
cabbage Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kohl m bot.
Kohlkopf m bot. cook.
Gemüsekohl m (Brassica oleracea) bot.
Kohlkopf m bot.
to cabbage
Rotkohl m, Rotkraut n bot. cook.
red cabbage
Krautsuppe f cook.
cabbage soup
Weißkohl m, Weißkraut n bot. cook.
white cabbage
Gelappte Lederkoralle f (Sinularia dura) zool.
cabbage coral
white cabbage
Frühkohl m bot. cook.
spring cabbage
Rundkopfsalate pl; Salattypen pl mit rundem Kopf agr. cook.
cabbage lettuce
Chinakohl m; Jägersalat m Ös. cook.
Chinese cabbage
Kerguelenkohl m (Pringlea antiscorbutica) bot.
Kerguelen cabbage
Wirsingröllchen pl cook.
savoy-cabbage rolls
Kraut n
cabbage, sauerkraut, kraut
Kraut n cook.
cabbage; sauerkraut; kraut
Krautsuppe f cook.
Krautsuppen pl
cabbage soup
cabbage soups
Kopfsalat m agr. cook.
head lettuce; cabbage lettuce
Wirsing m, Wirsingkohl m, Savoyerkohl m bot.
Wirsingkohle pl
savoy, savoy cabbage
Kohlrabi m bot. cook.
kohlrabi; cabbage turnip Br.
Kohlrabi m bot.
kohlrabi, cabbage turnip Br.
Acker-Morikandie f (Moricandia arvensis) bot.
violet cabbage; purple mistress
Keulenlilien pl (Cordyline) (botanische Gattung) bot.
cabbage palms (botanical genus)
Rotkraut n; Rotkohl m (Pflanze und Beilage) bot. cook.
red cabbage (plant and side dish)
Spitzkohl m bot. cook.
pointed cabbage; sweetheart cabbage
Kopfsalat m bot. cook.
lettuce, head lettuce, cabbage lettuce
Ausdauernder Rapsdotter m; Stauden-Rapsdotter m; Stauden-Windsbock m (Rapistrum rugosum) bot.
perennial bastard cabbage; steppe cabbage
Rundkohl m bot. cook.
round-headed cabbage; ball-headed cabbage
Chinakohl m; Pekingkohl m; Japankohl m; Jägersalat m Ös. cook.
Chinese cabbage; napa cabbage; nappa cabbage
Kohlroulade f; Krautroulade f Ös.; Krautwickel n Süddt. Ös. Schw. cook.
Kohlrouladen pl; Krautrouladen pl; Krautwickel pl
stuffed cabbage leaves
stuffed cabbage leaves
Scheinkalla f; Riesenaronstab m; Stinkkohl m; Stinktierkohl m (Lysichiton) (botanische Gattung) bot.
swamp lanterns; skunk cabbage (botanical genus)
Kohlweißling m zool.
Kohlweißlinge pl
cabbage white butterfly
cabbage white butterflies
Wassersalat m; Grüne Wasserrose f; Muschelblume f (Pistia stratiotes) bot.
water cabbage; water lettuce; Nile cabbage; shellflower
Runzeliger Rapsdotter m; Runzeliger Windsbock m (Rapistrum rugosum) bot.
annual bastard cabbage; common giant mustard; turnipweed
Kohlrabi m bot. cook.
Kohlrabis pl
kohlrabi; cabbage turnip Br.
kohlrabi; cabbage turnips
Spitzkohl m; Spitzkraut n Süddt. Ös. bot. cook.
pointed cabbage; pointy-headed cabbage; sweetheart cabbage
Kreuzblütengewächse pl; Kreuzblütler pl (Brassicaceae Cruciferae) (botanische Familie) bot.
mustard flowers; mustards; crucifers; cabbage family (botanical family)
Zackenschötchen pl (Bunias) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Orientalisches Zackenschötchen; Glattes Zackenschötchen; Türkische Rauke (Bunias orientalis)
warty cabbages (botanical genus)
Turkish warty cabbage; Turkish rocket; hill mustard
etw. mitgehen lassen; etw. stibitzen; etw. mausen; sich etw. einnähen ugs. (aus einem Ort) v
mitgehen lassend; stibitzend; mausend; sich einnähend
mitgehen lassen; stibitzt; gemaust; sich eingenäht
heimlich aus dem Kühlschrank naschen
Sie hat bei der Arbeit Stifte und Papier mitgehen lassen.
Sie wurde erwischt als sie aus der Kasse etwas mitgehen ließ.
to pilfer sth.; to snarf sth. (food); to cabbage sth. Br. (from a place)
pilfering; snarfing; cabbaging
pilferred; snarfed; cabbaged
to pilfer from the fridge
She pilfered pens and paper from work.
She was caught pilfering from the till.
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
Kohl m (Brassica) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Brokkoli m; Broccoli m; Bröckelkohl m selten; Spargelkohl m selten (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
Grünkohl m; Krauskohl m; Winterkohl m; Braunkohl m Norddt.; Federkohl m Schw. (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L.)
Kopfkohl m (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata L.)
Palmkohl m; Schwarzkohl m; Italienischer Kohl m; Toskanischer Kohl m (Brassica oleracea var. palmifolia)
Rosenkohl m Dt. Schw.; Rosenköhlchen pl Dt.; Sprossenkohl m Ös.; Kohlsprossen pl Ös. (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera)
Rotkohl m; Rotkraut n; Blaukraut n Süddt. Ös.; Rotkabis n Schw.; Blaukabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. rubra L.)
Weißkohl m; Weißkraut n; Kraut n; Kappes n Mittelwestdt.; Weißkabis n Schw.; Kabis n Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. alba)
Wirsingkohl m; Welschkohl m; Welschkraut n; Savoyerkohl m; Wirsing m Dt.; Kohl m Ös.; Wirz m Schw. (Brassica oleracea convar. capitata var. sabauda L.)
Zierkohl m (Brassica oleracea var. acephala)
Blattkohl m
cabbages; mustards; cruciferous vegetables (botanical genus)
kale; borecole
head cabbage; heading cabbage
palm tree kale; black Tuscan palm; black kale cabbage; Italian kale; Tuscan kale cabbage; Lacinato kale
Brussel sprout; Brussels sprout; Brussels sprouts; sprout Br.
red cabbage
white cabbage
savoy cabbage; savoy
collard; collard greens
collard greens; collards
etw. mitgehen lassen; etw. stibitzen; etw. mausen; sich etw. einnähen ugs. (aus einem Ort) v
mitgehen lassend; stibitzend; mausend; sich einnähend
mitgehen lassen; stibitzt; gemaust; sich eingenäht
heimlich aus dem Kühlschrank naschen
Sie hat bei der Arbeit Stifte und Papier mitgehen lassen.
Sie wurde erwischt, als sie aus der Kasse etwas mitgehen ließ.
Er hat mir meine Idee gestohlen geklaut.
to help yourself to sth.; to pilfer sth.; to swipe sth.; to snarf sth. (food); to cabbage sth. Br.; to abstract sth. Br. (from a place)
helping yourself; pilfering; swiping; snarfing; cabbaging; abstracting
helped yourself; pilferred; swiped; snarfed; cabbaged; abstracted
to pilfer from the fridge
She pilfered pens and paper from work.
She was caught pilfering from the till.
He swiped my idea.

cabbage Definition

(n.) An esculent vegetable of many varieties, derived from the wild Brassica oleracea of Europe. The common cabbage has a compact head of leaves. The cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc., are sometimes classed as cabbages.
(n.) The terminal bud of certain palm trees, used, like, cabbage, for food. See Cabbage tree, below.
(n.) The cabbage palmetto. See below.
(v. i.) To form a head like that the cabbage
(v. i.) To purloin or embezzle, as the pieces of cloth remaining after cutting out a garment
(n.) Cloth or clippings cabbaged or purloined by one who cuts out garments.
Sea cabbage
() See Sea kale, under Kale.

cabbage Bedeutung

cabbage butterfly white butterfly whose larvae (cabbageworms) feed on cabbage
southern cabbage butterfly
Pieris protodice
common North American form of cabbage butterfly
any of various types of cabbage
Chinese cabbage
celery cabbage
Chinese celery
elongated head of crisp celery-like stalks and light green leaves
head cabbage any of several varieties of cabbage having a large compact globular head, may be steamed or boiled or stir-fried or used raw in coleslaw
red cabbage compact head of purplished leaves
savoy cabbage
head of soft crinkly leaves
turnip cabbage
fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem of the kohlrabi plant
stuffed cabbage parboiled head of cabbage scooped out and filled with a hash of chopped e.g. beef or ham and baked, served with tomato or cheese sauce
skunk cabbage Lysichiton americanum clump-forming deciduous perennial swamp plant of western North America similar to Symplocarpus foetidus but having a yellow spathe
water lettuce
water cabbage
Pistia stratiotes
Pistia stratoites
pantropical floating plant forming a rosette of wedge-shaped leaves, a widespread weed in rivers and lakes
skunk cabbage polecat weed
foetid pothos
Symplocarpus foetidus
deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern North America having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe
wild cabbage
Brassica oleracea
wild original of cultivated cabbages, common in western coastal Europe
cultivated cabbage
Brassica oleracea
any of various cultivars of the genus Brassica oleracea grown for their edible leaves or flowers
head cabbage
head cabbage plant
Brassica oleracea capitata
any of various cultivated cabbage plants having a short thick stalk and large compact head of edible usually green leaves
savoy cabbage cabbage plant with a compact head of crinkled leaves
red cabbage cabbage plant with a compact head of reddish purple leaves
turnip cabbage swede
Swedish turnip
rutabaga plant
Brassica napus napobrassica
a cruciferous plant with a thick bulbous edible yellow root
Chinese cabbage
celery cabbage
Brassica rapa pekinensis
plant with an elongated head of broad stalked leaves resembling celery, used as a vegetable in east Asia
bok choy
bok choi
pak choi
Chinese white cabbage
Brassica rapa chinensis
Asiatic plant grown for its cluster of edible white stalks with dark green leaves
cabbage tree grass tree Cordyline australis elegant tree having either a single trunk or a branching trunk each with terminal clusters of long narrow leaves and large panicles of fragrant white, yellow or red flowers, New Zealand
cabbage bark
cabbage-bark tree
cabbage tree Andira inermis
tree with shaggy unpleasant-smelling toxic bark and yielding strong durable wood, bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic
cabbage palm Euterpe oleracea Brazilian palm of genus Euterpe whose leaf buds are eaten like cabbage when young
cabbage palm cabbage tree Livistona australis Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
cabbage palm Roystonea oleracea West Indian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
cabbage palmetto
cabbage palm Sabal palmetto
low-growing fan-leaved palm of coastal southern United States having edible leaf buds
Virginia waterleaf
Shawnee salad
Indian salad
John's cabbage
Hydrophyllum virginianum
showy perennial herb with white flowers, leaves sometimes used as edible greens in southeastern United States
lucre loot moolah
informal terms for money
c pilfer
make off with belongings of others
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Cabbage or headed cabbage is a leafy green or purple biennial plant, grown as an annual vegetable crop for its dense-leaved heads. It is descended from the wild cabbage, B. oleracea var. oleracea, and is closely related to broccoli and cauliflower , brussels sprouts and savoy cabbage . Cabbage heads generally range from 0.5 to 4 kilograms , and can be green, purple and white. Smooth-leafed firm-headed green cabbages are the most common, with smooth-leafed red and crinkle-leafed savoy cabbages of both colors seen more rarely. It is a multi-layered vegetable. Under conditions of long sunlit days such as are found at high northern latitudes in summer, cabbages can grow much larger. Some records are discussed at the end of the history section.