
case control Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Fall-Kontroll-Studie f
case-control study
Absatzkontrolle, Verkaufskontrolle
sales control
mailing list control
alle Devisengenehmigungen
any exchange control authorization
export control
exceptional case
beherrschen, leiten, steuern, überwachen
bei Nichteinlösung
in case of dishonour
in case of affirmation
inventory control
inventory control
control of operations
government control of the economy
as the case may be
Darstellung des Falles
statement of the case
den Umständen entsprechend
as the case may be
exchange control
control of exchanges
control of foreign exchange
exchange control
die außerhalb ihrer Kontrolle liegen
beyond their control
die Geschwindigkeit bestimmen
control the speed
die Leitung übernehmen
assume control
einen Fall vor Gericht durchfechten
fight a case
import control
individual case
in the case of
falls er sich vorbehalten hat
in case he may have reserved
case study
production control
process control
production control
financial control
as the case may be
gemeinsame Steuerung
joint control
marginal case
border control
case of hardship
budgetary control
case of average
im ersteren Fall
in the former case
im Falle
in case
im Falle
in the case
im Falle der Verhinderung
in case of being prevented
im Falle des Verlusts, im Schadensfalle
in case of loss
im Falle von
in case of
im Falle von
in the case of
im letzteren Fall
in the latter case
im Notfall
in case of an emergency
im Notfall, notfalls
in case of need
im Zweifel, im Zweifelsfalle
in case of doubt
im Zweifelsfall
in case of doubt
in dem Falle vorgesehen in
in the case provided for in
in diesem Fall
in that case
in diesem Falle
in that case
in einem dringenden Fall
in a case of urgency
investment control
je nach Lage des Falles
as the case may be
jeder Einzelfall
each individual case
kann sich in keinem Falle bedienen
can in no case avail himself of
control of purchasing power
Kiste zur Verpackung von Waren
packing case
Kiste, Fall, Streitfall
lower case letters
control of consumption
Kontrolle der Bewegung der Zahlungsmittel
control of currency movement
Kontrolle, kontrollieren
kontrollieren, überprüfen, prüfen
means of control
board of control
control of costs
credit control
credit control
stock control
Leitung und Kontrolle
management and control
Leitung wieder übernehmen
resume control
Lohn- und Preiskontrolle
wage and price control
wage control
manuelle Kontrolle, Handsteuerung
manual control
market control
material control
nach Prüfung des Falles
after having examined the case
address in case of need
referee in case of need
acceptance in case of need
case of need
in case of emergency
oder dergleichen
or as the case may be
öffentliche Aufsicht, staatliche Kontrolle
state control
optische Kontrolle
optical control
passport control
test case
price control
price control
quality control
automatic control
circumstances of the case
case of loss
sie ziehen es vor die Verfügungsgewalt zu haben
they prefer to have control
progress control
Umstände außer unserer Kontrolle
circumstances beyond control
unter Kontrolle halten
keep under control
Verfügungsgewalt über die Ware
control over the goods
pollution control
insurance control
von Fall zu Fall
as the case arises
case history
probability control
Weisungen der Notadresse
instructions from the case-of-need
bill case
wie immer es sein mag
as the case may be
customs control
Abblaseregelung f techn.
Abblaseregelungen pl techn.
relief control system
relief control systems
Abblaseregelventil n techn.
Abblaseregelventile pl
blow-off control valve
blow-off control valves
Abblasesteuerung f techn.
blow-off control
Abgangskontrolle f
physical exit control
Abgangskontrolle f
removal control
Abhörlautsprecher m
Abhörlautsprecher pl
control loudspeaker
control loudspeakers
Ablaufregelventil n techn.
Ablaufregelventile pl
discharge control valve
discharge control valves
Ablaufsteuerung f
sequential control, sequence control system
Ableitung f der Steuerspannungsversorgung electr.
control voltage supply discharge
Abschnittsmarke f
control mark
Abschreibungsüberwachung f
amortization control
Absolutsteuerblock m
absolute control block
Abtastregelung f
sampling control
Abwicklungssteuerung f
handling control
Abzugsregler m
Abzugsregler pl
exhaust control system
exhaust control systems
Aktentasche f
Aktentaschen pl
brief case, briefcase
brief cases, briefcases
Aktentasche f, Aktenkoffer m
Aktentaschen pl, Aktenkoffer pl
attache case
attache cases
Aktivitätensteuerung f
activity control
Akustikputz m constr.
sound-control plaster
Algenbekämpfung f
algae control
Anschnittsteuerung f
phase angle control
Ansteuerung f
activation, drive level, excitation, control
Antibabypille f, Pille f med. pharm.
birth control pill, the pill, contraceptive pill
Antriebsgruppensteuerung f
drive group control
Antriebsleitebene f
drive control level
Antriebsregelung f techn.
drive control
Antriebssteuerungschrank m techn.
Antriebssteuerungschränke pl
drive control cubicle
drive control cubicles
Antriebssteuerung f mach.
drive control
Antriebssteuerungseinrichtung f
drive control equipment
Anwahlsteuerung f
selective control
Anwendungsfall m comp.
Anwendungsfälle pl
use case
use cases
Arbeitsprüfung f (Schweißen) mach.
production control test
Arztkoffer m med.
Arztkoffer pl
doctor's kit, doctor's case
doctor's kits, doctor's cases
Aufgabensteuerung f
task control
Auftragskontrolle f
order control
Auftragssteuersprache f, Kommandosprache f
job control language
Auftragssteuerung f
job control, job controlling
Auftragstaktik f mil.
Directive Control Am., mission-type tactics

Deutsche Fall-Kontroll-Studie {f} Synonyme

im  Ã¼belsten  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âim  Extremfall  Âim  schlimmsten  Fall  Âschlechtestens  Âschlimmstenfalls  
schlechtester  Fall  Âungünstigster  Fall  ÂWorst  Case  
allemal  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  jeden  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âbestimmt  Âdefinitiv  Âfraglos  Âganz  bestimmt  Âgewiss  Âin  jedem  Fall  Âmit  Sicherheit  Âohne  Frage  Âohne  Zweifel  Âsicher  Âtodsicher  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunbedingt  Âunter  allen  Umständen  Âunweigerlich  Âunzweifelhaft  Âwahrlich  Âzweifelsohne  
Analyse  ÂStudie  
Experiment  ÂStudie  ÂTest  ÂVersuch  
Erörterung  ÂErhebung  ÂEvaluation  (fachsprachlich)  ÂStudie  ÂUntersuchung  
Analyse  ÂAuswertung  ÂÃœberprüfung  ÂBetrachtung  ÂErforschung  ÂPrüfung  ÂStudie  ÂUntersuchung  
Fall  ÂKasus  
Akkusativ  Âvierter  Fall  ÂWenfall  
Fall-out  ÂFallout  Âradioaktiver  Niederschlag  
Fall  ÂKern  ÂKernpunkt  ÂSachverhalt  
erster  Fall  ÂNominativ  ÂWerfall  
Dativ  Âdritter  Fall  ÂWemfall  
Angelegenheit  ÂChose  ÂFall  ÂSache  
einkassieren  Âkassieren  Âkippen  Âzu  Fall  bringen  
falls  Âfür  den  Fall,  dass  Âsofern  Âwenn  
allenfalls  Âbestenfalls  Âhöchstens  Âim  besten  Fall  
Bestmögliches  ÂIdealwert  Âoptimaler  Fall  ÂOptimalwert  ÂOptimum  
Genitiv  ÂGenitivus  (fachsprachlich)  ÂWesfall  Âzweiter  Fall  
Abfall  ÂFall  ÂFallen  ÂNiedergang  ÂSinken  ÂSturz  ÂUntergang  
dabei  Âderbei  Âdieserfalls  Âhier  Âhierbei  Âin  diesem  Fall  Âin  diesem  Zusammenhang  Ânun  Âunterdies  
auf  keinen  Fall  Âin  keiner  Weise  Âin  keinster  Weise  Âkeinesfalls  Âkeineswegs  Âmitnichten  Ânicht  
an  diesem  Punkt  Âdann  Âdiesfalls  Âhier  Âhierbei  Âin  diesem  Fall  Âzu  dieser  Gelegenheit  
auf  alle  Fälle  (umgangssprachlich)  Âauf  jeden  Fall  (umgangssprachlich)  Âjedenfalls  Âsicherlich  (umgangssprachlich)  Âunbedingt  (umgangssprachlich)  
Fall-out  Fallout  radioaktiver Niederschlag  
Fall  Kasus  
Fall  Kern  Kernpunkt  Sachverhalt  
auf jeden Fall (umgangssprachlich)  bestimmt  definitiv  ganz bestimmt  gewiss  in jedem Fall  mit Sicherheit  sicher  todsicher (umgangssprachlich)  unbedingt  
auf keinen Fall  in keiner Weise  in keinster Weise  keinesfalls  keineswegs  mitnichten  nicht  
erster Fall  Nominativ  Werfall  
im übelsten Fall (umgangssprachlich)  im Extremfall  im schlimmsten Fall  schlechtestens  schlimmstenfalls  
schlechtester Fall  ungünstigster Fall  Worst Case  
fall away  abate  ablate  apostacize  apostatize  ascend  bank  bate  be eaten away  be found wanting  
fall back  avoid  back  back down  back out  back up  backslide  beat a retreat  blench  blink  
fall behind  back  back up  backslide  cock  come after  come last  dawdle  drag  fall astern  
fall flat  bomb  break down  capsize  careen  collapse  come a cropper  come to naught  come to nothing  crash  
fall for  and sinker  be a sucker  be smitten  be taken in  become attached to  bite  cotton to  devour  eat up  
fall from grace  apostasy  atheism  backslide  backsliding  desertion  fall  fall again into  fall back  fall of Adam  
fall guy  also-ran  babe  boob  booby  butt  chump  cinch  credulous person  cull  
fall in with  accommodate  accommodate with  accord  acquiesce  acquire  adapt  adapt to  adjust  adjust to  
fall in  break down  cave  cave in  collapse  come together  crash  crystallize  deflate  draw up  
fall into  accept  acquire  alter into  assume  attack  attempt  be converted into  be responsible for  become  
fall off  abate  ablate  apostacize  apostatize  ascend  bank  bate  be eaten away  bolt  
fall out  agree to disagree  attend  become of  befall  betide  bicker  break  break with  caterwaul  
fall short  be disappointing  be found wanting  be inferior  be insufficient  collapse  come short  crash  decline  fail  
fall through  break down  collapse  come to naught  come to nothing  crash  fall  fall dead  fall down  fall flat  
fall to pieces  ablate  atomize  bite the dust  break  break open  break up  burst  canker  carry away  
fall to  accept  assume  attack  attempt  begin  blast away  blast off  break bread  buckle down  
fall upon  alight upon  ambush  appear unexpectedly  arrive at  arrive upon  assail  assault  attack  be unexpected  
fall  Niagara  Scotch mist  Waterloo  abate  abatement  ablate  accept  apostasy  ascend  

Englische case-control study Synonyme

case control Definition

(n.) A box, sheath, or covering
(n.) A box and its contents
(n.) A shallow tray divided into compartments or "boxes" for holding type.
(n.) An inclosing frame
(n.) A small fissure which admits water to the workings.
(v. t.) To cover or protect with, or as with, a case
(v. t.) To strip the skin from
(n.) Chance
(n.) That which befalls, comes, or happens
(n.) A patient under treatment
(n.) The matters of fact or conditions involved in a suit, as distinguished from the questions of law
(n.) One of the forms, or the inflections or changes of form, of a noun, pronoun, or adjective, which indicate its relation to other words, and in the aggregate constitute its declension
(v. i.) To propose hypothetical cases.
(n.) The space between two principals or girders
(n.) One of the joists framed between a pair of girders in naked flooring.
Case knife
() A knife carried in a sheath or case.
Case knife
() A large table knife
Case shot
() A collection of small projectiles, inclosed in a case or canister.
(n.) A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register
(n.) That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder
(n.) Power or authority to check or restrain
(v. t.) To check by a counter register or duplicate account
(v. t.) To exercise restraining or governing influence over
(n.) The covering of an insect, esp. the elytra of beetles.
(a.) Pertaining to, or kept in, the lower case
(n.) Control of one's self

case control Bedeutung

gaining control
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
fire control preparation for the delivery of shellfire on a target
case load the number of cases handled in a given period of time (as by a court or agency)
inventory control supervision of the supply and storage and accessibility of items in order to insure an adequate supply without excessive oversupply
case study a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
trespass on the case an action brought to recover damages from a person whose actions have resulted indirectly in injury or loss, a person struck by a log as it was thrown onto a road could maintain trespass against the thrower but one who was hurt by stumbling over it could maintain and action on the case
control the activity of managing or exerting control over something, the control of the mob by the police was admirable
crowd control activity of controlling a crowd
damage control an effort to minimize or curtail damage or loss
flight control control from ground stations of airplanes in flight by means of messages transmitted to the pilot electronically
flood control (engineering) the art or technique of trying to control rivers with dams etc in order to minimize the occurrence of floods
gun control efforts to regulate or control sales of guns
internal control an accounting procedure or system designed to promote efficiency or assure the implementation of a policy or safeguard assets or avoid fraud and error etc.
management control an internal control performed by one or more managers
quality control maintenance of standards of quality of manufactured goods
arms control a limitation on the size and armament of the armed forces of a country
riot control
riot control operation
the measures taken to control a riot
control (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc, the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired, he had lost control of his sphincters
motor control control of muscles
birth control
birth prevention
family planning
limiting the number of children born
rhythm method of birth control
rhythm method
calendar method of birth control
calendar method
natural family planning in which ovulation is assumed to occur days before the onset of a period (the fertile period would be assumed to extend from daythrough day of her cycle)
traffic control control of the flow of traffic in a building or a city
social control control exerted (actively or passively) by group action
population control control over the growth of population, a government program
occupation military control the control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy, the family brought suit against the landlord
antitrust case a legal action brought against parties who are charged with limiting free competition in the market place
custody case a legal action to determine custody (usually of children following a divorce)
test case
test suit
a representative legal action whose outcome is likely to become a precedent
wing case
either of the horny front wings in beetles and some other insects which cover and protect the functional hind wings
control surface
a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air, can lift or control a plane in flight
attache case
a shallow and rectangular briefcase
case a portable container for carrying several objects, the musicians left their instrument cases backstage
case display case
a glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home
case pillowcase
slip pillow slip
bed linen consisting of a cover for a pillow, the burglar carried his loot in a pillowcase
case compositor's case
typesetter's case
(printing) the receptacle in which a compositor has his type, which is divided into compartments for the different letters, spaces, or numbers, for English, a compositor will ordinarily have two such cases, the upper case containing the capitals and the lower case containing the small letters
case knife sheath knife a knife with a fixed blade that is carried in a sheath
case knife a metal blade with a handle, used as cutlery
case shot
canister canister shot
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
the enclosing frame around a door or window opening, the casings had rotted away and had to be replaced
cigarette case a small flat case for holding cigarettes, can be carried in a purse or a pocket
preventive preventative contraceptive device
prophylactic device
birth control device
an agent or device intended to prevent conception
a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine, the speed controller on his turntable was not working properly, I turned the controls over to her
control center the operational center for a group of related activities, the general in command never left the control center
control circuit
negative feedback circuit
a feedback circuit that subtracts from the input
control key
command key
(computer science) the key on a computer keyboard that is used (in combination with some other key) to type control characters
control panel
instrument panel
control board
board panel
electrical device consisting of a flat insulated surface that contains switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices, he checked the instrument panel, suddenly the board lit up like a Christmas tree
control rod a steel or aluminum rod that can be moved up or down to control the rate of the nuclear reaction
control room a room housing control equipment (as in a recording studio)
control system a system for controlling the operation of another system
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