
brush type Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bürstenfeuchtwerk n (Offset) print
brush-type dampening damping system
Art der Fertigung
type of production
Art der Lebensversicherung
type of assurance
Art der Tätigkeit
type of activity
Art der Tätigkeit
type of job
Art der Tätigkeit
type of work
Art der Vereinbarung
type of agreement
Art des Artikels
type of product
Art des Geschäfts
type of business
Art des Schadens
type of loss
Art des Unternehmens
type of enterprise
Art des Vertrags
type of contract
breite Schrift, doppeltbreite Schrift
expanded type
die Art der verlangten Versicherung
the type of insurance required
ein Waggon von geeigneter Art
a wagon of suitable type
type of error
fetter Satz
bold type
heavy type
type of risk
in der Bauart
of the type
kleine Lettern, kleine Buchstaben
small type
type of account
type of costs
italic type
neue Art von Risiko
new type of risk
poster type
type of premium
Typ, auf Maschine schreiben
type of enterprise
type of insurance
von der normalerweise verwendeten Bauart
of a type normally used
type of goods
type of merchandise
Abblasetauchspulregler m techn.
by-pass solenoid-type controller
Abfallart f
Abfallarten pl
type of waste
types of waste
Abkühlungsart f
type of cooling
Abschreibungsart f
amortization type
Absorptionskälteanlage f
Absorptionskälteanlagen pl
adsorption-type refrigeration system
adsorption-type refrigeration systems
Änderungsart f
Änderungsarten pl
alteration type
alteration types
Angussart f
gate type
Ankerbauart f
design type of anchor, design of anchor, type of anchor
Ankerbolzen m techn.
Ankerbolzen pl
expanding type foundation bolt
expanding type foundation bolts
roman type
Antriebsart f
Antriebsarten pl
mode of driving, type of drive
modes of driving, types of drive
Art f, Typ m
Arten pl, Typen pl
Art der Nutzung
type of use
allgemeine Art der baulichen Nutzung
general land-use type
besondere Art der baulichen Nutzung
specific land-use type
Art und Maß der baulichen Nutzung
type and degree of building and land use
Artikelart f
article type
Aufdrucktyp m
overprint type
Auffangpilz m
Auffangpilze pl
mushroom-type collector
mushroom-type collectors
Auftragstaktik f mil.
Directive Control Am., mission-type tactics
Auswahltyp m
recommended type
Autotyp m, Wagentyp m auto
type of car
Bandwaage f techn.
Bandwaagen pl
conveyor type weigher
conveyor type weighers
Bauart f
offene Bauart
construction type, building technique
open type
Bauform f, Ausführung f, Modell n, Typ m
version, style, model, type
Bauweise f
geschlossene Bauweise f
offene Bauweise f
coverage type
closed coverage type
open coverage type
Bauweise f
type of building coverage
Behandlungsart f
Behandlungsarten pl
type of treatment
types of treatment
Bezugsart f
acquisition type
Bleisatz m
hot type
Bolzenlochausführung f techn.
type of stud hole
Buchgattung f
genre, type of book
Bürste f
Bürsten pl
Bürstenglättung f
brush glazing
Bürstenhalter m
brush holder
Choleriker m, Cholerikerin f
choleric type
Datenart f
data type
Datentyp m
allgemeiner Datentyp
data type
generic data type
Dokumententypdefinition f comp.
Document Type Definition (DTD)
Drahtbürste f
Drahtbürsten pl
Abbürsten mit Drahtbürste
wire brush
wire brushes
wire brushing
Drucktype f mit Oberlänge
bold type
Eckenrundbrenner m techn.
Eckenrundbrenner pl
circular type corner burner
circular type corner burners
Eingabefehler m
type error
Eissorte f
type of ice cream
Elterntyp m biol.
parental type
Exzenterschleifer m techn.
Exzenterschleifer pl
disk-type sander Am., random orbital sander, rotary sander
disk-type sanders, random orbital sanders, rotary sanders
Eyelinerpinsel m
Eyelinerpinselen pl
eyeliner brush
eyeliner brushes
Fangrinnenabscheider m mach.
Fangrinnenabscheider pl
chevron type separator
chevron type separators
Feinabscheider m (Feuchtigkeit) mach.
Feinabscheider pl
vane-type (moisture) separator
vane-type separators
Flattersatz m
ragged type
Fraktur f (Schriftart)
german type
Fusselbürste f
lint brush
Gattung f
genus, species, type
Gestrüpp n, Unterholz n
brushwood, brush
Getreideart f
Getreidearten pl
type of corn, type of grain
types of grains
Getriebeendschalter m
Getriebeendschalter pl
gear-type limit switch
gear-type limit switches
Gliederkessel m mach.
header type boiler
Gliederpumpe f techn.
Gliederpumpen pl
section-type pump
section-type pumps
Härtungsart f
type of setting
Handfeger m
Handfeger pl
hand brush
hand brushes
Hauttyp m
Hauttypen pl
skin type
skin types
Homologation f, Zulassung f, Freigabe f, Beglaubigung f
Homologationen pl, Zulassungen pl, Freigaben pl, Beglaubigungen pl
acceptance, homologation, qualification, type approval
acceptances, homologations, qualifications, type approvals
Idealtyp m, Idealtypus m pol. econ.
ideal type
Kastenkipper m
box type tipper
Keilovalschieber m
oval type wedge gate valve
Keilverbinder m
wedge type connector
Kennsatztyp m
label type
Kessel m, Heizkessel m
Kessel pl, Heizkessel pl
Heizkessel mit Abgaskamin
einen Kessel befahren
aufgeladener Kessel
baumustergeprüfter Kessel
eingehängter Kessel
eingemauerter Kessel
boiler with exhaust gas stack
to inspect a boiler
supercharged boiler
type tested boiler
suspended boiler, top-supported boiler, top-slung boiler
brick-set boiler
Kleinkältemaschine f
small-type refrigerating machine
Kohlebürste f
Kohlebürsten pl
carbon brush
carbon brushes
Kontotyp m, Kontoart f
account type
Kostenart f
type of cost
Kreuzverschraubung f techn.
cross fitting, cross-type flange joint, cross-type screw fitting
Kugeldorn m
ball-type mandrel
Kugelwindeisen n techn.
ball-type tap wrench
Lohnart f
salary type
Losflansch m
loose-type flange
Luftfederbalg m
Luftfederbälge pl
cushion type pmeumatic spring
cushion type pmeumatic springs
Lunte f, Schwanz m des Fuchses
Malpinsel m, Pinsel m
Malpinsel pl, Pinsel pl
paintbrush, paint-brush
paintbrushes, paint-brushes
Mantelkühler m
shell type cooler
Marke f
make, type, sort
Markenschild n
type plate
Motortyp m
engine type
Nagelbürste f
Nagelbürsten pl
nail brush, nailbrush
nail brushes, nailbrushes
Pinsel m
Pinsel pl
brush, paint brush
brushes, paint brushes
Pinselstrich m
Pinselstriche pl
stroke of the brush
strokes of the brush
Projektbeschaffenheit f
project type
Propellermessflügel m
propeller-type current meter
Rasierpinsel m
shaving brush
Raupenfahrzeug n
Raupenfahrzeuge pl
crawler type vehicle
crawler type vehicles
Rebsorte f
Rebsorten pl
type of grape, grape variety
types of grape, grape varieties
Rechnungsart f
type of calculation
Rippenrohr n
Rippenrohre pl
ribbed type pipe
ribbed type pipes
Rollenprüfstand m techn.
roller type dynamometer, roller dynamometer
Rotorbürste f
Rotorbürsten pl
wheel brush
wheel brushes
Rougepinsel m
blusher brush
Satzart f
Satzarten pl
record type
record types
Satzspiegel m
type area
Scheuerbürste f
Scheuerbürsten pl
scrubbing brush, scrub brush
scrubbing brushes
Schlauchreifen m
Schlauchreifen pl
tube type tyre, tubed tyre, tubular tyre (tire Am.)
tube type tyres, tubed tyres, tubular tyres
Schleifbürste f
contact brush
Schrägsitzventil n
Schrägsitzventile pl
Y-type valve
Y-type valves
mit der Schreibmaschine schreiben, Maschine schreiben, maschineschreiben alt
mit der Schreibmaschine schreibend, Maschine schreibend, maschineschreibend
mit der Schreibmaschine geschrieben, Maschine geschrieben, maschinegeschrieben
gut Maschine schreiben
to type
to be good at typing
Schriftart f, Schrift f
Schriftarten pl
typeface, font, type
typefaces, fonts, types
Schriftbild n
Schriftbilder pl
type face
type faces
Schriftgießer m
Schriftgießer pl
type founder
type founders
Schriftgrad m, Schriftgröße f
type size
Schuhbürste f
Schuhbürsten pl
shoe brush
shoe brushes
Schwebekörper-Durchflussmesser m techn.
float-type flow meter
Sonderbetriebsmittel n (SBM)
Sonderbetriebsmittel pl
type specific tool (TST)
type specific tools
Speichertypus m
storage type
Spritztechnik f
air brush technique
Steckverbinder-Bauart f
connector type
Steuer-Wipp-Hängeschalter m
rocker-type control pendant
Steuer-Wipp-Wandschalter m
wall-mounted rocker-type control
Tischbesen m
Typenschild n
Typenschilder pl
type label
type labels
Typus m

brush type Definition

(n.) An instrument composed of bristles, or other like material, set in a suitable back or handle, as of wood, bone, or ivory, and used for various purposes, as in removing dust from clothes, laying on colors, etc. Brushes have different shapes and names according to their use
(n.) The bushy tail of a fox.
(n.) A tuft of hair on the mandibles.
(n.) Branches of trees lopped off
(n.) A thicket of shrubs or small trees
(n.) A bundle of flexible wires or thin plates of metal, used to conduct an electrical current to or from the commutator of a dynamo, electric motor, or similar apparatus.
(n.) The act of brushing
(n.) A skirmish
(n.) A short contest, or trial, of speed.
(n.) To apply a brush to, according to its particular use
(n.) To touch in passing, or to pass lightly over, as with a brush.
(n.) To remove or gather by brushing, or by an act like that of brushing, or by passing lightly over, as wind
(v. i.) To move nimbly in haste
Brush turkey
() A large, edible, gregarious bird of Australia (Talegalla Lathami) of the family Megapodidae. Also applied to several allied species of New Guinea.
Brush wheel
() A wheel without teeth, used to turn a similar one by the friction of bristles or something brushlike or soft attached to the circumference.
Brush wheel
() A circular revolving brush used by turners, lapidaries, silversmiths, etc., for polishing.
(n.) A combining form signifying impressed form
(n.) The mark or impression of something
(n.) Form or character impressed
(n.) A figure or representation of something to come
(n.) That which possesses or exemplifies characteristic qualities
(n.) A general form or structure common to a number of individuals
(n.) The original object, or class of objects, scene, face, or conception, which becomes the subject of a copy
(n.) A simple compound, used as a mode or pattern to which other compounds are conveniently regarded as being related, and from which they may be actually or theoretically derived.
(n.) A raised letter, figure, accent, or other character, cast in metal or cut in wood, used in printing.
(n.) Such letters or characters, in general, or the whole quantity of them used in printing, spoken of collectively
(v. t.) To represent by a type, model, or symbol beforehand
(v. t.) To furnish an expression or copy of
(n.) A process in photographic printing, in which a relief pattern in gelatin, which has been hardened after certain operations, is pressed upon a plate of lead or other soft metal. An intaglio impression in thus produced, from which pictures may be directly printed, but by a slower process than in common printing.
(n.) A print from such a plate.

brush type Bedeutung

brush contact with something dangerous or undesirable, I had a brush with danger on my way to work, he tried to avoid any brushes with the police
brush-off a curt or disdainful rejection
brush brushing the act of brushing your hair, he gave his hair a quick brush
brush brushing the act of brushing your teeth, the dentist recommended two brushes a day
a minor short-term fight
brush turkey
Alectura lathami
black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea
brush kangaroo
any of various small or medium-sized kangaroos, often brightly colored
brush-tailed phalanger
Trichosurus vulpecula
bushy-tailed phalanger
prairie wolf
brush wolf
Canis latrans
small wolf native to western North America
brush a bushy tail or part of a bushy tail (especially of the fox)
nymphalid butterfly
brush-footed butterfly
four-footed butterfly
medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and mucheduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast
brush-tailed porcupine
brush-tail porcupine
porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail
bristle brush a brush that is made with the short stiff hairs of an animal or plant
brush an implement that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
brush conducts current between rotating and stationary parts of a generator or motor
n-type semiconductor a semiconductor in which electrical conduction is due chiefly to the movement of electrons
p-type semiconductor a semiconductor in which electrical conduction is due chiefly to the movement of positive holes
pump-type pliers a type of pliers
rigger brush
a long slender pointed sable brush used by artists
sable sable brush
sable's hair pencil
an artist's brush made of sable hairs
scrub brush
scrubbing brush
a brush with short stiff bristles for heavy cleaning
shaving brush a brush used to apply lather prior to shaving
type a small metal block bearing a raised character on one end, produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper, he dropped a case of type, so they made him pick them up
type slug
a strip of type metal used for spacing
body type
a category of physique
asthenic type
slender, weak, and lightweight
pyknic type
round, fat, and heavy
athletic type
muscular and big-boned
brush cut a short haircut with hairs standing up like a brush
blood group
blood type
human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens
type A
group A
the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
type B
group B
the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen
type AB
group AB
the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
type O
group O
the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens, people with type O blood are universal donors
Rh-positive blood type
Rh positive
the blood group (approximately % of people) whose red cells have the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
Rh-negative blood type
Rh-negative blood
Rh negative
the blood group whose red cells lack the Rh factor (Rh antigen)
type a subdivision of a particular kind of thing, what type of sculpture do you prefer?
architectural style
style of architecture
type of architecture
architecture as a kind of art form
type specimen
the original specimen from which the description of a new species is made
type all of the tokens of the same symbol, the word `element' contains five different types of character
type printed characters, small type is hard to read
type family a complete set of type suitable for printing text
roman roman type
roman letters
roman print
a typeface used in ancient Roman inscriptions
brush fire an uncontrolled fire that consumes brush and shrubs and bushes
light touch
momentary contact
type genus (biology) genus from which the name of a family or subfamily is formed, it is not necessarily the most representative genus but often the largest or best known or earliest described
type (biology) the taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon
type species (biology) the species that best exemplifies the essential characteristics of the genus to which it belongs
a dense growth of bushes
Alpine glacier
Alpine type of glacier
a glacier that moves down from a high valley
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