden crib dam; log crib dam; stone crib dam
wooden dam; timber dam
screen dam
slit dam
cable net dam
stone dam; masonry dam
foredam; subsidiary dam; auxiliary dam
Staudamm m; Talsperre f; Sperre f; Sperrenbauwerk n Schw. (Wasserbau)
Staudämme pl; Talsperren pl; Sperren pl; Sperrenbauwerke pl
gerade Sperre; geradlinige Sperre
offene Sperre; Entleerungssperre f; Dosiersperre f; Sortiersperre f
gebogene Sperre; bogenförmige Sperre; Bogensperre f
Talsperre mit Vielfachkuppeln
Talsperre mit festem Ãœberfall
Auslaufsperre f; Abschlusssperre f
Balkensperre f
Betonsperre f
Drahtschottersperre f; Steinkorbsperre f
Einlaufsperre f
Faschinendamm m; Wurstdamm m
Holzsperre f
Rechensperre f
Schlitzsperre f
Seilsperre f; Netzsperre f
Steinsperre f
Vorsperre f; Gegensperre f
Geschieberückhaltesperre f; Geschiebestausperre f; Geschiebesperre f (in einem Fließgewässer)
impoundment dam; impounding dam; retaining dam; dam; barrage fixe (water engineering)
impoundment dams; impounding dams; retaining dams; dams
linear dam
open dam; permeable dam; self-flushing dam; debris-sorting dam
curved dam; arch dam
multiple dome dam
permanent overfall weir
outlet dam
beam dam; log dam
concrete dam
gabion dam
inlet dam
sausage dam
wooden dam; timber dam
screen dam
slit dam
cable net dam
stone dam; masonry dam
foredam; subsidiary dam; auxiliary dam
bed-load retention dam; sediment retention structure; sediment control dam; debris dam (in a stream)
WC n (Ort, privat und öffentlich); Toilette f (Ort, selten privat); Abort m (Ort, öffentlich, Amtssprache) veraltet
WCs pl; Toiletten pl; Aborte pl
Gäste-WC n; Gästetoilette f geh.; Gästeklo n ugs. (im Privathaus)
verstopfte Toilette
Wo ist die Toilette?
Darf ich Ihr WC benutzen benützen?
Dürfte ich bitte bei Ihnen die Toilette benutzen benützen? (formell)
Könnten Sie mir sagen, wo ich die Toiletten finde?
Wo finde ich denn bitte die Toiletten?
Wo ist (denn) hier bitte die Damentoilette Herrentoilette?
die Toilette aufsuchen; auf die Toilette gehen
toilet (private and public); bathroom (private); lavatory (public) formal; WC (only on signs and in advertisements); cloakroom (public) Br.; restroom (public) Am.; the ladies' the gents' (toilet) (public) Br.; the ladies' room the mens' room (public) Am.; washroom (public) Am. Can.; half bathroom (private) Am. (in advertisements); half bath (private) Am. (in advertisements)
toilets; bathrooms; lavatories; WCs; cloakrooms; restrooms; the ladies' the mens' rooms; washrooms; half bathrooms; half baths
guest toilet; guest bathroom; guest WC formal; half bath(room) for guests Am. arch.
blocked toilet; clogged toilet Am.
Where's the bathroom?; Where is the toilet?
Can I use your bathroom, please?
Excuse me, could I please use your facilities? formal
Could you point me in the direction of the toilets Br. restrooms Am. please?
Excuse me, where will I find the toilets Br. restrooms Am.?
Where is the Ladies' the Gents' Br. the ladies' room the men's room Am., please?
to go to use the toilet Br. restroom Am.

Deutsche schelmisch schalkhaft {adj} Synonyme

schelmisch  Âspitzbübisch  Âverschmitzt  
humoristisch  Âhumorvoll  Âlaunig  Âschelmisch  Âwitzig  
schelmisch  spitzbübisch  verschmitzt  

Englische arch Synonyme

arch  Machiavellian  Machiavellic  acute  apse  arc  arcade  arcature  arch over  arched roof  archway  artful  astute  banner  bantam  barrow  basket-handle arch  bend  bend back  bestraddle  bestride  bold  boundary stone  bow  brass  bridge  bust  cagey  cairn  camber  canny  capital  cardinal  ceilinged roof  cenotaph  central  champion  cheeky  chief  clever  clubfoot  cocky  column  concameration  concha  conspicuous  consummate  coquettish  cove  coy  crafty  cromlech  crook  cross  crowning  cunning  cup  cupola  curl  curvation  curvature  curve  cute  cyclolith  deceitful  decurve  deep  deep-laid  deflect  derisive  designing  devilish  digit  diplomatic  dog  dolmen  dome  dominant  elfish  elvish  embow  extend over  extraordinary  extreme  extremity  feline  fetlock  first  flex  flippant  focal  foolish  foot  footstone  forefoot  foremost  forepaw  foxy  fresh  full of mischief  geodesic dome  grave  gravestone  great  greatest  guileful  hang over  harefoot  head  headmost  headstone  heel  hegemonic  high-spirited  hoarstone  hoof  hook  hump  hunch  igloo  imbricate  impish  incurvate  incurve  inflect  ingenious  inscription  insidious  instep  inventive  jut  keystone  knavish  knowing  lap  lap over  leading  lie over  loop  magisterial  main  major  malapert  marker  master  mausoleum  megalith  memento  memorial  memorial arch  memorial column  memorial statue  memorial stone  menhir  mischief-loving  mischievous  mocking  monolith  monument  mound  necrology  notable  noteworthy  obelisk  obituary  ogive  overarch  overhang  overlap  overlie  override  overruling  pad  paramount  pastern  patte  paw  pawky  pedal extremity  pedes  pert  pes  pied  pillar  plaque  playful  politic  prankish  pranksome  pranky  predominant  preeminent  premier  preponderant  prevailing  primal  primary  prime  principal  prize  puckish  pug  pyramid  ranking  ready  recurve  reflect  reflex  reliquary  remembrance  resourceful  retroflex  ribbon  roguish  rost  
archaic  Gothic  Victorian  abandoned  abjured  antediluvian  antiquated  antique  behind the times  bygone  classical  dated  deserted  discontinued  disused  done with  fossil  fossilized  grown old  medieval  mid-Victorian  not worth saving  obsolescent  obsolete  of other times  old  old-fashioned  old-timey  old-world  on the shelf  out  out of use  out-of-date  outdated  outmoded  outworn  passe  past use  pensioned off  petrified  relinquished  renounced  resigned  retired  superannuate  superannuated  superseded  undeveloped  worn-out  
archaism  Pre-Raphaelitism  ancient manuscript  antiquarianism  antique  antiquity  archaeology  archaicism  artifact  cave painting  classicism  eolith  fossil  medievalism  mezzolith  microlith  neolith  obsolete  obsoletism  paleolith  petrification  petrified forest  petrified wood  petroglyph  plateaulith  relic  reliquiae  remains  ruin  ruins  survival  vestige  
archangel  angel  angel of light  angel of love  angelology  angels  archangels  beatified soul  canonized mortal  celestial  cherub  cherubim  dominations  dominions  heavenly being  martyr  messenger of God  patron saint  powers  principalities  principality  recording angel  saint  saved soul  seraph  seraphim  soul in glory  thrones  virtues  
archbishop  Grand Penitentiary  Holy Father  abuna  antipope  archdeacon  archpriest  bishop  bishop coadjutor  canon  cardinal  cardinal bishop  cardinal deacon  cardinal priest  chaplain  coadjutor  curate  dean  diocesan  ecclesiarch  exarch  hierarch  high priest  metropolitan  papa  patriarch  penitentiary  pontiff  pope  prebendary  prelate  primate  rector  rural dean  subdean  suffragan  vicar  
archbishopric  Kreis  abbacy  aedileship  archdeaconry  archdiocese  archiepiscopacy  archiepiscopate  aristocracy  arrondissement  bailiwick  bishopdom  bishopric  borough  canonicate  canonry  canton  cardinalship  chairmanship  chancellery  chancellorate  chancellorship  chaplaincy  chaplainship  chiefery  chiefry  chieftaincy  chieftainry  chieftainship  city  commune  conference  congressional district  constablewick  consulate  consulship  county  curacy  deaconry  deaconship  deanery  deanship  departement  dictatorship  dictature  diocese  directorship  district  duchy  electoral district  electorate  emirate  episcopacy  episcopate  government  governorship  hamlet  headship  hegemony  hierarchy  hundred  leadership  lordship  magistracy  magistrateship  magistrature  masterdom  mastership  mastery  mayoralty  mayorship  metropolis  metropolitan area  metropolitanate  metropolitanship  nobility  oblast  okrug  papacy  parish  pashadom  pashalic  pastorate  pastorship  patriarchate  patriarchy  pontificality  pontificate  popedom  popehood  popeship  prebend  prebendaryship  precinct  prefectship  prefecture  prelacy  prelateship  prelature  premiership  presbyterate  presbytery  presidency  presidentship  primacy  prime-ministership  prime-ministry  princedom  princeship  principality  proconsulate  proconsulship  protectorate  protectorship  province  provostry  provostship  rectorate  rectorship  regency  regentship  region  riding  ruling class  see  seigniory  seneschalship  seneschalsy  sheikhdom  sheriffalty  sheriffcy  sheriffdom  sheriffwick  shire  shrievalty  soke  stake  state  supervisorship  suzerainship  suzerainty  synod  territory  town  township  tribunate  vicariate  vicarship  village  vizierate  viziership  wapentake  ward  
arched  arciform  arclike  arcual  bandy  bent  bowed  bowlike  concave  convex  convexed  curvilinear  embowed  excurvate  excurvated  excurved  gibbose  gibbous  humpbacked  humped  humpy  hunched  hunchy  out-bowed  oxbow  rotund  round  rounded  vaulted  
archer  Nimrod  amateur athlete  artilleryman  athlete  ballplayer  baseballer  baseman  batter  battery  blocking back  bowman  cannoneer  carabineer  catcher  center  coach  competitor  crack shot  cricketer  dead shot  deadeye  defensive lineman  end  footballer  games-player  gamester  good shot  guard  gun  gunman  gunner  hunter  infielder  jock  jumper  lineman  marksman  markswoman  musketeer  offensive lineman  outfield  outfielder  player  poloist  professional athlete  pugilist  quarterback  racer  rifleman  sharpshooter  shooter  shot  skater  sniper  sport  sportsman  tackle  tailback  targetshooter  toxophilite  trapshooter  wingback  wrestler  
archery  artillery  ballistics  casting  chucking  firing  flinging  gunnery  heaving  hurling  jaculation  lobbing  missilery  musketry  pitching  projection  rocketry  shooting  skeet  skeet shooting  slinging  throwing  trajection  trapshooting  
archetype  Geistesgeschichte  Hegelian idea  Kantian idea  Platonic form  Platonic idea  aesthetic form  antetype  antitype  archetypal pattern  art form  beau ideal  biotype  blind impulse  build  cast  classic  classic example  collective unconscious  complex idea  configuration  conformation  criterion  cut  engram  epitome  eternal object  eternal universal  example  exemplar  fashion  father image  figuration  figure  form  formal cause  format  formation  frame  fugleman  fugler  genotype  genre  highest category  history of ideas  id  ideal  idealism  ideate  ideatum  idee-force  image  imago  imitatee  impression  impulse  inborn proclivity  innate idea  inner form  innovation  instinct  layout  lead  libido  make  makeup  masterpiece  masterwork  matrix  memory  memory trace  mirror  modality  mode  model  mold  natural instinct  natural tendency  new departure  noosphere  noumenon  original  paradigm  paragon  pattern  pattern of perfection  percept  pilot model  precedent  primitive self  prototype  quintessence  regulative first principle  representative  rule  set  shape  significant form  simple idea  stamp  standard  structure  style  subconscious urge  subsistent form  the Absolute  the Absolute Idea  the Self-determined  the realized ideal  transcendent idea  transcendent nonempirical concept  transcendent universal  traumatic trace  turn  type  type species  type specimen  unconscious memory  universal  universal concept  universal essence  unlearned capacity  unreasoning impulse  urtext  very model  vital impulse  
archetypical  antitypic  archetypal  archetypic  classic  consummate  developed  exemplary  expert  finished  fully developed  masterful  masterly  mature  matured  model  perfected  polished  proficient  prototypal  prototypic  quintessential  refined  ripe  ripened  
archipelago  ait  atoll  bar  cay  continental island  coral head  coral island  coral reef  holm  insularity  island  island group  islandology  isle  islet  key  oceanic island  reef  sandbank  sandbar  
architect  a  actor  agent  ancestors  apprentice  artificer  artist  author  begetter  beginner  builder  civil architect  conceiver  constructor  contriver  craftsman  creator  designer  developer  deviser  discoverer  doer  effector  engenderer  engineer  enterpriser  entrepreneur  executant  executor  executrix  fabricator  father  founder  framer  generator  grower  inaugurator  industrialist  initiator  instigator  institutor  introducer  inventor  journeyman  landscape architect  landscape gardener  maker  manufacturer  master  master craftsman  medium  mother  mover  operant  operative  operator  organizer  originator  past master  patriarch  performer  perpetrator  planner  practitioner  precursor  prime mover  producer  projector  promoter  raiser  realizer  shaper  sire  smith  strategian  strategist  subject  tactician  urbanist  worker  wright  
architectural  Byzantine  Corinthian  Doric  Gothic  Greek  Ionic  Moorish  Romanesque  Tuscan  anatomic  architectonic  building  constructional  edificial  formal  housing  morphological  organic  organismal  structural  substructural  superstructural  tectonic  textural  
architecture  Bauhaus  Byzantine  Egyptian  English  French  German  Gothic  Greco-Roman  Greek  Greek Revival  Italian  Persian  Renaissance  Roman  Romanesque  Spanish  academic  action  anagnorisis  anatomy  angle  architectonics  argument  arrangement  assembly  atmosphere  background  baroque  build  building  casting  catastrophe  characterization  civil architecture  color  complication  composition  conformation  constitution  construct  construction  continuity  contrivance  conversion  crafting  craftsmanship  creation  cultivation  denouement  design  development  device  devising  early renaissance  edifice  elaboration  episode  erection  establishment  extraction  fable  fabric  fabrication  falling action  fashion  fashioning  forging  form  format  formation  forming  formulation  frame  framing  frozen music  functionalism  getup  gimmick  growing  handicraft  handiwork  harvesting  house  incident  international  landscape architecture  landscape gardening  line  local color  machining  make  makeup  making  manufacture  manufacturing  medieval  milling  mining  modern  mold  molding  mood  motif  movement  mythos  organic structure  organism  organization  packaged house  pattern  patterning  peripeteia  physique  pile  plan  plot  prefab  prefabrication  preparation  processing  producing  production  pyramid  raising  recognition  refining  rising action  scheme  secondary plot  setup  shape  shaping  skyscraper  slant  smelting  story  structure  structuring  subject  subplot  superstructure  switch  tectonics  texture  thematic development  theme  tissue  tone  topic  tower  twist  warp and woof  weave  web  workmanship  
archives  Indian reservation  ana  armory  arsenal  athenaeum  attic  bank  basement  bay  bin  biographical material  biographical records  bird sanctuary  bonded warehouse  bookcase  box  bunker  buttery  cargo dock  cellar  chancery  chest  clippings  closet  conservatory  crate  crib  cupboard  cuttings  depository  depot  dock  drawer  dump  excerpts  exchequer  extracts  files  forest preserve  fragments  game reserve  gleanings  glory hole  godown  government archives  government papers  historical documents  historical records  hold  hutch  library  life records  locker  lumber room  lumberyard  magasin  magazine  memorabilia  monument  museum  national forest  national park  papers  paradise  parish rolls  park  preserve  presidential papers  public records  rack  record  register office  registry  repertory  repository  reservation  reserve  reservoir  rick  sanctuary  shelf  stack  stack room  state forest  stock room  storage  store  storehouse  storeroom  supply base  supply depot  tank  treasure house  treasure room  treasury  vat  vault  warehouse  wilderness preserve  wildlife preserve  wine cellar  writings  
archivist  accountant  amanuensis  bookkeeper  clerk  documentalist  engraver  filing clerk  librarian  marker  notary  notary public  prothonotary  record clerk  recorder  recordist  register  registrar  scorekeeper  scorer  scribe  scrivener  secretary  stenographer  stonecutter  timekeeper  
archway  French door  apse  arcade  arcature  arch  arched roof  back door  barway  bulkhead  camber  carriage entrance  ceilinged roof  cellar door  cellarway  concameration  concha  cove  cupola  dome  door  doorjamb  doorpost  doorway  front door  gate  gatepost  gateway  geodesic dome  hatch  hatchway  igloo  keystone  lintel  ogive  porch  portal  porte cochere  postern  propylaeum  pylon  scuttle  side door  skewback  span  stile  storm door  threshold  tollgate  trap  trap door  turnpike  turnstile  vault  vaulting  voussoir  

arch Definition

(n.) Any part of a curved line.
(n.) Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge-shaped solids, with the joints between them disposed in the direction of the radii of the curve
(n.) A flat arch is a member constructed of stones cut into wedges or other shapes so as to support each other without rising in a curve.
(n.) Any place covered by an arch
(n.) Any curvature in the form of an arch
(v. t.) To cover with an arch or arches.
(v. t.) To form or bend into the shape of an arch.
(v. i.) To form into an arch
() A prefix signifying chief, as in archbuilder, archfiend.
(a.) Chief
(a.) Cunning or sly
(n.) A chief.
(a.) A suffix meaning a ruler, as in monarch (a sole ruler).
Arch brick
() A wedge-shaped brick used in the building of an arch.
Arch stone
() A wedge-shaped stone used in an arch

arch Bedeutung

gill arch
branchial arch
gill bar
one of the bony or cartilaginous arches on each side of the pharynx that support the gills of fishes and aquatic amphibians
abutment arch an arch supported by an abutment
arch (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it
arch archway a passageway under a curved masonry construction, they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory
arch support a support for the arch of the foot
bell arch a round arch resting on corbels
broken arch an arch with a gap at the apex, the gap is usually filled with some decoration
camber arch an arch with a straight horizontal extrados and a slightly arched intrados
corbel arch (architecture) an arch constructed of masonry courses that are corbelled until they meet
drop arch a blunt pointed arch drawn from two centers within the span
flat arch
straight arch
an arch with mutually supporting voussoirs that has a straight horizontal extrados and intrados
Gothic arch a pointed arch, usually has a joint (instead of a keystone) at the apex
lancet arch
an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance
Moorish arch
horseshoe arch
a round arch that widens before rounding off
ogee arch
keel arch
a pointed arch having an S-shape on both sides
pier arch an arch supported on piers
pointed arch an arch with a pointed apex, characteristic of Gothic architecture
proscenium arch the arch over the opening in the proscenium wall
rampant arch an arch whose support is higher on one side than on the other
Roman arch
semicircular arch
a round arch drawn from a single center
round arch an arch formed in a continuous curve, characteristic of Roman architecture
rowlock arch an arch that is formed with more than one concentric row of voussoirs
safety arch an undecorated arch that is included in order to strengthen or support a construction
scoinson arch
sconcheon arch
an arch that supports part of the wall
segmental arch a shallow arch, an arch that is less than a semicircle
shouldered arch an arch consisting of a horizontal lintel supported at each end by corbels that project into the aperture
skeen arch
skene arch
scheme arch
diminished arch
an arch whose height is less than half its width
skew arch an arch whose jambs are not at right angles with the face
steel arch bridge a steel bridge constructed in the form of an arch
threeentered arch
basket-handle arch
a round arch whose inner curve is drawn with circles having three centers
trefoil arch a pointed arch having cusps in the intrados on either side of the apex
trimmer arch an arch built between trimmers in a floor (to support the weight of a hearth)
triumphal arch a monumental archway, usually they are built to commemorate some notable victory
trumpet arch a conical squinch
Tudor arch
fourentered arch
a low elliptical or pointed arch, usually drawn from four centers
zygomatic arch
arcus zygomaticus
the slender arch formed by the temporal process of the cheekbone that bridges to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
alveolar arch the part of the upper or lower jawbones in which the teeth are set
aortic arch the part of the aorta that arches and turns downward
arch a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet)
metatarsal arch the short lateral arch formed by the heads of the metatarsals
sunken arch
fallen arch
an instep flattened so the entire sole rests on the ground
shoulder girdle
pectoral arch
the bony arch formed by the collarbones and shoulder blades in humans
hemal arch
haemal arch
a structure arising ventrally from a vertebral centrum and enclosing the caudal blood vessels
neural arch
vertebral arch
a structure arising dorsally from a vertebral centrum and enclosing the spinal cord
pelvic girdle
pelvic arch
the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates
supraorbital ridge
supraorbital torus
superciliary ridge
superciliary arch
a ridge on the frontal bone above the eye socket
arch a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening
curve arc
form an arch or curve, her back arches, her hips curve nicely
arch over
form an arch over, Big rocks overarch the stream
naughtily or annoyingly playful, teasing and worrying with impish laughter, a wicked prank
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An arch is a curved structure that spans a space and may or may not support weight