
bronze Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bronze f
bronze, braeunen
Bronze n techn.
bronzefarben, bronze adj
Bronzepaste f techn.
bronze gel
Bronzestange f techn.
bronze rod
Bronzeglocke f techn.
bronze bell
Bronzedraht m mach. techn.
bronze wire
Himmelsmusketier n ornith.
Bronze Inca
Bronzerohr n techn.
bronze pipe
Bronzeblech n techn.
bronze plate
Bronzeteile pl. techn.
bronze parts
seewasserfestes Sondermessing n techn.
Tobin bronze
Bronzeseil n mach. techn.
bronze cable
Bronzepulver n techn.
bronze powder
Bronzekrankheit f, Bronzepest f med.
bronze disease
Siliziumbronze f chem.
silicon bronze
Bronzenektarvogel m ornith.
Bronze Sunbird
Bronzeguss m
bronze casting
Bronzekrankheit f; Bronzepest f med.
bronze disease
Bronzeguss m techn.
bronze casting
Kleinelsterchen n ornith.
Bronze Mannikin
Bronzierdruck m print
bronze printing
Spätbronzezeit f hist.
late Bronze Age
Rundbronze f
round-bar bronze
FrĂĽhbronzezeit f hist.
early bronze age
Aluminiumbronze pl chem.
aluminium bronze
Federbronze f
Phosphorus Bronze
Bronzekirchenglocke f relig. constr.
bronze church-bell
Bronzekunstguss m
bronze art casting
Kupferspiegelente f ornith.
Bronze-winged Duck
Dickschnabel-Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Pied Bronze Cuckoo
Breitschwanzsylphe f ornith.
Bronze-tailed Comet
Glanzkopftaube f ornith.
Bronze-naped Pigeon
Bronzedrahtseil n mach. techn.
bronze stranded wire
HindublatthĂĽhnchen n ornith.
Bronze-winged Jacana
GlanzflĂĽgelpapagei m ornith.
Bronze-winged Parrot
Kleiner Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Little Bronze Cuckoo
Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Golden-Bronze Cuckoo
GrĂĽnscheitelorganist m ornith.
Bronze-green Euphonia
Amethystrennvogel m ornith.
Bronze-winged Courser
Rotschwingen-Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Meyer's Bronze Cuckoo
Gouldbronzekuckuck m ornith.
Gould's Bronze Cuckoo
Bronzestrangguss m techn.
continuous-cast bronze
Dornschnabel-Glanzschwänzchen n ornith.
Bronze-tailed Thornbill
Neuguinea-Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
New Guinea Bronze Cuckoo
Rotschwanzkuckuck m ornith.
Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoo
Aymaratäubchen n ornith.
Bronze-winged Ground Dove
Bronzetyrann m ornith.
Bronze-olive Pygmy Tyrant
Bronzeschleuderguss m techn.
bronze centrifugal casting
GrĂĽnwangen-Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Green-cheeked Bronze Cuckoo
Bronzemedaille f sport
Bronzemedaillen pl
bronze medal
bronze medals
Bronzelegierung f
Bronzelegierungen pl
bronze alloy
bronze alloys
Bronzemedaille f
Bronzemedaillen pl
bronze medal
bronze medals
Erzglanzstar m ornith.
Bronze-tailed Glossy Starling
Malherbetaube f ornith.
Sao Thome Bronze-naped Pigeon
Rothals-Bronzekuckuck m ornith.
Reddish-throated Bronze Cuckoo
Bronzezeit f hist.
mittlere Bronzezeit
Bronze Age
middle Bronze Age
bronzezeitlich adj hist.
Bronze Age …; from the Bronze Age
bronzezeitlich adj hist.
Bronze Age ...; from the Bronze Age
etw. bronzieren v
to bronze sth.
Litzendraht m electr.
Litzendrähte pl
Bronzelitzendraht m
stranded wire
stranded wires
bronze stranded wire
bronzefarben; bronze adj
bronze; bronzy; bronze-coloured Br.; bronze-colored Am.
Olympiamedaille f sport
Olympiamedaillen pl
Olympiagold n; Olympische Goldmedaille f
Olympiasilber n; Olympische Silbermedaille f
Olympiabronze n; Olympische Bronzemedaille f
Olympic medal
Olympic medals
Olympic gold
Olympic silver
Olympic bronze
Bronze f (Kupfer-Zinn-Legierung) (Metallurgie) techn.
feuervergoldete Bronze; vergoldete Bronze; Ormoulu
bronze (copper-tin alloy) (metallurgy)
parcel-gilt bronze; gilt bronze; ormolu
Stahl brĂĽnieren v techn.
Stahl brĂĽnierend
Stahl brĂĽniert
to bronze; to brown; to burnish steel
bronzing; browning; burnishing steel
bronzed; browned; burnished steel
Brachse f; Brachsen m; Brasse f; Bresen m (Abramis brama) zool.
Brachsen pl; Brassen pl; Bresen pl
common bream; freshwater bream; bronze bream; carp bream
common breams; freshwater breams; bronze breams; carp breams
Drahtseil n
Drahtseile pl
Bronzedrahtseil n
Stahldrahtseil n
wire rope; wire cable; cable rope; wire line
wire ropes; wire cables; cable ropes; wire lines
bronze wire rope
steel wire rope
Carcharhinus-Haie pl (Carcharhinus) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Bronzehai m; Kupferhai m (Carcharhinus brachyurus)
carcharhinus sharks (zoological genus)
copper shark; narrowtooth shark; cocktail shark; bronze whaler shark; bronze whaler; bronzie coll.
Skulptur f; Plastik f; Bildwerk n geh. art
Skulpturen pl; Plastiken pl; Bildwerke pl
Bauskulptur f; Bauplastik f arch.
Bronzeplastik f
Kleinpastiken pl
Lichtskulptur f
Sitzskulpturen pl
architectural sculpture
bronze sculpture
small sculptures; miniature sculptures
light sculpture
seating sculptures
Medaillengewinner m; Medaillengewinnerin f
Medaillengewinner pl; Medaillengewinnerinnen pl
Goldmedaillengewinner m
Silbermedaillengewinner m
Bronzemedaillengewinner m
medalist Am.; medallist Br.; medal winner
medalists; medallists; medal winners
gold medalist medallist
silver medalist medallist
bronze medalist medallist
olympisch adj sport
der olympische Gedanke
das Internationale Olympische Kommittee
olympischer Medailliengewinner; Olympiamedaillengewinner m
olympisches Gold Silber Bronze
olympisches Gold holen gewinnen
the Olympic ideal
the International Olympic Committee IOC
Olympic medallist Br. medalist Am.
Olympic gold silver bronze
to win gold at the Olympics; to win an Olympic gold medal
olympisch adj sport
der olympische Gedanke
olympisches Feuer
das Internationale Olympische Komitee
olympischer Medaillengewinner; Olympiamedaillengewinner m
olympisches Gold Silber Bronze
olympisches Gold holen gewinnen
the Olympic ideal
Olympic flame
the International Olympic Committee IOC
Olympic medallist Br. medalist Am.
Olympic gold silver bronze
to win gold at the Olympics; to win an Olympic gold medal
ein vergangenes Ereignis feiern v; einer Person Sache (feierlich) gedenken v soc.
feiernd; gedenkend
gefeiert; gedacht
feiert; gedenkt
feierte; gedachte
eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen zur Feier des 200-jährigen Bestehens der Stadt
eine Parade zum Gedenken an zur Erinnerung an etw.
eine Bronzestatue zur Erinnerung an Nelson Mandela
to commemorate sb. sth.
a series of events to commemorate the town's bicentenary
a parade commemorating sth.
a bronze statue commemorating Nelson Mandela
paralympisch adj sport
paralympisches Feuer
das Internationale Paralympische Komitee
paralympischer Medaillengewinner
paralympisches Gold Silber Bronze
paralympisches Gold holen gewinnen
Paralympic flame
the International Paralympic Committee IPC
Paralympic medallist Br.; Paralympic medalist Am.
Paralympic gold silver bronze
to win gold at the Paralympics; to win a Paralympic gold medal
Sphyrna-Hammerhaie pl (Sphyrna) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
kleiner Hammerhai m; Schaufelnasen-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna tiburo)
groĂźer Hammerhai m (Sphyrna mokarran)
glatter Hammerhai m (Sphyrna zygaena)
gekerbter Hammerhai m; Bogenstirn-Hammerhai m
Kleinaugen-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna tudes)
Korona-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna corona)
Löffelkopf-Hammerhai m (Sphyrna media)
sphyma hammerhead sharks (zoological genus)
bonnethead shark; shovelhead
great hammerhead
smooth hammerhead
bronze hammerhead; kidney-headed hammerhead; Southern hammerhead
small-eye hammerhead; golden hammerhead
scalloped bonnethead
Glocke f (metallener Klangkörper mit Klöppel)
Glocken pl
Glöckchen n
Bronzeglocke f
Essensglocke f
Feuerglocke f
Kirchenglocke f
Kuhglocke f
Schiffsglocke f
Sturmglocke f
Klöppelring einer Glocke
die Glocken der Pfarrkirche läuten
Die Kirchenglocken läuteten zum Abendgottesdienst.
Die Glocke schlug sechs Mal.
bell (resonating metal object with a clapper inside)
little bell
bronze bell
dinner bell
fire alarm bell
church bell
cow bell
ship's bell
alarm bell
bell clapper ring
to toll the bells of the parish church
The church bells tolled for evening service.
The bell tolled six times.
jdm. etw. stehlen; jdn. bestehlen; etw. entwenden v (aus einem Ort)
stehlend; bestehlend; entwendend
gestohlen; bestohlen; entwendet
du stiehlst; du bestiehlst
er sie stiehlt; er sie bestiehlt
ich er sie stahl; ich er sie bestahl
er sie hat hatte gestohlen; er sie hat hatte bestohlen
ich er sie stähle; ich er sie bestähle
stiehl!; bestiehl!
etw. rauben
Am meisten gestohlen werden neuere Sporträder.
Ich bin von meiner Haushälterin bestohlen worden.
Einem älteren Mann wurde auf dem Heimweg Bargeld gestohlen.
Er hatte die Gegenstände aus ihrer Tasche aus verschiedenen Geschäften gestohlen.
Unbekannte Täter haben in der Nacht eine Bronzestatue aus dem Stadtpark entwendet.
Mir ist im Urlaub auf Kreta meine Kamera gestohlen worden.
to steal {stole; stolen} sth. (from sb.) (from a place)
you steal
he she steals
I he she stole
he she has had stolen
I he she would steal
to steal sth. in a robbery
The most popular theft targets are the newer sport bikes.
I have been stolen from by my housekeeper.
An elderly man had cash stolen from him on his walk home.
He had stolen the items from her handbag from various shops.
Unknown offenders Br. suspects Am. have stolen a bronze statue from the Municipal Park last night.
I had my camera stolen while on holiday in Crete.
jdm. etw. stehlen; jdn. bestehlen; etw. entwenden v (aus einem Ort)
stehlend; bestehlend; entwendend
gestohlen; bestohlen; entwendet
du stiehlst; du bestiehlst
er sie stiehlt; er sie bestiehlt
ich er sie stahl; ich er sie bestahl
er sie hat hatte gestohlen; er sie hat hatte bestohlen
ich er sie stähle; ich er sie bestähle
stiehl!; bestiehl!
etw. rauben
Am meisten gestohlen werden neuere Sporträder.
Ich bin von meiner Haushälterin bestohlen worden.
Einem älteren Mann wurde auf dem Heimweg Bargeld gestohlen.
Er hatte die Gegenstände aus ihrer Tasche aus verschiedenen Geschäften gestohlen.
Unbekannte Täter haben in der Nacht eine Bronzestatue aus dem Stadtpark entwendet.
Mir ist im Urlaub auf Kreta meine Kamera gestohlen worden.
to steal {stole; stolen} sth. (from sb.) (from a place)
you steal
he she steals
I he she stole
he she has had stolen
I he she would steal
to steal sth. in a robbery
The most popular theft targets are the newer sport bikes.
I have been stolen from by my housekeeper.
An elderly man had cash stolen from him on his walk home.
He had stolen the items from her handbag from various shops.
Unknown offenders Br. suspects Am. have stolen a bronze statue from the Municipal Park last night.
I had my camera stolen while on holiday in Crete.

bronze Definition

(a.) An alloy of copper and tin, to which small proportions of other metals, especially zinc, are sometimes added. It is hard and sonorous, and is used for statues, bells, cannon, etc., the proportions of the ingredients being varied to suit the particular purposes. The varieties containing the higher proportions of tin are brittle, as in bell metal and speculum metal.
(a.) A statue, bust, etc., cast in bronze.
(a.) A yellowish or reddish brown, the color of bronze
(a.) Boldness
(n.) To give an appearance of bronze to, by a coating of bronze powder, or by other means
(n.) To make hard or unfeeling
(n.) A variety of bronze possessing great hardness, elasticity, and toughness, obtained by melting copper with tin phosphide. It contains one or two per cent of phosphorus and from five to fifteen per cent of tin.

bronze Bedeutung

bronze a sculpture made of bronze
bronze medal a trophy made of bronze (or having the appearance of bronze) that is usually awarded for winning third place in a competition
Bronze Star Medal
Bronze Star
a United States military decoration awarded for meritorious service (except in aerial flight)
bronze an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements, also any copper-base alloy containing other elements in place of tin
phosphor bronze a corrosionesistant bronze containing phosphorus, used in bearings and gears
alpha bronze an alloy of copper and tin that can be worked
aluminum bronze
aluminium bronze
an alloy of copper and aluminum with high tensile strength and resistance to corrosion
beryllium bronze a copper-base alloy containing beryllium
leaded bronze bronze to which -% lead is added
manganese bronze
high-strength brass
a brass with from -% manganese to harden it
naval brass
Admiralty brass
Admiralty Metal
Tobin bronze
alpha-beta brass containing tin, resistant to sea water, Admiralty Metal is a trademark
nickel bronze a bronze containing up to % nickel
silicon bronze a bronze with -% silicon that is resistant to corrosion
bronze age (classical mythology) the third age of the world, marked by war and violence
Bronze Age (archeology) a period between the Stone and Iron Ages, characterized by the manufacture and use of bronze tools and weapons
get a tan, from wind or sun
bronze give the color and appearance of bronze to something, bronze baby shoes
of the color of bronze
bronze-red of red tinged with bronze
bronze made from or consisting of bronze
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Bronze is an alloy consisting primarily of copper, commonly with about 12% tin and often with the addition of other metals and sometimes non-metals or metalloids such as arsenic, phosphorus or silicon. These additions produce a range of alloys that may be harder than copper alone, or have other useful properties, such as stiffness, ductility or machinability.