
coat tree Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

KleiderstÀnder m
coat-tree Am.
einen Mantel anziehen
put on a coat
Ertrag eines Baumes
yield of a tree
Apfelbaum m bot.
ApfelbÀume pl
apple tree
apple trees
Avocadobaum m bot.
avocado tree
Baum m
BĂ€ume pl
mit BĂ€umen bestanden
tree-covered, tree-lined
BaumblĂŒte f
tree blossom
Baumfarn m bot.
Baumfarne pl
tree fern
tree ferns
Baumharz n
tree resin
Baumhaus n
BaumhÀuser pl
tree house
tree houses
Baumpfleger m, Baumpflegerin f
Baumpfleger pl, Baumpflegerinnen pl
arborist, tree surgeon
Baumrinde f bot.
Baumrinden pl
tree bark
tree barks
Baumsarg m
BaumsÀrge pl
Baumschule f, Arboretum n, Baumgarten m f
Baumschulen pl
tree nursery, arboretum
tree nurseries
Baumstruktur f
tree structure
Baumstumpf m
(tree) stump
Baumwurf m
tree hole, tree windthrow
Baumwurzel f
Baumwurzeln pl
tree root
tree roots
BinÀrbaum m
binary tree
Birkenbaum m bot.
BirkenbÀume pl
birch tree
birch trees
Birnbaum m bot.
BirnbÀume pl
pear tree
pear trees
Bitumenanstrich m
bituminous coat
Buchsbaum m bot.
box (tree)
Butternuss f, Graunuss f, Weiße Walnuss f (Juglans cinerea) bot.
Butternussbaum m
butternut tree
Cashewbaum m, Nierenbaum m bot.
CashewbÀume pl, NierenbÀume pl
cashew tree
cashew trees
Chaussee-Baum m bot.
Chaussee-BĂ€ume pl
alley tree
alley trees
Christbaum m, Weihnachtsbaum m, Lichterbaum m
Christmas tree
Christbaumschmuck m, Weihnachtsbaumschmuck m
Christmas tree decorations {pl}
Dattelpalme f bot.
Dattelpalmen pl
date tree, date palm
date trees, date palms
Deckanstrich m
Deckanstriche pl
top coating, finishing coat
top coatings, finishing coats
Deckschicht f
top coat
Deckstrich m
top coat
Dichtungsanstrich m
sealing coat
Eberesche f bot.
mountain ash, rowan (tree)
Einzelbaumauslese f
single tree selection
Endanstrich m mach.
finishing coat
Entscheidungsbaum m
decision tree
Esche f bot.
Eschen pl
ash, ash tree
Farbanstrich m
coat of paint
Feigenbaum m bot.
fig tree
Fell n, Pelz m
Firstpfette f constr.
roof-tree, ridge purlin
Frack m
tails, tail coat
(Flur-) Garderobe f, GarderobenstÀnder m
coat rack
Gehrock m
frock coat
Ginkgobaum m bot.
GinkgobÀume pl
ginkgo tree
ginkgo trees
Granatapfelbaum m bot.
pomegranate tree
Grundierung f
Grundierungen pl
ground coat, undercoat
Grundierung f, Grundanstrich m
primer, primary coat, prime coat
Gummibaum m bot.
Gurkenbaum m, Bilimbi, Bilimbibaum m (Averrhoa bilimbi) bot.
bilimbi, cucumber tree, tree sorrel
Hauptlinie f, Hauptzweig m (Abstammung)
stem (of family tree)
HolzfÀllen n
logging, tree-felling, lumbering
Holznagel m
HolznÀgel pl
wooden nail, wooden peg, tree-nail
wooden nails, wooden pegs, tree-nails
Holzweg m
auf dem Holzweg sein ĂŒbtr.
auf dem Holzweg sein ĂŒbtr.
auf dem Holzweg sein ĂŒbtr.
to be off the track, to be on the wrong track
to get hold of the wrong end of the stick fig.
to bark up the wrong tree fig.
HĂŒlle f, Decke f, Lage f, Schicht f
HĂŒllen pl, Decken pl, Lagen pl, Schichten pl
Jackalberry-Baum m bot.
jackal-berry tree
Jahresring m, Jahrring m bot.
Jahresringe pl, Jahrringe pl
annual ring, growth ring, tree-ring
annual rings, growth rings, tree-rings
Jahresringdatierung f, Jahrringdatierung f
tree-ring dating
Johannisbrotbaum m bot.
locust bean tree
Kakaobaum m bot.
KakaobÀume pl
cacao tree
cacao trees
Kakaobaum m bot.
KakaobÀume pl
cocoa tree
cocoa trees
Kalkputz m constr.
zweilagiger Kalkputz
lime plaster
two coat lime plaster
Kapokbaum m bot.
Ceiba tree
Kastanienbaum m bot.
KastanienbÀume pl
chestnut tree, chestnut
chestnut trees, chestnuts
Kautschukbaum m
rubber tree
Kenntnis f, Wissen n, Erkenntnis f
Kenntnisse pl, Erkenntnisse pl
Baum m der Erkenntnis
tree of knowledge
Kirschbaum m bot.
KirschbÀume pl
cherry tree
cherry trees
Kittel m, Arbeitskittel m
Kittel pl
overall, smock, dust coat
(weißer) Kittel
(white) coat
KleiderbĂŒgel m, BĂŒgel m
KleiderbĂŒgel pl, BĂŒgel pl
coat hanger, hanger
coat hangers, hangers
Kleiderhaken m
coat hook
KleiderstÀnder m
coat-tree Am.
Klemme f, SchwulitÀt f
in der Klemme sitzen, in SchwulitÀten sein
in der Klemme
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sein (sitzen)
in der Klemme sitzen
in der Klemme sitzen
to be in a spot
in deep water
to be in a tight squeeze
to be in a fix
to be in the tight corner
to be up a gum tree
Kokospalme f bot.
Kokospalmen pl
coconut palm, coconut tree, coco
LackĂŒberzug m
paint coat
LĂ€rche f bot.
LĂ€rchen pl
larch, larch tree
Laubbaum m, laubabwerfender Baum bot.
LaubbÀume pl, laubabwerfende BÀume
deciduous tree, broad-leafed tree, broad-leafed tree
deciduous trees, broad-leafed trees, broad-leafed trees
Leberwurstbaum m bot.
sausage tree
Lichterkette f (am Weihnachtsbaum)
fairy lights (at the Christmas tree)
Linde f, Lindenbaum m bot.
Linden pl, LindenbÀume pl
lime, lime tree Br., linden Am.
limes, lime trees
Longanbaum m bot.
LonganbÀume pl
longan tree
longan trees
Lorbeer m, Lorbeerbaum m bot.
laurel, bay, bay tree
Mahagoni n, Mahagonibaum m bot.
mahogany, mahogany tree
Mammutbaum m, Riesen-Mammutbaum m bot.
MammutbÀume pl
mammoth tree, giant sequoia
mammoth trees, giant sequoias
Mandelbaum m bot.
MandelbÀume pl
almond, almond tree
almonds, almod trees
Mangobaum f bot.
mango tree
Mantel m, Jacke f, Jackett n
MĂ€ntel pl, Jacken pl
Mispel f bot.
medlar, medlar-tree
Nadelbaum m bot.
NadelbÀume pl
conifer, coniferous tree
conifers, coniferous trees
Nussbaum m bot.
walnut tree
Obstbaum m
ObstbÀume pl
fruit tree
fruit trees
Ökofreak m pej.
Palme f bot.
Palmen pl
jdn. auf die Palme bringen ĂŒbtr.
jdn. auf die Palme bringen ĂŒbtr.
auf die Palme gehen ĂŒbtr.
palm, palm tree
palms, palm trees
to drive sb. up the wall fig.
to get sb.'s shirt out fig.
to get one's knickers in a twist fig.
Papayabaum m bot.
papaya tree
Paulownie f, Blauglockenbaum m bot.
paulownia tree, pawlonia tree
Pelzmantel m
PelzmÀntel pl
Persianer Pelzmantel
fur coat
fur coats
Persian lamb coat
Pflaumenbaum m bot.
PflaumenbÀume pl
plum (tree)
Platane f bot.
Platanen pl
plane, plane-tree
planes, plane-trees
Putz m, Verputz m constr.
unter Putz
dreilagiger Putz
Anstrich auf Verputz
buried, concealed
three-coat plaster, render
paint on plaster
Raglan m, Raglanmantel m
raglan, raglan coat
Robinie f, Falsche Akazie f bot.
robinia, locust tree, False acacia
Rosenstock m bot.
Rosenstöcke pl
rose tree
rose trees
Sakko n
jacket, sports jacket Br., sport coat Am.
Samenbaum m bot.
SamenbÀume pl
seed tree
seed trees
Samenschale m bot.
Samenschalen pl
seed coat
seed coats
Schlitz m (in Mantel, Jacke)
vent (in coat)
Schutzanstrich m
protective coat, protective coating
Spalierbaum m
SpalierbÀume pl
espalier tree, cordon
espalier trees
Stamm m, Baumstamm m
trunk, tree trunk
Stammbaum m
family tree
Tannenbaum m bot.
TannenbÀume pl
fir tree
fir trees
Teebaum m
Teebaumöl n
tea-tree oil
Tulpenbaum m bot.
tulip tree
Trenchcoat m
trench coat
Überzug m (Farbe, Metall), Belag m, Anstrich m
zweiter Anstrich
coat, coat of paint
second coat
Ulme f, RĂŒster f bot.
Ulmen pl
elm, elm tree
elms, elm trees
Unterlack m
base coat
Untermalung f
priming coat, preparatory coat
Vogelbeerbaum m bot.
rowan tree
Wacholderstrauch m bot.
juniper tree
Waldbaum m
WaldbÀume pl
forest tree
forest trees
Walnussbaum m bot.
WalnussbÀume pl
walnut tree
walnut trees
Wappen n
coat of arms
Weidenbaum m bot.
WeidenbÀume pl
willow tree
willow trees
Wintermantel m
WintermÀntel pl
winter coat
winter coats
Wipfel m, Baumwipfel m
Wipfel pl, Baumwipfel pl
top, tree top, head
tops, tree tops, heads
Zitronenbaum m bot.
ZitronenbÀume pl
lemon tree
lemon trees
Zungenbelag m
coat (coating) of the tongue
Zwergkiefer f bot.
Zwergkiefern pl
dwarf pine tree
dwarf pine trees
Zwergobstbaum n bot.
dwarf fruit tree, miniature fruit tree
anstreichen, ĂŒberstreichen, streichen, ĂŒberziehen, beschichten v
anstreichend, ĂŒberstreichend, streichend, ĂŒberziehend, beschichtend
angestrichen, ĂŒberstrichen, gestrichen, ĂŒberzogen, beschichtet
nicht gestrichen
to coat
baumÀhnlich adj bot.
dragieren (mit Zucker ĂŒberziehen)
to pan-coat
dreilagig adj
entrinden, schÀlen
einen Baum entrinden, einen Baum schÀlen
to strip the bark off, to decorticate
to strip the bark from a tree
klettern v, erklettern, erklimmen, steigen, besteigen v
kletternd, erkletternd, erklimmend, steigend, besteigend
geklettert, erklettert, erklommen, gestiegen, bestiegen
sie klettert, er
sie erklimmt, er
sie besteigt
sie kletterte, ich
sie erklomm, ich
sie bestieg
sie ist
war geklettert, er
sie hat
hatte erklommen, er
sie hat
hatte bestiegen
auf einen Baum klettern
to climb
she climbs
she climbed
she has
had climbed
to climb a tree
sie lackiert
sie lackierte
sie hat
hatte lackiert
to varnish, to coat
varnishing, coating
varnished, coated
she varnishes
she varnished
she has
had varnished
panieren v cook.
to crumb, to bread, to coat with breadcrumbs
crumbing, breading
crumbed, breaded
crumbs, breads
crumbed, breaded
to coat with silver
(in einen Mantel) schlĂŒpfen v
to slip (into a coat)
to cover, to coat
covering, coating
covered, coated
covers, coats
covered, coated
umhĂŒllen, umkleiden, bedecken, auskleiden (mit)
umhĂŒllend, umkleidend, bedeckend, auskleidend
umhĂŒllt, umkleidet, bedeckt, ausgekleidet
umhĂŒllt, umkleidet, bedeckt, kleidet aus
umhĂŒllte, umkleidete, bedeckte, kleidete aus
to coat (with)
unter prp, wo? +Dativ, wohin? +Akkusativ
unter einem Baum liegen
sich unter einen Baum legen
unter Druck stehen
unter Druck setzen
unter null sinken
unter anderem
einer unter vielen
unter uns gesagt
den Eindruck haben, dass ...
under, below, underneath, among, amongst
to lie under a tree
to lay oneself under a tree
to be under pressure
to put under pressure
to drop below zero
among other things, inter alia
one of many, one among many
between you and me, between ourselves
to be under the impression that ...
verzuckern, ĂŒberzuckern
verzuckernd, ĂŒberzuckernd
verzuckert, ĂŒberzuckert
to sugar, to sugar-coat
An der Frucht erkennt man den Baum.
The tree is known by its fruit.
Was HĂ€nschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr.
A tree must be bent while it is young.
Laubfrosch m zool.
Laubfrösche pl
tree frog, greenback
tree frogs, greenbacks
Broccoli-Koralle f, Blumenkohl-Koralle f (Nephthea sp.) zool.
tree coral
Weihnachtsbaumkoralle f (Studeriotes longiramosa) zool.
Christmas tree coral

Deutsche KleiderstÀnder {m} Synonyme

Englische coat-tree Synonyme

coat tree Definition

Amber tree
() A species of Anthospermum, a shrub with evergreen leaves, which, when bruised, emit a fragrant odor.
Bay tree
() A species of laurel. (Laurus nobilis).
Beam tree
() A tree (Pyrus aria) related to the apple.
Beech tree
() The beech.
Bo tree
() The peepul tree
Bully tree
() The name of several West Indian trees of the order Sapotaceae, as Dipholis nigra and species of Sapota and Mimusops. Most of them yield a substance closely resembling gutta-percha.
Candleberry tree
() A shrub (the Myrica cerifera, or wax-bearing myrtle), common in North America, the little nuts of which are covered with a greenish white wax, which was formerly, used for hardening candles
Caper tree
() See Capper, a plant, 2.
(n.) An outer garment fitting the upper part of the body
(n.) A petticoat.
(n.) The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the order or office
(n.) An external covering like a garment, as fur, skin, wool, husk, or bark
(n.) A layer of any substance covering another
(n.) Same as Coat of arms. See below.
(n.) A coat card. See below.
(v. t.) To cover with a coat or outer garment.
(v. t.) To cover with a layer of any substance
Cow tree
() A tree (Galactodendron utile or Brosimum Galactodendron) of South America, which yields, on incision, a nourishing fluid, resembling milk.
Crab tree
() See under Crab.
Dress coat
() A coat with skirts behind only, as distinct from the frock coat, of which the skirts surround the body. It is worn on occasions of ceremony. The dress coat of officers of the United States army is a full-skirted frock coat.
Fir tree
() See Fir.
Galapee tree
() The West Indian Sciadophyllum Brownei, a tree with very large digitate leaves.
Gatten tree
() A name given to the small trees called guelder-rose (Viburnum Opulus), cornel (Cornus sanguinea), and spindle tree (Euonymus Europaeus).
Gourd tree
() A tree (the Crescentia Cujete, or calabash tree) of the West Indies and Central America.
Grass tree
() An Australian plant of the genus Xanthorrhoea, having a thick trunk crowned with a dense tuft of pendulous, grasslike leaves, from the center of which arises a long stem, bearing at its summit a dense flower spike looking somewhat like a large cat-tail. These plants are often called "blackboys" from the large trunks denuded and blackened by fire. They yield two kinds of fragrant resin, called Botany-bay gum, and Gum Acaroides.
Grass tree
() A similar Australian plant (Kingia australis).
Hep tree
() The wild dog-rose.
Hip tree
() The dog-rose.
Ironbark tree
() The Australian Eucalyptus Sideroxylon, used largely by carpenters and shipbuilders
Locust tree
() A large North American tree of the genus Robinia (R. Pseudacacia), producing large slender racemes of white, fragrant, papilionaceous flowers, and often cultivated as an ornamental tree. In England it is called acacia.
Mahwa tree
() An East Indian sapotaceous tree (Bassia latifolia, and also B. butyracea), whose timber is used for wagon wheels, and the flowers for food and in preparing an intoxicating drink. It is one of the butter trees. The oil, known as mahwa and yallah, is obtained from the kernels of the fruit.
(n.) A coat made of match-cloth.
Neem tree
() An Asiatic name for Melia Azadirachta, and M. Azedarach. See Margosa.
Nickar tree
() Same as Nicker nut, Nicker tree.
Nicker tree
() The plant producing nicker nuts.
Ople tree
() The witch-hazel.
Peepul tree
() A sacred tree (Ficus religiosa) of the Buddhists, a kind of fig tree which attains great size and venerable age. See Bo tree.
Pipal tree
() Same as Peepul tree.
Pippul tree
() Same as Peepul tree.
Planer tree
() A small-leaved North American tree (Planera aquatica) related to the elm, but having a wingless, nutlike fruit.
Plane tree
() Same as 1st Plane.
Quicken tree
() The European rowan tree
Rowan tree
() A european tree (Pyrus aucuparia) related to the apple, but with pinnate leaves and flat corymbs of small white flowers followed by little bright red berries. Called also roan tree, and mountain ash. The name is also applied to two American trees of similar habit (Pyrus Americana, and P. sambucifolia).
Scratch coat
() The first coat in plastering
Shea tree
() An African sapotaceous tree (Bassia, / Butyrospermum, Parkii), from the seeds of which a substance resembling butter is obtained
Shittah tree
(n.) A tree that furnished the precious wood of which the ark, tables, altars, boards, etc., of the Jewish tabernacle were made
Soapberry tree
() Any tree of the genus Sapindus, esp. Sapindus saponaria, the fleshy part of whose fruit is used instead of soap in washing linen
(a.) Having or consisting of three coats
Til tree
() See Teil.
(n.) Any perennial woody plant of considerable size (usually over twenty feet high) and growing with a single trunk.

coat tree Bedeutung

tree farming
the cultivation of tree for the production of timber
tree surgery treatment of damaged or decaying trees
the worship of trees
tree sparrow Spizella arborea finch common in winter in the northern U.S.
tree sparrow Passer montanus Eurasian sparrow smaller than the house sparrow
tree creeper
any of numerous South American and Central American birds with a curved bill and stiffened tail feathers that climb and feed like woodpeckers
tree creeper
any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet
tree swallow tree martin
Hirundo nigricans
of Australia and Polynesia, nests in tree cavities
white-bellied swallow
tree swallow Iridoprocne bicolor
bluish-green-and-white North American swallow, nests in tree cavities
tree frog tree-frog any of various Old World arboreal frogs distinguished from true frogs by adhesive suckers on the toes
tree toad
tree frog tree-frog
arboreal amphibians usually having adhesive disks at the tip of each toe, of southeast Asia and Australia and America
Pacific tree toad
Hyla regilla
the most commonly heard frog on the Pacific coast of America
chameleon tree frog a form of tree toad
tree lizard
Urosaurus ornatus
a climbing lizard of western United States and northern Mexico
tree swift
crested swift
birds of southeast Asia and East Indies differing from true swifts in having upright crests and nesting in trees
tree wallaby
tree kangaroo
arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length
growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
coat-of-mail shell
sea cradle
primitive elongated bilaterally symmetrical marine mollusk having a mantle covered with eight calcareous plates
tree cricket pale arboreal American cricket noted for loud stridulation
snowy tree cricket
Oecanthus fultoni
pale yellowish tree cricket widely distributed in North America
tree squirrel any typical arboreal squirrel
tree sloth
any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America, they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits
tree shrew insectivorous arboreal mammal of southeast Asia that resembles a squirrel with large eyes and long sharp snout
pen-tailed tree shrew
brown tree shrew having a naked tail bilaterally fringed with long stiff hairs on the distal third, of Malaysia
sport jacket
sport coat
sports jacket
sports coat
lightweight single-breasted jacket, often striped in the colors of a club or school
body armor
body armour
suit of armor
suit of armour
coat of mail
armor that protects the wearer's whole body
box coat a short coat that hangs loosely from the shoulders
brunch coat a woman's short housecoat or wrapper
capote hooded coat a long overcoat with a hood that can be pulled over the head
Christmas tree an ornamented evergreen used as a Christmas decoration
clothes tree
coat tree
coat stand
an upright pole with pegs or hooks on which to hang clothing
coat an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down, worn outdoors
coat button a button on a coat
coat closet a closet for storing outerwear
coat hanger
clothes hanger
dress hanger
a hanger that is shaped like a person's shoulders and used to hang garments on
a thin layer covering something, a second coat of paint
coat of arms
arms blazon
the official symbols of a family, state, etc.
coat of paint a layer of paint covering something else
coat rack
a rack with hooks for temporarily holding coats and hats
representation of the cross on which Jesus died
dress suit
full dress
tail coat
tails white tie white tie and tails
formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men
duffel coat
duffle coat
a warm coat made of duffel, usually has a hood and fastens with toggles
gabardine smock
dust coat
a loose coverall (coat or frock) reaching down to the ankles
finish coat
finishing coat
the final coating of plaster applied to walls and ceilings, we can't paint until they put on the finishing coat
finish coat finishing coat the final coat of paint
flat coat
primer priming primer coat
priming coat
the first or preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface
frock coat a man's coat having knee-length skirts front and back, worn in the th century
fur coat a coat made of fur
gallows tree
alternative terms for gallows
lab coat
laboratory coat
a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used while working in a laboratory
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