
cloud Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schatten m
Wolke, Schatten
sich bewoelken
to cloud
bewölken, mit Wolken überziehen
over cloud
Wolkenuntergrenze f aviat.
cloud base
rain cloud
Punktewolke f math.
point cloud
Wolkendecke f
cloud cover
burst cloud
cloud cover
cloud layer
Paraffintrübungspunkt m; Paraffinausscheidungspunkt m BPA chem.
cloud point
Paraffintrübungspunkt m; Paraffinausscheidungspunkt m BPA chem.
cloud point
Schäfchenwolke f
fleecy cloud
Stratuswolke f, Schichtwolke f meteo.
stratus cloud
Wolkenbank f
bank of cloud
Stratuswolke f; Schichtwolke f meteo.
stratus cloud
Wolkenimpfung f; Wolkenimpfen n meteo. envir.
cloud seeding
Bedeckungsgrad m (des Himmels mit Wolken)
cloud coverage
Sprühnebel m
cloud of spray
Wolke f
Wolken pl
cloud of smoke
Bewölkungsverhältnisse pl meteo. aviat.
cloud conditions
Wolkenuntergrenze f; untere Wolkengrenze f aviat. meteo.
ceiling; cloud base
Schlagwortwolke f; Stichwortwolke f; Wortwolke f; Schlagwortmatrix f
Schlagwortwolken pl; Stichwortwolken pl; Wortwolken pl; Schlagwortmatrizen pl
tag cloud
tag clouds
Gaswolke f
Gaswolken pl
gas cloud
gas clouds
Wolkenobergrenze f aviat.
cloud top, top of cloud
Wolkendecke f meteo.
cloud cover; cloud pall
Wolkenobergrenze f aviat. meteo.
cloud top; top of cloud
Bewölkungsgrad m; Bedeckungsgrad m; Bewölkung f (in Achteln) meteo.
cloud amount (in oktas)
Regenwolke f meteo.
Regenwolken pl
rain cloud
rain clouds
Schneewolke f meteo.
Schneewolken pl
snow cloud
snow clouds
Nebelwald-Kreischeule f ornith.
Cloud-forest Screech Owl
Dambocistensänger m ornith.
Cloud-scraping Cisticola
Cloud-Dienst-Automatisierung f comp.
cloud service automation
Sprengwolke f
Sprengwolken pl
burst cloud
burst clouds
Wolkenschicht f
Wolkenschichten pl
cloud layer
cloud layers
Cloud-Computing n; Rechnerwolke f comp.
cloud computing; the cloud
Düppelstraße f (zur Radartäuschung) mil.
Düppelstraßen pl
chaff cloud
chaff clouds
Punktewolke f math.
Punktewolken pl
point cloud
point clouds
Wolkenschicht f meteo.
Wolkenschichten pl
cloud layer
cloud layers
Wolkengebilde n, Wolkenformation f
cloudscape, cloud formation
Wolkengebilde n; Wolkenformation f
cloudscape; cloud formation
Globule f; Gas- und Staubwolke f astron.
globule; gas and dust cloud
zirkumsolare Kometenwolke f; Oort'sche Wolke f; Öpik-Oort-Wolke f astron.
Oort cloud; Öpik-Oort cloud
Wolkenfetzen m
Wolkenfetzen pl
wisp of cloud
wispy clouds
unter Verdacht (sein stehen)
(to be) under a cloud fig.
Atompilz m
Atompilze pl
mushroom cloud
mushroom clouds
Rauchpilz m
Rauchpilze pl
mushroom cloud
mushroom clouds
Rauchschwaden m
Rauchschwaden pl
cloud of smoke
clouds of smoke
Rauchwolke f
Rauchwolken pl
cloud of smoke
clouds of smoke
Fliegenschwarm m
Fliegenschwärme pl
cloud of flies
clouds of flies
Molekülwolke f astron.
Molekülwolken pl
molecular cloud
molecular clouds
Wolkenformation f; Wolkengebilde n meteo.
Wolkenformationen pl; Wolkengebilde pl
cloud formation
cloud formations
to cloud over, to darken, to becloud
Parfümwolke f
Parfümwolken pl
cloud of perfume
clouds of perfume
Zirruswolke f; Federwolke f meteo.
Zirruswolken pl; Federwolken pl
cirrus; cirrus cloud
cirrus clouds
to cloud over; to darken; to becloud
Gammawolkenstrahlung f; Gammastrahlung f aus der Luft (radioaktive Wolke) phys.
gamma submersion (radioactive cloud)
Cloud-Dienst m; persönliche Rechen- und Speicherplattform f im Internet; Rechnerwolke f ugs. comp.
Cloud-Dienste pl
cloud service; cloud
cloud services
Strahlenwolke f; radioaktive Wolke f
Strahlenwolken pl; radioaktive Wolken pl
radioactive cloud
radioactive clouds
Auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein. Sprw.
Every cloud has a silver lining. prov.
wolkenverhangen adj; in Wolken gehüllt meteo.
covered in cloud clouds; draped in cloud clouds
Kumuluswolke f; Haufenwolke f; Quellwolke f meteo.
Kumuluswolken pl; Haufenwolken pl; Quellwolken pl
cumulus; cumulus cloud
cumuluss; cumulus clouds
wie im siebten Himmel sein, auf Wolke sieben sein übtr.
to be on cloud nine, to be in seventh heaven fig.
wie im siebten Himmel sein; auf Wolke sieben sein übtr.
to be on cloud nine; to be in seventh heaven fig.
wie im siebten Himmel sein; auf Wolke sieben sein v übtr.
to be on cloud nine; to be in seventh heaven fig.
Staubwolke f
Staubwolken pl
dustcloud, cloud of dust, trail of dust
Staubwolke f
Staubwolken pl
dustcloud; cloud of dust; trail of dust
Fetzen m; Schwade f; Wolke f (von etw.) meteo
Fetzen pl; Schwaden pl; Wolken pl
Wolkenfetzen m
Nebelschwaden pl
wisp (of sth.)
wisp of cloud
wisps of fog
Fetzen m; Schwade f; Wolke f (von etw.) meteo.
Fetzen pl; Schwaden pl; Wolken pl
Wolkenfetzen m
Nebelschwaden pl
wisp (of sth.)
wisp of cloud
wisps of fog
Sternhaufen m; Sternenhaufen m; Sternenwolke f astron.
Sternhaufen pl; Sternenhaufen pl; Sternenwolken pl
star cluster; star cloud
star clusters; star clouds
Wolkenkuckucksheim n (ironisch)
cloud-cuckoo-land Br.; fantasyland; never-never land
Wolkenkuckucksheim n iron.
cloud-cuckoo-land Br.; fantasyland; never-never land
Perseidenschauer m; Perseidenstrom m; Perseiden pl astron.
Perseid shower; Perseid cloud; Perseid stream; Perseids
Rauchschwaden m
Rauchschwaden pl
cloud of smoke; wads of smoke
clouds of smoke; wads of smoke
Wolkenhöhenmessgerät n; Wolkenhöhenmesser m meteo. aviat.
Wolkenhöhenmessgeräte pl; Wolkenhöhenmesser pl
cloud search light; ceilometer
cloud search lights; ceilometers
Menschentraube f
Menschentrauben pl
cloud of people; knot of people
clouds of people; knots of people
to overcloud, to cloud over
Nebelspur f (in der Nebelkammer) (Kerntechnik) techn.
Nebelspuren pl
cloud track (in the fog chamber) (nuclear engineering)
cloud tracks
to overcloud; to cloud over
Stratokumulus m meteo.
Stratokumuli pl
stratocumulus; stratocumulus cloud
stratocumuli; stratocumulus clouds
Magellanischen Wolken; Magellan'schen Wolken pl astron.
Große Magellanische Wolke
Kleine Magellanische Wolke
Magellanic Clouds
Large Magellanic Cloud LMC
Small Magellanic Cloud SMC
Punkthaufen m; Punktwolke f (Mathematik, Messtechnik) math. techn.
cluster of points; aggregate of points; point cloud (mathematics, metrology)
Wald m; Forst m
Wälder pl; Forste pl
altbestehender Wald
tropischer Nebelwald
im tiefen Wald
old-growth forest
tropical cloud forest
in deep forests
große schmückende Feder f
Straußenfeder f
Federwolke f
mit fremden Federn geschmückt übtr.
den Sieg davontragen
plume of an ostrich
plume of cloud
in borrowed plumes
to win the plume
große, schmückende Feder f
Straußenfeder f
Federwolke f
mit fremden Federn geschmückt übtr.
den Sieg davontragen
plume of an ostrich
plume of cloud
in borrowed plumes
to win the plume
sich bewölken v
sich bewölkend
sich bewölkt
to cloud over; to overcloud
clouding over; overclouding
clouded over; overclouded
Wilson'sche Nebelkammer f; Nebelkammer f (Kerntechnik) techn.
Wilson cloud chamber; cloud chamber; fog chamber; expansion chamber (nuclear engineering)
Decke f; Teppich m übtr.
ein Blumenteppich
eine graue Wolkendecke
unter einer dicken Schneedecke
blanket fig.
a blanket of flowers
a grey blanket of cloud(s)
under a thick blanket of snow
Feuerwolke f; Pyrocumulus m meteo.
fire cloud; pyrocumulus cloud; pyrocumulonimbus cloud; cumulonimbus flammagenitus cloud CbFg ; flammagenitus
sich umwölken v meteo.
sich umwölkend
sich umwölkt
to cloud over; to darken; to becloud
clouding over; darkening; beclouding
clouded over; darkened; beclouded
Computerwelt f; Computereinsatz m; Informatik f comp.
sozial vernetzte Computerwelt; sozial vernetzte Informatik
Auslagerung f von Computeranwendungen und Speicherplatz ins Internet; das Internet als persönliche Speicher- und Softwareplattform
Computeranwendungen auf mobilen Endgeräten
(projektbezogener) Internet-Rechnerverbund m; Internet-Hardwareverbund m; Internet-Rechnerzusammenschluss m; (internationale) EDV-Kooperation im Rechnerverbund (für rechenintensive Aufgaben)
social computing
cloud computing
mobile computing
grid computing (for calculation-intensive tasks)
Galaxiehaufen m; Galaxienhaufen m; Galaxienwolke f astron.
Galaxiehaufen pl; Galaxienhaufen pl; Galaxienwolken pl
Supergalaxienhaufen m; Superhaufen m
cluster of galaxies; cloud of galaxies
clusters of galaxies; clouds of galaxies
supercluster of galaxies; supercluster
Wolke f meteo.
Wolken pl
nachtleuchtende Wolke
auf Wolken schweben übtr.
Das Ereignis wurde von der Furcht vor neuerlichen Terroranschlägen überschattet.
noctilucent cloud
to have one's head in the clouds fig.
Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event.
(großer) Wald m bot. geogr.; Waldfläche f geogr.; Forst m agr.
Wälder pl; Waldflächen pl; Forste pl
alter Eichenwald
Buchenurwald m
Stadtwald m
altbestehender Wald
tropischer Nebelwald
im tiefen Wald
ancient oak forest
primeval beech forest
city forest; municipal forest
old-growth forest
tropical cloud forest
in deep forests
Wermutstropfen m übtr.
Die Zukunftsaussichten für die Mannschaft werden nur durch das hohe Alter der Spielmacher getrübt.
drop of bitterness; a bitter pill; cloud on the horizon; fly in the ointment fig.
The only cloud on the horizon for the team is the advanced age of its playmakers.
etw. überschatten v übtr.
Die Nachricht von dem Amoklauf überschattete die Ereignisse des Tages.
to overshadow sth.; to cloud sth.
overshadowing; clouding
overshadowed; clouded
News of the killing spree overshadowed the day's events.
Wolke f meteo.
Wolken pl
Regenschichtwolke f; Nimbostratus m
Regenwolke f
Schäfchenwolke f
Schichtwolke f; Stratuswolke f
nachtleuchtende Wolke
auf Wolken schweben übtr.
Das Ereignis wurde von der Furcht vor neuerlichen Terroranschlägen überschattet.
nimbostratus cloud; nimbostratus
rain cloud
fleecy cloud
stratus cloud
noctilucent cloud
to have one's head in the clouds fig.
Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event.
Fragestellung f; Sachfrage f; Frage f; Thema n
die zentrale Frage
eine wichtige Frage
eine kontroversielle Frage
die leidige Frage +Gen
umweltpolitische Fragestellungen; Umweltfragen
rechtliche Fragen; Rechtsfragen
für jdn. wichtig sein
eine Frage lösen
sich um eine Frage herumdrücken
sich in einer Frage nicht festlegen; um eine Frage herumeiern
ein Thema zur Sprache bringen; etw. thematisieren
um die Sache Verwirrung stiften
sich mit der Frage +Gen. befassen
die Sache erzwingen
Es geht (hier) um die Frage ob ...
die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen
Das bringt mich zur Frage ...
Die Sache ist vom Tisch.
Mein Privatleben ist hier nicht das Thema.
issue; issue at stake (topic for discussion)
the big key issue
a big major issue
a contentious issue
the thorny vexed issue of sth.
environmental issues
legal issues
to be a big issue for sb.
to resolve an issue
to avoid evade dodge duck an issue
to straddle an issue Am.
to raise an issue
to confuse cloud the issue
to address the issue of sth.
to force the issue
The point at issue The issue at stake is whether ...
the related issues
This leads me to the issue of ...
This is no longer an issue.
My private life is not the issue (here).
Fragestellung f; Sachfrage f; Frage f; Thema n
die zentrale Frage
eine wichtige Frage
eine kontroversielle Frage
die leidige Frage +Gen.
umweltpolitische Fragestellungen; Umweltfragen
rechtliche Fragen; Rechtsfragen
für jdn. wichtig sein
ein Thema zur Diskussion stellen
eine Frage lösen
sich um eine Frage herumdrücken
sich in einer Frage nicht festlegen; um eine Frage herumeiern
ein Thema zur Sprache bringen; etw. thematisieren
um die Sache Verwirrung stiften
sich mit der Frage +Gen. befassen
die Sache erzwingen
Es geht (hier) um die Frage, ob …
die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen
Das bringt mich zur Frage …
Das wirft jetzt die Frage auf, ob …
Die Sache ist vom Tisch.
Mein Privatleben ist hier nicht das Thema.
issue; issue at stake (topic for discussion)
the big key issue
a big major issue
a contentious issue
the thorny vexed issue of sth.
environmental issues
legal issues
to be a big issue for sb.
to bring an issue forward for debate
to resolve an issue
to avoid evade dodge duck an issue
to straddle an issue Am.
to raise an issue
to confuse cloud the issue
to address the issue of sth.
to force the issue
The point at issue The issue at stake is whether …
the related issues
This leads me to the issue of …
The issue now becomes whether …
This is no longer an issue.
My private life is not the issue (here).

Deutsche Schatten {m} Synonyme

Schatten  ÂSchlagschatten  
Schatten  spendend  Âschattig  Âsonnenlos  
Schatten  werfen  Âverdüstern  Âverdunkeln  Âverfinstern  
über  seinen  Schatten  springen  Âseinen  Mut  zusammennehmen  Âsich  ein  Herz  fassen  Âsich  trauen  Âwagen  
Schatten spendend  schattig  sonnenlos  
Schatten werfen  verdüstern  verdunkeln  verfinstern  
Schatten  Schlagschatten  

Englische cloud Synonyme

cloud  a mass of  a world of  addle  addle the wits  adumbrate  afterdamp  apply to  army  ball up  becloud  bedarken  bedazzle  bedim  befog  befuddle  befuddlement  begloom  bemist  besmear  besmirch  bevy  bewilder  bewilderment  black  black out  blackdamp  blacken  blanket  blind  block  block the light  blot out  blur  bother  botheration  breath  brown  bug  bunch  camouflage  canopy  cast a shadow  chaos  charm  chokedamp  clabber up  cloak  clothe  cloud  cloud over  cloud up  clutter  conceal  confuse  confusion  cope  cover  cover up  covey  cowl  crowd  curtain  damp  darken  darken over  daze  dazzle  dim  dim out  discolor  discombobulate  discombobulation  discomfit  discomfiture  discompose  discomposure  disconcert  disconcertion  disguise  disorder  disorganization  disorganize  disorient  disorientation  dissemble  distract  distract attention from  disturb  disturbance  eclipse  effluvium  embarrass  embarrassment  encloud  encompass with shadow  enmist  ensconce  enshroud  entangle  envelop  exhalation  fetid air  film  firedamp  flatus  flight  flock  flocks  fluid  flummox  flurry  fluster  flutter  fog  frenzy  fuddle  fuddlement  fume  fuss  gaggle  gloom  gloss over  hail  haze  hide  hive  hood  host  jam  jumble  keep under cover  large amount  lay on  lay over  legion  lots  malaria  mantle  many  mask  masses of  maze  mephitis  mess  miasma  mist  mix up  mob  moider  muchness  muddle  muddlement  muddy  muffle  multitude  murk  murmuration  nest  nubilate  numbers  obduce  obfuscate  obnubilate  obscure  obumbrate  occult  occultate  opaque  overcast  overcloud  overlay  overshadow  oversmoke  overspread  pack  perplex  perplexity  perturb  perturbation  plague  plurality  pother  pucker  puff of smoke  put on  put out  puzzle  quantities  quite a few  raise hell  rattle  reek  rout  ruck  ruffle  scores  screen  scum  shade  shadow  shield  shoal  shroud  shuffle  skein  slur over  smear  smog  smoke  smudge  somber  spread over  spr  
cloud nine  acme  apex  apogee  beatification  beatitude  bewitchment  blessedness  bliss  blissfulness  brow  cap  cheer  cheerfulness  climax  crest  crown  culmen  culmination  delectation  delight  ecstasy  ecstatics  edge  elation  enchantment  exaltation  exhilaration  extreme limit  extremity  exuberance  felicity  gaiety  gladness  glee  happiness  heaven  heavens  height  high noon  high spirits  highest pitch  highest point  intoxication  joy  joyance  joyfulness  limit  maximum  meridian  mountaintop  ne plus ultra  no place higher  noon  overhappiness  overjoyfulness  paradise  peak  pinnacle  pitch  point  pole  rapture  ravishment  ridge  seventh heaven  sky  spire  summit  sunshine  tip  tip-top  top  transport  unalloyed happiness  upmost  upper extremity  uppermost  utmost  vertex  very top  zenith  
cloud seeder  Dry Ice  aeronaut  aeroplaner  aeroplanist  air pilot  airplanist  artificial nucleation  astronaut  aviator  barnstormer  birdman  captain  cloud-seeding  commercial pilot  copilot  crop-duster  flier  instructor  jet jockey  licensed pilot  pilot  rain doctor  rainmaker  rainmaking  seeding  silver iodide  stunt flier  stunt man  test pilot  wingman  
cloudburst  brash  burst of rain  deluge  downfall  downflow  downpour  drencher  flood  gushing rain  heavy rain  plash  pour  rainburst  rainspout  rainstorm  scud  soaker  soaking rain  spate  spout  torrent of rain  waterspout  
clouded  Acheronian  Acherontic  Cimmerian  Stygian  abstruse  ambiguous  armored  beclouded  blind  buried  calico  cased  castellatus  ceiled  cirrose  cirrous  cloaked  close  cloud-flecked  cloudy  coated  concealed  coped  covered  covert  cowled  cumuliform  cumulous  curtained  dapple  dappled  dark  dark and gloomy  dirty  dubious  eclipsed  encapsulated  encapsuled  encased  enveloped  enwrapped  equivocal  filmed  floored  funereal  gloomful  glooming  gloomy  heavy  hid  hidden  hooded  housed  ill-lighted  ill-lit  in a cloud  in a fog  in eclipse  in purdah  in the wings  incommunicado  latent  lenticularis  loricate  loricated  lowering  mammatus  mantled  marbled  masked  motley  mottled  muffled  mysterious  nebulous  nimbose  nubilous  obfuscated  obscure  obscured  occult  occulted  open  overcast  overclouded  packaged  paved  pepper-and-salt  piebald  pied  pinto  problematic  recondite  roofed-in  screened  scummed  secluded  secluse  secret  sequestered  shady  sheathed  shelled  shielded  shrouded  skewbald  somber  sombrous  squally  stormy  stratiform  stratous  swathed  tented  thunderheaded  uncertain  unclear  under an eclipse  under cover  under house arrest  under wraps  underground  unknown  unsettled  veiled  walled  walled-in  wrapped  wrapped in clouds  
cloudland  Agapemone  Arcadia  Big Rock-Candy Mountain  Canaan  Cloudcuckooland  Cockaigne  Eden  Eldorado  Erewhon  Garden of Eden  Goshen  Happy Valley  Land of Youth  Laputa  Never-Never-land  Neverland  New Atlantis  Pandemonium  Quivira  Shangri-la  Utopia  alto-cumulus  alto-stratus  anvil cloud  banner cloud  billowy cloud  cap cloud  cirro-cumulus  cirro-fillum  cirro-nebula  cirro-stratus  cirro-velum  cirrus  cirrus cloud  cirrus haze  cirrus stripe  cloud  cloud band  cloud bank  cloud drift  cloud mass  cloud street  cloudling  cloudscape  cocktail  cottony cloud  cumulo-cirro-stratus  cumulo-cirrus  cumulo-nimbus  cumulo-stratus  cumulus  cumulus cloud  curl cloud  dreamland  dystopia  faerie  fairyland  fleecy cloud  fractocumulus  heaven  high fog  kakotopia  kingdom come  land of dreams  land of enchantment  land of faerie  land of plenty  land of promise  lotus land  mackerel sky  mammatocumulus  millennium  mushroom cloud  nimbus  nimbus cloud  paradise  promised land  rain cloud  scud  snail cloud  squall cloud  storm cloud  strato-cumulus  stratus  stratus cloud  thundercloud  thunderhead  utopia  water carrier  wonderland  woolpack  
cloudy  Acheronian  Acherontic  Cimmerian  Stygian  addlebrained  addled  addleheaded  addlepated  adiaphanous  amorphous  angry  beclouded  befuddled  blind  castellatus  cirrose  cirrous  clear as mud  cloud-flecked  clouded  cumuliform  cumulous  cyclonic  dark  dark and gloomy  dim  dirty  dull  fogged  foggy  foul  fuddlebrained  fuddled  funereal  fuzzy  gloomful  glooming  gloomy  grumly  hazy  heavy  ill-lighted  ill-lit  impervious to light  in a fog  in a muddle  indeterminate  indistinct  intransparent  lenticularis  lowering  mammatus  misted  misty  mucky  muddled  muddleheaded  muddy  murky  mushy  muzzy  nebulous  nimbose  nubilous  obscure  opaque  overcast  overclouded  puzzleheaded  raging  rainy  roiled  roily  shadowy  shapeless  somber  sombrous  squally  storming  stormy  stratiform  stratous  tempestuous  thunderheaded  tornadic  transcendent  turbid  turbulent  typhonic  typhoonish  unclear  unplain  vague  vaporous  vapory  

cloud Definition

(n.) A collection of visible vapor, or watery particles, suspended in the upper atmosphere.
(n.) A mass or volume of smoke, or flying dust, resembling vapor.
(n.) A dark vein or spot on a lighter material, as in marble
(n.) That which has a dark, lowering, or threatening aspect
(n.) A great crowd or multitude
(n.) A large, loosely-knitted scarf, worn by women about the head.
(v. t.) To overspread or hide with a cloud or clouds
(v. t.) To darken or obscure, as if by hiding or enveloping with a cloud
(v. t.) To blacken
(v. t.) To mark with, or darken in, veins or sports
(v. i.) To grow cloudy
(a.) Built of, or in, the clouds
(n.) A sudden copious rainfall, as the whole cloud had been precipitated at once.
(a.) Having clouds resting on the top or head
(n.) Cloud-gatherer

cloud Bedeutung

cloud chamber
Wilson cloud chamber
apparatus that detects the path of high-energy particles passing through a supersaturated vapor, each particle ionizes molecules along its path and small droplets condense on them to produce a visible track
war cloud an ominous sign that war threatens
a group of many things in the air or on the ground, a swarm of insects obscured the light, clouds of blossoms, it discharged a cloud of spores
Oort cloud (astronomy) a hypothetical huge collection of comets orbiting the sun far beyond the orbit of Pluto, perturbations (as by other stars) can upset a comet's orbit and may send it tumbling toward the sun
Saint Cloud
St. Cloud
a town in central Minnesota on the Mississippi River, granite quarries
altocumulus cloud
a cumulus cloud at an intermediate altitude of or miles
altostratus cloud
a stratus cloud at an intermediate altitude of or miles
cirrocumulus cloud
a cloud at a high altitude consisting of a series of regularly arranged small clouds resembling ripples
cirrostratus cloud
a thin uniform layer of hazy cloud at high altitude
cirrus cloud
a wispy white cloud (usually of fine ice crystals) at a high altitude ( to miles)
cloud a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude
cloud bank a layer of clouds seen from a distance
cumulonimbus cloud
a dark cloud of great vertical extent charged with electricity, associated with thunderstorms
cumulus cloud
a globular cloud
Large Magellanic Cloud the larger of the two Magellanic Clouds visible from the southern hemisphere
Magellanic Cloud either of two small galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, visible near the south celestial pole
nacreous cloud
mother-of-pearl cloud
a luminous iridescent cloud at a high altitude that may be seen when the sun is a few degrees below the horizon
nimbus cloud
rain cloud
a dark grey cloud bearing rain
Small Magellanic Cloud the smaller of the two Magellanic Clouds visible from the southern hemisphere
storm cloud a heavy dark cloud presaging rain or a storm
stratus cloud
a large dark low cloud
cloud seeder
a person who seeds clouds
Red Cloud leader of the Oglala who resisted the development of a trail through Wyoming and Montana by the United States government (-)
cloud any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible
dust cloud a cloud of dust suspended in the air
mushroom cloud
mushroom-shaped cloud
a large cloud of rubble and dust shaped like a mushroom and rising into the sky after an explosion (especially of a nuclear bomb)
cloud grass
Agrostis nebulosa
Spanish grass with light feathery panicles grown for dried bouquets
cloud out of touch with reality, his head was in the clouds
cloud suspicion affecting your reputation, after that mistake he was under a cloud
cloud nine
seventh heaven
walking on air
a state of extreme happiness
cloud cover
the state of the sky when it is covered by clouds
cloud a cause of worry or gloom or trouble, the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French
cloud over become overcast, the sky clouded over
cloud make milky or dull, The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added
colour with streaks or blotches of different shades
cloud make less clear, the stroke clouded memories of her youth
defile sully corrupt
place under suspicion or cast doubt upon, sully someone's reputation
cloud make gloomy or depressed, Their faces were clouded with sadness
walk on air
be on cloud nine
jump for joy
feel extreme happiness or elation
cloud billow up in the form of a cloud, The smoke clouded above the houses
haze over
make less visible or unclear, The stars are obscured by the clouds, the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley
make overcast or cloudy, Fall weather often overcasts our beaches
cloud over
cloud up
become covered with clouds, The sky clouded over
filled or abounding with clouds
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In meteorology, the study of atmospheric weather phenomena, a cloud is an aerosol comprising a visible mass of minute liquid droplets or frozen crystals, both of which are made of water or various chemicals. The droplets or particles are suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. On Earth, clouds are formed by the saturation of air in the homosphere when air cools or gains water vapor. The science of clouds is nephology which is undertaken in the cloud physics branch of meteorology.

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