
auto Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Auto n
Autostart m
auto boot
auto boot
automatische Zufuhr
auto feed
automatische Zwischenspeicherung f
auto store
auto ferry
auto maker
automatisches Drucken
auto print
automatische Zwischenspeicherung
auto store
auto theft
automatische Beantwortung f
automatisches Erstellen
auto create
automatische Wahl f
auto select
Autosprays pl
automatische Beantwortung
automatische Anrufbeantwortung
auto answer
auto dealer
automatische Schirmbildverschiebung
auto offset
automatische Wahl
auto select
autoerotisch adj psych.
Selbstanlauf m
auto restart
automatischer Sendeabruf
auto polling
Autostativen pl techn.
auto tripods
automatischer Verbindungsaufbau
auto calling
automatische Waehlvorrichtung
auto dialler
auto restart
Autoindustrie, Automobilindustrie
auto industry
Selbstumschaltung f
auto switching
Autoscheinwerfer m auto.
auto headlight
automatische Anrufbeantwortung
auto answering
auto phreading
auto switching
automatische Tastendruckwiederholung f
auto key repeat
Autoveredelung f techn.
auto refinement
automatische Tastendruckwiederholung
auto key repeat
Anrufbeantwortungsmodus m
auto-answer mode
automatischer Antwortbetrieb
auto answer mode
Zuführung f, Transport m, Vorschub m
automatische Zufuhr
auto feed
Autoelektronik f electr.
auto electronics
automatische Bildschirmabschaltung f comp.
auto screen blank
auto repair trade
automatische Bildschirmabschaltung
auto screen blank
Autodrehleiter f electr. techn.
auto aerial ladder
Autopolymerisate pl chem. techn.
Autorefraktometer n auto. techn.
auto refractometer
automatischer Kennungsgeber
auto answerback unit
automatische Quellprogrammgenerierung f
auto report facility
automatische Stationskennung
auto answerback code
automatische Quellprogrammgenerierung
auto report facility
Autodiebstahl m
car theft, auto theft
Rücksitzlehne f
auto rear seat back
Autodafé n; Ketzerverbrennung f hist.
auto-da-fé; auto-da-fe
Kfz-Zulieferindustrie f
auto industry suppliers
Autodafé n; Ketzerverbrennung f hist.
auto-da-fé; auto-da-fe
Autoindustrie f, Automobilindustrie f
car industry, auto industry
Nivellier n (Messgerät zum Bestimmen der Höhenunterschiede) (Geodäsie)
automatic level, auto level
Drucken n
automatisches Drucken
print, printing
auto print
Drucken n
automatisches Drucken
print; printing
auto print
Selbstoxidation f; Autooxidation f; Autoxidation f; Autoxydation f alt chem.
auto-oxidation; autoxidation
Wählvorrichtung f
automatische Wählvorrichtung f
dialler, dialer
auto dialler
Verbindungsaufbau m
automatischer Verbindungsaufbau
dial-up, calling
auto calling
mit automatischer Bereichswahl (Messgerät) techn.
auto-ranging (measuring device)
Personenkraftwagen m (PKW), Personenwagen m
motor car, auto, automobile Am.
Autofähre f
Autofähren pl
car ferry, auto ferry
car ferries
Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe n
car repair trade, auto repair trade
Autofähre f
Autofähren pl
car ferry; auto ferry
car ferries
Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe n
car repair trade; auto repair trade
Stationskennung f
automatische Stationskennung f
answerback code
auto answerback code
automatischer maschineller Textauszug m comp.
automatisch maschinell einen Textauszug erstellen
to create an auto-abstract
der Autorennsport m; der Automobilsport m sport
automobile racing; auto racing; car racing
Da muss auch noch das Auto kaputt gehen.
Then also the auto had to go and break down.
Autohersteller m
Autohersteller pl
car maker, auto maker
car makers, auto makers
Autohersteller m
Autohersteller pl
car maker; auto maker
car makers; auto makers
automatische Anrufbeantwortung f
automatic answering, auto answer, auto answering
automatische Anrufbeantwortung f telco.
automatic answering; auto answer; auto answering
Autoindustrie f; Automobilindustrie f
car industry; auto industry; automobile industry
Wählvorrichtung f telco.
Wählvorrichtungen pl
automatische Wählvorrichtung f
dialler; dialer
diallers; dialers
auto dialler
Autohändler m
Autohändler pl
car dealer, auto dealer
car dealers, auto dealers
Selbstentzündung f
spontaneous ignition, auto-ignition, spontaneous combustion
Autoinjektor m med. techn.
Autoinjektoren pl
auto-injector; autoinjector
auto-injectors; autoinjectors
Selbstentzündung f
spontaneous ignition; auto-ignition; spontaneous combustion
Antwortbetrieb m (eines Fernmeldegeräts) telco.
auto-answer mode; auto answer; answer mode (of telecomms equipment)
Verbindungsaufbau m telco.
automatischer Verbindungsaufbau
dial-up; calling; connection establishment; call setup
auto calling
Weitergabe f; Weiterleitung f; Weiterschaltung f
Weitergabe von Technologie
automatische Weiterschaltung von Anrufen auf die Mailbox
transfer of technology
auto transfer of calls to voicemail
Telefonansage f telco.
auto attendant recording; auto attendant message; pre-recorded telephone message
Autohersteller m; Automobilhersteller m; Autoerzeuger m; Autobauer m ugs.
Autohersteller pl; Automobilhersteller pl; Autoerzeuger pl; Autobauer pl
car manufacturer; car maker; auto maker
car manufacturers; car makers; auto makers
kaputt gehen; kaputtgehen alt v
kaputt gehend; kaputtgehend
kaputt gegangen; kaputtgegangen
Da muss auch noch das Auto kaputt gehen.
to get broken
getting broken
got broken
Then also the auto had to go and break down.
Autotransportwagen m auto
Autotransportwagen pl
autorack; auto carrier; stand-in deck coach carrier
autoracks; auto carriers; stand-in deck coach carriers
Autohändler m; Autohaus n econ.
Autohändler pl; Autohäuser pl
car dealer; car dealership; auto dealer; auto dealership
car dealers; car dealerships; auto dealers; auto dealerships
Autohändler m; Autohaus n; Kfz-Händler m econ.
Autohändler pl; Autohäuser pl; Kfz-Händler pl
car dealership; car dealer; auto dealership Am.; auto dealer Am.
car dealerships; car dealers; auto dealerships; auto dealers
Kennungsgeber m telco.
Kennungsgeber pl
automatischer Kennungsgeber
answer identifier generator; answer-back device unit
answer identifier generators; answer-back device units
auto answerback unit
Nivelliergerät n; Nivellierinstrument n; Nivellier n (Messgerät zur Bestimmung von Höhenunterschieden) (Vermessung)
Nivelliergeräte pl; Nivellierinstrumente pl; Nivellier pl
leveling instrument; automatic level; auto level; dumpy level (surveying)
leveling instruments; automatic levels; levels; dumpy levels
Schutzschalter m; Sicherheitsschalter m
Schutzschalter pl; Sicherheitsschalter pl
selbstschließender Schutzschalter
protect switch; protective switch; safety switch
protect switches; protective switches; safety switches
auto-reclose circuit breaker
Kfz-Diebstahl m; Autodiebstahl m
Kfz-Volldiebstahl m; Vollautodiebstahl m (durch Stehlen Rauben der Kfz-Schlüssel u. -papiere aus Wohnungen)
Autohausdiebstahl m; Showroom-Jacking n (Stehlen von Kfzs mit Schlüssel u. Papieren)
Kfz-Raub m
Kfz-Raub auf der Autobahn
(motor) vehicle theft; car theft; auto theft
theft from car showrooms
car-jacking Br.; carjacking Am.
(technische) Weiterleitung f; Weiterleiten n telco.
Weiterleitung von ankommenden Verbindungen
Weiterleitung von Nachrichten
automatische Weiterschaltung von Anrufen auf die Mailbox
Anbei übermittle ich den Endbericht mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung an Fr. Mack.
forwarding; onward transmission
forwarding of incoming calls
message forwarding
auto transfer of calls to voicemail
I am forwarding the final report for onward transmission to Ms. Mack.
Autoreisezug m; Autozug m (Bahn)
Autoreisezüge pl; Autozüge pl
mit dem Autozug
car-sleeper train; accompanied car train ACT ; motorail train Br.; motorail Br.; auto train Am. (railway)
car-sleeper trains; accompanied car trains; motorail trains; motorails; auto trains
by motorail
krankhafter Haarausfall m; Haarschwund m; Haarverlust m; Alopezie f med.
männlicher Haarausfall
weiblicher Haarausfall
bandförmiger Haarausfall; Ophiasis f
kreisförmiger Haarausfall; Pelade f (Alocpecia areata)
spontaner Haarausfall; Autoepilation f
pathological loss of hair; hair loss; alopecia
male-pattern hair loss MPHL ; male-pattern alopecia
female-pattern hair loss FPHL ; female-pattern alopecia
ophiasis pattern hair loss; ophiasis hair loss; ophiasis
spot baldness; pelade; pelada
sponaneous auto-epilation
Fahrtrichtung f auto transp.
Fahrtrichtungen pl
in Fahrtrichtung sitzen (Bahn)
gegen die Fahrtrichtung sitzen (Bahn)
direction of traffic auto; direction of travel transp.; direction of motion transp.
directions of traffic; directions of travel; directions of motion
to sit facing the direction of travel in the direction of travel (railway)
to sit with your back to the direction of travel (railway)
Telefonansagemenü n; interaktives Sprachmenü n; elektronisches Sprachmenü n; telefonisches Sprachdialogsystem n; sprachgesteuerte Telefonvermittlung f; automatische Anrufentgegennahme f (beim Kundentelefon) telco.
interactive voice response system; IVR telephone system; interactive menu system; phone menu system; voice menu system; pre-recorded phone menu; call routing system; automated telephone attendant; automated call attendant; auto attendant (system); auto attendant messaging; automatic call-taking system; digital receptionist (on a customer hotline)
Abwehrkörper m; Antikörper m; Abwehrstoff m; Immunkörper m; Schutzkörper m biol.
Abwehrkörper pl; Antikörper pl; Abwehrstoffe pl; Immunkörper pl; Schutzkörper pl
Anaphylaxieantikörper m
antithrombozytärer Immunkörper
Antizellkern-Antikörper m
artfemder Antikörper
autoaggressiver Antikörper
autologer Antikörper
blockierender Antikörper
blutgruppenspezifischer Antikörper
isologer Antikörper
Kälte-reaktiver Antikörper
komplementbindender Antikörper
kreuzreagierende Antikörper
monoklonale Antikörper
nichtkonjugierter monoklonaler Antikörper
thermolabiler Antikörper
Treponema-immobilisierender Immunkörper
zellständiger Antikörper
Antikörper gegen Bruzellen
Antikörper gegen das eigene Gewebe
Antikörper gegen steroidbildende Zellen
gegen etw. Antikörper Schutzkörper entwickeln
antibody; immune body
antibodies; immune bodies
anaphylactic antibody
antiplatelet immune body
anti-nuclear antibody
xeno-antibody; xenogenic immune body
autoaggresive antibody
autologous antibody
blocking antibody
blood-group specific antibody
Epstein-Barr virus antibody
isologue antibody
cold-reactive antibody
complement-fixing antibody
cross-reacting antibody
monoclonal antibodies
unconjugated monoclonal antibody
heat-labile antibody
treponema-immobilizing immune body
cell-bound antibody
antibrucella immune body
steroid cell antibody
to develop antibodies against sth.

Deutsche Auto {n} Synonyme

auto...  Âselbst...  
Auto  mit  Ottomotor  ÂBenziner  
(altes)  Auto  ÂRostlaube  (umgangssprachlich)  
Auto  ÂAutomobil  Âfahrbarer  Untersatz  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKalesche  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKarre  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKiste  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂKutsche  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂPersonenkraftwagen  ÂPersonenwagen  ÂPkw  ÂPKW  ÂSchlitten  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂWagen  
(altes) Auto  Rostlaube (umgangssprachlich)  
Auto mit Ottomotor  Benziner  
Auto  Automobil  fahrbarer Untersatz (umgangssprachlich)  Kalesche (umgangssprachlich)  Karre (umgangssprachlich)  Kiste (umgangssprachlich)  Kutsche (umgangssprachlich)  Personenkraftwagen  Personenwagen  Pkw  
auto...  selbst...  
auto  PCV valve  accelerator  alternator  ammeter  autocar  automobile  bearings  boat  bonnet  

Englische auto Synonyme

auto  PCV valve  accelerator  alternator  ammeter  autocar  automobile  bearings  boat  bonnet  boot  brake  bucket seat  buggy  bumper  bus  camshaft  car  carburetor  charioteer  chassis  choke  clutch  connecting rod  convertible top  cowl  crank  crankcase  crankshaft  crate  cutout  cylinder  cylinder head  dash  dashboard  differential  distributor  exhaust  exhaust pipe  fan  fender  flywheel  gear  gearbox  gearshift  generator  headlight  headrest  heap  hood  horn  ignition  intake  jalopy  machine  manifold  motor  motor vehicle  motorcar  motorized vehicle  muffler  parking light  pilot  piston  power brakes  power steering  radiator  rear-view mirror  ride  seat belt  shock absorber  spark plug  speedometer  springs  starter  steering wheel  tool  top  transmission  tub  universal  valve  voiture  wheel  wheels  windscreen  windshield  wreck  
autobiography  Clio  Muse of history  adventures  annals  biographical sketch  biography  case history  chronicle  chronicles  chronology  confessions  curriculum vitae  diary  experiences  fortunes  hagiography  hagiology  historiography  history  journal  legend  letters  life  life and letters  life story  martyrology  memoir  memoirs  memorabilia  memorial  memorials  necrology  obituary  photobiography  profile  record  resume  story  theory of history  
autochthonous  abecedarian  aboriginal  ancestral  antenatal  antepatriarchal  atavistic  beginning  budding  creative  elemental  elementary  embryonic  endemic  fetal  formative  foundational  fundamental  gestatory  homebred  homegrown  humanoid  in embryo  in its infancy  in the bud  inaugural  inceptive  inchoate  inchoative  incipient  incunabular  indigenous  infant  infantile  initial  initiative  initiatory  introductory  inventive  nascent  natal  native  native-born  original  parturient  patriarchal  postnatal  preadamite  preglacial  pregnant  prehistoric  prehuman  prenatal  primal  primary  prime  primeval  primitive  primogenial  primoprimitive  primordial  pristine  procreative  protohistoric  protohuman  rudimental  rudimentary  ur  vernacular  
autocrat  Simon Legree  absolute monarch  absolute ruler  all-powerful ruler  arrogator  autarch  caesar  commissar  czar  despot  dictator  disciplinarian  driver  duce  hard master  martinet  oligarch  oppressor  pharaoh  slave driver  stickler  tyrant  usurper  warlord  
autocratic  absolute  absolutist  absolutistic  arbitrary  aristocratic  arrogant  ascendant  autarchic  authoritarian  authoritative  authorized  autonomous  bossy  bureaucratic  civic  civil  clothed with authority  commanding  competent  consequential  considerable  constitutional  controlling  democratic  despotic  dictatorial  dominant  domineering  duly constituted  eminent  empowered  ex officio  fascist  federal  federalist  federalistic  feudal  governing  governmental  great  grinding  gubernatorial  haughty  hegemonic  hegemonistic  heteronomous  high-handed  imperative  imperial  imperious  important  influential  leading  lordly  magisterial  magistral  masterful  matriarchal  matriarchic  mighty  momentous  monarchal  monarchial  monarchic  monocratic  official  oligarchal  oligarchic  oppressive  overbearing  overruling  overweening  parliamentarian  parliamentary  patriarchal  patriarchic  peremptory  pluralistic  political  potent  powerful  preeminent  prestigious  prominent  puissant  ranking  repressive  republican  ruling  self-governing  senior  severe  strict  substantial  superior  suppressive  supreme  theocratic  totalitarian  tyrannical  tyrannous  weighty  
autodidactic  bookish  coeducational  college-bred  collegiate  cultural  didactic  disciplinary  edifying  educated  educating  educational  educative  enlightening  exhortatory  graduate  homiletic  hortatory  illuminating  informative  initiatory  instructive  introductory  learned  lecturing  postgraduate  preaching  preceptive  propaedeutic  schoolboyish  schoolgirlish  self-educated  self-instructed  self-teaching  sophomoric  studentlike  studious  teaching  tuitionary  undergraduate  
autoeroticism  active algolagnia  algolagnia  algolagny  amour-propre  amphierotism  anal intercourse  bestiality  bisexuality  buggery  complacency  consequentiality  coprophilia  cunnilingus  ego trip  exhibitionism  fellatio  fellation  fetishism  hand job  heterosexuality  homoeroticism  homosexualism  homosexuality  incest  incestuousness  irrumation  lesbianism  manipulation  masochism  masturbation  narcism  narcissism  necrophilia  onanism  oral-genital stimulation  overproudness  overweening pride  paraphilia  passive algolagnia  pederasty  pedophilia  sadism  sadomasochism  sapphism  scotophilia  self-abuse  self-admiration  self-approbation  self-complacency  self-congratulation  self-content  self-delight  self-endearment  self-esteem  self-gratulation  self-importance  self-infatuation  self-love  self-respect  self-satisfaction  self-sufficiency  self-worship  sexual inversion  sexual normality  sexual preference  smugness  sodomy  swinging both ways  transvestitism  tribadism  tribady  vaingloriousness  vainglory  vainness  vanity  voyeurism  zooerastia  zoophilia  
autograph  John Hancock  X  article  brainchild  christcross  cipher  composition  computer printout  copy  countermark  countersign  countersignature  counterstamp  cross  device  document  draft  edited version  endorsement  engrossment  essay  fair copy  fiction  final draft  finished version  first draft  first edition  flimsy  hand  holograph  initials  ink  letter  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  lucubration  manuscript  mark  mark of signature  matter  monogram  nonfiction  opus  original  paper  parchment  penscript  piece  piece of writing  play  poem  printed matter  printout  production  reading matter  recension  screed  scrip  script  scrive  scroll  seal  second draft  sigil  sign manual  signature  signet  subscribe  subscription  the written word  transcript  transcription  typescript  version  visa  vise  work  writing  
automat  beanery  bistro  buffet  buvette  cafe  cafeteria  canteen  cantina  chophouse  chuck wagon  coffee shop  coffeehouse  coffeeroom  coin machine  coin-operated machine  cookhouse  cookshack  cookshop  diner  dining hall  dining room  dog wagon  drive-in  drive-in restaurant  eatery  eating house  fast-food chain  grill  grillroom  hamburger stand  hash house  hashery  hot-dog stand  kitchen  lunch counter  lunch wagon  luncheonette  lunchroom  mess hall  pizzeria  quick-lunch counter  restaurant  slot machine  smorgasbord  snack bar  tavern  tearoom  trattoria  vending machine  vendor  
automated  automatic  automatous  cybernated  self-acting  self-active  self-adjusting  self-closing  self-controlled  self-cooking  self-directed  self-directing  self-dumping  self-governed  self-governing  self-lighting  self-operative  self-regulative  self-starting  self-winding  self-working  semiautomatic  spontaneous  
automatic  accordant  accustomed  alike  automated  automatic device  automaton  automatous  balanced  beaten  blind  blowgun  blowpipe  casual  compulsive  conditioned  confirmed  consistent  consonant  constant  continuous  correspondent  cybernated  cyborg  equable  equal  even  firearm  flamethrower  flat  forced  frequent  gat  gun  gut  habitual  habituated  hackneyed  handgun  heater  homogeneous  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-devised  immutable  impulsive  inadvertent  indeliberate  ineluctable  inescapable  inevitable  inherent  innate  instinctive  instinctual  invariable  involuntary  level  libidinal  measured  mechanical  mechanical man  methodic  monolithic  musket  natural  of a piece  ordered  orderly  peashooter  persistent  piece  pistol  prompt  quick  ready  recurrent  recurring  reflex  reflexive  regular  repeater  repetitive  revolver  rifle  robot  robotlike  rod  routine  sawed-off shotgun  self-acting  self-active  self-adjusting  self-closing  self-controlled  self-cooking  self-directed  self-directing  self-dumping  self-governed  self-governing  self-lighting  self-mover  self-operative  self-regulating  self-regulative  self-starting  self-winding  self-working  semiautomatic  shooting iron  shotgun  six-gun  six-shooter  smooth  snap  spontaneous  stable  steadfast  steady  stereotyped  subliminal  systematic  trite  unadvised  unavoidable  unbroken  uncalculated  unchangeable  unchanged  unchanging  unconscious  unconsidered  undeliberate  undeliberated  undesigned  undeviating  undifferentiated  undiversified  uniform  unintended  unintentional  unlearned  unmeditated  unpremeditated  unprompted  unruffled  unstudied  unthinking  unvaried  unvarying  unwilled  unwilling  unwitting  well-trodden  well-worn  
automatic writing  Ouija  artistry  authorcraft  authorship  automatism  blind impulse  cacoethes scribendi  composition  compulsiveness  conditioning  creative writing  drama-writing  echolalia  echopraxia  editorial-writing  essay-writing  expository writing  facility in writing  feature-writing  graphomania  graphorrhea  graphospasm  impulse  inditement  instinct  instinctiveness  involuntariness  journalism  levitation  libretto-writing  literary artistry  literary composition  literary power  literary production  literary talent  materialization  novel-writing  pen  pencraft  planchette  playwriting  poltergeist  poltergeistism  psychography  psychorrhagy  ready pen  reflex action  rewriting  sheer chemistry  short-story writing  skill with words  spirit manifestation  spirit rapping  table tipping  technical writing  telekinesis  teleportation  telesthesia  trance speaking  unwilledness  verse-writing  writing  
automatism  Ouija  automatic control  automatic writing  automation  automatization  bad habit  blind impulse  characteristic  compulsiveness  conditioning  creature of habit  custom  echolalia  echopraxia  force of habit  habit  habit pattern  habitude  impulse  instinct  instinctiveness  involuntariness  levitation  materialization  pattern  peculiarity  planchette  poltergeist  poltergeistism  practice  praxis  psychography  psychorrhagy  reflex action  second nature  self-action  self-activity  self-determination  self-direction  self-government  self-motion  self-propulsion  self-regulation  sheer chemistry  spirit manifestation  spirit rapping  stereotype  stereotyped behavior  table tipping  telekinesis  teleportation  telesthesia  trance speaking  trick  unwilledness  usage  use  way  wont  
automobile  PCV valve  accelerator  alternator  ambulance  ammeter  armored car  auto  autocar  beach buggy  bearings  berlin  boat  bonnet  boot  brake  brougham  bucket seat  buggy  bumper  bus  cabriolet  camper  camshaft  car  carburetor  carryall  chassis  choke  clutch  coach  combat car  command car  connecting rod  convertible  convertible coupe  convertible sedan  convertible top  coupe  cowl  crank  crankcase  crankshaft  crate  cutout  cylinder  cylinder head  dash  dashboard  differential  distributor  double fueler  dragster  exhaust  exhaust pipe  fan  fastback  fender  fire engine  flywheel  fueler  gear  gearbox  gearshift  generator  gocart  golf cart  headlight  headrest  heap  hearse  hood  horn  hot rod  hovercar  ignition  intake  jalopy  jeep  landau  limousine  machine  manifold  motor  motor vehicle  motorcar  motorized vehicle  muffler  parking light  phaeton  piston  power brakes  power steering  race car  racer  racing car  radiator  rail  rear-view mirror  roadster  rocket car  runabout  saloon  seat belt  sedan  sedan limousine  shock absorber  spark plug  speedometer  sports car  springs  staff car  starter  station wagon  steamer  steering wheel  top  torpedo  tourer  touring coupe  tractor  transmission  tub  two-seater  universal  valve  voiture  wheels  windscreen  windshield  wreck  wrecker  
autonomous  absolute  arbitrary  aristocratic  autarchic  autarkic  authoritarian  autocratic  bureaucratic  civic  civil  constitutional  democratic  despotic  dictatorial  discretional  discretionary  elective  fascist  federal  federalist  federalistic  free  free will  free-spirited  freewheeling  governmental  gratuitous  gubernatorial  heteronomous  independent  individualistic  inner-directed  matriarchal  matriarchic  monarchal  monarchial  monarchic  monocratic  neutral  nonaligned  nonmandatory  nonpartisan  offered  official  oligarchal  oligarchic  optional  parliamentarian  parliamentary  patriarchal  patriarchic  pluralistic  political  proffered  republican  self-acting  self-active  self-contained  self-dependent  self-determined  self-determining  self-directing  self-governed  self-governing  self-reliant  self-subsistent  self-sufficient  self-supporting  separate  sovereign  spontaneous  theocratic  third-force  third-world  totalitarian  unasked  unbesought  unbidden  uncalled-for  uncoerced  uncompelled  unconstrained  uncontrolled  unforced  uninfluenced  uninvited  unpressured  unprompted  unrequested  unrequired  unsolicited  unsought  voluntary  volunteer  willful  
autonomy  Declaration of Independence  absolute monarchy  aristocracy  autarchy  autarky  autocracy  autonomousness  coalition government  colonialism  commonwealth  constitutional government  constitutional monarchy  democracy  dictatorship  dominion rule  duarchy  duumvirate  dyarchy  federal government  federation  feudal system  free will  garrison state  gerontocracy  gratuitousness  heteronomy  hierarchy  hierocracy  home rule  independence  individualism  inner-direction  limited monarchy  martial law  meritocracy  militarism  military government  mob rule  mobocracy  monarchy  neocolonialism  ochlocracy  oligarchy  pantisocracy  patriarchate  patriarchy  police state  pure democracy  regency  representative democracy  representative government  republic  rugged individualism  self-action  self-activity  self-containment  self-determination  self-direction  self-government  self-reliance  self-sufficiency  social democracy  spontaneity  spontaneousness  stratocracy  technocracy  thearchy  theocracy  totalitarian government  totalitarian regime  triarchy  triumvirate  tyranny  unforcedness  voluntariness  voluntarism  voluntaryism  volunteer  volunteering  welfare state  
autopsy  canvass  check  check out  check over  check up on  coroner  examine  give an examination  go over  inquest  inspect  look at  look over  medical examiner  monitor  mortality committee  necropsy  necroscopy  observe  overhaul  overlook  pass over  pass under review  peer at  peruse  pore over  post  postmortem  postmortem examination  review  run over  scan  scrutinize  set an examination  size  size up  study  survey  take stock of  take the measure  
autosuggestion  animal magnetism  hypnology  hypnosis  hypnotherapy  hypnotic suggestion  hypnotism  mesmerism  mesmerization  od  odyl  odylic force  posthypnotic suggestion  power of suggestion  self-hypnosis  self-suggestion  suggestibility  suggestion therapy  suggestionism  

auto Definition

() A combining form, with the meaning of self, one's self, one's own, itself, its own.
(n.) A judgment of the Inquisition in Spain and Portugal condemning or acquitting persons accused of religious offenses.
(n.) An execution of such sentence, by the civil power, esp. the burning of a heretic. It was usually held on Sunday, and was made a great public solemnity by impressive forms and ceremonies.
(n.) A session of the court of Inquisition.
(n.) Same as Auto-da-fe.

auto Bedeutung

a system for self-improvement developed by Emile Coue which was popular in the s and s
auto racing
car racing
the sport of racing automobiles
auto mechanics the craft of building and repairing automobiles
auto limitation social control achieved as a manifestation of self-will or general consent
auto-da-fe the burning to death of heretics (as during the Spanish Inquisition)
auto accessory an accessory for an automobile
automobile factory
auto factory
car factory
a factory where automobiles are manufactured
auto part
car part
a component of an automobile, his business is auto parts
machine motorcar
a motor vehicle with four wheels, usually propelled by an internal combustion engine, he needs a car to get to work
car tire
automobile tire
auto tire
rubber tire
a tire consisting of a rubber ring around the rim of an automobile wheel
automobile race
auto race
car race
a race between (usually high-performance) automobiles
car company
auto company
a company that makes and sells automobiles
car manufacturer
car maker
auto manufacturer
auto maker
a business engaged in the manufacture of automobiles
automobile mechanic
mechanic grease monkey
someone whose occupation is repairing and maintaining automobiles
automobile loan
auto loan
car loan
a personal loan to purchase an automobile
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