
berry Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

rowan berry
juniper berry
Taubenkropf m; Hühnerbiss m (Cucubalus baccifer) bot.
berry catchfly
Beere f
Beeren pl
Beere f bot. cook.
Beeren pl
Beerenfrucht; Beere f bot.
Beerenfrüchte; Beeren pl
Jackalberry-Baum m bot.
jackal-berry tree
Waldfrucht f bot. agr.
Waldfrüchte pl
wild berry
wild berries
Vogelbeere f bot.
Vogelbeeren pl
rowan berry
rowan berries
Wacholderbeere f bot.
Wacholderbeeren pl
juniper berry
juniper berries
Indische Scheinmyrte f; Scheinmyrte f; Kokkelskörnerstrauch m; Kokkelspflanze f (Anamirta cocculus) bot.
Indian berry; fishberry; Levant nut
Wunderbeere f; Mirakelfrucht f (Synsepalum dulcificum) bot.
miracle berry, miraculous berry; miracle fruit
Wunderbeere f; Mirakelfrucht f (Synsepalum dulcificum) bot.
miracle berry miraculous berry; miracle fruit
Andenbeere f; Kapstachelbeere f; Physalisbeere f; Physalisfrucht f cook.
Incan berry; cape gooseberry; goldenberry; physalis
Alraunenbeere f; Liebesapfel m ugs. obs. bot.
Alraunenbeeren pl; Liebesäpfel pl
mandrake berry; love apple coll. obs.
mandrake berries; love apples
Tollkirschen pl (Atropa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
schwarze Tollkirsche f (Atropa belladonna)
atropa nightshades
deadly nightshade; devil's berry death cherry; belladonna
Hypothenemus-Borkenkäfer pl (Hypothenemus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Kaffeekirschenkäfer m (Hypothenemus hampei)
hypothenemus bark beetles (zoological genus)
coffee borer beetle; coffee berry borer
Johannisbeere f, Ribisel f Ös. bot.
Johannisbeeren pl, Ribiseln pl Ös.
schwarze Johannisbeere f
rote Johannisbeere f
weiße Johannisbeere f
black currant, blackcurrant
red currant, garnet berry
white currant
Wüstendattelbaum m; Wüstendattel f; Jericho-Balsambaum m; Zachunbaum m (Balanites aegyptiaca) bot.
desert date tree; soap berry tree bush; thron tree; Egyptian balsam myrobalan; zachum oil tree
Wüstendattelbaum m; Wüstendattel f; Jericho-Balsambaum m; Zachunbaum m (Balanites aegyptiaca) bot.
desert date tree; soap berry tree bush; thron tree; Egyptian balsam myrobalan; zachum oil tree
Tollkirschen pl (Atropa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
schwarze Tollkirsche f (Atropa belladonna)
atropa nightshades (botanical genus)
deadly nightshade; devil's berry, death cherry; belladonna; divale archaic; dwale archaic
Johannisbeeren pl Dt. Westös. Schw.; Ribisel(n) pl Ös. (Ribes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rote Johannisbeere; rote Ribisel (Ribes rubrum)
weiße Johannisbeere; weiße Ribisel (Ribes rubrum)
schwarze Johannisbeere; schwarze Ribisel (Ribes nigrum)
currants (botanical genus)
red currant; redcurrant; garnet berry coll.
white currant; whitecurrant
black currant; blackcurrant
Sumpfbrombeere f; Moorbeere f; Moltebeere f; Multebeere f (Rubus chamaemorus) bot.
cloudberry; knotberry Br.; knoutberry Br.; averin Sc.; evron Sc.; low-bush salmonberry Am.; aqpik Am.; baked-apple berry Can.; bakeapple Can.
Mus n; Püree m cook.
(grobes) Apfelmus n (als Beilage)
Apfelmus n
Bananenmus n
Beerenmus n
Birnenmus n
Pfirsichmus n
puree; purée; mash
apple sauce; applesauce Am.
apple puree; apple purée
banana puree; banana purée
berry puree; berry purée
pear puree; pear purée
peach puree; peach purée
Glanzblattmispeln pl; Glanzmispeln pl (Photenia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Lorbeerglanzmispel f; Lorbeermispel f; David-Glanzmispel f; Funkenblatt n (Photinia davidiana Stranvaesia davidiana)
Kahle Glanzmispel f; Sägeblättrige Glanzmispel f (Photinia serratifolia)
Scharlachglanzmispel f; Scharlachmispel f; Warzige Glanzmispel f; Warzenglanzmispel f (Photinia villosa)
photinias (botanical genus)
Chinese photinia; David's photinia; Chinese stranvaesia; stranvaesia
Taiwanese photinia; Japanese photinia; Chinese hawthorn
Oriental photinia; Christmas berry
Blasenfarne pl (Cystopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
alpiner Blasenfarn m; Alpenblasenfarn m (Cystopteris alpina)
schottischer Blasenfarn m; runzelsporiger Blasenfarn m (Cystopteris dickieana) bot.
zerbrechlicher gemeiner Blasenfarn m; Felsenblasenfarn m (Cystopteris fragilis) bot.
Bergblasenfarn m (Cystopteris montana)
Brutknospenblasenfarn m (Cystopteris bulbifera)
bladderferns; fragile ferns (botanical genus)
Alpine bladder fern
Dickie's bladder fern
brittle (bladder) fern; fragile fern
mountain bladder fern
bulblet (bladder) fern; berry (bladder) fern
Maclura-Maulbeergewächse pl (Maclura) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Milchorangenbaum m; Milchorange f; Indianer-Orange f; Osagedorn m (Maclura pomifera)
Färbermaulbeerbaum m; Gelbholz n (Maclura tinctoria)
Seidenraupenbaum m (Maclura tricuspidata)
maclura mulberries (botanical genus)
Osage orange; monkey ball; hedge apple; horse apple; bowwood; bois d'arc; bodark
dyer's mulberry; old fustic
Chinese mulberry; mandarin melon berry; silkworm thorn
Maclura-Maulbeergewächse pl (Maclura) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Milchorangenbaum m; Milchorange f; Indianer-Orange f; Osagedorn m (Maclura pomifera)
Färbermaulbeerbaum m; Gelbholz n (Maclura tinctoria)
Seidenraupenbaum m (Maclura tricuspidata)
Weißer Maulbeerbaum m; Weiße Maulbeere f (Morus alba)
maclura mulberries (botanical genus)
Osage orange; monkey ball; hedge apple; horse apple; bowwood; bois d'arc; bodark
dyer's mulberry; old fustic
Chinese mulberry; mandarin melon berry; silkworm thorn
white mulberry
Blasenkirschen pl (Physalis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Kapstachelbeere f; Andenbeere f; Andenkirsche f; Peruanische Blasenkirsche f (Physalis peruviana)
Lampionblume f (Physalis alkekengi)
groundcherries; cape gooseberries; husk tomatoes (botanical genus)
giant ground cherry; Peruvian groundcherry; Peruvian cherry; Inca berry; Aztec berry; Cape gooseberry Br.
Chinese lantern; Japanese-lantern; strawberry groundcherry; bladder cherry
Nachtschatten pl (Solanum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Carolina-Nachtschatten; Pferdenessel (Solanum carolinense)
schwarzer Nachtschatten (Solanum nigrum)
bittersüßer Nachtschatten; Bittersüß; Waldnachtschatten Wasserranke; Saurebe; Mäuseholz; Natternholz (Solanum dulcamara)
zierlicher Nachtschatten; gänsefußblättriger Nachtschatten (Solanum chenopodioides)
nightshades; horsenettles (botanical genus)
Carolina horsenettle; horsenettle
black nightshade; European black nighshade; small-fruited black nightshade; garden nightshade; duscle; petty morel; wonder berry
bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; climbing trailing woody snakeberry nightshade; trailing bittersweet; bittersweet; blue bindweed; scarlet berry; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonberry; poisonflower
tall nightshade
Johannisbeeren pl Dt. Westös. Schw.; Ribisel(n) pl Ös.; Ribiseli pl Schw.; Trübeli pl Schw. (Ribes) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenjohannisbeere f; Bergjohannisbeere f; Alpenribisel f Ös. (Ribes alpinum)
Felsenjohannisbeere f; Felsenribisel f (Ribes petraeum)
Nordische Johannisbeere f; Ährige Johannisbeere f; Ährenribisel f Ös. (Ribes spicatum)
Oregon-Stachelbeere f (Ribes divaricatum)
rote Johannisbeere; rote Ribisel (Ribes rubrum)
schwarze Johannisbeere; schwarze Ribisel (Ribes nigrum)
Stinktier-Johannisbeere f (Ribes glandulosum)
weiße Johannisbeere; weiße Ribisel (Ribes rubrum)
Wüsten-Johannisbeere f (Ribes cereum)
Gartenstachelbeere f; Stachelbeere f (Ribes (uva-crispa) grossularia)
Wilde Stachelbeere f; Wildstachelbeere f (Ribes uva-crispa uva-crispa)
currants (botanical genus)
Alpine currant; mountain currant
rock red-currant; rock currant
northern red currant; Nordic currant; downy currant
spreading gooseberry; coastal black gooseberry; Worcesterberry Br.
red currant; redcurrant; garnet berry coll.
black currant; blackcurrant
skunk currant
white currant; whitecurrant
wax currant; waxy currant; white squaw currant; squaw currant
common gooseberry; cultivated gooseberry; gooseberry
wild gooseberry
Nachtschatten pl (Solanum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Eierpflanze f; Auberginenpflanze f (Solanum melongena)
Carolina-Nachtschatten; Pferdenessel (Solanum carolinense)
schwarzer Nachtschatten (Solanum nigrum)
bittersüßer Nachtschatten; Bittersüß; Waldnachtschatten, Wasserranke; Saurebe; Mäuseholz; Natternholz (Solanum dulcamara)
zierlicher Nachtschatten; gänsefußblättriger Nachtschatten (Solanum chenopodioides)
nightshades; horsenettles (botanical genus)
aubergine plant Br.; eggplant Am. Austr. NZ; mad-apple plant South Africa
Carolina horsenettle; horsenettle
black nightshade; European black nighshade; small-fruited black nightshade; garden nightshade; duscle; petty morel; wonder berry
bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; climbing trailing woody snakeberry nightshade; trailing bittersweet; bittersweet; blue bindweed; scarlet berry; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonberry; poisonflower
tall nightshade
Wacholder pl (Juniperus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher Wacholder m; Heidewacholder m; Machandel m Norddt.; Machandelbaum m Norddt.; Kranewit m Bayr. Ös.; Kranewet Ös. (Juniperus communis)
Kriechwacholder m (Juniperus horizontalis)
stinkender Baumwacholder m (Juniperus foetidissima)
Bergwacholder m; ostafrikanischer Wacholder m; Bleistiftzeder f (Juniperus procera)
Bermudawacholder m; Floridawacholder m; Floridazeder f (Juniperus bermudiana)
chinesischer Wacholder m (Juniperus chinensis)
griechischer Wacholder m (Juniperus excelsa)
Zypressenwacholder m; phönizischer Wacholder m (Juniperus phoenicea)
syrischer Wacholder m (Juniperus drupacea)
westlicher Wacholder m (Juniperus occidentalis)
Zedernwacholder m; Stechwacholder m; rotbeeriger Wacholder m (Juniperus oxycedrus)
Igelwacholder m; Nadelwacholder m; Strandwacholder m (Juniperus rigida)
Stinkwacholder m; Sadebaum m; Sebenbaum m (Juniperus sabina)
spanischer Wacholder m (Juniperus thurifera)
Tibet-Wacholder m (Juniperus tibetica)
virginischer Wacholder Sadebaum m; virginische Zeder f; Rotzeder f; Bleistiftzeder f (Juniperus virginiana)
junipers (botanical genus)
common juniper
creeping juniper
stinking juniper
African juniper; African pencil cedar
Bermuda juniper; Bermuda cedar
Chinese juniper
Greek juniper; Grecian juniper; Crimean juniper
Phoenician juniper
Syrian juniper
Western juniper
cade juniper; cade; prickly juniper; red-berry juniper
needle juniper; temple juniper; shore juniper; compact juniper
Spanish juniper; incense juniper
Tibetan juniper
Eastern juniper; Eastern red cedar; red juniper cedar; pencil cedar

berry Definition

Avignon berry
() The fruit of the Rhamnus infectorius, eand of other species of the same genus
(n.) Any small fleshy fruit, as the strawberry, mulberry, huckleberry, etc.
(n.) A small fruit that is pulpy or succulent throughout, having seeds loosely imbedded in the pulp, as the currant, grape, blueberry.
(n.) The coffee bean.
(n.) One of the ova or eggs of a fish.
(v. i.) To bear or produce berries.
(n.) A mound
(n.) The small, blueblack, drupelike fruit of the Nuttallia cerasiformis, a shrub of Oregon and California, belonging to the Cherry tribe of Rosaceae.
(n.) The edible fruit of the Gaultheria Shallon, an ericaceous shrub found from California northwards. The berries are about the size of a common grape and of a dark purple color.

berry Bedeutung

berry any of numerous small and pulpy edible fruits, used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves
wheat berry
grains of common wheat, sometimes cooked whole or cracked as cereal, usually ground into flour
coffee bean
coffee berry
a seed of the coffee tree, ground to make coffee
Chuck Berry
Charles Edward Berry
United States rock singer (born in )
Sir Jack Hobbs
John Berry Hobbs
notable English cricketer (-)
juniper berry berrylike fruit of a plant of the genus Juniperus especially the berrylike cone of the common juniper
white-berry yew
Pseudotaxus chienii
yew of southeastern China, differing from the Old World yew in having white berries
red baneberry
redberry red-berry snakeberry
Actaea rubra
North American perennial herb with alternately compound leaves and racemes of small white flowers followed by bright red oval poisonous berries
pigeon berry
Phytolacca americana
tall coarse perennial American herb having small white flowers followed by blackished berries on long drooping racemes, young fleshy stems are edible, berries and root are poisonous
blood berry
rouge plant
Rivina humilis
bushy houseplant having white to pale pink flowers followed by racemes of scarlet berries, tropical Americas
wheat berry a grain of wheat
New Zealand wine berry
wineberry Aristotelia serrata
Aristotelia racemosa
graceful deciduous shrub or small tree having attractive foliage and small red berries that turn black at maturity and are used for making wine
b common bearberry
red bearberry
wild cranberry
hog cranberry
sand berry
mountain box
bear's grape
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
evergreen mat-forming shrub of North America and northern Eurasia having small white flowers and red berries, leaves turn red in autumn
creeping snowberry
moxie plum
maidenhair berry
Gaultheria hispidula
slow-growing procumbent evergreen shrublet of northern North America and Japan having white flowers and numerous white fleshy rough and hairy seeds
wintergreen checkerberry
mountain tea
groundberry ground-berry creeping wintergreen
Gaultheria procumbens
creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil
Gaylussacia frondosa
huckleberry of the eastern United States with pink flowers and sweet blue fruit
male berry
privet andromeda
Lyonia ligustrina
deciduous much-branched shrub with dense downy panicles of small bell-shaped white flowers
bilberry thin-leaved bilberry
mountain blue berry
Viccinium membranaceum
erect blueberry of western United States having solitary flowers and somewhat sour berries
bog bilberry
bog whortleberry
moor berry
Vaccinium uliginosum alpinum
an evergreen shrub with leathery leaves
dryland blueberry
dryland berry
Vaccinium pallidum
low deciduous shrub of the eastern United States bearing dark blue sweet berries
grouse whortleberry
Vaccinium scoparium
shrub of northwestern North America bearing red berries
native cranberry
groundberry ground-berry cranberry heath
Astroloma humifusum
Styphelia humifusum
small prostrate or ascending shrub having scarlet flowers and succulent fruit resembling cranberries, sometimes placed in genus Styphelia
silver berry silverbush silver-bush Elaeagnus commutata
deciduous unarmed North American shrub with silvery leaves and fruits
Russian olive
silver berry Elaeagnus augustifolia
deciduous shrubby tree of Europe and western Asia having grey leaves and small yellow fruits covered in silvery scales, sometimes spiny
Christmasberry Christmas berry Heteromeles arbutifolia
Photinia arbutifolia
ornamental evergreen treelike shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having large white flowers and red berrylike fruits, often placed in genus Photinia
salmonberry salmon berry
thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus
white-flowered raspberry of western North America and northern Mexico with thimble-shaped orange berries
dwarf mulberry
baked-apple berry
salmonberry Rubus chamaemorus
creeping raspberry of north temperate regions with yellow or orange berries
Spanish lime
Spanish lime tree
honey berry
Melicocca bijuga
Melicocca bijugatus
tropical American tree bearing a small edible fruit with green leathery skin and sweet juicy translucent pulp
evergreen winterberry
Ilex glabra
evergreen holly of eastern North America with oblong leathery leaves and small black berries
Asiatic sweetleaf
sapphire berry
Symplocus paniculata
deciduous shrub of eastern Asia bearing decorative bright blue fruit
white horse nettle
prairie berry
purple nightshade
silverleaf nightshade
silver-leaved nightshade
silver-leaved nettle
Solanum elaeagnifolium
weedy nightshade with silvery foliage and violet or blue or white flowers, roundish berry widely used to curdle milk, central United States to South America
black nightshade
common nightshade
Solanum nigrum
Eurasian herb naturalized in America having white flowers and poisonous hairy foliage and bearing black berries that are sometimes poisonous but sometimes edible
Christmasberry Christmas berry Lycium carolinianum spiny evergreen shrub of southeastern United States having spreading branches usually blue or mauve flowers and red berries
dwarf cornel
pudding berry
Cornus canadensis
creeping perennial herb distinguished by red berries and clustered leaf whorls at the tips of shoots, Greenland to Alaska
berry a small fruit having any of various structures, e.g., simple (grape or blueberry) or aggregate (blackberry or raspberry)
buckthorn berry
yellow berry
fruit of various buckthorns yielding dyes or pigments
Rhamnus croceus
small spiny evergreen shrub of western United States and Mexico with minute flowers and bright red berries
bulblet fern
bulblet bladder fern
berry fern
Cystopteris bulbifera
North American fern often bearing bulbils on the leaflets
berry pick or gather berries, We went berrying in the summer
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Japanese barberries

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