
call girl Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Callgirl n
Callgirls pl
call girl
call girls
port of call
telephone call
auf Abruf
at call
auf tägliche Kündigung
at call
auf Verlangen
at call
Aufforderung zur Kapitalerhöhung
cash call
ausgehendes Gespräch
outgoing call
foreign call
call for bids
Darlehen kündigen
call in money
official call
dringendes Gespräch
urgent call
eine Hypothek kündigen
call in a mortgage
einen Streik ausrufen, zum Streik ausrufen
call a strike
eingehendes Gespräch
incoming call
long-distance call
trunk call
call box
Geld auf Abruf
money at call and short notice
business call
Gespräch mit dem Festland
continental call
call charge
hübsches Mädchen
nice girl
Kapital zur Einzahlung aufrufen
call for capital
call option
cash at call
kurzfristiges Darlehen
call loan
nennen, benennen
call of more
emergency call
local call
persönliches Gespräch mit Voranmeldung
personal call
private call
collect call
rufen, Aufruf
call signal
put and call
call for a strike
call money
money at call
täglich kündbares Geld
money at call
telefonieren, anrufen
call number
cover girl
transatlantic call
not subject to call
call premium
premium for the call
call option
price of call
Wertpapiere kündigen
call in securities
Abruf m
auf Abruf zur Verfügung stehen
fetch, calling up
to be available on call
Abrufauftrag m
call order, make-and-hold-order, make-and-take-order
Abstimmung f, Stimmabgabe f
Abstimmungen pl
neue Abstimmung f
namentliche Abstimmung
Abstimmung durch Zuruf
zur Abstimmung kommen
eine Abstimmung durchführen
roll-call vote
voice vote
to come to the vote
to take a vote, to hold a ballot
offene Abstimmung f
open roll call
Adressaufruf m
address call
Animierdame f, Animiermädchen n
Animierdamen pl, Animiermädchen pl
bar girl, B-girl Am.
bar girls, B-girls
Anruf m, Telefonanruf m
Anrufe pl
einen Anruf durchführen
Anruf durch versehentliches Drücken auf Tasten des Handys in der Tasche
call, phone call, ring Br., buzz coll.
to complete a call
pocket call
Anrufbestätigung f
call confirmation
Anruferkennung f
call detection
Anruferkennung f
call identification, caller ID
Anrufsignal n
call sign
Anrufumleitung f
call diversion
Anrufversuch m
attempted call
Anrufverteiler m
call distributor
Anrufwiederholung f
call repetition
Anrufzeit f, Verbindungsdauer f
call time
Antreten einer Einheit zum Essensempfang mil.
chow call Am. coll.
die Anwesenheit feststellen
to call the roll
Anwesenheitsliste f
Anwesenheitslisten pl
Führung einer Anwesenheitsliste (zu Beginn einer Unterrichtsstunde)
attendance list
attendance lists
attendance, roll call
Aufruf m
Aufruf zum Streik
call, calling
strike call
Aufrufadresse f comp.
call address
jdm. seine Aufwartung machen
to make a courtesy call on sb., to pay sb. a courtesy visit
Auserwählte m f , Auserwählter
die Auserwählten pl, Auserwählte
seine Auserwählte
ihr Auserwählter
the chosen one
the chosen, the favored few Am., the favoured few Br.
his number one girl
her number one man
Auslandsgespräch n, Auslandsverbindung f (Telefon)
international call
Ausschreibung f
tender, call for tender
Ausschreibung f
call for proposal
(armes) Bauernmädchen n
peasant girl
Benutzeraufruf m
user call
Bereitschaftsdienst m, Rufbereitschaft f
Bereitschaftsdienst haben, in Rufbereitschaft sein
on-call service
to be on-call
Bestellschein m
call card, request form
Bestellzettel m
call slip
Besuch m
Besuche pl
einen Besuch machen bei jdm., jdm. einen Besuch abstatten
to pay a visit to sb., to make a visit to sb., to pay a call to sb.
Blumenmädchen n, Blumenstreumädchen n, Blumen streuendes Mädchen (bei Hochzeit)
Blumenmädchen pl, Blumenstreumädchen pl
flower girl
flower girls
Boxenluder n slang, Mädchen für Promotion bei Motorsport-Veranstaltungen
grid girl
Bürogehilfin f
office girl
Callcenter n
Callcenter pl
call center, call centre Br.
call centers, call centres
Callgirl n
Callgirls pl
call girl
call girls
College-Studentin f
College-Studentinnen pl
college girl
college girls
Dienstgespräch n
official call
Dienstliste f
Bereitschaftsdienst-Liste f
on-call roster
Direktwahl-Gespräch n
automatically dialed call
Dispatcher m
Feierabend machen
Machen wir Feierabend für heute!
to call it a day coll.
Let's call it a day!
Fernanruf m
distant call
Ferngespräch n
Ferngespräche pl
long-distance call, toll call Am.
long-distance calls, toll calls
Funktionsaufruf m comp.
function call
Gebührencomputer m
call charge computer
Geburtstagskind n
birthday boy, birthday girl
Geige f, Violine f mus.
Geigen pl, Violinen pl
die erste Geige spielen übtr.
die zweite Geige spielen übtr.
to call the tune fig.
to play the second fiddle fig.
Gesprächsminuten pl
call minutes
Glamourgirl n
glamour girl
Hilfe f, Aushilfe f
zusätzliche Hilfe f
um Hilfe rufen
jds. Hilfe beanspruchen
Jede Hilfe kam zu spät.
additional help
to call for help
to ask for so.'s help
It was too late to help.
Höflichkeitsbesuch m, Anstandsbesuch m
courtesy visit, courtesy call
Junggesellin f, unverheiratete Frau f
bachelor girl, spinster
Kaufoption f
call option
Klingelknopf m
Klingelknöpfe pl
bell push, call button
bell pushss, call buttons
Kriegsrecht n
das Kriegsrecht ausrufen
martial law, law of war
to call for martial law
Kundenbesuch m
Kundenbesuche pl
call on customers
calls on customers
Kurzwahl f, Kurzaufruf m
abbreviated address call
Lieferabruf m
Luftunterstützung f mil.
Luftunterstützung anfordern m
close air support, air support
to call in close air support
Mädchen n
Mädchen pl
kleines Mädchen
Mädchen für alles
girl friday
Mädel n
Mädels pl
girl, girlie, gal
Makroaufruf m comp.
macro call
Namensaufruf m
roll call
die Namensliste aufrufen, die Namen verlesen
to call the roll
Notdurft f
nature's call
Notruf m
emergency call
Notruf m aviat.
Notrufe pl
distress call
distress calls
Ortsgespräch n
local call
Pechvogel m
unlucky fellow (girl)
Polizei f
berittene Polizei
städtische Polizei
die Polizei rufen (holen)
police, The Old Bill Br. slang
mounted police
municipal police
to call the police
Prostituierte f
working girl
Prozeduraufruf m comp.
Prozeduraufrufe pl
procedure call
procedure calls
Rechenschaft f
Rechenschaft ablegen über
jdn. zur Rechenschaft ziehen
to account for, to give an account of
to call sb. to account
Reklameschönheit f
Revuetänzerin f
chorus girl
R-Gespräch n
reversed-charge call, collect call Am.
Rücknahmepreis m
repurchasing price, redemption price, withdrawal price, call price
Rückrufaktion f econ.
Ruf m, Anruf m
Rufabweisungssignal n
call-not-accepted signal
Rufannahmesignal n
call-accepted signal
Rufdatenaufzeichnung f
call record journalling
Rufname m, Rufzeichen n (Funkverkehr) mil.
Rufnamen pl, Rufzeichen pl
radio call sign
radio call signs
Rufnummer f
Rufnummern pl
telephone number, call number
telephone numbers, call numbers
das Sagen haben
In dieser Angelegenheit hat nur der Chef das Sagen.
Wer hat das Sagen in ...?
to be in charge, to have the say, to call the shots fig.
In this matter only the boss has the say.
Who's in charge in ...?
das Sagen haben
to call the shots fig.
Schulsprecherin f
head girl Br.
Sendezeichen n
call sign
Signatur m (Bibliothek)
book number, call number, shelf number
Skihaserl n ugs.
girl skier
SOS-Ruf m
distress call
Streikaufruf m
strike call

call girl Definition

(v. t.) To command or request to come or be present
(v. t.) To summon to the discharge of a particular duty
(v. t.) To invite or command to meet
(v. t.) To give name to
(v. t.) To regard or characterize as of a certain kind
(v. t.) To state, or estimate, approximately or loosely
(v. t.) To show or disclose the class, character, or nationality of.
(v. t.) To utter in a loud or distinct voice
(v. t.) To invoke
(v. t.) To rouse from sleep
(v. i.) To speak in loud voice
(v. i.) To make a demand, requirement, or request.
(v. i.) To make a brief visit
(n.) The act of calling
(n.) A signal, as on a drum, bugle, trumpet, or pipe, to summon soldiers or sailors to duty.
(n.) An invitation to take charge of or serve a church as its pastor.
(n.) A requirement or appeal arising from the circumstances of the case
(n.) A divine vocation or summons.
(n.) Vocation
(n.) A short visit
(n.) A note blown on the horn to encourage the hounds.
(n.) A whistle or pipe, used by the boatswain and his mate, to summon the sailors to duty.
(n.) The cry of a bird
(n.) A reference to, or statement of, an object, course, distance, or other matter of description in a survey or grant requiring or calling for a corresponding object, etc., on the land.
(n.) The privilege to demand the delivery of stock, grain, or any commodity, at a fixed, price, at or within a certain time agreed on.
(n.) See Assessment, 4.
(n.) A young person of either sex
(n.) A female child, from birth to the age of puberty
(n.) A female servant
(n.) A roebuck two years old.

call girl Bedeutung

close call
close shave
narrow escape
something achieved (or escaped) by a narrow margin
call option
the option to buy a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
call (sports) the decision made by an umpire or referee, he was ejected for protesting the call
call fire fire delivered on a specific target in response to a request from the supported unit
roll call calling out an official list of names
mail call a call of names of those receiving mail
muster call a call of the names of personnel at a military assembly
call a visit in an official or professional capacity, the pastor's calls on his parishioners, the salesman's call on a customer
call a brief social visit, senior professors' wives no longer make afternoon calls on newcomers, the characters in Henry James' novels are forever paying calls on each other, usually in the parlor of some residence
call-back the recall of an employee after a layoff
service call a trip made by a repairman to visit the location of something in need of service
call-board a bulletin board backstage in a theater
call center
call centre
a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
Post-Office box
PO Box
call box letter box
a numbered compartment in a post office where mail is put to be called for
telephone booth
phone booth
call box
telephone box
telephone kiosk
booth for using a telephone
siren call
siren song
the enticing appeal of something alluring but potentially dangerous, he succumbed to the siren call of the wilderness
Call a special disposition (as if from a divine source) to pursue a particular course, he was disappointed that he had not heard the Call
call phone call
telephone call
a telephone connection, she reported several anonymous calls, he placed a phone call to London, he heard the phone ringing but didn't want to take the call
call-back a return call
collect call a telephone call that the receiving party is asked to pay for
call forwarding lets you transfer your incoming calls to any telephone that you can dial direct
call-in a telephone call to a radio station or a television station in which the caller participates in the on-going program
call waiting a way of letting you know that someone else is calling when you are using your telephone
crank call a hostile telephone call (from a crank)
local call a telephone call made within a local calling area
long distance
long-distance call
trunk call
a telephone call made outside the local calling area, I talked to her by long distance
toll call a long-distance telephone call at charges above a local rate
conference call a telephone call in which more than two people participate
wake-up call a telephone call that you request be made a specific time in order to wake you up at that time (especially in hotels), she left a wake-up call for a.m.
call an instruction that interrupts the program being executed, Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed
function call a call that passes control to a subroutine, after the subroutine is executed control returns to the next instruction in main program
system call
supervisor call instruction
an instruction that interrupts the program being executed and passes control to the supervisor
call birdsong
the characteristic sound produced by a bird, a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age
bell-like call a birdcall that resembles the tone of a bell
two-note call a birdcall having two notes, the two-note call of the cuckoo
distress signal
distress call
an internationally recognized signal sent out by a ship or plane indicating that help is needed
bugle call a signal broadcast by the sound of a bugle
call mark
call number
a mark consisting of characters written on a book, used to indicate shelf location
call yell
a loud utterance, often in protest or opposition, the speaker was interrupted by loud cries from the rear of the audience
call up an order to report for military duty
call a request, many calls for Christmas stories, not many calls for buggywhips
call claim a demand especially in the phrase the call of duty
call a demand for a show of hands in a card game, after two raises there was a call
margin call
a demand by a broker that a customer deposit enough to bring his margin up to the minimum requirement
wake-up call a warning to take action concerning something that was overlooked or neglected, the bombing was a wake-up call to strengthen domestic security
curtain call
an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audience
call-out a challenge to a fight or duel
Salafist Group
Salafast Group for Call and Combat
an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group, now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government, a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa
sick call
sick parade
the daily military formation at which individuals report to the medical officer as sick
Girl Scouts an organization of young women and girls founded in for character development and citizenship training
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