
army Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Armee, Heer
Armeestützpunkt m, Armeebasis f
army base
army camp
Heeresschar f
army troop
army troop
Sowjetarmee f mil. hist.
Soviet Army
Heeresleitung f mil.
army command
Armeegebäude n
army building
Heeresfliegerei m mil.
army aviation
Besatzungsarmee f mil.
occupying army
Heilsarmee f
salvation Army
army commander
salvation army
Armeeführung f mil.
army leadership
Rote-Armee-Fraktion f RAF hist.
Red Army Faction
Rote-Armee-Fraktion f RAF hist.
Red Army Faction
(eine Armee) ausheben mil.
to levy (an army)
im Heer dienen
serve in the army
Armeehauptquartier n mil.
army headquarters
Heilsarmee f
Salvation Army SA
army medical corps
Heeresfliegertruppe f mil.
Army Air Corps AAC
Jargon m; saloppe Umgangssprache f; Szenesprache f; Slang m ling.
Militärjargon m
army slang
Heilsarmee f
SA : Salvation Army
Heilsarmee f
Salvation Army SA
Heereszug m
army (on the march)
Heeresfliegertruppe f mil.
Army Air Corps (AAC)
im Heer dienen
to serve in the army
Heeresfliegertruppe f mil.
Army Air Corps AAC
Feldpostamt n mil.
Army Post Office APO
Musterung f; Stellung f Ös.; Aushebung f Schw. mil.
army recruitment test
Heereslager n mil.
Heereslager pl
army camp
army camps
Armeestützpunkt m; Armeebasis f mil.
Armeestützpunkte pl; Armeebasen pl
army base
army bases
Armeestützpunkt m; Heeresstützpunkt m mil.
Armeestützpunkte pl; Heeresstützpunkte pl
army post
army posts
Feldpostamt n mil.
Army Post Office APO
Nationale Volksarmee f (der DDR) NVA mil. hist.
National People's Army
Nationale Volksarmee f (der DDR) NVA mil. hist.
National People's Army
Heeresgruppe f mil.
Heeresgruppen pl
army group
army groups
Heeresschar f mil.
Heeresscharen pl
army troop
army troops
islamische Armee von Aden
Islamic Army of Aden IAA
Irisch-Republikanische Armee IRA
Irish Republican Army IRA
Armeerevolte f
Armeerevolten pl
army revolt
army revolts
islamische Armee von Aden
Islamic Army of Aden IAA
IRA : Irisch-Republikanische Armee
IRA : Irish Republican Army
Irisch-Republikanische Armee IRA
Irish Republican Army IRA
die Reichswehr f mil. hist.
the German army (1921-1935)
Armeeoffizier m; Offizier in der Armee mil.
Armeeoffiziere pl; Offiziere in der Armee
army officer
army officers
Heeresfliegerregiment n mil.
army aviation regiment Am.
Bauernheer n mil. hist.
Bauernheere pl
peasant army
peasant armies
jdn. unehrenhaft (aus der Armee) entlassen mil.
to cashier sb. (from the army)
jdn. unehrenhaft (aus der Armee) entlassen v mil.
to cashier sb. (from the army)
Heeresführer m mil.
Heeresführer pl
army commander
army commanders
Territorialarmee f, Landwehr f
Territorial Army, Territorial Force
Territorialarmee f; Landwehr f
Territorial Army; Territorial Force
Berufsarmee f mil.
Berufsarmeen pl
professional army
professional armies
Feldlazaretteinheit f mil.
Feldlazaretteinheiten pl
army surgical unit
army surgical units
ELN f (Nationale Befreiungsarmee Kolumbiens)
ELN (National Liberation Army of Colombia)
Die japanische rote Armee f (Terrorgruppe) pol.
The Japanese Red Army JRA (terrorist group)
jdn. zum Offizier in der Armee Marine etc. bestellen ernennen v mil.
to commission sb. in into the army navy etc.
jdn. zum Offizier in der Armee Marine usw. bestellen ernennen v mil.
to commission sb. in into the army navy etc.
Die japanische rote Armee f (Terrorgruppe) pol.
The Japanese Red Army JRA (terrorist group)
Armee f, Heer n mil.
Armeen pl, Heere pl
in der Armee dienen
US-Armee (Heer)
to serve in the army
US Army
Musterung f; Stellung f Ös.; Aushebung f Schw. mil. med.
army recruitment test; army recruitment examination
Sanitätstruppe f mil.
army medical corps, Royal AMedical Corps (RAMC) Br.
Sanitätstruppe f mil.
army medical corps; Royal AMedical Corps RAMC Br.
über eine Armee befehlen, eine Armee befehligen
to have command of an army, to be in command of an army
über eine Armee befehlen; eine Armee befehligen
to have command of an army; to be in command of an army
die Rassentrennung in einer Institution aufheben v pol. soc.
die Rassentrennung in der Armee aufheben
to desegregate an institution
to desegregate the Army
Sanitätstruppe f mil.
army medical corps; Royal Army Medical Corps RAMC Br.
über eine Armee befehlen; eine Armee befehligen v mil.
to have command of an army; to be in command of an army
Die Armee der Reinen; Lashkar-e-Taiba (Terrorgruppe) pol.
The Army of the Pure; Lashkar-e-Taiyyiba (terrorist group)
Oberkommando n mil.
Oberkommando des Heeres
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht
high command
army high command
armed forces high command
Die Armee Mohammeds; Jaish-e-Mohammed (Terrorgruppe) pol.
The Army of Mohammed; Jaish-e-Mohammed JEM (terrorist group)
Die Armee Mohammeds; Jaish-e-Mohammed (Terrorgruppe) pol.
The Army of Mohammed; Jaish-e-Mohammed JEM (terrorist group)
Volkssturm m hist. mil.
German territorial army to defend the home front in World War II
Losmarschieren n; Marsch m (in festen Wendungen) mil.
sich in Marsch setzen
eine Armee Truppe in Marsch setzen
to march off
to put set an army troops in motion
großangelegte, systematische Überprüfung Kontrolle f (von Personen); Untersuchung f (von Sachen Proben Phänomenen) auf bestimmte Merkmale hin
Drogenkontrollen in der Armee
systematische Arzneimitteluntersuchung
drug screening in the Army
pharmaceutical drug screening
leichter Beobachtungshubschrauber m aviat.
leichter Beobachtungshubschrauber der Polizei des Heeres
light observation helicopter LOH
police army light observation helicopter
Militärsteig m; Kriegssteig m mil.
Militärsteige pl; Kriegssteige pl
military trail; army trail; war trail
military trails; army trails; war trails
Britische Rheinarmee f; Rheinarmee f (Besatzungstruppe in Deutschland) mil. hist.
British Army of the Rhine BAOR ; Army of the Rhine (occupation force in Germany)
Gurkha m (nepalesischer Soldat in der brit. oder ind. Armee) mil.
die Gurkhas pl
Gurkha; Gurkha soldier (Nepalese soldier in the British or Indian army)
the Gurkhas
Politisierung f
die Politisierung der Armee und der Polizei
politicization eAm.; politicisation Br.
the politicisation of the army and police
Rotarmist m mil. hist.
Rotarmisten pl
soldier of the Red Army; Red Army soldier
soldiers of the Red Army; Red Army soldiers
militärischer Sanitätsdienst m med. mil.
Sanitätsdienst des britischen Heeres
Zentraler Sanitätsdienst der Bundeswehr Dt.
medical corps
Royal Army Medical Corps Br.
Medical Corps of the German Armed Forces
Luftstützpunkt m; Militärflugplatz m; Heeresflugplatz m Dt. Ös.; Heeresfliegerhorst m Dt. Ös.; Fliegerhorst m Dt. Ös.; Fliegerstützpunkt m mil.
Luftstützpunkte pl; Militärflugplätze pl; Heeresflugplätze pl; Heeresfliegerhorste pl; Fliegerhorste pl; Fliegerstützpunkte pl
air base; military airfield; army airfield
air bases; military airfields; army airfields
desertieren (von), Fahnenflucht begehen, überlaufen v (zu)
von der Armee desertieren
zum Feind überlaufen
to desert (from, to)
to desert from the army
to desert to the enemy
Wehrbeauftragter des Deutschen Bundestages pol.
ombudsman of the German parliament for the German army; parliamentary ombudsman for the military
Taschenmesser n; Taschenfeitel m Süddt. Ös.; Feitel m Süddt. Ös.; Sackmesser n Schw.; Sackhegel m Schw.; Hegel m Schw.
Taschenmesser pl; Taschenfeitel pl; Feitel pl; Sackmesser pl; Sackhegel pl; Hegel pl
Schweizer Taschenmesser; Schweizermesser; Schweizer Offiziersmesser tm
penknife; pocketknife Am.
penknives; pocketknives
Swiss army penknife; Swiss army knife tm
Feldmarschall m (Dienstgrad) mil. hist.
Generalfeldmarschall m
Field Marshal Br.; General of the Army Am. (rank)
general field marshal; field marshal general
Feldanzug m; Kampfanzug m mil.
Feldanzüge pl; Kampfanzüge pl
battle dress uniform BDU ; army combat uniform ACU Am.
battle dress uniforms; army combat uniforms
Musterungsbefehl m; Stellungsbefehl m Ös.; Aushebungsbefehl m Schw. mil.
Musterungsbefehle pl; Stellungsbefehle pl; Aushebungsbefehle pl
summons to attend the army recruitment examination
summons to attend the army recruitment examinations
Feldanzug m; Kampfanzug m mil.
Feldanzüge pl; Kampfanzüge pl
battle dress uniform BDU ; army combat uniform ACU Am.
battle dress uniforms; army combat uniforms
Armee f; Heer n mil.
Armeen pl; Heere pl
in der Armee dienen
US-Armee (Heer)
die Rote Armee hist.
zur Armee gehen; zum Heer gehen
stehendes Heer
Armee von Wehrpflichtigen
to serve in the army
US Army
the Red Army
to join the army
regular army
conscript army
Auftragnehmer m; Vertragsnehmer m; freier Mitarbeiter m; beauftragtes Unternehmen n; Lieferant m adm.
Auftragnehmer pl; Vertragsnehmer pl; freie Mitarbeiter pl; beauftragte Unternehmen pl; Lieferanten pl
Staatslieferant m
Heereslieferant m
selbständiger Unternehmer
government contractor; contractor to the Crown Br.
army contractor
independent contractor
Offizier m, Offizierin f mil.
Offizier pl, Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst (OvD)
leitender Offizier
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
orderly officer, duty officer
Officer Commanding (OC)
engineer officer
Staatsstreich m; Putsch m pol.
Staatsstreiche pl; Putsche pl
Militärputsch m
Maiputsch m hist.
sich an die Macht putschen
coup d'état; coup; putsch
coup d'états; coups; putsches
army coup; military putsch
May Coup
to seize power by a coup d'état
jdn. zwangsrekrutieren; jdn. zum Militärdienst pressen veraltet v mil.
zwangsrekrutierend; zum Militärdienst pressend
zwangsrekrutiert; zum Militärdienst gepresst
to impress sb.; to compel sb. to serve in the army
impressing; compelling to serve in the army
impressed; compelled to serve in the army
Luftstützpunkt m; Luftwaffenstützpunkt m; Militärflugplatz m; Heeresflugplatz m Dt. Ös.; Heeresfliegerhorst m Dt. Ös.; Fliegerhorst m Dt. Ös.; Fliegerstützpunkt m mil.
Luftstützpunkte pl; Luftwaffenstützpunkte pl; Militärflugplätze pl; Heeresflugplätze pl; Heeresfliegerhorste pl; Fliegerhorste pl; Fliegerstützpunkte pl
air base; military airbase; military airfield; army airfield (air-base) (airbase)
air bases; military airbases; military airfields; army airfields
Offizier m; Offizierin f mil.
Offiziere pl; Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst OvD
Ordonnanzoffizier m; Ordonnanz f
leitender Offizier
Offizier mittleren Ranges
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
duty officer
orderly officer; orderly
Officer Commanding OC
warrant officer
engineer officer
Offizier m; Offizierin f mil.
Offiziere pl; Offizierinnen pl
Offizier werden
Offizier vom Dienst OvD
Ordonnanzoffizier m; Ordonnanz f
leitender Offizier
Offizier mittleren Ranges
technischer Offizier
to become an (army) officer
duty officer
orderly officer; orderly
Officer Commanding OC
warrant officer
engineer officer
(einen Arbeitsvertrag) unterschreiben; anheuern naut.; sich verpflichten mil. adm.
unterschreibend; anheuernd; sich verpflichtend
unterschrieben; angeheuert; sich verpflichtet
ein anheuernder anmusternder Seemann
Der Spieler unterschrieb einen Dreijahresvertrag.
Er hat sich als Zeitsoldat verpflichtet.
to sign on
signing on
signed on
a seaman who signs on a ship
The player signed on for three years.
He signed on as a regular soldier in the army.
Armee f; Heer n mil.
Armeen pl; Heere pl
Berufsheer n
Entsatzheer n hist.
in der Armee dienen
US-Armee (Heer)
die Rote Armee hist.
zur Armee gehen; zum Heer gehen
stehendes Heer
Armee von Wehrpflichtigen
regular army
army of relief; relief army
to serve in the army
US Army
the Red Army
to join the army
regular army
conscript army
Einberufung f zum Militärdienst; Einberufung f zum Militär ugs.; Aushebung f Schw. mil.
call-up to for military service; call-up to the army; enlistment into the military service in the army; induction into military service Am.; levy archaic
sich zum Militärdienst melden; zum Militär gehen; Soldat werden mil.
sich zum Militärdienst meldend; zum Militär gehend; Soldat werdend
sich zum Militärdienst gemeldet; zum Militär gegangen; Soldat geworden
sich zur Marine melden
to enlist in the army; to enlist as a soldier
enlisting in the army; enlisting as a soldier
enlisted in the army; enlisted as a soldier
to enlist in the navy
jdn. (zum Militär) einberufen; einziehen v mil.
einberufend; einziehend
einberufen; eingezogen
to call up; to enlist; to conscript; to draft Am. sb. (into the army)
calling up; enlisting; conscripting; drafting
called up; enlisted; conscripted; drafted
Feldlazarett n med. mil.
Feldlazarette pl
field hospital; combat support hospital Am.; mobile army surgical hospital MASH Am.
field hospitals; combat support hospitals; mobile army surgical hospitals
sich zum Militärdienst melden; zum Militär gehen; Soldat werden v mil.
sich zum Militärdienst meldend; zum Militär gehend; Soldat werdend
sich zum Militärdienst gemeldet; zum Militär gegangen; Soldat geworden
sich zur Marine melden
to enlist in the army; to enlist as a soldier
enlisting in the army; enlisting as a soldier
enlisted in the army; enlisted as a soldier
to enlist in the navy
jdn. (zum Militär) einberufen; einziehen v mil.
einberufend; einziehend
einberufen; eingezogen
to call up; to enlist; to conscript; to draft Am. sb. (into the army)
calling up; enlisting; conscripting; drafting
called up; enlisted; conscripted; drafted
Oberstabsfeldwebel m OStFw. Dt.; Vizeleutnant Vzlt. Ös.; Stabsadjutant m Schw.; Hauptadjutant m Schw.; Chefadjutant m Schw. (Dienstgrad) mil.
Warrant Officer Class 1 WO1 Br.; Sergeant Major SGM Am.; Sergeant Major of the Army SMA Am.; Command Sergeant Major CSM Am.; Chief Warrant Officer Can. (rank)
sich von einem an einen Ort zurückziehen v
sich aus der Politik zurückziehen
Das Heer musste sich vom Schlachtfeld zurückziehen.
Nach dem Essen zieht er sich gerne in sein Arbeitszimmer zurück.
An diesem Abend gingen alle früh ins Bett.
to retire from to a place
to retire from politics
The army was forced to retire from the battlefield.
After dinner he likes to retire to his study.
Everyone retired early that night.
Rest m
Reste pl
Sternenrest m astron.
irgendein Rest von Normalität
sich einen Rest von Integrität bewahren
aus dem, was vom Heer übrig war, eine neue Truppe bilden
Die Reste einer Mahlzeit standen auf dem Tisch.
stellar remnant
any remnant of normality
to maintain a remnant of integrity
to form a new force from the remnants of the army
The remnants of a meal stood on the table.
(einen Arbeitsvertrag) unterschreiben; anheuern naut.; sich verpflichten mil. adm. v
unterschreibend; anheuernd; sich verpflichtend
unterschrieben; angeheuert; sich verpflichtet
ein anheuernder anmusternder Seemann
sich für fünf Jahre bei der Luftwaffe verpflichten
Der Spieler unterschrieb einen Dreijahresvertrag.
Er hat sich als Zeitsoldat verpflichtet.
to sign on
signing on
signed on
a seaman who signs on a ship
to sign up for five years in the air force
The player signed on for three years.
He signed on as a regular soldier in the army.
Auftragnehmer m; Vertragsnehmer m; Vertragspartner m; freier Mitarbeiter m; beauftragtes Unternehmen n econ. jur.
Auftragnehmer pl; Vertragsnehmer pl; Vertragspartner pl; freie Mitarbeiter pl; beauftragte Unternehmen pl
Lohnunternehmen n
Hauptauftragnehmer m
Heereslieferant m
Staatslieferant m
selbständiger Unternehmer
agricultural contractor
main contractor; prime contractor; principal contractor
army contractor
government contractor; contractor to the Crown Br.
independent contractor
desertieren; die Truppe verlassen; sich von der Truppe entfernen; fahnenflüchtig werden; Fahnenflucht begehen v mil.
desertierend; die Truppe verlassend; sich von der Truppe entfernend; fahnenflüchtig werdend; Fahnenflucht begehend
desertiert; die Truppe verlassen; sich von der Truppe entfernt; fahnenflüchtig geworden; Fahnenflucht begangen
zum Feind überlaufen
to desert from the army; to desert the colours Br. colors Am.; to desert
deserting from the army; deserting the colours colors; deserting
deserted from the army; deserted the colours colors; deserted
to desert to the enemy
Nachrichtendienst m; Geheimdienst m
Zentraler Nachrichtendienst (der USA)
britischer Nachrichtendienst
Nachrichtendienst und Verfassungsschutzbehörde Großbritanniens
militärischer Nachrichtendienst; Heeresnachrichtendienst Ös. der USA
Er wurde zum Leiter des Heeresnachrichtendienstes ernannt.
intelligence service; intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency CIA
Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ
Security Service; MI-5 (Military Intelligence Section 5)
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA
He was appointed (as the) head of army intelligence.
jdn. an etw. gewöhnen v
die Tiere langsam an ihre neue Umgebung gewöhnen
Durch meine Militärzeit bin ich daran gewöhnt früh aufzustehen.
to get sb. used to sth.; to accustom sb. to sth.; to habituate (formal) sb. to sth.
getting used; accustoming; habituating
got used; accustomed; habituated
to gradually accustom the animals to their new surroundings
The time I spent in the army has accustomed me to rising early in the morning.
jdn. an etw. gewöhnen v
die Tiere langsam an ihre neue Umgebung gewöhnen
Durch meine Militärzeit bin ich daran gewöhnt, früh aufzustehen.
to get sb. used to sth.; to accustom sb. to sth.; to habituate formal sb. to sth.
getting used; accustoming; habituating
got used; accustomed; habituated
to gradually accustom the animals to their new surroundings
The time I spent in the army has accustomed me to rising early in the morning.
Stiefel m
Stiefel pl
Gummistiefel pl
Jagdstiefel pl
kniehohe Gummistiefel pl
Kampfstiefel pl; Kampfschuhe pl; Militärstiefel pl
kniehohe Kampfstiefel
geschnürte Militärstiefel; Springerstiefel pl
Schaftstiefel pl
Stulpenstiefel pl
schwere Stiefel
Westernstiefel pl
wetterfeste Stiefel; Allwetterstiefel pl
Winterstiefel pl
rubber boots
hunting boots; shooting boots
knee-length rubber boots; wellington boots Br.; wellingtons Br.; gumboots Br. dated
combat boots; military boots; army boots
jump boots
high boots
bucket top boots
boondockers Am. coll.
western boots
rain boots
winter boots
sich an jdn. etw. erinnern; an etw. zurückdenken; sich auf jdn. etw. besinnen geh. v
sich erinnernd; zurückdenkend; sich besinnend
sich erinnert; zurückgedacht; sich besonnen
Erinnerst du dich an mich? Wir haben gemeinsam gedient.
Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern wie das war.
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann bin ich zu einer Besprechung noch nie zu spät gekommen.
Ich denke mit Schrecken an die Zeit(en) zurück als ...
Meine Familie hat in Amsterdam gelebt solange ich zurückdenken kann.
Ich kann mich an ihn nicht erinnern.
to remember sb.
Do you remember me? We served in the army together.
I remember well what that felt like.
As far as I can remember I've never been late to a meeting.
I remember with horror the days when ...
My family has lived in Amsterdam for as long as I can remember.
I can't remember him.
Nachrichtendienst m; Geheimdienst m
Nachrichtendienste pl; Geheimdienste pl
Zentraler Nachrichtendienst (der USA)
britischer Nachrichtendienst
Nachrichtendienst und Verfassungsschutzbehörde Großbritanniens
militärischer Nachrichtendienst; Heeresnachrichtendienst Ös. der USA
Er wurde zum Leiter des Heeresnachrichtendienstes ernannt.
intelligence service; intelligence agency Am.; intelligence; secret service
intelligence services; intelligence agencies; secret services
Central Intelligence Agency CIA
Government Communications Headquarters GCHQ
Security Service; MI-5 (Military Intelligence, Section 5)
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA
He was appointed (as the) head of army intelligence.
sich an jdn. etw. erinnern; an etw. zurückdenken; sich auf jdn. etw. besinnen geh. v
sich erinnernd; zurückdenkend; sich besinnend
sich erinnert; zurückgedacht; sich besonnen
Ich habe noch im Hinterkopf, dass …
Erinnerst du dich an mich? Wir haben gemeinsam gedient.
Ich kann mich noch gut erinnern, wie das war.
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, bin ich zu einer Besprechung noch nie zu spät gekommen.
Ich denke mit Schrecken an die Zeit(en) zurück, als …
Meine Familie hat in Amsterdam gelebt solange ich zurückdenken kann.
Ich kann mich an ihn nicht erinnern.
to remember sb.
I can vaguely remember that …
Do you remember me? We served in the army together.
I remember well what that felt like.
As far as I can remember, I've never been late to a meeting.
I remember with horror the days when …
My family has lived in Amsterdam for as long as I can remember ever since I can remember.
I can't remember him.
jdn. anreden; ansprechen; anschreiben v (mit) soc.
anredend; ansprechend; anschreibend
angeredet; angesprochen; angeschrieben
Obwohl er ihnen seinen Vornamen nannte, redeten sie ihn weiterhin mit „Herr Doktor“ an.
In der deutschen Armee wurden vorgesetzte Offiziere früher in der dritten Person angesprochen, z. B. mit „Herr Major hat absolut recht“.
Ich stand neben ihm und er sprach mich in der dritten Person an, so als wäre ich gar nicht da.
Beim E-Mail-Marketing sollte der Empfänger als Person mit Namen angeschrieben werden.
to address sb. (as)
Although he told them his first name, they continued to address him as "Doctor".
In the German army, superior officers used to be addressed in the third person, for instance, as 'Herr Major is absolutely right.'
I was standing next to him and he addressed me in the third person as if I wasn't even there.
In e-mail marketing, the recipient should be addressed as an individual with his own name.

Deutsche Armee Synonyme

RAF  ÂRote-Armee-Fraktion  
Armee  ÂHeer  ÂMilitär  ÂStreitkräfte  ÂTruppe  
Armee  Heer  Streitkräfte  Truppe  

Englische army Synonyme

army  KP  a mass of  a world of  armed force  armed service  army group  array  battalion  battery  battle group  bevy  brigade  bunch  cadre  career soldiers  cloud  cluster  clutter  cohort  cohue  colony  column  combat command  combat team  company  corps  covey  crowd  crush  deluge  detachment  detail  division  drift  drive  drove  field army  field train  fighting machine  file  flight  flock  flocks  flood  flying column  forces  galaxy  gam  gang  garrison  ground forces  ground troops  hail  heap  herd  hive  horde  host  jam  kennel  kitchen police  large amount  legion  legions  litter  lots  maniple  many  mass  masses of  military establishment  mob  muchness  multitude  nest  numbers  occupation force  organization  outfit  pack  panoply  paratroops  phalanx  platoon  plurality  pod  posse  press  pride  quantities  quite a few  rabble  rank  rank and file  ranks  regiment  regular army  regulars  rout  ruck  school  scores  section  shoal  ski troops  skulk  sloth  soldiery  spate  squad  squadron  standing army  storm troops  swarm  tactical unit  task force  the line  the military  throng  tidy sum  train  trip  troop  troops  unit  wing  worlds of  

army Definition

(n.) A collection or body of men armed for war, esp. one organized in companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, and divisions, under proper officers.
(n.) A body of persons organized for the advancement of a cause
(n.) A great number
Army worm
() A lepidopterous insect, which in the larval state often travels in great multitudes from field to field, destroying grass, grain, and other crops. The common army worm of the northern United States is Leucania unipuncta. The name is often applied to other related species, as the cotton worm.
Army worm
() The larva of a small two-winged fly (Sciara), which marches in large companies, in regular order. See Cotton worm, under Cotton.

army Bedeutung

army ant
driver ant
legionary ant
tropical nomadic ant that preys mainly on other insects
army cutworm
Chorizagrotis auxiliaris
larvae (of a noctuid moth) that travel in large groups and destroy grains and alfalfa in the midwestern states
armyworm army worm
Pseudaletia unipuncta
noctuid moth larvae that travel in multitudes destroying especially grass and grain
army base a large base of operations for an army
Army High Performance Computing Research Center
a United States defense laboratory to conduct research in high-performance computing for defense technology applications, a partnership of government and university and industry
hut army hut
field hut
temporary military shelter
tank army tank
armored combat vehicle
armoured combat vehicle
an enclosed armored military vehicle, has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads
United States Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
US Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory
a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command, the United States Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence
network army a group of like-minded people united by the internet, a new kind of social or political of business group that may exert broad influence on a shared concern, a network army of software programmers contribute free software to those who want it
Alex Boncayao Brigade
Revolutionary Proletarian Army
an urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist Party in the Philippines, formed in the s
Armata Corsa
Corsican Army
a terrorist organization founded in to oppose the link between nationalists and the Corsican mafia, the attacks of Armata Corsa are aimed at symbolic targets of colonialism in Corsica
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
Orly Group
rd October Organization
a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in , wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia, ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in killed and wounded people
Army for the Liberation of Rwanda
Former Armed Forces
a terrorist organization that seeks to overthrow the government dominated by Tutsi and to institute Hutu control again, in ALIR guerrillas kidnapped and killed eight foreign tourists
Continuity Irish Republican Army
Continuity Army Council
a terrorist organization formed in Ireland in as a clandestine armed wing of Sinn Fein
Irish National Liberation Army
People's Liberation Army
People's Republican Army
Catholic Reaction Force
a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
Irish Republican Army
Provisional Irish Republican Army
Provisional IRA
a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland
Islamic Army of Aden
Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan
Aden-Abyan Islamic Army
Yemen-based terrorist group that supports al-Qaeda's goals, seeks to overthrow the Yemeni government and eliminate United States interests, responsible for bombings and kidnappings and killing western tourists in Yemen
Army of Muhammad
a terrorist organization founded in , a militant Islamic group active in Kashmir and closely aligned with al-Rashid Trust, seeks to secure release of imprisoned fellow militants by kidnappings
Japanese Red Army
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
a terrorist group organized into overthrow the Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world revolution, is said to have close ties with Palestinian terrorists, in the Japanese Red Army was responsible for a massacre at an airport in Israel
Army of the Pure
Army of the Righteous
a brutal terrorist group active in Kashmir, fights against India with the goal of restoring Islamic rule of India, Lashkar-e-Toiba has committed mass murders of civilian Hindus
Lord's Resistance Army a quasieligious rebel group in Uganda that terrorized and raped women and kidnapped children who were forced to serve in the army
National Liberation Army
Nestor Paz Zamora Commission
a terrorist organization in Bolivia that acts as an umbrella for numerous small indigenous subversive groups, a revival of a group with Marxist-Leninist ideologies originally established by Che Guevara in the s
National Liberation Army ELN a Marxist terrorist group formed in by Colombian intellectuals who were inspired by the Cuban Revolution, responsible for a campaign of mass kidnappings and resistance to the government's efforts to stop the drug trade, ELN kidnappers target foreign employees of large corporations
New People's Army
a terrorist organization that is the militant wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, a Maoist organization formed to overthrow the government, uses hit squads called Sparrow Units, opposes United States military presence in the Philippines
Real IRA
Real Irish Republican Army
Dissident Irish Republican Army
a radical terrorist group that broke away in when the mainstream Provisional IRA proposed a cease-fire, has continued terrorist activities in opposition to any peace agreement
Red Army Faction
a Marxist and Maoist terrorist organization in Germany, a network of underground guerillas who committed acts of violence in the service of the class struggle, a successor to the Baader-Meinhof Gang, became one of Europe's most feared terrorist groups, disbanded in
Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army
a terrorist group that is the remnants of the original Bolivian insurgents trained by Che Guevara, attacks small unprotected targets such as power pylons or oil pipelines or government buildings
Salvation Army a charitable and religious organization to evangelize and to care for the poor and homeless
army a large number of people united for some specific purpose
army unit a military unit that is part of an army
regular army
ground forces
a permanent organization of the military land forces of a nation or state
army corps
an army unit usually consisting of two or more divisions and their support
Women's Army Corps
an army corps that was organized in World War II but is no longer a separate branch of the United States Army
Special Forces
U. S. Army Special Forces
United States Army Special Forces
a division of the United States Army that is specially trained for guerilla fighting
Territorial Army British unit of nonprofessional soldiers organized for the defense of Great Britain
standing army a permanent army of paid soldiers
Union Army the northern army during the American Civil War
Confederate Army
Army of the Confederacy
the southern army during the American Civil War
Continental Army the American army during the American Revolution
United States Army
US Army
U. S. Army
Army USA
the army of the United States of America, the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare
United States Army Rangers a specially trained elite unit of the United States Army
Army Intelligence
an agency of the United States Army responsible for providing timely and relevant and accurate and synchronized intelligence to tactical and operational and strategic level commanders
Army National Guard
a civilian reserve component of the United States Army comprised of guardsmen who serve during overseas peacekeeping missions and during local emergencies
army attache a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in an army
army brat the child of a career officer of the United States Army
army engineer
military engineer
a member of the military who is trained in engineering and construction work
army officer an officer in the armed forces, he's a retired army officer
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An army ) or ground force is a fighting force that fights primarily on land. In the broadest sense, it is the land-based military branch, service branch or armed service of a nation or state. It may also include other branches of the military such as the air force via means of aviation corps. Within a national military force, the word army may also mean a field army. They differ from army reserves who are activated only during such times as war or natural disasters.