
brass yellow Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

messinggelb adj
Gießerei f
Gießereien pl
Eisengießerei f
Gelbgießerei f
Rotgießerei f
foundry; casting
iron foundry
yellow metal foundry; brass foundry
red copper foundry
gelbe Seiten, Branchenadressbuch der Post
yellow pages
yellow journal
Blasinstrument m mus.
Blasinstrumente pl
wind instrument
wind instruments, the brass
Blaskapelle f
brass band
Blasmusik f mus.
music for brass instruments, playing of a brass band
Blechblasinstrument n, Blechinstrument n mus.
Blechblasinstrumente pl
brass instrument
brass instruments
Blechbläser m mus.
Boulevardpresse f
yellow press
Frechheit f
frech sein
brass, brassiness
to have a pair of brass balls slang
Gelbe Seiten, Branchenverzeichnis n
yellow pages, business directory
Makula f, gelber Fleck, Stelle des schärfsten Sehens im Auge anat.
macula, yellow spot
Messing n
Messing..., aus Messing
brass, brazen
Messinggießerei f
brass foundry
Messingschild n, Messinggedenktafel f
brass plate, brass plaque
Messingtafel f, Messingschild n
Messingtafeln pl, Messingschilder pl
Mirabelle f bot.
Mirabellen pl
mirabelle, small yellow plum
Moos n, Knete f, Kies m (salopp für Geld) ugs.
viel Knete machen, einen großen Reibach machen ugs.
brass, loot, boodle, moolah, lolly coll.
to make a killing slang
Nerven haben übtr.
to have a brass neck fig.
Revolverblatt n ugs.
Revolverblätter pl
gutter paper, yellow journal
gutter papers, yellow journals
Sache f, Angelegenheit f, Ding n
die Sache ist die
die Sache an sich
Kern der Sache übtr.
nach dem Stand der Dinge, wie die Dinge liegen
Angelegenheit von gemeinsamem Interesse
eine reelle Sache, ein faires Geschäft
eine klare Sache
einer Sache gewachsen sein
mit jdm. gemeinsame Sache machen
der Sache nachgehen
gleich zur Sache kommen
seine Sache gut machen
seine Sache gut machen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
zur Sache kommen
Sachen umherwerfen
the point is
the matter itself, the thing itself, the situation itself
root of the matter
as matters stand, as it is
matter of mutual interest
a square deal
a plain sailing
to be equal to sth.
to make common cause with sb.
to go into the matter
to come straight to the point
to do a good job
to acquit oneself well
to come to business
to come to the point
to get down to brass tacks
to get down to the nitty-gritty
to send things flying
Schlagring m
Schlagringe pl
brass knuckles
brass knuckless
Signallampe f, Meldeleuchte f
Meldeleuchte rot
signal lamp
signal lamp red
Steinpilz m biol.
Steinpilze pl cook.
edible boletus, yellow boletus, boletus edulis
porcini (mushrooms)
hohes Tier mil.
die hohen Tiere
brass hat Br.
the top brass
Tombak m, Kupfer-Zink-Legierung f, Rotguss m
tombac, red brass
Verwarnung f, gelbe Karte f sport
eine Verwarnung erhalten, eine gelbe Karte erhalten
booking, yellow card
to be booked
Zaster m, Pinkepinke f, Moneten pl ugs. (Geld)
brass coll., dough Am. slang
dunkelgelb adj
dark yellow
feige, feig adj
feige sein
chicken, yellow, yellow-bellied coll.
to be a chicken, to be yellow, to have no guts
frech wie Oskar übtr.
bold as brass fig.
gelb adj
gelb (bei Verkehrsampel)
hellgelb adj
light yellow, pale yellow, straw yellow
knallgelb adj
bright yellow
ocker adj
ochre, ocher Am., dark yellow
rötlichgelb adj
reddish yellow
saukalt, hundekalt adj ugs.
as cold as a brass toilet seat in the Yukon coll.
schreckhaft, feige adj
chickenhearted, white-livered, yellow-bellied
sich färben, sich verfärben
sich gelb färben, sich gelb verfärben
to turn
to turn yellow
vergilben v
to go yellow, to yellow
going yellow, yellowing
gone yellow, yellowed
weißgelb adj
pale yellow
zitronengelb adj
lemon-yellow, lemon-colored
Er hat Schiss!
He's yellow!
Er war frech wie Oskar.
He was as bold as brass.
Kommen wir zur Sache!
Let's get down to brass tacks!
Man kann sich die Beine abfrieren vor Kälte.
It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.
(Chromis bicolor) zool.
purple & yellow chromis
(Ecsenius frontalis) zool.
black & yellow blenny
Gelbe Korallengrundel f (Gobiodon okinawae) zool.
yellow clown goby
Gelber Pyramiden-Falterfisch m (Hemitaurichthys polylepis) zool.
yellow zoster
Gelbe Seegurke f, Gelbe Seewalze f (Colochirus robustus, Colochirus quadrangularis) zool.
yellow cucumber
Gelbe Symbiosegrundel f (Cryptocentrus cinctus) zool.
yellow watchman goby
Goldener Riffbarsch m (Amblyglyphidodon aureus) zool.
yellow damsel
Goldener Zwergkaiserfisch m, Heralds Zwergkaiserfisch m, Goldener Herzogfisch m (Centropyge heraldi) zool.
yellow (dwarf) angel
Grüne Schmerle f (Botia modesta) zool.
yellow-tailed botia
Krustenanemone f (Epizoanthus spp., Parazoanthus spp.) zool.
button polyp, polyp (red, green, blue, yellow...)
Krustenanemone f (Epizoanthus spp., Parazoanthus spp.) zool.
polyp (red, green, blue, yellow...), button polyp
Rotaugen-Moenkhausia f (Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae) zool.
yellow-banded moenkhausia
Zitronen-Segelflossen-Doktorfisch m, Gelber Seebader m (Zebrasoma flavescens) zool.
yellow tang
Gelbes Meer geogr.
Yellow Sea
Huang He, Hwangho, Gelber Fluss geogr.
Huang He, Yellow River
Alpendohle f ornith.
Yellow-billed Chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus), alpine chough
Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger m ornith.
Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus)
Gelbkehlvireo m ornith.
Yellow-throated Vireo (Vireo flavifrons)
Mittelmeermöwe f ornith.
Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis)
Schafstelze f ornith.
Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava), Blue-headed Wagtail
Weidenammer f ornith.
Yellow-breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola)
Gelbfußtinamu m ornith.
Yellow-legged Tinamou
Gelbaugenpinguin m ornith.
Yellow-eyed Penguin
Gelbnasenalbatros m ornith.
Yellow-nosed Albatross
Krabbenreiher m ornith.
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Nimmersatt m ornith.
Yellow-billed Stork
Gelbschnabellöffler m ornith.
Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Gelbschnabelente f ornith.
African Yellow-billed Duck
Kleiner Gelbkopfgeier m ornith.
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture
Großer Gelbkopfgeier m ornith.
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture
Gelbschnabelmilan m ornith.
Yellow-billed Kite
Gelbkehlkarakara m ornith.
Yellow-throated Caracara
Gelbkopfkarakara m ornith.
Yellow-headed Caracara
Gelblappenhokko m ornith.
Yellow-knobbed Curassow
Gelbschnabelfrankolin m ornith.
Yellow-billed Francolin
Gelbkehlfrankolin m ornith.
Yellow-necked Francolin
Rotnacken-Laufhühnchen n ornith.
Yellow-legged Button-Quail
Gelbralle f ornith.
Yellow Rail
Gelbbrust-Sumpfhuhn n ornith.
Yellow-breasted Crake
Gelblappenkiebitz m ornith.
Yellow-wattled Lapwing
Gelbfußmöwe f ornith.
Yellow-footed Gull
Gelbkehl-Flughuhn n ornith.
Yellow-throated Sandgrouse
Gelbaugentaube f ornith.
Yellow-eyed Pigeon
Gelbfußtaube f ornith.
Yellow-legged Pigeon
Smaragdtaube f ornith.
Yellow-headed Dove
Gelbbrust-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove
Gelbbauch-Fruchttaube f ornith.
Yellow-bibbed Fruit Dove
Gelbbauch-Grüntaube f ornith.
Yellow-bellied Pin-tailed Gr.Pigeon
Rotschultertaube f ornith.
Yellow-legged Green Pigeon
Weißbauch-Grüntaube f ornith.
Yellow-vented Pin-tailed Gr.Pigeon
Waaliataube f ornith.
Yellow-bellied Green Pigeon
Schimmerlori m ornith.
Yellow-streaked Lory
Grünschwanzlori m ornith.
Yellow-bibbed Lory
Celebeslori m ornith.
Yellow & Green Lorikeet
Gelbschwanz-Rußkakadu m ornith.
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Gelbnackenamazone f ornith.
Yellow-naped Amazon
Gelbflügelamazone f ornith.
Yellow-shouldered Amazon
Jamaikaamazone f ornith.
Yellow-billed Amazon
Gelbscheitelamazone f ornith.
Yellow-crowned Amazon
Gelbkopfamazone f ornith.
Yellow-headed Amazon
Goldflügelamazone f ornith.
Yellow-lored Amazon
Goldbauchamazone f ornith.
Yellow-faced Amazon
Ararauna ornith.
Blue & Yellow Macaw
Halsbandara m ornith.
Yellow-collared Macaw
Springsittich m ornith.
Yellow-fronted Parakeet
Gelbmasken-Sperlingspapagei m ornith.
Yellow-faced Parrotlet
Elfenpapageichen n ornith.
Yellow-throated Hanging Parrot
Gelbkappen-Spechtpapagei m ornith.
Yellow-capped Pygma Parrot
Gelbohrsittich m ornith.
Yellow-eared Conure
Strohsittich m ornith.
Yellow Rosella
Schoapapagei m ornith.
Yellow-faced Parrot
Erzkuckuck m ornith.
Gelbkehlkuckuck m ornith.
Yellow-throated Green Cuckoo
Gelbschnabelkuckuck m ornith.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Bergliest ornith.
Mountain Yellow-billed Kingfisher
Gelbschnabelliest ornith.
Lesser Yellow-billed Kingfisher
Goldhelm-Hornvogel m ornith.
Yellow-casqued Hornbill
Östlicher Gelbschnabeltoko ornith.
Yellow-billed Hornbill
Südlicher Gelbschnabeltoko ornith.
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill
Gelbschnabel-Glanzvogel m ornith.
Yellow-billed Jacamar
Gelbschnabeltrappist m ornith.
Yellow-billed Nunbird
Gelbfleck-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-spotted Barbet
Goldstirn-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-fronted Barbet
Gelbscheitel-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-crowned Barbet
Goldbürzel-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird
Gelbstirn-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird
Gelbkehl-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-throated Tinkerbird
Flammenkopf-Bartvogel m ornith.
Red & Yellow Barbet
Perlenbartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-breasted Barbet
Gelbschnabel-Bartvogel m ornith.
Yellow-billed Barbet
Eisentrauthoniganzeiger m ornith.
Yellow-footed Honeyguide
Gelbbrauenarassari m ornith.
Yellow-browed Toucanet
Gelbohrarassari m ornith.
Yellow-eared Toucanet
Scheitelfleckspecht m ornith.
Yellow-crested Woodpecker
Goldmaskenspecht m ornith.
Yellow-fronted Woodpecker
Gelbscheitelspecht m ornith.
Yellow-crowned Woodpecker
Gelbkehlspecht m ornith.
Yellow-throated Woodpecker
Gelbhaubenspecht m ornith.
Lesser Yellow-naped Woodpecker
Gelbnackenspecht m ornith.
Greater Yellow-naped Woodpecker
Gelbbauch-Saftlecker m ornith.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Gelbbauchspecht m ornith.
Yellow-vented Woodpecker
Goldohrspecht m ornith.
Yellow-eared Woodpecker
Halsband-Breitrachen n ornith.
Black & Yellow Broadbill
Gelbkehlschlüpfer m ornith.
Yellow-throated Spinetail

Deutsche messinggelb {adj} Synonyme

Englische brass-yellow Synonyme

brass yellow Definition

(n.) An alloy (usually yellow) of copper and zinc, in variable proportion, but often containing two parts of copper to one part of zinc. It sometimes contains tin, and rarely other metals.
(n.) A journal bearing, so called because frequently made of brass. A brass is often lined with a softer metal, when the latter is generally called a white metal lining. See Axle box, Journal Box, and Bearing.
(n.) Coin made of copper, brass, or bronze.
(n.) Impudence
(n.) Utensils, ornaments, or other articles of brass.
(n.) A brass plate engraved with a figure or device. Specifically, one used as a memorial to the dead, and generally having the portrait, coat of arms, etc.
(n.) Lumps of pyrites or sulphuret of iron, the color of which is near to that of brass.
(a.) Impudent
Naples yellow
() See under Yellow.
(superl.) Being of a bright saffronlike color
(n.) A bright golden color, reflecting more light than any other except white
(n.) A yellow pigment.
(v. t.) To make yellow
(v. i.) To become yellow or yellower.
(a.) Covered or bound in yellow paper.
(a.) Having yellow eyes.
(n.) A certain plant, probably the yellow oxeye.

brass yellow Bedeutung

onion yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of onion plants
potato yellow-dwarf virus the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants
yellow-green algae any alga of the division Chrysophyta with its chlorophyll masked by yellow pigment
yellowhammer yellow bunting
Emberiza citrinella
European bunting the male being bright yellow
yellow-breasted bunting
Emberiza aureola
common in Russia and Siberia
yellow warbler
golden warbler
yellowbird Dendroica petechia
yellow-throated American wood warbler
yellow-breasted chat
Icteria virens
American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds
yellow-bellied terrapin
Pseudemys scripta
freshwater turtle of United States and South America, frequently raised commercially, some young sold as pets
yellow-shafted flicker
Colaptes auratus
large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail
yellow-bellied sapsucker
Sphyrapicus varius
eastern North American sapsucker having a pale yellow abdomen
yellow-fever mosquito
Aedes aegypti
mosquito that transmits yellow fever and dengue
yellow jacket
yellow hornet
Vespula maculifrons
small yellow-marked social wasp commonly nesting in the ground
yellow-throated marten
Charronia flavigula
large yellow and black marten of southern China and Burma
yellow perch
Perca flavescens
North American perch
yellow bass
Morone interrupta
North American freshwater bass resembling the larger marine striped bass
yellow jack
Caranx bartholomaei
fish of western Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
yellow goatfish
Mulloidichthys martinicus
schooling goatfish, greyish with yellow stripe
tub gurnard
yellow gurnard
Trigla lucerna
a kind of gurnard
brass instrument
a wind instrument that consists of a brass tube (usually of variable length) that is blown by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece
brass memorial tablet
a memorial made of brass
brass an ornament or utensil made of brass
brass knucks
brass knuckles
knuckle duster
a small metal weapon, worn over the knuckles on the back of the hand
brass monkey a metal stand that formerly held cannon balls on sailing ships
pentobarbital sodium
yellow jacket
a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and antispasmodic
yellow jack yellow flag hoist on a ship in quarantine
boldness nerve brass
face cheek
impudent aggressiveness, I couldn't believe her boldness, he had the effrontery to question my honesty
yellow color or pigment, the chromatic color resembling the hue of sunflowers or ripe lemons
canary yellow
a moderate yellow with a greenish tinge
brownish yellow a yellow color of low lightness with a brownish tinge
lemon yellow
a strong yellow color
orange yellow
a shade of yellow tinged with orange
pale yellow
a variable yellow tint, dull yellow, often diluted with white
greenish yellow a shade of yellow tinged with green
yellow green
yellowish green
Paris green
pea green
a shade of green tinged with yellow
yellow marrow
yellow bone marrow
bone marrow that is yellow with fat, found at the ends of long bones in adults
yellow bile
a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the liver and to cause irritability and anger
macula lutea
macular area
yellow spot
a small yellowish central area of the retina that is rich in cones and that mediates clear detailed vision
yellow journalism
tabloid tab
sensationalist journalism
yellow-dog contract a labor contract (now illegal) whereby the employee agrees not to join a trade union
yellow light the signal to proceed with caution
yellow pages a telephone directory or section of a directory (usually printed on yellow paper) where business products and services are listed alphabetically by field along with classified advertising
yellow squash squash having yellow skin and yellowish flesh and usually elongated neck
wax bean
yellow bean
snap beans with yellow pods
swedish turnip
yellow turnip
the large yellow root of a rutabaga plant used as food
Golden Delicious
Yellow Delicious
a sweet eating apple with yellow skin
bell apple
sweet cup
water lemon
yellow granadilla
the edible yellow fruit of the Jamaica honeysuckle
hog plum yellow mombin yellow oval tropical fruit
brass family (music) the family of brass instruments
governing body
establishment brass
organization organisation
the persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something, he claims that the present administration is corrupt, the governance of an association is responsible to its members, he quickly became recognized as a member of the establishment
top brass the most important persons in a governing body
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Brass is a metal alloy made of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties. It is a substitutional alloy: atoms of the two constituents may replace each other within the same crystal structure.

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