
body wrap Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Ganzkörperpackung f
supervisory body
advisory body
diplomatische Korps
diplomatic body
to wrap up
Hauptteil des Briefes
body of a letter
juristische Person
body corporate
juristische Person
corporate body
body movement
Körperschaft, Körper
dead body
arbitrating body
wickeln, einwickeln
Abwehrkraft f des Körpers
Abwehrkräfte pl des Körpers
body's defence, body's defense Am.
body's defences, body's defenses
Ankerkörper m
anker body
Ärztekammer f
professional body of doctors
Blechschaden m
car body damage
Buchblock m
body of the book, innerbook
Deckfarbe f
body colour
Double n (Film)
Double für Sexszenen
body double
Drahtwickel m
Drehmasse f
throwing body
Drosselklappengehäuse n
throttle body housing
Fachschaft f
student body of a faculty
Festkörpergehalt m
solid body content
Freikörperbild n
free body diagram
Freilaufkörper m
freehub body
Freilaufzahnkranzkörper m
freewheel body
Fremdkörper m
Fremdkörper pl
foreign substance, foreign body
foreign substances, foreign bodies
Frischhaltefolie f
cling film, plastic wrap Am.
Fruchtkörper m bot.
Fruchtkörper pl
fruiting body
fruiting bodies
Ganzkörperpackung f
Ganztagsschule f
Ganztagsschulen pl
all-day schooling, all-day school, primary schools' wrap-around care
all-day schoolings, all-day schools
Gedankengut n
body of thought
Gehäuse n (von Ventil)
Geschosshülle f
Geschosshüllen pl
body of projectile
bodies of projectile
Gewässer n
fließendes Gewässer
heimische Gewässer
seichtes Gewässer
stehendes Gewässer
stretch of water, waters
stretch of running water
home waters
shallow waters
stretch of standing water, standing waters, stagnant water body
Glaskörper m (des Auges) anat.
vitreous body
Grundlinie der Schrift
baseline, body line
Gurtzeug n mil.
body harness
Hauptteil m
Hauptteile pl
main part, principal part, body
main parts, principal parts
Himmelskörper m
Himmelskörper pl
celestial body
celestial bodies
Hohlraumversiegelung f auto
body-cavity sealing
Kabelbinder m
Kabelbinder pl
cable fixer, cable tie, tyrap, cable tie wrap, zip tie
cable fixers, cable ties, tyraps, cable tie wraps, zip ties
Karosserie f
Karosserien pl
car body, vehicle body, body, bodywork
car bodies
Karosserieabdichtung f
body sealing
Karosseriearbeitsplatz m
car body workplace
Karosseriebau m
body making
Karosseriebauer m
body maker
Karosserieblech n
body sheet
Karosserieentwicklung f
car body development
Karosseriefertigung f
car body manufacturing
Karosseriekonstruktion f
car body design
Karosseriekonstruktionstechnik f
car body design
Karosserietechnik f
car body technology
Karosseriewerkstatt f
Lackier- und Karosseriewerkstatt f
body shop
paint and body shop
Körper m
Körper pl
starrer Körper
ein Körper, an dem alles an der richtigen Stelle sitzt
Körper und Geist, Körper und Seele
schwarzer Körper, schwarzer Strahler, Planckscher Strahler phys.
rigid body
a body that won't quit
mind and body, body and soul
black body
Körperarbeit f
body work, body therapy
Körperbewegung f
body movement
Körperbewusstheit f
body awareness
Körperbewusstsein f
body consciousness
Körperfett n
adipose, body fat
Körperfettanalyse f
body-fat analysis
Körperfettwaage f
body-fat scale
Körperflüssigkeit f
Körperflüssigkeiten pl
body fluid
body fluids
Körpergeruch m
body odour
Körpergewebe n anat. med.
body tissue
Körpergewicht n
body weight
Körpergröße f, Größe f
der Größe nach
body height, height
by height
Körperschaft f
corporate body, subordinate body
Körperschaft f
Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
statutory corporation
public corporation, corporation under public law, statutory body under public law
Körpersprache f
body language
Körperteil m
part of the body
Körpertemperatur f
body temperature
Körperwärme f
body heat
Komitee n, Organ n
Komitees pl, Organe pl
beratende Organe
committee, body
committees, bodies
advisory bodies
Kunststoffverpackung f
plastic wrap, plastic package
Lähmung f, Paralyse f med.
einseitige Lähmung
zerebrale Lähmung
paralysis, palsy
paralysis of one side of the body, hemiplegia
cerebral palsy
Lagerkörper m
Lagerkörper pl
bearing body
bearing bodies
Lampengehäuse n
lamp body
Leib m
mit Leib und Seele
with heart and soul
Leibwache f
body guard
Leiche f
Leichen pl
eine Leiche im Keller haben übtr.
dead body
dead bodies
to have a skeleton in the cupboard Br., to have a skeleton in the closet Am. fig.
Leichenfledderer m
looter of corpses, body-stripper, person who robs dead people
Leichensack m
Leichensäcke pl
body bag
body bags
Leichnam m
corpse, (dead) body
Mantel m
jacket, liner, shell, wrap
Mehrkörper-System n
multi-body system
Moorleiche f
bog body, bog mummy, well-preserved body found in a bog
Mund m
Münder pl
den Mund halten
den Mund halten
den Mund spitzen
to hold one's tongue, to wrap up
to keep mum, to stay mum
to purse one's lips
Oberkörper m
den Oberkörper freimachen
mit freiem Oberkörper
upper part of the body
to strip to the waist
stripped to the waist
Pumpengehäuse n
pump body
Radkörper m
Radkörper pl
wheel body
wheel bodies
Richtbank f techn.
body jig bench, dressing bench
Rohkarosserie f
body in white, bodyshell
Rumpf m, Torso m, Körper m
trunk, torso, body
Schlagkörper m
impact body
Schulträger m
body maintaining school
Schweißgeruch m, unangenehmer Körpergeruch
B.O., body odor
Staatskörper m
body politic
Starrkörperbewegung f
rigid-body motion
Steckkontakt m
Steckkontakte pl
wrap connection
wrap connections
Steckkontaktstift m
Steckkontaktstifte pl
wrap pin
wrap pins
Steckverbinderkörper m
connector body
Stola f
stole, wrap
Studentenschaft f
student body
Tatsachenmaterial n
facts, body of facts
Tierkörper m zool.
Tierkörper pl
animal body
animal bodies
Tonmasse f
farbige Tonmasse
clay body
colored clay
Totenwache f
vigil by the body, the wake
(verantwortlicher) Träger m
responsible body
Umbruch m
Umschlingungskette f techn.
Umschlingungsketten pl
wrap chain
wrap chains
Umwicklung f
lötfreie Umwicklung
wrap, wrapping
solderless wrap
Unterkühlung f
reduction of body temperature
Ventilkörper m
insert (valve), metal insert, valve body, valve insert, valve stem
Ventilschaft m techn.
Ventilschafte pl
valve stem, valve body
valve stems, valve bodies
Verhirnungsgrad m, Enkefalisationsquotient m biol.
encephalisation quotient, brain-body ratio
Verwaltungszweig m
Verwaltungszweige pl
administrative body
administrative bodies
Vorstand m, leitendes Gremium
Vorstände pl, Gremien pl
beratendes Gremium
advisory body, advisory board
Wählerschaft f pol.
Wählerschaften pl
electorate, the voters, constituency, constituent body
Wandscherbe f
Wandscherben pl
body sherd
body sherds
Wanken n
body roll
Wasserleiche f
body of a drowned person, drowned body
Wassermasse f
mass of water, torrent of water, body of water
Wechselbrücke f
swap body
Weltkörper m
Weltkörper pl
heavenly body
heavenly bodies
Wickeltuch n, Umhangtuch n
Wickeltücher pl, Umhangtücher pl
wrap, wraparound, wraparound garment
wraps, wraparounds, wraparound garments
Wire-wrap-Pistole f
wire-wrap gun
Zeilenumbruch m (von Wörtern in Textverarbeitung) comp.
automatischer Zeilenumbruch
word wrap
automatic word wrap
Zirbeldrüse f anat.
Zirbeldrüsen pl
pineal gland, pineal body, epiphysis
pineal glands, pineal bodies, epiphysises
abschließende Zusammenfassung f
alle zusammen
in a body
anabol, aufbauend adj med.
anabolic, body-building
einpacken, verpacken, einwickeln, einhüllen, umhüllen v
einpackend, verpackend, einwickelnd, einhüllend, umhüllend
eingepackt, verpackt, eingewickelt, eingehüllt, umhüllt
packt ein, verpackt, wickelt ein, hüllt ein, umhüllt
packte ein, verpackte, wickelte ein, hüllte ein, umhüllte
als Geschenk verpacken
to wrap, to wrap up
wrapping, wrapping up
wrapped, wrapped up
wraps, wraps up
wrapped, wrapped up
to gift-wrap
sich warm einpacken
to wrap up
einschweißen, in Schrumpffolie verpacken
einschweißend, in Schrumpffolie verpackend
eingeschweißt, in Schrumpffolie verpackt
to shrink-wrap
extrakorporal adj, außerhalb des Körpers
extracorporeal, outside the body
festmachen, unter Dach und Fach bringen v
festmachend, unter Dach und Fach bringend
festgemacht, unter Dach und Fach gebracht
to wrap up
wrapping up
wrapped up
in vivo, im lebenden Organismus med.
in vivo, in the body
körpereigen adj
produced naturally in the body
alles locker lassen, alle Muskeln entspannen
to let the body go limp
die Arme um jdn. schlingen
to wrap one's arms round sb.
(Zeilen) umbrechen v
to wrap (lines)
umwickeln v
to wrap round
wrapping round
wrapped round
wraps round
wrapped round
vermummen, warm anziehen v
to wrap up (warm)
sich vermummen, sich warm anziehen
to wrap up oneself (warm)
wickeln, hüllen, einhüllen, einwickeln
wickelnd, hüllend, einhüllend, einwickelnd
gewickelt, gehüllt, eingehüllt, eingewickelt
to wrap
Fußgewinde n
body thread (valve)
Gusskörper m
cast iron body

Deutsche Ganzkörperpackung {f} Synonyme

Englische body-wrap Synonyme

body wrap Definition

(n.) The material organized substance of an animal, whether living or dead, as distinguished from the spirit, or vital principle
(n.) The trunk, or main part, of a person or animal, as distinguished from the limbs and head
(n.) The real, as opposed to the symbolical
(n.) A person
(n.) A number of individuals spoken of collectively, usually as united by some common tie, or as organized for some purpose
(n.) A number of things or particulars embodied in a system
(n.) Any mass or portion of matter
(n.) Amount
(n.) That part of a garment covering the body, as distinguished from the parts covering the limbs.
(n.) The bed or box of a vehicle, on or in which the load is placed
(n.) The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated)
(n.) A figure that has length, breadth, and thickness
(n.) Consistency
(v. t.) To furnish with, or as with, a body
(v. t.) To snatch up
(v. t.) To wind or fold together
(v. t.) To cover by winding or folding
(v. t.) To conceal by enveloping or infolding
(n.) A wrapper

body wrap Bedeutung

body English a motion of the body by a player as if to make an object already propelled go in the desired direction
basal body temperature method of family planning
basal body temperature method
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
body louse
Pediculus corporis
a parasitic louse that infests the body of human beings
body the external structure of a vehicle, the body of the car was badly rusted
body armor
body armour
suit of armor
suit of armour
coat of mail
armor that protects the wearer's whole body
body bag
personnel pouch
human remains pouch
a bag in which the body of a dead soldier is placed
body lotion lotion applied to the body after bathing
body stocking a one-piece tight-fitting undergarment for women that covers the torso (and may have sleeves and legs)
body plethysmograph plethysmograph consisting of a chamber surrounding the entire body, used in studies of respiration
body pad a pad worn by hockey goalkeeper
body suit
cat suit
a tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles), worn by ballet dancers and acrobats for practice or performance
narrowbody aircraft
narrow-body aircraft
a commercial airliner with a single aisle
work body of work
the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it), he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre, Picasso's work can be divided into periods
plastic wrap wrapping consisting of a very thin transparent sheet of plastic
cling film
Saran Wrap
a thin plastic film made of saran (trade name Saran Wrap) that sticks to itself, used for wrapping food
shrink-wrap the clinging transparent plastic film that is used to shrinkwrap something
soundbox body a resonating chamber in a musical instrument (as the body of a violin)
widebody aircraft
wide-body aircraft
twin-aisle airplane
a commercial airliner with two aisles
cloak that is folded or wrapped around a person
wrap wrapper
the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped
the property of holding together and retaining its shape, wool has more body than rayon, when the dough has enough consistency it is ready to bake
body odor
body odour
malodorousness resulting from a failure to bathe
constitution of the human body
body type
a category of physique
basal body temperature
basal temperature
body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything
body temperature
blood heat
temperature of the body, normally . F or C in humans, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
body the main mass of a thing
body weight the weight of a person's body
organic structure
physical structure
the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being), he felt as if his whole body were on fire
e human body
physical body
material body
frame form
alternative names for the body of a human being, Leonardo studied the human body, he has a strong physique, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
body dead body a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person, they found the body in the lake
live body the body of a living animal or person
juvenile body the body of a young person
child's body the body of a human child
adult body the body of an adult human being
male body the body of a male human being
female body the body of a female human being
adult female body
woman's body
the body of an adult woman
adult male body
man's body
the body of an adult man
body part any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
external body part any body part visible externally
anatomical structure
complex body part
bodily structure
body structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing, he has good bone structure
mamillary body
mammillary body
corpus mamillare
one of two small round structures on the undersurface of the brain that form the terminals of the anterior arches of the fornix
body covering any covering for the body or a body part
malpighian body
malpighian corpuscle
renal corpuscle
the capsule that contains Bowman's capsule and a glomerulus at the expanded end of a nephron
body hair short hair growing over a person's body
body substance the substance of the body
solid body substance the solid parts of the body
ciliary body the part of the tunic of the eye between the choroid coat and the iris, the ciliary body produces aqueous humor
vitreous humor
vitreous humour
vitreous body
the clear colorless transparent jelly that fills the posterior chamber of the eyeball
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