
coal bearing Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

kohleführend adj min.
coal-bearing; carboniferous
Erdschicht f; Schicht f geol.
Erdschichten pl; Schichten pl
abbauwürdige Schicht
aufgerichtete Schicht
aufliegende Schicht
ausstreichende Schicht
dünne Schicht
durchgehende Schicht
durchlässige Schicht
einfallende Schicht
eingelagerte Schicht
eingeschobene Schicht
einschließende Schicht
einseitig aufgerichtete Schicht
einseitig geneigte Schicht
erdölspeichernde Schicht
faltbare Schicht
feste Schicht
flachliegende Schicht
gasabgebende Schicht
gasführende Schicht
gebogene Schicht
gekippte Schicht
gestauchte Schicht
gestörte Schicht
hangende Schicht
kohleführende Schicht
liegende Schicht
obere Schicht
oberste Schicht
schallharte Schicht
schallharte dünne Schicht
tiefere Schicht
überlagernde Schicht
unberührte Schicht
unterlagernde Schicht
unterste Schicht
verbogene Schicht
verfestigte Schicht
versetzte Schicht
verwitternde Schicht
verworfene Schicht
wasserdurchlässige Schicht
wasserführende Schicht
Aufrichtung der Schichten
stratum; layer; bed
strata; layers; beds (stratums)
workable bed
upturned bed; ridged-up bed; ended-up bed; straightened-up layer
superposed bed
outcropping bed; exposed stratum
sheet; lamina
persistent stratum
permeable bed; permeable layer; pervious bed; pervious stratum
dipping bed
interstratified bed
intercalated bed
enclosing bed
homoclinal bed
oil storer
foldable layer
rough sheet
flat-lying stratum
gas-bearing stratum; gas stratum
bent stratum
tilted stratum
contorted bed; convoluted bed
dislocated bed
capping bed
coal measure
subjacent bed
superstratum; cledge
top layer; uppermost bed
high-speed layer
superimposed bed stratum; high-angle dipping stratum; stratum; cover; capping; superficial layer
virgin layer
subjacent stratum; underlayer; sublayer
lowermost bed; bench floor
warped stratum; flexed stratum; crumpled stratum
concretionary horizon
displaced stratum
weathering layer
disrupted bed; faulted stratum
permeable stratum
water-bearing layer; water-bearing bed; water-bearing formation; water-bearing horizon; water-bearing stratum; carrier of water
uplift of strata
fixed interest bearing
Kohle fördern
produce coal
coal district
coal mine
coal deposits
bearing no interest
unverzinsliche Werte
non-interest bearing securities
bearing interest
zu verzinsen, verzinslich
Achslager n techn.
Achslager pl
axle box, axle bearing
axle boxes, axle bearings
Anschlusslager n techn.
Anschlusslager pl
Belastung der Anschlusslager
connection bearing
connection bearings
load of connection bearings
Anthrazit n
anthracite, anthracitic coal
Auflagedruck m, Auflagerdruck m, Auflagerpressung f
bearing pressure, support pressure
Auflagekraft f
Auflagerfläche f
bearing surface
Auflagering m techn.
Auflageringe pl
bearing ring
bearing rings
Auflagerkonsole f
Auflagerkonsolen pl
bearing bracket
bearing brackets
Auflagerplatte f techn.
Auflagerplatten pl
bearing plate
bearing plates
Auflagerung f techn.
Auflagerungen pl
Auflageschiene f techn.
bearing rail
Auflagewinkel m
bearing elbow
Ausrücklager n techn.
Ausrücklager pl
release bearing
release bearings
Axiallager n techn.
Axiallager pl
axial bearing
axial bearings
Axial-Rillenkugellager n techn.
Axial-Rillenkugellager pl
deep groove ball thrust bearing
deep groove ball thrust bearings
Bodenschicht f
wasserführende Bodenschicht
water bearing formation
Bodentragfähigkeit f
soil bearing capacity
Braunkohle f
lignite, brown coal
Braunkohlenkoks m
brown coal coke
Braunkohlekraftwerk n techn.
Braunkohlekraftwerke pl
lignite fuelled power station, brown coal power station
lignite fuelled power stations, brown coal power stations
Braunkohlenteeröl n
brown coal tar oil
Brennofen m
Brennofen mit überschlagender Flamme
Brennofen mit einer Kammer
Brennofen mit aufsteigender Flamme
Brennofen mit durchziehender Flamme
Frontlader-Brennofen m
mit Kohle geheizter Brennofen
kiln, pottery-kiln
downdraught kiln
single-chambered kiln
updraught (updraft Am.) kiln
cross-draught kiln
front loading kiln
coal burning kiln
Brennstoffschichthöhenregler m mach.
fuel bed depth regulator, coal gate
Buchsengehäuse n techn.
Buchsengehäuse pl
bush bearing
bush bearings
Deputatkohle f
concessionary coal
Drahtkugellager n techn.
Drahtkugellager pl
wire race ball bearing
wire race ball bearings
Dulden n
Einfallschurre f (Kohle) mach.
(coal) down-chute
Einstellschieber m (Kohle auf Rost) mach.
Einstellschieber pl
coal gate
coal gates
Ertragen n, Erdulden n
Esskohle f techn.
forge coal
Festlager n techn.
Festlager pl
solid bearing
solid bearings
Fettkohle f min.
fat coal
Flammkohle f
high-volatile coal
Flanschlager n techn.
Flanschlager pl
flange bearing
flange bearings
Förderkohle f
run of mine coal
Förderung f (von Kohle)
extraction (of coal)
Führungslager n techn.
Führungslager pl
pilot bearing, spigot bearing
pilot bearings, spigot bearings
Garantiekohle f mach.
guarantee coal, design coal
Gasflammkohle f
free burning coal, high-volatile coal
Gaskohle f
medium volatile coal
im Gedächtnis behalten, beachten, berücksichtigen, etw. in Rechnung ziehen
im Gedächtnis behaltend, beachtend, berücksichtigend, etw. in Rechnung ziehend
im Gedächtnis behalten, beachtet, berücksichtigt, etw. in Rechnung gezogen
to bear in mind
bearing in mind
borne in mind, born in mind
Gelenklager n techn.
Gelenklager pl
pivoting bearing, swing bearing
pivoting bearings, swing bearings
Gleitlager n techn.
Gleitlager pl
plain bearing, slide bearing, sliding contact bearing, sleeve bearing, friction bearing
plain bearings, slide bearings, sliding contact bearings, sleeve bearings, friction bearings
Gummilager n techn.
Gummilager pl
rubber bearing
rubber bearings
Halbglanzkohle f min.
banded coal
Haldenkohle f min.
stock coal
Halslager n mach.
Halslager pl
neck journal bearing
neck journal bearings
Hauptlager n techn.
Hauptlager pl
main bearing
main bearings
Innenlager n techn.
Innenlager pl
inside bearing, inner bearing
inside bearings, inner bearings
Kegelrollenlager n techn.
Kegelrollenlager pl
tapered roller bearing
tapered roller bearings
Kohle f, Steinkohle f
Kohlen pl
wie auf glühenden Kohlen sitzen übtr.
to be like a cat on hot bricks fig., to be like a cat on a hot tin roof fig.
Kohleeinblasung f (Hochofen) techn.
coal injection
Kohleeinblasanlage f (Hochofen) techn.
Kohleeinblasanlagen pl
coal injection system
coal injection systems
Kohleflöz n
Kohleflöze pl
coal bed, seam of coal
coal beds, seams of coal
Kohlekraftwerk n
Kohlekraftwerke pl
coal-fired power plant
coal-fired power plants
Kohlenbecken n
coal pan
Kohlenrevier n, Revier n
coal-mining district, coal district, coal field
Kohlenstaub m
pulverized coal
Kohlevergasung f techn.
coal gasification
Kohlevorkommen n
coal deposits
Kokskohle f techn.
coking coal
Kolbenbolzenlager n techn.
Kolbenbolzenlager pl
small end bearing
small end bearings
Kompasskurs m
compass bearing
Kugeldrehverbindung f techn.
ball bearing supported (slewing) ring
Kugelhalter m techn.
Kugelhalter pl
ball bearing cage
ball bearing cages
Kugellager n techn.
Kugellager pl
ball bearing, journal bearing
ball bearings, journal bearings
Kugellagerkugel f techn.
Kugellagerkugeln pl
bearing ball
bearing balls
Kugellagerfett n techn.
ball-bearing grease
Kugellagerstahl m
ball bearing steel
Kurbelzapfenlager n techn.
Kurbelzapfenlager pl
crankpin bearing
crankpin bearings
Lager n techn.
Lager pl
gedichtetes Lager, Innenlager n
dauergeschmiertes Lager
Auflager - beweglich
Auflager - fest
sealed bearing
lifetime-lubricated bearing, sealed-for-life bearing
expansion bearing
fixed bearing
Lagerblock m techn.
Lagerblöcke pl
bearing block, bearing chair
bearing blocks, bearing chairs
Lagerbock m
Lagerböcke pl
bearing block, bearing pedestal
bearing blocks, bearing pedestals
Lagerbrücke f techn.
Lagerbrücken pl
bearing bridge
bearing bridges
Lagerbuchse f techn.
Lagerbuchsen pl
bearing bush, bearing race
bearing bushes, bearing races
Lagerbüchse f techn.
Lagerbüchsen pl
bearing yoke
bearing yokes
Lagerbügel m
Lagerbügel pl
bearing support
bearing supports
Lagerdeckel m techn.
Lagerdeckel pl
bearing cap, bearing cover, crown
bearing caps, bearing covers, crowns
Lagerdruck m techn.
bearing pressure
Lagereinbau m
bearing installation
Lagerflansch m techn.
Lagerflansche pl
bearing flange
bearing flanges
Lagerflanschrohr n techn.
Lagerflanschrohre pl
bearing flange tube
bearing flange tubes
Lagergehäuse n techn.
Lagergehäuse pl
bearing housing
bearing housings
Lagerhaltering m techn.
Lagerhalteringe pl
bearing retainer
bearing retainers
Lagerhülse f techn.
Lagerhülsen pl
bearing bushing
bearing bushings
Lagerkörper m
Lagerkörper pl
bearing body
bearing bodies
Lagerschale f techn.
Lagerschalen pl
bearing shell, bearing half
bearing shells, bearing halves
Lagerspiel n, Spiel n techn.
bearing play, free play, play, bearing gap
Lagerstuhl m techn.
Lagerstühle pl
bearing block
bearing blocks
Lagerteil n techn.
Lagerteile pl
bearing part
bearing parts
Lagerwelle f techn.
Lagerwellen pl
bearing shaft
bearing shafts
Lagerwinkel m techn.
Lagerwinkel pl
bearing angle
bearing angles
Lagerzapfen m techn.
Lagerzapfen pl
bearing pin, journal, pivot bolt
bearing pins, journals, pivot bolts
Leibungsdruck m
Leuchtgas n
coal gas
Lochleibungsdruck m techn.
bearing, intrados pressure
Lochleibungsfläche f techn.
effective bearing area
Luftpolster n bei Plattenspeicher comp.
air bearing
Manieren pl
gute Manieren
schlechte Manieren
mit guten Manieren
Manieren der alten Schule
manners, bearing
good manners
bad manners, ill manners, bad style
old-school manners
Montanindustrie f
coal and steel industry
Nadellager n techn.
Nadellager pl
needle bearing, needle roller bearing
needle bearings, needle roller bearings
Niro-Lager n techn.
Niro-Lager pl
stainless steel bearing
stainless steel bearings
Nockenwellenlager n techn.
Nockenwellenlager pl
camshaft bearing
camshaft bearings
Peilung f
stehende Peilung
bearing, fix
constant bearing
Peilung f, Peilen n
taking a bearing
Pelztier n
Pelztiere pl
fur bearing animal
fur bearing animals
Pendellager n techn.
Pendellager pl
self-aligning bearing
self-aligning bearings
Pendelrollenlager n techn.
Pendelrollenlager pl
self-aligning roller bearing, radial roller bearing
self-aligning roller bearings, radial roller bearings
Pleuellager n techn.
Pleuellager pl
big end bearing, large end bearing
big end bearings, large end bearings
Position f, Lage f, Kurs m
Presswehen pl med.
bearing down pains
Radiopeilung f
radio bearing
Radlager n techn.
Radlager pl
wheel bearing
wheel bearings
Rillenkugellager n techn.
Rillenkugellager pl
deep groove ball bearing
deep groove ball bearings
Rollenlager n techn.
Rollenlager pl
roller bearing
roller bearings
Samenpflanze f, Spermatophyte f bot.
Samenpflanzen pl, Spermatophyta pl
seed-bearing plant, spermatophyte
seed-bearing plants, spermatophyta
Schicht f geol.
Schichten pl
gasführende Schicht
strata (stratums)
gas-bearing stratum, gas stratum
Schlammkohle f
slurry coal
Schräglager n techn.
Schräglager pl
angular contact bearing
angular contact bearings
Schulterlager n techn.
Schulterlager pl
separable bearing
separable bearings
Sinterkohle f
sintering coal
Sinterlager n techn.
Sinterlager pl
self-lubricating bearing
self-lubricating bearings
Spindellager n techn.
Spindellager pl
spindle bearing
spindle bearings
Spitzendruck m
point bearing pressure
Stehlager m techn.
Stehlager pl
pedestal bearing, pillar block bearing
pedestal bearings, pillar block bearings
Steinkohle f
hard coal, pit coal
Steinkohlenbergwerk n, Kohlebergwerk n
Steinkohlenbergwerke pl, Kohlebergwerke pl
coal mine, coalmine
coal mines, coalmines
Steinkohlenteer m
coal tar
Stützlager n techn.
Stützlager pl
step bearing, bearing pad, strut mount
step bearings, bearing pads, strut mounts
Stützlast f techn.
bearing load, load on the coupling joint
Tonnenlager n techn.
Tonnenlager pl
spherical roller bearing
spherical roller bearings
Tragachse f techn.
Tragachsen pl
bearing axle
bearing axles
Tragfähigkeit f, Tragkraft f (einer Straße)
Grenze der Tragfähigkeit
bearing capacity
ultimate bearing capacity
Tragrolle f
Tragrollen pl
load-bearing roller
load-bearing rollers
Tragrollenstation f
Tragrollenstationen pl
bearing pulley station, bogie wheel station
bearing pulley stations, bogie wheel stations
Tretlager n techn.
Tretlager pl
bottom bracket bearing
bottom bracket bearings
one-piece crankset
Unterlegblech n
Unterlegbleche pl
bearing plate
bearing plates
Verhalten n, Gebaren n
Vielkugellager n techn.
Vielkugellager pl
multi ball bearing
multi ball bearings

Deutsche kohleführend {adj} [min.] Synonyme

Englische coal-bearing; carboniferous Synonyme

coal bearing Definition

(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bear
(n.) The manner in which one bears or conducts one's self
(n.) Patient endurance
(n.) The situation of one object, with respect to another, such situation being supposed to have a connection with the object, or influence upon it, or to be influenced by it
(n.) Purport
(n.) The act, power, or time of producing or giving birth
(n.) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports
(n.) The portion of a support on which anything rests.
(n.) Improperly, the unsupported span
(n.) The part of an axle or shaft in contact with its support, collar, or boxing
(n.) The part of the support on which a journal rests and rotates.
(n.) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms -- commonly in the pl.
(n.) The situation of a distant object, with regard to a ship's position, as on the bow, on the lee quarter, etc.
(n.) The widest part of a vessel below the plank-sheer.
(n.) The line of flotation of a vessel when properly trimmed with cargo or ballast.
Bearing cloth
() A cloth with which a child is covered when carried to be baptized.
Bearing rein
() A short rein looped over the check hook or the hames to keep the horse's head up
Bovey coal
() A kind of mineral coal, or brown lignite, burning with a weak flame, and generally a disagreeable odor
Caking coal
() See Coal.
Canal coal
() See Cannel coal.
Candle coal
() See Cannel coal.
Cannel coal
() A kind of mineral coal of a black color, sufficiently hard and solid to be cut and polished. It burns readily, with a clear, yellow flame, and on this account has been used as a substitute for candles.
(n.) A thoroughly charred, and extinguished or still ignited, fragment from wood or other combustible substance
(n.) A black, or brownish black, solid, combustible substance, dug from beds or veins in the earth to be used for fuel, and consisting, like charcoal, mainly of carbon, but more compact, and often affording, when heated, a large amount of volatile matter.
(v. t.) To burn to charcoal
(v. t.) To mark or delineate with charcoal.
(v. t.) To supply with coal
(v. i.) To take in coal
(a.) As black as coal
(n.) A licensed or official coal measurer in London. See Meter.
Coal tar
() A thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by the distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of illuminating gas
(n.) One who raises coal out of the hold of a ship.
Coal works
() A place where coal is dug, including the machinery for raising the coal.
(n.) The upper stratum of coal, as nearest the light or surface.
Kennel coal
() See Cannel coal.
(n.) A kind of rural festival at the dedication of a church, when the parishioners brought rushes to strew the church.
Sea coal
() Coal brought by sea

coal bearing Bedeutung

bearing false witness
lying under oath
criminal offense of making false statements under oath
ball bearing
needle bearing
roller bearing
bearings containing small metal balls
bearing a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily
bearing rein
a rein designed to keep the horse's head in the desired position
bearing wall any wall supporting a floor or the roof of a building
charge bearing heraldic bearing
armorial bearing
heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
coal car freight car with fixed sides and no roof, for transporting coal
coal chute a chute for coal
coal house a shed for storing coal
coal mine
a mine where coal is dug from the ground
coal shovel a hand shovel for shoveling coal
fire tongs
coal tongs
tongs for taking hold of burning coals
journal bearing the bearing of a journal
coal scuttle
container for coal, shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire
thrust bearing a bearing designed to take thrusts parallel to the axis of revolution
dignified manner or conduct
coal black
jet black
pitch black
soot black
a very dark black
bearing posture
characteristic way of bearing one's body, stood with good posture
coal industry the producers of coal considered collectively
coal seam a seam of coal
the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
a hot fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or smoldering
coal miner
someone who works in a coal mine
bearing relevant relation or interconnection, those issues have no bearing on our situation
black lung
black lung disease
coal miner's lung
lung disease caused by inhaling coal dust
wood coal
a carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic matter in the absence of air
coal gas gaseous mixture produced by distillation of bituminous coal and used for heating and lighting
lamp oil
coal oil
a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters
white metal
bearing metal
an alloy (often of lead or tin base) used for bearings
bearing brass a brass bushing or a lining for a bearing
cannel coal a bituminous coal that burns with a luminous flame
coal fossil fuel consisting of carbonized vegetable matter deposited in the Carboniferous period
anthracite coal
hard coal
a hard natural coal that burns slowly and gives intense heat
bituminous coal
soft coal
rich in tarry hydrocarbons, burns readily with a smoky yellow flame
brown coal
wood coal
intermediate between peat and bituminous coal
sea coal pulverized bituminous coal, used as a foundry facing
steam coal coal suitable for use under steam boilers
creosote coal-tar creosote a dark oily liquid obtained by distillation of coal tar, used as a preservative for wood
coal tar a tar formed from distillation of bituminous coal, coal tar can be further distilled to give various aromatic compounds
coal take in coal, The big ship coaled
coal supply with coal
burn to charcoal, Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything
bearing(a) (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain
capable of bearing a structural load, a supporting wall
of the blackest black, similar to the color of jet or coal
of or relating to or part of trees or shrubs bearing cones and evergreen leaves
fueled by burning coal, a coal-fired ship
capable of producing eggs and bearing offspring
containing gold, auriferous quartz veins
fur-bearing of animals having fur (especially of commercial quality)
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