
bottle bottom Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

flaschenförmig adj (unten breiter als oben)
allerniedrigster Preis
rock-bottom price
auf Flaschen füllen, Flasche
äußerster Preis
rock bottom price
doppelter Boden
false bottom
Ecke unten links
bottom left corner
Ecke unten rechts
bottom right corner
bottle deposit
Fuß der Seite, unterer Rand der Seite
bottom of page
glass bottle
niedrigste Qualität
bottom quality
niedrigster Kursstand
bottom price
niedrigster Preis
bottom price
bottom price
schlechteste Qualität
bottom quality
Talsohle der Rezession
bottom of the economic recession
bottom price
Tiefststand, Boden
unzerbrechliche Flasche
unbreakable bottle
Aussteuer f
bottom drawer
Bettflasche f
hot water bottle
Bierflasche f, Flasche Bier
Bierflaschen pl
beer bottle, bottle of beer
beer bottles, bottles of beer
Bikiniunterteil n
bikini bottom
Boden m, Fußgrund m
Böden pl
auf dem Boden
at the bottom
Boden m, Grund m
über sandigem und schlammigem Grund
over sand and mud bottoms
Bodenblech n
floor panel, floor plate, bottom plate
Bodenscherbe f
bottom sherd, basal sherd
Bottom-Brake f (Fahrrad)
bottom brake
Brennkammerboden m mach.
combustion chamber floor, combustion chamber bottom
Buddelschiff n
Buddelschiffe pl
ship in a bottle
ships in bottles
Diffusorprinzip n techn.
coke-bottle principle Am.
Ding n, Sache f
Dinge pl, Sachen pl, Krempel m
Dinge für sich behalten
die Dinge laufen lassen
den Dingen auf den Grund gehen
beim augenblicklichen Stand der Dinge
das Ding an sich
über solchen Dingen stehen
to keep things to oneself
to let things slide
to get to the bottom of things
as things stand now, as things are now
the thing-in-itself
to be above such things
Druckluftflasche f
Druckluftflaschen pl
compressed air bottle
compressed air bottles
Einwegflasche f
Einwegflaschen pl
non-returnable bottle
non-returnable bottles
Ende n
Entaschungsanlage f techn. (für Feuerungsraum)
Entaschungsanlagen pl
bottom-ash handling plant
bottom-ash handling plants
Fazit n
das Fazit ziehen (aus)
sein Fazit
result, upshot, bottom line
to sum up, to consider the results (of)
his conclusion is (that)
Flakon m
small bottle
Flasche f, Krug m
Flaschen pl
in Flaschen abfüllen, in Flaschen füllen
in Flaschen abfüllend
in Flaschen abgefüllt
to bottle
Flaschengeist m
den Geist aus der Flasche lassen übtr.
genie in the bottle
to let the genie out of the bottle
Flaschenhalter m
Flaschenhalter pl
bottle cage
bottle cages
Flaschenhalteranlötteil n techn.
bottle boss
Flaschenhalter-Öse f
Flaschenhalter-Ösen pl
bottle mount
bottle mounts
Flaschenkind n
Flaschenkinder pl
bottle fed baby
bottle fed babies
Flaschenofen m
zweischaliger Flaschenofen
bottle kiln
hovel kiln
Flaschenöffner m
Flaschenöffner pl
bottle opener, bottleopener
bottle openers, bottleopeners
Flaschenpfand n, Pfand m
für etw. Pfand zahlen
bottle deposit
to pay a deposit on sth.
Flaschenpost f
bottle post
Flussbett n, Flusssohle f
Vertiefung des Flussbettes
river bed, riverbed, river bottom
deepening of the river bed
Gang m
erster Gang
in den dritten Gang schalten
einen Gang einlegen
den Gang herausnehmen
Fünfgang ...
gear, speed
first gear, bottom gear Br.
to change (shift Am.) into third gear
to engage a gear
to put the car in neutral
Gasflasche f
Gasflaschen pl
gas bottle, gas cylinder
gas bottles, gas cylinders
Glascontainer m
Glascontainer pl
bottle tank
bottle tanks
Grabensohle f
ditch bottom
Grundschleppnetz n
bottom trawl
Hälfte f
Hälften pl
erste Hälfte
zweite Hälfte
untere Hälfte f, zweite Hälfte f
first half
second half
bottom half
Hakenflasche f, Hakengeschirr n
Hakenflasche 2-strängig
Hakengeschirr 1-strängig
bottom hook block
two-fall bottom hook block
single-fall bottom hook block
Herz n anat.
Herzen pl
aus tiefstem Herzen
von ganzem Herzen
aus tiefstem Herzen, aus innerster Seele
aus tiefstem Herzen danken
etw. auf dem Herzen haben
ins Herz schließen
ins Herz geschlossen
jdn. ans Herz drücken
jdm. ans Herz gewachsen sein
sich etw. zu Herzen nehmen
sich ein Herz fassen, mutig sein
Sei tapfer!, Sei mutig!
schweren Herzens
ans Herz drücken, an die Brust drücken, ins Herz schließen
ein Herz aus Stein übtr.
Hand aufs Herz!
from the bottom of the heart
with all my heart, dearly
with all one's heart and with all one's soul
to thank from the bottom of one's heart
to have sth. on the mind
to take into one's heart
locked in one's heart
to press (sb.) close to one's heart
to be dear to sb.'s heart
to take root
to take heart
Take heart!
with a heavy heart
to embosom (poetically, archaic)
a heart of stone, a heart of flint
cross your heart!
Kippfenster n
Kippfenster pl
bottom hung window
bottom hung windows
Korbflasche f
Korbflaschen pl
große Korbflasche f
wickerbottle, wicker bottle
wickerbottles, wicker bottles
Lenkungslagerschale f techn.
obere Lenkungslagerschale
head cup
bottom head race, top head race
Meeresgrund m
sea bottom, seabed, ocean floor
Niedrigstpreis m
Niedrigstpreise pl
rock-bottom price
rock-bottom prices
Niveauflasche f (Labor)
levelling bottle
Notsauerstoffflasche f
Notsauerstoffflaschen pl
bailout bottle
bailout bottles
Parfümfläschchen n
scent bottle
Party f, Fete f
auf der Party
eine Party geben, einer Party machen
Party, zu der jeder Gast ein Getränk mitbringt
at the party
to have a party, to give a party
Pfandflasche f, Mehrwegflasche f
deposit bottle, returnable bottle
etw. von der Pike auf lernen
learn sth. from the bottom up
Plastikflasche f
Plastikflaschen pl
plastic bottle
plastic bottles
Popo m
bottom, bum
Preissturz m, äußerster Tiefstand (Börse) fin.
double bottom
Recyclingbehälter m für Glas
Recyclingbehälter pl für Glas
bottle bank
bottle banks
Rohrboden m techn.
Rohrboden, am Mantel verschweißt
tube bottom
stationary tubesheet
Säuglingsflasche f, Saugflasche f
feeder, feeding bottle
Saldo m
bottom line
Sauerstoffflasche f
Sauerstoffflaschen pl
oxygen bottle, oxygen flask, oxygen tank
oxygen bottles, oxygen flasks, oxygen tanks
Schleuderpreis pl
Schleuderpreise pl
rock-bottom price, price cut to the bone coll.
rock-bottom prices, prices cut to the bone
Schnapsflasche f
Schnapsflaschen pl
bottle of brandy
bottles of brandy
Schrankunterteil n
Schrankkoffer pl
bottom part of the cabinet
wardrobe trunks
Seilnippel n
cable end bottom
Sektflasche f
champagne bottle
Sohle f, Talsohle f
Sohlen pl, Talsohlen pl
Sohlengefälle n
bottom slope
Sohlströmung f
bottom current
Stahlflasche f
steel bottle
Startraketenbehälter m mil.
Startraketenbehälter pl
JATO bottle
JATO bottless
Steuerkopfmuffe f techn.
Steuerkopfmuffe oben
Steuerkopfmuffe unten
head lug
top head lug
bottom head lug
Tabellenende n, Tabellenschluss m sport
bottom of the league
Talgrund m
valley bottom
Talsohle f
Talsohlen pl
bottom of a valley
bottoms of valleys
Talsohle f econ.
die Talsohle erreichen
die Talsohle überwinden
to bottom out, to reach the lowest point
to bottom out, to pass the lowest point
Talstation f (eines Skiliftes)
station at the bottom (of a ski lift)
Tiefpunkt m, Nullpunkt m
auf dem Nullpunkt sein
den Tiefpunkt erreichen, auf dem Nullpunkt angekommen sein, ganz unten landen
rock-bottom, rock bottom
to be at rock-bottom
to hit rock bottom
Totpunkt m, toter Punkt
unterer Totpunkt
nach dem oberen Totpunkt
vor dem oberen Totpunkt
dead center, dead centre (DC), dead point
bottom dead center (bdc)
after the dead center (atdc)
before the dead center (btdc)
Tretlager n techn.
Tretlager pl
bottom bracket bearing
bottom bracket bearings
one-piece crankset
Tretlagergehäuse n techn.
Tretlagergehäuse pl
bottom bracket shell
bottom bracket shells
Tretlagerhöhe f
bottom bracket height
Tretlagerrohr n
Tretlagerrohre pl
bottom tube
bottom tubes
Tretlagerschale f
Tretlagerschalen pl
bottom bracket cup
bottom bracket cups
Trinkflasche f
Trinkflaschen pl
drinking bottle
drinking bottles
Tropfflasche f
dropper bottle
Unterflansch m techn.
lower flange, bottom flange
Untergurt m
Untergurte pl
bottom chord, lower chord, lower belt, bottom boom
bottom chords, lower chords, lower belts, bottom booms
Untergurtblech n
Untergurtbleche pl
bottom plate
bottom plates
Unterkante f
Unterkanten pl
bottom edge
bottom edges
Unterseite f
Unterseiten pl
bottom side
bottom sides
Unterteil n
Unterteile pl
lower part, bottom part
lower parts, bottom parts
Unterteil n eines Gerätes
bottom section
Urinflasche f
Urinflaschen pl
urinal, urine bottle
urinals, urine bottles
V-Rumpf m
Ventilkörpermündung f
bottom orifice
Von-unten-nach-oben-Methode f
bottom-up method
Wägeglas n (Labor)
weighing bottle
Wärmflasche f
hot-water bottle
Wasserflasche f
Wasserflaschen pl
water bottle
water bottles
Wegwerfflasche f
throwaway bottle
Weinflasche f
Weinflaschen pl
wine bottle
wine bottles
Wirbellose m f , Wirbelloser
die Wirbellosen
auf dem Boden lebende Wirbellose
invertebrates, inverts
bottom invertebrates
Zahnprothese f, künstliches Gebiss med.
Zahnprothesen pl, künstliche Gebisse
partielle Prothese
Totalprothese f
Oberkieferprothese f
Unterkieferprothese f
denture, artificial teeth
partial denture
full set
top set
bottom set
aus prp, +Dativ
aus dem Fenster
aus Neugier
aus der Flasche trinken
aus dem Zusammenhang reißen
aus der Ãœbung sein
aus Sachsen
aus tiefem Schlaf erwachen
aus folgendem Grund
out of, from
out of the window
out of curiosity
to drink out of the bottle, to drink from the bottle
to take out of its context
to be out of training
from Saxony
to awake from a deep sleep
for the following reason
ausloten v übtr.
die Absichten ausloten
ein Problem ausloten
to sound out
sounding out
sounded out
to sound out the intentions
to try to get to the bottom of a problem
flaschengrün adj
gewinnorientiert adj
in sich hineinfressen übtr.
to bottle up fig.
etw. hinterfragen
to try to get to the bottom of
niedrigster, niedrigste adj
oben adv
von oben bis unten
von oben nach unten
top, on top
from top to bottom
top down
pragmatisch adj
rechts adv
auf der rechten Seite, rechts
ganz rechts
rechts von
rechts von ihm
rechts unten
nach rechts
rechts abbiegen
sich rechts halten, rechts fahren (gehen)
on the right, to the right
to the right of
on his right, to his right
downright, on the bottom right
to turn right
to keep to the right
unten, am unteren Ende
unten an
von unten nach oben
at the bottom
at the bottom of
from bottom to top
unteres Ende
untergärig adj
von unten nach oben
zu unterst, zuunterst alt
right at the bottom
Bodenentleerer m
bottom dump truck
Stauchung f
bottom out, compression
Tellerboden m
dished bottom
Tiefbettradius m
well bottom radius
Darauf läuft es im Endeffekt hinaus.
That's the bottom line of it.
Das ist das Entscheidende.
That's the bottom line.
Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre. Sprw.
Life's not easy at the bottom.
Schlimmer kann es nicht werden.
This is rock-bottom. coll.
Setze nie alles auf eine Karte.
Never venture all in one bottom.
Sie können Gift darauf nehmen. übtr.
You can bet your bottom dollar. fig.
Blauwal m, Riesenwal m, Grosser nördlicher Furchenwal m zool.
blue whale, great blue whale, great northern rorqual, Sibbald's rorqual, sulphur bottom, silver bottom (Balaenoptera musculus)
Ausgiesser m mach. techn.
bottle spout
unten an
at the bottom of

bottle bottom Definition

(n.) A hollow vessel, usually of glass or earthenware (but formerly of leather), with a narrow neck or mouth, for holding liquids.
(n.) The contents of a bottle
(n.) Fig.: Intoxicating liquor
(v. t.) To put into bottles
(n.) A bundle, esp. of hay.
Bottle green
() A dark shade of green, like that of bottle glass.
(n.) A cetacean of the Dolphin family, of several species, as Delphinus Tursio and Lagenorhyncus leucopleurus, of Europe.
(n.) The puffin.
(a.) Having the nose bottle-shaped, or large at the end.
(n.) The lowest part of anything
(n.) The part of anything which is beneath the contents and supports them, as the part of a chair on which a person sits, the circular base or lower head of a cask or tub, or the plank floor of a ship's hold
(n.) That upon which anything rests or is founded, in a literal or a figurative sense
(n.) The bed of a body of water, as of a river, lake, sea.
(n.) The fundament
(n.) An abyss.
(n.) Low land formed by alluvial deposits along a river
(n.) The part of a ship which is ordinarily under water
(n.) Power of endurance
(n.) Dregs or grounds
(a.) Of or pertaining to the bottom
(v. t.) To found or build upon
(v. t.) To furnish with a bottom
(v. t.) To reach or get to the bottom of.
(v. i.) To rest, as upon an ultimate support
(v. i.) To reach or impinge against the bottom, so as to impede free action, as when the point of a cog strikes the bottom of a space between two other cogs, or a piston the end of a cylinder.
(n.) A ball or skein of thread
(v. t.) To wind round something, as in making a ball of thread.
(n.) A very large whalebone whale of the genus Sibbaldius, having a yellowish belly
Woulfe bottle
(n.) A kind of wash bottle with two or three necks

bottle bottom Bedeutung

spin the bottle a game in which a player spins a bottle and kisses the person that it points to when it stops spinning
bottle collection collecting bottles for reuse
bottle collection the activity of collecting bottles, bottle collection is a hobby of hers
a fish that lives and feeds on the bottom of a body of water
bottom-feeder a scavenger that feeds low on the food chain
bottom lurkers a fish that lurks on the bottom of a body of water
blue whale
sulfur bottom
Balaenoptera musculus
largest mammal ever known, bluish-grey migratory whalebone whale mostly of southern hemisphere
bottle-nosed whale
bottlenose whale
bottlenose Hyperoodon ampullatus
northern Atlantic beaked whale with a bulbous forehead
bottlenose dolphin
bottle-nosed dolphin
any of several dolphins with rounded forehead and well-developed beak, chiefly of northern Atlantic and Mediterranean
bottom fish
fish that live on the sea bottom (particularly the commercially important gadoid fish like cod and haddock, or flatfish like flounder)
beer bottle a bottle that holds beer
bottle a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or other liquids, typically cylindrical without handles and with a narrow neck that can be plugged or capped
bottle feeding bottle
nursing bottle
a vessel fitted with a flexible teat and filled with milk or formula, used as a substitute for breast feeding infants and very young children
bottle bank a place where bottles can be deposited for recycling
bottle opener an opener for removing caps or corks from bottles
merchant ship
a cargo ship, they did much of their overseas trade in foreign bottoms
catsup bottle
ketchup bottle
a bottle that holds catsup
bottle cork
the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)
bottle screw
a bottle opener that pulls corks
false bottom a horizontal structure that partitions a ship or box (especially one built close to the actual bottom)
hot-water bottle
hot-water bag
a stoppered receptacle (usually made of rubber) that is to be filled with hot water and used for warming a bed or parts of the body
ink bottle
a bottle of ink
Klein bottle a closed surface with only one side, formed by passing one end of a tube through the side of the tube and joining it with the other end
magnetic bottle container consisting of any configuration of magnetic fields used to contain a plasma during controlled thermonuclear reactions
pill bottle a small bottle for holding pills
pop bottle
soda bottle
a bottle for holding soft drinks
round-bottom flask a spherical flask with a narrow neck
smelling bottle a bottle containing smelling salts
specimen bottle a bottle for holding urine specimens
thermos bottle
thermos flask
vacuum flask that preserves temperature of hot or cold drinks
vacuum flask
vacuum bottle
flask with double walls separated by vacuum, used to maintain substances at high or low temperatures
water bottle a bottle for holding water
whiskey bottle a bottle for holding whiskey
wine bottle a bottle for holding wine
bottle green dark to moderate or greyish green
c buttocks
arse butt
hind end
rear end
tail tail end
ass a d
the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on, he deserves a good kick in the butt, are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?
bottle bill a statute that would require merchants to reclaim used bottles
bottom line the decisive point
bottom round cut from the round, suitable for pot roast
bottle collection a collection of bottles, her bottle collection is arranged on glass shelves in the window
Foggy Bottom United States Department of State, which is housed in a building in a low-lying area of Washington near the Potomac River
the lower side of anything
bottom the lowest part of anything, they started at the bottom of the hill
rock bottom the absolute bottom
a depression forming the ground under a body of water, he searched for treasure on the ocean bed
low-lying alluvial land near a river
bottom quark
beauty quark
a quark with a charge of -
and a mass about , times that of an electron
lake bed
lake bottom
the bottom of a lake
ocean floor
sea floor
ocean bottom
sea bottom
Davy Jones's locker
Davy Jones
the bottom of a sea or ocean
river bottom
a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a river
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