
brain dead Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

gehirnamputiert adj ugs. übtr.
brain-dead fig.
gehirntot; hirntot adj med.
brain-dead Br.; braindead Am.
Abwanderung hochqualifizierter Arbeitskräfte
brain drain
dead freight
Beruf ohne Zukunft
dead-end job
electronic brain
Gehirn, Verstand
geistige Arbeit
brain work
Kapital ohne Ertrag
dead capital
Konto ohne Umsätze
dead account
dead article
dead weight
dead body
physisch tot
actually dead
sich anstrengen, sich Gedanken machen
tax one's brain
dead time
totes Kapital
dead capital
unverkäufliche Ware
dead stock
dead time
zu zahlende aber nicht genutzte Fracht
dead freight
Abspannmast m
Abspannmasten pl
span pole, dead-end tower
span poles, dead-end towers
Abwanderung f von hochqualifizierten Arbeitskräften
brain drain
Basalhirn n anat.
brain basement
Beratergruppe f
brain trust
Blasenhirn n, Hydranenzephalie f med.
vesicular brain, hydranencephaly
Blut-Hirn-Schranke f, Blut-Gehirn-Schranke f
blood-brain barrier, blood-cerebral barrier
Brain-Truster m
brain truster Am.
Denksportaufgabe f, harte Nuss f, schwere Frage f
teaser, brain teaser, a hard nut to crack fig.
Doppelgänger m, Doppelgängerin f, Double m
Doppelgänger pl, Doppelgängerinnen pl, Doubles pl
double, doppelganger, doubleganger, lookalike, dead ringer
Drehbank f, Drehmaschine f techn.
Drehbänke pl, Drehmaschinen pl
Futterdrehbank f
Drehbank mit feststehender Reitstockspitze
chuck lathe
dead-center lathe
Eigengewicht n
own weight, dead weight
Eigenlast f
dead load
Enzephalitis f, Gehirnentzündung f med.
encephalitis, brain inflammation, brain-fever
im Ernst
in vollem Ernst
Diesmal ist es mir Ernst damit.
in earnest
in dead earnest
This time I'm in earnest about it.
Faustpfand n
Faustpfänder pl
dead pledge
dead pledges
Flaute f
dead calm
Gehirn n, Hirn n anat.
Gehirne pl, Hirne pl
Gehirnerschütterung f med.
cerebral concussion, brain concussion
Geistesarbeit f
brain work
jdm. aufs Haar gleichen
to be a dead-ringer
Hirngewicht n
brain weight
Hirnrinde f anat.
cortex (of brain), cerebral cortex
Hirnstromaktivität f, Aktivität der Hirnstromwellen med.
brain wave activity
Hirnstromwellen pl
brain waves
Hirntod m med.
brain death, death of the brain
Kapital n
arbeitendes Kapital
gezeichnetes Kapital
totes Kapital
totes Kapital, totes Inventar
geistiges Kapital, intellektuelles Kapital
betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
nicht betriebsnotwendiges Kapital
Kapital und Arbeit
active capital
subscribed capital
dormant capital, unemployed capital
dead stock
intellectual capital, intellectual assets
operating capital
non-operating capital
capital and labour
Kopf m, Haupt n
Köpfe pl
von Kopf bis Fuß
ein klarer Kopf
auf dem Kopf stehen
einen kühlen Kopf behalten übtr.
über Kopf
sich etw. in den Kopf setzen
pro Kopf
from head to foot, from head tot toe
a clear brain
to stand on one's head, to be upside down
to keep a clear head
to set one's mind on sth.
per head
Last f, Belastung f, Ladung f, Beladung f
kritische Last
statische Last
ständige Last
zulässige Last
dynamische Belastung
vorgeschriebene Belastung
zulässige Belastung
load, loading
critical load
static load
dead load
design load
dynamic loading
specified load
maximum rated load
Lauf m, Rennen n, Durchgang m sport
totes Rennen
dead heat
Leergewicht n, totes Gewicht
dead weight
Leiche f
Leichen pl
eine Leiche im Keller haben übtr.
dead body
dead bodies
to have a skeleton in the cupboard Br., to have a skeleton in the closet Am. fig.
Leichenfledderer m
looter of corpses, body-stripper, person who robs dead people
Leichnam m
corpse, (dead) body
Niete f ugs., unfähige Person
Nieten in Nadelstreifen
dead loss, wash-out
incompetent managers
Nootropikum n
Nootropika pl
nootropic, brain food
Position ermitteln durch Koppeln
to ascertain position by dead reckoning
eine todsichere Sache
cert, a dead cert
Sackgasse f
dead-end street, dead end
den Schädel einschlagen
to brain
Schrittgeschwindigkeit f, Schritttempo n, Schritt m
in Schrittgeschwindigkeit fahren
Schritttempo, Schritt fahren
walking pace, walking speed
to go at a crawl, to drive at walking speed
dead slow
Seelenamt n
office for the dead
ein Spatzenhirn haben übtr.
to be a bird brain fig.
Stelle f, Punkt m, Tupfen m
auf der Stelle, an Ort und Stelle
an Ort und Stelle sein
schwache Stelle f
tote Stelle, weißer Fleck
on the spot
to be on the spot
weak spot
dead spot
Tod m
den Tod feststellen
Tod m durch Erfrieren, Tod vor Entkräftung
to record the death, to pronounce sb.'s dead
death from exposure
Totalausfall m, Fehlanzeige f
Totalausfälle pl, Fehlanzeigen pl
dead loss
dead losses
Tote m f , Toter
die Toten
viele Tote
deceased, dead person, dead
the dead
many dead
Totenkult m
mortuary practices, cult of the dead
Totenreich n
realm of the dead
Totensonntag m
Sunday before Advent on which the dead are commemorated
Totmannschaltung f, Totmanneinrichtung f
dead man's handle
Totmannsteuerung f
dead man's control
Totpunkt m, toter Punkt
unterer Totpunkt
nach dem oberen Totpunkt
vor dem oberen Totpunkt
dead center, dead centre (DC), dead point
bottom dead center (bdc)
after the dead center (atdc)
before the dead center (btdc)
Totseil n
dead rope
Totzeit f
dead time
Verhirnungsgrad m, Enkefalisationsquotient m biol.
encephalisation quotient, brain-body ratio
Verstand m, Grips m, Köpfchen n
brains, brain
Wohlfahrtsverlust m econ.
excess burden, dead-weight loss
abgestorben adj
dead, defunct
achtern, achteraus adj naut.
genau rückwärts
dead astern
etw. anspruchsvoller machen
to brain up sth.
ausgepumpt, geschafft, fertig adj
total kaputt, völlig fertig ugs.
beat slang
dead beat
außer Betrieb
außer Betrieb sein
down, dead, nonworking
to be down
dagegen adv
völlig dagegen
against it
dead against
erschießen v
to shoot dead, to shoot and kill, to execute by shooting
shooting dead, shooting and killing, executing by shooting
shot dead, shot and killed, executed by shooting
shoots dead, shoots and kills, executes by shooting
shot dead, shot and killed, executed by shooting
erschlagen v
to strike dead
striking dead
struck dead
geil sein auf
to be hot for, to be dead keen on
gestorben adj
gestorben sein
to be dead, to be deceased
gleich, gleich groß adj
exakt gleich
dead even
hirngeschädigt adj
hirngeschädigtes Kind
brain-injured child
langsam, träge, bedächtig adj
am langsamsten
sehr langsam
dead slow
mausetot adj ugs.
stone-dead, dead as a doornail fig.
mitten in der Nacht
at dead of night
mucksmäuschenstill, mäuschenstill adj ugs.
quiet as a mouse, utterly silent, dead quiet, stock-still
oberer Totpunkt
top dead center
punktgleich, unentschieden adj sport
genau punktgleich
dead even
ruckartig aufhören, jäh aufhören
to stop dead
scheintot adj
seemingly dead
schnurgerade adj
dead straight
sinnlos betrunken
dead drunk
sternhagelvoll, sternhagelblau adj
dead drunk, rolling drunk, roaring drunk, blotto
strikt gegen etw. sein
to be dead against sth., to be totally opposed to sth.
todmüde adj
dead tired, deadbeat
todschick adj ugs.
dead smart coll.
todschick adv ugs.
dead smartly coll.
todsicher adj ugs., erfolgssicher adj
eine todsichere Sache
dead sure, sure-fire
a sure-fire method
tot adj
tot oder lebendig
jdn. für tot erklären
tot umfallen
dead or alive
to declare sb. dead
to drop down dead
tot, stromlos adj
dead, out of service
ein totgeborenes Kind, eine verlorene Sache übtr.
a dead duck
totschlagen, töten v
totschlagend, tötend
totgeschlagen, getötet
to swat, to kill, to beat to death, to strike dead
swatting, killing, beating to death, striking dead
swatted, killed, beaten to death, struck dead
überschwingfrei adj techn.
dead beat
umwerfend adj
ungenutzt, ungenützt adj
ungenutzter Raum
eine Gelegenheit ungenutzt vorübergehen lassen
dead space
to let an opportunity pass by
vollkommen verausgabt sein
to be dead on one's feet
voraus, vorwärts, voran adv
genau vorwärts
dead ahead
wiederauferstehen, von den Toten auferstehen
to rise from the dead (grave)
rising from the dead
risen from the dead
sich den Kopf zerbrechen, sich das Hirn zermartern
to rack one's brain
Bei ihm ist Hopfen und Malz verloren.
He's a dead loss., He is hopeless.
Darüber ist längst Gras gewachsen. übtr.
That's dead and buried fig., That's over and done with.
Die Leitung ist tot.
The line's gone dead.
Ein toter Hund beißt nicht.
Dead men tell no tales.
Ein voller Bauch studiert nicht gern. Sprw.
A fat belly, a lean brain. prov.
Er ist auf den toten Punkt gekommen.
He has reached a dead end.
Er ist ein hoffnungsloser Fall.
He's a dead loss.
Er ist ein taube Nuss.
He's dead from the neck up.
Er ist todmüde.
He's dead tired.
Es herrschte Totenstille.
There was a dead silence.
Ist der Löwe tot, so rauft ihn auch der Hase beim Bart. Sprw.
Hares may pull dead lions by the beard. prov.
Lieber dumm leben, als gescheit sterben. Sprw.
Better a living dog than a dead lion. prov.
Operation gelungen, Patient tot! übtr.
Operation successful, patient dead!
Sie schnitt ihn. Sie ignorierte ihn.
She cut him dead. She ignored him.
Sie verschwenden Ihre Zeit.
You're flogging a dead horse. fig.
So ein Bart!
Queen Anne is dead! fig.
Wessen Idee ist das?
Who's the brain behind?
Hirnkoralle f (Favia spp., Favites spp.) zool.
closed brain coral
Rosenkoralle f (Trachyphyllia spp.), Doldenkoralle f (Lobophyllia spp.) zool.
open brain coral
Moabsperling m ornith.
Dead Sea Sparrow
Aluminiumformguss pl techn.
dead-mould aluminium castings
betrieb dead
unterer Totpunkt
bottom dead center
Gehirn, Verstand, den Schaedel einschlagen
Gehirn im Plural: Verstand
brain washing
brain work
dead-end street
abgestorben, gestorben
außer Betrieb

Deutsche gehirnamputiert {adj} [ugs.] [übtr.] Synonyme

Englische brain-dead Synonyme

brain dead Definition

(n.) Alt. of Addle-pate
(n.) The whitish mass of soft matter (the center of the nervous system, and the seat of consciousness and volition) which is inclosed in the cartilaginous or bony cranium of vertebrate animals. It is simply the anterior termination of the spinal cord, and is developed from three embryonic vesicles, whose cavities are connected with the central canal of the cord
(n.) The anterior or cephalic ganglion in insects and other invertebrates.
(n.) The organ or seat of intellect
(n.) The affections
(v. t.) To dash out the brains of
(v. t.) To conceive
(a.) Deprived of life
(a.) Destitute of life
(a.) Resembling death in appearance or quality
(a.) Still as death
(a.) So constructed as not to transmit sound
(a.) Unproductive
(a.) Lacking spirit
(a.) Monotonous or unvaried
(a.) Sure as death
(a.) Bringing death
(a.) Wanting in religious spirit and vitality
(a.) Flat
(a.) Not brilliant
(a.) Cut off from the rights of a citizen
(a.) Not imparting motion or power
(adv.) To a degree resembling death
(n.) The most quiet or deathlike time
(n.) One who is dead
(v. t.) To make dead
(v. i.) To die
Dead beat
() See Beat, n., 7.
(n.) A round, flattish, wooden block, encircled by a rope, or an iron band, and pierced with three holes to receive the lanyard
(a.) Having a dull, faint heart
(n.) Pay drawn for soldiers, or others, really dead, whose names are kept on the rolls.
(n.) See under Dead, a.
(a.) Making a stroke without recoil
(n.) A giddy or thoughtless person
(a.) As dead as a stone.
(n.) The thalamen/cephalon.
Water brain
() A disease of sheep

brain dead Bedeutung

dead-man's float
prone float
a floating position with the face down and arms stretched forward
brain surgery any surgical procedure involving the brain
split-brain technique brain surgery on animals in which the corpus callosum (and sometimes the optic chiasm) is severed so that communication between the cerebral hemispheres is interrupted
dead reckoning navigation without the aid of celestial observations
Office of the Dead an office read or sung before a burial mass in the Roman Catholic Church
brain drain depletion or loss of intellectual and technical personnel
brain coral massive reef-building coral having a convoluted and furrowed surface
blind alley
cul de sac
dead-end street
a street with only one way in or out
cul de sac dead end
a passage with access only at one end
dead-air space an unventilated area where no air circulates
dead axle an axle that carries a wheel but without power to drive it
dead load a constant load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) due to the weight of the supported structure itself
dead room
a building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation
dead weight a heavy motionless weight
dead center
dead centre
the position of a crank when it is in line with the connecting rod and not exerting torque
dead hand
dead hand of the past
the oppressive influence of past events or decisions
body dead body a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person, they found the body in the lake
brain cell a nerve cell in the brain
left hemisphere
left brain
the cerebral hemisphere to the left of the corpus callosum that controls the right half of the body
right hemisphere
right brain
the cerebral hemisphere to the right of the corpus callosum that controls the left half of the body
olfactory brain
a center in the cerebral hemispheres that governs the sense of smell in lower animals, in humans it seems to mediate complex emotional behavior
that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers, enclosed within the skull, continuous with the spinal cord
limbic system
visceral brain
limbic brain
a system of functionally related neural structures in the brain that are involved in emotional behavior
brain stem
the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus
brain psyche
that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason, his mind wandered, I couldn't get his words out of my head
learning ability
mental capacity
mental ability, he's got plenty of brains but no common sense
dead reckoning
an estimate based on little or no information
dead weight an oppressive encumbrance
brain science the branch of neuroscience concerned with the brain
dead language a language that is no longer learned as a native language
Dead Sea scrolls (Old Testament) a collection of written scrolls (containing nearly all of the Old Testament) found in a cave near the Dead Sea in the late s, the Dead Sea Scrolls provide information about Judaism and the Bible around the time of Jesus
dead letter
dead mail
mail that can neither be delivered nor returned
a difficult problem
funeral march
dead march
a slow march to be played for funeral processions
dead metaphor
frozen metaphor
a metaphor that has occurred so often that it has become a new meaning of the expression (e.g., `he is a snake' may once have been a metaphor but after years of use it has died and become a new sense of the word `snake')
dead heat a tie in a race
brain the brain of certain animals used as meat
calf's brain the brain of a calf eaten as meat
dead people who are no longer living, they buried the dead
kitchen cabinet
brain trust
an inner circle of unofficial advisors to the head of a government
dead drop a drop used for the clandestine exchange of intelligence information, a dead drop avoids the need for an intelligence officer and a spy to be present at the same time
blood-brain barrier a mechanism that creates a barrier between brain tissues and circulating blood, serves to protect the central nervous system, the brain was protected from the large molecules of the virus by the blood-brain barrier
Dead Sea a saltwater lake on the border between Israel and Jordan, its surface in feet below sea level
backroom boy
brain truster
an expert adviser involved in making important decisions but usually lacking official status
someone whose profession involves using his head to solve problems
dead person
dead soul
deceased person
someone who is no longer alive, I wonder what the dead person would have done
mastermind brain
someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality, Mozart was a child genius, he's smart but he's no Einstein
brain doctor
a medical specialist in the nervous system and the disorders affecting it
brain surgeon
someone who does surgery on the nervous system (especially the brain)
ringer dead ringer
a person who is almost identical to another
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