
arctic Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Arktis f
arktisch adj
Arktis f geogr.
arctisch, Arktis
Polarfuchs m, Blaufuchs m zool.
Arctic fox
die Arktis
the arctic
Schmarotzerraubmöwe f (Stercorarius parasiticus) ornith.
Arctic skua
Küstenseeschwalbe f (Sterna paradisaea) ornith.
Arctic tern
Arktischer Ozean, Nordpolarmeer n geogr.
Arctic Ocean
Nordpolarkreis m; nördlicher Polarkreis geogr.
Arctic Circle
Wanderlaubsänger m; Nordischer Laubsänger m (Phylloscopus borealis) ornith.
Arctic warbler
boreal-arktisch; boreoarktisch adj geogr. meteo.
boreo-arctic; boreoarctic
Polarfuchs m; Blaufuchs m zool.
Polarfüchse pl; Blaufüchse pl
Arctic fox
Arctic foxes
boreal-arktisch; boreoarktisch adj geogr.
boreo-arctic; boreoarctic
Küstenseeschwalbe f ornith.
Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
Polarbirkenzeisig m ornith.
Arctic Redpoll (Carduelis hornemanni)
Wanderlaubsänger m, Nordischer Laubsänger m ornith.
Arctic Warbler (Phylloscopus borealis)
Schmarotzerraubmöwe f ornith.
Arctic Skua (Stercorarius parasiticus)
nördliches Eismeer n; nördliches Polarmeer n; nördlicher Ozean m; Nordpolarmeer n; arktisches Meer n; arktischer Ozean m geogr.
Northern Polar Sea; North Polar Sea; Arctic Ocean
Eisblumenglas n techn.
ice-patterned glass; arctic glass; glue-etched glass
Seesaibling m zool.
Seesaiblinge pl
Arctic char; Arctic charr
Arctic chars; Arctic charrs
Dorset-Kultur f (Kultur im arktischen Nordamerika vor den Inuit) hist.
Dorset culture (Pre-Inuit culture in Arctic North America)
ewiges Eis n geogr.
das ewige Eis des Gletschers
das ewige Eis der Arktis
eternal ice
the eternal ice of the glacier
the eternal ice of the Arctic
Hüttensänger pl (Sialia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Berghüttensänger m (Sialia currucoides)
Blaukehlhüttensänger m (Sialia mexicana)
Rotkehlhüttensänger m (Sialia sialis)
bluebirds (zoological genus)
mountain bluebird; ultramarine bluebird; Arctic bluebird
western bluebird
eastern bluebird
Grönlandwal m, Polarwal m zool.
bowhead whale, polar whale, great polar whale, arctic whale, arctic right whale, Greenland whale, Greenland right whale (Balaena mysticetus)
Forschungsreisender m; Forscher m; Erforscher m (von etw.)
Forschungsreisende pl; Forscher pl; Erforscher pl
Afrikaforscher m
Amerikaforscher m
Nordpolforscher m
Polarforscher m
Südamerikaforscher m
Südpolforscher m
explorer (of sth.)
explorer of Africa
explorer of America
Arctic explorer
polar explorer
explorer of South America
Antarctic explorer
Echter Bonito (Katsuwonus pelamis) zool.
Echte Bonitos pl
skipjack tuna; striped tuna; Arctic oceanic bonito; victor fish; mushmouth; aku
skipjack tunas; striped tunas; Arctic oceanic bonitos; victor fishes; mushmouths; akus
Echter Bonito m (Katsuwonus pelamis) zool.
Echte Bonitos pl
skipjack tuna; striped tuna; Arctic oceanic bonito; victor fish; mushmouth; aku
skipjack tunas; striped tunas; Arctic oceanic bonitos; victor fishes; mushmouths; akus
Raubmöwen pl (Stercorarius) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Antarktikskua f (Stercorarius maccormicki)
Chileskua f (Stercorarius chilensis)
Falkenraubmöwe f (Stercorarius longicaudus)
Große Raubmöve f; (Stercorarius skua)
Schmarotzerraubmöwe f (Stercorarius parasiticus)
Spatelraubmöwe f (Stercorarius pomarinus)
Subantarktikskua f; Braune Skua f (Stercorarius antarcticus)
skuas (zoological genus)
South-Polar skua
Chilean skua
long-tailed skua
great skua
Arctic skua
pomarine skua
Antarctic skua; subantarctic skua; brown skua
Zone f; Bereich m; Gebiet n; Landstrich m
Zonen pl
aktiver Bereich; betroffenes Gebiet
geflutete Zone
gemäßigte Zone
heiße Zone
labile Zone
lichtlose Zone
metamorphe Zone
nördliche kalte Zone
schiefrige Zone
taube Zone
tropische Zone
Unterteilung f in Zonen
active zone
flushed zone
temperate zone
torrid zone
mobile belt
aphotic zone
metamorphic belt
north frigid zone; Arctic region
barren spot
tropical zone
Zone f; Bereich m; Gebiet n geogr.
Zonen pl; Bereiche pl; Gebiete pl
aktiver Bereich; betroffenes Gebiet
geflutete Zone
gemäßigte Zone
heiße Zone
labile Zone
lichtlose Zone
metamorphe Zone
nördliche kalte Zone
schiefrige Zone
taube Zone
tropische Zone
Unterteilung f in Zonen
active zone
flushed zone
temperate zone
torrid zone
mobile belt
aphotic zone
metamorphic belt
north frigid zone; Arctic region
barren spot
tropical zone
Seetaucher pl (Gavia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Eistaucher m (Gavia immer)
Gelbschnabel-Eistaucher m (Gavia adamsii)
Pazifiktaucher m (Gavia pacifica)
Prachttaucher m; Polartaucher m (Gavia arctica)
Sterntaucher m (Gavia stellata)
divers Br.; loons Am. (zoological genus)
common diver loon; great Northern diver loon
white-billed diver; yellow-billed loon
Pacific diver loon
black-throated diver loon Arctic diver loon
red-throated diver loon
Seetaucher pl (Gavia) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Eistaucher m (Gavia immer)
Gelbschnabel-Eistaucher m (Gavia adamsii)
Pazifiktaucher m (Gavia pacifica)
Prachttaucher m; Polartaucher m (Gavia arctica)
Sterntaucher m (Gavia stellata)
divers Br.; loons Am. (zoological genus)
common diver loon; great Northern diver loon
white-billed diver; yellow-billed loon
Pacific diver loon
black-throated diver loon, Arctic diver loon
red-throated diver loon
Grönlandwal m; Polarwal m (Balaena mysticetus) zool.
Grönlandwale pl; Polarwale pl
bowhead whale; polar whale; great polar whale; arctic whale; arctic right whale; Greenland whale; Greenland right whale
bowhead whales; polar whales; great polar whales; arctic whales; arctic right whales; Greenland whales; Greenland right whales
Klima n geogr.
gemäßigtes Klima
mildes Klima
raues Klima
äquatoriales Klima
arktisches Klima
nivales Klima
ozeanisches Klima
polares Klima
regionales Klima
tropisches Klima
moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate
bland climate
tough climate
equatorial climate
arctic climate
nival climate
marine climate; oceanic climate
polar climate
regional climate; macroclimate
tropical climate
Klima n geogr.
gemäßigtes Klima
mildes Klima
raues Klima
äquatoriales Klima
arktisches Klima
nivales Klima
ozeanisches Klima
polares Klima
regionales Klima
Seeklima n
tropisches Klima
moderate climate; temperate climate; equable climate
bland climate
tough climate
equatorial climate
arctic climate
nival climate
marine climate; oceanic climate
polar climate
regional climate; macroclimate
maritime climate
tropical climate
Zeisige pl (Carduelis) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Alpenbirkenzeisig m (Carduelis cabaret)
Andenzeisig m (Carduelis spinescens)
Bartzeisig m (Carduelis barbata)
Birkenzeisig m (Carduelis flammea)
Dickschnabelzeisig m (Carduelis crassirostris)
Erlenzeisig m (Carduelis spinus)
Fichtenzeisig m (Carduelis pinus)
Gelbbauchzeisig m (Carduelis xanthogastra)
Goldzeisig m (Carduelis tristis)
Guatemalazeisig m (Carduelis atriceps)
Haitizeisig m (Carduelis dominicensis)
Kapuzenzeisig m (Carduelis cucullata)
Kordillerenzeisig m (Carduelis uropygialis)
Magellanzeisig m (Carduelis magellanica)
Maskenzeisig m (Carduelis lawrencei)
Mexikanerzeisig m; Mexikozeisig m (Carduelis psaltria)
Olivzeisig m (Carduelis olivacea)
Polarbirkenzeisig m (Carduelis hornemanni)
Safranzeisig m (Carduelis siemiradzkii)
Schwarzbrustzeisig m (Carduelis notata)
Schwarzzeisig m (Carduelis atrata)
Taiga-Birkenzeisig m (Carduelis flammea flammea)
Yarrellzeisig m (Carduelis yarrellii)
siskins; linnets; goldfinches; greenfinches; redpolls (zoological genus)
lesser redpoll
andean siskin
black-chinned siskin
common redpoll
thick-billed siskin
Eurasian siskin
pine siskin
yellow-bellied siskin
American goldfinch
black-capped siskin
antillean siskin
red siskin
yellow-rumped siskin
hooded siskin
Lawrence's goldfinch
dark-backed goldfinch
olivaceous siskin
Arctic redpoll
saffron siskin
black-headed siskin
black siskin
mealy redpoll
yellow-faced siskin
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); ...wissenschaften pl; ...kunde f; ...istik f; ...ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology
Studium n (eines Fachgebiets); …wissenschaften pl; …kunde f; …istik f; …ologie f (Studienfach) stud.
Studium der Arktis
Altertumswissenschaften pl
Amerikanistik f
Asianistik f
Orientalistik f
Osteuropawissenschaften pl; Osteuropakunde f
Anglistik f; Englische Philologie f
Germanistik f; Deutsche Philologie f
Romanistik f; Romanische Philologie f
Slawistik f; Slawische Philologie f
Japanistik f; Japanische Philologie f
Japanwissenschaften pl; Japankunde f; Japanologie f
Chinawissenschaften pl; Chinakunde f; Sinologie f
Studies (at a university)
Arctic Studies
Ancient Studies
American Studies
Asian Studies
Oriental Studies
East European Studies
English Studies; Language and Literary Studies of English; (Studies of) English language and literature; English philology
German Studies; Language and Literary Studies of German; (Studies of) German language and literature; German philology
Romance Studies; (Studies of) Romance languages and literature; Romance philology
Slavic Studies; Slavonic Studies; (Studies of) Slavic languages and literature; Slavic philology; Slavonic philology
Japanese Studies; Language and Literary Studies of Japanese; (Studies of) Japanese language and literature; Japanese philology
Japan Studies; japanology
Chinese Studies; sinology

Deutsche Arktis {f} Synonyme

Arktis  ÂNordpolargebiet  ÂNordpolgebiet  
Arktis  Nordpolargebiet  Nordpolgebiet  

Englische arctic Synonyme

arctic  Siberian  aestival  affectless  algid  anesthetized  antarctic  austral  autistic  autumn  autumnal  below zero  biting  bitter  bitterly cold  bleak  blunt  boreal  brisk  brumal  canicular  catatonic  chill  chilly  cold  cold as charity  cold as death  cold as ice  cold as marble  cold-blooded  coldhearted  cool  crisp  cutting  dispassionate  drugged  dull  east  eastbound  easterly  eastermost  eastern  easternmost  emotionally dead  emotionless  equinoctial  freezing  freezing cold  frigid  frosted  frosty  frozen  gelid  glacial  heartless  hibernal  hiemal  hyperborean  ice-cold  ice-encrusted  icelike  icy  immovable  impassible  impassive  inclement  inexcitable  insusceptible  keen  meridional  midsummer  midwinter  nipping  nippy  nonemotional  north  northbound  northeast  northeasterly  northeastern  northerly  northern  northernmost  northwest  northwesterly  northwestern  numbing  objective  obtuse  occidental  oriental  out of season  out of touch  passionless  penetrating  piercing  pinching  raw  rigorous  seasonal  self-absorbed  severe  sharp  sleety  slushy  snappy  solstitial  soulless  south  southbound  southeast  southeasterly  southeastern  southerly  southern  southernmost  southwest  southwesterly  southwestern  spiritless  spring  springlike  stone-cold  subzero  summer  summerlike  summerly  summery  supercooled  unaffectionate  unemotional  unfeeling  unimpassioned  unimpressionable  unloving  unpassionate  unresponding  unresponsive  unsusceptible  unsympathetic  untouchable  vernal  west  westbound  westerly  western  westernmost  winter  winterbound  winterlike  wintery  wintry  

arctic Definition

(a.) Pertaining to, or situated under, the northern constellation called the Bear
(n.) The arctic circle.
(n.) A warm waterproof overshoe.

arctic Bedeutung

parasitic jaeger
arctic skua
Stercorarius parasiticus
a variety of jaeger
white wolf
Arctic wolf
Canis lupus tundrarum
wolf of Arctic North America having white fur and a black-tipped tail
Arctic fox
white fox
Alopex lagopus
thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions, brownish in summer and white in winter
polar hare
Arctic hare
Lepus arcticus
a large hare of northern North America, it is almost completely white in winter
Arctic ground squirrel
parka squirrel
Citellus parryi
large ground squirrel of the North American far north
Arctic char
Salvelinus alpinus
small trout of northern waters, landlocked populations in Quebec and northern New England
a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow
Arctic Zone
North Frigid Zone
the regions to the north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole
Arctic Circle a line of latitude near but to the south of the north pole, it marks the northernmost point at which the sun is visible on the northern winter solstice and the southernmost point at which the midnight sun can be seen on the northern summer solstice
Gates of the Arctic National Park a large national park in Alaska featuring the Great Mendenhall Glacier
Arctic Archipelago all the islands that lie to the north of mainland Canada and the Arctic Circle
Arctic Ocean ice covered waters surrounding the North Pole, mostly covered with solid ice or with ice floes and icebergs
Alpine mouse-ear
Arctic mouse-ear
Cerastium alpinum
widespread in the Arctic and on mountains in Europe
Iceland poppy arctic poppy
Papaver nudicaule
subarctic perennial poppy of both hemispheres having fragrant white or yellow to orange or peach flowers
arctic willow
Salix arctica
low creeping shrub of Arctic Europe and America
reindeer moss
reindeer lichen
arctic moss
Cladonia rangiferina
an erect greyish branching lichen of Arctic and even some north temperate regions constituting the chief food for reindeer and caribou and sometimes being eaten by humans
extremely cold, an arctic climate, a frigid day, gelid waters of the North Atlantic, glacial winds, icy hands, polar weather
of or relating to the Arctic, the Arctic summer
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The Arctic is a polar region located at the northernmost part of Earth. The Arctic consists of the Arctic Ocean and parts of Alaska , Canada, Finland, Greenland , Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. The Arctic region consists of an ocean and adjacent seas with a seasonally varying ice cover, surrounded by treeless permafrost. The area can be defined as north of the Arctic Circle , the approximate limit of the midnight sun and the polar night. Alternatively, it can be defined as the region where the average temperature for the warmest month is below 10 Â°C ; the northernmost tree line roughly follows the isotherm at the boundary of this region.

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