
communication Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Mitteilung f, Schreiben n
Nachrichtenwesen n, Meldung f
Verkehrsverbindung f
Nachrichtenwesen, Meldung
Kommunikationsbus m comp.
communication bus
mass communication
Datenkommunikation f
data communication
Datenübertragung f
data communication
Verbindungsstraße f
communication road
communication road
data communication
Massenkommunikation f
mass communication
Risikokommunikation f
risk communication
Werbeträger, Medien
communication media
Bildkommunikation f
image communication
Funkverbindung f, Funkverkehr m
radio communication
Kommunikationsmodell n
communication model
Funkverbindung, Funkverkehr
radio communication
Medienkommunikation f
media communication
communication theory
Kommunikationsmittel n
communication medium
Kommunikationssystem n
communication system
Telekommunikation f
remote communication
remote communication
Kommunikationsträger m
communication medium
line of communication
Kommunikationskonzept n
communication concept
Kommunikationsnetz n
communication network
Kommunikationssteuerung f, Ãœbermittlungskontrolle f
communication control
Kommunikationswissenschaft f
communication science
Textkommunikation f
written communication
Kommunikationssteuerung, Uebermittlungskontrolle
communication control
written communication
Kommunikationssteuerung f; Ãœbermittlungskontrolle f
communication control
means of communication
means of communication
Kommunikationsprotokoll n
communication protocol
Verkehr m, Verbindung f
contact, communication
means of communication
telefonische Mitteilung
telephone communication
Fernkopieren n
facsimile communication
Gegentaktverkehr m
push-pull communication
Halbduplexbetrieb m, Wechselbetrieb m
alternate communication
Nachrichtenaustausch m über Satelliten
satellite communication
Satellitenkommunikation f
satellite communication
Halbduplexbetrieb, Wechselbetrieb
alternate communication
facsimile communication
push-pull communication
Nachrichtenaustausch ueber Satelliten
satellite communication
Fernkopieren n telco.
facsimile communication
Halbduplexbetrieb m; Wechselbetrieb m
alternate communication
Reederkommunikation f econ.
shipowner communication
Kommunikationstechnik f
communication technology
Notbremse f (Eisenbahn)
communication cord Br.
Kommunikationseinrichtungen pl telco.
communication facilities
Kommunikationstechniken pl
communication techniques
Signalschnur f (zum Führerhaus) (Bahn)
communication cord Am.
telegrafische Mitteilung
telegraphic communication
Glasfaserkommunikation f
fiber-optic communication
Schwachstromtechnik f
communication engineering
fiber optic communication
interoffice communication
ministry of communication
teleprinted communication
teleprinter communication
Datenkommunikationssystem n
data communication system
Sternnetz n
star communication network
star communication network
Datenkommunikationsdienst m
data communication service
Maschennetz n
meshed communication network
meshed communication network
Kommunikation f
Kommunikationen pl
kommunikationsstark adj
with good communication skills
Kommunikationssatellit m
communication satellite, comsat
Ausrüstung zur Datenkommunikation
Data Communication Equipment DCE
Ausrüstung zur Datenkommunikation
DCE : Data Communication Equipment
Ausrüstung zur Datenkommunikation
Data Communication Equipment DCE
Signalschnur f (zum Führerstand) (Bahn)
communication cord Am. (railway)
Mitteilungen über elektronische Systeme
communication by electronic systems
Ãœbertragungsfrequenzband n telco.
transmission band; communication band
optische Infrarot-Nachrichtennetze
optical infrared communication networks
Telekommunikation f (Vorgang) telco.
remote communication; telecommunication
Beweisbarkeit f (bei der Datenübermittlung) comp.
non-repudiation (in data communication)
Verbindungsstraße f
Verbindungsstraßen pl
communication road
communication roads
Verbindungsweg m telco.
Verbindungswege pl
communication path
communication paths
Textkommunikation f
text communication; written communication
Kommunikationsmodell n
Kommunikationsmodelle pl
communication model
communication models
Schwachstromkabel n; Fernmeldekabel n electr.
Schwachstromkabel pl; Fernmeldekabel pl
communication cable
communication cables
Kommunikationsweg m
Kommunikationsweg m
communication channel
communication line
Kommunikationsbedarf m
communication need; need for communication
Kommunikationsfähigkeit f
Kommunikationsfähigkeiten pl
communication skills
communication skills
transkulturell; kulturübergreifend adj soc.
transkulturelle Kommunikation
transcultural communication
Kommunikationssystem n; Fernmeldeanlage f
Kommunikationssysteme pl; Fernmeldeanlagen pl
communication system
communication systems
Kommunikationsgerät n telco.
Kommunikationsgeräte pl
communication device
communication devices
Haustelefon n
internal telephone, interoffice communication
Haustelefon n
internal telephone; interoffice communication
Kommunikationstheorie f
Kommunikationstheorien pl
communication theory
communication theories
Kommunikationskonzept n
Kommunikationskonzepte pl
communication concept
communication concepts
Kommunikationsnetz n
Kommunikationsnetze pl
communication network
communication networks
Kommunikationspartner m; Kommunikationspartnerin f
Kommunikationspartner pl; Kommunikationspartnerinnen pl
communication partner
communication partners
Fernsprechverbindung f vom Zug zum Triebfahrzeugführer (Bahn)
driver-to-guard communication system (railway)
Kommunikationsform f
Kommunikationsformen pl
mode of communication
modes of communication
nichtverbal; nicht verbal; nonverbal; wortlos adj; ohne Worte
non-verbale Kommunikation
non-verbal; nonverbal
nonverbal communication
Freiraumausbreitung f telco.
free space propagation; free space communication
Kommunikationsprotokoll n
Kommunikationsprotokolle pl
communication protocol
communication protocols
Kommunikationsstörung f
Kommunikationsstörungen pl
communication disorder
communication disorders
Datenübermittlung f; Informationstransfer m comp.
data communication; datacom; information transfer
Kommunikationspolitik f
eine offene Kommunikationspolitik
communication policy
an open communication policy
Fernschreiben n
teleprinter communication, teleprinted communication
Fernschreiben n
teleprinter communication; teleprinted communication
Informationstechniker m; Informationstechnikerin f telco.
Informationstechniker pl; Informationstechnikerinnen pl
communication technician
communication technicians
Kommunikation f
Kommunikationen pl
mündliche Kommunikation
vocal communication
Mitteilungsheft n (Schule)
Mitteilungshefte pl
parent communication log
parent communication logs
Kommunikationstechnik f
Kommunikationstechniken pl
communication technology
communication technologies
nachrichtentechnisch adj telco.
nachrichtentechnische Systeme
telecommunication; communication
communication systems
Verbindungsentgelt n
connection fee, connection charges, communication charges
Kommunikationsstärke f
good communication skills; excellent communication skills
Verbindungsentgelt n
connection fee; connection charges; communication charges
Verbindungsentgelt n telco.
connection fee; connection charges; communication charges
Metakommunikation f
meta-communication (metacommunication) (meta communication)
Mobilkommunikationsnetz n
Mobilkommunikationsnetze pl
mobile communication network
mobile communication networks
Demutisation f (Kommunikationstraining für Gehörlose) ling.
demutization (communication training for the profoundly deaf)
Interprozesskommunikation f comp.
inter-process communication; interprocess communication (ICP)
Mitteilung f; Meldung f
eine wichtige Meldung erhalten
communication (formal)
to receive an important communication
Mitteilung f; Meldung f
eine wichtige Meldung erhalten
communication formal
to receive an important communication
Halbduplexbetrieb m; Halbduplexverfahren n; Wechselbetrieb m telco.
half-duplex mode; half-duplex operation; alternate communication
Zeitalter n; Alter n
dunkles Zeitalter; dunkle Jahrhunderte hist.
Wir leben im Zeitalter der Massenkommunikation.
dark ages
We are living in the age of mass communication.
Faltenbalg m (Bahn)
gangway bellows; communication bellows; concertina walls (railway)
Kommunikationssatellit m
Kommunikationssatelliten pl
communication satellite; comsat
communication satellites; comsats
Datenübermittlung f; Informationsübertragung f; Informationstransfer m comp.
data communication; datacom; information transfer; transmission of information
Kommunikationsproblem n psych. soc.
Kommunikationsprobleme pl
Er hat Kommunikationsprobleme.
communication problem
communication problems
He has communication problems.
Lebenssaft m; Lebensnerv m übtr.
Miteinander reden ist das A und O das Um und Auf Ös. in einer guten Ehe.
mainspring; lifeblood fig.
Communication is the lifeblood of a good marriage.
Lebenssaft m; Lebensnerv m übtr.
Miteinander reden ist das A und O das Um und Auf Ös. in einer guten Ehe.
mainspring; lifeblood fig.
Communication is the lifeblood of a good marriage.
Fernverbindung f; Fernmeldeverbindung f; Telekommunikationsverbindung f telco.
eine Fernverbindung zum Empfänger
telecommunication; communication over a distance
a telecommunication to the recipient
Kommunikationsmedium n; Kommunikationsmittel n
Kommunikationsmedien pl; Kommunikationsmittel pl
communications medium; medium of communication
communications media; media of communication
Kommunikationskanal m
Kommunikationskanäle pl
communication channel; channel of communication
communication channels; channels of communication
Nachrichtentechnik f; Fernmeldetechnik f; Schwachstromtechnik f techn.
telecommunications; communications; telecommunication communication engineering; communication technology
Erstbescheid m (Patentrecht) adm.
Erstbescheide pl
first office action; first communication (Europe) (patent law)
first office actions; first communications
Mobilfunksystem n telco.
Mobilfunksysteme pl
mobile communication system; mobile telephone system
mobile communication systems; mobile telephone systems
Kommunikationstechnik f; Kommunikationstechnologie f
Kommunikationstechniken pl; Kommunikationstechnologies pl
communication technology; communications technology
communication technologies; communications technologies
Gesprächsbedarf m
Hier bestehe noch viel Gesprächsbedarf.
In einigen technischen Punkten besteht weiterer Gesprächsbedarf.
need to talk; need for communication
There is much to talk about here.
Some technical issues remain to be further discussed.
Fernschreibverkehr m; Telexverkehr m telco.
teleprinter communication; teleprinted communication; telex communication; teleprinter traffic; telex traffic; telegraphic traffic
Kommunikationsort m
Kommunikationsorte pl
communication site; place of communication; communications hub
communication sites; places of communication; communications hubs
interne Unternehmenskommunikation f; firmeninterne Kommuniktaion f
Aufwärtskommunikation f
Abwärtskommunikation f
Kommunikationskaskade f; nach Hierarchieebenen differenzierte Kommunikation
Veränderungskommunikation f
internal corporate communication
bottom-up communication
top-down communication
communication cascade
change communication
Fernmeldeverbindung f; Verbindung f telco.
Fernmeldeverbindungen pl; Verbindungen pl
Gesprächsverbindung f
direkte Fernmeldeverbindung
Die Videoverbindung wurde unterbrochen.
communication link; link
communication links; links
telephone link
direct communication link
The video link was interrupted.
Anzapfen n von Leitungen comp. electr. telco.
Anzapfen von Datenleitungen
Anzapfen von Stromleitungen
Anzapfen von Telefonleitungen; Abhören von Telefonen
tapping of lines; tapping of wires; wiretapping
tapping of data (communication) lines
tapping of electrical wires
phone tapping

Deutsche Mitteilung Synonyme

Benachrichtigung  ÂMitteilung  
Bescheid  ÂMitteilung  ÂSchreiben  
Information  ÂMitteilung  ÂNachrichtengehalt  ÂNachrichteninhalt  
Bericht  ÂBotschaft  ÂInformationsaustausch  ÂMitteilung  ÂNachricht  
Ankündigung  ÂBekanntgabe  ÂBekanntmachung  ÂMitteilung  ÂNotifikation  ÂOffenlegung  
Mitteilung  Schreiben  

Englische communication Synonyme

communication  access  accommodation  accordance  account  acknowledgment  acquaintance  advice  agglomeration  agglutination  aggregation  aisle  alley  ambulatory  announcement  answer  aperture  arcade  artery  articulation  avenue  award  awarding  bestowal  bestowment  billet  blue book  bond  bracketing  briefing  bulletin  business letter  channel  chit  cloister  clustering  collegiality  colloquial discourse  colloquy  colonnade  combination  commerce  communion  communique  community  concatenation  concession  concourse  concurrence  conduction  conduit  conferment  conferral  confluence  congeries  conglomeration  congress  conjugation  conjunction  connection  contagion  contribution  convection  convergence  conversation  converse  conversing  copulation  corridor  coupling  covered way  data  datum  defile  deliverance  delivery  deportation  diapedesis  diffusion  directory  discourse  dispatch  dissemination  donation  embassy  endowment  enlightenment  epistle  evidence  exchange  exit  export  exportation  express  expulsion  extradition  facts  factual information  familiarization  favor  fellowship  ferry  ford  furnishment  gallery  gathering  gen  general information  gifting  give-and-take  giving  grant  granting  guidebook  handout  hard information  hookup  impartation  impartment  import  importation  incidental information  info  information  inlet  instruction  intelligence  interchange  intercommunication  intercommunion  intercourse  interlinking  interlocution  intersection  investiture  joinder  joining  jointure  junction  knotting  knowledge  lane  letter  liaison  liberality  light  line  linkage  linking  marriage  meeting  mention  merger  merging  message  metastasis  metathesis  metempsychosis  migration  missive  mutual transfer  note  notice  notification  offer  opening  osmosis  outlet  overpass  pairing  pass  passage  passageway  passing over  perfusion  pneumatogram  portico  presentation  presentment  promotional mate  
communications  AP  Associated Press  Fleet Street  Reuters  UPI  United Press International  book publishing  communication theory  communications industry  communications medium  communications network  electronic communications  fourth estate  information theory  journalism  magazine publishing  media  print medium  public press  public print  publishing  publishing industry  radio  radiocommunication  radiotelegraphy  radiotelephony  telecommunication  the press  wire communication  wireless  

communication Definition

(n.) The act or fact of communicating
(n.) Intercourse by words, letters, or messages
(n.) Association
(n.) Means of communicating
(n.) That which is communicated or imparted
(n.) Participation in the Lord's supper.
(n.) A trope, by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says we, instead of I or you.

communication Bedeutung

communication something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
approach trench
communication trench
a trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position
communication system
communication equipment
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information
communication system a system for communicating
communication theory
the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting information and the methods by which it is delivered (as print or radio or television etc.), communications is his major field of study
communication communicating the activity of communicating, the activity of conveying information, they could not act without official communication from Moscow
channel communication channel
(often plural) a means of communication or access, it must go through official channels, lines of communication were set up between the two firms
inter-group communication
a channel for communication between groups, he provided a liaison with the guerrillas
electronic communication communication by computer
digital communication
data communication
electronic transmission of information that has been encoded digitally (as for storage and processing by computers)
linguistic communication
a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conventional symbols, he taught foreign languages, the language introduced is standard throughout the text, the speed with which a program can be executed depends on the language in which it is written
written communication
written language
black and white
communication by means of written symbols (either printed or handwritten)
animal communication communication between animals (of the same species)
visual communication communication that relies on vision
paralinguistic communication
the use of manner of speaking to communicate particular meanings
auditory communication communication that relies on hearing
speech communication
spoken communication
spoken language
language voice communication
oral communication
(language) communication by word of mouth, his speech was garbled, he uttered harsh language, he recorded the spoken language of the streets
phatic speech
phatic communication
conversational speech used to communicate sociability more than information
psychic communication
psychical communication
anomalous communication
communication by paranormal means
communication a connection allowing access between persons or places, how many lines of communication can there be among four people?, a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms
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Communication is the act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.