
bass Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Barsch m zool.
Schlagbass m mus.
slap bass
Basstuba f mus. (Blasinstrument)
bass tuba
bass clef
bass drum
Basspartie f mus.
bass part
Gambe f mus.
bass viol
Bassschlüssel m mus.
bass clef
bass clefs
bass voice
Bass-Buffo m mus.
bass buffo
bass voices
Basssaite f mus.
bass string
Kontrabass m mus.
double bass
double bass
bass control
Tiefenregelung f; Bassregler m
bass control
rumbling bass
Bass m
Bässe pl
Brummbass m
rumbling bass
Bassklarinette f mus.
bass clarinet
Bassgitarrist m, Bassgitarristin f, Bassist m, Bassistin f mus.
bass guitarist
Bassgitarrist m; Bassgitarristin f; Bassist m; Bassistin f mus.
bass guitarist
Bierbass m ugs.
deep bass voice
Kontrabasstuba f mus. (Blasinstrument)
double-bass tuba
Seebarsch m zool.
Seebarsche pl
sea bass
sea basses
Basslautsprecher m
bass loudspeaker, woofer
Höhen- und Tiefenregler pl (Audio) techn.
bass and treble controls
Bassgitarre f mus.
Bassgitarren pl
bass guitar
bass guitars
Basssaite f mus.
Basssaiten pl
bass string
bass strings
Bassist m; Basssänger m mus.
Bassisten pl; Basssänger pl
bass singer
bass singers
Bassist m, Bassistin f mus.
double bass player, bassist
Basstrompete f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Basstrompeten pl
bass trumpet
bass trumpets
Bassklarinette f mus.
Bassklarinetten pl
bass clarinet
bass clarinets
Bassblockflöte f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Bassblockflöten pl
bass recorder
bass recorders
Wolfbarsch m, Seebarsch m, Barsch m zool.
Wolfbarsche pl, Seebarsche pl, Barsche pl
bass, seabass
bases, seabasses
Basssaxophon n mus. (Blasinstrument)
Basssaxophone pl
bass saxophone
bass saxophones
Bassstimme f mus.
Bassstimmen pl
bass voice
basses; bass voices
Wolfbarsch m; Seebarsch m; Barsch m zool.
Wolfbarsche pl; Seebarsche pl; Barsche pl
bass; seabass
bases; seabasses
Viola da gamba f; Gambe f; Kniegeige f mus.
Bassgambe f
viol; viola da gamba
bass viol
Bassstimme f mus.
Bassstimmen pl
bass voice
basses, bass voices
Bassbalken m (von Saiteninstrumenten) mus.
bass bar (of stringed instruments)
Fußmaschine f (für die große Trommel) mus.
Doppelfußmaschine f
bass drum pedal
double bass drum pedal
Bass m mus.
Bässe pl
tiefer Bass
vorgezogener Bass
deep bass
anticipated bass
Kontrabassklarinette f mus.
Kontrabassklarinetten pl
double bass clarinet
double bass clarinets
Atlantischer Wrackbarsch zool.
Atlantische Wrackbarsche pl
Wreckfish; Stone Bass
Wreckfishes; Stone Basses
Altflöte f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Altflöten pl
alto flute; bass flute
alto flutes; bass flutes
Atlantischer Wrackbarsch zool.
Atlantische Wrackbarsche pl
Wreckfish, Stone Bass
Wreckfishes, Stone Basses
Bassgeige f, Kontrabass m
Bassgeigen pl, Kontrabässe pl
double bass, contrabass
double bass, contrabasses
Bassgeige f; Kontrabass m
Bassgeigen pl; Kontrabässe pl
double bass; contrabass
double bass; contrabasses
Basslautsprecher m
Basslautsprecher pl
bass loudspeaker; woofer
bass loudspeakers; woofers
Polyprion-Wrackbarsche pl (Polyprion) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Atlantischer Wrackbarsch m (Polyprion americanus)
polyprion wreckfishes (zoological genus)
Atlantic wreckfish; stone bass
Kontrabassist m; Kontrabassistin f; Bassist m; Bassistin f mus.
Kontrabassisten pl; Kontrabassistinnen pl; Bassisten pl; Bassistinnen pl
double bass player; bass player; bassist
double bass players; bass players; bassists
Kontrabassposaune f mus. (Blasinstrument)
Kontrabassposaunen pl
double bass trombone; contrabass trombone
double bass trombones; contrabass trombones
Trommel f mus.
Trommeln pl
die Trommel rühren (für etw.)
die Trommel schlagen, trommeln
Große Trommel f, Basstrommel f
Kleine Trommel f
to beat the big drum (for sth.)
to beat the drum
bass drum
snare drum
Notenschlüssel m; Schlüssel m (Musiknoten) mus.
Violinschlüssel m; G-Schlüssel m
Altschlüssel m; C-Schlüssel m
Tenorschlüssel m; C-Schlüssel m
Bassschlüssel m; F-Schlüssel m
clef (sheet music)
treble clef; violin clef; G clef
alto clef; C clef
tenor clef; C clef
bass clef; F clef
auf etw. aufgebaut sein; auf etw. aufbauen; auf etw. gegründet sein v
Die Handlung baut auf einer Verwechslung auf.
Das Lied ist auf markanten Bassrhythmen aufgebaut.
to privot on sth. fig. (be based on)
The plot pivots on a misunderstanding.
The song pivots on strong bass rhythms.
Trommel f mus. (Schlaginstrument)
Trommeln pl
Große Trommel f; Basstrommel f
Kleine Trommel f; Militärtrommel f
Provenzalische Trommel f
Tischtrommel f
die Trommel schlagen; trommeln
die Trommel rühren (für etw.)
big drum; bass drum
snare drum; sidedrum
table drum
to beat the drum
to beat the big drum (for sth.)
Lautsprecherbox f; Box f
Lautsprecherboxen pl; Boxen pl
Bassreflexbox f
loudspeaker cabinet; speaker cabinet; loudspeaker box
loudspeaker cabinets; speaker cabinets; loudspeaker boxes
bass reflex box
Gitarre f mus.
Gitarren pl
Bassgitarre f
Elektrogitarre f; E-Gitarre f
Flamenco-Gitarre f
Hawaiigitarre f; Hawaii-Gitarre f
Stahlsaitengitarre f
siebensaitige Gitarre
bass guitar
electric guitar; e-guitar
flamenco guitar
Hawaiian guitar
steel string guitar
seven-string guitar
Verstärker m electr.
Verstärker pl
Bassverstärker m
Gitarrenverstärker m
Instrumentenverstärker m mus.
Kombinationsverstärker m mus.
mehrstufiger Verstärker; Kaskadenverstärker m
amplifier; amp
amplifiers; amps
bass amplifier; bass amp
guitar amplifier; guitar amp
instrument amplifier
combination amplifier; combo amplifier
multistage amplifier; cascade amplifier
Stimme f (einzelner Part in einer mehrstimmigen Komposition) (Tonsatz) mus.
Stimmen pl
Bassstimme f; Bass m
Generalbassstimme f; Generalbass m; bezifferter Bass; Basso continuo
Vokalstimme f
Instrumentalstimme f
Klavierstimme f
In der Trompeten-Stimme steht ein fis
part (texture)
bass part; bass line; bassline
basso continuo part; continuo part; continuo; figured bass
vocal part; voice part
instrumental part
piano part
There's an f-sharp in the trumpet part.
Verstärker m electr.
Verstärker pl
Bassverstärker m
Gitarrenverstärker m
Instrumentenverstärker m mus.
Kathodenverstärker zur Linearisierung von Sägezahnspannungen
Kombinationsverstärker m mus.
mehrstufiger Verstärker; Kaskadenverstärker m
amplifier; amp
amplifiers; amps
bass amplifier; bass amp
guitar amplifier; guitar amp
instrument amplifier
bootstrap amplifier
combination amplifier; combo amplifier
multistage amplifier; cascade amplifier

Deutsche Baß Synonyme

Englische bass Synonyme

bass  A string  Amati  Cremona  D string  E string  G string  Heldentenor  Meistersinger  Strad  Stradivari  Stradivarius  accompaniment  alto  aria singer  baritenor  baritone  bass viol  basso  basso buffo  basso cantante  basso continuo  basso ostinato  basso profundo  bassus  blues singer  bourdon  bow  bravura  bridge  bull fiddle  burden  canary  cantatrice  canto  cantor  cantus  cantus figuratus  cantus planus  caroler  cello  chanter  chantress  chest voice  choral  choric  coloratura  coloratura soprano  comic bass  continuo  contrabass  contralto  countertenor  crooner  crowd  deep  deep bass  deep-echoing  deep-pitched  deep-toned  deepmouthed  descant  diva  double bass  dramatic  dramatic soprano  drone  drone bass  falsetto  fiddle  fiddlebow  fiddlestick  figured bass  fingerboard  grave  ground bass  head voice  heavy  heroic  heroic tenor  hollow  hymnal  hymner  improvisator  kit  kit fiddle  kit violin  lead singer  lieder singer  line  liturgical  low  low-pitched  lyric  melodist  mezzo-soprano  opera singer  operatic  part  plain chant  plain song  prick song  prima donna  psalm singer  psalmic  psalmodial  psalmodic  rock-and-roll singer  sacred  scroll  sepulchral  singer  singing  singstress  songbird  songster  songstress  soprano  soundboard  string  tenor  tenor violin  thorough bass  torch singer  treble  tuning peg  undersong  viola  violin  violinette  violoncello  violoncello piccolo  violone  violotta  vocal  vocalist  vocalizer  voce  voce di petto  voce di testa  voice  voice part  warbler  yodeler  
basso  Heldentenor  Meistersinger  alto  aria singer  baritenor  baritone  bass  basso buffo  basso cantante  basso profundo  blues singer  canary  cantatrice  cantor  caroler  chanter  chantress  coloratura soprano  comic bass  contralto  countertenor  crooner  deep bass  diva  dramatic soprano  heroic tenor  hymner  improvisator  lead singer  lieder singer  melodist  mezzo-soprano  opera singer  prima donna  psalm singer  rock-and-roll singer  singer  singstress  songbird  songster  songstress  soprano  tenor  torch singer  vocalist  vocalizer  voice  warbler  yodeler  
bassoon  English horn  Pandean pipe  aulos  basset horn  basset oboe  block flute  bombard  bourdon  cello  claribel  clarinet  clarion  concert flute  contrabassoon  contrafagotto  cornet  cornopean  cromorna  cromorne  cymbel  diapason  double bassoon  double reed  dulciana  fife  fipple flute  flageolet  flute  flute stop  foundation stop  fourniture  gamba  gedeckt  gemshorn  harmonic flute  hautboy  heckelphone  hornpipe  hybrid stop  koppel flute  larigot  licorice stick  melodia  mixture  musette  mutation stop  nazard  oaten reed  oboe  oboe da caccia  ocarina  octave  organ stop  panpipe  penny-whistle  piccolo  pipe  plein jeu  pommer  posaune  principal  quint  quintaten  rank  ranket  recorder  reed  reed instrument  reed stop  register  rohr flute  sax  saxophone  sesquialtera  shawm  single reed  single-reed instrument  sonorophone  spitz flute  stop  stopped diapason  stopped flute  string diapason  string stop  sweet potato  syrinx  tabor pipe  tenoroon  tierce  tin-whistle  tremolo  trombone  trumpet  twelfth  unda maris  vibrato  viola  voix celeste  vox angelica  vox humana  whistle  woods  woodwind  woodwind choir  woodwind instrument  

bass Definition

(pl. ) of Bass
(n.) An edible, spiny-finned fish, esp. of the genera Roccus, Labrax, and related genera. There are many species.
(n.) The two American fresh-water species of black bass (genus Micropterus). See Black bass.
(n.) Species of Serranus, the sea bass and rock bass. See Sea bass.
(n.) The southern, red, or channel bass (Sciaena ocellata). See Redfish.
(n.) The linden or lime tree, sometimes wrongly called whitewood
(n.) A hassock or thick mat.
(a.) A bass, or deep, sound or tone.
(a.) The lowest part in a musical composition.
(a.) One who sings, or the instrument which plays, bass.
(a.) Deep or grave in tone.
(v. t.) To sound in a deep tone.
Bass drum
() The largest of the different kinds of drums, having two heads, and emitting a deep, grave sound. See Bass, a.
Bass horn
() A modification of the bassoon, much deeper in tone.
(n.) Some as Bas-relief.
Bass viol
() A stringed instrument of the viol family, used for playing bass. See 3d Bass, n., and Violoncello.
Black bass
() An edible, fresh-water fish of the United States, of the genus Micropterus. the small-mouthed kind is M. dolomiei
Black bass
() The sea bass. See Blackfish, 3.
Sea bass
() A large marine food fish (Serranus, / Centropristis, atrarius) which abounds on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is dark bluish, with black bands, and more or less varied with small white spots and blotches. Called also, locally, blue bass, black sea bass, blackfish, bluefish, and black perch.
Sea bass
() A California food fish (Cynoscion nobile)
(n.) The deepest pedal stop, or the lowest tones of an organ
Thorough bass
() The representation of chords by figures placed under the base

bass Bedeutung

freshwater bass North American food and game fish
rock bass rock sunfish
Ambloplites rupestris
game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes
black bass widely distributed and highly prized American freshwater game fishes (sunfish family)
Kentucky black bass
spotted black bass
Micropterus pseudoplites
a variety of black bass
smallmouth bass
smallmouthed bass
smallmouth black bass
smallmouthed black bass
Micropterus dolomieu
a variety of black bass, the angle of the jaw falls below the eye
largemouth bass
largemouthed bass
largemouth black bass
largemouthed black bass
Micropterus salmoides
a large black bass, the angle of the jaw falls behind the eye
bass nontechnical name for any of numerous edible marine and freshwater spiny-finned fishes
yellow bass
Morone interrupta
North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass
sea bass any of various food and sport fishes of the Atlantic coast of the United States having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin
blackmouth bass
Synagrops bellus
small marine fish with black mouth and gill cavity
rock sea bass
rock bass Centropristis philadelphica
a kind of sea bass
black sea bass
black bass Centropistes striata
bluish black-striped sea bass of the Atlantic coast of the United States
striped bass
Roccus saxatilis
marine food and game fish with dark longitudinal stripes, migrates upriver to spawn, sometimes placed in the genus Morone
stone bass
Polyprion americanus
brown fish of the Atlantic and Mediterranean found around rocks and shipwrecks
red drum
channel bass
redfish Sciaenops ocellatus
large edible fish found off coast of United States from Massachusetts to Mexico
bass the member with the lowest range of a family of musical instruments
bass clarinet a large clarinet whose range is an octave below the B-flat clarinet
bass drum
gran casa
a large drum with two heads, makes a sound of indefinite but very low pitch
bass fiddle
bass viol bull fiddle
double bass
string bass
largest and lowest member of the violin family
bass guitar the guitar with six strings that has the lowest pitch
bass horn
the lowest brass wind instrument
viola da gamba
bass viol
viol that is the bass member of the viol family with approximately the range of the cello
bass the lowest part of the musical range
bass clef
F clef
a clef that puts the F below middle C on the fourth line of a staff
bass voice
the lowest adult male singing voice
bass bass part the lowest part in polyphonic music
ground bass a short melody in the bass that is constantly repeated
figured bass
basso continuo
thorough bass
a bass part written out in full and accompanied by numbers to indicate the chords to be played
freshwater bass
any of various North American freshwater fish with lean flesh (especially of the genus Micropterus)
largemouth bass flesh of largemouth bass
smallmouth bass flesh of smallmouth bass
sea bass
the lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae
striped bass
caught along the Atlantic coast of the United States
an adult male singer with the lowest voice
having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range, a deep voice, a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice, a bass clarinet
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