
committee Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

shop committee
Klubvorstand m
club committee
works committee
gemischter Ausschuss
joint committee
strike committee
Ausschussmitglied n
committee member
Ethikkommission f med.
ethics committee
special committee
welfare committee
central committee
Ausschusssitzung f
committee meeting
Zentralkomitee n
central committee
Bundesausschuss m
federal committee
beratender Ausschuß
advisory committee
national committee
ständiger Ausschuss
standing committee
Währungsausschuss m
monetary committee
steering committee
Nationalkomitee n pol.
national committee
bonus committee man
grievance committee
financial committee
technischer Ausschuss, Fachausschuss
technical committee
mediation committee
standards committee
Auswahlkomitee n; Jury f
selection committee
Petitionsausschuss m
petitions committee
Findungskommission f stud.
selection committee
management committee
Abnahmekommission f
acceptance committee
in einem Ausschuss sein
to be on a committee
Schiedskommission f
arbitration committee
committee of creditors
conciliation committee
conciliation committee
Vertrauensgremium n
Confidential Committee
der betroffene Ausschuß
the committee concerned
committee of inspection
Einsetzung eines Ausschusses
appointment of a committee
Krankenhaus-Verbindungskomitee n relig. med.
Hospital Liaison Committee
Bundeswahlausschuss m adm.
Federal Electoral Committee
Bürgerwehr f
militia, vigilante committee
Bürgerwehr f
militia; vigilante committee
Wundpolizei f (zur Erfassung von Wundinfektionen) med.
hospital infection committee
Zurückverweisung f an einen Ausschuss pol.
referral back to a committee
Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss m
Economic and Social Committee
Lobbygruppe f in den USA
political action committee PAC
Betriebsratsvorsitzende m f , Betriebsratsvorsitzender
chairman of the works committee
Betriebsratsvorsitzende m f; Betriebsratsvorsitzender
chairman of the works committee
Betriebsratsvorsitzende m,f; Betriebsratsvorsitzender
chairman of the works committee
juryfrei adj; ohne Jury
without (a) selection committee
NOK : Nationales Olympisches Komitee
NOC : National Olympic Committee
Lobbygruppe f in den USA
political action committee PAC
Petitionsausschuss m PETI (EU) pol.
Committee on Petitions PETI (EU)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druckbehälter f (AD)
pressure vessel working committee
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druckbehälter f AD
pressure vessel working committee
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druckbehälter f AD
pressure vessel working committee
Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss m WSA pol.
Economic and Social Committee ESC
Prüfungsausschuss m
Prüfungsausschüsse pl
audit committee
audit committees
WSA : Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss
ESC : Economic and Social Committee
Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss m WSA pol.
Economic and Social Committee ESC
Schulausschuss m
Schulausschüsse pl
school committee
school committees
Ad-hoc-Ausschuss m adm.
Ad-hoc-Ausschüsse pl
ad hoc committee
ad hoc committees
Richterwahlausschuss m pol. Dt.
Committee for the Election of Judges
Schulausschuss m school
Schulausschüsse pl
school committee
school committees
Beratender Ausschuss für Zollfragen
Advisory Committee on Customs Matters
IOK : Internationales Olympisches Komitee
IOC : International Olympic Committee
Im Komitee vertretene Länder
countries represented in the committee
Kontaktausschuss m, Kontaktausschuß m alt
Kontaktausschüsse pl
contact committee
contact committees
Bundeshaushaltsausschuss m (Deutschland) pol.
(German) Parliament's Budget Committee
Gremienarbeit f adm. pol.
Gremienarbeit leisten
committee work
to work in committees
Kontaktausschuss m adm.
Kontaktausschüsse pl
contact committee
contact committees
Zentralausschuss m adm.
Zentralausschüsse pl
central committee
central committees
Exekutivrat m
executive council; executive committee
Lenkungsausschuss m
Lenkungsausschüsse pl
steering committee
steering committees
Lenkungsausschuss m adm.
Lenkungsausschüsse pl
steering committee
steering committees
Festausschuss m
festival committee; fest committee Am.
Wirtschaftsausschuss m econ.
Wirtschaftsausschüsse pl
economic committee
economic committees
Wissenschaftsausschuss m
Wissenschaftsausschuss m
scientific committee
scientific council
Ausschussvorsitzende m,f; Ausschussvorsitzender m
committee chairman chairwoman chairperson
Normenausschuss m
Normenausschüsse pl
standards committee
standards committees
Normenausschuss m adm.
Normenausschüsse pl
standards committee
standards committees
Rechnungsprüfungsausschuss m des Haushaltsausschusses adm. Dt.
Auditing Committee of the Budget Committee
Koalitionsausschuss m pol.
Koalitionsausschüsse pl
coalition committee
coalition committees
Unterausschuss m, Unterausschuß m alt
Unterausschüsse pl
subcommittee, sub-committee
Unterausschuss m; Unterausschuß m alt
Unterausschüsse pl
subcommittee; sub-committee
Ermittlungsausschuss m
Ermittlungsausschüsse pl
committee of inquiry
committees of inquiry
Europäisches Komitee für Normung
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
Haushaltsausschuss m
Haushaltsausschüsse pl
committee on budgets
committees on budgets
Organisationsausschuss m
Organisationsausschüsse pl
organizing committee
organizing committees
Regelungsausschuss m
Regelungsausschüsse pl
regulatory committee
regulatory committees
Sachverständigenausschuss m
Sachverständigenausschüsse pl
committee of experts
committees of experts
Gutachterausschuss m; Gutachterkommission f; Sachverständigenausschuss m
Gutachterausschüsse pl; Gutachterkommissionen pl; Sachverständigenausschüsse pl
committee of experts
committees of experts
Regelungsausschuss m adm.
Regelungsausschüsse pl
regulatory committee
regulatory committees
Ausschussvorsitzende m f; Ausschussvorsitzender m
committee chairman chairwoman chairperson
Schiedskommission f
Schiedskommissionen pl
arbitration committee
arbitration committees
Schiedskommission f jur.
Schiedskommissionen pl
arbitration committee
arbitration committees
Verweisung f (an jdn.) adm.
die Verweisung an einen Ausschuss
referral (to sb.)
the referral to a committee
Berufungskommission f
Berufungskommissionen pl
appointments committee
appointments committees
Disziplinarausschuss m
Disziplinarausschüsse pl
disciplinary committee
disciplinary committees
Koordinierungsausschuss m, Koordinierungsausschuß m alt
Koordinierungsausschüsse pl
coordination committee
coordination committees
Koordinierungsausschuss m adm.
Koordinierungsausschüsse pl
coordination committee
coordination committees
Parlamentsausschuss m, parlamentarischer Ausschuss pol.
Parlamentsausschüsse pl, parlamentarische Ausschüsse
parliamentary committee
parliamentary committees
Vorstand m (Verein)
committee, managing committee, executive committee
Gläubigerausschuss m econ.
Gläubigerausschüsse pl
committee of inspection
committees of inspection
Parlamentsausschuss m; parlamentarischer Ausschuss pol.
Parlamentsausschüsse pl; parlamentarische Ausschüsse
parliamentary committee
parliamentary committees
Haushaltsausschuss m, Bewilligungsausschuss m
Haushaltsausschüsse pl, Bewilligungsausschüsse pl
appropriations committee
appropriations committees
Haushaltsausschuss m; Bewilligungsausschuss m
Haushaltsausschüsse pl; Bewilligungsausschüsse pl
appropriations committee
appropriations committees
Komitee n, Organ n
Komitees pl, Organe pl
beratende Organe
committee, body
committees, bodies
advisory bodies
Landwirtschaftsausschuss m
Landwirtschaftsausschüsse pl
committee for agriculture
committees for agriculture
Landwirtschaftsausschuss m adm.
Landwirtschaftsausschüsse pl
committee for agriculture
committees for agriculture
Risikoerfassung f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
risk coverage (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Verschuldungsquote f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
leverage ratio (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Marktdisziplin f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
market discipline (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
am Risikocharakter der Vermögenswerte orientierte Eigenmittel (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) pl econ.
risk-based equity (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Jungdamen- und -herrenkomitee n (Balleröffnung) Ös.
Young Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dance Committee (ball opening)
Börsenvorstand m; Börsevorstand m Ös. fin.
Stock Exchange Committee; Council of the Stock Exchange Br.
Fachausschuss m
Fachausschuss m
Fachausschuss m
committee of experts
expert committee
technical committee
systemischer Risikopuffer m (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
systemic risk buffer (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Gläubigerbeirat m econ.
Gläubigerbeiräte pl
creditors' advisory committee
creditors' advisory committees
Haushaltsausschuss m pol.
Haushaltsausschüsse pl
committee on budgets; Budget Committee
committees on budgets
Börsenzulassungsausschuss m; Börsezulassungsausschuss m Ös. fin.
Börsenzulassungsausschüsse pl; Börsezulassungsausschüsse pl
stock market listing committee
stock market listing committees
Kapitalerhaltungspolster n; Kapitalerhaltungspolster m Ös. (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
capital conservation buffer (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Bürgerwehr f
vigilante group; vigilante committee Am.; vigilance committee Am.
Mindestliquiditätsquote f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
liquidity coverage ratio LCR (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
strukturelle Liquiditätsquote f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
net stable funding ratio NSFR (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
antizyklisches Kapitalpolster n; antizyklischer Kapitalpolster m Ös. (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
countercyclical capital buffer (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Grundgesetz n pol Dt.
Gemeinsamer Ausschuss nach Artikel 53a des Grundgesetzes
Basic Law (Germany)
Joint Committee under Article 53a of the Basic Law
Wahlvorstand m
Wahlvorstände pl
election board; election committee
election boards; election committees
turnusmäßig adj adm.
die turnusmäße Sitzung des Ausschusses
der letzte turnusmäßige Bericht
the regular meeting of the committee
the latest regular report
parlamentarischer Gesetzgebungsausschuss m pol.
parlamentarische Gesetzgebungsausschüsse pl
parliamentary legislation committee
parliamentary legislation committees
Innenausschuss m pol.
home affairs committee Br.; committee on internal domestic Br. affairs
Sonderausschuss m
Sonderausschüsse pl
select committee, special committee
select committees, special committees
Sonderausschuss m
Sonderausschüsse pl
select committee; special committee
select committees; special committees
Ethikkommission f pol. sci.
Ethikkommissionen pl
ethics committee; ethics commission
ethics committees; ethics commissions
Innenausschuss m pol.
home affairs committee Br.; committee on internal domestic Br. affairs
Führungsgremium n
Führungsgremien pl
management body; executive committee
management bodies; executive committees
UNSCEAR : Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuß der Vereinten Nationen zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen atomarer Strahlung
UNSCEAR : United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
Achtzehn-Mächte-Abrüstungsausschuss m pol. hist.
Eighteen Nations Committee on Disarmament; Eighteen Nations Disarmament Committee
Ausschussmitglied n
Ausschussmitglieder pl
committee member; member of a committee
committee members; members of a committee
Wahlausschuss m
Wahlausschüsse pl
election committee; electoral committee
election committees; electoral committees
Regierungsvertreter m; Regierungsvertreterin f
Regierungsvertreter pl; Regierungsvertreterinnen pl
Ausschuss von Regierungsvertretern
government representative
government representatives
intergovernmental committee
Kernkapitalfähigkeit f (Basler Ausschuss für Bankenaufsicht) econ.
eligibility for inclusion in the tier 1-capital (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision)
Schlichtungsausschuss m
Schlichtungsausschüsse pl
mediation committee, arbitration committee
mediation committees, arbitration committees
Vorstand m (eines Vereins) adm.
Wahl des Vorstands
(executive) committee; managing committee (of an association)
election of the committee
Jury m, Preisrichterausschuss m
Jurys pl, Preisrichterausschüsse pl
jury, selection committee, panel of judges
juries, selection committees, panels of judges
Untersuchungsausschuss m, Untersuchungsausschuß m alt
Untersuchungsausschüsse pl, Untersuchungsausschüsse pl
committee of inquiry, investigating committee
committees of inquiry, investigating committees

Deutsche Kommission Synonyme

Ausschuss  ÂKomitee  ÂKommission  
Beirat  ÂGremium  ÂJunta  ÂKomitee  ÂKommission  ÂRat  ÂZirkel  
Kommission  der  Vereinten  Nationen  für  internationales  Handelsrecht  ÂUNCITRAL  
Kommission der Vereinten Nationen für internationales Handelsrecht  UNCITRAL  

Englische committee Synonyme

committee  ad hoc committee  assemblee  assembly  assignation  at home  ball  board  body  brawl  cabinet  caucus  colloquium  commission  committee of one  conclave  concourse  congregation  congress  conventicle  convention  convocation  council  dance  date  delegation  deputation  diet  eisteddfod  festivity  fete  forgathering  forum  gathering  get-together  housewarming  levee  meet  meeting  mission  panel  party  plenum  prom  quorum  rally  reception  rendezvous  seance  session  shindig  sit-in  sitting  soiree  special committee  standing committee  subcommittee  symposium  synod  turnout  
committeeman  Greek  affiliate  associate  belonger  brother  card-carrier  card-carrying member  cardholder  charter member  clubber  clubman  clubwoman  committeewoman  comrade  conventioneer  conventioner  conventionist  district leader  dues-paying member  enlistee  enrollee  fellow  fraternity man  guildsman  honorary member  initiate  insider  joiner  life member  member  national chairman  one of us  party chairman  pledge  political worker  precinct captain  precinct leader  sister  socius  sorority girl  sorority woman  state chairman  

committee Definition

(n.) One or more persons elected or appointed, to whom any matter or business is referred, either by a legislative body, or by a court, or by any collective body of men acting together.
(v. t.) One to whom the charge of the person or estate of another, as of a lunatic, is committed by suitable authority

committee Bedeutung

board meeting
committee meeting
a meeting for administrative purposes
blue ribbon commission
blue ribbon committee
an independent and exclusive commission of nonpartisan statesmen and experts formed to investigate some important governmental issue
a special group delegated to consider some matter, a committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours - Milton Berle
committee citizens committee a selfonstituted organization to promote something
select committee a parliamentary committee appointed for some special purpose
vigilance committee a volunteer committee to maintain order where an efficient legal system does not exist
welcoming committee a committee to welcome new residents to a community
standing committee a permanent committee
Ways and Means Committee a permanent committee of the United States House of Representatives that makes recommendations to the US House on all bills that would raise revenue
steering committee a committee to arrange the order of business for some larger (legislative) body
ethics committee
ethics panel
a committee appointed to consider ethical issues
finance committee a committee appointed to consider financial issues
political action committee
committee formed by a special-interest group to raise money for their favorite political candidates
Security Intelligence Review Committee
an agency of the Canadian government that oversees the activities of the Criminal Intelligence Services of Canada and has the power to intrude on the privacy of suspected terrorists or spies
Committee for State Security
Soviet KGB
formerly the predominant security police organization of Soviet Russia
committee member a member of a committee
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A committee is a body of one or more persons that is subordinate to a deliberative assembly. Usually, the assembly sends matters into a committee as a way to explore them more fully than would be possible if the assembly itself were considering them. Committees may have different functions and the type of work that each committee does would depend on the type of organization and its needs.