
bar graph Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

graphische Darstellung
Kurvenblatt, Schaubild
Strichskala f
bar graph
Millimeterpapier n
graph paper
radio graph
graph paper
Grafiktablett n, Graphiktablett n
graph tablet
Graphentheorie f; Grafentheorie f math.
graph theory
Graphentheorie (math.)
graph theory
graph tablet
Graphentheorie f math.
graph theory
Schaubild n, grafische Darstellung f, Kurvenblatt n
Schaubilder pl, grafische Darstellungen, Kurvenblätter pl
Flugverlaufskurve f; Flugverlaufkurve f aviat.
time-fuel graph
Idealkurve f (Graph) techn.
ideal curve (graph)
Bruder m (Grafentheorie) math.
brother (graph theory)
Liniendiagramm n
Liniendiagramme pl
line graph
line graphs
Zustandsgraph m math.
Zustandsgraphen pl
state graph
state graphs
grafischer Sollfahrplan (Bahn) m
theoretical graph (railway)
Graph m math.
gerichteter, azyklischer Graph
directed acyclic graph (dag)
grafischer Ist-Fahrplan (Bahn)
actual graph of train running (railway)
Graph m math.
ebener Graph; planarer Graph
gerichteter azyklischer Graph
planar graph
directed acyclic graph (dag)
Inzidenzfunktion m (in der Graphentheorie) math.
Inzidenzfunktionen pl
incidence function (in graph theory)
incidence functions
Inzidenzfunktion f (in der Graphentheorie) math.
Inzidenzfunktionen pl
incidence function (in graph theory)
incidence functions
Klimadiagramm n geogr.
Klimadiagramme pl
climate chart; climate graph
climate charts; climate graphs
Löslichkeitsdiagramm n chem. techn.
Löslichkeitsdiagramme pl
solubility diagram; solubility graph
solubility diagrams; solubility graphs
Balkendiagramm n techn.
Balkendiagramme pl
bar graph; bar diagramme Br.; bar diagram Am.
bar graphs; bar diagrammes; bar diagrams
jdn. etw. fotografieren; photographieren alt; ablichten ugs. v
fotografierend; ablichtend
fotografiert; abgelichtet
to take a picture; to take a photo(graph) of sb. sth.
taking a photo
taken a photo
takes a photo
took a photo
Funktionsgraph m; Graph m math.
Funktionsgraphen pl; Graphen pl
ebener Graph; planarer Graph
gerichteter, azyklischer Graph
säulenförmiger Graph
Zustandsgraph m
graph of a function; graph
graphs of a function; graphs
planar graph
directed acyclic graph (dag)
columnar graph
state graph
Häufigkeitsdiagramm n; Histogramm n statist.
Streuungsdiagramm n; Streuhistogramm n; Streubild n; Korrelationsdiagramm n; Korrelationsbild n; Punktwolkendiagramm n; Punktwolke f ugs.
chart of frequency distributions; frequency plot; distribution graph; histogram
scatter diagram; scattergram; scatter chart; scatter plot (often wrongly: scatter graph)
grafische Darstellung f; Grafik f; Schaubild n
grafische Darstellungen pl; Grafiken pl; Schaubilder pl
grafische Darstellungen pl; Grafiken pl; Schaubilder pl
graphical representation; graphic chart; graphic; graph; chart; plot
graphical representations; graphic charts; graphics; graphs; charts; plots
graphical representations; graphs; charts; plots
grafische Darstellung f; grafische Ãœbersicht f; Grafik f; Schaubild n
grafische Darstellungen pl; grafische Ãœbersichten pl; Grafiken pl; Schaubilder pl
Blasengrafik f
graphical representation; graphic chart; illustrated graph; graphic comp. (diagram, table, map or picture)
graphical representations; graphic charts; illustrated graphs; graphics
bubble chart
etw. grafisch darstellen v
grafisch darstellend
grafisch dargestellt
to graph; to diagram; to plot; to chart sth.; to represent sth. by a graph diagram
graphing; diagrmaming; plotting; charting; representing by a graph diagram
graphed; diagrammed; plotted; charted; represented by a graph diagram
etw. grafisch darstellen v
grafisch darstellend
grafisch dargestellt
to graph; to diagram; to plot; to chart sth.; to represent sth. by a graph diagram
graphing; diagramming; plotting; charting; representing by a graph diagram
graphed; diagrammed; plotted; charted; represented by a graph diagram
Diagramm n Diag. ; Grafik f; Karte f (in Zusammensetzungen); Tafel f (in Zusammensetzungen) econ. math. statist.
Diagramme pl; Grafiken pl; Karten pl; Tafeln pl
Ablaufdiagramm n; Ablaufgrafik f; Ablaufschaubild n; Ablaufplan m; Durchlaufplan m (oft fälschlich: Flussdiagramm)
Balkendiagramm n
Fahrzeitentafel f (Bahn)
Großkreiskarte f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f
Kastendiagramm n; Kastengrafik f statist.
Liniendiagramm n; Kurvendiagramm n; Kurvenbild n
Punktdiagramm n; Punktediagramm n
Säulendiagramm n
Stamm-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Diagramm n; Stamm-und-Blatt-Grafik f; Stamm-und-Blatt-Darstellung f; Zweig-Blätter-Diagramm n; Zweig-Blätter-Grafik f statist.
Stufendiagramm n
räumliches Diagramm
wie das Diagramm zeigt
ein Diagramm erstellen
diagram diag. ; chart; plot Am.
diagrams; charts; plots
flow diagram; flow chart
bar diagram; bar chart
running chart (railway)
great circle chart
box diagram; box plot
box-and-whisker diagram; box-and-whisker plot; box plot
line graph; graph
dot plot; plot (set of points that may or may not be connected by a line)
column diagram; column chart; vertical bar chart
stem-and-leaf plot; stem plot; stem-and-leaf display
graduation diagram
three-dimensional diagram
as shown in the diagram
to draw a diagram; to create a diagram


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A bar is a retail business establishment that serves alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine, liquor, cocktails, and other beverages such as mineral water and soft drinks and often sell snack foods such as crisps or peanuts, for consumption on premises. Some types of bars, such as pubs, may also serve food from a restaurant menu. The term "bar" also refers to the countertop and area where drinks are served.