
copy Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

abschreiben, kopieren
abschreiben, Abschrift
kopieren, Kopie
nachahmen, Nachahmung
to copy
to copy
to copy
free copy
genaue Abschrift
true copy
gleichlautende Abschrift
true copy
Reinentwurf, Reinschrift
fair copy
wahrheitsgetreue Kopie
true copy
Aufgabenheft n
copy book
Ausdruck m
hard copy
Bildschirmausgabe f comp.
soft copy
Schwarzpause f
hard copy
copy book
fair copy
free copy
hard copy
soft copy
copy chief
clean copy
press copy
proof copy
rough copy
third copy
Durchschlag, Kopie
carbon copy
copy typist
Einzelstück n
single copy
Raubkopie f
pirate copy
Rezensionsexemplar n
review copy
backup copy
carbon copy
Redakteur m; Redakteurin f
copy editor
advance copy
Belegexemplar n
voucher copy
Druckvorlage f
setting copy
Pflichtexemplar n
deposit copy
Expl. : Exemplar
sample, copy
beglaubigte Abschrift, beglaubigte Kopie
attested copy
die Konkurrenz herabwürdigender Werbetext
knocking copy
genaue Abschrift
faithful copy
geprüfte Kopie
examined copy
original copy
Probeexemplar, Gratisexemplar
specimen copy
specimen copy
werbetexten; als Werbetexter arbeiten; als Marketingtexter arbeiten v
to write copy
beglaubigte Abschrift, Kopie
certified copy
Belegexemplar n, Autorenkopie f
authors's copy
Nutzen m (Druckindustrie)
multiple, copy
Pflichtexemplar n
statutory copy
Nutzen m print
multiple; copy
kopiergeschützt adj comp.
gratuitous copy
Kopierschutz m
copy protection
Pflichtexemplar n
obligatory copy
Zweitausfertigung f
duplicate, copy
eine getreue Kopie
a faithful copy
copy of invoice
Zweitausfertigung f
duplicate; copy
Rechnungskopie f fin.
copy of invoice
photostatic copy
Anzeigentext m
advertising copy
Durchschlag, Kopie
cc : carbon copy
advertising copy
Rohentwurf m, Grobkonzept n
rough copy, rough
Transparent n
reproducible copy
Widmungsexemplar n
presentation copy
presentation copy
reproducible copy
reproducible copy
Rohentwurf m; Grobkonzept n
rough copy; rough
Vervielfältigung f (eines von vielen Exemplaren)
manifold (a copy)
complimentary copy
Pause f, Durchlichtkopie f
tracing, trace copy
ins Reine schreiben
to make a neat copy
Bildschirmausgabe f (von etw.) comp.
soft copy (of sth.)
Pause f; Durchlichtkopie f
tracing; trace copy
Konnossementsausfertigung f transp. adm.
bill-of-lading copy
archival backup copy
Aufgabenheft n
Aufgabenhefte pl
copy book
copy books
Gratisexemplar n
Gratisexemplare pl
free copy
free copies
Reinschrift f
Reinschriften pl
fair copy
fair copies
Textredakteur m, Textredakteurin f
copyreader, copy-reader
Versteckte Kopie f
BCC : Blind Carbon Copy
Reinschrift f adm.
Reinschriften pl
fair copy
fair copies
gewissenhaft, genau adj
genaue Abschrift
faithful copy
eine Kopie ist für Sie
one copy for you to keep
Probedruck m
Probedrucke pl
proof copy
proof copies
Druckfertig-Korrektur f print
press proof; impress copy
Fotokopie f, Photokopie f alt
copy, photocopy, photostat
abschreiben, nachahmen
abschreibend, nachahmend
abgeschrieben, nachgeahmt
to copy
Fotokopie f; Photokopie f alt
copy; photocopy; photostat
Konzepthalter m; Vorlagenhalter m; Blatthalter m adm.
Konzepthalter pl; Vorlagenhalter pl; Blatthalter pl
copy holder
copy holders
Hast du verstanden? (CB-Funk)
Do you copy? (in CB radio)
Mängelexemplar n (Buch)
damaged book; damaged copy
Kopiervorlage f
Kopiervorlagen pl
master copy
master copies
Kopiervorlage f; Original n
Kopiervorlagen pl; Originale pl
master copy
master copies
etw. ins Reine schreiben v
to make a neat copy of sth.
etw. abzeichnen v (z. B. einen Gegenstand)
etw. abzeichnen (ein Bild per Hand kopieren)
to draw sth.
to copy sth.
Autorenexemplar n
Autorenexemplare pl
authors copy
authors copies
Belegexemplar n
Belegexemplare pl
voucher copy
voucher copies
Leseexemplar n; Lesekopie f
Leseexemplare pl; Lesekopien pl
reading copy
reading copies
Arbeitskopie f
Arbeitskopien pl
working copy
working copies
ein Exemplar dieses letztgenannten Dokuments
a copy of this latter document
Probeexemplar n, Musterexemplar n, Belegexemplar n
Probeexemplare pl, Musterexemplare pl, Belegexemplare pl
specimen copy
specimen copies
unsere neueste Preisliste (Br.)
a copy of our latest price list
unsere neueste Preisliste (US)
a copy of our newest price list
Probeexemplar n; Musterexemplar n; Belegexemplar n
Probeexemplare pl; Musterexemplare pl; Belegexemplare pl
specimen copy
specimen copies
Dublette f
Dubletten pl
duplicate copy
duplicate copies
behalten Sie die von uns gezeichnete Kopie
please keep the copy signed by us
eine Kopie der Rechnung liegt bei
a copy of the invoice is enclosed
Belegexemplar n; Autorenkopie f
Belegexemplare pl; Autorenkopie pl
authors's copy
authors's copies
ordentlich unterschriebene Ausfertigung
a copy of the contract duly signed
reichen Sie eine Kopie gezeichnet zurück
please return one copy duly signed
Widmungsexemplar f
Widmungsexemplare pl
dedication copy
dedication copies
to copy out
copying out
copied out
Durchschlag m
Durchschläge pl
press copy, copy
press copies, copies
Zwischenoriginal n
Zwischenoriginale pl
reproducible copy
reproducible copies
Durchschlag m
Durchschläge pl
press copy; copy
press copies; copies
Widmungsexemplar n; Gratisexemplar n
Widmungsexemplare pl; Gratisexemplare pl
presentation copy
presentation copies
Blindkopie f (E-Mail-Adressierung)
blind carbon copy BCC (e-mail addressing)
Vervielfältigungsstück n adm.
Vervielfältigungsstücke pl
copy; reproduction
copies; reproductions
knapp, selten adj
knapper, seltener
am knappsten, am seltensten
ein seltenes Exemplar
a scarce copy
Blindkopie f (E-Mail-Adressierung)
blind carbon copy BCC (e-mail addressing)
knapp; selten adj
knapper; seltener
am knappsten; am seltensten
ein seltenes Exemplar
a scarce copy
wir bitten um Ihre Preisliste
kindly let us have a copy of your price list
Ausgabe f (eines Programms) comp.
Echtzeitausgabe f
Ausgabe in Papierform
real-time output
hard-copy output
Anzeigenschluss m
publisher's deadline, copy deadline, deadline
Anzeigenschluss m
publisher's deadline; copy deadline; deadline
Sicherungskopie f
backup copy, back-up copy, archival backup copy
Abschrift f, Exemplar n
Abschriften pl, Exemplare pl
Abschrift für den privaten Gebrauch
gleichlautende Abschrift
copy for private use
true copy
Abschrift f; Gleichschrift f; Exemplar n adm.
Abschriften pl; Gleichschriften pl; Exemplare pl
Abschrift für den privaten Gebrauch
gleichlautende Abschrift
copy for private use
true copy
eine Abschrift beglaubigen v adm.
to certify; to attest; to exemplify Am. a copy
Abdruck m
Abdrucke pl
copy, print, offprint
copies, prints, offprints
Abdruck m
Abdrucke pl
copy; print; offprint
copies; prints; offprints
Zweitschrift f
Zweitschriften pl
eine Zweitschrift anfertigen
copy, duplicate
copies, duplicates
to duplicate
makellos, tadellos adj
in tadellosem Zustand
tadelloses Exemplar
in pristine condition
copy in pristine
Aktenexemplar n adm.
Aktenexemplare pl
record copy; file copy
record copies; file copies
Textredakteur m; Textredakteurin f
Textredakteure pl; Textredakteurinnen pl
copyreader; copy-reader
copyreaders; copy-readers
makellos; tadellos adj
in tadellosem Zustand
tadelloses Exemplar
in pristine condition
copy in pristine
Kopie f, Abzug m
Kopien pl, Abzüge pl
Kopie für den privaten Gebrauch
beglaubigte Kopie
copy for private use
certified copy
gewissenhaft; genau; originalgetreu adj
genaue Abschrift
originalgetreue Tonwiedergabe
faithful copy
faithful sound reproduction
Theaterkopie f TH (Film)
release print; positive copy for theatre use TH (film)
Manuskript n, Druckvorlage f
Manuskripte pl, Druckvorlagen pl
manuscript, script, copy
manuscripts, scripts, copies

Deutsche Kopie Synonyme

Fotokopie  ÂKopie  
Exemplar  ÂKopie  ÂVervielfältigungsstück  
Faksimile  Âgenaue  Kopie  ÂReproduktion  
Abschrift  ÂDoppel  ÂDuplikat  ÂDurchschlag  ÂDurchschrift  ÂKopie  
Fälschung  ÂImitat  ÂKopie  ÂNachahmung  ÂNachbildung  ÂPlagiat  
Gleichstück  ÂKopie  ÂNachbildung  ÂReplikat  ÂReplikation  ÂReproduktion  
Abklatsch  ÂAttrappe  ÂImitation  ÂKlischee  ÂKopie  ÂNachahmung  ÂNachbildung  ÂSchablone  

Englische copy Synonyme

copy  Doppelganger  Photostat  Xerox  abstract  abstraction  act  act a part  act as  act like  act out  actual thing  adopt  affect  agent  altarpiece  alternate  alternative  analogy  ape  appear like  approach  appropriate  approximate  arrangement  article  assume  autograph  back number  backup  be like  be redolent of  bear resemblance  beat  block print  blueprint  borrow  brainchild  bring to mind  brouillon  budget of news  burlesque  call to mind  call up  carbon  carbon copy  cartoon  chalk  change  changeling  charcoal  chart  chorus  clone  collage  collection  color  color print  come again  come close  come near  companion  compare with  comparison  composed matter  composition  computer printout  copy out  correspond  counterfeit  counterpart  crayon  crib  crosshatch  cyclorama  dash off  daub  dead matter  dead ringer  delineate  delineation  depict  deputy  derive from  design  diagram  diptych  ditto  do  do a repeat  do again  do like  do over  document  doodle  double  draft  draw  draw up  drawing  dummy  dupe  duplicate  duplication  ebauche  echo  edit  edited version  edition  effigy  elevation  emulate  enact  enface  engraving  engross  engrossment  equal  equivalent  ersatz  esquisse  essay  evoke  exact counterpart  exact likeness  example  exchange  exclusive  facsimile  fair copy  fake  favor  fellow  fiction  figure  fill-in  final draft  finished version  first draft  flimsy  follow  forge  fresco  geminate  ghost  ghostwriter  go like  graph  ground plan  hatch  hectograph  hoke  hoke up  holograph  homograph  homonym  homophone  house plan  hymnal  hymnbook  ichnography  icon  idem  identical same  idol  illumination  illustration  image  imitate  imitation  impersonate  impress  impression  imprint  infringe  ingeminate  inscribe  instrumental score  issue  knockoff  letter  library  library edition  libretto  likeness  limn  literae scriptae  literary artefact  literary production  literature  live matter  living image  living p  
copyboy  Ganymede  Hebe  airline hostess  airline stewardess  attendant  batman  bellboy  bellhop  bellman  bootblack  boots  cabin boy  caddie  callboy  caller  chore boy  cupbearer  errand boy  errand girl  footboy  gofer  hostess  office boy  office girl  orderly  page  squire  steward  stewardess  tender  trainbearer  usher  yeoman  
copycat  ape  conformist  copier  copyist  counterfeiter  cuckoo  dissembler  dissimulator  echo  echoer  echoist  faker  forger  hypocrite  imitator  impersonator  impostor  mime  mimer  mimic  mimicker  mocker  mockingbird  monkey  parrot  phony  plagiarist  poll-parrot  polly  polly-parrot  poseur  sheep  simulator  
copyhold  equitable estate  estate at sufferance  estate for life  estate for years  estate in expectancy  estate in fee  estate in possession  estate tail  fee  fee simple  fee tail  feod  feodum  feud  feudal estate  fief  lease  leasehold  legal estate  paramount estate  particular estate  remainder  reversion  vested estate  
copyist  amanuensis  ape  artisan  artist  artiste  calligrapher  chirographer  clerk  conformist  copier  copycat  counterfeiter  craftsman  creator  cuckoo  dauber  daubster  dissembler  dissimulator  echo  echoer  echoist  faker  forger  hypocrite  imitator  impersonator  impostor  ink spiller  inkslinger  letterer  maker  master  mime  mimer  mimic  mimicker  mocker  mockingbird  monkey  old master  parrot  pen  pencil driver  penman  penner  phony  plagiarist  poll-parrot  polly  polly-parrot  poseur  recording secretary  scribbler  scribe  scrivener  secretary  sheep  simulator  transcriber  word-slinger  writer  
copyreader  city editor  columnist  copy chief  copy editor  copyholder  copyman  correspondent  cub reporter  diaskeuast  editor  editorial writer  feature editor  foreign correspondent  gazetteer  interviewer  journalist  leader writer  leg man  managing editor  news editor  newsman  newspaperman  newspaperwoman  newswriter  own correspondent  paragrapher  paragraphist  pressman  proofreader  publicist  reader  reporter  reviser  rewrite man  rewriter  slotman  sob sister  special correspondent  sports editor  subeditor  war correspondent  
copyright  aegis  arm  arm guard  armor  backstop  blank check  bless  bound  buffer  bulwark  bumper  carte blanche  certificate of invention  champion  cloak  compass about  condition  confine  conserve  contain  contraceptive  cover  crash helmet  cushion  dashboard  defend  discipline  dispensation  dodger  draw the line  ensure  face mask  favor  fence  fend  fender  finger guard  foot guard  franchise  freedom  fuse  goggles  governor  grant  guarantee  guard  guardrail  hand guard  handrail  harbor  hard hat  haven  hedge about  helmet  immunity  indulgence  insulation  insure  interlock  keep  keep alive  keep from harm  keep intact  keep inviolate  keep safe  keep up  knee guard  knuckle guard  laminated glass  liberty  license  life preserver  lifeline  lightning conductor  lightning rod  limit  maintain  make safe  mask  moderate  mudguard  narrow  nestle  nose guard  not destroy  not endanger  not expend  not use up  not waste  pad  padding  palladium  patent  pilot  police  preserve  preventive  privilege  prophylactic  protect  protective clothing  protective umbrella  qualify  register  registered trademark  restrain  restrict  ride shotgun for  safeguard  safety  safety glass  safety plug  safety rail  safety shoes  safety switch  safety valve  save  scant  screen  seat belt  secure  service mark  shelter  shield  shin guard  shroud  spare  special favor  specialize  stint  straiten  sun helmet  support  sustain  trade name  trademark  umbrella  underwrite  uphold  warrant  windscreen  windshield  
copywriter  advertising writer  annalist  art critic  author  authoress  belletrist  bibliographer  coauthor  collaborator  columnist  compiler  composer  creative writer  critic  dance critic  diarist  drama critic  dramatist  encyclopedist  essayist  free lance  free-lance writer  ghost  ghostwriter  humorist  inditer  literary artist  literary craftsman  literary critic  literary man  litterateur  logographer  magazine writer  man of letters  monographer  music critic  newspaperman  novelettist  novelist  pamphleteer  penwoman  poet  prose writer  reviewer  scenario writer  scenarist  scribe  scriptwriter  short-story writer  storyteller  technical writer  word painter  wordsmith  writer  

copy Definition

(n.) An abundance or plenty of anything.
(n.) An imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work
(n.) An individual book, or a single set of books containing the works of an author
(n.) That which is to be imitated, transcribed, or reproduced
(n.) Manuscript or printed matter to be set up in type
(n.) A writing paper of a particular size. Same as Bastard. See under Paper.
(n.) Copyhold
(n.) To make a copy or copies of
(n.) To imitate
(v. i.) To make a copy or copies
(v. i.) To yield a duplicate or transcript

copy Bedeutung

carbon copy
a copy made with carbon paper
copy a thing made to be similar or identical to another thing, she made a copy of the designer dress, the clone was a copy of its ancestor
master copy
an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
xerox xerox copy a copy made by a xerographic printer
fair copy a clean copy of a corrected draft
copy written matter matter to be printed, exclusive of graphical materials
draft copy
any of the various versions in the development of a written work, a preliminary draft, the final draft of the constitution
soft copy (computer science) matter that is in a form that a computer can store or display it on a computer screen, he sent them soft copy of the report
hard copy (computer science) matter that is held in a computer and is typed or printed on paper, he ran off a hard copy of the report
review copy a copy of a newly published book that is sent for review to a writer or periodical
copy editing putting something into a form suitable for a printer
a reproduction of a written record (e.g. of a legal or school record)
proof test copy
trial impression
(printing) an impression made to check for errors
copy material suitable for a journalistic account, catastrophes make good copy
prompt copy
the copy of the playscript used by the prompter
copy editor
text editor
an editor who prepares text for publication
copy re-create make a replica of, copy that drawing, re-create a picture by Rembrandt
write copy write for commercial publications, She writes copy for Harper's Bazaar
replicate copy reproduce or make an exact copy of, replicate the cell, copy the genetic information
reproduce someone's behavior or looks, The mime imitated the passers-by, Children often copy their parents or older siblings
copy copy down as is, The students were made to copy the alphabet over and over
copy out copy very carefully and as accurately as possible
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Copy may refer to: John "Brent" Breen who was known for not being able to come up with his own fantasy footy team and resorted to copying others.