
charge nurse Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Stationsschwester f
Stationsschwestern pl
charge-nurse Br.
Stationsschwester f med.
Stationsschwestern pl
charge nurse; nursing sister Br.
charge nurses; nursing sisters
charge account
charge up against sth.
bank charge
Bedienung, Berechnung der Bedienung
service charge
belasten, in Rechnung stellen
charge for
dem die Ware zu übergeben ist
into whose charge delivery is to be made
dem Luftfrachtführer übergeben
deliver into the charge of the air carrier
die Ware nicht übernimmt
fails to take the goods into his charge
ein Konto belasten
charge to an account
admission charge
feste Gebühr
fixed charge
fire brigade charge
fundierte Schuld
fixed charge
Gebühr, belasten
free of charge
call charge
cashier in charge
collection charge
Krankenschwester, pflegen
charge customer
charge account
minimum charge
Nachtgebühr, Nachttarif
night charge
local charge
overall charge
Prämie berechnen
charge a premium
schwebende Schuld
floating charge
cancellation charge
road charge
Ãœberberechnung, Sicherheitszuschlag
excess charge
Ãœbernahme der Ware
taking in charge of the goods
Verladehafen, Verladeort, Ãœbernahmeort
place of taking in charge
Ware übernehmen
take goods into his charge
interest charge
Zinsen berechnen
charge interest
zusätzliche Gebühr
additional charge
additional charge
Abfertigungsgebühr f
Abfertigungsgebühren pl
passenger service charge
passenger service charges
Abgabenbefreiung f
exemption from charge
Abwassergebühr f
Abwassergebühren pl
sewage charge
sewage charges
Akkumulatorladung f
accumulator charge
Altenpfleger m, Altenpflegerin f, Altenhelfer m, Altenhelferin f
old people's nurse, geriatric nurse
Amme f
Ammen pl
(wet) nurse
(wet) nurses
Amt n, Pflicht f, Verpflichtung f
Angriff m, Sturm m, Angriffssignal n mil.
Anklage f, Anklagepunkt m
unter Anklage stehen (wegen)
jdn. unter Anklage stellen
to have been charged (with)
to charge sb.
Anordnungsbefugnis f
jurisdiction (to be in charge)
Anpassungsgebühr f
Anpassungsgebühren pl
adaption charge
adaption charges
Ansprechpartner m, Ansprechpartnerin f
person in charge, reference person
Arzt m, Ärztin f, Mediziner m, Medizinerin f
Ärzte pl, Ärztinnen, Mediziner pl, Medizinerinnen pl
zum Arzt gehen
Arzt im Praktikum (AiP), Assistent im ersten Jahr
Arzt in der Ausbildung
Dienst habender Arzt, behandelnder Arzt
angehender Arzt
Jungassistent m
Altassistent m
Wir ließen den Arzt kommen.
doctor, physician, medical doctor (M.D.)
doctors, physicians
to go to the doctor, to go to the doctor's
intern, first year resident Am., junior houseofficer Br.
doctor in charge, physician in charge
resident Am., senior house officer (SHO) Br.
fellow Am., registrar Br.
We sent for the doctor.
Arzthelferin f, Arzthelfer m, Notarzthelfer m
doctor's assistant, doctor's receptionist, practice nurse, medical secretary
Aufladung f
Aufpreis m, Zuschlag m, Mehrpreis m
Aufpreise pl, Zuschläge pl
gegen Aufpreis
for an additional charge
Aufsicht f
supervisor, person in charge
die Aufsicht haben (über)
to be on duty, be in charge (of)
Ausgleichsabgabe f, Ausgleichszoll m
countervailing charge, countervailing duty
Ausleihgebühr f
Ausleihgebühren pl
loan charge
loan charges
Batterieladung f
battery level, battery charge
Batteriespannung f electr.
battery voltage, battery charge
Bauelement n
Bauelemente pl
ladungsgekoppeltes Bauelement
oberflächenmontierbares Bauelement
bedrahtetes Bauelement
module, device
modules, devices
charge coupled device (CCD)
surface mounted device (SMD)
leaded device
Benutzungsgebühr f
service charge
Bericht m, Report m, Meldung f
Berichte pl, Reporte pl, Meldungen pl
Bericht erstatten, Meldung erstatten
Bericht des behandelnden Arztes
to make a report
report of the physician in charge
Beschickung f, Füllung f
Beschuldigung f, Vorwurf m
Beschuldigungen pl, Vorwürfe pl
Betreuer m, Betreuerin f
person in charge, sb. who looks after sb.
Einmalgebühr f
Einmalgebühren pl
one-time charge
one-time charges
Einsatzleiter m, Einsatzleiterin f
Einsatzleiter pl, Einsatzleiterinnen pl
head of operations, director of operations, officer-in-charge
heads of operations, directors of operations, officer-in-charges
Elementarladung f
elementary charge
Explosivkopf m (einer Harpune)
Explosivköpfe pl
explosive charge (of a harpoon)
explosive charges
unter (der) Federführung von ...
with ... responsible (in charge)
Flughafengebühr f, Flughafensteuer f
Flughafengebühren pl, Flughafensteuern pl
airport charge, airport tax
airport charges, airport taxes
Gebührencomputer m
call charge computer
Gebühreneinheit f
unit of charge, unit
Geschäftsführung f
mit der Geschäftsführung beauftragt (m.d.G.b.)
management, executives
in charge of administration
Grundschuld f
land charge, real charge
anvertrautes Gut
Hypothekenbelastung f
mortgage charge
Intensivpflege f med.
Pfleger m in der Intensivpflege, Pflegerin f in der Intensivpflege
intensive care (IC)
IC nurse
Kernladung f
nuclear charge
Kinderkrankenschwester f
Kinderkrankenschwestern pl
pediatric nurse
pediatric nurses
Kindermädchen n
Kindermädchen pl
nurse, nursemaid
nurses, nursemaids
Kinderpflegerin f
children's nurse, paediatric nurse
Kontoführungsgebühr m
account maintenance charge
Kontoumsatzgebühr f
activity charge
Kosten pl, Preis m
auf eigene Kosten
at one's own charge
Krankenpfleger m
Krankenpfleger pl
male nurse
male nurses
Krankenschwester f, Kinderschwester f, Krankenpflegerin f
Krankenschwestern pl, Kinderschwestern pl, Krankenpflegerinnen pl
Ladeluftkühler m
charge air cooler, intercooler
Ladezustand m electr.
state of charge (SOC)
Ladung f
elektrische Ladung
elektrostatische Ladung
ungenügende Ladung
electric charge
electrostatic charge
Ladungsausgleich m
charge equalization, charge balance
Ladungsdichte f
charge density
Ladungsträger m
Ladungsträger pl
charge carrier
charge carriers
Ladungsstand m (Batterie)
Ladungsträgergekoppelte Schaltung f
charge coupled device (CCD)
Ladungstransport-Speicher m
charge coupled device
Lastschrift f, Belastung f (Konto)
Maut f, Mautgebühr f, Benutzungsgebühr f, Zoll m
toll, toll charge
Mehrkosten pl
additional costs, extra charge
Mietpreis m
hire charge Br.
Mindestbetrag m
Mindestbeträge pl
minimum sum, minimum charge, minimum value
minimum sums, minimum charges, minimum values
Mündel n, Schützling m, anvertraute Person f
Nachbelastung f, Nachgebühr f, Mehrpreis m
additional charge
Nachbelastungsauftrag m, Nachgebührauftrag m
Nachbelastungsaufträge pl, Nachgebühraufträge pl
additional charge order
additional charge orders
Nachforderung f
additional demand, additional charge
zum Nulltarif
at no charge
Obhut f, Fürsorge f, Gewahrsam m
Operationsschwester f, OP-Schwester f
Operationsschwestern pl, OP-Schwestern pl
theatre sister Br., operating-room nurse Am.
theatre sisters, operating-room nurses
Pfleger m
(male) nurse
Pflegerin f
Pflegerinnen pl
Polizeiaufsicht f, Aufsicht f, Ãœberwachung f
unter jds. Aufsicht
under sb.'s charge
Raumladung f
space charge
in Rechnung stellen
to charge
etw. in eigene Regie nehmen
take personal charge (direct control) of sth.
Rezeptgebühr f
prescription charge
R-Gespräch n
reversed-charge call, collect call Am.
Rücklastschrift f fin.
charge back
Sachbearbeiter m
official in charge
Säuglingsschwester f
Säuglingsschwestern pl
baby nurse
baby nurses
das Sagen haben
In dieser Angelegenheit hat nur der Chef das Sagen.
Wer hat das Sagen in ...?
to be in charge, to have the say, to call the shots fig.
In this matter only the boss has the say.
Who's in charge in ...?
Schrotladung f
round of shot, small-shot charge
nominal charge, token charge
Sonderbelastung f
Sonderbelastungen pl
exceptional charge
exceptional charges
Sprengladung f, Explosivstoffladung f mil.
Sprengladungen pl, Explosivstoffladungen pl
explosive charge
explosive charges
Staatsanwalt m, Staatsanwältin f jur.
Staatsanwälte pl, Staatsanwältinnen pl
Der Staatsanwalt hat Anklage wegen Mordes gegen ihn erhoben.
public prosecutor
public prosecutors
The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him.
Stationsschwester f
Stationsschwestern pl
charge-nurse Br.
Statische Aufladung f
static electricity charge
Staugebühr f (Gebühr für Kraftfahrzeuge für die Benutzung bestimmter Londoner Innenstadtbezirke)
congestion charge
Strafanzeige f
Strafanzeige erstatten, Strafanzeige stellen (gegen)
Strafanzeige erstatten (gegen)
reporting of an offence
to report an offence (against)
to bring a charge (against)
Tarif m, Gebühr f
Treibladung f
propelling charge
Überführungs- und Transportkosten pl auto
destination charge
Umrechnungsgebühr f
Umrechnungsgebühren pl
conversion charge
conversion charges
Umweltabgabe f, Umweltgebühr f
environmental charge
Verantwortung f
die Verantwortung für etw. haben
für etw. die Verantwortung übernehmen
für etw. verantwortlich sein
to be in charge of sth.
to take charge of sth.
to have charge of sth.
Versäumnisgebühr f
overdue fine (based upon a fixed charge per day
Verwahrung f, Aufbewahrung f
in sicherer Verwahrung
in sichere Verwahrung geben
etw. in Verwahrung geben
in Verwahrung geben (bei)
in Verwahrung haben
in Verwahrung nehmen
safe-keeping, custody, care, trust
in safe custody
to place in safe custody
to give sth. into custody (in charge)
to deliver in trust, to entrust, to lodge (with)
to hold in trust
to take charge of, to take into custody
Vorarbeiter m, Vorarbeiterin f
Vorarbeiter pl, Vorarbeiterinnen pl
charge-hand Br.
mit der Wahrnehmung beauftragt
temporarily in charge
Wasserbombe f, Unterwasserbombe f mil.
depth charge, depth bomb
Zahnarzthelferin f
dental assistant, dental nurse
Zinsbelastung f fin.
Zinsbelastungen pl, Zinskosten pl
interest charge
interest charges
Zündsatz m
Zündsätze pl
priming charge, primer
priming charges, primers
Zugangsgebühr f
Zugangsgebühren pl
access charge
access charges
Zustellungsgebühr f, Zustellgebühr f
Zustellungsgebühren pl, Zustellgebühren pl
delivery charge
delivery charges
to charge off
charging off
charged off

Deutsche Stationsschwester {f} / Stationsschwestern {pl} Synonyme

Englische charge-nurse Synonyme

charge nurse Definition

(v. t.) To lay on or impose, as a load, tax, or burden
(v. t.) To lay on or impose, as a task, duty, or trust
(v. t.) To lay on, impose, or make subject to or liable for.
(v. t.) To fix or demand as a price
(v. t.) To place something to the account of as a debt
(v. t.) To impute or ascribe
(v. t.) To accuse
(v. t.) To place within or upon any firearm, piece of apparatus or machinery, the quantity it is intended and fitted to hold or bear
(v. t.) To ornament with or cause to bear
(v. t.) To assume as a bearing
(v. t.) To call to account
(v. t.) To bear down upon
(v. i.) To make an onset or rush
(v. i.) To demand a price
(v. i.) To debit on an account
(v. i.) To squat on its belly and be still
(v. t.) A load or burder laid upon a person or thing.
(v. t.) A person or thing commited or intrusted to the care, custody, or management of another
(v. t.) Custody or care of any person, thing, or place
(v. t.) Heed
(v. t.) Harm.
(v. t.) An order
(v. t.) An address (esp. an earnest or impressive address) containing instruction or exhortation
(v. t.) An accusation of a wrong of offense
(v. t.) Whatever constitutes a burden on property, as rents, taxes, lines, etc.
(v. t.) The price demanded for a thing or service.
(v. t.) An entry or a account of that which is due from one party to another
(v. t.) That quantity, as of ammunition, electricity, ore, fuel, etc., which any apparatus, as a gun, battery, furnace, machine, etc., is intended to receive and fitted to hold, or which is actually in it at one time
(v. t.) The act of rushing upon, or towards, an enemy
(v. t.) A position (of a weapon) fitted for attack
(v. t.) A soft of plaster or ointment.
(v. t.) A bearing. See Bearing, n., 8.
(n.) Thirty-six pigs of lead, each pig weighing about seventy pounds
(n.) Weight
Charge d'affaires
(n.) A diplomatic representative, or minister of an inferior grade, accredited by the government of one state to the minister of foreign affairs of another
(v. t.) To load with a double charge, as of gunpowder.
(v. t.) To overcharge.
Dry nurse
() A nurse who attends and feeds a child by hand
(n.) One who nourishes
(n.) One who, or that which, brings up, rears, causes to grow, trains, fosters, or the like.
(n.) A lieutenant or first officer, who is the real commander when the captain is unfit for his place.
(n.) A peculiar larva of certain trematodes which produces cercariae by asexual reproduction. See Cercaria, and Redia.
(n.) Either one of the nurse sharks.
(v. t.) To nourish
(v. t.) To nourish at the breast
(v. t.) To take care of or tend, as a sick person or an invalid
(v. t.) To bring up
(v. t.) To manage with care and economy, with a view to increase
(v. t.) To caress
Wet nurse
() A nurse who suckles a child, especially the child of another woman. Cf. Dry nurse.

charge nurse Bedeutung

charge commission
a special assignment that is given to a person or group, a confidential mission to London, his charge was deliver a message
care charge
tutelage guardianship
attention and management implying responsibility for safety, he is in the care of a bodyguard
charge an impetuous rush toward someone or something, the wrestler's charge carried him past his adversary, the battle began with a cavalry charge
banzai attack
banzai charge
a mass attack of troops without concern for casualties, originated by Japanese who accompanied it with yells of `banzai'
nurse shark
Ginglymostoma cirratum
small bottom-dwelling shark of warm shallow waters on both coasts of North America and South America and from southeast Asia to Australia
bursting charge
explosive charge
a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time, this cartridge has a powder charge ofgrains
charge bearing heraldic bearing
armorial bearing
heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
charge-exchange accelerator an accelerator in which high-energy ions escape from plasma following charge exchange
depth charge
depth bomb
a bomb that explodes at a preset depth under water, antisubmarine device
conservation of charge
conservation of electricity
the principle that the total electric charge of a system remains constant despite changes inside the system
day book
police blotter
rap sheet
charge sheet
the daily written record of events (as arrests) in a police station
(criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense, he was arrested on a charge of larceny
accusation charge an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence, the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving
commission charge direction a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something, the judge's charge to the jury
charge billing request for payment of a debt, they submitted their charges at the end of each month
murder charge
murder indictment
an indictment charging someone with murder
the swift release of a store of affective force, they got a great bang out of it, what a boot!, he got a quick rush from injecting heroin, he does it for kicks
(psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea or person or object, Freud thought of cathexis as a psychic analog of an electrical charge
charge a person committed to your care, the teacher led her charges across the street
charge d'affaires the official temporarily in charge of a diplomatic mission in the absence of the ambassador
charge of quarters an enlisted man who handles his unit's administrative matters after hours
dry nurse a nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant
foster-nurse a nurse who raises another woman's child as her own
graduate nurse
trained nurse
someone who has completed the course of study (including hospital practice) at a nurses training school
head nurse the person in charge of nursing in a medical institution
licensed practical nurse
practical nurse
a nurse who has enough training to be licensed by a state to provide routine care for the sick
a woman who is the custodian of children
nurse one skilled in caring for young children or the sick (usually under the supervision of a physician)
nursing aide
nurse's aide
someone who assists a nurse in tasks that require little formal training
nurse-midwife a registered nurse who has received special training as a midwife
nurse practitioner
nurse clinician
a registered nurse who has received special training and can perform many of the duties of a physician
probationer student nurse a nurse in training who is undergoing a trial period
registered nurse
a graduate nurse who has passed examinations for registration
scrub nurse a nurse who helps a surgeon prepare for surgery
visiting nurse a nurse who is paid to visit the sick in their homes
wet nurse
a woman hired to suckle a child of someone else
electric charge
the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons, the battery needed a fresh charge
electrostatic charge the electric charge at rest on the surface of an insulated body (which establishes and adjacent electrostatic field)
positive charge having a deficiency of electrons, having a higher electric potential
negative charge having a surplus of electrons, having a lower electric potential
handling cost
handling charge
the cost of handling (especially the cost of packaging and mailing an order)
carrying cost
carrying charge
the opportunity cost of unproductive assets, the expense incurred by ownership
charge the price charged for some article or service, the admission charge
carrying charge charge made for carrying an account or for merchandise sold on an installment plan
depreciation charge an amount periodically charged to expense or against revenue in compensation for depreciation of property
fixed charge
fixed cost
fixed costs
a periodic charge that does not vary with business volume (as insurance or rent or mortgage payments etc.)
cover charge
a fixed charge by a restaurant or nightclub over and above the charge for food and drink
drop-off charge a fee added for returning a rented car to a location different from the one where it was rented
entrance fee
admission charge
admission fee
admission price
price of admission
entrance money
the fee charged for admission
installation charge the charge for installing something
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