
att Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Junge m, Knabe m, Bube m
Jungen pl, Knaben pl, Buben pl
braver Junge
atta boy
Junge m Norddt. Mitteldt.; Bub m Süddt. Ös. Schw.; Knabe m geh.
Jungen pl; Buben pl; Knaben pl
Bübchen n
braver Junge
boy; boyo Ir.
boys; boyos
little boy
atta boy
Gut gemacht!; Weiter so! interj
Attaboy!; Attagirl! Am. coll.
beifügen, anheften
Anschlussgerät n
Anschlussgeräte pl
attach device
attach devices
Bedeutung beimessen, Bedeutung beilegen, Wert legen v (auf)
Bedeutung beimessend
Bedeutung beigemessen
to attach importance, to attach value (to)
attaching importance, attaching value
attached importance, attached value
Gewicht n, Bedeutung f, Wichtigkeit f
großes Gewicht auf etw. legen
ins Gewicht fallen
nicht ins Gewicht fallen
Gewicht haben, Einfluss haben
to attach great importance to sth.
to carry weight
to carry no weight, to be of no consequence
to carry weight
auf etw. Wert legen
Darauf lege ich keinen großen Wert.
to emphasize sth., to emphasise sth. Br., to attach importance to sth., to set great store by sth.
I don't attach great importance to it.
anfügen, anbringen, festmachen, befestigen v
anfügend, anbringend, festmachend, befestigend
angefügt, angebracht, festgemacht, befestigt
to attach
anheften v
heftet an
heftete an
to attach
aufstecken v
to attach (by plugging on)
befestigen v (an)
to attach (to)
beifügen, zufügen
beifügend, zufügend
beigefügt, zugefügt
to attach
sich festsaugen (an)
to attach itself (to)
an Bedingungen knüpfen
to attach conditions to
anfuegen, anbringen, festmachen, befestigen
attach device
Bedeutung beilegen
attach importance
Bedeutung beimessen
attach value to
to attach
befestigen (an)
to attach (to)
Bedeutung beilegen
to attach importance
Bedeutung beimessen
to attach importance
Bedeutung beimessen
to attach value to
Bedeutung beimessen; Bedeutung beilegen; Wert legen v (auf)
Bedeutung beimessend
Bedeutung beigemessen
(einen) besonderen Wert auf etw. legen
to attach importance; to attach value (to)
attaching importance; attaching value
attached importance; attached value
to attach great importance to sth.
Gewicht n; Bedeutung f; Wichtigkeit f
großes Gewicht auf etw. legen
ins Gewicht fallen
nicht ins Gewicht fallen
Gewicht haben; Einfluss haben
to attach great importance to sth.
to carry weight
to carry no weight; to be of no consequence
to carry weight
auf etw. Wert legen
Darauf lege ich keinen großen Wert.
to emphasize sth. eAm.; to emphasise sth. Br.; to attach importance to sth.; to set great store by sth.
I don't attach great importance to it.
etw. einer Sache angliedern; (bei etw.) ansiedeln; einer Sache zuordnen; unterstellen v adm.
angliedernd; ansiedelnd; zuordnend; unterstellend
angegliedert; angesiedelt; zugeordnet; unterstellt
Der Wetterdienst ist beim Umweltministerium angesiedelt.
to attach sth. (to sth.)
The meteorological service is attached to the Ministry of the Environment.
jdm. einer Sache anhaften; mit jdm. etw. verbunden verknüpft sein v
die Gefühle die mit einer bestimmten Situation verbunden sind
Es ist damit keine Bedingung verknüpft.
Ihn trifft keine Schuld an dem Vorfall.
to attach to sb. sth.; to be attached to sb. sth.
the emotions that are attached to a certain situation
No condition attaches (to it).
No blame for the incident attaches to him.; No blame can be attached to him for the incident.
etw. befestigen; festmachen; anbringen; anheften; anbinden; ankleben v (an etw.)
befestigend; festmachend; anbringend; anheftend; anbindend; anklebend
befestigt; festgemacht; angebracht; angeheftet; angebunden; angeklebt
befestigt; macht fest; bringt an; heftet an; bindet an; klebt an
befestigte; machte fest; brachte an; heftete an; band an; klebte an
die Kennzeichentafeln die am Fahrzeug angebracht sind
to attach sth.; to affix sth. (to sth.)
attaching; affixing
attached; affixed
attaches; affixes
attached; affixed
the registration plates attached affixed to the vehicle
etw. einer Sache beifügen; beilegen zufügen v
beifügend; beilegend; zufügend
beigefügt; beigelegt; zugefügt
eine Datei einer E-Mail anhängen
In der Anlage übersenden wir Ihnen ...
to attach sth. to sth.
to attach a file to an e-mail
Attached please find ...
(als Rechtsfolge) eintreten; einsetzen v jur.
eintretend; einsetzend
eingetreten; eingesetzt
Das Risiko beginnt. (Versicherung)
to attach
The risk attaches. (insurance)
an Bedingungen knüpfen an
sich an Bedingungen knüpfen
to attach conditions to; to add a condition to
to be attached to
etw. (an etw.) montieren; anbringen; anbauen v techn.
montierend; anbringend; anbauend
montiert; angebracht; angebaut
to mount sth. (on sth.); to fit sth. (to sth.); to attach sth. (to sth.)
mounting; fitting; attaching to
mounted; fitted; attached to
eine Forderung beim Drittschuldner pfänden lassen v jur.
to garnish a debt; to institute garnishee proceedings Br. garnishment proceedings Am.; to attach a debt by garnishee proceedings Br. garnishment proceedings Am.
Gewicht n; Bedeutung f; Wichtigkeit f
großes Gewicht auf etw. legen
ins Gewicht fallen
nicht ins Gewicht fallen
Gewicht haben; Einfluss haben
Ein einzelner Einwand wiegt genauso viel wie Einwände von vielen Leuten.
to attach great importance to sth.
to carry weight
to carry no weight; to be of no consequence
to carry weight
One objection carries the same weight as objections from a large number of people.
auf etw. Wert legen v
sehr auf Ordnung halten
Darauf lege ich keinen großen Wert.
Wir haben stets Wert auf vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit unseren Kunden gelegt.
to emphasize sth. eAm.; to emphasise sth. Br.; to attach importance to sth.; to set great store by sth.
to set great store by tidiness
I don't attach great importance to it.
We have always set great store in trusting partnerships with our customers.
jdm. einer Sache anhaften v; mit jdm. etw. verbunden verknüpft sein v
die Gefühle, die mit einer bestimmten Situation verbunden sind
Es ist damit keine Bedingung verknüpft.
Ihn trifft keine Schuld an dem Vorfall.
to attach to sb. sth.; to be attached to sb. sth.
the emotions that are attached to a certain situation
No condition attaches (to it).
No blame for the incident attaches to him.; No blame can be attached to him for the incident.
etw. befestigen; festmachen; anbringen; anheften; anbinden; ankleben v (an etw.)
befestigend; festmachend; anbringend; anheftend; anbindend; anklebend
befestigt; festgemacht; angebracht; angeheftet; angebunden; angeklebt
befestigt; macht fest; bringt an; heftet an; bindet an; klebt an
befestigte; machte fest; brachte an; heftete an; band an; klebte an
die Kennzeichentafeln, die am Fahrzeug angebracht sind
to attach sth.; to affix sth. (to sth.)
attaching; affixing
attached; affixed
attaches; affixes
attached; affixed
the registration plates attached affixed to the vehicle
etw. einer Sache beifügen; beilegen, zufügen v
beifügend; beilegend; zufügend
beigefügt; beigelegt; zugefügt
eine Datei einer E-Mail anhängen
In der Anlage übersenden wir Ihnen …
to attach sth. to sth.
to attach a file to an e-mail
Attached please find …
dementsprechend (auch); demgemäß (auch) adv
Der Staat vergibt Konzessionen an Banken und hat demgemäß (auch) das Recht, an diese Konzessionen Bedingungen zu knüpfen.
Es wurde nicht gegen die Vorschriften verstoßen, demgemäß gibt es auch kein Disziplinarverfahren.
The state licences banks and accordingly has the right to attach terms and conditions to those licences.
There was no breach of the rules; accordingly, there will be no disciplinary action.
sich festsaugen v (an)
to attach itself (to)
etw. gelenkig anbringen; etw. anlenken v (an etw.) techn.
allseits gelenkig gelagerte Platte
to articulate sth.; to attach sth. with a hinge pin pivot; to hinge sth.; to pivot sth. (to sth.)
plate hinged on all sides
eine Bedingung an etw. knüpfen v
aber es sind Bedingungen daran geknüpft
to add a condition to sth.; to attach a condition to sth.
but there are conditions attached strings attached
etw. mit etw. mitschicken; mitsenden geh. v
mitschickend; mitsendend
mitgeschickt; mitgesendet
to send along () sth. with sth.; to enclose sth. with sth. (mail piece); to attach sth. to sth. (electronic message)
sending along; enclosing; attaching
sent along; enclosed; attached
Attaché m; Attache m pol.
Attachés pl; Attaches pl
attaché; attache
attachés; attaches
Handelsattaché m pol. econ.
Handelsattachés pl
commercial attaché; trade commissioner
commercial attachés; trade commissioners
Militärattaché m; Militärattache m pol.
Militärattachés pl; Militärattaches pl
military attaché; military attache
military attachés; military attaches
Wirtschaftsattaché m pol.
Wirtschaftsattachés pl
economic attaché
economic attachés
Pfändbarkeit f
anfügbar, verknüpfbar adj
pfändbare Bezüge
attachable earnings
Anbauregale pl mach. techn.
attachable shelves
anfuegbar, verknuepfbar
Anbauregal n
Anbauregale pl
attachable shelf
attachable shelves
anfügbar; verknüpfbar adj
Dunkelfeld-Ansteckleuchte f
attachable dark field illuminator
commercial attache
Aktentasche f, Aktenkoffer m
Aktentaschen pl, Aktenkoffer pl
attache case
attache cases
Attaché m, Attache m
attaché, attache
Militärattaché m, Militärattache m
military attaché, military attache
Aktentasche f; Aktenkoffer m
Aktentaschen pl; Aktenkoffer pl
attache case
attache cases

Deutsche Junge {m} Knabe {m} Bube {m} / Jungen {pl} Knaben {pl} Buben {pl} / braver Junge Synonyme

Bengel  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂBub  ÂBube  ÂJüngling  ÂJunge  ÂKnabe  ÂKnirps  ÂLausbub  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂLausbube  ÂLauser  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂWicht  
Bube  ÂJunge  ÂUnter  (Kartenspiel)  ÂWünscher  
Junge  bekommen  Âwerfen  
junge  Katze  ÂKatzenbaby  ÂKatzenkind  ÂKätzchen  ÂKätzlein  
Gesetzesbrecher  ÂKrimineller  Âschwerer  Junge  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂStraftäter  ÂTäter  ÂVerbrecher  
Dirne  ÂGirl  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjunge  Frau  ÂMaid  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMädchen  ÂMädel  (umgangssprachlich)  
(sich)  fortpflanzen  Â(sich)  vermehren  ÂJunge  haben  Âvermehren  
Bube  Junge  Unter (Kartenspiel)  Wünscher  
Junge bekommen  werfen  
junge Katze  Katzenbaby  Katzenkind  Kätzchen  Kätzlein  

Englische boy Synonyme

attach  add  adhere  adjoin  affiliate  affix  agglutinate  anchor  annex  append  apply  appropriate  ascribe  assign  associate  attract  attribute  belay  bend  bind  bond  braze  burden  cement  cinch  clamp  cleave  clinch  collectivize  commandeer  communalize  communize  complicate  confiscate  conjoin  connect  cramp  decorate  distrain  encumber  endear  engraft  enlist  expropriate  fasten  fix  garnish  give  glue  glue on  graft  grapple  hitch on  impound  impress  impute  infix  join  join with  knit  lay hold of  levy  make fast  moor  nationalize  ornament  paste on  pin  place  plus  postfix  prefix  press  put  put to  put with  refer  replevin  replevy  rivet  saddle with  screw up  second  secure  seize  sequester  sequestrate  set  set to  slap on  socialize  solder  stick  subjoin  suffix  superadd  superpose  tack on  tag  tag on  tie  tighten  trice up  trim  unite  unite with  weld  
attache  Admirable Crichton  adept  ambassador  ambassadress  apostolic delegate  artisan  artist  authority  career diplomat  chancellor  charge  commercial attache  connaisseur  connoisseur  consul  consul general  consular agent  consultant  cordon bleu  crack shot  craftsman  dead shot  diplomat  diplomatic  diplomatic agent  diplomatist  elder statesman  emissary  envoy  envoy extraordinary  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  foreign service officer  graduate  handy man  internuncio  journeyman  legate  marksman  military attache  minister  minister plenipotentiary  minister resident  no slouch  nuncio  plenipotentiary  politician  pro  professional  professor  proficient  resident  savant  secretary of legation  shark  sharp  statesman  technical adviser  technician  vice-consul  vice-legate  
attached to  crazy about  devoted to  enamored of  far gone on  fond of  gone on  hipped on  in love with  mad about  nuts about  partial to  smitten with  struck with  stuck on  sweet on  taken with  wedded to  wild about  wrapped up in  
attachment  Amor  Christian love  Eros  Platonic love  accession  accessory  accompaniment  accounting for  addenda  addendum  additament  addition  additive  additory  additum  adherence  adhesion  adhesive  adjunct  adjunction  adjuvant  admiration  adoration  affection  affinity  affixation  affixing  agape  agglutination  allegiance  angary  annex  annexation  annexure  answerability  appanage  appendage  appendant  appliance  application  appurtenance  appurtenant  ardency  ardor  arrogation  ascription  assignation  assignment  attaching  attribution  augment  augmentation  binding  blame  bodily love  bona fides  bond  bonne foi  brotherly love  caritas  charge  charity  clasping  coda  collectivization  commandeering  communalization  communization  complement  concomitant  confiscation  conjugal love  connection  connection with  constancy  continuation  corollary  credit  decoration  derivation from  desire  device  devotedness  devotion  distraint  distress  eminent domain  etiology  execution  expropriation  extension  extra  extrapolation  faith  faithful love  faithfulness  fancy  fastener  fastening  fealty  fervor  fidelity  firmness  fixing  fixture  flame  fondness  free love  free-lovism  friendliness  friendship  gadget  garnishment  girding  good faith  heart  hero worship  homage  honor  hooking  idolatry  idolism  idolization  impoundment  impressment  imputation  increase  increment  joining  junction  juxtaposition  knot  lasciviousness  lashing  levy  libido  ligation  like  liking  link  linking  love  lovemaking  loyalty  married love  nationalization  offshoot  ornament  palaetiology  part  partiality  passion  pendant  physical love  piety  placement  popular regard  popularity  prefixation  reference to  regard  reinforcement  responsibility  right of angary  saddling  sentiment  sequestration  sex  sexual love  shine  side effect  side issue  socialization  spiritual love  splice  staunchness  steadfastness  sticking  suffixation  sup  
attack  Jacksonian epilepsy  MO  Rolandic epilepsy  abdominal epilepsy  abuse  accept  access  acquired epilepsy  action  activated epilepsy  activation  affect  affect epilepsy  affection  aggression  aggressiveness  ailment  akinetic epilepsy  algorithm  all-out war  ambush  amok  apoplexy  appeal to arms  approach  armed combat  armed conflict  arrangement  arrest  articulation  assail  assailing  assailment  assault  assume  attack  attempt  autonomic epilepsy  barbarize  batter  battering  battle  begin  beleaguer  bellicosity  belligerence  belligerency  berate  berating  beset  besiege  bitter words  blackening  blister  blitz  blockade  blockage  bloodshed  blueprint  blueprinting  bout  brutalize  buckle down  buckle to  burn  bushwhack  butcher  butchery  calculation  cardiac epilepsy  carry on  castigate  censure  challenge  charge  charting  chauvinism  citation  clonic spasm  clonus  combat  combativeness  come at  come down on  complaint  conception  condemn  contrivance  contumely  convulsion  corrode  corrosion  cortical epilepsy  course  crack down on  cramp  criminate  criticism  criticize  cry out against  cry out on  cry shame upon  cursive epilepsy  declare war  decompose  decrial  decry  defy  delivery  denigrate  denigration  denounce  denunciation  deprecate  deprecation  descend on  descend upon  descent  design  destroy  destruction  device  devour  diatribe  disease  disorder  disorderliness  disparage  disparagement  disposition  dissolve  diurnal epilepsy  dive into  draw first blood  drive  eat  eclampsia  embark in  embark upon  encompass  endeavor  engage in  engage in battle  enter on  enter upon  enterprise  enunciation  envisagement  epilepsia  epilepsia gravior  epilepsia major  epilepsia minor  epilepsia mitior  epilepsia nutans  epilepsia tarda  epilepsy  epitasis  erode  erosion  excoriate  execration  fall  fall into  fall on  fall to  fall upon  falling sickness  fashion  fay  fever  fight  fighting  figuring  fit  focal epil  
attain  accede  accomplish  achieve  approach  arrive  arrive at  arrive in  attain to  be instated  be received  blow in  bob up  check in  clock in  come  come in  come to  come to hand  compass  consummate  deal with  discharge  dispatch  dispose of  do  do the job  do the trick  effect  effectuate  enact  execute  fetch  fetch up at  find  fulfill  gain  get in  get there  get to  hit  hit town  knock off  make  make good  make it  manage  mount the throne  perform  polish off  pop up  produce  pull in  punch in  put away  reach  realize  ring in  roll in  score  show up  sign in  succeed  take care of  take office  time in  turn the trick  turn up  win  work  work out  
attainable  accessible  achievable  actable  approachable  available  come-at-able  compassable  doable  feasible  findable  getatable  gettable  negotiable  obtainable  open  open to  operable  overcomable  penetrable  performable  pervious  practicable  practical  procurable  reachable  realizable  securable  superable  surmountable  to be had  viable  within reach  workable  
attainment  accession  accomplished fact  accomplishment  accomplishments  achievement  acquirement  acquisition  acquisition of knowledge  acquisitions  addition  advent  appearance  approach  arrival  attainments  carrying out  coming  coming by  consummation  discharge  dispatch  dragging down  earnings  edification  education  effectuation  enlightenment  execution  fait accompli  finish  fruition  fulfillment  gaining  getting  getting hold of  illumination  implementation  instruction  learning  liberal education  making  mission accomplished  moneygetting  moneygrubbing  moneymaking  obtainment  obtention  performance  procural  procurance  procuration  procurement  production  reaching  realization  securement  sophistication  store of knowledge  success  trover  winning  
attar  ambergris  ambrosia  aromatic  aromatic gum  aromatic water  attar of roses  balm  balm of Gilead  balsam  bay oil  bergamot oil  champaca oil  civet  essence  essential oil  extract  fixative  heliotrope  jasmine oil  lavender oil  musk  myrcia oil  myrrh  parfum  perfume  perfumery  rose oil  scent  volatile oil  
attempt  accept  affair  aim to  approach  assault  assay  assume  attack  attempt to  begin  beginning  bid  buckle to  business  care  chance  commence  commencement  commitment  contract  crack  dare  dare to  deal  effort  embark in  embark upon  endeavor  engage  engage in  engagement  enter on  enter upon  enterprise  essay  experiment  fall into  fall to  fling  gambit  get under way  go  go about  go at  go in for  go into  go upon  hassle  have at  hazard  inaugurate  initiate  initiation  launch forth  launch into  lay about  lick  lift a finger  make an attempt  make an effort  make bold  make free  move  move into  obligation  offer  operation  pains  pitch into  plan  plunge into  presume  pretend  pretend to  proceed to  program  project  proposition  seek  seek to  set about  set at  set forward  set going  set to  shot  shy  stab  start  step  strive  strive to  striving  stroke  strong bid  struggle  study to  tackle  take on  take the liberty  take up  task  tentative  trial  trial and error  trouble  try  try and  try to  turn to  undertake  undertaking  venture  venture on  venture to  venture upon  whack  work  
attend  accompany  administer to  aid  animadvert  appear  assist  assister  associate  associate with  assort with  attend on  attend to  audit  auscultate  band together  be all ears  be at  be present at  bear  become of  bend an ear  bug  care for  carry  catch  cater to  chaperon  chaperone  chore  cock the ears  combine  come about  come after  come of  come out  come to  companion  company  conduct  confederate  consociate  consort with  convoy  couple with  dance attendance upon  deal with  develop  direct  displace  do  do for  do service to  drudge  eavesdrop  emanate  end  ensue  escort  esquire  eventuate  examine by ear  eye  fall out  fare  flock together  follow  follow after  follow up  fraternize  frequent  gape  give attention  give audience to  give ear  give heed to  give rise to  go after  go along with  go to  go with  govern  guard  guide  handle  hang around with  hark  haunt  hear  hear out  hearken  heed  help  herd together  intercept  issue  join  keep company with  lackey  lead  lend an ear  listen  listen at  listen in  listen to  look  look after  look at  look on  look out for  maid  manage  mark  marshal  mind  mingle  minister to  mix  note  notice  observe  ogle  oversee  overtake  pan out  pander to  pay attention to  prove  prove to be  regard  regulate  remark  replace  result  run  run with  see  serve  shepherd  show up  sit in  sit in on  squire  succeed  supervene  supervise  take care of  take in  take note  take notice  take out  tap  tend  tend to  terminate  track  trail  turn out  turn to  turn up  unfold  upon  usher  valet  view  visit  wait  wait on  watch  watch over  wiretap  witness  work for  work out  
attend to  abide by  act up to  adhere to  advert to  attend  auscultate  baby-sit  be all ears  be aware of  be engrossed in  be faithful to  bend an ear  bug  care for  chaperon  cherish  cock the ears  come down on  comply with  conform to  conserve  do for  do justice to  drink in  eavesdrop  examine by ear  fill  fix  follow  foster  fulfill  give attention  give audience to  give ear  give heed to  give it to  give mind to  give thought to  hark  hear  hear out  hearken  heed  hold by  intercept  keep  keep faith with  keep watch over  lend an ear  listen  listen at  listen in  listen to  live up to  look after  look out for  look to  make good  matronize  meet  mind  minister to  mother  not forget  nurse  nurture  observe  pay  pay attention to  pay out  pay regard to  preserve  protege  provide for  regard  respect  ride herd on  satisfy  see after  see to  serve one out  settle  settle the score  shepherd  sit in on  support  take care of  take charge of  tap  tend  turn to  watch  watch out for  watch over  wiretap  
attendance  appearance  assemblage  assembly  attendant  attending  audience  being  body of retainers  box office  cohort  cortege  court  crowd  draw  employ  employment  entourage  follower  following  frequence  frequenting  gate  gathering  house  ministration  ministry  number present  parasite  peonage  presence  retinue  rout  satellite  serfdom  serving  servitium  servitorship  servitude  slavery  suite  tendance  train  turnout  
attendant  Ganymede  Hebe  X-ray technician  accessible  accessory  accompanier  accompanist  accompanying  accompanyist  acolyte  adherent  adjunct  adjutant  after  agent  aid  aide  aide-de-camp  aider  air warden  airline hostess  airline stewardess  ancilla  ancillary  anesthetist  appendage  assistant  associated  at hand  attendance  attending  auxiliary  available  batman  bellboy  bellhop  bellman  best man  body of retainers  bootblack  boots  buff  cabin boy  caddie  cadet  caretaker  castellan  cavaliere servente  chaperon  chaperone  chore boy  coadjutant  coadjutor  coadjutress  coadjutrix  cohort  coincident  collateral  comate  combined  companion  companion piece  concomitant  concurrent  conjoint  consecutive  consequent  conservator  consort  copyboy  corollary  correlative  cortege  coupled  court  courtier  cupbearer  curator  custodian  dangler  dependent  depending  deputy  dietitian  disciple  dresser  ensuing  entourage  errand boy  errand girl  escort  executive officer  fan  fellow  flunky  follower  following  footboy  forest ranger  game warden  gamekeeper  gofer  governor  guardian  guardian angel  hanger-on  help  helper  helping  helpmate  helpmeet  henchman  homme de cour  hospital administrator  hostess  immanent  immediate  in view  incident  indwelling  inherent  janitor  joined  joint  junior  keeper  laboratory technician  lackey  later  lieutenant  lifeguard  lifesaver  lineal  mate  menial  ministering  mutual  next friend  office boy  office girl  on board  on deck  on hand  orderly  page  paired  parallel  paranymph  paraprofessional  parasite  partisan  partner  physical therapist  physiotherapist  posterior  present  prochein ami  public  puisne  pursuer  pursuivant  radiographer  radiotherapist  ranger  related  resultant  resulting  retinue  rout  satellite  second  sectary  sequent  servant  servile  serving  servitorial  shadow  shepherd  sideman  simultaneous  slave  squire  steward  stewardess  stooge  striker  subor  
attending  accessory  accompanying  ancillary  associated  attendant  coincident  collateral  combined  concomitant  concurrent  conjoint  correlative  coupled  fellow  helping  incident  joined  joint  menial  ministering  mutual  paired  parallel  satellite  servile  serving  servitorial  simultaneous  twin  waiting  
attention  NB  TLC  absorption  acclaim  act of courtesy  acuity  acuteness  agility  alertness  amenity  anticipation  application  assiduity  attentions  attentiveness  audibility  audience  audition  aural examination  aural sense  auscultation  awareness  benignity  brightness  bugging  care  carefulness  caution  circumspection  circumspectness  civility  cognizance  concentration  concern  conference  consciousness  considerateness  consideration  courtesy  debate  deference  deliberation  devoirs  diligence  distinction  duties  eager attention  ear  eavesdropping  egards  electronic surveillance  engrossment  examination by ear  favor  favorable attention  forethought  gallantry  graceful gesture  hearing  heed  heedfulness  heeding  homage  honor  hushed attention  immersion  industry  intentness  interview  keenness  kindliness  limelight  listening  listening in  loving care  mark  mind  mindfulness  nimbleness  note  notice  notoriety  observance  observation  polite act  preparedness  prominence  promptitude  promptness  publicity  punctuality  quickness  rapt attention  readiness  regard  regardfulness  regards  remark  respects  reverence  sedulity  sedulousness  sense of hearing  sensibility  sharpness  sleeplessness  smartness  solicitude  study  tender loving care  thoughtfulness  tryout  urbanity  wakefulness  wiretapping  
attentive  accommodating  accommodative  accurate  advertent  affable  agile  agog  agreeable  alert  alive  all ears  all eyes  assiduous  attenuate  awake  aware  bright  cap in hand  careful  cautious  ceremonious  circumspect  civil  close  complaisant  concentrated  concentrating  conscientious  conscious  considerate  correct  courteous  courtly  critical  curious  deferential  delicate  demanding  detailed  diligent  dutiful  eager  earnest  exact  exacting  exigent  exquisite  fair  fine  finical  finicking  finicky  fussy  gallant  graceful  gracious  heedful  helpful  honorific  indulgent  intense  intent  intentive  interested  keen  lenient  listening  loving  meticulous  mindful  mindful of others  minute  narrow  nice  niggling  nimble  obliging  observant  observing  on the  on the alert  on the ball  on the job  open-eared  open-eyed  openmouthed  particular  polite  precise  precisianistic  precisionistic  prompt  punctilious  punctual  qui vive  quick  ready  reedy  refined  regardful  religious  respectful  rigid  rigorous  scrupulous  scrutinizing  sharp  sleepless  slender  slight  slim  smart  solicitous  strict  subtle  tactful  tender  tenuous  thoughtful  tolerant  twiggy  unblinking  unnodding  unsleeping  unwinking  urbane  wakeful  watchful  wide-awake  
attenuate  Sanforize  abate  adulterate  alleviate  attenuated  baptize  bate  blow off  blunt  cast forth  clear away  constrict  consume  contract  cramp  cripple  cut  damp  dampen  deaden  debilitate  deflate  dematerialize  devitalize  dilute  disable  disembody  dispel  dissipate  dissolve  drive away  dry up  dull  ease  emacerate  emaciate  enervate  enfeeble  etherealize  evaporate  eviscerate  exhaust  expand  extenuate  gruel  irrigate  lay low  lessen  macerate  mitigate  parch  preshrink  rare  rarefied  rarefy  rattle  reduce  reedy  remit  sap  sear  shake  shake up  shrink  shrivel  slacken  slender  slight  slim  soften up  spiritualize  subtile  subtilize  subtle  tenuous  thin  thin away  thin down  thin out  twiggy  unbrace  undermine  unman  unnerve  unstrengthen  unstring  volatilize  waste  waste away  water  water down  weaken  weazen  wither  wizen  
attenuated  Sanforized  abated  ablated  adulterated  airy  attenuate  bated  belittled  boyish  cadaverous  consumed  contracted  corky  corpselike  curtailed  cut  dainty  decreased  deflated  delicate  diaphanous  dilute  diluted  diminished  dissipated  downy  dried-up  dropped  emacerated  emaciate  emaciated  eroded  ethereal  fallen  filmy  fine  fine-drawn  fine-grained  finespun  flimsy  fluffy  frail  fuzzy  gaseous  gauzy  girlish  gossamer  gossamery  gracile  haggard  hollow-eyed  insubstantial  jejune  lacy  less  lesser  light  lower  lowered  marantic  marasmic  miniaturized  misty  papery  parched  peaked  peaky  pinched  poor  preshrunk  pubescent  puny  rare  rarefied  reduced  refined  retrenched  satin  satiny  scaled-down  sear  shorn  shorter  shriveled  shriveled up  shrunk  shrunken  silky  skeletal  slender  slenderish  slight  slight-made  slim  slimmish  slinky  small  smaller  smooth  starved  starveling  subtile  subtle  svelte  sylphlike  tabetic  tabid  tenuous  thin  thin-bodied  thin-set  thin-spun  thinned  thinned-out  thinnish  threadlike  uncompact  uncompressed  underfed  undernourished  unsubstantial  vague  vaporous  velutinous  velvety  wasp-waisted  wasted  wasted away  watered  watered-down  watery  weak  weakened  weazened  weazeny  willowy  windy  wiredrawn  wispy  withered  wizen  wizen-faced  wizened  worn  wraithlike  
attest  acknowledge  affirm  allege  and candle  announce  approve  argue  assert  assert under oath  asseverate  assure  authenticate  aver  avouch  avow  back  back up  be sponsor for  bear out  bear witness  bespeak  betoken  bolster  bond  book  breathe  buttress  certify  circumstantiate  confirm  connote  corroborate  countersecure  declare  demonstrate  denote  depone  depose  disclose  display  document  endorse  ensure  evidence  evince  exhibit  express  fortify  furnish evidence  give evidence  give indication of  go to show  guarantee  guaranty  illustrate  imply  indicate  insure  involve  kiss the book  manifest  mark  point to  probate  prove  ratify  reinforce  secure  set forth  show  show signs of  sign  sign for  signalize  signify  speak for itself  speak volumes  sponsor  stand behind  stand up for  strengthen  subscribe to  substantiate  suggest  support  sustain  swear  swear by bell  swear the truth  swear to  swear to God  swear to goodness  symptomatize  tell  tend to show  testify  undergird  undersign  underwrite  uphold  validate  verify  vouch  vouch for  vouchsafe  vow  warrant  witness  

att Definition

att Bedeutung

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