
count Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

rechnen, zÀhlen
Anzahl f
ZĂ€hlung f
abzaehlen, zaehlen
Anklagepunkt m jur.
Punkt m; Diskussionspunkt m
count up
to count
to count
Belegschaft f
Byteanzahl f
byte count
Tropfenzahl f
drop count
byte count
count back
count over
Personalstand m adm.
Schmutzfleckenzahl f
dirt count
Wortanzahl f
word count
nach meiner SchÀtzung
by my count
Spermienzahl f
sperm count
jiffy count
FehlerzÀhlung f telco.
error count
double count
DoppelzÀhlung f
double count
Ich mache mit!
Count me in!
Verlass dich drauf!
Count on it!
aktueller Zaehlerstand
actual count
Pollenkonzentration f; Pollenzahl f
pollen count
zÀhlen, rechnen (mit)
to count (on)
to count (on)
zÀhlen; rechnen (mit)
to count (on)
Ich verlasse mich auf Sie.
I count on you.
AuszĂ€hlungsverfahren n (bez. nichtmetallischer EinschlĂŒsse)
inclusion count
day of the count
als verloren ansehen
to count for lost
angezÀhlt werden sport (Boxen)
to take the count
die Kosten berechnen
to count the cost
angezÀhlt werden v sport (Boxen)
to take the count
rĂŒckwĂ€rtszĂ€hlen v
to count backwards
StimmenauszÀhlung f; AuszÀhlung f pol.
ballot count; count
Rechnen Sie nicht mit mir
you can count me out
nicht zÀhlen; bedeutungslos sein
to count for nothing
nicht zÀhlen v; bedeutungslos sein v
to count for nothing
Blutbild n med.
blood count, hemogram
Rechnen Sie nicht mit mir!
You can count me out!
Sie können sich darauf verlassen
you can count on that
Blutbild n med.
blood count; hemogram
Jahresinventur f
annual inventory count
Bei drei geht's los.
On the count of three.
Sie können sich darauf verlassen.
You can count on that.
annual inventory count
ausgezÀhlt werden v sport (Boxen)
to go down for a count
etw. als verloren ansehen v
to count sth. for lost
assemblierte Programmstelle f
assembled program count
assemblierte Programmstelle
assembled program count
assemblierte Programmstelle f comp.
assembled program count
Differentialblutbild n med.
differential blood count
Er zĂ€hlt ĂŒberhaupt nicht.
He simply doesn't count.
Blutstatus m med.
complete blood count CBC
Medaillenspiegel m
Medaillenspiegel m
medal table
medal count
Blutstatus m med.
complete blood count (CBC)
Blutstatus m med.
complete blood count CBC
Seitenumfang m
page count; number of pages
auszÀhlen v
to count
Bakterienzahl f (im Wasser)
bacterial count (in the water)
tief und fest schlafen
to be out for the count fig.
Ausnummer f (Baumwolle) textil.
count of delivery side (cotton)
Graf m, FĂŒrst m hist.
Grafen pl, FĂŒrsten pl
count, earl Br.
counts, earls
Graf m; FĂŒrst m hist.
Grafen pl; FĂŒrsten pl
count; earl Br.
counts; earls
jdn. zu jds. Kunden zÀhlen
to count so. among so.'s customer
Opferzahlen pl; Zahl der Todesopfer m; Zahl der Toten
bodycount (body-count) (body count)
Linksverschiebung f (weißes Blutbild) med.
shift to the left (white blood count)
Rechtsverschiebung f (weißes Blutbild) med.
shift to the right (white blood count)
ZellzÀhlung f (Labor) biol. med.
cell counting; cell count (laboratory)
nach; entsprechend prp; +Dat.
nach dem Äußeren urteilen
nach meiner SchÀtzung
to judge by appearances
by my count
to count back
counting back
counted back
zurĂŒckrechnen v
to count back
counting back
counted back
'Der Graf von Luxemburg' (von LehĂĄr Werktitel) mus.
'The Count of Luxemburg' (by LehĂĄr work title)
mitrechnen v
mitrechnen v
to include sth. (in a calculation)
to count too
'Der Graf von Luxemburg' (von Lehår Werktitel) mus.
'The Count of Luxemburg' (by Lehår work title)
zu zweien zu dreien zu vieren abzÀhlen (um Gruppen zu bilden) v mil. sport
to count off by twos threes fours (to form groups)
Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben. Sprw.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. prov.
nach prp; +Dat. (gemĂ€ĂŸ)
nach meiner ZĂ€hlung
nach den Regeln spielen
by (according to)
by my count
to play by the rules
etw. durchzÀhlen v
to count out up sth.
counting out up
counted out up
Anfahrtszeit f
Anfahrtszeiten als Arbeitszeit anrechnen
travelling time
to count travelling time as working time
Man soll die KĂŒken nicht zĂ€hlen, bevor sie ausgebrĂŒtet sind. Sprw.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. prov.
Man soll die Rechnung nicht ohne den Wirt machen. Sprw.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. prov.
Man soll die KĂŒken nicht zĂ€hlen bevor sie ausgebrĂŒtet sind. Sprw.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. prov.
Pfennig m
jeden Pfennig umdrehen
to count every penny, to watch every penny fig.
Zellzahl f biol.
Zellzahlen pl
number of cells; cell count
numbers of cells; cell counts
ZĂ€hlerstand m
ZÀhlerstÀnde pl
aktueller ZĂ€hlerstand
meter reading, count
meter readings, counts
actual count
ZĂ€hlerstand m
ZÀhlerstÀnde pl
aktueller ZĂ€hlerstand
meter reading; count
meter readings; counts
actual count
rechnet auf
rechnete auf
to count up
counting up
counted up
counts up
counted up
ZĂ€hlergebnis n
ZĂ€hlergebnisse pl
count result; counting result
count results; counting results
Pfennig m Pf
jeden Pfennig umdrehen
pfennig pf.
to count every penny; to watch every penny fig.
ZĂ€hlweise f
je nach ZĂ€hlweise
counting method; manner of counting
depending on how you count
Pfennig m Pf
jeden Pfennig umdrehen
pfennig pf.
to count every penny; to watch every penny fig.
jdm. etw. vorzÀhlen (Geld usw.) v
to count out () sth. to sb. (money etc.)
counting out
counted out
to count over
counting over
counted over
counts over
counted over
ĂŒberzĂ€hlen v
to count over
counting over
counted over
counts over
counted over
den Überblick (ĂŒber etw.) verlieren zalhenmĂ€ĂŸig; etw. nicht mehr zĂ€hlen können
sich verzÀhlen
Ich weiß nicht wie oft ich schon ...
to lose count (of sth.)
to lose count
I've lost count of how often I ...
den Überblick (ĂŒber etw.) verlieren zalhenmĂ€ĂŸig; etw. nicht mehr zĂ€hlen können
sich verzÀhlen
Ich weiß nicht, wie oft ich schon ...
to lose count (of sth.)
to lose count
I've lost count of how often I ...
dabei sein v (als Teilnehmer)
dabeiseiend; dabei seiend
dabeigewesen; dabei gewesen
Darf ich dabei sein?
Ich bin dabei!
to take part (in it)
taking part
taken part
Can I come, too?
Count me in!
Poststempel m
Poststempel pl
Es gilt das Datum des Poststempels.
The date of the postmark will count as the submission date.
zÀhlen, abzÀhlen v
zÀhlend, abzÀhlend
gezÀhlt, abgezÀhlt
sie zÀhlt
sie zÀhlte
sie hat
hatte gezÀhlt
to count
she counts
she counted
she has
had counted
zÀhlen; abzÀhlen v
zÀhlend; abzÀhlend
gezÀhlt; abgezÀhlt
er sie zÀhlt
ich er sie zÀhlte
er sie hat hatte gezÀhlt
to count
he she counts
I he she counted
he she has had counted
rechnen, zÀhlen, gelten
rechnend, zÀhlend, geltend
gerechnet, gezÀhlt, gegolten
zu Gunsten von ... zÀhlen
to count
to count on favour Br. of ..., to count in favor Am. of ...
sich verlassen v, zÀhlen, bauen (auf)
sich verlassend, zÀhlend, bauend
sich verlassen, gezÀhlt, gebaut
sich auf jdm.
etw. verlassen, auf jdn.
etw. zÀhlen, auf jdn.
etw. bauen
Ich verlasse mich auf dich., Ich zÀhle auf dich., Ich baue auf dich.
Du kannst sich auf mich verlassen, Du kannst auf mich zÀhlen.
to count (on)
to count on so.
I count on you.
You can count on me.
Poststempel m
Poststempel pl
Sonderstempel m
Es gilt das Datum des Poststempels.
special postmark
The date of the postmark will count as the submission date.
drei num
Auf drei (geht's los)!
Ihr drei kommt erst spÀter dran.
three and a half
On the count of three!
You three aren't up yet.; The three of you aren't up yet.
sich verlassen v; zÀhlen; bauen (auf)
sich verlassend; zÀhlend; bauend
sich verlassen; gezÀhlt; gebaut
sich auf jdm. etw. verlassen; auf jdn. etw. zÀhlen; auf jdn. etw. bauen
Ich verlasse mich auf dich Sie.; Ich zÀhle auf dich.; Ich baue auf dich.
Du kannst dich auf mich verlassen; Du kannst auf mich zÀhlen.
Verlass dich drauf!
to count (on)
to count on sb. sth.
I count on you.
You can count on me.
Count on it!
Substantiv n; Nomen n; Hauptwort n ling.
Substantive pl; Hauptwörter pl
unzÀhlbares Substantiv
zÀhlbares Substantiv
noun; substantive
nouns; substantives
uncountable noun; non-count noun; mass noun
countable noun; count noun
rechnen; zÀhlen; gelten v (als)
rechnend; zÀhlend; geltend
gerechnet; gezÀhlt; gegolten
von heute an gerechnet
zu Gunsten von 
to count (as)
counting from today
to count on favour Br. of 
; to count in favor Am. of 

ĂŒberhaupt; gar (Partikel bei Verneinungen)
Er zĂ€hlt ĂŒberhaupt nicht.
Sie sagte gar nichts.
Es macht mir ĂŒberhaupt gar keine UmstĂ€nde.
at all (particle in negative statements)
He doesn't count at all.
She didn't say anything at all.
It's no trouble at all.
Substantiv n; Nomen n; Hauptwort n ling.
Substantive pl; Hauptwörter pl
unzÀhlbares Substantiv
zÀhlbares Substantiv
zusammengesetztes Substantiv
noun; substantive
nouns; substantives
uncountable noun; non-count noun; mass noun
countable noun; count noun
composite noun
rechnen; zÀhlen; gelten v (als)
rechnend; zÀhlend; geltend
gerechnet; gezÀhlt; gegolten
von heute an gerechnet
zu Gunsten von ... zÀhlen
die Kinder nicht gerechnet
to count (as)
counting from today
to count on favour Br. of ...; to count in favor Am. of ...
not counting the children
sich auf jdn. stĂŒtzen
sich auf jdn. stĂŒtzend
sich auf jdn. gestĂŒtzt
to lean on sb., to count on sb., to depend on sb.
leaning on sb., counting on sb., depending on sb.
leant on sb., counted on sb., depended on sb.
sich auf jdn. stĂŒtzen
sich auf jdn. stĂŒtzend
sich auf jdn. gestĂŒtzt
to lean on sb.; to count on sb.; to depend on sb.
leaning on sb.; counting on sb.; depending on sb.
leaned leant on sb.; counted on sb.; depended on sb.
sich auf jdn. stĂŒtzen v
sich auf jdn. stĂŒtzend
sich auf jdn. gestĂŒtzt
to lean on sb.; to count on sb.; to depend on sb.
leaning on sb.; counting on sb.; depending on sb.
leaned leant on sb.; counted on sb.; depended on sb.
ĂŒber ungelegte Eier reden gackern v ugs.
Warte erst einmal ab (wie sich die Dinge entwickeln).
Ich glaube es erst, wenn es soweit ist wenn ich es sehe wenn ich es in der Hand habe wenn ich es in der Tasche habe.
to count your chickens before they're hatched Br. before they hatch Am.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
I wouldn't count your chickens.
zÀhlen v math.
er sie zÀhlt
ich er sie zÀhlte
er sie hat hatte gezÀhlt
Ich zÀhle jetzt bis drei.; Ich werde bis drei zÀhlen.
Meine Tochter kann schon bis zwanzig zÀhlen.
to count
he she counts
I he she counted
he she has had counted
I'm going to count to three.
M daughter can count to twenty already.
zu (einer Gruppe) zÀhlen; zu (einer Gruppe) gehören v
zu den LĂ€ndern gehören, in denen natĂŒrliche Gasvorkommen entdeckt wurden
to be among; to number among; to be numbered among; to count among; to be counted among (a group)
to be to count among the countries in which deposits of natural gas have been identified
etw. abzÀhlen v
Solche FÀlle kann man an den Fingern einer Hand abzÀhlen.
Seine Tage sind gezÀhlt. geh.
to count sth.; to count up () sth.; to number sth.
counting; counting up; numbering
counted; counted up; numbered
Such instances can be counted numbered on the fingers of one hand.
His days are numbered.
Kosten pl; Einkaufspreis m; Preis m
Kosten pl; Preise pl
auf meine Kosten
angefallene Kosten
einmalige Kosten
erstattbare Kosten
kalkulatorische Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
die Kosten berechnen
die Kosten ĂŒberschĂ€tzen
Kosten des Umsatzes econ.
at my cost
incurred cost(s)
non-recurring costs
reimbursable costs
implicit costs; imputed costs
allocated cost; applied cost
to count the cost
to overestimate the costs
costs of goods sold
Segen m; Wohltat f ĂŒbtr.
ein zweischneidiges Schwert sein; nicht nur Vorteile haben
Die neue Gondelbahn ist ein wahrer Segen fĂŒr die Leute in den Armenvierteln von Rio de Janairo.
Du solltest kannst froh sein dass es dir so gut geht.
Dass ich die Stelle nicht bekam erwies sich im Nachhinein als Segen.
blessing; boon; benison poet.
to be a mixed blessing
The new cable railway is a real boon to people in the slums of Rio de Janeiro.
You should count your blessings.
Not getting the job turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Segen m; Wohltat f ĂŒbtr.
ein zweischneidiges Schwert sein; nicht nur Vorteile haben
Die neue Gondelbahn ist ein wahrer Segen fĂŒr die Leute in den Armenvierteln von Rio de Janairo.
Du solltest kannst froh sein, dass es dir so gut geht.
Dass ich die Stelle nicht bekam, erwies sich im Nachhinein als Segen.
blessing; boon; benison poet.
to be a mixed blessing
The new cable railway is a real boon to people in the slums of Rio de Janeiro.
You should count your blessings.
Not getting the job turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Kosten pl, Einkaufspreis m, Preis m
Kosten pl, Preise pl
auf meine Kosten
angefallene Kosten
einmalige Kosten
erstattbare Kosten
kalkulatorische Kosten
verrechnete Kosten
die Kosten berechnen
die Kosten ĂŒberschĂ€tzen
die Kosten hereinwirtschaften
Kosten des Umsatzes econ.
at my cost
incurred cost(s)
non-recurring costs
reimbursable costs
implicit costs, imputed costs
allocated cost, applied cost
to count the cost
to overestimate the costs
to recoup one's cost
costs of goods sold
jdn. etw. mitrechnen; mit einrechnen; mitzÀhlen v (in einer Berechnung)
mitrechnend; mit einrechnend; mitzÀhlend
mitgerechnet; mit eingerechnet; mitgezÀhlt
Sonn- und Feiertage nicht mitgerechnet mitgezÀhlt
Es werden 60 Leute kommen, Kinder nicht mitgerechnet.
to count sb. sth.; to include sb. sth.; to take sth. into account (in a calculation)
counting; including; taking into account
counted; included; taken into account
Sundays and holidays not included
There will be 60 people, not counting children.
jdn. zu jdm. zÀhlen v
zÀhlend zu
gezÀhlt zu
jdn. zu seinen Kunden zÀhlen
Das Orchester zÀhlt Simon Rattle zu seinen Dirigenten.
Sie zĂ€hlt mehrere Ärzte zu ihren Freunden.; Unter ihren Freunden sind mehrere Ärzte.
to count sb. among sb.; to number sb. among sb.
counting among; numbering among
counted among; numbered among
to count sb. among your customers
The orchestra numbers Simon Rattle among its conductors.
She counts several doctors among her friends.
mitzÀhlen v
zÀhlt mit
zÀhlte mit
to count with, to count in, to be valid, to be relevant, to include
counting with, counting in, being valid, being relevant, including
counted with, counted in, been valid, been relevant, included
counts with, count in, is valid, is relevant, includes
counted with, counted in, was valid, was relevant, included
mitzÀhlen v
zÀhlt mit
zÀhlte mit
to count with; to count in; to be valid; to be relevant; to include
counting with; counting in; being valid; being relevant; including
counted with; counted in; been valid; been relevant; included
counts with; count in; is valid; is relevant; includes
counted with; counted in; was valid; was relevant; included
Lochen n; Lochung f; Stanzen n; Stanzung f (von Lochkarten Lochstreifen) comp. hist.
Auftragskartenlochung f
erweitertes Lochen
Lochen von 11 12er Steuerlöchern
Folgestanzen n mit durchsetzten Hauptkarten
Kontrolllochung f X-81
Mehrfachlochung f
Schnellstanzen n mit durchsetzten Hauptkarten
Stanzen laufender Nummern
Summenstanzen n
versetztes Stanzen
zÀhlabhÀngiges Stanzen; zÀhlabhÀngige Stanzung
Zeichenlochung f
Zonenlochung f
punching (of punch cards or tapes)
single-item punching
extended character punching
high order 11 12 punching
interspersed gang punching
X-81 punching
multiple punching
master card gang punching
serial number punching
summary punching
offset gang punching
count-controlled punching
mark-sensed punching
zone punching
dabei sein, dabeisein alt
dabei seiend, dabeiseiend
dabei gewesen, dabeigewesen alt
sie ist dabei
sie war dabei
sie ist
war dabei gewesen, er
sie ist
war dabeigewesen
Ich bin dabei!
to be there, to be present, to be involved
being there, being present, being involved
been there, been present, been involved
she is there, he
she is present, he
she is involved
she was there, I
she was present, I
she was involved
she has
has been there, he
she has
has been present, he
she has
has been involved
Count me in!
dabei sein; dabeisein alt
dabei seiend; dabeiseiend
dabei gewesen; dabeigewesen alt
er sie ist dabei
ich er sie war dabei
er sie ist war dabei gewesen; er sie ist war dabeigewesen
Ich bin dabei!
to be there; to be present; to be involved
being there; being present; being involved
been there; been present; been involved
he she is there; he she is present; he she is involved
I he she was there; I he she was present; I he she was involved
he she has has been there; he she has has been present; he she has has been involved
Count me in!
etw. (in bestimmter Weise) aufnehmen; rezipieren art v
aufnehmend; rezipierend
aufgenommen; rezipiert
Der FĂŒrst nahm das Schreiben empört auf.
Sein RĂŒcktritt wurde freudig aufgenommen.
Die Entschuldigung wurde von vielen skeptisch aufgenommen.
Der Beschluss wurde dankbar begeistert aufgenommen.
Ihr erstes Gedicht wurde nicht gut rezipiert.
to receive sth.; to greet sth. (respond to in a specified way)
receiving; greeting
received; greeted
The count greeted the letter with outrage.
His resignation was greeted with joy.
The apology was received greeted with scepticism by many.
The decision was gratefully enthusiastically received.; The decision was greeted with gratitude with enthusiasm.
Her first poem was not well received.
Bestimmung f; Bestimmen n; Analyse f (der Eigenschaften oder Bestandteile einer Substanz eines Objekts) chem. envir. med. pharm. phys.
Absolutbestimmung f
Aschengehaltsbestimmung f chem.
Blindbestimmung f chem.
Fettbestimmung f chem.
Halbmikrobestimmung f chem.
Keimzahlbestimmung f envir. med.
Kohlenstoff-Wasserstoff-Bestimmung f chem.
Mikrobestimmung f chem.
Molmassenbestimmung f chem.
Neubestimmung f; Nachbestimmung f; nochmalige Bestimmung
Taupunktsbestimmung f chem.
Bestimmung der Bestandteile
Bestimmung der Liegezeit einer Leiche; Liegezeitbestimmung f med.
Bestimmung der Masse; Massenbestimmung f chem. phys.
Bestimmung des Schwefelgehalts chem.
eine Analyse machen erstellen durchfĂŒhren vornehmen
determination; determining; analysis (of the properties or constituents of a substance an object)
absolute determination
ash determination
blank determination
fat determination
semimicro determination
determination of germ count
carbon-hydrogen determination
molecular-weight determination; molar-mass determination
pH determination
determination of dew point
determination of content
determination of time since death
mass determination
determination of sulphur content
to do carry out conduct an analysis
jds. Stimme f (bei einer Abstimmung Wahl) pol.
Stimmen pl
die entscheidende Stimme; die Entscheidungsstimme selten (bei Stimmengleichheit)
Vorzugsstimme f
WĂ€hlerstimme f
seine Stimme abgeben
anders abstimmen
mitstimmen v
ĂŒber einen Vorschlag abstimmen
fĂŒr gegen den Antrag stimmen
jds. Stimme(n) bekommen
die Stimmen auszÀhlen
die Mehrheit der abgegebenen Stimmen erhalten
Es gibt 24 Stimmen dafĂŒr und 11 dagegen.
Sie dĂŒrfen an den Sitzungen teilnehmen, aber nicht mitstimmen.
sb.'s vote; sb.'s ballot
votes; ballots
the deciding vote; the casting vote Br. (in the event of a tie)
preference vote
public vote; popular vote; ballot
to cast your vote
to change your vote; to switch your vote
to cast a vote; to cast a ballot
to cast a vote on a proposal
to cast a vote for against the motion; to cast a ballot for against the motion
to receive sb.'s vote; to get sb.'s vote
to count the votes ballots; to tally the votes ballots
to get the majority of popular votes cast of ballots cast
There are 24 votes in favour and 12 against.
They may attend the meetings, but may not cast a vote ballot.

Deutsche rechnen zÀhlen Synonyme

abzĂ€hlen  ÂzĂ€hlen  
falsch  zĂ€hlen  ÂverzĂ€hlen  
(sich)  verlassen  (auf)  Âbauen  (auf)  Âvertrauen  ÂzĂ€hlen  (auf)  
berechnen  Âkalkulieren  Ârechnen  
(etwas)  erwarten  Âauf  der  Rechnung  haben  (umgangssprachlich)  Ârechnen  (mit)  
auf  etwas  spekulieren  Âeingestellt  sein  auf  Âentgegensehen  Âerwarten  Âmit  etwas  rechnen  
Angewandte  Physik  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMathe  (umgangssprachlich)  ÂMathematik  ÂRechnen  (umgangssprachlich)  
(sich)  auszahlen  Â(sich)  bezahlt  machen  Â(sich)  lohnen  Â(sich)  rechnen  Â(sich)  rentieren  Âamortisieren  ÂFrĂŒchte  tragen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âlohnenswert  (sein)  
falsch zĂ€hlen  verzĂ€hlen  

Englische count Synonyme

count  Brahman  a reckoning of  account  account of  accounts  accusal  accusation  accusing  add up  adjudge  adjudicate  admit  aggregate  allegation  allegement  allow  amount  amount to something  apportion  archduke  aristocrat  armiger  arraignment  article  aspect  assimilate  bank on  baron  baronet  batch  be featured  be influential  be judicious  be persuasive  be prominent  be regarded  be somebody  be something  be thought of  beat  beat a tattoo  beat the drum  beat time  bill of particulars  blame  blue blood  body count  box score  bringing of charges  bringing to book  budget  bunch  calculate  call off  call over  call the roll  capitulation  carry weight  case  cast  census  charge  check of  chunk  clutch  complaint  complete  comprehend  comprise  compute  consider  contain  count in  count of  count on  count the beats  count up  cover  cut ice  cut some ice  daimio  datum  deal  decrease  deem  delation  denouncement  denunciation  depend on  detail  difference  divide  dose  drum  duke  earl  election returns  element  embody  embrace  encircle  enclose  encompass  enumerate  envisage  esquire  esteem  exercise judgment  express an opinion  facet  fact  factor  figure on  figure out  figure up  fill  fill in  fill out  fix  foliate  form an opinion  gentleman  get top billing  gob  grand duke  grandee  group  have an in  have full play  have influence  have personality  have pull  head count  heap  hidalgo  hold  hunk  impeachment  implication  import  imputation  incidental  include  incorporate  increase  indictment  information  innuendo  insinuation  instance  inventory  item  judge  keep time  lace-curtain  laird  landgrave  landslide  large amount  lawsuit  laying of charges  look on  look upon  lord  lordling  lot  magnate  magnifico  margrave  marquis  matter  measure  mess  minor detail  minutia  minutiae  noble  nobleman  nose count  number  number among  numerate  occupy  official count  optimate  pack  page  paginate  palsgrave  p  
count on  aspire to  bank on  bargain for  bet on  calculate on  confide  depend on  desire  expect  feel confident  figure on  forestall  gamble on  harbor the hope  hope  hope against hope  hope and pray  hope for  hope in  hope to God  lean on  lean upon  live in hopes  look for  look forward to  look out for  look to  nurture the hope  place reliance on  plan on  presume  reckon on  rely on  rely upon  repose on  rest assured  rest on  swear by  trust  trust to  watch out for  
count out  ban  bar  bar out  bate  blockade  cut off  debar  eliminate  embargo  except  exclude  freeze out  ignore  keep out  leave out  lock out  omit  ostracize  pass over  preclude  prohibit  reject  relegate  repudiate  rule out  send to Coventry  shut out  suspend  taboo  
countenance  Buddha-like composure  OK  Oriental calm  abet  abetment  accept  acceptance  adherence  admiration  admire  advocacy  advocate  aegis  aid and abet  air  applaud  approbation  approval  approve  approve of  ask for  auspices  authority  authorization  back  backing  bear  bear with  bearing  bless  blessing  blink at  brook  brow  calm disposition  calm of mind  calmness  care  carriage  cast  cast of countenance  certification  champion  championship  charity  clearance  color  comfort  commend  complexion  composure  condone  connive at  cool  coolheadedness  coolness  demeanor  dial  easy mind  embolden  empowerment  enabling  encourage  encouragement  endorse  endorsement  endure  enfranchisement  entitlement  esteem  face  facial appearance  facies  favor  favorable vote  feature  features  feed  fiat  foster  fosterage  garb  give encouragement  go for  goodwill  grin and abide  guidance  guise  have  hear of  hearten  hold with  icy calm  imperturbation  indisturbance  indulge  interest  invite  keep in countenance  kisser  let go by  let pass  lineaments  lines  looks  map  mental composure  mien  mug  mush  nod  nourish  nurture  obey  overlook  pan  patronage  peace of mind  peacefulness  philosophic composure  philosophicalness  philosophy  phiz  physiognomy  placidity  port  posture  presence  puss  put up with  quiet  quiet mind  quietude  ratification  respect  rise above  sanction  sangfroid  seal of approval  seconding  serenity  shine upon  shrug  shrug it off  smile upon  soothingness  sponsorship  stamp of approval  stance  stand for  stomach  submit to  subscribe  suffer  support  sympathy  take kindly to  think well of  tolerate  traits  tranquillity  turn  tutelage  unruffledness  uphold  view with favor  visage  voice  vote  warrant  warranty  wink at  yea  yea vote  yield to  
counter  Geiger counter  Wilson chamber  X-ray spectrograph  X-ray spectrometer  abjure  adversary  adversative  adverse  adversive  advocate  against the grain  against the tide  against the wind  agree to disagree  alien  allege in support  alpha pulse analyzer  ambo  answer  antagonistic  antagonize  anti  antipathetic  antipodal  antipode  antipodean  antipodes  antipole  antithesis  antithetic  antithetical  antonym  antonymous  argue for  ascender  assert  assert the contrary  at cross-purposes  at daggers  at daggers drawn  at issue  at odds  at opposite extremes  at variance  at war with  athwart  atom counter  atom-tagger  back  back to back  backward  baffle  baggage check  balancing  balk  bar  bastard type  be antipathetic  be at cross-purposes  be inimical  be opposed to  beard  beat against  beat off  belie  belly  bench  bevel  black letter  blast  block  board  body  boomerang  boron counter  brave  break  break off  buffet  cap  capital  case  challenge  champion  check  checkmate  chip  circumvent  clash  clashing  cloud chamber  collide  come back at  comeback  compensating  competitive  con  conflict  conflict with  conflicting  confound  confront  confronting  confute  contend for  contest  contra  contradict  contradictory  contradistinct  contrapose  contrapositive  contrarious  contrariwise  contrary  contrast with  contrasted  contrasting  contravene  controvert  converse  cosmic ray counter  counteract  counteractive  counterattack  counterbalance  counterbalancing  counterblast  counterblow  countercheck  countermand  counterpoint  counterpoise  counterpoised  counterpole  counterpose  counterstroke  counterterm  countervail  countervailing  counterwork  counting tube  coupon  cross  dash  dead against  defeat  defend  defy  deny  descender  desk  destroy  detrimental  differ  different  difficult  disaccord  disaccordant  disaffirm  disagree  disallow  disavow  disc  disclaim  discomfit  disconcert  discordant  discountenance  discrepant  
counter culture  agreement to disagree  alienation  apostasy  difference  disaccord  disagreement  disapprobation  disapproval  disparity  dissatisfaction  dissension  dissent  dissentience  dissidence  diversity  dropping out  minority opinion  nonagreement  nonassent  nonconcurrence  nonconformity  nonconsent  opposition  recusance  recusancy  rejection  repudiation  secession  underground  variance  withdrawal  
counter to  adverse to  against  antagonistically  at cross-purposes with  athwart  con  contra  contrary to  counteractively  dead against  in conflict with  in contempt of  in defiance of  in disagreement with  in opposition to  opposed to  opposingly  versus  vis-a-vis  
counteract  annul  antagonize  baffle  balance  balk  be antipathetic  be at cross-purposes  be inimical  be opposed to  beat against  blast  brave  bump heads  cancel  cancel out  challenge  checkmate  circumvent  clash  collide  conflict  conflict with  confound  confront  confute  contend  contradict  contrapose  contraposit  contrast  contrast with  contravene  controvert  correct  counter  counterattack  counterbalance  countercheck  countermand  counterpoise  counterpose  countervail  counterweigh  counterwork  cross  dash  defeat  defy  destroy  discomfit  disconcert  discountenance  dish  disrupt  elude  equiponderate  face  fix  flummox  foil  front  frustrate  go against  go counter to  interfere with  join the opposition  juxtapose in opposition  knock the chocks  lie opposite  lock horns  match  meet head-on  militate against  mitigate  negate  negative  neutralize  nonplus  not abide  nullify  offset  oppose  oppugn  perplex  play at cross-purposes  polarize  pose against  protest  put in opposition  rectify  redress  resist  right  ruin  run against  run counter to  sabotage  scotch  set off  set over against  spike  spoil  square  square up  stand opposed  stand opposite  stonewall  stump  subtend  swim upstream  take issue with  thwart  traverse  upset  vote against  withstand  work against  
counteraction  amends  atonement  balancing  bucking  challenge  combative reaction  commutation  compensation  complaint  contention  contradiction  contraposition  contravention  contraversion  counterbalancing  counterworking  crosscurrent  crossing  defiance  demur  denial  dispute  dissent  dissentience  expiation  fractiousness  head wind  impugnation  impugnment  indemnification  indemnity  lex talionis  negation  negativism  noncooperation  objection  obstinacy  offsetting  opposing  opposition  opposure  oppugnation  passive resistance  protest  reaction  rebuff  rebutment  rebuttal  recalcitrance  recalcitrancy  recalcitration  recompense  rectification  redress  refractoriness  refusal  rejection  reluctance  remonstrance  renitence  renitency  reparation  repayment  repellence  repellency  repulse  repulsion  resistance  restitution  retaliation  revenge  revolt  satisfaction  stand  standing against  substitution  traversal  uncooperativeness  undercurrent  withstanding  
counterattack  aggravated assault  aggression  amphibious attack  armed assault  assailing  assailment  assault  attack  backfire  banzai attack  blitz  blitzkrieg  breakthrough  charge  comeback  counterblast  counterblow  counterfire  counterinsurgency  countermeasure  counteroffensive  counterrevolution  counterstep  counterstroke  coup de main  crippling attack  dead set at  defense  descent on  diversion  diversionary attack  drive  flank attack  frontal attack  gas attack  head-on attack  infiltration  lightning attack  lightning war  mass attack  megadeath  mugging  offense  offensive  onset  onslaught  overkill  panzer warfare  push  retort  run against  run at  rush  sally  shock tactics  sortie  strike  unprovoked assault  
counterbalance  accommodate  adjust  amend  annul  antipode  antipodes  antipole  antithesis  antonym  atone for  balance  ballast  be at cross-purposes  be heavy  be opposed to  bring to nothing  buffer  cancel  cancel out  carry weight  clash  come to nothing  compensate  conflict  conflict with  consideration  contra  contradict  contrapose  contrast with  contravene  controvert  converse  coordinate  correct  counter  counteract  counterblast  countercheck  countercurrent  counterforce  counterinfluence  counterpoint  counterpoise  counterpole  counterpose  counterpressure  counterterm  countervail  counterweigh  counterweight  counterwork  crosscurrent  equalize  equate  equipoise  equiponderate  equivalent  even  even up  firm  firm up  fit  foil  foul wind  freeze  frustrate  give-and-take  have weight  head wind  heft  hold  hold the scales  immobilize  integrate  invalidate  inverse  juxtapose in opposition  keep  level  lie heavy  make up  makeweight  nail down  negate  negativate  negative  neutralize  nullify  obverse  offset  oppose  opposite  opposite number  oppugn  outweigh  pin down  play at cross-purposes  poise  proportion  quid pro quo  rectify  redeem  retain  reverse  run counter to  set off  setoff  something of value  square  square up  stabilitate  stabilize  steady  stick  strike a balance  stultify  the contrary  the other side  thwart  tip the scales  tit for tat  transfix  undercurrent  undo  vis-a-vis  vitiate  void  weigh  weigh heavy  weigh in  weigh out  weight  
counterclaim  confutation  confute  contraremonstrance  counteraccusation  counterblast  countercharge  counterdemand  counterreply  counterstatement  defense  make a rebuttal  rebut  rebuttal  rebutter  refutation  refute  rejoin  rejoinder  replication  surrebut  surrebuttal  surrebutter  surrejoin  surrejoinder  
counterclockwise  a rebours  a reculons  against the grain  anticlockwise  arear  around  ass-backwards  astern  away  back  backward  backwards  clockwise  earthward  fro  head over heels  heavenward  heels over head  hindward  hindwards  homeward  in a circle  in a spin  in a whirl  in circles  in reverse  landward  larboard  leeward  left  left-hand  left-wing  left-wingish  leftward  levorotatory  liberal  near  nigh  port  radical  rearward  rearwards  retrad  rightward  round  round about  round and round  seaward  sinister  sinistral  sinistrocerebral  sinistrocular  sinistrogyrate  sinistrorse  widdershins  windward  
counterespionage  bugging  cloak-and-dagger work  counterintelligence  electronic surveillance  espial  espionage  following  intelligence  intelligence work  military intelligence  observation  secret police  secret service  shadowing  spying  stakeout  surveillance  tailing  trailing  wiretap  wiretapping  
counterfeit  act  act a part  act like  affect  affected  agent  alike  alternate  alternative  analogy  ape  aped  apocryphal  appear like  approach  approximate  artificial  assume  assumed  backup  bad check  bad money  base coin  bastard  be like  be redolent of  bear resemblance  bluff  bogus  bogus money  borrow  bring to mind  brummagem  call to mind  call up  certified copy  change  changeling  cheat  chorus  clinquant  coin  colorable  colored  come close  come near  compare with  comparison  concoct  consimilar  cook up  copied  copy  correspond  counterfeit money  counterfeited  cover up  crib  deceit  deception  deceptive  delusive  delusory  deputy  dissemble  dissimulate  distorted  ditto  do  do a bit  do like  double  dramatize  dressed up  dummy  echo  ectype  embellished  embroidered  equal  equivalent  ersatz  evoke  exchange  fabricate  facsimile  factitious  fair copy  faithful copy  fake  faked  fakement  false  false money  falsified  falsify  fantasize  favor  favoring  feign  feigned  fictitious  fictive  fill-in  follow  following  forge  forged  forgery  four-flush  frame-up  fraud  fraudulent  fudge  gammon  garbled  ghost  ghostwriter  go like  green goods  gyp  hatch  histrionize  hoax  hoke  hoke up  hokey  homogeneous  humbug  icon  identical  illegitimate  image  imitate  imitated  imitation  impostor  insincere  invent  junk  junky  kite  let on  let on like  like  likeness  locum tenens  look like  make a pretense  make as if  make believe  make like  make out like  make up  make-believe  makeshift  man-made  manufacture  match  meretricious  metaphor  metonymy  mimic  mimicked  mint  mirror  misleading  mock  near  nearly reproduce  nearly reproduced  next best thing  not tell apart  not unlike  overact  parallel  partake of  paste  pasticcio  pastiche  personnel  perverted  phony  picture  pinch  pinch hitter  pinchbeck  plagiarize  plagiarized  play  play a part  play a scene  play possum  playact  portrait  pretend  pretended    
counterfeiter  Artful Dodger  Casanova  Don Juan  Machiavel  Machiavelli  Machiavellian  actor  ape  bamboozler  befuddler  beguiler  charmer  coin-clipper  coiner  conformist  copier  copycat  copyist  cuckoo  deceiver  deluder  dissembler  dissimulator  dodger  double-dealer  duper  echo  echoer  echoist  enchanter  entrancer  faker  fooler  forger  gay deceiver  hoaxer  hypnotizer  hypocrite  imitator  impersonator  impostor  jilt  jilter  joker  jokester  kidder  leg-puller  mesmerizer  mime  mimer  mimic  mimicker  minter  mintmaster  misleader  mocker  mockingbird  moneyer  monkey  parrot  phony  plagiarist  plagiarizer  playactor  poll-parrot  polly  polly-parrot  poseur  practical joker  ragger  role-player  seducer  sheep  simulator  spoofer  tease  teaser  
counterfeiting  coinage  coining  copying  emulation  fakery  following  forgery  hit-off  imitation  impersonation  imposture  impression  mimesis  mintage  mirroring  onomatopoeia  parody  plagiarism  plagiary  repetition  simulation  stamping  striking  takeoff  
counterintelligence  bugging  cloak-and-dagger work  counterespionage  electronic surveillance  espial  espionage  following  intelligence  intelligence bureau  intelligence service  intelligence work  military intelligence  naval intelligence  observation  secret police  secret service  shadowing  spying  stakeout  surveillance  tailing  trailing  wiretap  wiretapping  
counterirritant  adjuvant  antacid  antidote  buffer  carminative  counteractant  counteractive  counteragent  emmenagogue  expectorant  hormone  maturative  neutralizer  nullifier  offset  preventative  preventive  prophylactic  remedy  vasodilator  vitamin  
countermand  abolish  abolishment  abolition  abrogate  abrogation  annul  annulment  baffle  balk  blast  brave  cancel  canceling  cancellation  cassation  challenge  checkmate  circumvent  confound  confront  contravene  counter  counteract  counterorder  counterwork  cross  dash  defeasance  defeat  defy  destroy  disannul  discomfit  disconcert  discountenance  dish  disrupt  do away with  elude  flummox  foil  frustrate  invalidate  invalidation  knock the chocks  make void  nonplus  nullification  nullify  override  overrule  perplex  recall  recant  recantation  renege  repeal  rescind  rescinding  rescindment  rescission  retract  retraction  reversal  reverse  revocation  revoke  revokement  ruin  sabotage  scotch  set aside  setting aside  spike  spoil  stonewall  stump  suspend  suspension  thwart  upset  vacate  vacation  vacatur  void  voidance  voiding  waive  waiver  waiving  withdraw  withdrawal  write off  write-off  

count Definition

(v. t.) To tell or name one by one, or by groups, for the purpose of ascertaining the whole number of units in a collection
(v. t.) To place to an account
(v. t.) To esteem
(v. i.) To number or be counted
(v. i.) To reckon
(v. i.) To take account or note
(v. i.) To plead orally
(v. t.) The act of numbering
(v. t.) An object of interest or account
(v. t.) A formal statement of the plaintiff's case in court
(n.) A nobleman on the continent of Europe, equal in rank to an English earl.
(n.) The wheel in a clock which regulates the number of strokes.

count Bedeutung

reckoning tally a
the act of counting, reciting numbers in ascending order, the counting continued for several hours
blood count the act of estimating the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample
complete blood count
blood profile
counting the number of white and red blood cells and the number of platelets in cubic millimeter of blood
differential blood count counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in cubic millimeter of blood, may be included as part of a complete blood count
nose count
a periodic count of the population
sperm count the act of estimating the number of spermatozoa in an ejaculate
Count Fleet thoroughbred that won the triple crown in
count noun a noun that forms plurals
count a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
count palatine a count who exercised royal authority in his own domain
Count Alessandro di Cagliostro
Giuseppe Balsamo
Italian who was famous as a magician and alchemist (-)
Count Maurice Maeterlinck
Belgian playwright (-)
Benjamin Thompson
Count Rumford
English physicist (born in America) who studied heat and friction, experiments convinced him that heat is caused by moving particles (-)
Leo Tolstoy
Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy
Russian author remembered for two great novels (-)
Count Alessandro Volta
Conte Alessandro Volta
Conte Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta
Italian physicist after whom the volt is named, studied electric currents and invented the voltaic pile (-)
Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin
German inventor who designed and built the first rigid motorized dirigible (-)
Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf
German theologian (-)
count the total number counted, a blood count
blood count the number of red and white corpuscles in a blood sample
body count a count of troops killed in an operation or time period, the daily body count increased as the war went on
head count
number of people in a particular group
pollen count the number of pollen grains (usually ragweed) in a standard volume of air over a twenty-four hour period and a specified time and place
sperm count the number of sperm in an ejaculate, the sperm count is used as an indicator of male fertility
count per minute
frequency per minute
count include as if by counting, I can count my colleagues in the opposition
calculate estimate reckon count on figure forecast judge to be probable
reckon d count c take account of, You have to reckon with our opponents, Count on the monsoon
count bet
look calculate reckon
have faith or confidence in, you can count on me to help you any time, Look to your friends for support, You can bet on that!, Depend on your family in times of crisis
count down count backwards, before detonating a bomb, for example
count name or recite the numbers in ascending order, The toddler could count to
enumerate numerate
determine the number or amount of, Can you count the books on your shelf?, Count your change
count weigh
show consideration for, take into account, You must consider her age, The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient
count off call in turn from right to left or from back to front numbers that determine some position or function
count out declare the loser
take the count
remain down
be counted out, remain down while the referee counts to ten
have weight, have import, carry weight, It does not matter much
count number put into a group, The academy counts several Nobel Prize winners among its members
count have a certain value or carry a certain weight, each answer counts as three points
without merit, a sorry horse, a sorry excuse, a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick, the car was a no-good piece of junk
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Count or countess is a title in European countries for a noble of varying status, but historically deemed to convey an approximate rank intermediate between the highest and lowest titles of nobility. The word count came into English from the French comte, itself from Latin comes?in its accusative comitem?meaning ?companion?, and later ?companion of the emperor, delegate of the emperor?. The adjective form of the word is "comital". The British and Irish equivalent is an earl . Alternative names for the "count" rank in the nobility structure are used in other countries, such as Graf in Germany and Hakushaku during the Japanese Imperial era.

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