
book purchasing Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Buchkauf m
address book
order book
book debts
Auszug eines Buches
abstract of a book
book value
Buch, buchen, verbuchen, reservieren
book review
book claim
book money
buchmäßiger Verlust
book loss
book debt
Buchumschlag, Bucheinband
book cover
book value
ein Buch in kurze Fassung bringen
abridge a book
book of arrivals
Einkauf zu großer Mengen
over purchasing
purchasing agent
purchasing association
purchasing cooperative society
purchasing cartel
purchasing budget
purchasing commission
Erhöhung der Kaufkraft
increase of purchasing power
year book
day book
cash book
purchasing country
purchasing power
Kaufkraft einer Währung
purchasing power of a currency
control of purchasing power
excess of purchasing power
Kaufkraftüberschuß, Kaufkraftüberhang
excess of purchasing power
increase in purchasing power
purchasing motive
Kurzfassung eines Buches
abridgement of a book
pattern book
reference book
net book value
petty cash book
outgoing post book
incoming post book
minute book
account book
cheque book
Scheckbuch (US)
check book
pass book
savings book
date book
bill book
Adressbuch n
Adressbücher pl
address book, address-book
address books, address-books
Akzessionsjournal n
accession book
Andachtsbuch n
Andachtsbücher pl
devotional book, manual of devotion
devotional books, manuals of devotion
Anschaffungsvorschlag m (Bibliothek)
Anschaffungsvorschläge pl
book suggestion, recommendation
book suggestions, recommendations
Antiquariat n
Antiquariate pl
antiquarian bookshop, antiquarian book trade
antiquarian bookshops
Aufgabenheft n
copy book
Aufklärungsbuch n
sex education book
Auflage f, Ausgabe f (eines Buches)
Auflagen pl, Ausgaben pl
aktualisierte Ausgabe f
überarbeitete Auflage
beschränkte Auflage f
broschierte Ausgabe eines Buches
mehrsprachige Ausgabe f
updated edition
revised edition
limited edition
paper edition of a book
polyglot edition
Auftragsbuch n
Auftragsbücher pl
order book
order books
Verhältnis von Auftragseingang zu Auftragsauslieferung econ
book-to-bill ratio
Ausstellungsfläche f
Ausstellungsfläche mieten
floor space, exhibition space
to book exhibition space
Auszug m, Ausschnitt m
Auszüge pl, Ausschnitte pl
Auszug aus einem Buch, Ausschnitt aus einem Buch
extract from a book
Auszug m, Abriss m (eines Buches)
outline (of a book)
Band m, Jahrgang m (eines Buches)
Bände pl
volume (of a book)
Bandkatalog m
catalogue in book form
Belletristik f
book of fiction, fiction book
Bestellbuch n
Bestellbücher pl
order book
order books
Bestellung f
Bestellungen pl
Bestellung bestätigen
Bestellung vormerken
Bestellung vormerken
laut Ihrer Bestellung
laut Ihrer Bestellung
folgende Bestellungen
eine Bestellung aufnehmen
order, ordering, mail-order
orders, orderings
to confirm an order
to enter an order
to book an order
as per your order
in accordance with your order
follow-up orders
to take an order
Betriebsanleitung f, Einführung f
guide book
Bilanzwert m
book value
Bildband m
Bildbände pl
pictorial, illustrated book, coffee-table book
pictorials, illustrated books, coffee-table books
Bilderbuch n
Bilderbücher pl
picture-book, picture book
picture-books, picture books
Buch n, Heft n
Bücher pl, Hefte pl
ausgeliehene Bücher
lieferbare Bücher
Buch aufnehmen
Buch einordnen
Buch absignieren
(Buch) durchblättern
in ein Buch vertieft sein
wie es im Buche steht
spannendes Buch, fesselndes Buch
vorhandene Bücher in der Bibliothek
ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln übtr.
books on loan
books in print
to catalogue a book, to list a book
to put the book in order, to shelve a book
to check books against readers' requests
to flip through
to be sunk in a book
a textbook example
books available in the library
a sealed book
Buchauswahl f
book selection
Buchbesprechung f
Buchbesprechungen pl
book review
book reviews
Buchblock m
body of the book, innerbook
Bucheinband m
book cover
Bücherausstellung f
book exhibition
Buchforderungen pl
book claims
Buchgattung f
genre, type of book
Buchgemeinschaft f, Buchklub m
Buchgemeinschaften pl, Buchklubs pl
book club
book clubs
Buchhalter m, Buchhalterin f
Buchhalter pl, Buchhalterinnen pl
bookkeeper, book keeper
Buchhaltung f
accounting department, accounts department, bookkeeping, book keeping
Buchhandel m
book trade
Buchhülle f
book wrapper
Buchkauf m
Buchmesse f
Buchmessen pl
book fair
book fairs
Buchnummer f
Buchnummern pl
book number
book numbers
Buchrücken m, Rücken m
Buchrücken pl, Rücken pl
book spine, spine of a book, spine, back of a book
book spines, spines of a book, spines
Buchwert m fin.
Buchwerte pl
asset value, book value
asset values, book values
Bücherfreund m, Bücherfreundin f
Bücherfreunde pl, Bücherfreundinnen pl
bibliophile, booklover, book lover
bibliophiles, booklovers, book lovers
Büchersammler m, Büchersammlerin f
Büchersammler pl, Büchersammlerinnen pl
bookcollector, book collector
bookcollectors, book collectors
Bücherwagen m
book mobile
Comicbuch n, Comicheft n
Comicbücher pl, Comichefte pl
comic book, comic
comic books, comics
Daumenkino n
E-Book n, elektronisches Buch
Einkaufsabteilung f, Einkauf m
Einkaufsabteilungen pl
purchasing department
purchasing departments
Einkaufsplan m
Einkaufspläne pl
purchasing budget
purchasing budgets
Fabelbuch n
Fabelbücher pl
book of fables
books of fables
Fachbuch n
Fachbücher pl
specialist book, specialist publication
specialist books, specialist publications
abgetretene Forderungen
assigned book account
Gästebuch n
Gästebücher pl
guest book, guestbook, visitors' book
guest books, guestbooks, visitors' books
Gebetbuch n
Gebetbücher pl
Gebetbuch der anglikanischen Kirche relig.
prayer book
prayer books
Book of Common Prayer
Gesangbuch n
Gesangbücher pl
song book, choir book, hymnbook
song books, choir books, hymnbooks
Gesetzbuch n
statute book
Buch mit Goldschnitt
book with gilt edges
Hausaufgabenheft n
Hausaufgabenhefte pl
homework book
homework books
Hörbuch n
Hörbücher pl
audio book
audio books
Kassenbuch n
Kassenbücher pl
cash account book
cash account books
Kaufen n
Kaufkraft f
purchasing power, buying power
Kaufkraftparität f
Kaufkraftparitäten pl
purchasing power parity (PPP)
purchasing power parities
Kaufkraftschwund m
dwindling purchasing power
Kaufkraftverlust m
loss of purchasing power
Kinderbuch n
Kinderbücher pl
children's book
children's books
Kirchengesangbuch n, Kirchenliederbuch n
Kirchengesangbücher pl, Kirchenliederbücher pl
Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch (EKG)
Anglikanisches Kirchengesangbuch
hymnbook, hymn book, chant book
hymnbooks, hymn books, chant books
Protestant hymnbook
Anglican chant book
Kladde f
raough book, draught
Knigge m
book on etiquette
Kochbuch n
Kochbücher pl
cookbook, cookery book
cookbooks, cookery books
Kolportage f, Straßenverkauf m (von Büchern usw.)
(book) peddling, colportage
Lesebuch n
Lesebücher pl
reading book, reader
reading books, readers
Lieblingsbuch n
Lieblingsbücher pl
favourite book, favorite book
favourite books, favorite books
Malbuch n
Malbücher pl
colouring book, coloring book
colouring books, coloring books
Mindestabnahmemenge f, Mindestabnahme f
minimum purchasing quantity, minimum purchase
Montag m
Ich brauche das Buch am Montag.
I need the book by Monday.
Musterbuch n
Musterbücher pl
pattern book, sample book
pattern books, sample books
Nachschlagewerk n
reference book, reference work, work of reference
Naturgeschichtsbuch n
Naturgeschichtsbücher pl
natural history book
natural history books
Objektbuchhaltung f
property book-keeping
Parteibuch n
Parteibücher pl
membership book
membership books
Pflanzenkundebuch n
Pflanzenkundebücher pl
botany book
botany books
Postausgangsbuch n
Postausgangsbücher pl
outgoing post book
outgoing post books
Posteingangsbuch n
Posteingangsbücher pl
incoming post book
incoming post books
Postille f
devotional book
Quittungsblock m
Quittungsblöcke pl
receipt book
receipt books
Raumbuch n
Raumbücher pl
room book
room books
Regel f, Spielregel f
Regeln pl, Spielregeln pl
Regeln und Bestimmungen
in der Regel, im Regelfall
den Regeln entsprechend, gemäß den Regeln
nach den Regeln
die Regeln einhalten, die Spielregeln einhalten
eine Regel verletzen, von einer Regel abweichen
nach allen Regeln der Kunst
es sich zur Regel machen
die anwendbaren Regeln
eine fast überall anwendbare Regel
rules and regulations
as a rule, as a general rule
according to the rules
under the rules
to play by the rules
to break a rule
by every trick in the book
to make it a rule
the rules applicable
a rule of great generality
Rezensent m, Rezensentin f
Rezensenten pl
reviewer, book critic
reviewers, book critics
Rezeptbuch n
Rezeptbücher pl
recipe book
recipe books
Sachbuch n
Sachbücher pl
fact book, non-fiction book, book of non-fiction, nonfiction
fact books, non-fiction books, books of non-fictions
Sachbuch n
Sachbücher pl
specialized book
specialized books
Sammlung f von Redewendungen
phrase book
Schema n
Schemata pl, Schemen pl
nach Schema F
scheme, schematic diagramm
according to the book
Schulbuch n
Schulbücher pl
class book
class books
Schulgelehrsamkeit f
book learning
Schultasche f
Schultaschen pl
book bag, bookbag Am.
book bags, bookbags
Signatur m (Bibliothek)
book number, call number, shelf number
Soldbuch n
Soldbücher pl
pay book
pay books
Sparbuch n
Sparbücher pl
bankbook, savings bank book
bankbooks, savings bank books
Sprachführer m
Sprachführer pl
phrase book
phrase books

Deutsche Buchkauf {m} Synonyme

Englische book-purchasing Synonyme

book purchasing Definition

(n.) An A-B-C book
Account book
() A book in which accounts are kept.
Bank book
() A book kept by a depositor, in which an officer of a bank enters the debits and credits of the depositor's account with the bank.
Bill book
() A book in which a person keeps an account of his notes, bills, bills of exchange, etc., thus showing all that he issues and receives.
Black book
() One of several books of a political character, published at different times and for different purposes
Black book
() A book compiled in the twelfth century, containing a description of the court of exchequer of England, an official statement of the revenues of the crown, etc.
Black book
() A book containing details of the enormities practiced in the English monasteries and religious houses, compiled by order of their visitors under Henry VIII., to hasten their dissolution.
Black book
() A book of admiralty law, of the highest authority, compiled in the reign of Edw. III.
Black book
() A book kept for the purpose of registering the names of persons liable to censure or punishment, as in the English universities, or the English armies.
Black book
() Any book which treats of necromancy.
Block book
() A book printed from engraved wooden blocks instead of movable types.
Blue book
() A parliamentary publication, so called from its blue paper covers.
Blue book
() The United States official "Biennial Register."
(n.) A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound together
(n.) A composition, written or printed
(n.) A part or subdivision of a treatise or literary work
(n.) A volume or collection of sheets in which accounts are kept
(n.) Six tricks taken by one side, in the game of whist
(v. t.) To enter, write, or register in a book or list.
(v. t.) To enter the name of (any one) in a book for the purpose of securing a passage, conveyance, or seat
(v. t.) To mark out for
(a.) Versed in books
Book muslin
() A kind of muslin used for the covers of books.
Book muslin
() A kind of thin white muslin for ladies' dresses.
(n.) A newspaper.
(n.) The book used by a prompter of a theater.
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Purchase
(n.) A book with wide spaces between the lines, to give room for notes.
(n.) A volume, as of some classical author, on which a teacher lectures or comments

book purchasing Bedeutung

the act of buying, buying and selling fill their days, shrewd purchasing requires considerable knowledge
book fair
bazaar at which books are sold or auctioned off in order to raise funds for a worthy cause
book scorpion
Chelifer cancroides
minute arachnid sometimes found in old papers
book louse
deathwatch Liposcelis divinatorius
minute wingless psocopterous insects injurious to books and papers
book binding
cover back
the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book, the book had a leather binding
physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together, he used a large book as a doorstop
book a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge, he bought a book of stamps
book bag a bag in which students carry their books
coffee-table book an elaborate oversize book suitable for displaying on a coffee table
coloring book a picture book with line drawings intended to be colored with crayons by children
fake book a fake in the form of an imitation book, used to fill bookcases of people who wish to appear scholarly
order book a book in which customers' orders are entered, usually makes multiple copies of the order
paperback book
paper-back book
softback book
softover book
a book with paper covers
picture book a book consisting chiefly of pictures
pocketbook pocket book pocket edition pocket-sized paperback book
safety match
book matches
a paper match that strikes only on a specially prepared surface
talking book sound recording of someone reading a book, frequently used by blind people
book lung organ in many arachnids containing many thin folds of membrane resembling the leaves of a book
closed book
something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained, how it got out is a mystery, it remains one of nature's secrets
book a major division of a long written composition, the book of Isaiah
an unbound manuscript of some ancient classic (as distinguished from a scroll)
book review a critical review of a book (usually a recently published book)
book a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together), I am reading a good book on economics
trade book
trade edition
a book intended for general readership
cookery book
a book of recipes and cooking directions
instruction book a book of directions for using or operating some piece of equipment
pop-up book
a book (usually for children) that contains one or more pages such that a three-dimensional structure rises up when a page is opened
blue book a blue booklet used in universities for writing examinations
ticket book a book of tickets that can be torn out and used
commonplace book a notebook in which you enter memorabilia
appointment book
appointment calendar
a book containing a calendar and space to keep a record of appointments
phrase book a book containing common expressions in a foreign language along with their translations
prayer book
a book containing prayers
Book of Psalms
a collection of Psalms for liturgical use
reference book
reference reference work
book of facts
a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts, he contributed articles to the basic reference work on that topic
source book a collection of historically important documents published together as a book
instruction manual
book of instructions
operating instructions
a manual usually accompanying a technical device and explaining how to install or operate it
phone book
telephone book
telephone directory
a directory containing an alphabetical list of telephone subscribers and their telephone numbers
book of maps
map collection
a collection of maps in book form
book of knowledge an elementary encyclopedia dealing with general knowledge
Christian Bible
Book Good Book
Holy Scripture
Holy Writ
Word of God
the sacred writings of the Christian religions, he went to carry the Word to the heathen
Book of Genesis
the first book of the Old Testament: tells of Creation, Adam and Eve, the Fall of Man, Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, God's covenant with Abraham, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers
Book of Exodus
the second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses, God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus
Book of Leviticus
the third book of the Old Testament, contains Levitical law and ritual precedents
Book of Numbers
the fourth book of the Old Testament, contains a record of the number of Israelites who followed Moses out of Egypt
Book of Deuteronomy
the fifth book of the Old Testament, contains a second statement of Mosaic law
Book of Joshua
a book in the Old Testament describing how Joshua led the Israelites into Canaan (the Promised Land) after the death of Moses
Book of Judges
a book of the Old Testament that tells the history of Israel under the leaders known as judges
Book of Ruth
a book of the Old Testament that tells the story of Ruth who was not an Israelite but who married an Israelite and who stayed with her mother-in-law Naomi after her husband died
Book of Ezra
an Old Testament book telling of a rabbi's efforts in the th century BC to reconstitute Jewish law and worship in Jerusalem after the Babylonian Captivity
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109 Bewertungen 4


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A book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment, or other materials, fastened together to hinge at one side. A single sheet within a book is a leaf, and each side of a leaf is a page. A set of text-filled or illustrated pages produced in electronic format is known as an electronic book, or e-book.

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