
bean Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Sojaquark m cook.
bean curd
Bohneneintopf m cook.
bean stew
bean pole
Sojaquark m
bean curd
Puffbohne f bot.
faba bean
broad bean
Pintobohne f
pinto bean
Wunderbaum m; Rizinus m bot.
castor bean
runner bean
Feuerbohne f bot. cook.
runner bean
Gartenbohne f bot.
common bean
coffee bean
Bohne f, Fisole f Ös. bot.
Bohnen pl
Vanilleschote f
vanilla bean
Bohnensalat m, Fisolensalat m Ös. cook.
green bean salad
Bohnensalat m; Fisolensalat m Ös. cook.
green bean salad
Johannisbrotbaum m bot.
locust bean tree
Bohnensäckchen n photo. sport
bean bag; beanbag
Bohnenfresser pl ugs. pej. (abschätzige Bezeichnung für verschiedene Volksgruppen, bei denen Bohnen ein Hauptnahrungsmittel sind) soc.
bean-eater coll.
Gartenbohne f bot.
haricot; haricot bean
Puffbohne f bot.
Puffbohnen pl
faba bean
faba beans
Bohnenstange f
Bohnenstangen pl
bean pole
bean poles
Indische Büschelbohne f; Guarbohne f (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) bot.
cluster bean, guar bean
Geleebohne f
Geleebohnen pl
jelly bean
jelly beans
Pintobohne f bot. cook.
Pintobohnen pl
pinto bean
pinto beans
Kakaobohne f
Kakaobohnen pl
cocoa bean
cocoa beans
Bohnenranke f bot.
Bohnenranken pl
bean stalk
bean stalks
Adzukibohne f bot.
Adzukibohnen pl
azuki bean
azuki beans
Saubohne f, dicke Bohne f
Saubohnen pl, dicke Bohnen pl
broad bean
broad beans
Sojasprossen pl; Sojabohnensprossen pl cook.
bean sprouts; beansprouts
Helmbohne f; Faselbohne f; Hyazinthbohne f (Lablab purpureus) bot.
hyacinth bean; lablab bean
Saatgans f ornith.
Bean Goose (Anser fabalis)
Gartenbohne f bot.
Gartenbohnen pl
common bean
common beans
Kaffeebohne f
Kaffeebohnen pl
coffee bean
coffee beans
Kidneybohne f, rote Bohne cook.
Kidneybohnen pl, rote Bohnen
kidney bean
kidney beans
Kidneybohne f; rote Bohne cook.
Kidneybohnen pl; rote Bohnen
kidney bean
kidney beans
Feuerbohne f bot. cook.
runner bean; scarlet runner
Vanilleschote f
Vanilleschoten pl
vanilla bean
vanilla beans
Rizinusstaude f; Christuspalme f; Wunderbaum m (Ricinus communis) bot.
caster-oil plant; castor bean
Stumpfmuscheln pl (Donax) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
bean clams (zoological genus)
Erbsenzähler m; Korinthenkacker m; Krümelkacker m; I-Tüpferl-Reiter m Ös.; Tüpflischeisser m Schw. ugs. (Pedant)
nitpicker; bean-counter coll.
Bohnenstange f ugs. (große, schlanke Person)
string bean coll. (tall, thin person)
Sojabohne f
Sojabohnen pl
soybean, soy bean
soybeans, soy beans
Sojabohne f
Sojabohnen pl
soybean; soy bean
soybeans; soy beans
Bohnenstange f ugs. (große schlanke Person)
string bean coll. (tall thin person)
Johannisbrotkernmehl n; Carubenmehl n cook.
carob gum; locust bean gum; carob powder
Juckbohne f; Kratzbohne f (Mucuna pruriens) bot.
velvet bean; lacuna bean; cowage; cowitch
Johannisbrot n
locust bean; carob; carob bean; locust pod
Johannisbrot n
locust bean, carob, carob bean, locust pod
Stangenbohne f bot. cook.
Stangenbohnen pl
runner bean Br.; pole bean
runner beans
Stangenbohne f
Stangenbohnen pl
runner bean Br., pole bean
runner beans
Jochblätter pl (Zygophyllum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bohnenähnliches Jochblatt n (Zygophyllum fabago)
bean-capers (botanical genus)
Syrian bean-caper
Kichererbse f (Cicer arietinum) bot. cook.
Kichererbsen pl
chickpea; garbanzo bean
chickpeas; garbanzo beans
Lacksojaöl n
refined soya bean oil Br.; refined soybean oil Am.
Australische Kastanie f; Bohnenbaum m (Castanospermum australe) bot.
Moreton Bay Chestnut; Moreton Bay bean; black bean tree
Flügelbohne f; Goabohne f (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) bot.
winged bean; Goa bean; four-angled bean; four-cornered bean
Johannisbrotbaum m; Karubenbaum m bot.
Johannisbrotbäume pl; Karubenbäume pl
carob tree; locust bean tree
carob trees; locust bean trees
Ackerbohne f bot.
field bean, broad bean, English bean, European bean, horse bean
Jonglageball m; Jonglierball m (ursprünglich mit getrockneten Bohnen gefüllter Sack)
beanbag; bean bag (sealed bag originally containing dried beans)
Sitzsack m (Einrichtungsgegenstand)
beanbag chair; beanbag (item of furnishing) (bean-bag) (bean bag)
Sojamilch f cook.
soya bean milk Br.; soya milk Br.; soybean milk Am.; soy milk Am.
Trompetenbäume pl (Catalpa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Trompetenbaum m (Catalpa bignonioides)
catalpas; catawbas (botanical genus)
Southern catalpa; Indian bean tree
Ixodes-Zecken pl (Ixodes) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Gemeiner Holzbock m (Ixodes ricinus)
Hirschzecke f; Rehzecke f; Schwarzbeiniger Holzbock m (Ixodes scapularis)
ixodes ticks (zoological genus)
castor bean tick
deer tick; blacklegged tick
Birne f; Rübe f; Kürbis m; Keks m Dt.; Plutzer m Ös.; Grind Schw. ugs. (Kopf)
jdm. eins auf die Rübe geben v slang
bonce Br. coll.; nut Br. slang; bean slang (head)
to bean sb. slang
Cajanus-Erbsen pl (Cajanus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Straucherbse f (Cajanus cajan)
cajanus peas (botanical genus)
pigeon pea; tropical green pea; gandule bean; Congo pea
Birne f; Rübe f; Kürbis m; Keks m Dt.; Plutzer m Ös.; Grind Schw. ugs. (Kopf)
jdm. eins auf die Rübe geben v slang
bonce Br. coll.; nut Br. slang; bean slang; nob slang (head)
to bean sb. slang
Jonglageball m; Jonglierball m (ursprünglich mit getrockneten Bohnen gefüllter Sack)
Sitzsack m
beanbag; bean bag (sealed bag originally containing dried beans)
beanbag chair; bean bag chair
Glycinepflanzen pl (Glycine) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Sojabohne f (Glycine max)
Schlinggylcine f (Glycine clandestina)
glycine plants (botanical genus)
soya bean Br.; soybean Am.
twining glycine; love creeper
Bostoner m; Einwohner Bostons m soc.
Bostoner pl; Einwohner Bostons pl
Bostonian; Beantowner Am. pej.; bean-eater Am. pej.
Bostonians; Beantowners; bean-eaters
Johannisbrotbaum m; Karubenbaum m; Karobbaum m; Bockshörndlbaum m Ös. (Ceratonia siliqua) bot.
Johannisbrotbäume pl; Karubenbäume pl; Karobbäume pl; Bockshörndlbäume pl
St John's-bread tree; carob tree; locust bean tree
St John's-bread trees; carob trees; locust bean trees
Bohne f bot. cook.
Bohnen pl
fadenlose Bohne
gelbe Bohne
grüne Bohne; Gartenbohne; Stangenbohne; Fisole Ös.; Strankerl Ös.
weiße Bohne
stringless bean
wax bean
string bean; runner bean; French bean
haricot bean; navy bean Am.
Ackerbohne f; Saubohne f; Schweinsbohne f; Favabohne f; Dicke Bohne f; Große Bohne f; Pferdebohne f; Viehbohne f; Faberbohne f; Puffbohne f (Vicia faba) bot.
Ackerbohnen pl; Saubohnen pl; Schweinsbohnen pl; Favabohnen pl; Dicke Bohnen pl; Große Bohnen pl; Pferdebohnen pl; Viehbohnen pl; Faberbohnen pl; Puffbohnen pl
Vicia faba; broad bean; fava bean; field bean; bell bean; tic bean
broad beans; fava beans; field beans; bell beans; tic beans
Hülsenfrüchtler pl; Schmetterlingsblütler pl; Leguminosen pl (Fabaceae Leguminosae) (botanische Familie) bot.
legumes; pulses; leguminous plants; fabaceous plants; papilionaceous plants; bean family; pea family; legume family (botanical family)
Feldgänse pl; Echte Gänse pl (Anser) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Bläßgans f (Anser albifrons)
Graugans f (Anser anser)
Kurzschnabelgans f (Anser brachyrhynchus)
Saatgans f (Anser fabalis)
Zwerggans f (Anser erythropus)
true geese (zoological genus)
greater white-fronted goose
greylag goose
pink-footed goose
bean goose
lesser white-fronted goose
Abrus-Ranken pl (Abrus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Paternostererbse f; Paternosterbohne f; Krabbenaugenwein m (Abrus precatorius)
abrus vines (botanical genus)
paternoster bean; precatory bean; precatory pea; jequirity bean; rosary pea; crab's eye vine; Indian licorice
Cashewnuss f; Kaschunuss f; Acajounuss f cook.
Cashewnüsse pl; Kaschunüsse pl; Acajounüsse pl
cashew nut; cashew; acajou nut; acajou; Malacca bean rare; kidney bean of Malacca rare
cashew nuts; cashews; acajou nuts; acajous; Malacca beans; kidney beans of Malacca
Neuweltliche Bohnen pl; Phaseolus-Bohnen pl (Phaseolus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Feuerbohne f; Prunkbohne f; Käferbohne f Ös. (Phaseolus coccineus)
grüne Bohne f; Gartenbohne f; Fisole f Ös.; Strankerl n Kärnten (Phaseolus vulgaris)
Limabohne f; Mondbohne f (Phaseolus lunatus)
Teparybohne f (Phaseolus acutifolius)
wild beans; phaseolus beans (botanical genus)
scarlet runner bean; runner bean; multiflora bean
common bean; green bean; string bean; snap bean; French bean Br.
lima bean; butter bean; sieva bean
Tepary bean
Bohne f cook.
Bohnen pl
Stangenbohnen pl
Buschbohnen pl
Dickbohnen pl
gelbe Bohnen; Wachsbohnen pl
Perlbohnen pl
Pintobohnen pl
rote Bohnen
Trockenkochbohnen pl; Kernbohnen pl
weiße Bohnen
fadenlose Bohnen
climbing beans; pole beans Am.
bush beans
white kidney beans; cannellini beans Am.
wax beans
pearl beans
pinto beans
red kidney bean; red beans
dry beans
white pea beans; pea beans; haricot beans; navy beans Am.
stringless beans
Kaffeemaschine f cook.
Kaffeemaschinen pl
Espressomaschine f
Filterkaffeemaschine f
Kaffeepad-Maschine f
Kapselkaffeemaschine f
Kaffeevollautomat m
coffee making machine; coffee maker; coffee machine
coffee making machines; coffee makers; coffee machines
espresso machine
filter coffee machine
pod coffee machine; coffee pod machine; coffee pad machine
capsule coffee machine; coffee capsule machine
fully automated coffee machine; fully automatic coffee machine; bean-to-cup coffee machine
Salat m cook.
Salate pl
Beilagensalat m
Bohnensalat m; Fisolensalat m Ös.
Cäsarsalat m
Eiersalat m
Fleischsalat m
Gurkensalat m
Karottensalat m; Möhrensalat m Mitteldt. Ostdt.; Gelbrübensalat m BW; Rüeblisalat m Schw.
Kartoffelsalat m; Erdäpfelsalat m Bayr. Ös.; Härdäpfelsalat m Schw.
Kohlsalat m; Krautsalat m
Menüsalat m Schw.
Nudelsalat m
Obstsalat m; Fruchtsalat m
Rucolasalat m; Rukolasalat m
Vorspeisensalat m
Waldorfsalat m
warmer Salat
Wurstsalat m
Wurzelsalat m
Salat mit Schinken
Salat mit Parmesansplittern
side salad
green bean salad
Caesar salad
egg salad
meat salad
cucumber salad
carrot salad
potato salad
coleslaw; slaw Am. coll.
salad of the day as a set menu starter
pasta salad
fruit salad
rocket salad Br., arugula salad Am.
starter salad
Waldorf salad
warm salad
sausage salad
salad of root vegetables
ham salad
salad with Parmesan shavings
Altweltliche Bohnen pl; Vigna-Bohnen pl (Vigna) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Adzukibohne f (Vigna angularis)
Bambarabohne f; Erderbse f (Vigna subterranea)
Catjangbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. cylindrica)
Kuhbohne f (Vigna unguiculata)
Linsenbohne f; Urdbohne f (Vigna mungo)
Mattenbohne f (Vigna aconitifolia)
Mungobohne f; Mungbohne f; Jerusalembohne f; Lunjabohne f (Vigna radiata)
Reisbohne f (Vigna umbellata)
Schwarzaugenbohne f; Augenbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. unguiculata)
Spargelbohne f; Meterbohne f; Asiatische Schlangenbohne f (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis)
vigna beans (botanical genus)
adzuki bean; azuki bean
Bambara bean; ground bean; Bambara groundnut; earth pea
catjang bean; sow-pea
black matpe bean; urd bean; black lentil; black gram
mat bean; matki; moth bean; dew bean; Turkish gram
moong bean; mung bean; green gram
rice bean
black-eyed bean; black-eyed pea; goat pea; crowder-pea, southern pea
asparagus bean; yardlong bean; Chinese long-bean; snake bean

Deutsche Bohne Synonyme

überhaupt  nicht  Âgar  nicht  Âkein  bisschen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âkein  Stück  (umgangssprachlich)  Ânicht  die  Bohne  (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische bean Synonyme

bean  Irish potato  Kraut  a continental  a curse  a damn  a darn  a hoot  algae  aubergine  autophyte  bagatelle  bauble  beans  belfry  bibelot  bit  bracken  brain  brass farthing  brow  brown algae  button  cabbage  cent  climber  conferva  confervoid  conk  creeper  crown  curio  diatom  dome  eggplant  encephalon  farce  farthing  feather  fern  fig  fleabite  folderol  fribble  frippery  fruits and vegetables  fucus  fungus  gaud  gewgaw  gimcrack  grapevine  gray matter  green algae  greens  gulfweed  hair  halfpenny  head  headpiece  herb  heterophyte  hill of beans  ivy  jest  joke  kelp  kickshaw  knickknack  knickknackery  legume  legumes  lentil  liana  lichen  liverwort  love apple  mad apple  minikin  mockery  mold  molehill  moss  mushroom  noddle  noggin  noodle  organ of thought  parasite  parasitic plant  pate  pea  peppercorn  perthophyte  phytoplankton  picayune  pieplant  pin  pinch of snuff  pinprick  planktonic algae  plant families  poll  potato  potherbs  produce  puffball  pulse  rap  red algae  red cent  rhubarb  ridge  rockweed  row of pins  rush  rust  saprophyte  sargasso  sargassum  sconce  sea lentil  sea moss  sea wrack  seat of thought  seaweed  sensation  sensorium  sensory  shit  smut  snap  sneeshing  sou  spud  straw  succulent  tater  toadstool  tomato  toy  trifle  trinket  triviality  tuppence  two cents  twopence  vegetables  vetch  vine  whim-wham  white potato  wort  wrack  
bean pole  barebones  beanstalk  broomstick  clothes pole  corpse  giant  grenadier  lanky  longlegs  longshanks  rattlebones  seven-footer  shadow  skeleton  slim  spindlelegs  spindleshanks  stack of bones  stilt  twiggy  walking skeleton  
beanery  automat  bistro  buffet  buvette  cafe  cafeteria  canteen  cantina  chophouse  chuck wagon  coffee shop  coffeehouse  coffeeroom  cookhouse  cookshack  cookshop  diner  dining hall  dining room  dog wagon  drive-in  drive-in restaurant  eatery  eating house  fast-food chain  grill  grillroom  hamburger stand  hash house  hashery  hot-dog stand  kitchen  lunch counter  lunch wagon  luncheonette  lunchroom  mess hall  pizzeria  quick-lunch counter  restaurant  sandwich shop  smorgasbord  snack bar  tavern  tearoom  trattoria  

bean Definition

(n.) A name given to the seed of certain leguminous herbs, chiefly of the genera Faba, Phaseolus, and Dolichos
(n.) The popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more or less resembling true beans.
Bean caper
() A deciduous plant of warm climates, generally with fleshy leaves and flowers of a yellow or whitish yellow color, of the genus Zygophyllum.
Bean trefoil
() A leguminous shrub of southern Europe, with trifoliate leaves (Anagyris foetida).
Buck bean
() A plant (Menyanthes trifoliata) which grows in moist and boggy places, having racemes of white or reddish flowers and intensely bitter leaves, sometimes used in medicine
Castor bean
() The bean or seed of the castor-oil plant (Ricinus communis, or Palma Christi.)
Florida bean
() The large, roundish, flattened seed of Mucuna urens. See under Bean.
Florida bean
() One of the very large seeds of the Entada scandens.
Ignatius bean
() See Saint Ignatius's bean, under Saint.
Pichurim bean
() The seed of a Brazilian lauraceous tree (Nectandra Puchury) of a taste and smell between those of nutmeg and of sassafras, -- sometimes used medicinally. Called also sassafras nut.
Sea bean
() Same as Florida bean.
Tonca bean
() See Tonka bean.
Tonka bean
() The seed of a leguminous tree (Dipteryx odorata), native of Guiana. It has a peculiarly agreeable smell, and is employed in the scenting of snuff. Called also tonquin bean.
Tonquin bean
() See Tonka bean.

bean Bedeutung

Mexican bean beetle
bean beetle
Epilachna varivestis
introduced into the United States from Mexico, feeds on the foliage of the bean plant
bean weevil
Acanthoscelides obtectus
larvae live in and feed on growing or stored beans
blackfly bean aphid
Aphis fabae
blackish aphid that infests e.g. beans and sugar beets
informal terms for a human head
bean dip a dip made of cooked beans
jelly bean
jelly egg
sugar-glazed jellied candy
bean curd
cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk
bean sprout any of various sprouted beans: especially mung beans or lentils or edible soybeans
edible bean
any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food
goa bean Old World tropical bean
common bean any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried
kidney bean large dark red bean, usually dried
navy bean
pea bean
white bean
white-seeded bean, usually dried
pinto bean mottled or spotted bean of southwestern United States, usually dried
black bean
turtle bean
black-seeded bean of South America, usually dried
fresh bean beans eaten before they are ripe as opposed to dried
green bean immature bean pod eaten as a vegetable
snap bean
tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections
string bean green beans with strings that must be removed
Kentucky wonder
Kentucky wonder bean
flat-podded green bean
scarlet runner
scarlet runner bean
runner bean
English runner bean
long bean pods usually sliced into half-inch lengths, a favorite in Britain
haricot vert
haricots verts
French bean
very small and slender green bean
wax bean
yellow bean
snap beans with yellow pods
shell bean unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking
lima bean broad flat beans simmered gently, never eaten raw
sieva bean
butter bean
civet bean
small flat green bean similar to lima beans
fava bean
broad bean
shell beans cooked as lima beans
soya bean
the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known, the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein)
cacao bean
cocoa bean
seed of the cacao tree, ground roasted beans are source of chocolate
potato bean
wild bean
nutlike tuber, important food of Native Americans
broad bean horse bean a bean plant cultivated for use animal fodder
vanilla bean long bean-like fruit, seeds are used as flavoring
bean tostada a flat tortilla topped with refried beans
coffee bean
coffee berry
a seed of the coffee tree, ground to make coffee
Hub of the Universe
Bean Town
capital of Massachusetts
state capital and largest city of Massachusetts, a major center for banking and financial services
bean counter an accountant or bureaucrat who is believed to place undue emphasis on the control of expenditures
castor bean the toxic seed of the castor-oil plant, source of castor oil
tonka bean tonka bean tree
Coumarouna odorata
Dipteryx odorata
tall tropical South American tree having pulpy egg-shaped pods of fragrant black almond-shaped seeds used for flavoring
tonka bean coumara nut fragrant black nutlike seeds of the tonka bean tree, used in perfumes and medicines and as a substitute for vanilla
iceream bean
Inga edulis
ornamental evergreen tree with masses of white flowers, tropical and subtropical America
screw bean screwbean
screwbean mesquite
Prosopis pubescens
shrub or small tree of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico having spirally twisted pods
screw bean spirally twisted sweet pod of screwbean mesquite that is used for fodder or ground into meal for feed
calabar-bean vine
Physostigma venenosum
tropical African woody vine yielding calabar beans
calabar bean
ordeal bean
dark brown highly poisonous seed of the calabar-bean vine, source of physostigmine and used in native witchcraft
carob tree
carob bean tree
Ceratonia siliqua
evergreen Mediterranean tree with edible pods, the biblical carob
carob carob bean
algarroba bean
algarroba locust bean
locust pod
long pod containing small beans and sweetish edible pulp, used as animal feed and source of a chocolate substitute
bean trefoil
stinking bean trefoil
Anagyris foetida
shrub with trifoliate leaves and yellow flowers followed by backward curving seed pods, leaves foetid when crushed
groundnut vine
Indian potato potato bean
wild bean
Apios americana
Apios tuberosa
a North American vine with fragrant blossoms and edible tubers, important food crop of Native Americans
jack bean
wonder bean
giant stock bean
Canavalia ensiformis
annual semi-erect bushy plant of tropical South America bearing long pods with white seeds grown especially for forage
sword bean
Canavalia gladiata
twining tropical Old World plant bearing long pods usually with red or brown beans, long cultivated in Orient for food
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Bean is a common name for large seeds of several genera of the flowering plant family Fabaceae which are used for human or animal food.

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