
cell Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Speicherzelle, Zelle
Bitzelle f
Eizelle f
egg cell
Zellsaft m biol.
cell sap
Zellgas n chem.
cell gas
dry cell
Halbzelle f
half cell
Kraftmessdose f, Druckmessdose f techn.
load cell
zellreich adj biol.
Zellnest n biol.
cell nest
Zugkraftmessgeber m, Zugmesseinrichtung f techn.
load cell
zellfrei adj
cell wand
germ cell
Zugkraftmessgeber m; Zugmesseinrichtung f techn.
load cell
Haarzelle f biol.
hairy cell
Solarzelle f
solar cell
solar cell
Belichtungsmesserfenster n photo.
meter cell
Einzelzelle f techn.
single cell
Speicherplatz m
memory cell
Zellgewebe n biol.
cell tissue
Zellwachstum n biol.
cell growth
cell nuclei
Gegenzelle f
counter cell
Zelldichte f anat.
cell density
Speicherzelle f
storage cell
Zelle f
Zellen pl
cell nucleus
storage cell
Alkalibatterie f
alkaline cell
Selenzelle f, Photozelle f
selenium cell
Zellteilung f biol.
cell division
angrenzendes Feld, nachfolgendes Feld
adjacent cell
galvanisches Element
galvanic cell
Selenzelle, Photozelle
selenium cell
solitary cell
Brennstoffzellenauto n auto
fuel cell car
Dialysezelle f
dialysis cell
Zellpolarität f biol.
cell polarity
Messzelle f techn.
measuring cell
Hilfszelle f
auxiliary cell
Milzzelle f
splenetic cell
Zellentransport m comp. telco.
cell transport
auxiliary cell
Brennstoffzellenantrieb m auto
fuel cell drive
Brennstoffzellenstapel m auto
fuel cell stack
Akkumulatorzelle f
accumulator cell
Brennstoffzellensystem n auto techn.
fuel cell system
Pilzzellwand f biol.
fungal cell wall
Mehreinheitenschalter m
multi-cell switch
Stammzellentherapie f; Stammzelltherapie f med.
stem-cell therapy
Brennstoffzellenfahrzeug n auto
fuel cell vehicle
Elektrolysezelle f chem. techn.
electrolysis cell
Stammzellentherapie f med.
stem cell therapy
Stammzellenforschung f, Stammzellforschung f
stem cell research
Stammzellenforschung f; Stammzellforschung f biol.
stem cell research
Vorhautdrüsenzelle f; Präputialdrüsenzelle f anat.
peputial gland cell
T-Zellen-Rosetten-Test m biochem.
T-cell rosette test
Fettzelle f anat.
Fettzellen pl
fat cell
fat cells
zellenlos; zellfrei adj biol.
cell-free; acellular
Rundzellenkarzinom n med.
round-cell carcinoma
Zellmembrane f biol.
membrane of the cell
Zellwand f
cell wand, cell wall
Halbzellenmessung f electr. chem.
half-cell measurement
Zellmund m; Zytostom n biol.
cell mouth; cytostome
Zelläquator m biol.
equator of a the cell
Sonnenthermionikelement n phys.
solar-thermionic cell
Brennstoffzellenantrieb m techn.
fuel cell power plant
Elementarzelle f
Elementarzellen pl
unit cell
unit cells
Keimzelle f
Keimzellen pl
germ cell
germ cells
zellenförmig; zellförmig adj
cell-shaped; celliform
Zellpackungsvolumen n biol.
packed cell volume PCV
Zellmembranfunktion f biol.
cell membrane function
Stammzelle f med.
Stammzellen pl
stem cell
stem cells
Bindegewebezelle f anat.
connective tissue cell
körperlich, somatisch adj
somatische Zelle
somatic cell
körperlich; somatisch adj
somatische Zelle
somatic cell
Kraftmessdose f; Druckmessdose f techn.
Kraftmessdosen pl; Druckmessdosen pl
load cell
load cells
Keimzelle f biol.
Keimzellen pl
germ cell
germ cells
Hornzelle f biol.
Hornzellen pl
horn cell
horn cells
Hauptzellenhyperplasie f med.
chief-cell hyperplasia
Gitterzelle f
Gitterzellen pl
grid cell
grid cells
Einzelzellenmessung f electr. chem.
single-cell measurement
Zellteilungsapparat m biol.
cell division apparatus
Rundzelleninfiltration f med.
round-cell infiltration
Todeszelle f
Todeszellen pl
death cell
death cells
Zellenlaufzeitschwankungen pl; Zellverzögerungsschwankungen pl telco.
cell delay variation CDV
Zellenform f; Zellform f biol.
Zellenformen pl; Zellformen pl
cell shape
cell shapes
Blastzelle f anat.
Blastzellen pl
blast cell
blast cells
Funkzelle f; Funkzone f telco.
Funkzellen pl; Funkzonen pl
radio cell
radio cells
Wasserstoffzelle f electr.
Wasserstoffzellen pl
Allan cell
Allan cells
Gehirnzelle f anat.
Gehirnzellen pl
brain cell
brain cells
Schubkraftmessstand m (Raumfahrt)
load cell (astronautics)
Samenzelle f
Samenzellen pl
sperm cell
sperm cells
Rundzelle f biol.
Rundzellen pl
round cell
round cells
Zellenplatte f
Zellenplatten pl
cell plate
cell plates
Blutzelle f biol.
Blutzellen pl
blood cell
blood cells
Grenzfläche f einer Zelle biochem.
boundary layer of a cell
Nervenzelle f anat.
Nervenzellen pl
nerve cell
nerve cells
Zellaktivität f biol.
cell activity; cytolergy
Küvettenverschluss m chem.
Küvettenverschlüsse pl
cell cover
cell covers
Zellzyklus m biol.
Zellzyklen pl
cell cycle
cell cycles
Triaxialdruckgerät n
triaxial compression cell
Merkel-Zelle f biol.
Merkel-Zellen pl
Merkel cell
Merkel cells
Violettzelle f; blauempfindliche Zelle f
Violettzellen pl; blauempfindliche Zellen pl
violet cell
violet cells
Scheitelzelle f bot.
Scheitelzellen pl
apical cell
apical cells
Messküvette f chem.
Messküvetten pl
sample cell
sample cells
Fragmentozyt m; Schistozyt m med.
Fragmentozyten pl; Schistozyten pl
helmet cell
helmet cells
Gefängniszelle f; Haftraum m
Gefängniszellen pl; Hafträume pl
prison cell
prison cells
zellartig; zytoid adj biol.
cell-like; cellular; cytoid
Zellhemmung f; Tumorhemmung f; Zytostase f pharm.
cell inhibition; cytostasis
Germinom n med.
germ cell tumour; germinoma
Eingabe Ausgabe-Zelle f; Ein- Ausgabe-Zelle f; E A-Zelle f comp.
input output cell; I O cell
Produktionszellensteuerung f PZS
production cell control PCC
zellhemmend; tumorhemmend; tumorabtötend; zytostatisch adj pharm.
cell-inhibiting; cytostatic
Zellgerüst n biol.
cell framework; cytoskeleton
Gegenzelle f
Gegenzellen pl
counter cell
counter cells
Zelle f biol.
Zellen pl
Verbraucherzelle f
consumer cell
Ameisensäure-Brennstoffzelle f (FAFC) techn.
formic acid fuel cell (FAFC)
Zellauskleidung f biol.
cell lining; cellular lining
Zellkultur f biol.
Zellkulturen pl
cell culture
cell cultures
Reaktorzelle f techn.
Reaktorzellen pl
reactor cell
reactor cells
Biobrennstoffzelle f
Biobrennstoffzellen pl
biofuel cell
biofuel cells
Batteriezelle f
Batteriezellen pl
battery cell
battery cells
Zellstruktur f
Zellstrukturen pl
cell texture
cell textures
lymphozytenähnlich; lymphozytär adj biol.
lymphozytenähnliche Zelle
lymphocyte cell
Zellkapsel f biol.
Zellkapseln pl
cell capsule
cell capsules
Schmarotzertum n; Parasitismus m biol.
Zellparasitismus m
cell parasitism
auf die Zelle bezogen; zellular; zellulär; Zell… adj biol.
cellular (relating to a cell)
Pankreasinselzelladenom n med.
pancreatic islet cell adenoma
Produktionszellensteuerung f PZS
production cell control PCC
Produktionszellensteuerung f (PZS)
production cell control (PCC)
Messzelle f techn.
Messzellen pl
detector cell
detector cells
Einzelzelle f
Einzelzellen pl
solitary cell
solitary cells
Batterieklemme f (für Einzelzellen) electr.
Batterieklemmen pl
cell terminal
cell terminals
Montagezelle f
Montagezellen pl
assembly cell
assembly cells
Zellrezeptor m biol.
Zellrezeptoren pl
cell receptor
cell receptors
Selenzelle f; Photozelle f
Selenzellen pl; Photozellen pl
selenium cell
selenium cells
Triaxialzelle f geol.
Triaxialzellen pl
triaxial cell
triaxial cells
Zellteilung f biol.
Zellteilungen pl
cell division
cell divisions
Erythrozyten-Hämoglobin-Quotient m (Bluttest) med.
cell-colour ratio (blood test)
Ãœberlebenszelle f auto
Ãœberlebenszellen pl
survival cell
survival cells
Palisadenzelle f biochem.
Palisadenzellen pl
palisade cell
palisade cells
nokardial adj; Nokardien… biol.
Nokardienzellwand f
nocardial cell wall
Zellmorphologie f biol.
cell morphology; cytomorphology

Deutsche Zelle Synonyme

Gewebezelle  ÂZelle  
Gefängniszelle  ÂHaftraum  ÂZelle  
Grundplasma  der  Zelle  ÂZytoplasma  
Nahrungsaufnahme  einer  Zelle  (fachsprachlich)  ÂPhagozytose  
Grundplasma der Zelle  Zytoplasma  
Nahrungsaufnahme einer Zelle (fachsprachlich)  Phagozytose  

Englische cell Synonyme

cell  POW camp  Photronic cell  adytum  animal cell  apartment  ashram  bastille  bioplast  black hole  booth  borstal  borstal institution  box  bridewell  brig  bunch  cabal  cadre  camarilla  cavity  cellular tissue  cellule  chamber  charmed circle  chromatoplasm  circle  clan  clique  cloister  closed circle  coenocyte  compartment  concentration camp  condemned cell  corpuscle  coterie  crew  crib  crowd  crypt  cubicle  cytoplasm  death cell  death house  death row  den  detention camp  ectoplasm  electron-image tube  elite  elite group  enclosed space  endoplasm  energid  eucaryotic cell  federal prison  forced-labor camp  gaol  gas phototube  germ cell  group  guardhouse  hermitage  hideaway  hideout  hiding place  hold  hole  hollow  holy of holies  house of correction  house of detention  industrial school  ingroup  inner circle  internment camp  ivory tower  jail  jailhouse  junta  junto  keep  labor camp  lair  lockup  manger  maximum-security prison  mew  minimum-security prison  mob  multiplier phototube  oubliette  outfit  pen  penal colony  penal institution  penal settlement  penitentiary  pew  photoconductor cell  photomultiplier tube  phototube  photovoltaic cell  plant cell  plasmodium  prison  prison camp  prisonhouse  privacy  procaryotic cell  protoplasm  recess  reform school  reformatory  reticulum  retreat  ring  room  sanctum  sanctum sanctorum  secret place  set  soft phototube  somatic cell  sponging house  stall  state prison  stockade  syncytium  the hole  tollbooth  training school  trophoplasm  vacuum phototube  vault  we-group  
cellar  archives  armory  arsenal  attic  bank  basement  bay  bin  bonded warehouse  bookcase  box  bunker  buttery  cargo dock  cellarage  chest  closet  coal bin  conservatory  crate  crib  cupboard  cyclone cellar  depository  depot  dock  drawer  dump  exchequer  glory hole  godown  hold  hole  hutch  library  locker  lumber room  lumberyard  magasin  magazine  potato cellar  rack  repertory  repository  reservoir  rick  shelf  stack  stack room  stock room  storage  store  storehouse  storeroom  storm cellar  subbasement  supply base  supply depot  tank  treasure house  treasure room  treasury  vat  vault  warehouse  wine cellar  
cello  A string  Amati  Cremona  D string  E string  English horn  G string  Strad  Stradivari  Stradivarius  bass  bass viol  bassoon  block flute  bombard  bourdon  bow  bridge  bull fiddle  claribel  clarinet  clarion  concert flute  contrabass  cornet  cornopean  cromorna  crowd  cymbel  diapason  double bass  dulciana  fiddle  fiddlebow  fiddlestick  fingerboard  flute stop  foundation stop  fourniture  gamba  gedeckt  gemshorn  harmonic flute  hybrid stop  kit  kit fiddle  kit violin  koppel flute  larigot  melodia  mixture  mutation stop  nazard  oboe  octave  organ stop  piccolo  plein jeu  posaune  principal  quint  quintaten  rank  ranket  reed stop  register  rohr flute  scroll  sesquialtera  shawm  soundboard  spitz flute  stop  stopped diapason  stopped flute  string  string diapason  string stop  tenor violin  tierce  tremolo  trombone  trumpet  tuning peg  twelfth  unda maris  vibrato  viola  violin  violinette  violoncello  violoncello piccolo  violone  violotta  voix celeste  vox angelica  vox humana  

cell Definition

Air cell
() A cavity in the cellular tissue of plants, containing air only.
Air cell
() A receptacle of air in various parts of the system
(n.) A very small and close apartment, as in a prison or in a monastery or convent
(n.) A small religious house attached to a monastery or convent.
(n.) Any small cavity, or hollow place.
(n.) The space between the ribs of a vaulted roof.
(n.) Same as Cella.
(n.) A jar of vessel, or a division of a compound vessel, for holding the exciting fluid of a battery.
(n.) One of the minute elementary structures, of which the greater part of the various tissues and organs of animals and plants are composed.
(v. t.) To place or inclose in a cell.
Water cell
() A cell containing water

cell Bedeutung

cell (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms, they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
somatic cell nuclear transplantation
somatic cell nuclear transfer
nuclear transplantation
moving a cell nucleus and its genetic material from one cell to another
cell-mediated immune response an immune response (chiefly against viral or fungal invasions or transplanted tissue) that involves T cells
flame cell organ of excretion in flatworms
flagellated cell any cell or oneelled organism equipped with a flagellum
collar cell
any of the flagellated cells in sponges having a collar of cytoplasm around the flagellum, they maintain a flow of water through the body
detention cell
detention centre
a large cell where prisoners (people awaiting trial or sentence or refugees or illegal immigrants) are confined together temporarily
electric cell
a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction
cell jail cell
prison cell
a room where a prisoner is kept
cell cubicle small room in which a monk or nun lives
cell any small compartment, the cells of a honeycomb
cellular telephone
cellular phone
cell mobile phone
a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own shortange transmitter
Clark cell
Clark standard cell
a form of voltaic cell once used as a standard for electromotive force
dry cell a small Leclanche cell containing no free liquid, the electrolyte is a paste and the negative zinc pole forms the container of the cell, used in flashlights, portable radios, etc.
electrolytic cell a cell containing an electrolyte in which an applied voltage causes a reaction to occur that would not occur otherwise (such as the breakdown of water into hydrogen and oxygen)
fuel cell cell that produces electricity by oxidation of fuel (hydrogen and oxygen or zinc and air), often used in electric cars
holding cell a jail in a courthouse where accused persons can be confined during a trial
Kerr cell optical device consisting of a transparent cell with two electrodes between two polarizing media, passes light only if the two planes of polarization are parallel, used as a high-speed shutter or to modulate a laser beam
Leclanche cell voltaic cell that produces approximately . volts
mercury cell a primary cell consisting of a zinc anode and a cathode of mercury oxide and an electrolyte of potassium hydroxide
photoelectric cell
photoconductive cell
electric eye
magic eye
a transducer used to detect and measure light and other radiations
selenium cell a photoelectric cell that uses a strip of selenium
solar cell
photovoltaic cell
a cell that converts solar energy into electrical energy
standard cell a primary cell used as a standard of electromotive force
storage cell
secondary cell
a cell that can be recharged
voltaic cell
galvanic cell
primary cell
an electric cell that generates an electromotive force by an irreversible conversion of chemical to electrical energy, cannot be recharged
Weston cell
cadmium cell
a standard voltaic cell (trademark Weston)
wet cell a primary voltaic cell having a liquid electrolyte
skin cell any of the cells making up the skin
epidermal cell any of the cells making up the epidermis
prickle cell a cell in the germinal layer of the skin (the prickleell layer), has many spines and radiating processes
epithelial cell one of the closely packed cells forming the epithelium
columnar cell
columnar epithelial cell
an epithelial cell that is shaped like a column, some have cilia
cuboidal cell
cuboidal epithelial cell
an epithelial cell that shaped like a cube
goblet cell an epithelial cell that secretes mucous
hair cell a sensory epithelial cell present in the organ of Corti
Kupffer's cell specialized cells in the liver that destroy bacteria, foreign proteins, and worn-out blood cells
squamous cell an epithelial cell that is flat like a plate and form a single layer of epithelial tissue
beta cell a cell that produces insulin in the isles of Langerhans in the pancreas
taste cell
gustatory cell
an epithelial cell in a taste bud that activates sensory fibers of the facial nerve or the glossopharyngeal nerve or the vagus nerve
cell membrane
plasma membrane
a thin membrane (a double layer of lipids) enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell, proteins in the membrane control passage of ions (like sodium or potassium or calcium) in and out of the cell, all cells have a cell membrane
ganglion cell
a nerve cell whose body is outside the central nervous system, damage to ganglion cells in the retina may play a role in the development of glaucoma
somatic cell
vegetative cell
any of the cells of a plant or animal except the reproductive cells, a cell that does not participate in the production of gametes, somatic cells are produced from preexisting cells,
neoplastic cell a cell that is part of tumor
cancer cell a cell that is part of a malignant tumor
cell nucleus
a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction
cell organelle
cell organ
a specialized part of a cell, analogous to an organ, the first organelle to be identified was the nucleus
bone cell a cell that is part of a bone
embryonic cell
formative cell
a cell of an embryo
bone-forming cell
a cell from which bone develops
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