
cord Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Cord n, Raummaß für Holz (USA)
Kord m
Kordel f, Leine f, Litze f
Strang m
Strick m, Seil n
Cord n; Raummaß für Holz (USA)
Kordel f; Leine f; Litze f
cord up
Lagenkord m
ply cord
Lagenkord m (Reifen)
ply cord
konfektionierte Leitungsschnur f electr.
cord set
Textilkarkasse f
cord body
Fadenwinkel m
cord angle
Kordgewebe n
cord fabric
Kordgewebe n (Reifen)
cord fabric
Dichtschnur f, Dichtband n
packing cord
Dichtungsschnur f
sealing cord
Schnur f, Bindfaden m
Schnüre pl, Bindfäden pl
Schnurverzierung f
cord marking
Textilkord m
textile cord
Dichtschnur f; Dichtband n
packing cord
Schnur f; Bindfaden m; Spagat m Bayr. Ös. ugs.
Schnüre pl; Bindfäden pl
Strang m (Nerven; Muskeln) anat.
Stränge pl
Strick m; Seil n
Stricke pl; Seile pl
Kordlösung f
cord grooving
Kordlösung f (Reifen)
cord grooving
Nabelschnur f anat.
umbilical cord
extension cord
spermatic cord
Rundschnürring m techn.
round cord ring
Stahlkordreifen m
steel cord tyre
Textilreifen m
textile cord tyre
Zugschnur f (Lampe)
light cord (lamp)
Rundschnurdichtung f mach.
round packing cord
Gummizug m
bungee, bungee cord
Gummizug m
bungee; bungee cord
Zugschnur f (an Jalousien Gardinen etc.)
drawcord; draw cord
Körperkabel n (Fechten) sport
body cord (fencing)
Zugschnur f (an Jalousien, Gardinen, etc.)
drawcord; draw cord
Rückenmark n anat.
spinal cord, medulla
Verlängerungsschnur f
extension cord Am.
Nabelschnurblut n med.
umbilical cord blood
Rückenmark n anat.
spinal cord; medulla
Kordsamt m
corduroy, cord velvet
Zugschnur f
Zugschnüre pl
pull cord
pull cords
Elektrozuleitung f, Verbindungsschnur f
Elektrozuleitungen pl, Verbindungsschnüre pl
power cord
power cords
Notbremse f (Eisenbahn)
communication cord Br.
Stimmband n
Stimmbänder pl
vocal cord
vocal cords
Fadenwinkel m
Fadenwinkel pl
cord angle
cord angles
Nabelschnurumschlingung f med.
nuchal loop; nuchal cord
Nervenstrang m anat.
Nervenstränge pl
nerve cord
nerve cords
Signalschnur f (zum Führerhaus) (Bahn)
communication cord Am.
Abnabelung f med.
cutting of a child's cord
Fadenbruch m
cord break, cord break up
Stahlkord m
metallic cord, steel cord
Fadenbruch m
cord break; cord break up
Stahlkord m
metallic cord; steel cord
Reepschnur f (Klettern)
accessory cord (climbing)
Spiralkabel m
Spiralkabel pl
coiled cord
coiled cords
Baumwollschnur f
Baumwollschnüre pl
cotton cord
cotton cords
Dichtungsschnur f
Dichtungsschnüre pl
sealing cord
sealing cords
Schnurverzierung f
Schnurverzierungen pl
cord marking
cord markings
Samenstrang m anat.
Samenstränge pl
spermatic cord
spermatic cords
Aufhängeschnur f
Aufhängeschnüre pl
suspension cord
suspension cords
Hanfschnur f
hemp cord; hemp string; hemp twine
Rückenmarkskrankheiten pl med.
spinal cord diseases and disorders
Rundschnürring m techn.
Rundschnürringe pl
round cord ring
round cord rings
Signalschnur f (zum Führerstand) (Bahn)
communication cord Am. (railway)
Zugschnurgriff m; Griff m (Lampe)
light cord pull; light pull (lamp)
Kabeleinzug m techn.
automatischer Kabeleinzug
cord rewind
automatic cord rewind
Rippensamt m; Kordsamt Cordsamt m; Kord Cord m; Kordstoff m; Cordgewebe n; Manchester Nordwestdt.; Schnürlsamt m Ös. (Schusssamt mit Längsrippen) textil.
cord velvet; ribbed velvet; corduroy
Kordelzug m textil.
Tunnelzug m
drawcord; draw cord
drawcord; draw cord
Karkasse f
gestauchte Karkasse
carcass, casing, cord casing
buckled casing
Sprengschnur f; Detonationszündschnur f; Knallzündschnur f
detonating cord; Cordeau tm; Primacord tm
etw. schnappen lassen v (Schnur etc.)
schnappen lassend
schnappen lassen
to snap sth. (cord etc.)
etw. schnappen lassen v (Schnur usw.)
schnappen lassend
schnappen lassen
to snap sth. (cord etc.)
Kordhose f, Kordhosen pl
cord trousers, cords, a pair of cords, corduroys
Goldkordel f
Goldkordeln pl
gold cord; gold string
gold cords; gold strings
Stimmlippe f; Stimmfalte f anat.
Stimmlippen pl; Stimmfalten pl
vocal fold; vocal cord
vocal folds; vocal cords
to cord up
cording, cording up
corded, corded up
zuschnüren v
to cord up
cording; cording up
corded; corded up
Erschütterung f (eines Körperteils); Konkussion f; Kommotion f (Concussio Commotio) med.
Rückenmarkserschütterung f (Commotio spinalis)
concussion; commotion
concussion of the spinal cord
Kordreifen m; Cordreifen m auto
Kordreifen pl; Cordreifen pl
cord tyre Br.; cord tire Am.
cord tyres; cord tires
Spiralkabel m; Wendekabel n electr. telco.
Spiralkabel pl; Wendekabel pl
helix cable; coiled cord coll.
helix cables; coiled cords
Myelenzephalitis f med.
inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord; myelencephalitis
Hängelampenschnur f; Pendelschnur f electr.
Hängelampenschnüre pl; Pendelschnüre pl
entlastete Pendelschnur
pendant cord
pendant cords
pendant cord with suspending cord
abnabeln v med.
to cut a child's cord
cutting a child's cord
cut a child's cord
Hilfsschirmverbindungsleine f mil.
Hilfsschirmverbindungsleinen pl
bridle, bridle cord, bridle line
bridles, bridle cords, bridle lines
Hilfsschirmverbindungsleine f mil.
Hilfsschirmverbindungsleinen pl
bridle; bridle cord; bridle line
bridles; bridle cords; bridle lines
Anschlussleitung f
Anschlussleitungen pl
access line, flex, power supply cord
access lines, power supply cords
Anschlussleitung f
Anschlussleitungen pl
access line; flex; power supply cord
access lines; power supply cords
Rückenmarkreflex m
Rückenmarkreflexe pl
spinal reflex; spinal cord reflex
spinal reflexes; spinal cord reflexes
Stahlkordreifen m
Stahlkordreifen pl
steel cord tyre; steel cord tire Am.
steel cord tyres; steel cord tires
Nabelschnur f anat.
umbilical cord; umbilical chord rare; belly stalk; abdominal stalk; funis
Litzenschnur f; Litze f telco.
Litze für Klingelleitungen
flexible cord; flex Br.; stranded conductor Am.
bell cord; bell strand
Elektrozuleitung f; Verbindungsschnur f
Elektrozuleitungen pl; Verbindungsschnüre pl
power cord; line cord; or mains cable
power cords; line cords; or mains cables
Textilreifen m
Textilreifen pl
textile cord tyre; textile cord tire Am.
textile cord tyres; textile cord tires
mitbeeinflusst; mitschwingend; sympathetisch obs. adj
Analogiezauber; sympathetischer Zauber obs. (Esoterik)
mitschwingende Saite mus.
mitschwingendes Seil
sympathetic magic (esoterism)
sympathetic string
sympathetic cord
Stimmbandlähmung f med.
eine Stimmbandlähmung davontragen erleiden
vocal cord paralysis; vocal paralysis; phonetic paralysis
to sustain vocal cord paralysis
Samenstrang m anat.
Samenstränge pl
spermatic cord; spermatic chord rare; funiculus
spermatic cords; spermatic chords; funiculi
(nicht fest verlegtes) Verbindungskabel f; Anschlusskabel n; Rangierkabel n; Anschlusslitze f comp.
Verbindungskabel pl; Anschlusskabel pl; Rangierkabel pl; Anschlusslitzen pl
patch cable; patch cord; patch lead; pigtail
patch cables; patch cords; patch leads; pigtails
Kordhose f; Kordhosen pl textil.
Kordhosen pl; Kordhosen pl
cord trousers; cords; a pair of cords; corduroys
cord trousers; cordss; pairs of cords; corduroys
Zwirn m textil.
einstufiger Zwirn
mehrstufiger Zwirn
dreifädiger Zwirn; dreidrähtiger Zwirn
Zwirn mit linker Schussdrehung; Linkszwirn
folded yarn; plied yarn; ply yarn
folded yarn
cabled yarn
three-cord twist
left-hand thread
Zwirn m; gefachtes Garn n textil.
einstufiger Zwirn
mehrstufiger Zwirn
dreifädiger Zwirn; dreidrähtiger Zwirn
Zwirn mit linker Schussdrehung; Linkszwirn
folded yarn; plied yarn; ply yarn
folded yarn
cabled yarn
three-cord twist
left-hand thread
Rückenmark n; Myelon n (Medulla spinalis) anat.
verlängertes Rückenmark
spinal cord; spinal chord rare; medulla; myelon
medulla oblongata; oblongata; afterbrain; bulbus; bulb
Adapterkabel n; Steckschnur f ugs.; Schaltschnur f ugs. electr.
Adapterkabel pl; Steckschnüren pl; Schaltschnüre pl
adapter cable; patching cable; patch cable; patch cord
adapter cables; patching cables; patch cables; patch cords
Saite f mus.
Saiten pl
A-Saite f
D-Saite f
E-Saite f
G-Saite f
H-Saite f
hohe tiefe E-Saite (Gitarre)
die richtige Saite anschlagen
A string
D string
E string
G string
B string
high low E string (guitar)
to touch the right cord
Reißleine f; Reißschnur f (Fallschirm, Heißluftballon) aviat.
Reißleinen pl; Reißschnüre pl
Reißleine für den Hauptfallschirm
Reißleine für den Reserveschirm
rip cord; release cord; release line (parachute, hot-air balloon)
rip cords; release cords; release lines
main rip cord
reserve rip cord
Bindeschnur f; Schnur f; Kordel f; (starker) Bindfaden m Dt. Schw.; Strippe f Dt.; Spagat m Bayr. Ös.
Hanfstrick m
Hanfschnur f
Verpackungsschnur f; Paketschnur f
ein Knäuel Bindfaden
tying cord; cord; tying string; string; tying twine; twine
hemp cord; hemp twine
hemp string
packthread; packing cord; packing string
a ball of string
Verlängerungskabel n; Verlängerungsschnur f ugs.; Verlängerung f ugs. electr.
Verlängerungskabel pl; Verländerungsschnüre pl; Verlängerungen pl
extension cable Br.; extension lead Br.; extension flex Br.; extension cord Am.; extension coll.
extension cables; extension leads; extension flexes; extension cords; extensions
Verlängerungskabel n; Verlängerungsschnur f ugs.; Verlängerung f ugs. electr.
Verlängerungskabel pl; Verlängerungsschnüre pl; Verlängerungen pl
extension cable Br.; extension lead Br.; extension flex Br.; extension cord Am.; extension coll.
extension cables; extension leads; extension flexes; extension cords; extensions
Stimmband n anat.
Stimmbänder pl
falsches Stimmband
vocal cord; vocal chord rare; vocal fold; vocal ligament; phonatory band; phonocorda
vocal cords; vocal chords; vocal folds; vocal ligaments; phonatory bands; phonocordas
false vocal cord; vestibular fold
Sprengkapsel f
Sprengkapseln pl
eine Sprengkapsel an die Zündschnur anwürgen
detonator; exploder; primer; priming tube; igniter; squib; blasting cap; fuse
detonators; exploders; primers; priming tubes; igniters; squibs; blasting caps; fuses
to crimp a blasting cap to the detonating cord
Seiltrommel f
Seiltrommeln pl
gerillte Seiltrommel
hoisting drum; rope drum; cable drum; winding drum; fleet wheel; drum; cage; spool; reel; cord barrel
hoisting drums; rope drums; cable drums; winding drums; fleet wheels; drums; cages; spools; reels; cord barrels
rope drum with grooves
Netzanschlusskabel n; Netzkabel n; Anschlusskabel n; Anschlussleitung f; konfektioniertes Kabel n; Schnur f Dt. ugs. (für ein Elektrogerät) electr. comp.
Netzanschlusskabel pl; Netzkabel pl; Anschlusskabel pl; Anschlussleitungen pl; konfektionierte Kabel pl; Schnüre pl
power supply cord; power cord; electrical cord; appliance cord; flexible cord; cord set; electrical flex Br.; flex Br.; mains cable; mains lead (for an electric appliance)
power supply cords; power cords; electrical cords; appliance cords; flexible cords; cord sets; electrical flexes; flexes; mains cables; mains leads
sich bis an einen Ort erstrecken; bis an einen Ort reichen; gehen v geogr.
sich erstreckend; Ort reichend; gehend
sich erstreckt; gereicht; gegangen
Die Getreidefelder reichen so weit das Auge reicht.
Der Wald erstreckt sich kilometerlang nach Westen.
Das Grundstück reicht bis zum Fluss.
Beim Sitzen reichen ihre Beine nicht bis zum Boden.
Der Rock geht ihr langt ihr selten bis unter die Knie.
Die Schnur reicht nicht.; Die Schnur ist nicht lang genug.
Das Kabel reicht nicht ganz bis zur Steckdose.
Die Haare reichten ihr bis zu den Hüften.
Die Stiefel reichten ihm bis zu den Knien.
to reach a place; to extend; to stretch; to reach to a place as far as a place
reaching; extending; stretching
reached a place; extended; stretched
The cornfields stretch as far as the eye can see.
The forest extends stretches for miles to the west.
The land reaches the river.; The land reaches to the river.; The land reaches as far as the river.
When she is sitting, her feet don't reach the ground.
The skirt reaches (down) below her knees.
The cord doesn't reach.
The lead doesn't quite reach the plug.
Her hair reached down to her waist.
The boots reached up to his knees.

Deutsche Cord {n} Raummaß für Holz (USA) Synonyme

Defibrator  ÂZerfasermaschine  für  Holz  
Gehölz  ÂHolz  ÂNutzholz  
Harzstreifen  Âverharztes  Holz  
Holzpellets  ÂPellets  aus  Holz  
möbliert  mit  Holz  Ârustikal  
ausgeglühtes  Stück  Holz  ÂZinder  
Verkrümmung  ÂVerwerfung  ÂVerziehen  (von  Holz)  
aufquellen  (Holz,  Erbsen)  Âherausfließen  (aus)  Âquellen  Âquillen  
(sich)  biegen  Â(sich)  krümmen  Âverziehen  Âwerfen  (Holz)  
aufquellen (Holz, Erbsen)  herausfließen (aus)  quellen  quillen  
ausgeglühtes Stück Holz  Zinder  
cord  beam  billet  board  boarding  braid  brail  cable  clapboard  cordwood  
spinal cord  afferent neuron  autonomic nervous system  axon  brain  central nervous system  cerebral cortex  craniosacral nervous system  dendrite  effector organ  

Englische cord Synonyme

cord  beam  billet  board  boarding  braid  brail  cable  clapboard  cordwood  deal  driftwood  firewood  hardwood  lath  lathing  lathwork  ligament  ligation  ligature  line  log  lumber  panelboard  paneling  panelwork  plank  planking  plyboard  plywood  pole  post  puncheon  rope  shake  sheathing  sheathing board  sheeting  shingle  sideboard  siding  slab  slat  softwood  splat  spun yarn  stave  stick  stick of wood  stovewood  string  tendon  thong  three-by-four  timber  timbering  timberwork  twine  twist  two-by-four  weatherboard  wire  wood  yarn  
cordage  accommodation  burden  capacity  content  cording  gear  limit  measure  poundage  quantity  rigging  room  ropework  roping  space  stowage  tack  tackle  tonnage  volume  
cordial  Benedictine  Bohemian  Chartreuse  Danziger Goldwasser  Drambuie  Galliano  Irish Mist  Strega  Triple Sec  ablaze  affable  afire  agreeable  amiable  amicable  analeptic  ardent  blissful  boiling over  bonhomous  bracer  bracing  breathless  brisk  burning  casual  cheerful  cheering  compatible  complaisant  congenial  courteous  crisp  crispy  degage  delirious  desirable  drunk  dulcet  easy  easy-natured  easygoing  en rapport  energizing  enjoyable  enlivenment  enthusiastic  excited  exhilarating  exhilaration  exuberant  fair  fair and pleasant  familiar  febrile  felicific  felicitous  fervent  fervid  fevered  feverish  fiery  fine  flaming  flushed  folksy  framboise  free and easy  fresh  friendly  generous  genial  gentle  glowing  good  good-humored  good-natured  good-tempered  goodly  gracious  grateful  gratifying  green Chartreuse  harmonious  haymish  heart-warming  heartfelt  hearty  heated  homely  homey  honeyed  hospitable  hot  impassioned  informal  intense  intoxicated  invigorating  invigoration  irregular  keen  kindly  liberal  likable  liqueurs  lively  loose  maraschino  mellifluous  mellow  mild  natural  neighborly  nice  offhand  offhanded  on fire  open  openhearted  parfait amour  passionate  pear brandy  pick-me-up  plain  pleasant  pleasing  pleasurable  pleasure-giving  pleasureful  polite  pousse-cafe  rainbow cordial  reanimation  receptive  recreation  red-hot  refection  refreshful  refreshing  refreshment  regale  regalement  regaling  reinvigoration  relaxed  renewal  responsive  restorative  revival  revivescence  revivescency  revivification  rewarding  roborant  rousing  satisfying  simple  sincere  sloe gin  sociable  steaming  steamy  stimulating  stimulation  sweet  sweet-tempered  sympathetic  tender  tonic  unaffected  unassuming  unceremonious  unconstrained  unconventional  unofficial  unrestrained  unstudied  vigorous  vitamin shot  vivification  warm  warmhearted  welcome  welcoming  well-natured  w  
cordiality  agreeability  agreeableness  amiability  approbation  approval  enjoyableness  favor  geniality  gratefulness  mutuality  pleasance  pleasantness  reciprocity  responsiveness  sweetness and light  sympathy  understanding  warmth  
cordon  advance guard  armed guard  bank guard  beleaguer  beset  besiege  block  blockade  blue ribbon  bolt  bottleneck  bound  box in  cage  catch  chamber  close in  coast guard  compass  contain  coop  coop in  coop up  cordon bleu  cordon off  cordon sanitaire  cordoning off  corral  cull out  curtain  decoration  decoration of honor  determent  deterrent  difficulty  divide  drawback  encircle  enclose  encompass  enshrine  fence in  garrison  garter  ghettoize  gin  goalie  goalkeeper  goaltender  gold star  grand cordon  guard  guarder  guardsman  hang-up  hazard  hedge in  hem in  hitch  house in  hurdle  impound  imprison  incarcerate  include  inlying picket  insulate  isolate  isolation  jail  jailer  joker  keep apart  keep aside  kennel  lay aside  leaguer  mew  mew up  objection  obstacle  obstruction  obstructive  one small difficulty  order  ornament  outguard  outpost  pen  pen in  pick out  picket  pocket  put aside  quarantine  quarantine flag  rail in  rear guard  red ribbon  riband  ribbon  riddle  rope off  rub  sanitary cordon  screen  seal off  seclude  seclusion  security guard  segregate  segregation  separate  separation  set apart  set aside  shrine  shut in  shut up  sieve  sift  snag  sort out  stable  star  stumbling block  stumbling stone  surround  thrash  thresh  train guard  van  vanguard  wall in  warder  winnow  wrap  yard  yard up  yellow flag  yellow jack  
cordon bleu  Admirable Crichton  adept  artisan  artist  attache  authority  blue ribbon  connaisseur  connoisseur  consultant  cordon  crack shot  craftsman  dead shot  decoration  decoration of honor  diplomat  diplomatist  elder statesman  experienced hand  expert  expert consultant  garter  gold star  graduate  grand cordon  handy man  journeyman  marksman  no slouch  order  ornament  politician  pro  professional  professor  proficient  red ribbon  riband  ribbon  savant  shark  sharp  star  statesman  technical adviser  technician  
corduroy  Aralac  Avisco  Axminster  Celanese  Dacron  Dynel  Georgette  Harris Tweed  Lastex  Leatherette  Orlon  Qiana  Revolite  Terylene  Ultrasuede  Velon  Vicara  acetate  acetate rayon  alpaca  arras  astrakhan  baize  batik  blanketing  broadcloth  broadloom  brocade  broken ground  broken water  bunting  calico  cambric  canaliculate  canaliculated  canvas  carpeting  cashmere  castor  chamfered  channeled  cheesecloth  chiffon  chinchilla  chintz  chop  coating  cord  corduroy road  corduroyed  corrugate  corrugated  corrugation  costate  cotton  crash  crepe  crepe de chine  cretonne  crimped  crinoline  cut  dadoed  damask  denim  doeskin  drill  drilling  drugget  duck  duffel  engraved  felt  flannel  flannelette  fleece  fluted  foulard  frieze  furrowed  fustian  gashed  gauze  gingham  goffered  goose bumps  goose pimples  gooseflesh  gossamer  gouged  grenadine  grogram  grooved  grosgrain  gunny  haircloth  herringbone  hessian  homespun  hop sacking  horripilation  horsehair  huck  huckaback  incised  jersey  lame  lawn  linen  linoleum  linsey-woolsey  lisle  list  loden  longcloth  lop  luster  mackinaw  mackintosh  madras  maline  manta  mantua  marquisette  mat  matting  melton  messaline  mohair  moire  moleskin  mousseline de soie  murrey  muslin  nainsook  nankeen  near-silk  net  netting  nylon  oil silk  oilcloth  organdy  organza  paisley  panne  panne velvet  pepper-and-salt  percale  pique  plaid  pleated  plush  polyester  pongee  poplin  print  quilting  rabbeted  radium  rayon  rayon casheen  rep  ribbed  rifled  ripple  rough  rugging  russet  rutted  rutty  sackcloth  sacking  sailcloth  sandpaper  sarcenet  sateen  satin  say  scored  scratched  seersucker  serge  shalloon  shantung  sharkskin  sheers  sheeting  shoddy  shot silk  silk  slit  spun rayon  stamin  stammel  stockinette  striated  stuff  suede  sulcate  sulcated  swansdown  tabaret  tabby  taffeta  taffety  tapestry  tarpaulin  tartan  terry cloth  tick  ticking  tr  

cord Definition

(n.) A string, or small rope, composed of several strands twisted together.
(n.) A solid measure, equivalent to 128 cubic feet
(n.) Fig.: Any moral influence by which persons are caught, held, or drawn, as if by a cord
(n.) Any structure having the appearance of a cord, esp. a tendon or a nerve. See under Spermatic, Spinal, Umbilical, Vocal.
(n.) See Chord.
(v. t.) To bind with a cord
(v. t.) To arrange (wood, etc.) in a pile for measurement by the cord.
(imp. & p. p.) of Core

cord Bedeutung

Bedford cord a heavy corded fabric similar to corduroy, used for clothing
bungee cord
an elasticized rope
chenille chenille cord a soft tufted cord used in embroidery
cord a line made of twisted fibers or threads, the bundle was tied with a cord
cord corduroy a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs, usually made of cotton
cord electric cord a light insulated conductor for household use
extension cord an electric cord used to extend the length of a power cord
power cord a cord to conduct power to an electrical appliance
sash cord
sash line
a strong cord connecting a sash weight to a sliding sash
telephone cord
phone cord
the telephone wire that connects to the handset
cord blood blood obtained from the umbilical cord at birth
spinal cord
medulla spinalis
a major part of the central nervous system which conducts sensory and motor nerve impulses to and from the brain, a long tubelike structure extending from the base of the brain through the vertebral canal to the upper lumbar region
umbilical cord
membranous duct connecting the fetus with the placenta
spermatic cord a structure resembling a cord that suspends the testis within the scrotum and contains the vas deferens and other vessels and nerves
vocal cord
vocal fold
vocal band
plica vocalis
either of two pairs of folds of mucous membrane projecting into the larynx
false vocal cord
false vocal fold
superior vocal cord
ventricular fold
vestibular fold
either of the upper two vocal cords that are not involved in vocalization
true vocal cord
true vocal fold
inferior vocal cord
inferior vocal fold
either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to form the glottis, produce a vocal tone when they are approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
cord grass
any of several perennial grasses of the genus Spartina, some important as coastal soil binders
cord a unit of amount of wood cut for burning, cubic feet
silver cord the emotional bond between a mother and her offspring
cord bind or tie with a cord
cord stack in cords, cord firewood
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