
bot Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

botanisch adj
botanische Bezeichnung f
botanischer Garten
botanical, botanic
botanical name
botanical garden, botanic garden
botanischer Garten
botanic garden
botanisch adj
botanische Bezeichnung f; botanischer Name
botanischer Garten
botanical; botanic
botanical name
botanical garden; botanic garden
botanischer Garten
botanical gardens
Abrus-Sträucher pl (Abrus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
abrus shrubs (botanical genus)
Ackerkohl m (Conringia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
hare's ear mustards (botanical genus)
Adenia-Passionsblumen pl (Adenia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Wüstenkohlrabi m (Adenia pechuelii)
adenia passionflowers (botanical genus)
elephant's foot
Affenbrotbäume (Adansonia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Afrikanischer Affenbrotbaum (Adansonia digitata)
monkey-bread trees; upside-down trees; bottle trees; baobab (botanical genus)
African monkey-bread tree; African baobab; cream of tartar tree
Affodill-Arten pl (Asphodelus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Weißer Affodill
asphodels (botanical genus)
white asphodel
Ahorne pl (Acer) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Bergahorn m (Acer pseudoplatanus)
Fächerahorn m (Acer palmatum)
Spitzahorn m; Spitzblättriger Ahorn (Acer platanoides)
Zuckerahorn m (Acer saccharum)
maples (botanical genus) (maple)
sycamore maple; false plane-tree; great maple; Scottish maple
Japanese maple; smooth Japanese maple
Norway Maple
sugar maple
Ahorngewächse pl (Aceraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
maple family (botanical family)
Ährenhafer m (Gaudinia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gaudinia oat-grasses (botanical genus)
Alant m (Inula) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echter Alant; Schlangenkraut n (Inula helenium)
inula (botanical genus)
elecampane; horse-heal; elfdock; marchalan Welch
Alante pl (Inula) (botanische Gattung) bot.
yellowheads; fleabanes (botanical genus)
Algenfarne pl (Azolla) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gefiederter Algenfarn m (Azolla mexicana) bot.
großer Algenfarn m; Feenmoos n (Azolla filiculoides) bot.
kleiner Algenfarn m; Moskito-Algenfarn m (Azolla caroliniana) bot.
duckweed ferns; water ferns; mosquito ferns; fairy mosses (botanical genus)
floating-fern; Mexican mosquito water fern; Mexican azolla
water fern; large mosquito fern; Pacific mosquito fern
lesser water fern; fairy moss; Carolina mosquito fern
Aloen pl (Aloe) (botanische Gattung) bot.
aloes (botanical genus) (aloe)
Alpenglöckchen pl; Soldanellen pl (Soldanella) (botanische Gattung) bot.
snowbells (botanical genus)
Alpenhelme pl; Bartschien pl (Bartsia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bartsias (botanical genus)
Alpenscharten pl (Saussurea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
saw-worts (botanical genus)
Alpenveilchen n pl; Zyklamen n f pl (Cyclamen) (botanische Gattung) bot.
cyclamen (botanical genus)
Alraunen pl (Mandragora) (botanische Gattung) bot.
mandrakes (botanical genus)
Altingia-Bäume pl (Altingia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Rasamala (Altingia excelsa)
Altingia-trees (botanical genus)
bodi rimbo; cemara itam; duang; jikri; jutili jutuli; lamin; mala; mandung; nantayok; rasamala
Amorphophallus-Pflanzen pl (Amorphophallus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Titanenwurz f; Titanwurz f (Amorphophallus titanum)
Teufelszunge f; Tränenbaum m; Stinkende Titanenwurz f (Amorphophallus konjac rivieri)
amorphophallus plants (botanical genus)
titan arum
umbrella arum; devil's tongue; snake palm; voodoo lily
Ampfer pl (Rumex) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Großer Sauerampfer m; Wiesen-Sauerampfer m; Sauerampfer m (Rumex acetosa)
docks and sorrels (botanical genus)
common sorrel; garden sorrel; sorrel
Andorne pl (Marrubium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gewöhnlicher gemeiner Andorn; weißer Andorn; weißer Dorant; Helfkraut (Marrubium vulgare)
hoarhounds; horehounds (botanical genus)
common hoarhound; white hoarhound
Andropogon-Gräser pl (Andropogon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
beard grasses; bluestem grasses; broomsedges (botanical genus)
Annattogewächse pl (Bixaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
achiote family (botanical family)
Arengapalmen pl (Arenga) (botanische Gattung) bot.
arenga palms (botanical genus)
Arnika f (Arnica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Echte Arnika; Bergwohlverleih (Arnica montana)
arnica (botanical genus)
mountain arnica; mountain tobacco; wolf's bane; leopard's bane
Aronstab m (Arum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gefleckter Aronstab; Aasblume; Ronenkraut; Lungenkraut; Magenkraut; Zahnkraut; Fieberwurz; Frostwurz; Zehrwurz; Schlangenbeer; Entenschnabel; Eselsohren; Teufelhütchen; Heckenpüppchen; Johanneshaupt; Trommelschlegel; Pfingstblume f; Stinkblume f; Stanitzelblume f Ös.; Chindlichrut Schw.; Chrippenkindli Schw.; Dittichrut Schw. (Arum maculatum)
arum (botanical genus)
common arum; wild arum; starch-root: cuckoo-pint; bobbins; wake robin; cows and bulls; devils and angels; lords and ladies; Adam and Eve naked boys
Asiatische Mauspflanzen pl; Pinellien pl (Pinellia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
green dragons (botanical genus)
Astern pl (Aster) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Alpenaster f (Aster alpinus)
Alpenmaßliebchen n (Aster bellidiastrum)
Kalkaster f; Bergaster f (Aster amellus)
Kissenaster f (Aster dumosus)
Myrtenaster f; Septemberkraut n (Aster ericoides)
Schleieraster f (Aster cordifolius)
asters (botanical genus)
alpine aster
false aster; daisy star
Italian aster
bushy aster; rice button aster
(white) heath aster
heart-leaved aster; blue wood aster
Astrophytum-Kakteen pl (botanische Gattung) bot.
Seeigelkaktus m (Astrophytum asterias)
Bischofsmütze f (Astrophytum myriostigma)
astrophytum cacti (botanical genus)
sea urchin cactus; sand dollar cactus; star cactus; peyote
bishop's cap cactus; bishop's hat; bishop's mitre cactus
Attaleapalmen pl (Attalea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
attalea palms (botanical genus)
Augentrostkräuter pl; Augentrost m (Euphrasia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
eyebrights (botanical genus)
Avicennia-Mangrovenbäume pl (Avicennia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
api api (botanical genus)
Baccharisgewächse pl (Baccharis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
baccharises; brooms (botanical genus)
Bactrispalmen pl (Bactris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bactris palms (botanical genus)
Bärenklau m; Akanthus (Acanthus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bear's breeches (botanical genus)
Bärenklau n (Heracleum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
hogweeds; cow parsnips (botanical genus)
Bärenohren pl (Arctotis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
African daisies (botanical genus)
Bärentrauben pl (Arctostaphylos) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bearberries; manzanita (botanical genus)
Baldrian m; Valerianen pl (Valeriana) (botanische Gattung) bot.
valerian (botanical genus)
Balsambaumgewächse pl (Burseraceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
torchwood family; incense tree family; frankincense family; myrrh family (botanical family)
Balsaminengewächse pl (Balsaminaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
balsam family (botanical family)
Bambus m (Bambuseae) (botanische Tribus) bot.
bamboo (botanical tribe)
Barbarakräuter pl; Winterkressen pl (Barbarea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
winter cresses; yellow rockets (botanical genus)
Bartblumen pl (Caryopteris) (botanische Gattung) bot.
bluebeards (botanical genus)
Bartflechten pl (Usnea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
beard lichens; usnea (botanical genus)
Bartgräser pl (Heteropogon) (botanische Gattung) bot.
tangleheads (botanical genus)
Bauernsenf m (Teesdalia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
shepherd's cresses (botanical genus)
Baumfarne pl (Cyatheales) (botanische Ordnung) bot.
tree ferns; arborescent ferns (botanical order)
Baumwollpflanzen pl (Gossypium) (botanische Gattung) bot. agr.
cotton plants (botanical genus)
Beifüße pl (Artemisia Seriphidium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
mugworts; sageworts; sagebrushs; artemisias (botanical genus)
Beinwell m; Beinwurzen pl (Symphytum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
gemeiner echter Beinwell; Arznei-Beinwell; Wundallheil; Schadheilwurzel; Milchwurz; Schmalwurz; Schwarzwurz; Wallwurz; Bienenkraut; Hasenlaub (Symphytum officinale)
comfreys (botanical genus)
common comfrey; cultivated comfrey; Quaker comfrey; boneset; knitbone; consound; slippery-roo
Bennussgewächse pl (Moringaceae) (botanische Familie) bot.
horseradish tree family (botanical family)
Berberitzen pl (Berberis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
(Gewöhnliche) Berberitze f; Sauerdorn m; Echte Berberitze f (Berberis vulgaris)
barberries; pepperidge bushes (botanical genus)
European barberry
Bergkakteen pl (Oreocereus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
mountain cacti (botanical genus)
Bergminzen pl (Calamintha) (botanische Gattung) bot.
calamints (botanical genus)
Bergpalmen pl (Chamaedorea) (botanische Gattung) bot.
chamaedorea palms (botanical genus)
Berufkräuter pl (Erigeron) (botanische Gattung) bot.
fleabane; starworts (botanical genus)
Berufkräuter pl (Conyza) (botanische Gattung) bot.
horseweeds (botanical genus)
Besenrauken pl (Descurainia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
tansymustards (botanical genus)
Betelpalmen pl; Arekapalmen pl (Areca) (botanische Gattung) bot.
areca palms (botanical genus)
Billbergia-Bromelien pl (Billbergia) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Ananasblume f (Billbergia pyramidalis)
billbergia bromelids (botanical genus)
flaming torch; foolproof plant
Bilsenkräuter pl (Hyoscyamus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
henbanes (botanical genus)
Binsen pl; Simsen pl (Juncus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
rushes (botanical genus)
Binsengewächse pl; Simsengewächse Ös. pl (Juncaceae) (botanische Famile) bot.
rush family (botanical family)
Binsenkakteen pl (Rhipsalis) (botanische Gattung) bot.
mistletoe cacti (botanical genus)

Deutsche botanisch {adj} / botanische Bezeichnung {f} / botanischer Garten Synonyme

Bezeichner  ÂBezeichnung  ÂName  ÂTitel  
Garten  ÂGrünanlage  
Gartentor  ÂTor  zum  Garten  
Anlage  ÂGarten  ÂGartenanlage  
andere  Bezeichnung  Âbedeutungsgleiches  Wort  ÂErsatzwort  ÂSynonym  
Benamsung  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂBenennung  ÂBezeichnung  ÂNomenklatur  ÂNotation  
Garten  Eden  ÂHimmel  ÂJenseits  ÂParadies  
Tiergarten  ÂTierpark  ÂZoo  ÂZoologischer  Garten  (fachsprachlich)  
(eine)  Bezeichnung  tragen  Â(sich)  bezeichnen  (als)  Â(sich)  nennen  Âfirmieren  (unter)  Âheißen  

Englische botanical botanic Synonyme

botanic  bulbous  cereal  farinaceous  fruitlike  fruity  herbaceous  herbal  herbose  herbous  herby  leguminose  leguminous  phytobiological  phytochemical  phytologic  plantlike  pomological  radicated  radiciform  radicular  rhizoid  rootlike  tuberous  vegetable  vegetal  vegetarian  vegetational  vegetative  weedy  
botanical  botanic  bulbous  cereal  farinaceous  fruitlike  fruity  herbaceous  herbal  herbose  herbous  herby  leguminose  leguminous  phytobiological  phytochemical  phytologic  plantlike  pomological  radicated  radiciform  radicular  rhizoid  rootlike  tuberous  vegetable  vegetal  vegetarian  vegetational  vegetative  weedy  
botanist  anatomist  bacteriologist  biochemist  biologist  biometrist  biophysicist  bryologist  cytologist  dendrologist  ecologist  geneticist  herbalist  mycologist  natural scientist  naturalist  physiologist  phytobiologist  phytoecologist  phytogeographer  phytographer  phytologist  phytonomist  phytopaleontologist  phytopathologist  phytoteratologist  pomologist  zoologist  
botany  aerobiology  agrobiology  amnion  anatomy  astrobiology  bacteriology  biochemics  biochemistry  biochemy  bioecology  biological science  biology  biometrics  biometry  bionics  bionomics  biophysics  bladder  bleb  blister  boll  calyx  capsule  cell  cell physiology  cryobiology  cybernetics  cyst  cytology  ecology  electrobiology  embryology  enzymology  ethnobiology  exobiology  fistula  flora  flowerage  follicle  gallbladder  genetics  gnotobiotics  greenery  greens  herbage  legume  life science  loculus  marsupium  microbiology  molecular biology  pericarp  pharmacology  physiology  plant kingdom  plant life  plants  pocket  pod  radiobiology  sac  saccule  sacculus  saccus  scrotum  seedcase  silique  sinus  sound  stomach  taxonomy  udder  vasculum  vegetable kingdom  vegetable life  vegetation  vegetation spirit  ventricle  verdure  vesica  vesicle  virology  xenobiology  zoology  
botch  anamorphosis  bad job  bad likeness  bat out  be all thumbs  bevue  bitch up  blight  blow  blunder  blunder away  blunder into  blunder on  blunder upon  bobble  boggle  bollix  bonehead play  boner  boo-boo  botchery  bugger up  bumble  bungle  bungling  burlesque  butcher  caricature  clumsy performance  cobble  commit a gaffe  confuse  dash off  daub  destroy  disorder  distortion  do anyhow  do by halves  do carelessly  do offhand  dub  error  etourderie  fake up  faux pas  fiasco  flounder  flub  fluff  flunk  foozle  fudge up  fumble  gaffe  gaucherie  goof up  gum up  haphazardness  hash  indiscretion  jury-rig  knock off  knock out  knock together  lash up  loose ends  louse up  lumber  make a blunder  make a misstep  mangle  mar  mess  mess up  messiness  misconduct  miscue  misdraw  mishandle  mismanage  mispaint  misspeak  mistake  mix-up  muck  muck up  mucker  muddle  muff  mull  murder  muss  mutilate  off day  parody  patch  patch together  patch up  play havoc with  play hell with  pound out  rough out  roughcast  roughhew  ruin  sad work  scratch  screw up  scribble  shambles  slap up  slapdash  slip  slipshoddiness  slipshodness  sloppiness  slovenliness  slovenly performance  slovenry  sluttishness  solecism  spoil  stumble  stupidity  throw off  throw together  tinker  toss off  toss out  toss together  travesty  trifle with  trip  untidiness  washout  whomp up  wreck  
botched  blighted  bungled  bungling  butchered  clumsy  deficient  destroyed  fumbled  half-assed  haphazard  hit-and-miss  hit-or-miss  ill-advised  ill-considered  ill-contrived  ill-devised  ill-done  ill-executed  ill-managed  impolitic  marred  messy  misconducted  misdirected  misguided  mismanaged  muffed  murdered  negligent  promiscuous  ruined  slipshod  slipshoddy  sloppy  slovenly  sluttish  spoiled  spoilt  untidy  wrecked  
both  a deux  brace  couple  couplet  distich  double harness  doublet  duad  duet  duo  dyad  either  for two  match  mates  pair  set of two  span  team  tete-a-tete  the two  twain  two  twosome  yoke  
bother  abash  abrade  abuse a privilege  addle  addle the wits  ado  afflict  aggravate  aggravation  agitate  agitation  ail  annoy  annoyance  anxiety  awkwardness  bad news  badger  baffle  bafflement  bait  ball up  be at  be the matter  becloud  bedazzle  bedevil  bedevilment  befuddle  befuddlement  beset  besetment  bewilder  bewilderment  bore  botheration  bothersomeness  brawl  bristle  broil  brouhaha  brown off  bug  bullyrag  burden  burdening  burn up  burst  bustle  can of worms  chafe  chaos  charging  chivy  cloud  clumsiness  commotion  complicate matters  concern  confoundment  confuse  confusion  crashing bore  daze  dazzle  demand  devil  devilment  difficulty  dilemma  disaccommodate  disadvantage  discombobulate  discombobulation  discomfit  discomfiture  discomfort  discommode  discommodity  discompose  discomposure  disconcert  disconcertedness  disconcertion  disconcertment  dismay  disoblige  disorder  disorganization  disorganize  disorient  disorientation  disquiet  distemper  distress  disturb  disturbance  dither  dog  dogging  donnybrook  donnybrook fair  downer  drag  dustup  effort  embarrass  embarrassment  embroilment  encroach upon  enigma  entangle  evil  exaction  exasperate  exasperation  exercise  fash  feery-fary  ferment  fidgetiness  fit  fix  flap  flummox  flurry  fluster  flusteration  flustration  flutter  flutteriness  fog  foofaraw  fracas  frazzle  free-for-all  freighting  frenzy  fret  fuddle  fuddlement  fuss  fuss at  fussiness  get  give concern  great ado  gripe  harass  harassment  harry  harrying  hassle  haze  headache  heckle  hector  helter-skelter  hound  hounding  hubbub  hullabaloo  impose on  impose upon  imposing an onus  imposition  incommode  incommodity  inconsiderateness  inconvenience  inconveniency  inconvenientness  infliction  irk  irritant  irritate  irritation  jam  jumble  lather  laying on  load with care  loading  loading down  maelstrom  make free with  matter  maze  melee  mess  miff  
bothered  abashed  abroad  adrift  afflicted  aggravated  agitated  all-overish  angry  annoyed  anxious  anxioused up  apprehensive  astray  at sea  balled-up  beset  bewildered  browned-off  bugged  burnt-up  cast down  chafed  chagrined  chaotic  chapfallen  clueless  concerned  confused  discomfited  discomforted  discomposed  disconcerted  dismayed  disordered  disorganized  disoriented  disquieted  distracted  distraught  distressed  disturbed  embarrassed  exasperated  fearful  flustered  fluttered  foreboding  fussed  galled  griped  guessing  harassed  hung up  ill at ease  in a fix  in a jumble  in a maze  in a pickle  in a pother  in a pucker  in a scrape  in a stew  in a sweat  in a swivet  in a tizzy  inconvenienced  irked  irritated  jumbled  lost  mazed  miffed  misgiving  mixed-up  mortified  nervous  nettled  off the track  on tenterhooks  out of countenance  overanxious  overapprehensive  peeved  perplexed  perturbed  piqued  plagued  provoked  put to it  put-out  put-upon  puzzled  rattled  resentful  riled  roiled  ruffled  shaken  shook  shuffled  solicitous  sore beset  strained  suspenseful  tense  troubled  turned around  uncomfortable  uneasy  unsettled  upset  vexed  without a clue  worried  zealous  
bothersome  aggravating  annoying  backbreaking  besetting  bothering  burdensome  chafing  crushing  disquieting  distressful  distressing  disturbing  exasperating  fretting  galling  grueling  harassing  heavy  hefty  importunate  importune  irking  irksome  irritating  onerous  oppressive  painful  pesky  pestering  pestiferous  pestilent  pestilential  plaguesome  plaguey  plaguing  provoking  teasing  tiresome  tormenting  troublesome  troubling  trying  upsetting  vexatious  vexing  wearisome  worrisome  worrying  
bottle  Dutch courage  alcohol  alcoholic drink  backbone  bag  barrel  basket  booze  bottle up  box  box in  box up  burden  cabin  calabash  can  canteen  capsule  carafe  carboy  carton  case  cask  casket  caster  cloister  closet  coffin  confine  contain  container  control  courage  cramp  crate  crib  cruet  cruse  cut off  decanter  demijohn  do up  encase  encyst  entomb  ewer  fiasco  fifth  fill  flacon  flagon  flask  flasket  freight  gourd  grit  gumption  guts  hamper  heap  heap up  hem in  hipflask  hold back  hold in check  hot-water bottle  immure  jar  jeroboam  jug  keep in check  lade  liquor  load  lota  magnum  manfulness  manliness  mass  mettle  moxie  mussuk  nerve  olla  pack  pack away  package  parcel  phial  pile  pluck  pocket  pot  put up  repress  restrain  sack  sauce  ship  spirits  spunk  stack  starch  stifle  store  stoup  stow  straiten  suppress  tank  the bottle  tin  trap  vacuum bottle  vial  
bottle up  arrest  asphyxiate  bosom  box in  box up  bury  cabin  cache  cage  casket  censor  check  choke off  clamp down on  cloister  closet  coffin  confine  constrain  coop  coop in  coop up  cork  cork up  countercheck  crack down on  cramp  crib  crush  curb  dam up  damp  damp down  dampen  delay  deposit  detain  drown  embosom  encage  encase  enclose  entomb  extinguish  fence in  file and forget  gag  hem in  hide away  hinder  hold  hold back  hold down  hold in  hold in check  hold in custody  hold in restraint  hold up  immure  impede  impound  inhibit  intercept  interfere  intermeddle  interrupt  intervene  jump on  keep  keep back  keep down  keep hidden  keep in  keep in check  keep in custody  keep in detention  keep secret  keep under  kill  lock in  lock up  maintain  meddle  mew  mew up  muzzle  oppose  pen  pen up  plant  pound  pour water on  preserve  put away  put down  quash  quell  quench  rail in  repress  resist  restrain  restrict  retain  retard  save  save up  scotch  seal up  secrete  set back  shackle  shut down on  shut in  shut up  silence  sit down on  sit on  slacken  smash  smother  snub  squash  squelch  stanch  stash  stifle  store away  stow away  straiten  strangle  stultify  subdue  suffocate  suppress  throttle  wall in  
bottleneck  abbreviation  approach  astriction  astringency  asymptote  bar  barrier  blank wall  blind alley  blind gut  block  blockade  blockage  canal  catch  cecum  cervix  channel  choking  choking off  circumscription  clog  coarctation  collision course  compactedness  compaction  compression  compressure  concentralization  concentration  concourse  concurrence  condensation  confluence  conflux  congestion  congress  consolidation  constipation  constriction  constringency  contraction  contracture  convergence  converging  cordon  costiveness  crossing  cul-de-sac  curtailment  curtain  dead end  decrease  defile  determent  deterrent  difficulty  diminuendo  drawback  embolism  embolus  focalization  focus  funnel  gorge  hang-up  hazard  hitch  hourglass  hourglass figure  hub  hurdle  impasse  impediment  infarct  infarction  isthmus  jam  joker  knitting  meeting  mutual approach  narrow  narrow place  narrowing  narrowing gap  narrows  neck  objection  obstacle  obstipation  obstruction  obstructive  one small difficulty  pass  puckering  pursing  radius  reduction  rub  sealing off  shortening  snag  solidification  spokes  stop  stoppage  strait  stranglement  strangulation  striction  stricture  stumbling block  stumbling stone  systole  tangent  throat  wasp waist  wrinkling  
bottom  argosy  arse  ass  at bottom  backbone  backside  bark  basal  base  basement  basic  basically  basin  basis  baygall  bed  bedrock  behind  belly  best  boat  bog  bottom glade  bottomland  bottommost  bottoms  breech  bucket  buffalo wallow  bum  butt  buttocks  can  cause  channel  chutzpah  coulee  courage  craft  cut  dale  dell  depths  derriere  dingle  duff  end  essentiality  essentially  establish  everglade  fanny  fen  fenland  floor  foot  footing  found  foundation  foundational  fundament  fundamentally  gameness  gap  gill  giveaway  glade  glen  gluteus maximus  grit  ground  groundwork  grove  guts  gutsiness  guttiness  half-price  heart  heart of oak  heinie  hindquarters  hog wallow  holm  hooker  hulk  hull  in reality  in truth  intervale  intestinal fortitude  keel  keister  leviathan  low  lower strata  lowermost  lowest  lowest level  lowest point  lunar rill  marais  marish  marked down  marrow  marsh  marshland  meadow  mere  mettle  mettlesomeness  mire  moor  moorland  morass  moss  moxie  mud  mud flat  nadir  nerve  nethermost  nub  ocean bottom  origin  packet  pass  peat bog  pith  pluck  pluckiness  posterior  prat  predicate  primary  quagmire  quicksand  quintessence  quintessential  radical  ravine  really  rear  rear end  reduced  rest  rock-bottom  rump  sacrificial  salt marsh  seat  ship  slashed  slob land  slough  sole  sough  soul  source  spirit  spunk  spunkiness  stamina  stay  stout heart  strath  stuff  substance  substructure  sump  swale  swamp  swampland  taiga  toughness  trench  trough  true grit  truly  tub  tuchis  tush  tushy  underbelly  underlying  underlying level  undermost  underneath  underpinning  underside  vale  valley  vessel  virtuality  wadi  wallow  wash  watercraft  
bottom dollar  Swiss bank account  Thule  Ultima Thule  assets  balance  bank account  bitter end  boundary  budget  butt  butt end  cash reserves  checking account  command of money  exchequer  extreme  extremity  fag end  farthest bound  finances  fund  funds  jumping-off place  kitty  life savings  limit  means  moneys  nest egg  nib  pecuniary resources  pocket  point  pole  pool  purse  reserves  resources  savings  savings account  stub  stump  substance  tag  tag end  tail  tail end  tip  treasure  unregistered bank account  wherewithal  
bottom out  alter  ameliorate  be changed  be converted into  be renewed  break  change  checker  chop  chop and change  come about  come around  come round  degenerate  deteriorate  deviate  diverge  diversify  flop  haul around  improve  jibe  meliorate  mitigate  modulate  mutate  revive  shift  swerve  tack  take a turn  turn  turn aside  turn into  turn the corner  undergo a change  vary  veer  warp  worsen  
bottomland  alkali flat  alluvial plain  basin  baygall  bog  bottom  bottoms  buffalo wallow  bushveld  campo  champaign  champaign country  coastal plain  delta  desert  down  downs  everglade  fell  fen  fenland  flat  flat country  flatland  flats  glade  grass veld  grassland  heath  hog wallow  holm  lande  level  llano  lowland  lowlands  lunar mare  marais  mare  marish  marsh  marshland  meadow  mere  mesa  mesilla  mire  moor  moorland  morass  moss  mud  mud flat  open country  pampa  pampas  peat bog  peneplain  plain  plains  plateau  playa  prairie  quagmire  quicksand  salt flat  salt marsh  salt pan  savanna  sebkha  slob land  slough  sough  steppe  sump  swale  swamp  swampland  table  tableland  taiga  tree veld  tundra  upland  vega  veld  wallow  wash  weald  wide-open spaces  wold  
bottomless  a hog for  abounding  abundant  abysmal  abyssal  acquisitive  affluent  all-devouring  all-sufficing  ample  aplenty  avaricious  avid  bounteous  bountiful  cavernous  copious  coveting  covetous  deep as hell  devouring  diffuse  effuse  endless  epidemic  esurient  exhaustless  extravagant  exuberant  fat  fathomless  fertile  flush  full  galore  gaping  generous  gluttonous  gobbling  grabby  grasping  gratuitous  greedy  groundless  hoggish  immeasurable  in plenty  in quantity  inexhaustible  infinite  insatiable  insatiate  lavish  liberal  limitless  luxuriant  many  maximal  mercenary  miserly  money-hungry  money-mad  much  numerous  omnivorous  opulent  overflowing  overgreedy  piggish  plenitudinous  plenteous  plentiful  plenty  plumbless  plunging  prevailing  prevalent  prodigal  productive  profuse  profusive  quenchless  rampant  rapacious  ravening  ravenous  reasonless  replete  rich  rife  riotous  running over  slakeless  sordid  soundless  superabundant  swinish  teeming  unappeasable  unappeased  uncalled-for  unfathomable  unfathomed  unfounded  ungrounded  unjustifiable  unlimited  unquenchable  unsated  unsatisfied  unslakeable  unslaked  unsounded  unsupportable  unwarranted  venal  voracious  wealthy  well-found  well-furnished  well-provided  well-stocked  wholesale  without bottom  yawning  
bottomless pit  Abaddon  Gehenna  Hades  Naraka  Pandemonium  Sheol  Tophet  avichi  bowels  deep space  deeps  depths  gaping depths  hell  infernal pit  infernal regions  inferno  jahannan  limbo  lower world  nether world  outer space  perdition  place of torment  purgatory  shades below  the abyss  the bottomless pit  the grave  the pit  underworld  unfathomed deeps  unknown depths  

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