
brick wire Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Ziegeldrahtgewebe n constr.
brick-wire mesh
Abisolierlänge f
wire stripping
Abschirmgeflecht n (Kabel)
mesh wire shield (cable)
Abschneidedraht m
cutting wire, cut-off wire
Abspannleine f, Abspannseil n
Abspannleinen pl, Abspannseile pl
guy-wire, guy rope
guy-wires, guy ropes
Aderendhülse f electr.
wire end ferrule, end splice
Aderisolierung f electr.
wire insulation, core insulation
Adernbelegung f electr.
Adernbelegungen pl
wire assignment
wire assignments
Aderquerschnitt m electr.
wire cross-section
Antennenkabel n
Antennenkabel pl
aerial cable, antenna cable, aerial wire
aerial cables, antenna cables, aerial wires
Backstein m
Backsteine pl
Baustahlgewebe n constr.
steel wire fabric
Baustahlmattenschneider m
Baustahlmattenschneider pl
steel wire mesh cutter
steel wire mesh cutters
Bemerkung f, Anmerkung f
Bemerkungen pl
eine Bemerkung machen (über)
eine spitze Bemerkung
eine taktlose Bemerkung machen
abschließende Bemerkung
amüsante Bemerkung, geistreiche Bemerkung, scharfe Bemerkung
to make a remark (at, about)
a pointed remark
to drop a brick
closing remark, concluding remark
Bindedraht m
binding wire, baling wire
Binderstein m, Kopfstein m (im Mauerwerk)
header (brick)
Blankdraht m
bare wire
Blumendraht m
florist's wire
Bowdenzug m techn.
Bowden wire, Bowden cable
Brille f, Augengläser pl Ös.
rahmenlose Brille
Brille mit goldenem Gestell
Brille mit Drahtgestell
durch eine rosa Brille sehen übtr.
glasses, eyeglasses
rimless glasses, rimless mounting
gold-rimmed glasses
wire-rimmed glasses
to see things through rose-colored glasses
Dehnmessstreifen m techn.
resistive wire strain, strain gauge
Dehnungsmessstreifen m
strain gauge, wire strain gauge
Dessindraht m
profiled wire
Draht m, Kabel n, Leitung f, Drahtschlinge f
Drähte pl, Kabel pl, Leitungen pl
abgeschirmter Draht
elektrische Leitung
stromführender Draht
mit zwei Drähten
Abmanteln des Kabels
Drähte abisolieren
abisolierter Draht, abisolierte Leitung
dünne Leitungen
shielded wire
connecting wire
live wire
stripping of cable
to strip wires
stripped wire
wires with small insulation diameter
Draht-Verbund-Sicherheitsglas n
laminated wire glass
Drahtanschluss m
wire bonding
Drahtbewehrung f
wire armoring
Drahtbruch m
Drahtbrüche pl
wire breakage
wire breakages
Drahtbruchnest n
wire break nest
Drahtbrücke f
wire strap
Drahtbund n, Drahtrolle f
coil of wire, ring of wire
Drahtbürste f
Drahtbürsten pl
Abbürsten mit Drahtbürste
wire brush
wire brushes
wire brushing
Drahtelektrode f
umhüllte Drahtelektrode
wire electrode
fluxed wire electrode
Drahterodieren n techn.
wire-cut EDM, continuous wire EDM
Drahterodiermaschine f techn.
Drahterodiermaschinen pl
wire eroding machine, wire EDM machine
wire eroding machines, wire EDM machines
Drahtführung f
wire guide
Drahtgeflecht n
Drahtgeflechte pl
nichtrostendes Drahtgeflecht
wire netting, mesh wire
wire nettings
stainless steel netting
Drahtgewebe n
Drahtkugellager n techn.
Drahtkugellager pl
wire race ball bearing
wire race ball bearings
Drahtlehre f techn.
Drahtlehren pl
wire gauge
wire gauges
Drahtlitze f
wire strand
Drahtmodell n
Drahtmodelle pl
wire frame model
wire frame models
Drahtnetz n
Drahtnetze pl
wire gauze
wire gauzes
Drahtöse f
Drahtösen pl
wire eyelet
wire eyelets
Drahtputzdecke f
Drahtputzdecken pl
wire plaster ceiling
wire plaster ceilings
Drahtschere f, Drahtzange f
Drahtscheren pl, Drahtzangen pl
wire cutter
wire cutters
Drahtschlinge f
Drahtschlingen pl
Drahtseil n, Litzendraht m
Drahtseile pl, Litzendrähte pl
stranded wire
stranded wires
Drahtseil n
Drahtseile pl
wire rope, wire cable, cable rope
wire ropes, wire cables, cable ropes
Drahtseillitze f
wire rope strand
Drahtspeiche f
Drahtspeichen pl
wire spoke
wire spokes
Drahtspeichenrad n
Drahtspeichenräder pl
wire wheel
wire wheels
Drahtspion m
wire feeler gauge
Drahtsteckanschluss m
wire wrapping
Drahtverhau m
Drahtverhaue pl
wire entanglement, wire enclosure
wire entanglements, wire enclosures
Drahtverspannung f
bracing wire
Drahtwickel m
Drahtzange f
Drahtzangen pl
wire cutter
wire cutters
Drahtzieher m, Drahtzieherin f übtr.
Drahtzieher pl, Drahtzieherinnen pl
der Drahtzieher sein
wire-puller, manipulator
wire-pullers, manipulators
to pull the strings
Einzeladerabdichtung f electr.
single-wire sealing
Einzelverdrahtung f
single-wire harnessing
Elektrode f electr. techn.
Elektroden pl
Elektrode (erzsauer)
Elektrode (Fülldraht)
Elektrode (kalkbasisch)
Elektrode (nackt, blank)
Elektrode (Seelen)
umhüllte Elektrode
iron oxide electrode
cored-wire electrode
basic electrode
bare-wire electrode
cored electrode
overed electrode, coated electrode
Elektroseilzug m
electric wire rope hoist
Entlastungsseil n
Entlastungsseil für Leitungswagen
strain release wire
strain release wire for cable trolley
Erdungsdraht m electr.
drain wire
Fahrdraht m
catenary wire
in ein (ins) Fettnäpfchen treten
to drop a brick, to put one's foot in it
Feuergewölbe n
brick arch
Fliegen mittels Computer
Freileitung f
open wire, overhead wire, transmission line, distribution line
Geldüberweisung f
telegrafische Geldüberweisung f
money transfer
wire transfer Am.
Gewölbestein m, Keilstein m, Wölbstein m, Wölber m
Gewölbesteine pl, Keilsteine pl, Wölbsteine pl, Wölber pl
arch brick
arch bricks
Glühdrahtschweißen n
hot-wire welding
Granit m
auf Granit beißen übtr.
to bang your head against a brick wall fig.
Halbwölbstein m constr.
Halbwölbsteine pl
shallow arch brick
shallow bricks
Heftdraht m
stitching wire
Hitzdraht m
Hitzdrahtanemometer n
hot-wire anemometer
Hitzdrahtmesswerk n
hot-wire movement
Hitzdrahtmikrofon n
hot-wire microphone
Hitzdrahtsonde f
hot-wire probe
Hochfeuerfeststein m
heavy-duty brick
Hochseil n
high wire
Hochseilartist m, Hochseilartistin f
Hochseilartisten pl, Hochseilartistinnen pl
high-wire circus artist
high-wire circus artists
Isolierstein m, Schaumstein m
high temperature insulating brick (HTI brick)
Kabelbaum m
Kabelbäume pl
cable harness, wiring loom, loom harnessing, wire harness, wiring form
cable harnesses, wiring looms, loom harnessings
Kabelquerschnitt m, Anschlussquerschnitt m, Leiterquerschnitt m, Leitungsquerschnitt m electr.
Kabel-Nennquerschnitt m, Leitungs-Nennquerschnitt m
wire size, cable cross section
nominal wire size
Kalksandstein m min.
sand-lime brick
Keilendklemme f für Drahtseil techn.
wire rope anchorage
Kessel m, Heizkessel m
Kessel pl, Heizkessel pl
Heizkessel mit Abgaskamin
einen Kessel befahren
aufgeladener Kessel
baumustergeprüfter Kessel
eingehängter Kessel
eingemauerter Kessel
boiler with exhaust gas stack
to inspect a boiler
supercharged boiler
type tested boiler
suspended boiler, top-supported boiler, top-slung boiler
brick-set boiler
Klotz m
Kupferdraht m
copper wire
Läuferstein m im Mauerwerk, Läufer m
stretcher (brick)
Langdrahtantenne f
Langdrahtantennen pl
long-wire antenna
long-wire antennas
Langlochziegel m constr.
Langlochziegel pl
horizontal coring clay brick
horizontal coring clay bricks
Legostein m tm
Lego tm brick
Leiterpaar n, Adernpaar n electr.
Leiterpaare pl, Adernpaare pl
wire pair
wire pairs
Leitungsdraht m
conducting wire
Lichtleitung f
lighting wire
Litze f
braid (wire), lace, flex
Magnetdraht m, Magnetdrahtspeicher m
magnetic wire
Maschendraht m
wire netting, wire mesh
Masseleiter m electr.
Masseleiter pl
earth conductor, ground wire
earth conductors, ground wires
Motorlitze f
motor wire
Nadeldrucker m
Nadeldrucker pl
(wire) matrix printer
matrix printers
Nickelchrom-Draht m
nichrome wire
Normaldrahtlehre f techn.
Normaldrahtlehren pl
standard wire gauge (SWG)
standard wire gauges
Nullleiter m, Nulleiter m alt electr.
neutral, neutral wire
Oberleitung f
Oberleitungen pl
contact wire, trolley wire
contact wires, trolley wires
sehr lebhafter Mensch, Quirl m
live wire
Rollendraht m
bundle wire
Runddraht-Sprengring m
round-wire snap ring
Schaltdraht m
hookup wire
Schrägdrahtantenne f
slant-wire antenna
Schweißdraht m, Schweißstab m techn.
welding wire, welding rod
Seilzug m (Hebezeug)
wire rope hoist
Seitenschneider m
wire cutter, side cutter, wire cutting pliers
Sicherheitsdraht m
Sicherheitsdrähte pl
safety wire
safety wires
Sicherungsdraht m
lock wire
Sicherungsdraht m
fuse wire, safe-arming wire
Silberdraht m
silver wire
Spanndraht m
Spanndrähte pl
tension wire
tension wires
Spanndraht m, Abspanndraht m
Spanndrähte pl, Abspanndrähte pl
guy wire
guy wires
Stacheldraht m, Drahtverhau m
barbed wire
Stahldraht m
steel wire, piano wire
Stein m, Baustein m
Stolperdraht m
tripwire, trip wire
Strom abzapfen, Telefongespräch abhören
to tap the wire
Telefonüberwachung f
wire tapping
Telegramm n
Überbrückung f, Überbrückungsdraht m
jumper (wire)
Vierdrahtleitung f (Telefonleitung)
Vierdrahtleitungen pl
four-wire circuit
four-wire circuits
Wand f, Mauer f
Wände pl, Mauern pl
nichttragende Wände
tragende Wände
11, 5 cm starke Wand
24 cm starke Wand
36, 5 cm starke Wand
non-load bearing walls
load bearing walls
half-brick wall
one-brick wall
one and a half brick wall
Wellengitterdraht m
woven wire mesh
Wickeldraht m
winding wire, wrapping wire
Widerstandsdraht m
resistance wire
Wire-wrap-Pistole f
wire-wrap gun
Wulstdraht m (Reifen)
loser Wulstdraht (Reifen)
umwickelter Wulstdraht (Reifen)
bead wire
floating bead wire
wrapped bead wire
Wulstkern m (Reifen)
freigelegter Wulstkern (Reifen)
bead bundle, bead core, bead wire
exposed bead core, exposed bead wire
Wulstkernbruch m (Reifen)
Wulstkernbrüche pl
bead wire break
bead wire breaks
Wulstkerndurchmesser m (Reifen)
bead wire diameter
Wulstkerngummierung f (Reifen)
bead wire rubber
Ziegel m, Ziegelstein m, Mauerziegel m
Ziegel pl, Ziegelsteine pl, Mauerziegel pl
Ziegel im Klosterformat (Großformat)
large medieval bricks
Ziegelei f, Ziegelwerk n
brick yard, brickyard, brickworks, tileworks
Ziegelmauer f
brick wall
Ziegelmehl n
Ziegelton m, Lehm m
brickearth, brick clay
Zugentlastungsseil n
strain relief wire
Zuleitungsdraht m
Zuleitungsdrähte pl
lead-in wire
lead-in wires

Deutsche Ziegeldrahtgewebe {n} [constr.] Synonyme

Englische brick-wire mesh Synonyme

brick wire Definition

Arch brick
() A wedge-shaped brick used in the building of an arch.
(n.) A block or clay tempered with water, sand, etc., molded into a regular form, usually rectangular, and sun-dried, or burnt in a kiln, or in a heap or stack called a clamp.
(n.) Bricks, collectively, as designating that kind of material
(n.) Any oblong rectangular mass
(n.) A good fellow
(v. t.) To lay or pave with bricks
(v. t.) To imitate or counterfeit a brick wall on, as by smearing plaster with red ocher, making the joints with an edge tool, and pointing them.
(n.) A thread or slender rod of metal
(n.) A telegraph wire or cable
(v. t.) To bind with wire
(v. t.) To put upon a wire
(v. t.) To snare by means of a wire or wires.
(v. t.) To send (a message) by telegraph.
(v. i.) To pass like a wire
(v. i.) To send a telegraphic message.
(n.) One who draws metal into wire.
(n.) A disease in the feet of a horse or other beast.
(n.) One who pulls the wires, as of a puppet
(n.) The act of pulling the wires, as of a puppet
(a.) Having some or all of the tail quills terminated in a long, slender, pointed shaft, without a web or barbules.
(n.) One who manufactures articles from wire.

brick wire Bedeutung

wire-haired fox terrier a fox terrier with wiry hair
wirehaired terrier
wire-haired terrier
a terrier with wiry hair
griffon wire-haired pointing griffon breed of medium-sized long-headed dogs with downy undercoat and harsh wiry outer coat, originated in Holland but largely developed in France
adobe brick
sun-dried brick, used in hot dry climates
baling wire wire used to make bales
barbed wire
strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage
brick rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln, used as a building or paving material
brick trowel
mason's trowel
a trowel used in masonry
chicken wire a galvanized wire network with a hexagonal mesh, used to build fences
clinker brick
a hard brick used as a paving stone
cross hair
cross wire
either of two fine mutually perpendicular lines that cross in the focus plane of an optical instrument and are use for sighting or calibration, he had the target in his cross hairs
guy cable
guy wire
guy rope
a cable, wire, or rope that is used to brace something (especially a tent)
high wire a tightrope very high above the ground
mud brick a brick made from baked mud
piano wire thin steel wire of high tensile strength
telephone wire
telephone line telegraph wire
telegraph line
the wire that carries telegraph and telephone signals
trip wire a wire stretched close to the ground that activates something (a trap or camera or weapon) when tripped over
wire ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc
wire conducting wire a metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance
wire cloth fabric woven of metallic wire
wire cutter an edge tool used in cutting wire
wire gauge
wire gage
gauge for measuring the diameter of wire
wire matrix printer
wire printer
stylus printer
an impact printer in which each character is represented by a pattern of dots made by wires or styli
wire recorder an early type of magnetic recorder using iron wire
wire stripper a hand tool used by electricians to remove insulation from the cut end of an insulated wire
brick red a bright reddish-brown color
a message transmitted by telegraph
brick cheese semisoft sweet American cheese from whole milk in a brick form
trip wire a small military force that serves as a first line of defense, if they become engaged in hostilities it will trigger the intervention of stronger military forces
news agency
press agency
wire service
press association
news organization
news organisation
an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically
wire the finishing line on a racetrack
brick a good fellow, helpful and trustworthy
eager beaver
busy bee
live wire
sharpie sharpy
an alert and energetic person
wire-puller one who uses secret influence (i.e. pulls wires or strings) for his own ends
malheur wire lettuce
Stephanomeria malheurensis
a small plant of Oregon resembling mustard, a threatened species
yard grass
wire grass goose grass Eleusine indica
coarse annual grass having fingerlike spikes of flowers, native to Old World tropics, a naturalized weed elsewhere
broom beard grass
prairie grass
wire grass Andropogon scoparius
Schizachyrium scoparium
handsome hardy North American grass with foliage turning pale bronze in autumn
steel wool
wire wool
a mass of woven steel fibers used as an abrasive
wire glass a glass that contains a layer of wire netting in it
equip for use with electricity, electrify an appliance
send cables, wires, or telegrams
brick in
brick up
brick over
wall up with brick
wire fasten with wire, The columns were wired to the beams for support
wire string on a wire, wire beads
hot-wire start (a car engine) without a key by bypassing the ignition interlock, The woman who lost the car keys had to hot-wire her van
wire provide with electrical circuits, wire the addition to the house
(especially of dogs) having stiff wiry hair, a wire-haired terrier
brick-shaped shaped like a brick
of or relating to British universities founded in the late th century or the th century
mud-brick of or incorporating mud bricks
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A brick is building material used to make walls, pavements and other elements in masonry construction. Traditionally, the term brick referred to a unit composed of clay, but it is now used to denote any rectangular units laid in mortar. A brick can be composed of clay-bearing soil, sand, and lime, or concrete materials. Bricks are produced in numerous classes, types, materials, and sizes which vary with region and time period, and are produced in bulk quantities. Two basic categories of bricks are fired and non-fired bricks.