
bio Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bioakkumulation f biochem.
Bioakkumulation f biol. envir.
Bioakustik f; Tierstimmenforschung f
bioacoustics; animal sounds research
Akustik f; Schall- und Klanglehre f phys.
Strömungsakustik f
Bioakustik f; Tierstimmenforschung f
bioacoustics; animal sounds research
Schlammbelebung f, Belebtschlammverfahren n
Schlammbelebung f; Belebtschlammverfahren n
Schlammbelebung f (Abwasserbehandlung) envir.
bioaeration (sewage treatment)
Aerosol n chem.
Aerosole pl
Bioaerosol n
Bioastronomie f; Weltraumbiologie f; Astrobiologie f astron. biol.
bioastronomy; space biology; astrobiology
Bioangriff m mil.
Bioangriffe pl
Bioverfügbarkeit f
Bioverfügbarkeit f biol. envir.
bioavailability; biological availability
bioverfügbar adj biol. envir.
bioavailable; biologically available
Biobank f (biologische Präparate mit dazugehörigen Patientendaten für wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen) med. sci.
biorepository; biobank (biospecimen and associated patient data for scientific investigation)
Biokatalyse f biochem.
etw. verankern; fixieren; immobilisieren v biochem. (Enzyme, Bakterien)
verankernd; fixierend; immobilisierend
verankert; fixiert; immobilisiert
verankerter Biokatalysator; immobilisierter Biokatalysator
immobilisierter pH-Gradient
to anchor sth.; to immobilize sth.; to immobilise sth. Br. (enzymes, bacteria)
anchoring; immobilizing; immobilising
anchored; immobilized; immobilised
anchored biocatalyst; immobilized biocatalyst
immobilized pH gradient
biozönologisch adj envir.
biocoenological; biocenological Am.; synecological
Biozönologie f envir.
community ecology synecology; biocoenology; biocenology Am.
Lebensgemeinschaft f in einem Biotop; Biozönose f envir.
biological biotic ecological community; biocoenosis; biocoen; biocenosis Am.; biocenose Am.
Lebensgemeinschaft f in einem Biotop; Biozönose f envir.
Mikrobiozönose f
biological biotic ecological community; biocoenosis; biocoen; biocenosis Am.; biocenose Am.
microbiocoenosis; microbiocenosis Am.
biozönotisch adj envir.
biocoenotic; biocenotic Am.
Insulin n
biochem insulin
biochemisch adj
Sauerstoffbedarf m; Sauerstoffbedarfswert m biol.
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf; biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf BSB
chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf CSB
totaler Sauerstoffbedarf
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf in fünf Tagen; Sauerstoffbedarf für den fünftägigen mikrobiellen Abbau
demand for oxygen; oxygen demand; oxygen needs
biochemical oxygen demand BOD
chemical oxygen demand COD
total oxygen demand TOD
five-days biochemical oxygen demand; five-day BOD
Sauerstoffbedarf m; Sauerstoffbedarfswert m biol.
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf; biologischer Sauerstoffbedarf BSB
chemischer Sauerstoffbedarf CSB
totaler Sauerstoffbedarf
biochemischer Sauerstoffbedarf in fünf Tagen; Sauerstoffbedarf für den fünftägigen mikrobiellen Abbau
demand for oxygen; oxygen demand; oxygen needs
biochemical oxygen demand BOD
chemical oxygen demand COD
total oxygen demand TOD
five-days biochemical oxygen demand; five-day BOD
Schwangerschaft f; Gravidität f med.
Schwangerschaften pl
Bauchhöhlenschwangerschaft f
biochemische Schwangerschaft; chemische Schwangerschaft (Frühestfehlgeburt)
Eileiterschwangerschaft f
Einfachschwangerschaft f
ektope Schwangerschaft; Extrauteringravidität f
Mehrlingsschwangerschaft f med.
Terminschwangerschaft f
Zwillingsschwangerschaft f med.
mehrere Schwangerschaften
unerwünschte Schwangerschaft
in der Schwangerschaft
der Einsatz von Medikamenten in der Schwangerschaft und der Stillzeit
der Trend, später zu heiraten und Kinder zu bekommen
pregnancy; childbearing; gestation; gravidity
abdominal pregnancy
biochemical pregnancy; chemical pregnancy (very early miscarriage)
tubal pregnancy
single pregnancy; monocyesis
ectopic pregnancy; eccysis
multiple pregnancy
full-term pregnancy
twin pregnancy
several pregnancies; much childbearing
unwanted pregnancy
during pregnancy; during childbearing
the use of drugs during in pregnancy and lactation
marriage and childbearing postponement; the trend towards later marriage and childbearing
biochemischer Stoff m
biochemisch adv
Biochemiker m, Biochemikerin f
Biochemiker pl, Biochemikerinnen pl
Biochemiker m; Biochemikerin f
Biochemiker pl; Biochemikerinnen pl
Biochemie f biol. chem.
klinische Chemie f; Laboratoriumsmedizin f; medizinische und chemische Labordiagnostik f med.
clinical chemistry; clinical biochemistry; chemical pathology
Chemie f chem.
analytische Chemie
anorganische Chemie
Aromatenchemie f
Biochemie f biochem.
Isotopenchemie f
organische Chemie
physikalische Chemie
Pharmakochemie f
Quantenchemie f
Stereochemie f
technische Chemie
Wasserchemie f
Chemie der heißen Atome; Recoil-Chemie f
Chemie der Atmosphäre
analytical chemistry
inorganic chemistry
chemistry of aromatic compounds
isotope chemistry
organic chemistry
physical chemistry
pharmaceutical chemistry; pharmacochemistry
quantum chemistry
technical chemistry
water chemistry; aquatic chemistry; hydrochemistry
hot atom chemistry; recoil chemistry
Grundstock m (an Wissen Fertigkeiten), grundlegende Kenntnisse Fertigkeiten pl; Vorkenntnisse pl (in einem Fachgebiet); Grundverständnis n (für ein Fachgebiet)
ohne grundlegende Kenntnisse in Biochemie
grundlegende Erfahrungen und Kenntnisse
ein solider Grundstock an Strickkenntnissen
einen hervorragenden Grundstock in Mathematik an mathematischem Verständnis vermittelt bekommen
Der durchschnittliche Leser hat Vorkenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet ein Grundverständnis für dieses Gebiet.
grounding (in a subject)
without a basic grounding in biochemistry
a grounding of experience and knowledge
a solid grounding in the basics of knitting
to receive an excellent grounding in mathematics
The readers have a grounding in that subject.
Biochip m
Biochips pl
biozid adj biochem.
Biozid n biochem.
Biozide pl
Biozidkontamination f biochem. envir.
biocide contamination
bioklastisch adj geol.
bioclastic; skeletal
Standortklima n; Biotopklima n; Ökoklima n meteo.
ökoklimatisch adj meteo.
Biokonversion f, Bioumwandlung f, Bioumbau m
Biokonversion f; Bioumwandlung f; Bioumbau m
Biotoptransformation f biol.
reduktive Biotoptransformation
(microbial) biotransformation; bioconversion
reductive biotransformation
Korrosion f
Biokorrosion f
Filigrankorrosion f
Reibkorrosion f; Reibverschleiß m
filigree corrosion
fretting corrosion; frictional corrosion; rubbing corrosion; interface corrosion
Abbaubarkeit f
biologische Abbaubarkeit
Abbaubarkeit f chem. biol.
biologische Abbaubarkeit
degradability; decomposability
Bewertung f; Beurteilung f
Bewertung der biologischen Abbaubarkeit von Tensiden
Ex-ante-Bewertung f
Ex-post-Bewertung f
Maßstäbe zur Bewertung
evaluation of surfactant biodegradability
Ex-ante evaluation
Ex-post evaluation
criteria for evaluation
biologisch abbaubar adj
biologisch abbaubar
Biomüll m; Bioabfälle pl envir.
bio-waste; organic waste; biodegradable waste
Mulchfolie f agr.
biologisch abbaubare schwarze Mulchfolie
mulch film; mulch foil
biodegradable black mulch film
Waschmittel n; Waschpulver n
biologisch abbaubares Waschpulver; umweltfreundliches Waschpulver
washing powder; detergent
biodegradable washing powder
biologisch abbaubar adj envir.
biologisch nicht abbaubar adj
Waschmittel n; Waschpulver n
Feinwaschmittel n
biologisch abbaubares Waschpulver; umweltfreundliches Waschpulver
washing powder; detergent
mild detergent
biodegradable washing powder
Abbau m chem.
thermischer Abbau
biologischer Abbau
thermal degradation
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown diegradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
Abbau m; Zersetzung f; Degradierung f (von etw.) chem. biol.
bakterieller Abbau
biologischer Abbau
chemischer Abbau
photochemischer Abbau; Abbau durch Licht
metabolischer Abbau
thermischer Abbau
Abbau durch Bakterien
breakdown; decomposition; degradation (of sth.)
bacterial degradation
biological breakdown degradation; biodegradation
chemical breakdown degradation
photochemical breakdown degradation; photodegradation
metabolic breakdown
thermal degradation
bacterial decomposition
etw. biologisch abbauen v biochem.
biologisch abbauend
biologisch abgebaut
to biodegrade sth.
Biodiesel m; Bio-Diesel m envir.
Biodieselanlage f
Biodieselanlagen pl
biodiesel plant
biodiesel plants
Biodiesel m; Bio-Diesel m auto envir.
green diesel fuel; biodiesel
Pflanzenmethylester n PME ; Pflanzenölmethylester n (Biodiesel) chem.
vegetable methyl ester VME (biodiesel)
Rapsmethylesther m RME (Biodiesel) chem.
rape seed methyl ester RME (biodiesel)

Deutsche Bioakkumulation {f} [biochem.] Synonyme

Englische bioaccumulation Synonyme

biochemical  acid  acidity  agent  alkali  alkalinity  alloisomer  anion  antacid  atom  base  basic  cation  chemical  chemical element  chemicobiological  chemicoengineering  chemicomineralogical  chemicophysical  chemurgic  chromoisomer  compound  copolymer  copolymeric  copolymerous  dimer  dimeric  dimerous  electrochemical  element  elemental  elementary  heavy chemicals  heteromerous  high polymer  homopolymer  hydracid  inorganic chemical  ion  isomer  isomerous  macrochemical  macromolecule  metamer  metameric  molecule  monomer  monomerous  neutralizer  nonacid  organic chemical  oxyacid  photochemical  physicochemical  phytochemical  polymer  polymeric  pseudoisomer  radical  radiochemical  reagent  sulfacid  thermochemical  trimer  
biochemistry  aerobiology  agrobiology  anatomy  astrobiology  bacteriology  biochemics  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionics  bionomics  biophysics  botany  cell physiology  cryobiology  cybernetics  cytology  ecology  electrobiology  embryology  enzymology  ethnobiology  exobiology  genetics  gnotobiotics  life science  microbiology  molecular biology  pharmacology  physiology  radiobiology  taxonomy  virology  xenobiology  zoology  
biofeedback  Arica movement  Erhard Seminars Training  New Consciousness  Pentothal interview  SAT  T-group  assertiveness training  behavior modification  behavior therapy  bioenergetics  confrontation therapy  conjoint therapy  consciousness raising  counseling  directive therapy  encounter therapy  est  family training  feminist therapy  gestalt therapy  group psychotherapy  group relations training  group sensitivity training  group therapy  humanistic therapy  hypnoanalysis  hypnosis  hypnotherapy  hypnotism  marathon  marriage encounter  mind cure  narcoanalysis  narcohypnosis  narcosynthesis  narcotherapy  nondirective therapy  occupational therapy  pastoral counseling  play therapy  primal therapy  prolonged narcosis  psychodrama  psychological counseling  psychosurgery  psychosynthesis  psychotherapeutics  psychotherapy  radical therapy  rational-emotive therapy  reality therapy  recreational therapy  regression therapy  release therapy  scream therapy  sensitivity training  sensory awareness training  sleep treatment  supportive therapy  training group  transactional analysis  transcendental meditation  transpersonal therapy  vocational therapy  
biography  Clio  Muse of history  adventures  annals  autobiography  biographical sketch  case history  chronicle  chronicles  chronology  confessions  curriculum vitae  diary  experiences  fortunes  hagiography  hagiology  historiography  history  journal  legend  letters  life  life and letters  life story  martyrology  memoir  memoirs  memorabilia  memorial  memorials  necrology  obit  obituary  photobiography  profile  record  resume  story  theory of history  
biological clock  anima  animating force  atman  bathmism  beating heart  biorhythm  blood  breath  breath of life  divine breath  divine spark  elan vital  essence of life  force of life  growth force  heart  heartbeat  heartblood  impulse of life  inspiriting force  jiva  jivatma  life breath  life cycle  life essence  life force  life principle  life process  lifeblood  living force  pneuma  prana  seat of life  soul  spark of life  spirit  vis vitae  vis vitalis  vital energy  vital flame  vital fluid  vital force  vital principle  vital spark  vital spirit  
biological urge  andromania  aphrodisia  bodily appetite  carnal desire  concupiscence  desire  eromania  eroticism  eroticomaniac  erotism  erotomania  fleshly lust  furor uterinus  goatishness  gynecomania  horniness  hot blood  hot pants  indecency  infantile sexuality  itch  lasciviousness  libidinousness  lust  lustfulness  nymphomania  passion  polymorphous perversity  prurience  pruriency  satyriasis  satyrism  sexual desire  sexual longing  sexual passion  venereal appetite  
biologist  anatomist  animal physiologist  anthropologist  bacteriologist  biochemist  biometrist  biophysicist  botanist  conchologist  cytologist  ecologist  entomologist  ethologist  geneticist  helminthologist  herpetologist  ichthyologist  malacologist  mammalogist  natural scientist  naturalist  ophiologist  ornithologist  physiologist  protozoologist  taxidermist  zoo-ecologist  zoographer  zoologist  zoonomist  zoopathologist  zoophysicist  zootaxonomist  
biology  aerobiology  agrobiology  anatomy  animal physiology  anthropology  astrobiology  bacteriology  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biometrics  biometry  bionics  bionomics  biophysics  botany  cell physiology  comparative anatomy  conchology  cryobiology  cybernetics  cytology  ecology  electrobiology  embryology  entomology  enzymology  ethnobiology  ethology  exobiology  genetics  gnotobiotics  helminthology  herpetology  ichthyology  life science  malacology  mammalogy  microbiology  molecular biology  ornithology  pharmacology  physiology  protozoology  radiobiology  taxidermy  taxonomy  virology  xenobiology  zoogeography  zoography  zoology  zoonomy  zoopathology  zoophysics  zootaxy  zootomy  
bionics  aerobiology  agrobiology  anatomy  astrobiology  automatic electronics  autonetics  bacteriology  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionomics  biophysics  botany  cell physiology  circuit analysis  communication theory  cryobiology  cybernetics  cytology  ecology  electrobiology  embryology  enzymology  ethnobiology  exobiology  genetics  gnotobiotics  information theory  life science  microbiology  molecular biology  pharmacology  physiology  radio control  radiobiology  servo engineering  servomechanics  system engineering  systems analysis  systems planning  taxonomy  virology  xenobiology  zoology  
bionomics  aerobiology  agrobiology  anatomy  astrobiology  autecology  bacteriology  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionics  biophysics  botany  cell physiology  cryobiology  cybernetics  cytology  ecoclimate  ecodeme  ecology  ecosystem  electrobiology  element  embryology  enzymology  ethnobiology  exobiology  genetics  gnotobiotics  life science  medium  microbiology  molecular biology  pharmacology  physiology  radiobiology  synecology  taxonomy  virology  xenobiology  zoology  
biophysics  Newtonian physics  acoustics  aerobiology  aerophysics  agrobiology  anatomy  applied physics  astrobiology  astrophysics  bacteriology  basic conductor physics  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionics  bionomics  botany  cell physiology  chemical physics  cryobiology  cryogenics  crystallography  cybernetics  cytology  cytophysics  ecology  electrobiology  electron physics  electronics  electrophysics  embryology  enzymology  ethnobiology  exobiology  genetics  geophysics  gnotobiotics  life science  macrophysics  mathematical physics  mechanics  medicophysics  microbiology  microphysics  molecular biology  natural philosophy  natural science  nuclear physics  optics  pharmacology  philosophy  physic  physical chemistry  physical science  physicochemistry  physicomathematics  physics  physiology  psychophysics  radiation physics  radiobiology  radionics  solar physics  solid-state physics  statics  stereophysics  taxonomy  theoretical physics  thermodynamics  virology  xenobiology  zoology  zoophysics  
biopsy  Pap test  anatomic diagnosis  biological diagnosis  clinical diagnosis  cytodiagnosis  diagnosis  differential diagnosis  digital examination  electrocardiography  electroencephalography  electromyography  examination  laboratory diagnosis  mammography  oral examination  physical diagnosis  physical examination  postmortem diagnosis  serodiagnosis  smear  study  test  urinalysis  uroscopy  work-up  
biorhythm  anima  animating force  atman  bathmism  beating heart  biological clock  blood  breath  breath of life  divine breath  divine spark  elan vital  essence of life  force of life  growth force  heart  heartbeat  heartblood  impulse of life  inspiriting force  jiva  jivatma  life breath  life cycle  life essence  life force  life principle  life process  lifeblood  living force  pneuma  prana  seat of life  soul  spark of life  spirit  vis vitae  vis vitalis  vital energy  vital flame  vital fluid  vital force  vital principle  vital spark  vital spirit  
biosphere  Earth  Gaea  Ge  Tellus  Terra  aerosphere  all that lives  atmosphere  biochore  biocycle  biota  biotope  brawn  ecosphere  fiber  flesh  flora and fauna  gaseous envelope  geography  geosphere  globe  lift  living matter  living nature  mother earth  noosphere  organic matter  organic nature  organized matter  plasm  terra  terrestrial globe  the blue planet  this pendent world  tissue  vale  vale of tears  welkin  whole wide world  world  

bio Definition

bio Bedeutung

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Bio or BIO may refer to: