
barrique oak barrel for wine making Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Barrique n, Eichenfass zur Weinherstellung
barrique, oak barrel for wine-making
Barrique n; Eichenfass zur Weinherstellung
barrique; oak barrel for wine-making
bei der Erstellung dieser Neuausgabe
in making this revision
beim Bezogenen die Vorlegung vornehmen
making presentation to the drawee
die einen Schlichtungsantrag stellt
the party making a request for conciliation
Entscheiden, FĂ€llen von Entscheidungen
decision making
decision making
tariff making
Trommel zum Transport von FlĂŒssigkeiten
tight barrel
unverfÀlschter Wein
pure wine
verfÀlschter Wein
adulterated wine
gourmet of wine
adulteration of wine
Abendmahlswein m relig.
Communion wine
Achtel n
Achtel n (Wein)
eighth, eighth part
eighth (of a litre of wine)
Altarwein m
altar wine
AnschlusshĂŒlse f
AnschlusshĂŒlsen pl
conductor barrel
conductor barrels
Barrique n, Eichenfass zur Weinherstellung
barrique, oak barrel for wine-making
in Bausch und Bogen
lock, stock, and barrel
Bierfass n
BierfÀsser pl
beer barrel
beer barrels
BrennerrĂŒcklauf m (Rohr im Brenner) mach.
burner fuel return barrel
Brennervorlauf m (Rohr im Brenner) mach.
burner fuel supply barrel
Burgunder m, Burgunderwein m
Burgundy, Burgundy wine
Dreharbeiten pl, Filmdreh m (Film)
shooting, film shooting, filming, making of the film
Drehorgel f, Leierkasten m mus.
Drehorgeln pl, LeierkÀsten pl
Drehung f um die LĂ€ngsachse, Fassrolle f aviat.
barrel roll
Entscheidungsfindung f, Entscheidung f
Entscheidungsgrundlage f
basis of decision-making
Entscheidungshilfe f
aid to decision-making, decision support
Entscheidungsprozess m
decision-making process, sense-making process
Entscheidungstechniken pl
decision-making techniques
Fass n
FĂ€sser pl
Fass n, Tonne f, Barrel n
Fassdaube f, Fassbrett n
stave (of barrel)
Fasspumpe f
barrel pump
Fassventil n
Fassventile pl
barrel valve
barrel valves
Federweißer m
federweisser, freshly made wine
Feuerzangenbowle f
red wine punch (containing rum which has been set alight)
Formenbau m
mold and die production, mould and die production, mould design and construction, mold making
GĂ€nsewein m
water, Adam's ale, Adam's wine
GehÀuse n techn. (Extrusion)
eine Geste machen
eine Geste machend
eine Geste gemacht
to make a gesture, to gesture
making a gesture, gesturing
made a gesture, gestured
GetrÀnkekarte f
list of beverages, beverage list, wine list
Gewehrlauf m
GewehrlÀufe pl
rifle barrel, shotgun barrel
Gewinderohrnippel n techn.
barrel nipple
Gewinn m, Ertrag m, Profit m
Gewinne pl, ErtrÀge pl, Profite pl
mit hohem Gewinn
Gewinn nach Steuern
auf Gewinn ausgehen
stattlicher Gewinn
Profit schlagen aus
Gewinn aufweisen
at a high profit
after tax profit
to be intent on making a profit
handsome profit
to profit from
to show profit
Gewinnerzielung f
making of profits, realization of profits
Glasblasen n
Gleitschleifen n, Trowalisieren n techn.
barrel finishing
GlĂŒhwein m cook.
mulled claret, mulled wine, glogg Am.
GlĂŒhwein zubereiten cook.
to mull wine
Handlungskompetenz f
decision-making and responsibility
Herstellung f
making, make
Heurige m, Heuriger Ös.
new wine
Holunderwein m
elderberry wine
IsolierungshĂŒlse f
insulation barrel
Kabelverstellschraube f
Kabelverstellschrauben pl
cable adjusting barrel
cable adjusting barrels
Karosseriebau m
body making
Kellerei f
wine cellars
Kelterei f
Keltereien pl
wine press house
wine press houses
Klöppeln n
Kompetenz f
Kompetenz zum Abschluss von VertrÀgen
competence, competency
treaty-making power
Kontakt m electr.
Kontakte pl
Kontakt herstellen
erweiterter Kontakt
federnder Kontakt
gedrehte Kontakte
geschĂŒtzte Kontakte
gesteckter Kontakt, gewickelter Kontakt
konzentrischer Kontakt
mÀnnlicher Kontakt
potenzialfreier Kontakt
voreilender Kontakt
Kontakte strahlen
Ausbau der Kontakte
auswechselbare, lötfreie Kontakte
direkt geschalteter Kontakt
Bund des Kontaktes
Kontakt mit AnschlusshĂŒlse
Kontakte einschieben, Kontakte einbringen
to make contact
enlarged contact
resilient contact
machined contacts
shrouded contacts
wrapped connection
concentric contact
pin contact
dry contact
first-to-make last-to-break contact
to blast the contacts
removal of contacts
crimp snap-in contacts
slow action contact
connector shoulder
contact with conductor barrel
to insert contacts
Krach machen, lÀrmen
Krach machend, lÀrmend
Krach gemacht, gelÀrmt
to make a noise
making a noise
made a noise
Langkessel m
boiler barrel, cylindrical boiler
Lauf m, Rohr n (einer Kanone)
barrel (of a cannon)
Liebeswerben n, Hofieren n
Mitentscheidungsrecht n
joint decision-making power
Modellbau m
model-making, modelmaking
Most m (vergoren), Fruchtwein m
fruit wine
Neuanfertigung f, Neuanfertigen n
making (up), production from scratch
Ölfass n
ÖlfĂ€sser pl
durchlöchertes Ölfass
oildrum, oil barrel
oildrums, oil barrels
pierced oildrum
Perlwein m
sparkling wine
Portwein m
port wine
QualitÀtswein m
vintage wine
Redenhalten n
Retsina m (griechischer Wein) cook.
retsina (Greek wine)
(weißer) Rheinwein m
Rhine wine, hock Br.
Rohrkrepierer m
barrel burst
Rotwein m
roter Bordeauxwein
red wine
Rotweinglas n
RotweinglÀser pl
glass for red wine
glasses for red wine
Rotweinfleck n
Rotweinflecken pl
red wine stain
red wine stains
Schaft m
Schaumwein m
sparkling wine
Schmuckherstellung f
jewelry making
Schuhmacherei f
shoe making, boot making
Schwere f (von Wein, Essen)
richness (of wine, food)
Sekt m, Schampus m
sparkling wine, champagne, bubbly
Sektkellerei f
champagne producer's, winery making sparkling wines
cracker-barrel, crackerbarrel
SĂŒdwein m
SĂŒdweine pl
sweet wine, fortified wine
sweet wines
Tafelwein m
Tafelweine pl
table wine
table wines
Teerfass n
tar barrel
Tischwein m
table wine
Tonne f (GefĂ€ĂŸ)
Tonnen pl
barrel, cask
barrels, casks
Tonnengewölbe n, Schildbogen m
barrel vault
Tonnenrolle f techn.
barrel roller
Trommel f
cylinder, barrel
Trommelgalvanik f techn.
barrel plating
Ventileinsatz m techn.
VentileinsÀtze pl
Ventileinsatz m kurz
Ventileinsatz m lang
barrel (valve), core (valve), valve barrel, valve core
barrels, cores, valve barrels, valve cores
short core
long core
Wacholderwein m
juniper wine
Walze f
Walzen pl
Wein m (GetrÀnk)
Weine pl
Wein vom Fass
lieblicher Wein
offener Wein
verfÀlschter Wein
bei einem Glas Wein
dem Wein tĂŒchtig zusprechen
Beerenauslese f
wine from the wood
sweet wine
wine by the carafe, wine by the glass
adulterated wine
over a glass of wine
to do justice to the wine
vintage wine of selected grapes
Weinanbaugebiet n, Weinbaugegend f, Weingegend f
Weinanbaugebiete pl, Weinbaugegenden pl, Weingegenden pl
wine-growing area
wine-growing areas
Weinbau m, Weinanbau m
winegrowing, wine-growing
Weinbauer m, Hauer m SĂŒddt.
Weinbauern pl
winegrower, wine grower
Weinessig m
wine vinegar
Weinfass n
WeinfÀsser pl
wine cask
wine casks
Weinflasche f
Weinflaschen pl
wine bottle
wine bottles
Weinglas n
WeinglÀser pl
wine glass
wine glasses
WeinhÀndler m
WeinhÀndler pl
wine merchant, vintner
wine merchants, vintners
Weinhandlung f
Weinhandlungen pl
wine store
wine stores
Weinjahr n
Weinjahre pl
wine year
wine years
Weinkarte f
Weinkarten pl
wine list
wine lists
Weinkeller m
wine cellar
Weinkellerei f, Kellerei f
wine producer
Weinkenner m, Weinliebhaber m
oenophile, wine connoisseur
Weinlokal n, Weinstube f
wine bar
Weinprobe f
Weinproben pl
winetasting, wine tasting
winetastings, wine tastings
WeinsÀure f
acidity of wine
Weinstein m
tartar (of wine), cream of tartar
Weinstube f
Weinstuben pl
wine tavern
wine taverns
Weintrinker m, Weintrinkerin f
Weintrinker pl, Weintrinkerinnen pl
wine drinker
wine drinkers
Weinverkostung f
wine testing
Weißwein m
white wine
Winzer m, Winzerin f, Weinhersteller m, Weinherstellerin f
Winzer pl, Winzerinnen pl, Weinhersteller pl, Weinherstellerinnen pl
wine-grower, wingrower, winemaker, wine maker, vintner
wine-growers, wingrowers, winemakers, wine makers, vintners
Zylinderfuß m techn.
cylinder barrel
Zylindermutter f (zylindrische Form) techn.
Zylindermuttern pl
barrel nut
barrel nuts
Zylinderschloss n
Zylinderschlösser pl
cylinder lock, barrel lock
cylinder locks, barrel locks
to make a call on
making a call on
made a call on
abtreiben, abdriften, abtriften v
abtreibend, abdriftend, abtriftend
abgetrieben, abgedriftet, abgetriftet
to make leeway
making leeway
made leeway
abtreten v (Theater, Arbeit)
to make one's exit
making one's exit
made one's exit
anfertigen v
to make
sich anfreunden
sich anfreundend
to become friends, to make friends
making friends
made friends
aufholen v
to make up for
making up for
made up for
auslÀndisch, fremd adj
auslÀndischer Wein
auslÀndische Besucher
auslÀndische Kapitalgesellschaft
wine of foreign growth
visitors from abroad
alien corporation
ausstellen, ausfertigen
ausstellend, ausfertigend
ausgestellt, ausgefertigt
to draw up, to issue, to make out
drawing up, issuing, making out
drawn up, issued, made out
(Spieler) auswechseln v sport
to make a substitution, to substitute out (players)
making a substitution, substituting
made a substitution, substituted
bahnbrechend, epochemachend, epochal adj
epoch-making, epochal
beglĂŒcken, glĂŒcklich machen v
beglĂŒckend, glĂŒcklich machend
beglĂŒckt, glĂŒcklich gemacht
beglĂŒckt, macht glĂŒcklich
beglĂŒckte, machte glĂŒcklich
jdn. beglĂŒcken, jdn. glĂŒcklich machen
to make happy, to delight
making happy
made happy, delighted
makes happy, delights
made happy, delighted
to make sb. happy, to delight sb.
sich behelfen v
sich behelfend
sich beholfen
to manage, to make do, to get by
managing, making do, getting by
managed, made do, got by
bekannt machen, bekanntmachen alt
bekannt machend, bekanntmachend
bekannt gemacht, bekanntgemacht
to make known
making known
made known
sich bereichern an
sich bereichernd an
sich bereichert an
to make money out of
making money out of
made money out of
bereitstellen, zur VerfĂŒgung stellen, beistellen Ös. v
bereitstellend, zur VerfĂŒgung stellend, beistellend
bereitgestellt, zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt, beigestellt
to provide, to make available
providing, making available
provided, made available
bilanzieren v
to make up the balance
making up the balance
made up the balance
sich mit jdm. davonmachen
to make off with sb.
making off
made off
sie diagnostiziert
sie diagnostizierte
to make a diagnosis
making a diagnosis
made a diagnosis
she makes a diagnosis
she made a diagnosis
to make dynamic, to speed up, to stimulate
making dynamic, speeding up, to stimulate
made dynamic, speeded up, stimulated
einleuchten v
Das leuchtet mir ein.
to be clear, to make sense, to stand to reason, to be intelligible, to be evident, to be obvious, to be apparent, to manifest (itself)
being clear, making sense, standing to reason, being intelligible, being evident, being obvious, being apparent, manifesting (itself)
been clear, made sense, stood to reason, been intelligible, been evident, been obvious, been apparen, manifested (itself)
This makes sense to me.
to make a slip
making a slip
made a slip
makes a slip
made a slip

Deutsche Barrique {n} Eichenfass zur Weinherstellung Synonyme

Englische barrique oak barrel for wine-making Synonyme

barrique oak barrel for wine making Definition

(n.) A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads.
(n.) The quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same article, being regulated by custom or by law. A barrel of wine is 31/ gallons
(n.) A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case
(n.) A metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged.
(n.) A jar.
(n.) The hollow basal part of a feather.
(v. t.) To put or to pack in a barrel or barrels.
Lager wine
() Wine which has been kept for some time in the cellar.
(n.) Courtship.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Make
(n.) The act of one who makes
(n.) Composition, or structure.
(n.) a poem.
(n.) That which establishes or places in a desirable state or condition
(n.) External appearance
(n.) A tool somewhat like a chisel with a groove in it, used by calkers of ships to finish the seams after the oakum has been driven in.
(n.) The act of bringing spirits to a certain degree of strength, called proof.
(n.) The act of becoming reconciled or friendly.
(a.) Causing harm
(n.) The act or practice of making mischief, inciting quarrels, etc.
(n.) The act or process of making money
(a.) Affording profitable returns
(a.) Sussessful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim
(n.) The expressed juice of grapes, esp. when fermented
(n.) A liquor or beverage prepared from the juice of any fruit or plant by a process similar to that for grape wine
(n.) The effect of drinking wine in excess

barrique oak barrel for wine making Bedeutung

barrel roll a roll in which the plane follows a spiral course
a mischief
deviltry devilry devilment
shenanigan ddd
reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
sexual love
making love
love life
sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people, his lovemaking disgusted her, he hadn't had any love in months, he has a very complicated love life
lace making
the act or art of making handmade lace
the act that results in something coming to be, the devising of plans, the fashioning of pots and pans, the making of measurements, it was already in the making
movie making
film making
the production of movies
wine making
the craft and science of growing grapes and making wine
slave-making ant
an ant that attacks colonies of other ant species and carries off the young to be reared as slave ants
a ashcan
trash can
garbage can
ash bin
trash barrel
trash bin
a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected
a cylindrical container that holds liquids
barrel gun barrel a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired
barrel knot
blood knot
a knot used for tying fishing leaders together, the ends of the two leaders are wrapped around each other two or three times
barrel organ
grind organ
hand organ
hurdy gurdy
street organ
a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel vault the simplest form of vault, a single continuous arch
beer barrel
beer keg
a barrel that holds beer
rear of barrel
rear of tube
opening in the rear of the barrel of a gun where bullets can be loaded
cellar wine cellar storage space where wines are stored
making (usually plural) the components needed for making or doing something, the recipe listed all the makings for a chocolate cake
pickle barrel a barrel holding vinegar in which cucumbers are pickled
rain barrel a barrel used as a cistern to hold rainwater
wine bar a bar that serves only wine
wine bottle a bottle for holding wine
wine bucket
wine cooler
a bucket of ice used to chill a bottle of wine
wine cask
wine barrel
a barrel that holds wine
wine maker
distillery where wine is made
port-wine stain
nevus flammeus
a flat birthmark varying from pink to purple
an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something, her qualifications for the job are excellent, one of the qualifications for admission is an academic degree, she has the makings of fine musician
a red as dark as red wine
decision making
the cognitive process of reaching a decision, a good executive must be good at decision making
making known
a speech act that conveys information
wine vinegar vinegar made from wine
wine sauce white or veloute sauce with wine and stock variously seasoned with onions and herbs, for fish or meat
marchand de vin
mushroom wine sauce
brown sauce with mushrooms and red wine or Madeira
fermented juice (of grapes especially)
red wine wine having a red color derived from skins of darkolored grapes
white wine pale yellowish wine made from white grapes or red grapes with skins removed before fermentation
blush wine
pink wine
rose wine
pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began
altar wine
sacramental wine
used in a communion service
sparkling wine effervescent wine
Burgundy wine
red table wine from the Burgundy region of France (or any similar wine made elsewhere)
Canary wine a sweet white wine from the Canary Islands
Bordeaux wine
any of several red or white wines produced around Bordeaux, France or wines resembling them
California wine any of various wines produced in California
dessert wine still sweet wine often served with dessert or after a meal
jug wine inexpensive wine sold in large bottles or jugs
Rhine wine
any of several white wines from the Rhine River valley in Germany (`hock' is British usage)
Rhone wine any of various wines from the Rhone River valley in France
straw wine sweet wine from grapes partially sun-dried on the vine or on straw mats
table wine wine containing not more than percent alcohol usually served with a meal
generic wine
a wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating, a wine that does not carry the name of any specific grape
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