
bomb carrying Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

bombenbestückt adj mil.
bomb-carrying; bomb-equipped
Bomber m (bombenbestücktes Militärflugzeug) mil.
Bomber pl
leichter mittlerer schwerer Bomber
Jagdbomber m
Rosinenbomber m (Berliner Luftbrücke) humor. hist.
Sturzkampfbomber m; Sturzkampfflugzeug n; Stuka n
Tarnkappenbomber m
Torpedobomber m
bomber (bomb-carrying military aircraft)
light medium heavy bomber
raisin bomber; candy bomber (Berlin airlift)
dive bomber; dive fighter
stealth bomber
torpedo bomber
Fuhrgewerbe, Transportgewerbe
carrying trade
carrying business
Amateurfunksatellit m
Amateurfunksatelliten pl
orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio
orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio
Atombombe f, Nuklearbombe f mil.
Atombomben pl
nuclear bomb, A-bomb, atomic bomb
nuclear bombs, atomic bombs
Belastungsvermögen n
load carrying capacity
Bombe f, Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben n
schmutzige Bombe, radiologische Waffe, Sprengsatz, der bei seiner Explosion radioaktives Material verteilt
(versteckte) Sprengbombe am Straßenrand
bomb, bombshell
dirty bomb, radiological dispersal device (RDD)
roadside bomb
Bombenalarm m mil.
bomb scare
Bombenangriff m, Bombardement n mil.
bomb attack, air raid
Bombenanschlag m
Bombenanschläge pl
bomb attack, bombing raid
bomb attacks, bombing raids
Bombenfabrik f mil.
bomb factory
Bombenleger m, Bombenlegerin m, f
bomb planter
Bombenräumung f mil.
bomb disposal
Bombenräumtrupp m mil.
bomb disposal unit
Bombenschacht m mil.
Bombenschächte pl
bomb bay
bomb bays
Bombentrichter m mil.
Bombentrichter pl
bomb crater
bomb craters
Brandbombe f mil.
incendiary bomb
Buchwert m fin.
carrying amount
Druckwelle f, Explosion f, Knall m
Druckwellen pl, Explosionen pl
Explosion einer Bombe
bomb blast
Durchführung f, Ausführung f
carrying out
Eisbombe f
ice cream bomb
Erledigung f
in Erledigung Ihres Auftrages
execution, carrying out, settlement
in execution of your order
Fliegerbombe f mil.
Fliegerbomben pl
aircraft bomb
aircraft bombs
Fliegerbombenzielgerät n mil.
bomb sight
Gasbombe f mil.
Gasbomben pl
gas bomb
gas bombs
Kampfmittelräumdienst m
bomb disposal team
Karbonitbombe f
Karbonitbomben pl
carbonite bomb
carbonite bombs
Kontospesen pl
account carrying charges
Lastaufnahmemittel n
load suspension device, load attachment device, load carrying attachment
Luftschutzkeller m, Luftschutzbunker m mil.
bomb shelter
Plastikbombe f mil.
Plastikbomben pl
plastic bomb
plastic bombs
Schimpferei f
carrying on
Splitterbombe f mil.
cluster bomb
Sprengbombe f mil.
Sprengbomben pl
high explosive bomb
high explosive bombs
Sprengstoffräumkommando n
bomb disposal unit
Stinkbombe f
Stinkbomben pl
stink bomb
stink bombs
Streubombe f mil.
Streubomben pl
cluster bomb
cluster bombs
Strombelastbarkeit f
current carrying capacity, current load rating
Strombelastbarkeitsprüfung f
current carrying capacity test
Stützrad m, Tragrad n
Stützräder pl, Tragrader pl
carrying wheel
carrying wheels
Tragachse f
Tragachsen pl
carrying axle
carrying axles
Tragegriff m
carrying handle
Tragetasche f
Tragetaschen pl
carrier bag, carrying bag
carrier bags, carrying bags
Tragfähigkeit f
load carrying capacity
Tragriemen m, Tragegurt m
carrying strap
Trümmergebiet n, Trümmergrundstück n
bomb site
Ãœbungsbombe f mil.
Ãœbungsbomben pl
dummy bomb Am.
dummy bombs
Verrichtung f
die täglichen Verrichtungen
carrying out, performing, performance
one's daily tasks
Vollstreckung f (eines Todesurteils)
carrying out (of a death sentence)
Wasserbombe f, Unterwasserbombe f mil.
depth charge, depth bomb
Wasserstoffbombe f mil.
fusion bomb, hydrogen bomb
Wasserstoffbombe f, H-Bombe f mil.
Weiterführung f
continuation, carrying on
Zeitbombe f
Zeitbomben pl
eine tickende Zeitbombe, ein wandelndes Pulverfass übtr.
time bomb
time bombs
loose cannon fig.
bei jdm. abblitzen ugs.
to bomb out with sb. coll.
abfragen v
to carry out
carrying out
carried out
abtragen v
to carry off
carrying off
carried off
to bomb out
bombing out
bombed out
(Geschäft) betreiben v
to carry on
carrying on
carried on
carries on
carried on
bombardieren, zerbomben mil.
bombardierend, zerbombend
bombardiert, zerbombt
to bomb
davontragen v
to carry away
carrying away
carried away
to bomb Am.
durchsetzen, durchbringen, durchdrücken v
durchsetzend, durchbringend, durchdrückend
durchgesetzt, durchgebracht, durchgedrückt
to put through, to carry through, to push through
putting through, carrying through, pushing through
put through, carried through, pushed through
trägt heran
trug heran
ein Problem an jdn. herantragen übtr.
to bring over, to carry over
bringing over, carrying over
brought over, carried over
brings over, carries over
brought over, carried over
to take a problem to sb., to go to sb. with a problem
intelligent adj
intelligente Bombe
smart bomb
mitführen v
to carry along
carrying along
carried along
mitreißen v
to carry away
carrying away
carried away
obduzieren v med.
to carry out a postmortem examination, to perform a autopsy
carrying out a postmortem examination, performing a autopsy
carried out a postmortem examination, performed a autopsy
rasen, fegen, zischen v
rasend, fegend, zischend
gerast, gefegt, gezischt
to bomb, to bomb along
bombing, bombing along
bombed, bombed along
(eine Bombe) scharf machen
to arm (a bomb)
tragen, befördern
du trägst
sie trägt
sie trug
sie hat
hatte getragen
sie trüge
to carry, to take
you carry
she carries
she carried
she has
had carried
she would carry
übertragen v
to carry
verrichten v
to carry out, to execute, to achieve, to accomplish
carrying out, executing, achieving, accomplishing
carried out, executed, achieved, accomplished
vollziehen, bewerkstelligen, ausführen v
vollziehend, bewerkstelligend, ausführend
vollzogen, bewerkstelligt, ausgeführt
vollzieht, bewerkstelligt, führt aus
vollzog, bewerkstelligte, führte aus
einen Plan ausführen
to carry out
carrying out
carried out
carries out
carried out
to carry out a plan
vornehmen v
to carry out, to make, to take
carrying out, making, taking
carried out, made, taken
wegraffen v
to carry off
carrying off
carried off
weiterführen v
to carry on
carrying on
carried on
weitermachen, forttreiben v
weitermachend, forttreibend
weitergemacht, fortgetrieben
to go on with, to keep on with, to carry on with
going on with, keeping on with, carrying on with
gone on with, kept on with, carried on with
zusammentragen v
to carry together
carrying together
carried together
Das ist zu viel gesagt.
It's carrying things too far.
Antennentragwerke pl electr. techn.
antenna carrying
anchoring systems
account carrying charges
aircraft bomb
atomic bomb
Bombe, bombardieren, fegen
bomb proof
carrying along
carrying away
carrying off
carrying on
carrying strap
carrying together
gas bomb
high explosive bomb
hydrogen bomb
ice cream bomb
Das ist zuviel gesagt.
it's carrying things too far.
load carrying capacity
stink bomb
das geht zu weit
that is carrying things too far
time bomb
in der Ausführung Ihres Auftrags
the delay in carrying out your order
carrying-over price
Abflussvermögen n; Durchflussvermögen n; Abflusskapazität f; Durchflusskapazität f (maximale Wassermenge ohne dass das Gewässer über die Ufer tritt) envir.
water-carrying capacity; discharge capacity; channel capacity; hydraulic capacity (maximum water discharge without causing overbank flooding)
Atombombenabwurf m mil.
atomic bomb dropping; atomic bombing; dropping of an atom bomb; atomic bomb release
Atombombenexplosion f
Atombombenexplosionen pl
atomic bomb burst
atomic bomb bursts
Autobombe f
Autobomben pl
car bomb; vehicle bomb
car bombs; vehicle bombs
Badebombe f
Badebomben pl
bath bomb
bath bombs
Belastbarkeit f; zulässige Stromstärke f (Kabel) electr.
current-carrying capacity
Bombe f; Abwurfwaffe f mil.
Bomben pl; Abwurfwaffen pl
Atombombe f; Nuklearbombe f; A-Bombe f
Blitzlichtbombe f
Brandbombe f
Leuchtbombe f
Napalmbombe f
Neutronenbombe f
Plutoniumbombe f
Rohrbombe f
Splitterbombe f
Sprengbombe f
Streubombe f; Schüttbombe f; Kassettenbombe f
Wasserstoffbombe f; H-Bombe f; thermonukleare Bombe f
Bombe mit Detonationsdruckzündung
Bombe mit verzögerter Zündung
gelenkte Bombe
ungelenkte Bombe f; Freifallbombe f
nicht detonierte Bombe
schmutzige Bombe; radiologische Dispersionsvorrichtung (konventioneller Sprengsatz der radioaktives Material verstreut)
eine Bombe scharfmachen
eine Bombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen
eine Brandbombe auf ein Ziel abwerfen v
(an einem Ort) eine Bombe legen deponieren
eine Bombe zünden
die Bombe explodiert
Das Zimmer sah aus als hätte eine Bombe eingeschlagen.
nuclear bomb; A-bomb; atomic bomb
photoflash bomb
firebomb; incendiary bomb
flare bomb; illuminating bomb
napalm bomb
neutron bomb
plutonium bomb
pipe bomb
scatter bomb; fragmentation bomb
high-explosive bomb
cluster bomb
hydrogen bomb; H-bomb; fusion bomb; thermonuclear bomb
concussion bomb
delayed-action bomb
blind smart bomb; blind bomb
unguided bomb; free-fall bomb; gravity bomb
unexploded bomb
dirty bomb; radiological dispersal device RDD
to arm a bomb
to drop a bomb on a target
to firebomb a target
to plant a bomb (in a place)
to detonate a bomb
the bomb explodes goes off
The room looked like a bomb had hit it.
Bombenangriff m; Bombardement n mil.
Bombenangriffe pl; Bombardements pl
bomb attack; air raid; bombardment
bomb attacks; air raids; bombardments
Bombenanschlag m; Bombenattentat n (auf etw.)
Bombenanschläge pl; Bombenattentate pl
ein verbrecherischer Bombenanschlag
bomb attack; bombing raid (on sth.); bombing (of sth.)
bomb attacks; bombing raids; bombings
a bomb outrage
Bombenattrappe f; Sprengsatzattrappe f mil.
Bombenattrappen pl; Sprengsatzattrappen pl
fake bomb
fake bombs
(geladenes) Bombenausstoßgerät n mil.
Bombenausstoßgeräte pl
cluster bomb unit CBU
cluster bomb units
Bombenauslösepunkt m mil.
bomb release point
Bombendrohung f
Bombendrohungen pl
bomb threat
bomb threats
Bombenentschärfer m; Entschärfer m mil.
Bombenentschärfer pl; Entschärfer pl
bomb technician
bomb technicians
Bombenleger m; Bombenlegerin m f
bomb planter
Bombenräumkommando n mil.
bomb squad
Bombenräumtrupp m mil.
Bombenräumtrupps pl
bomb disposal unit
bomb disposal units
Bombenwarnung f
bomb scare
Bomber m (bombenbestücktes Militärflugzeug) mil.
Bomber pl
leichter mittlerer schwerer Bomber
Jagdbomber m
Rosinenbomber m (Berliner Luftbrücke) humor. hist.
Sturzkampfbomber m; Sturzkampfflugzeug n; Stuka n
Tarnkappenbomber m
Torpedobomber m
bomber (bomb-carrying military aircraft)
light medium heavy bomber
raisin bomber; candy bomber (Berlin airlift)
dive bomber; dive fighter
stealth bomber
torpedo bomber
Briefbombe f
Briefbomben pl
letter bomb; post bomb; mail bomb Am.
letter bombs; post bombs; mail bombs
Durchführung f; Ausführung f
carrying out
Eisbombe f cook.
Eisbomben pl
ice cream bomb
ice cream bombs
Entladung f; Detonation f mil.
Entladungen pl; Detonationen pl
Detonation einer Bombe; Bombendetonation f
blast; detonation
blasts; detonations
detonation of a bomb; bomb blast
Explosion f
Explosionen pl
Bombenexplosion f
bomb explosion
Flugzeugrumpf m; Rumpf m; Rumpfwerk n aviat.
Rumpfheck n
Rumpf mit tragender Außenhaut
fuselage; body of the an aircraft
aft fuselage
body with stress-carrying skin
Haftbombe f mil.
Haftbomben pl
sticky bomb
sticky bombs
Hochhubwagen m; Stapler m techn.
Hochhubwagen pl; Stapler pl
Hochregalstapler m
high-lift truck
high-lift trucks
high-lift truck with man carrying platform
Kaskadenbombe f; Mehrstufenbombe f mil.
Kaskadenbomben pl; Mehrstufenbomben pl
cascade bomb
cascade bombs
Knallerbse f
Knallerbsen pl
cap bomb
cap bombs
Kofferbombe f
Kofferbomben pl
suitcase bomb
suitcase bombs
Lastaufnahmemittel n
load suspension device; load attachment device; load carrying attachment
Luftschutzkeller m; Luftschutzbunker m mil.
bomb shelter
Mailbombe f comp. ugs.
Mailbomben pl
mail bomb
mail bombs
Mörser m; Granatwerfer m mil.
Mörser pl; Granatwerfer pl
trench mortar; mortar; grenade-thrower; grenade-launcher; bomb-thrower
trench mortars; mortars; grenade-throwers; grenade-launchers; bomb-throwers
Mörsergranate f mil.
Mörsergranaten pl
mortar bomb
mortar bombs
Nagelbombe f
Nagelbomben pl
nail bomb
nail bombs
Obertrum n; Oberband n; Obergurt m (bei einem Bandförderer) techn.
upper run belt side; top run belt side; carrying run belt side (of a belt conveyor)
Opfer n; Verunglückter m; Verunfallter m (Verletzter oder Toter) adm.
Opfer pl; Verunglückten pl; Verunfallten pl
Verluste mil.
zivile Opfer mil.
die Opferzahlen
Kommission für die Opfer von Atombomben
dem Feind Verluste zufügen beibringen mil.
Bei dem Unfall gab es mehrere Schwerverletzte.
Es gab auf beiden Seiten hohe Verluste. mil.
civilian casualties
the casualty figures
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
to cause inflict casualties on the enemy
There were several serious casualties in the accident.
Casualties were heavy on both sides.
Paketbombe f
Paketbomben pl
parcel bomb
parcel bombs
Rauchbombe f; Nebelbombe f mil.
Rauchbomben pl; Nebelbomben pl
smoke bomb
smoke bombs
Sand m min. constr.
bindiger Sand
durchtränkter Sand
feinster Sand
fossilführender mariner Sand
gasführender Sand
gesiebter Sand
goldhaltiger Sand
grubenfeuchter Sand
gut durchlässiger Sand
kalkhaltiger Sand
pyroklastischer Sand
saugender Sand
schlammiger Sand
schwer durchlässiger Sand
tonhaltiger Sand
toniger Sand
windtransportierter Sand
Sand streuen
Sand verdichten techn.
etw. mit Sand bestreuen; besanden
Dachpappe mit Sand bestreuen techn.
etw. in Sand gießen
heavy sand
impregnated sand
finest sand
gas-carrying sand
sifted sand
auriferous sand
freshly quarried sand
open sand
calcareous sand
ashy grit
thief sand
miry sand
tight close sand
clayey sand
argillaceous sand
millet-seed sand
to sand
to ram
to sand sth.
to mineralize roofing felt
to sand-cast sth.
Sauerstofftransportkapazität f med.
oxygen carrying capacity
Schmiermittel n; Schmierstoff m; Gleitmittel n
Schmiermittel pl; Schmierstoffe pl; Gleitmittel pl
Kraft- und Schmierstoffe pl
in den Kunststoff eingebrachtes Gleitmittel
lubricant; lube
POL (petrol oil & lubricants)
self-carrying mould lubricant
Schuldenbombe f fin.
Schuldenbomben pl
debt bomb
debt bombs

Deutsche bombenbestückt {adj} [mil.] Synonyme

Englische bomb-carrying; bomb-equipped Synonyme

bomb carrying Definition

(n.) A great noise
(n.) A shell
(n.) A bomb ketch.
(v. t.) To bombard.
(v. i.) To sound
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Carry
(n.) The act or business of transporting from one place to another.

bomb carrying Bedeutung

execution carrying out carrying into action
the act of performing, of doing something successfully, using knowledge as distinguished from merely possessing it, they criticised his performance as mayor, experience generally improves performance
execution implementation carrying out the act of accomplishing some aim or executing some order, the agency was created for the implementation of the policy
aerosol container
aerosol can
aerosol bomb
spray can
a dispenser that holds a substance under pressure and that can release it as a fine spray (usually by means of a propellant gas)
atom bomb
atomic bomb
fission bomb
plutonium bomb
a nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission (splitting the nuclei of a heavy element like uranium or plutonium )
balloon bomb
a bomb carried by a balloon, In World War II the Japanese launched balloon bombs against North America
bomb an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions
bomb calorimeter
strong sealed vessel for measuring heat of combustion
bomb rack a device on an aircraft for carrying bombs
bomb shelter
airaid shelter
a chamber (often underground) reinforced against bombing and provided with food and living facilities, used during air raids
briefcase bomb a bomb consisting of an explosive and timer hidden inside a briefcase
Bunker Buster
Guided Bomb Unit-
a , pound laser-guided bomb that can be programmed to penetrate to a given depth before exploding, used to penetrate hardened underground facilities
buzz bomb
robot bomb
flying bomb
a small jet-propelled winged missile that carries a bomb
car bomb a bomb placed in a car and wired to explode when the ignition is started or by remote control or by a timing device
chemical bomb
gas bomb
a bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes
cherry bomb a red ball-shaped firecracker with high explosive power
clean bomb an atom bomb leaving little or no radioactive contamination
cluster bomb bomb consisting of a canister that is dropped from a plane and that opens to release a cluster of bomblets (usually fragmentation bombs) over a wide area, cluster bombs cannot be targeted precisely
depth charge
depth bomb
a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water, antisubmarine device
dirty bomb an atom bomb that leaves considerable radioactive contamination
dumb bomb
gravity bomb
a bomb that falls because of gravity and is not guided to a target
fragmentation bomb
antipersonnel bomb
anti-personnel bomb
daisy cutter
a bomb with onlytoper cent explosive and the remainder consisting of casings designed to break into many small high-velocity fragments, most effective against troops and vehicles
general-purpose bomb
GP bomb
a large bomb ( to , pounds that is % explosive) whose explosion creates a blast and whose metal casing creates some fragmentation effect
hydrogen bomb
fusion bomb
thermonuclear bomb
a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light (hydrogen) nuclei at high temperatures to form helium
incendiary bomb
a bomb that is designed to start fires, is most effective against flammable targets (such as fuel)
laser-guided bomb
a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of the target and uses it to correct its descent, laser-guided bombs cannot be used in cloudy weather
letter bomb
parcel bomb
package bomb
a thin explosive device inside an envelope or package and detonated when opened
megaton bomb a nuclear weapon with an explosive power equivalent to one million tons of TNT
microwave bomb
a bomb that explodes in midair and releases a massive burst of electromagnetic energy sufficient to disable computers and telecommunications without killing people or damaging buildings
Molotov cocktail
petrol bomb
gasoline bomb
a crude incendiary bomb made of a bottle filled with flammable liquid and fitted with a rag wick
neutron bomb atom bomb that produces lethal neutrons with less blast
penetration bomb a bomb with about % explosive and a casing designed to penetrate hardened targets before the explosive detonates
pipe bomb a small homemade bomb usually contained in a metal pipe
plastic bomb a bomb made of plastic explosive
remoteontrol bomb a bomb that can be detonated by remote control
seal bomb a small explosive device (resembling a firecracker) that is used underwater in order to frighten mammals away from fishing grounds
shoe bomb an explosive device concealed inside the heel and sole of a shoe
smart bomb a bomb that can be guided (by a laser beam or radio) to its target, smart bombs have revolutionized aerial bombardment
smoke bomb
smoke grenade
a bomb that gives off thick smoke when it explodes, used to make a smoke screen or to mark a position
stink bomb
stench bomb
a small bomb designed to give off a foul odor when it explodes
thermobaric bomb
fuel-air bomb
vacuum bomb
volume-detonation bomb
aerosol bomb
a bomb that uses a fuel-air explosive, a thermobaric bomb can create overpressures equal to an atomic bomb
time bomb
infernal machine
a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
logic bomb
slag code
a set of instructions inserted into a program that are designed to execute (or `explode') if a particular condition is satisfied, when exploded it may delete or corrupt data, or print a spurious message, or have other harmful effects, a disgruntled employee planted a logic bomb
an event that fails badly or is totally ineffectual, the first experiment was a real turkey, the meeting was a dud as far as new business was concerned
bomb blast the explosion of a bomb
bomb site an area in a town that has been devastated by bombs, they opened a parking lot on the bomb site
sex kitten
sex bomb
a young woman who is thought to have sex appeal
carrying cost
carrying charge
the opportunity cost of unproductive assets, the expense incurred by ownership
carrying charge charge made for carrying an account or for merchandise sold on an installment plan
time bomb
ticking bomb
a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed, India is a demographic time bomb, the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off
throw bombs at or attack with bombs, The Americans bombed Dresden
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A bomb is an explosive weapon that uses the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy. Detonations inflict damage principally through ground- and atmosphere-transmitted mechanical stress, the impact and penetration of pressure-driven projectiles, pressure damage, and explosion-generated effects. Bombs have been in use since the 11th century in Song Dynasty China.