
arch rival Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Erzrivale m, Erzrivalin f
Erzrivalen pl, Erzrivalinnen pl
arch-rival, arch rival
arch-rivals, arch rivals
Erzrivale m; Erzrivalin f
Erzrivalen pl; Erzrivalinnen pl
arch-rival; arch rival
arch-rivals; arch rivals
Rivale, Konkurrent
Aortenbogen m anat.
aortic arch
Blendbogen m
blind arch
Bogen m, Gewölbebogen m, Gewölbe n
Bögen pl, Gewölbebögen pl, Gewölbe pl
Bogenansatz m arch.
spring of an arch, springing of an arch
Bogenhöhe f
arch rise, arc height
Dreigelenkbogen m
three-hinged arch
Erzfeind m, Erzfeindin f
Erzfeinde pl
arch enemy, archenemy
arch enemies, archenemies
Erzrivale m, Erzrivalin f
Erzrivalen pl, Erzrivalinnen pl
arch-rival, arch rival
arch-rivals, arch rivals
Feuergewölbe n
brick arch
Fußrücken m anat.
arch, arch of the foot
Gegenkandidat m, Gegenkandidatin f
Gegenkandidaten pl, Gegenkandidatinnen pl
Gegenkandidat sein
ohne Gegenkandidat
rival candidate, opposing candidate
rival candidates, opposing candidates
to run against, to be a candidate against
Gewölbestein m, Keilstein m, Wölbstein m, Wölber m
Gewölbesteine pl, Keilsteine pl, Wölbsteine pl, Wölber pl
arch brick
arch bricks
Halbwölbstein m constr.
Halbwölbsteine pl
shallow arch brick
shallow bricks
Konkurrenzgeschäft n
rival firm
Kontrahent m, Kontrahentin f (Gegner)
Kontrahenten pl
opponent, rival, adversary
opponents, rivals, adversaries
Nebenbuhler m
Nebenbuhler pl
rival (in love)
rivals (in love)
Rippenbogen m anat.
costal arch
Rivale f, Rivalin f, Konkurrent m, Konkurrentin f
Rivalen pl, Rivalinnen pl, Konkurrenten pl, Konkurrentinnen pl
Rundbogen m arch.
round arch
Segmentbogen m
segmental arch
Senkfußeinlage f med.
Senkfußeinlagen pl
arch support
arch supports
Spitzbogen m arch.
pointed arch, ogive
Torbogen m arch.
Torbögen pl
arch, archway
arches, archways
Triumphbogen m arch.
Triumphbögen pl
triumphal arch
triumphal arches
konkurrieren v
to rival
konkurrierend adj
rivalisieren, wetteifern v
rivalisierend, wetteifernd
rivalisiert, wettgeeifert
to rival
romanisch adj arch.
romanischer Bogen
Roman arch
schelmisch, schalkhaft adj
stockkonservativ adj ugs.
arch-conservative, uptight Am.
(einen Rivalen) verdrängen, ausstechen v
verdrängend, ausstechend
verdrängt, ausgestochen
to supplant (a rival)
wölben v, sich wölben v
to arch
Hubb-Schnabelwal m zool.
Hubb's beaked whale, arch-beaked whale (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi)
Gewoelbe, Fussruecken
arch support
pointed arch
rival business
rival candidate
rival firm
triumphal arch
dies hat keinen Rivalen
this stands without a rival
Angstgegner m ugs. sport
bogy opponent; bogey opponent; bogey team; dreaded opponent; feared opponent; dreaded rival Am.
Bogen m; Mauerbogen n; Gewölbebogen m; Fensterbogen n arch. constr.
Bögen pl; Mauerbögen pl; Gewölbebögen pl; Fensterbögen pl
Dreigelenkfachwerkbogen m
Fachwerkbogen m
Parabolbogen m (Gaudi)
Tudorbogen m (Spitzbogen aus vier Kreisbögen)
flacher gedrückter Bogen
schiefer Bogen; einseitiger Bogen
trussed arch with three hinges
trussed arch
parabolic arch (Gaudi)
Tudor arch. (four-centered arch)
skene arch
skew arch
Bogenansatz m arch.
spring of an arch; springing of an arch
Bogenhöhe f
arch rise; arc height
Bogenmauerwerk n constr.
arch masonry
Bogenspannweite f arch.
arch span
Bruchsteinbogen m constr.
Bruchsteinbögen pl
rustic arch; rubble-stone arch; rubble arch Am.
rustic arches; rubble-stone arches; rubbles arches
einen Buckel machen
Die Katze machte einen Buckel.
to hump one's back; to arch one's back
The cat arched its back.
Dreigelenkbogen m
Dreigelenkbögen pl
three-hinged arch
three-hinged arches
Erzfeind m; Erzfeindin f; Erzgegner m; Erzgegnerin f
Erzfeinde pl; Erzfeindinnen pl; Erzgegner pl; Erzgegnerinnen pl
arch enemy; archenemy
arch enemies; archenemies
Erzfeindschaft f
archenmity; arch enmity
Erzrivale m; Erzrivalin f
Erzrivalen pl; Erzrivalinnen pl
arch-rival; arch rival
arch-rivals; arch rivals
Fachwerkbogen m arch. constr.
Fachwerkbögen pl
Dreigelenk-Fachwerkbogen m
latticework arch; trelliswork arch
latticework arches; trelliswork arches
trelliswork arch with three hinges
Frontbogen m; Ansichtsbogen m arch.
Frontbögen pl; Ansichtsbögen pl
face arch
face arches
Fußrücken m anat.
arch; arch of the foot
Gäste-WC n; Gästetoilette f
Gäste-WCs pl; Gästetoiletten pl
guest bathroom; half bath arch.
guest bathroom; half baths
Gaumenbogen m anat.
palatal arch
Gegenkandidat m; Gegenkandidatin f
Gegenkandidaten pl; Gegenkandidatinnen pl
Gegenkandidat sein
ohne Gegenkandidat
rival candidate; opposing candidate
rival candidates; opposing candidates
to run against; to be a candidate against
Gewölbestein m; Keilstein m; Wölbstein m; Wölber m
Gewölbesteine pl; Keilsteine pl; Wölbsteine pl; Wölber pl
arch brick
arch bricks
Herausforderung (an jdn. zu etw.) (Aufforderung zur Konfrontation) f
Sie forderte ihre Gegenkandidaten zu einer Fernsehdiskussion heraus.
Nimmst du meine Herausforderung zu einem Schachspiel an?
challenge (to sb. to sth.) (invitation to enter a confrontation)
She issued a challenge to her rival candidates to take part in a television debate.
Do you accept take up my challenge to a game of chess?
Hinterstevenbogen m (Schiff) naut.
propeller arch (ship)
Hobelmaschine f mach.
Hobelmaschinen pl
Querhaupt der Hobelmaschine
planing machine; planer
planing machines; planers
arch of the planing machine
Katzenbuckel m
einen Katzenbuckel machen
cat's arched back
to arch one's back
Kontrahent m; Kontrahentin f (Gegner)
Kontrahenten pl
opponent; rival; adversary
opponents; rivals; adversaries
Kreuzbogen m arch.
Kreuzbögen pl
crossed arch
crossed arches
Magister m; Magistra f Mag. stud.
Magister pl
Magister m der Architektur Mag. Arch.
Magister m der Philosophie
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
seinen Magister machen
Master; Master's
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch. NUI
Master of Arts MA; M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Science MSc
to take do one's Master's
Massivbogen m arch.
Massivbögen pl
massive arch; arc doubleau
massive arches; arcs doubleau
Nebenbuhler m soc.
Nebenbuhler pl
rival (in love)
rivals (in love)
Quadersteinbogen m constr.
Quadersteinbögen pl
ashlar masonry arch
ashlar masonry arches
Radkastenabdeckung f auto
wheel arch. cover
Radkastenverbreiterung f auto
wheel arch. extension
Radkastenverkleidung f auto
wheel arch. trim panel
Rivale m; Rivalin f; Konkurrent m; Konkurrentin f
Rivalen pl; Rivalinnen pl; Konkurrenten pl; Konkurrentinnen pl
Rosenbogen m
Rosenbögen pl
rose arch
rose arches
Rückführdecke f; Rückführgewölbe n (Rostfeuerung) mach.
reflux arch
Rundbogen m arch.
Rundbögen pl
round arch
round arches
Spitzbogen m arch.
pointed arch; ogive
Staumauer f; Talsperre f; Sperre f (Wasserbau)
Staumauern pl; Talsperren pl; Sperren pl
gerade Sperre; geradlinige Sperre
offene Sperre; Entleerungssperre f; Dosiersperre f; Sortiersperre f
gebogene Sperre; bogenförmige Sperre; Bogensperre f
Talsperre mit Vielfachkuppeln
Talsperre mit festem Ãœberfall
Auslaufsperre f; Abschlusssperre f
Balkensperre f
Betonsperre f
Einlaufsperre f
Drahtschottersperre f; Steinkorbsperre f
Holzkastensperre f; Steinkastensperre f
Holzsperre f
Rechensperre f
Schlitzsperre f
Seilsperre f; Netzsperre f
Steinsperre f
Vorsperre f; Gegensperre f
dam; barrage fixe (water engineering)
dams; barrages fixe
linear dam
open dam; permeable dam; self-flushing dam; debris-sorting dam
curved dam; arch. dam
multiple dome dam
permanent overfall weir
outlet dam
beam dam; log dam
concrete dam
inlet dam
gabion dam
wooden crib dam; log crib dam; stone crib dam
wooden dam; timber dam
screen dam
slit dam
cable net dam
stone dam; masonry dam
foredam; subsidiary dam; auxiliary dam
Stützbogen m constr.
Stützbögen pl
discharging arch; safety arch
discharging arches; safety arches
Torbogen m; Arkade f arch.
Torbögen pl; Arkaden pl
arch; archway
arches; archways
Vollwandbogen m (Stahlkonstruktionen)
Vollwandbögen pl
solid web arch. (steel constructions)
solid webs
Vorschub... (Brücke) constr.
Vorschubbogen m
Vorschubgerüst n
Vorbauschnabel m
launching ... (bridge)
launching arch; formwork launching girder
launching gantry
launching nose
Zahnbogen m; Alveolarbogen m (Arcus dentalis) anat.
oberer unterer Zahnbogen
dental arch
superior inferior dental arch; dental arch of the upper lower teeth
beugen v (Rücken; Arm)
seinen Rücken beugen
to arch; to form into arch (back; arm)
to arch one's back
(beidseitig) eingespannt adj constr.
eingespannter Bogen (Stahlbau)
eingespanntes Gewölbe arch.
beiderseits eingespannter Balken
nicht eingespanntes Stabende (Stahlbau)
restrained; fixed
rigid arch. (steel construction)
sprung arch
constrained beam; fixed beam
free end (steel construction)
rivalisieren; wetteifern v
rivalisierend; wetteifernd
rivalisiert; wettgeeifert
to rival
romanisch adj art
romanischer Bogen
Roman arch
schelmisch; schalkhaft adj
stockkonservativ adj ugs.
arch-conservative; uptight Am.
(einen Rivalen) verdrängen; ausstechen v
verdrängend; ausstechend
verdrängt; ausgestochen
to supplant (a rival)
wölben v; sich wölben v
to arch
Hubb-Schnabelwal m (Mesoplodon carlhubbsi) zool.
Hubb's beaked whale; arch-beaked whale
jdn. ganz knapp besiegen schlagen
Das Lotus-Team wurde in letzter Minute von Ferrari geschlagen.
Man hat ihm den Preis vor der Nase weggeschnappt.
Sie hat ihrer Rivalin die Goldmedaille vor der Nase weggeschnappt.
to pip so. Br.
The Lotus team were pipped at the post by Ferrari.
He was just pipped for the prize.
She pipped her rival for the gold medal.
sich aufwölben v
sich aufwölbend
sich aufgewölbt
to arch up; to uparch; to dome up; to bow up; to warp up(ward); to upwarp; to buckle
arching up; uparching; doming up; bowing up; warping up(ward); upwarping; buckling
arched up; uparched; domed up; bowed up; warped up(ward); upwarped; buckled
Bogenstaumauer f
Bogenstaumauern pl
arch dam; arched dam
arch dams; arched dams
Druckbogen m min.
pressure arch
Weite f (eines Druckbogens)
span (of pressure arch)
Aktenordner m; Briefordner m
Aktenordner pl; Briefordner pl
lever arch file; file
lever arch files; files
Betonstaumauer f; Staumauer f; Talsperrenmauer f; Betonsperrmauer f; Sperrmauer f; Betonsperre f (Wasserbau)
Betonstaumauern pl; Staumauern pl; Talsperrenmauern pl; Betonsperrmauern pl; Sperrmauern pl; Betonsperren pl
Bogengewichtsmauer f; Bogengewichtsstaumauer f
gekrümmte Staumauer; Bogenstaumauer; Bogenmauer; Einzelgewölbestaumauer; Gewölbestaumauer
Pfeilerplattenstaumauer; Plattenstaumauer; Plattenmauer
Staumauer Sperrmauer mit frei aufliegender Platte
concrete dam; dam (water engineering)
concrete dams; dams
arch-gravity dam
arched dam; arch dam
flat slab deck dam; flat slab dam
free deck dam
(waagerechte) Bogenflanke f (Wappenkunde)
arch die (heraldry)
Bogenspannweite f; Spannweite f des Bogens; lichter Strebepfeilerabstand m arch.
clear spacing of counterforts; arch span Br.; clear buttress spacing Am.
Brücke f constr.
Brücken pl
Bogenbrücke f
Drehbrücke f
Schwimmbrücke f; Pontonbrücke f
Seilbrücke f
Straßenbrücke f
Tunnelbrücke f; Röhrenbrücke f
bewegliche Brücke
eine Brücke bauen; eine Brücke schlagen geh.
arch bridge; arched bridge
swing bridge
pontoon bridge
rope bridge
road bridge
tubular bridge
movable bridge
to build a bridge; to erect a bridge formal
einen Buckel machen; den Rücken krumm machen v
Die Katze machte einen Buckel.
to hump one's back; to arch one's back
The cat arched its back.
Gegner m; Gegenpart m; Rivale f; Kontrahent m geh. (in einem Wettstreit)
Gegner pl; Gegenparts pl; Rivalen pl; Kontrahenten pl
opponent; rival; adversary (in a contest)
opponents; rivals; adversaries
Herausforderung f (an jdn. zu etw.) (Aufforderung zur Konfrontation)
Sie forderte ihre Gegenkandidaten zu einer Fernsehdiskussion heraus.
Nimmst du meine Herausforderung zu einem Schachspiel an?
challenge (to sb. to sth.) (invitation to enter a confrontation)
She issued a challenge to her rival candidates to take part in a television debate.
Do you accept take up my challenge to a game of chess?
jds. Intimfeind m; Erzfeind m
Intimfeinde pl; Erzfeinde pl
sb.'s arch-enemy; archenemy; nemesis
arch-enemies; archenemies; nemeses
Kielbogen m; Eselsrücken m; Sattelbogen m; Schottischer Bogen m; Akkolade f arch.
ogee arch; ogee
Lichterbogen m; Schwibbogen m Dt. (Weihnachtsschmuck)
Lichterbögen pl; Schwibbögen pl
candle arch (Christmas decoration)
candle arches
Magistertitel m; Magister m stud.
Magister m der Architektur Mag. Arch.
Magister m der Philosophie
Magister m der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Magister m der Naturwissenschaften
den Magistertitel erwerben; seinen Magister machen ugs.
Master's degree; Master's
Degree of Bachelor of Architecture B.Arch. NUI
Master of Arts MA; M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA
Master of Science MSc
to earn your Master's degree; to obtain your Master's; to get your Master's coll.
Neigung f; Schräge f; Steigung f (Stufe, Bogen, Schraube usw.) constr. techn.
Dachneigung f; Dachschräge f; Dachgefälle n
Treppensteigung f
Steigung von Turbinenschaufeln
mit geringer Neigung
pitch (step, arch, screw etc.)
roof pitch; pitch of the a roof; roof inclination
pitch of the staircase
pitch of turbine blades
Schwibbogen m; Schwiebbogen m arch.
Schwibbögen pl; Schwiebbögen pl
arch of a cylindrical vault
arches of a cylindrical vault
Staudamm m; Talsperre f; Sperre f; Sperrenbauwerk n Schw. (Wasserbau)
Staudämme pl; Talsperren pl; Sperren pl; Sperrenbauwerke pl
gerade Sperre; geradlinige Sperre
offene Sperre; Entleerungssperre f; Dosiersperre f; Sortiersperre f
gebogene Sperre; bogenförmige Sperre; Bogensperre f
Talsperre mit Vielfachkuppeln
Talsperre mit festem Ãœberfall
Auslaufsperre f; Abschlusssperre f
Balkensperre f
Betonsperre f
Drahtschottersperre f; Steinkorbsperre f
Einlaufsperre f
Faschinendamm m; Wurstdamm m
Holzsperre f
Rechensperre f
Schlitzsperre f
Seilsperre f; Netzsperre f
Steinsperre f
Vorsperre f; Gegensperre f
Geschieberückhaltesperre f; Geschiebestausperre f; Geschiebesperre f (in einem Fließgewässer)
impoundment dam; impounding dam; retaining dam; dam; barrage fixe (water engineering)
impoundment dams; impounding dams; retaining dams; dams
linear dam
open dam; permeable dam; self-flushing dam; debris-sorting dam
curved dam; arch dam
multiple dome dam
permanent overfall weir
outlet dam
beam dam; log dam
concrete dam
gabion dam
inlet dam
sausage dam
wooden dam; timber dam
screen dam
slit dam
cable net dam
stone dam; masonry dam
foredam; subsidiary dam; auxiliary dam
bed-load retention dam; sediment retention structure; sediment control dam; debris dam (in a stream)
Strebebogen m; Bogenstrebe f arch.
Strebebögen pl; Bogenstreben pl
straining arch; arc boutant; flying buttress
straining arches; arc boutants; flying buttresses
Vollwandbogen m (Stahlbau)
Vollwandbögen pl
solid web arch. (structural steel engineering)
solid webs
Vorschub… (Brücke) constr.
Vorschubbogen m
Vorschubgerüst n
Vorbauschnabel m
launching … (bridge)
launching arch; formwork launching girder
launching gantry
launching nose
WC n (Ort, privat und öffentlich); Toilette f (Ort, selten privat); Abort m (Ort, öffentlich, Amtssprache) veraltet
WCs pl; Toiletten pl; Aborte pl
Gäste-WC n; Gästetoilette f geh.; Gästeklo n ugs. (im Privathaus)
verstopfte Toilette
Wo ist die Toilette?
Darf ich Ihr WC benutzen benützen?
Dürfte ich bitte bei Ihnen die Toilette benutzen benützen? (formell)
Könnten Sie mir sagen, wo ich die Toiletten finde?
Wo finde ich denn bitte die Toiletten?
Wo ist (denn) hier bitte die Damentoilette Herrentoilette?
die Toilette aufsuchen; auf die Toilette gehen
toilet (private and public); bathroom (private); lavatory (public) formal; WC (only on signs and in advertisements); cloakroom (public) Br.; restroom (public) Am.; the ladies' the gents' (toilet) (public) Br.; the ladies' room the mens' room (public) Am.; washroom (public) Am. Can.; half bathroom (private) Am. (in advertisements); half bath (private) Am. (in advertisements)
toilets; bathrooms; lavatories; WCs; cloakrooms; restrooms; the ladies' the mens' rooms; washrooms; half bathrooms; half baths
guest toilet; guest bathroom; guest WC formal; half bath(room) for guests Am. arch.
blocked toilet; clogged toilet Am.
Where's the bathroom?; Where is the toilet?
Can I use your bathroom, please?
Excuse me, could I please use your facilities? formal
Could you point me in the direction of the toilets Br. restrooms Am. please?
Excuse me, where will I find the toilets Br. restrooms Am.?
Where is the Ladies' the Gents' Br. the ladies' room the men's room Am., please?
to go to use the toilet Br. restroom Am.
Wirbelbogen m
Wirbelbögen pl
vertebral arch
vertebral arches
bogenförmige Wölbung f; Bogen m constr.
konservativ adj
am konservativsten
stockkonservativ adj
more conservative
most conservative
einen Rivalen überholen; hinter sich lassen v
den politischen Gegner rechts überholen
to outflank a rival fig.
to outflank your political opponent on the right
jdn. ganz knapp besiegen; ganz knapp schlagen v
Das Lotus-Team wurde in letzter Minute von Ferrari geschlagen.
Man hat ihm den Preis vor der Nase weggeschnappt.
Sie hat ihrer Rivalin die Goldmedaille vor der Nase weggeschnappt.
to pip sb. Br.
The Lotus team were pipped at the post by Ferrari.
He was just pipped for the prize.
She pipped her rival for the gold medal.

Deutsche Erzrivale {m} Erzrivalin {f} / Erzrivalen {pl} Erzrivalinnen {pl} Synonyme

Englische arch-rival arch rival Synonyme

arch rival Definition

(n.) Any part of a curved line.
(n.) Usually a curved member made up of separate wedge-shaped solids, with the joints between them disposed in the direction of the radii of the curve
(n.) A flat arch is a member constructed of stones cut into wedges or other shapes so as to support each other without rising in a curve.
(n.) Any place covered by an arch
(n.) Any curvature in the form of an arch
(v. t.) To cover with an arch or arches.
(v. t.) To form or bend into the shape of an arch.
(v. i.) To form into an arch
() A prefix signifying chief, as in archbuilder, archfiend.
(a.) Chief
(a.) Cunning or sly
(n.) A chief.
(a.) A suffix meaning a ruler, as in monarch (a sole ruler).
Arch brick
() A wedge-shaped brick used in the building of an arch.
Arch stone
() A wedge-shaped stone used in an arch
(n.) A person having a common right or privilege with another
(n.) One who is in pursuit of the same object as another
(a.) Having the same pretensions or claims
(v. t.) To stand in competition with
(v. t.) To strive to equal or exel
(v. i.) To be in rivalry.

arch rival Bedeutung

gill arch
branchial arch
gill bar
one of the bony or cartilaginous arches on each side of the pharynx that support the gills of fishes and aquatic amphibians
abutment arch an arch supported by an abutment
arch (architecture) a masonry construction (usually curved) for spanning an opening and supporting the weight above it
arch archway a passageway under a curved masonry construction, they built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory
arch support a support for the arch of the foot
bell arch a round arch resting on corbels
broken arch an arch with a gap at the apex, the gap is usually filled with some decoration
camber arch an arch with a straight horizontal extrados and a slightly arched intrados
corbel arch (architecture) an arch constructed of masonry courses that are corbelled until they meet
drop arch a blunt pointed arch drawn from two centers within the span
flat arch
straight arch
an arch with mutually supporting voussoirs that has a straight horizontal extrados and intrados
Gothic arch a pointed arch, usually has a joint (instead of a keystone) at the apex
lancet arch
an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance
Moorish arch
horseshoe arch
a round arch that widens before rounding off
ogee arch
keel arch
a pointed arch having an S-shape on both sides
pier arch an arch supported on piers
pointed arch an arch with a pointed apex, characteristic of Gothic architecture
proscenium arch the arch over the opening in the proscenium wall
rampant arch an arch whose support is higher on one side than on the other
Roman arch
semicircular arch
a round arch drawn from a single center
round arch an arch formed in a continuous curve, characteristic of Roman architecture
rowlock arch an arch that is formed with more than one concentric row of voussoirs
safety arch an undecorated arch that is included in order to strengthen or support a construction
scoinson arch
sconcheon arch
an arch that supports part of the wall
segmental arch a shallow arch, an arch that is less than a semicircle
shouldered arch an arch consisting of a horizontal lintel supported at each end by corbels that project into the aperture
skeen arch
skene arch
scheme arch
diminished arch
an arch whose height is less than half its width
skew arch an arch whose jambs are not at right angles with the face
steel arch bridge a steel bridge constructed in the form of an arch
threeentered arch
basket-handle arch
a round arch whose inner curve is drawn with circles having three centers
trefoil arch a pointed arch having cusps in the intrados on either side of the apex
trimmer arch an arch built between trimmers in a floor (to support the weight of a hearth)
triumphal arch a monumental archway, usually they are built to commemorate some notable victory
trumpet arch a conical squinch
Tudor arch
fourentered arch
a low elliptical or pointed arch, usually drawn from four centers
zygomatic arch
arcus zygomaticus
the slender arch formed by the temporal process of the cheekbone that bridges to the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
alveolar arch the part of the upper or lower jawbones in which the teeth are set
aortic arch the part of the aorta that arches and turns downward
arch a curved bony structure supporting or enclosing organs (especially the inner sides of the feet)
metatarsal arch the short lateral arch formed by the heads of the metatarsals
sunken arch
fallen arch
an instep flattened so the entire sole rests on the ground
shoulder girdle
pectoral arch
the bony arch formed by the collarbones and shoulder blades in humans
hemal arch
haemal arch
a structure arising ventrally from a vertebral centrum and enclosing the caudal blood vessels
neural arch
vertebral arch
a structure arising dorsally from a vertebral centrum and enclosing the spinal cord
pelvic girdle
pelvic arch
the structure of the vertebrate skeleton supporting the lower limbs in humans and the hind limbs or corresponding parts in other vertebrates
supraorbital ridge
supraorbital torus
superciliary ridge
superciliary arch
a ridge on the frontal bone above the eye socket
the contestant you hope to defeat, he had respect for his rivals, he wanted to know what the competition was doing
arch a curved shape in the vertical plane that spans an opening
rival be the rival of, be in competition with, we are rivaling for first place in the race
curve arc
form an arch or curve, her back arches, her hips curve nicely
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