
content Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Inhalt, zufrieden
zufriedenstellen, zufrieden stellen
to content
to content
zufriedenstellen; zufrieden stellen
to content
job content
Aschegehalt m
ash content
Fettgehalt m
fat content
Tätigkeitsinhalt m
job content
fat content
Gasgehalt m
gas content
Karteninhalt m (Landkarte)
map content
work content
Inhalt, beinhaltete Daten, Inhaltsmerkmale
data content
Eisengehalt m
iron content
Salzgehalt m
salt content
content with
Inhaltsdaten pl telco.
content data
Wassergehalt m
water content
Medieninhalt m
media content
Metallgehalt m chem.
metal content
Videoinhalte pl; Bewegtbildinhalte pl comp.
video content
Energieinhalt m
energy content
Ballastgehalt m (Kohle) min.
inerts content
Eimerinhalt m Norddt. Westdt.; Kübelinhalt m Mitteldt. Bayr. Ös. Schw.
bucket content
Feststoffgehalt m
solids content
Kohlenstoffgehalt m
carbon content
Luftgehalt m
content of air
Contentsystem n
content system
Sauerstoffanteil m
oxygen content
Feststoffgehalt m; Festgehalt m; Feststoffanteil m chem.
solids content
Eiweißgehalt m
protein content
gehaltvoll adj
rich in content
be content with
rich in content
inhaltsreich; inhaltlich ergiebig adj
rich in content
Mineralgehalt m
mineral content
Eiweißgehalt m; Proteingehalt m
protein content
Kaloriengehalt m cook.
calorie content
Höchstgehalt m
maximum content
Koffeingehalt m
caffeine content
moisture content
Netzsperren pl comp.
content blocking
Wasserstoffgehalt m chem.
hydrogen content
Blattspiegelwert m biochem.
nutrient content
Kuratieren von Inhalten
content curation
alcoholic content
been content with
Bakteriengehalt m med.
bacterial content
Unternehmensprofilierung f durch Publizieren neutraler Medieninhalte econ.
content marketing
Zementgehalt m constr.
content of cement
Muskelfleischanteil m
lean-meat content
Festkörpergehalt m
solid body content
Inhalt m, Gehalt m
Inhalte pl
being content with
Brennstoffballastgehalt m mach.
fuel inerts content
Informationsgehalt m
information content
Lehrinhalt m, Lehrinhalte pl
content of teaching
information content
(textiles) Materialkennzeichen n textil.
fibre content label
Wasserdampfgehalt m
water vapour content
Zuschlaggehalt m
content of aggregates
Blattspiegelwert m bot.
leaf nutrient content
zufrieden sein, sich begnügen mit
to content oneself with
Wirkstoffgehalt m pharm.
active substance content
Restfeuchte f
residual moisture content
semantischer Gehalt m; semantischer Inhalt m; Bedeutungsgehalt m; Sinngehalt m
semantic content; meaning
Fluoreszenzgehalt-Messgerät n
fluorescence content meter
Entropie f, Maß für den Informationsgehalt
average information content
average information content
Arbeitsinhalt m
Arbeitsinhalte pl
work content
work contents
Chlorgehalt m chem.
chlorine content; chlorinity
Sauerstoffgehalt m
oxygen content; oxygen level
mit etw. zufrieden sein; sich mit etw. begnügen
to content oneself with sth.
mit etw. zufrieden sein; sich mit etw. begnügen v
to content oneself with sth.
Bonusmaterial n (CD DVD)
bonus material; bonus content
Inhaltsverwaltungssystem n; Contentmanagement-System n comp.
content management system CMS
Wärmeinhalt m
thermal capacity, heat content
Medieninhalt m
Medieninhalte pl
media content
media contents
Inhaltsverwaltungssystem n, Content Management System n comp.
content management system (CMS)
Speicherinhalt m
Speicherinhalt anzeigen
memory content
to dump memory
Inhaltsverwaltungssystem n; Contentmanagement-System n comp.
content management system CMS
Speicherinhalt m
Speicherinhalt anzeigen; Speicherabbild erzeugen
memory content
to dump memory
Contentmanagementsystem n; Inhaltsverwaltungssystem n (CMS)
content management system (CMS)
Kohlenstoffmonoxid n; Kohlenmonoxid n chem.
carbon monoxide CO
Studieninhalt m
Studieninhalte pl
course content
course contents
das Wesentliche von etw. (Inhalt)
the essentials of sth. (content)
Pufferinhalt m comp.
Pufferinhalte pl
buffer content
buffer contents
inhaltsadressiert adj comp.
content-addressed, data-addressed
Kohlenstoffmonoxid n; Kohlenmonoxid n chem.
carbon monoxide CO
inhaltsadressiert adj comp.
content-addressed; data-addressed
Alkoholgehalt m
alcohol content, alcoholic content
Mindestinhalt m
Mindestinhalte pl
minimum content
minimum contents
Feuchtigkeitsgehalt m
Feuchtigkeitsgehalte pl
moisture content
moisture contents
Feuchtigkeitsgehalt m; Feuchtegehalt m; Wassergehalt m
Feuchtigkeitsgehalte pl
moisture content
moisture contents
Mehrfachverwendung f von Medieninhalten
Mehrfachverwendung f von Webinhalten
content syndication
web syndication
Fossilinhalt m
fossil content; fossiliferous content
Lehrinhalt m; Lehrinhalte pl
content of teaching; teaching contents
Sediment n
Sedimente pl
Gehalt an Sediment
sediment content
Kalkgehalt m
lime content; calcium carbonate content
Salzgehalt m (Ionenaustauscher) chem.
dissolved solid content (ion exchanger)
Feuchtegleichgewicht (im Holz) n
moisture(-content) equilibirum (in wood)
Feuchtegleichgewicht n (im Holz)
moisture(-content) equilibirum (in wood)
Risikocharakter m; Risikostufe f econ. fin.
degree of risk; risk level; risk content
Gesamtfasermenge f
total fibre content; total fiber content
begnügen (mit)
to content (with)
Informationsgehalt m
information content; informational content
Anteil m an Oberschwingungen phys.
harmonic factor; relative harmonic content
Ausstrahlung f; Ausstrahlen n; Senden n (von Medieninhalten) (Radio TV)
broadcasting (of media content) (radio TV)
Stickstoffgehalt m
nitrogen content; N content; nitrogen level
Bildinhalt m
visual content; content of picture or image
Ausstrahlung f; Ausstrahlen n; Senden n (von Medieninhalten) (Radio, TV)
broadcasting (of media content) (radio, TV)
Lehrstoff m school
syllabus content; curriculum; subject matter
inhaltlich gesehen; was den Inhalt betrifft adv
in terms of the content; contentwise coll.
Darminhalt m
digestive tract content; intestinal contents
Regenerierung f; Auffrischung f (von Speicherinhalten) comp.
regeneration; refreshment (of memory content)
Rauminhalt m
cubic capacity, cubic content, volume capacity
formal adj
formales Lehren
formal und inhaltlich
formal teaching
in form and content
Rauminhalt m
cubic capacity; cubic content; volume capacity
Wärmeinhalt m
thermal capacity; heat content; caloric content
etw. zusammenstellen v (z. B. Inhalte aus sozialen Median)
to curate sth. (e.g. content from social media)
redaktionell adj
redaktioneller Inhalt
redaktioneller Teil
editorial content
editorial matter
Beherrschung f (eines Lehrinhalts) school
command (of over); grasp (of a teaching content)
Fettgehalt m; Fettanteil m
Mindestfettgehalt m
fat content; fat proportion
minimum fat content
Problemtext m (Inhalt einer Problemmeldung) comp.
problem description (content of a problem report)
Oberton m, harmonische Oberschwingung f
Obertöne pl
Anteil an Oberschwingungen
overtones, harmonics
harmonic content
Schwefelgehalt m
Schwefelgehalt bei Mineralölen
sulphur content
sulphur content for mineral oils
Konditionierwaage f textil.
scales scale Am. for moisture content of textiles
Alkoholgehalt m
alcohol content; alcoholic content; alcohol strength
Aktualität f; Gegenwartsnähe f; Gegenwartsbezogenheit f geh. (von Inhalten)
die Aktualität des Themas
topicality (of content)
the topicality of the issue
sich mit etw. begnügen; sich mit etw. zufriedengeben v
sich begnügend; sich zufriedengebend
sich begnügt; sich zufriedengegeben
to content yourself with sth.
sich mit etw. zufriedengeben v
to be content with sth.
being content
been content
Wassergehalt m
water content; moisture equivalent; moisture percentage
Durcharbeiten n unbewusster Inhalte (Psychoanalyse) psych.
working-through of unconscious content (psychoanalysis)
Gehaltsbestimmung f (durch etw.) chem.
Gehaltsbestimmungen pl
content determination (by sth.)
content determinations
Rohfasergehalt m cook.
(crude) fibre content Br.; (crude) fiber content Am.
metallurgische Probierkunst f; bergmännische Probierkunst f; Dokumastik f (zur Bestimmung des Metallgehalts im Erz) min. hist.
fire-assaying (for determination of metal content in ores)
zufrieden geben, zufriedengeben alt
zufrieden gebend, zufriedengebend alt
zufrieden gegeben, zufriedengegeben alt
to be content with
being content with
been content with
Wiki n (Informationsseite im Internet die jeder inhaltlich bearbeiten kann) comp.
wiki (information website allowing anybody to edit content)
zufrieden geben; zufriedengeben alt
zufrieden gebend; zufriedengebend alt
zufrieden gegeben; zufriedengegeben alt
to be content with
being content with
been content with
Wiki n (Informationsseite im Internet, die jeder inhaltlich bearbeiten kann) comp.
wiki (information website allowing anybody to edit content)
wasserhaltig; wasserhältig Ös. adj
stark wasserhaltiger Abfall
water-containing; hydrous
waste with a high water content
Oberton m; harmonische Oberschwingung f
Obertöne pl
Anteil an Oberschwingungen
overtone; harmonic
overtones; harmonics
harmonic content
Baumasse f (eines Gebäudes) arch.
cubic index Br.; cubic content ratio Am. (of a building)
Energiegehalt m
Nettoenergiegehalt m
Mindestenergiegehalt m
energy content
net energy content
minimum energy content
Innovationsgehalt m
level of innovation; innovative content; degree of innovation
mittlerer Transinformationsgehalt m; Synentropie f comp.
average transinformation content; mutual information; synentropy
jdn. zufriedenstellen v
leicht zufriedenzustellen sein
to content sb.
to be easily contented

Deutsche Inhalt Synonyme

Fassungsvermögen  ÂInhalt  ÂKapazität  ÂRauminhalt  ÂVolumen  
(das)  Wesentliche  ÂEssenz  ÂGegenstand  ÂGehalt  ÂInhalt  ÂKernaussage  ÂKerngehalt  ÂThema  

Englische content Synonyme

content  acceptance  accepting  accommodation  accordant  achieve inner harmony  acquiescent  acquiescing  affirmative  agreeable  agreed  agreeing  alacritous  amenable  amusement  animal pleasure  appease  approving  ardent  assentatious  assenting  at ease  bewitch  bodily pleasure  burden  capacity  captivate  carnal delight  census  charm  charmed  cheer  cheerful  comfort  comfortable  compliable  compliant  components  composed  composition  composure  conceding  concessive  consentient  consenting  constituents  contented  contentedness  contentment  contents  cooperative  cordage  coziness  cozy  creature comforts  delight  delighted  disposed  divisions  docile  eager  ease  easy  easygoing  elements  endorsing  endpleasure  enjoyment  enrapture  entertainment  enthusiastic  entire satisfaction  essence  eupeptic  euphoria  euphoric  exhilarated  fain  favorable  favorably disposed  favorably impressed with  favorably inclined  felicity  forepleasure  forward  fruition  fulfilled  fulfillment  fun  game  glad  gladden  gladsome  gratification  gratified  gratify  great satisfaction  gusto  guts  happiness  happy  hearty enjoyment  import  in clover  in the mind  in the mood  inclined  index  ingredients  innards  insides  intellectual pleasure  intrigued  inventory  items  joie de vivre  keen pleasure  kicks  limit  list  load  luxury  measure  minded  nothing loath  of good comfort  part  parts  peace  peace of mind  peacefulness  permissive  physical pleasure  please  pleased  pleased as Punch  pleased with  pleasure  pliant  poundage  predisposed  prompt  prone  purport  put at ease  quantity  quick  quiet pleasure  ratifying  ready  ready and willing  receptive  reconciled  reconcilement  reconciliation  relish  resignation  resigned  responsive  room  sanctioning  sans souci  satisfaction  satisfied  satisfy  self-gratification  self-indulgence  sensual pleasure  sensuous pleasure  serenity  set at ease  sexual pleasure  significance  size  sold on  s  
contention  Discordia  Eris  altercation  antagonism  anteposition  antipathy  antithesis  apologetics  apologia  apology  argument  argumentation  argumentative  bellicose  belligerence  belligerent  bicker  bickering  blood feud  brawl  broil  bucking  captious  carping  casuistry  caviling  challenge  clash  clashing  collision  combative  conflict  confrontation  confrontment  contentious  contestation  contradiction  contraposition  contrariety  contrary  contrast  contravention  contraversion  controversial  controversy  counteraction  counterworking  crosscurrent  crossing  defense  denial  despitefulness  difference  disaccord  disaffinity  discord  discordance  discordancy  disharmony  disputation  disputatious  dispute  dissension  dissent  dissidence  disunity  donnybrook  donnybrook fair  embroilment  enmity  faultfinding  feud  fiery  fight  fliting  flyting  fracas  friction  froward  fuss  hassle  hasty  hate  hatred  head wind  hostility  hotheaded  hubbub  hurrah  imbroglio  impetuous  impugnation  impugnment  incompatibility  incompatibleness  inharmoniousness  inharmony  jangle  jar  litigation  litigious  logomachy  malevolence  malice  malignity  militant  mischief  negation  noncooperation  open conflict  open quarrel  opposing  opposition  opposure  oppugnation  paper war  passage of arms  peppery  perverse  polar opposition  polarity  polarization  polemic  polemical  polemics  posing against  pugnacious  quarrel  quarrelsome  quarrelsomeness  rebutment  rebuttal  refusal  rejection  repugnance  resistance  rhubarb  rub  rumpus  scrappy  set-to  sharp words  slanging match  snarl  spat  spite  spitefulness  squabble  standing against  strained relations  strife  tension  tiff  traversal  truculent  tussle  undercurrent  unharmoniousness  unpleasantness  variance  vendetta  verbal engagement  war of words  warlike  words  wrangle  wrangling  
contentious  aggravating  aggravative  aggressive  annoying  antagonistic  argumental  argumentative  battling  bellicose  belligerent  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  cat-and-dog  cat-and-doggish  chauvinist  chauvinistic  combative  controversial  dialectic  disputatious  enemy  eristic  exasperating  exasperative  ferocious  fierce  fighting  full of fight  hawkish  hostile  ill-humored  inimical  irritating  jingo  jingoish  jingoist  jingoistic  litigious  logomachic  martial  militant  militaristic  military  offensive  pilpulistic  polemic  pro and con  provocative  pugnacious  quarrelsome  saber-rattling  sanguinary  sanguineous  savage  scrappy  soldierlike  soldierly  trigger-happy  truculent  unfriendly  unpacific  unpeaceable  unpeaceful  warlike  warmongering  warring  
contents  acknowledgments  adjunct  appurtenance  aspect  back  back matter  bastard title  bibliography  card index  catch line  catchword  chart  circumstance  colophon  component  constituent  contents page  copyright page  dedication  detail  element  endleaf  endpaper  endsheet  errata  factor  feature  fixings  flyleaf  folio  fore edge  foreword  front matter  half-title page  head  imprint  index  ingredient  inscription  integrant  introduction  item  leaf  makeup  makings  page  part  part and parcel  preface  preliminaries  recto  reverso  running title  signature  specialty  subtitle  table  table of contents  tail  text  thumb index  title  title page  trim size  type page  verso  

content Definition

(a.) Contained within limits
(n.) That which is contained
(n.) Power of containing
(n.) Area or quantity of space or matter contained within certain limits
(a.) To satisfy the desires of
(a.) To satisfy the expectations of
(n.) Rest or quietness of the mind in one's present condition
(n.) Acquiescence without examination.
(n.) That which contents or satisfies
(n.) An expression of assent to a bill or motion

content Bedeutung

depicted object
something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation, a moving picture of a train is more dramatic than a still picture of the same subject
heat content
total heat
(thermodynamics) a thermodynamic quantity equal to the internal energy of a system plus the product of its volume and pressure, enthalpy is the amount of energy in a system capable of doing mechanical work
cognitive content
mental object
the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or learned
content word
openlass word
a word to which an independent meaning can be assigned
subject matter
what a communication that is about something is about
latent content (psychoanalysis) hidden meaning of a fantasy or dream
content everything that is included in a collection and that is held or included in something, he emptied the contents of his pockets, the two groups were similar in content
volume unit
capacity unit
capacity measure
cubage unit
cubic measure
cubic content unit
displacement unit
cubature unit
a unit of measurement of volume or capacity
the amount that can be contained, the gas tank has a capacity of gallons
content the proportion of a substance that is contained in a mixture or alloy etc.
the state of being contented with your situation in life, he relaxed in sleepy contentedness, they could read to their heart's content
content satisfy in a limited way, He contented himself with one glass of beer per day
content make content, I am contented
satisfied or showing satisfaction with things as they are, a contented smile
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