
crescent chested Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Schmuckwaldsänger m ornith.
Crescent-chested Warbler
Halbmond-Faulvogel m ornith.
Crescent-chested Puffbird
Bogen m
crescent, crescent-shaped object
Mondsichel f, Halbmond m
Mondsicheln pl, Halbmonde pl
crescent moon, crescent, crescent of the moon
halbmondförmig, bogenförmig adj
crescent, crescent-shaped
schmalbrüstig adj
narrow-chested, flat-chested
Braunbrust-Schlangenadler m ornith.
Black-chested Snake Eagle
Agula ornith.
Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
Rotbrust-Laufhühnchen n ornith.
Red-chested Button-Quail
Rotbrustralle f ornith.
Red-chested Crake
Rotbrust-Regenpfeifer m ornith.
Rufous-chested Dotterel
Rotbrustkiebitz m ornith.
Brown-chested Wattled Plover
Glanzsittich m ornith.
Scarlet-chested Parrot
Grillkuckuck m ornith.
Black-chested Coucal
Einsiedlerkuckuck m ornith.
Red-chested Cuckoo
Rotbrustkauz m ornith.
Red-chested Owlet
Brustflecksegler m ornith.
White-chested Swift
Blaubrustamazilie f ornith.
Blue-chested Hummingbird
Schneebauchamazilie f ornith.
White-chested Emerald
Purpurbrustamazilie f ornith.
Purple-chested Hummingbird
Veilchenbrustkolibri m ornith.
Violet-chested Hummingbird
Bergspint m ornith.
Cinnamon-chested Bee Eater
Kupferglanzvogel m ornith.
Coppery-chested Jacamar
Weißbrust-Faulvogel m ornith.
White-chested Puffbird
Halbmond-Faulvogel m ornith.
Crescent-chested Puffbird
Makawabartvogel m ornith.
White-chested Tinkerbird
Perlenbrust-Zwergspecht m ornith.
Speckle-chested Piculet
Fahlkappenschlüpfer m ornith.
Creamy-chested Spinetail
Ockerbruststelzling m ornith.
Ochre-chested Antpitta
Halbmondstelzling m ornith.
Crescent-faced Antpitta
Brillenameisenpitta ornith.
Streak-chested Antpitta
Langschwanz-Ameisenschlüpfer m ornith.
Stripe-chested Antwren
Salvintyrann m ornith.
Tawny-chested Flycatcher
Kurzschnabeltyrann m ornith.
Dusky-chested Flycatcher
Schwarzschopftyrann m ornith.
Black-chested Tyrant
Singschwalbe f ornith.
Red-chested Swallow
Braunbrustschwalbe f ornith.
Brown-chested Martin
Weißbrustalethe f ornith.
White-chested Alethe
Braunbrustalethe f ornith.
Brown-chested Alethe
Graubrust-Drosseltimalie f ornith.
Grey-chested Thrush Babbler
Haringtontimalie f ornith.
Buff-chested Babbler
Weißkopf-Maustimalie f ornith.
White-chested Jungle Babbler
Gelbbauch-Feinsänger m ornith.
Yellow-chested Apalis
Brustbandprinie f ornith.
Black-chested Prinia
Molukkengrundschnäpper m ornith.
Cinnamon-chested Flycatcher
Schmucknektarvogel m ornith.
Red-chested Sunbird
Rotbrust-Glanzköpfchen n ornith.
Scarlet-chested Sunbird
Norfolkbrillenvogel m ornith.
White-chested White-eye
Fischhonigfresser m ornith.
Black-chested Honeyeater
Goldflügel-Honigfresser m ornith.
Crescent Honeyeater
Schwarzbrustammer f ornith.
Black-chested Sparrow
Schwarzbrust-Bergtangare f ornith.
Black-chested Tanager
Rothschildtangare f ornith.
Golden-chested Tanager
Maronenbrust-Ammerfink m ornith.
Bay-chested Warbling Finch
Zimtbrusttangare f ornith.
Rufous-chested Tanager
Schmuckwaldsänger m ornith.
Crescent-chested Warbler
Braunwangenvireo m ornith.
Buff-chested Greenlet
Graunackenvireo m ornith.
Grey-chested Greenlet
Gelbbrustvireo m ornith.
Lemon-chested Greenlet
Schwarzbrust-Blaurabe m ornith.
Black-chested Jay
Asiatischer Schwarzbär m; Kragenbär m; Mondbär m (Ursus thibetanus) zool.
Asian black bear; white-chested bear; moon bear
Bogen m
crescent; crescent-shaped object
Croissant n; Hörnchen n; Kipfel n; Kipferl n Ös. cook.
Croissants pl; Hörnchen pl; Kipfel pl
croissant; crescent
croissants; crescents
Jogastellung f; Jogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Joga)
Baumstellung f (Joga)
Bogenstellung f (Joga)
Drehsitz f (Joga)
Dreieckstellung f (Joga)
Fischstellung f (Joga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Joga)
gedrehte seitliche Winkelstellung f (Joga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Joga)
Halbmondstellung f (Joga)
Heldenstellung f (Joga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Joga)
Kobrastellung f (Joga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Joga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Joga)
Lotussitz m (Joga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Joga)
Pflugstellung f (Joga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Joga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Joga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Joga)
Stocksitz m (Joga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Joga)
Tänzerstellung f (Joga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Joga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Joga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Rotes Kreuz; das Rote Kreuz
Internationales Rotes Kreuz IRK
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
Internationaler Verband der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Gesellschaften
Red Cross
International Red Cross IRC
German Red Cross
American Red Cross ARC
British Red Cross Society BRCS
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Mondsichel f; Halbmond m
Mondsicheln pl; Halbmonde pl
crescent moon; crescent; crescent of the moon
Vanillekipferl n cook.
crescent-shaped Christmas biscuit (dusted with vanilla sugar)
flachbrüstig adj
halbmondförmig; sichelförmig adj
crescent-shaped; lunated
schmalbrüstig adj
narrow-chested; flat-chested
Braunbrust-Schlangenadler m (Circaetus pectoralis) ornith.
black-chested snake eagle
Agula m ornith.
black-chested buzzard eagle
Brillenameisenpitta m ornith.
streak-chested antpitta
Sicheldüne f
Sicheldünen pl
crescentic dune; crescent-shaped dune; barchan
crescentic dunes; crescent-shaped dunes; barchans
Croissant n; Hörnchen n Dt.; Hörndl n Bayr.; Kipfel n; Kipferl n Ös.; Gipfeli n Schw. cook.
Croissants pl; Hörnchen pl; Hörndle pl; Kipfel pl; Kipferle pl; Gipfeli pl
croissant; crescent
croissants; crescents
Halbkreisbebauung f arch.
architectural crescent
Rotes Kreuz; das Rote Kreuz
Internationales Komitee vom Roten Kreuz IKRK ; Internationales Rotes Kreuz IRK
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
Amerikanisches Rotes Kreuz
Britisches Rotes Kreuz
Internationaler Verband der Rotkreuz- und Rothalbmond-Gesellschaften
Red Cross
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC ; International Red Cross IRC
German Red Cross
American Red Cross ARC
British Red Cross Society BRCS
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Nebel m astron.
Nebelwolken pl
außergalaktischer Nebel
bipolarer Nebel
diffuser Nebel
Dunkelnebel; Dunkelwolke
Emissionsgasnebel; Emissionsnebel
galaktischer Nebel
Hantelnebel; Dumbbellnebel (im Sternbild Fuchs)
Krebsnebel; Crabnebel (im Sternbild Taurus)
leuchtender Gasnebel
Mondsichelnebel; Sichelnebel (im Sternbild Schwan)
Pferdekopfnebel (im Sternbild Orion)
planetarischer Nebel
Pulsarwindnebel m
Reflexionsnebel m
Ringnebel (im Sternbild Leier)
Seifenblasen-Nebel (im Sternbild Schwan)
Trifidnebel (im Sternbild Schütze)
nebulae; nebulas
extragalactic nebula
bipolar nebula
diffuse nebula; irregular nebula
dark nebula; absorption nebula
emission nebula
field nebula
galactic nebula
gaseous nebula
Dumbbell Nebula
Crab Nebula
glowing nebula
Crescent Nebula
Horsehead Nebula
planetary nebula
pulsar wind nebula
reflection nebula
annular nebula
Ring Nebula
Soap Bubble Nebula
spiral nebula
Trifid Nebula
Yogastellung f; Yogahaltung f (Asana) phil.
Adlerstellung f (Yoga)
Baumstellung f (Yoga)
Bogenstellung f (Yoga)
Drehsitz f (Yoga)
Dreieckstellung f (Yoga)
Fischstellung f (Yoga)
gebundene Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
gedrehte, seitliche Winkelstellung f (Yoga)
Girlandenstellung f; tiefe Hockstellung f (Yoga)
Halbmondstellung f (Yoga)
Heldenstellung f (Yoga)
Heuschreckenstellung f (Yoga)
Kobrastellung f (Yoga)
Kopf-Fuß-Stellung f (Yoga)
Kuhmaulstellung f (Yoga)
Lotussitz m (Yoga)
Nach-unten-schauender-Hund-Stellung f; Dachstellung f (Yoga)
Pflugstellung f (Yoga)
Schulterstand m; Kerze f (Yoga)
Seitstützstellung f; seitliche Brettstellung f (Yoga)
sitzende stehende Vorwärtsbeuge f (Yoga)
Stocksitz m (Yoga)
Stockstellung f; Stabstellung f; Plankenstellung f (Yoga)
Tänzerstellung f (Yoga)
Totenstellung f; Entspannungslage f (Yoga)
volle Bootsstellung f (Yoga)
yoga pose; yoga posture; yoga position (asana)
eagle pose (yoga)
tree pose (yoga)
bow pose (yoga)
spinal twist (yoga)
triangle pose (yoga)
fish pose (yoga)
bound angle pose (yoga)
revolved side angle pose (yoga)
garland pose (yoga)
crescent moon pose (yoga)
hero pose; warrior pose (yoga)
locust pose (yoga)
cobra pose (yoga)
standing forward bend (yoga)
cow face pose (yoga)
lotus pose (yoga)
downward facing dog pose (yoga)
plough pose Br.; plow pose Am. (yoga)
shoulder stand (yoga)
side plank pose (yoga)
seated standing forward bend (yoga)
staff pose (yoga)
four limbed staff pose (yoga)
lord of dance pose (yoga)
corpse pose; relaxation pose (yoga)
full boat pose (yoga)
Tangaren pl (Thraupidae) (zoologische Familie) ornith.
Abttangare f
Azurkopftangare f
Bangstangare f
Bischofstangare f
Blaubarttangare f
Blaubrusttangare f
Blauflecktangare f
Blauflügeltangare f
Blaukappentangare f
Blaurücken-Bergtangare f
Blauschultertangare f
Blauschwingen-Bergtangare f
Bluttangare f
Brasiltangare f
Brauenschopftangare f
Braunbauch-Bergtangare f
Braunbauchtangare f
Braunbrust-Würgertangare f
Braunflankentangare f
Braunohr-Bunttangare f
Brustfleckentangare f
Cabanistangare f
Carmioltangare f
Diademtangare f
Dreifarbentangare f
Drosseltangare f
Edwardstangare f
Elstertangare f
Feuerbürzeltangare f
Finkenbuschtangare f
Flammentangare f
Fleckentangare f
Flügelbindentangare f
Fuchstangare f
Furchentangare f
Gelbbauchtangare f
Gelbbrauentangare f
Gelbbürzeltangare f
Gelbkehl-Buschtangare f
Gelbkehltangare f
Gelbkopftangare f
Gelbrückentangare f
Gelbschenkeltangare f
Gelbschopftangare f
Gelbstirn-Würgertangare f
Gimpeltangare f
Glanzfleckentangare f
Goldbandtangare f
Goldbrusttangare f
Goldflügeltangare f
Goldkappentangare f
Goldohrtangare f
Goldringtangare f
Goldrücken-Bergtangare f
Goldscheiteltangare f
Goldschopftangare f
Goldtangare f
Graubrust-Buschtangare f
Graukehl-Buschtangare f
Graukopf-Buschtangare f
Graukopftangare f
Graurücken-Ameisentangare f
Grauscheitel-Palmtangare f
Grünkappentangare f
Grünkehltangare f
Grünnackentangare f
Grüntangare f
Guiratangare f
Haarschopftangare f
Halsbandtangare f
Haubentangare f
Heinetangare f
Isabelltangare f
Jelskitangare f
Karminameisentangare f
Kieferntangare f
Krontangare f
Kurzschnabel-Buschtangare f
Maskentangare f
Mennigohr-Bergtangare f
Mennigtangare f
Natterertangare f
Ockerbrusttangare f
Ockerschopftangare f
Olivmanteltangare f
Olivtangare f
Opalscheiteltangare f
Orangebrusttangare f
Orangekopftangare f
Palmentangare f
Palmertangare f
Papageitangare f
Parodihemispingus m
Passerinitangare f
Prachttangare f
Purpurmanteltangare f
Purpurmaskentangare f
Purpurtangare f
Rosenkehltangare f
Rostkappentangare f
Rostkopftangare f
Rotbauchtangare f
Rotbrusttangare f
Rothschildtangare f
Rotkappentangare f
Rotkehl-Ameisentangare f
Rotkehltangare f
Rotkopftangare f
Rotnackentangare f
Rotohr-Bunttangare f
Rotscheiteltangare f
Rotschultertangare f
Rotstirntangare f
Rotwangentangare f
Rubinkehltangare f
Rußgesichttangare f
Sayacatangare f
Scharlachbauchtangare f
Scharlachhauben-Ameisentangare f
Scharlachkopftangare f
Scharlachtangare f
Schiefertangare f
Schleiertangare f
Schlichttangare f
tanagers (zoological family)
yellow-winged tanager
blue-necked tanager
blue & gold tanager
blue-grey tanager
blue-whiskered tanager
gilt-edged tanager
glaucous tanager
black-headed tanager
red-necked tanager
hooded mountain tanager
black & gold tanager
blue-winged mountain tanager
flame-coloured tanager
brazilian tanager
scarlet-browed tanager
chestnut-bellied mountain tanager
buff-bellied tanager
fulvous shrike-tanager
brown-flanked tanager
orange-eared tanager
puerto rican tanager
azure-rumped tanager
Carmioli's tanager
diademed tanager
green-headed tanager
spotted tanager
moss-backed tanager
magpie tanager
flame-rumped tanager
common bush tanager
crimson-collared tanager
speckled tanager
white-banded tanager
brown tanager
blue & yellow tanager
yellow-bellied tanager
lemon-browed tanager
yellow-backed tanager
yellow-throated bush tanager
yellow-throated tanager
saffron-crowned tanager
yellow-rumped tanager
blue-capped tanager
yellow-crested tanager
white-winged shrike-tanager
cinnamon tanager
spangle-cheeked tanager
yellow-scarfed tanager
green & gold tanager
rufous-winged tanager
rust & yellow tanager
golden-eared tanager
gold-ringed tanager
golden-backed mountain tanager
golden-crowned tanager
fulvous-crested tanager
golden tanager
dusky-bellied bush tanager
ash-throated bush tanager
grey-hooded bush tanager
grey-headed tanager
sooty ant-tanager
grey-crowned palm tanager
green-capped tanager
green-throated tanager
green-naped tanager
bay-headed tanager
guira tanager
black-goggled tanager
yellow-collared tanager
flame-crested tanager
black-capped tanager
burnished-buff tanager
golden-collared tanager
red-crowned ant-tanager
western tanager
ruby-crowned tanager
short-billed bush tanager
masked crimson tanager
scarlet-bellied mountain tanager
vermilon tanager
Natterer's tanager
ochre-breasted tanager
rufous-crested tanager
olive-backed tanager
olive-green tanager
opal-crowned tanager
brassy-breasted tanager
orange-headed tanager
palm tanager
grey & gold tanager
grass-green tanager
Parodi's tanager
scarlet-rumped tanager
chestnut-backed tanager
purplish-mantled tanager
golden-masked tanager
silver-beaked tanager
rose-throated tanager
rufous-headed tanager
fulvous-headed tanager
opal-rumped tanager
scarlet-throated tanager
golden-chested tanager
lesser antillean tanager
red-throated ant-tanager
rufous-throated tanager
red-headed tanager
golden-naped tanager
glistening-green tanager
scrub tanager
red-shouldered tanager
flame-faced tanager
rufoud-cheeked tanager
cherry-throated tanager
dusky-faced tanager
sayaca tanager
crimson-backed tanager
crested ant-tanager
red-hooded tanager
scarlet tanager
slaty tanager
black-faced tanager
plain-coloured tanager
golden-chevroned tanager
swallow ta
Blauraben pl (Cyanocorax) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Schwarzbrust-Blaurabe m (Cyanocorax affinis)
Krauskopf-Blaurabe m (Cyanocorax cristatellus)
Weißnacken-Blaurabe m (Cyanocorax cyanopogon)
Nacktwangen-Blaurabe m (Cyanocorax mystacalis)
New World jays (zoological genus)
black-chested jay
curl-crested jay
white-naped jay
white-tailed jay
Progne-Schwalben pl (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Blauschwalbe f (Progne elegans)
Braunbrustschwalbe f (Progne tapera)
Dominikanerschwalbe f (Progne dominicensis)
Galapagosschwalbe f (Progne modesta)
Graubrustschwalbe f (Progne chalybea)
Kubaschwalbe f (Progne cryptoleuca)
Peruschwalbe f (Progne murphyi)
Purpurschwalbe f (Progne subis)
Sinaloaschwalbe f (Progne sinaloae)
progne martins (zoological genus)
southern martin
brown-chested martin
Caribbean martin; white-bellied martin
Galapagos martin
grey-breasted martin
Cuban martin
Peruvian martin
purple martin
Sinaloa martin
Contopus-Tyrannen pl (Contopus) (zoologische Gattung) ornith.
Braunbauchtyrann m (Contopus caribaeus)
Einfarbtyrann m (Contopus nigrescens)
Fichtentyrann m; Olivflanken-Schnäppertyrann (Contopus cooperi)
Großer Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus pertinax)
Hispaniola-Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus hispaniolensis)
Jamaika-Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus pallidus)
Ockerbrusttyrann m; Ockergelb-Schnäppertyrann m (Contopus ochraceus)
Östlicher Waldtyrann m (Contopus eastern virens)
Rostbauchtyrann m (Contopus latirostris)
Schiefertyrann m (Contopus fumigatus)
Silberkehltyrann m (Contopus albogularis)
Spixtyrann m (Contopus cinereus)
Trauerschnäppertyrann m (Contopus lugubris)
Waldschnäppertyrann m (Contopus punensis)
Westlicher Waldtyrann m (Contopus sordidulus)
contopus flycatchers; pewees; peewees Sc. Am. Austr. (zoological genus)
crescent-eyed pewee; crescent-eyed peewee; Cuban pewee; Cuban peewee
blackish pewee; blackish peewee
olive-sided flycatcher
greater pewee; greater peewee
Hispaniolan pewee; Hispaniolan peewee
Jamaican pewee; Jamaican peewee
ochraceous pewee; ochraceous peewee
eastern wood pewee; eastern wood peewee
lesser Antillean pewee; lesser Antillean peewee
smoke-coloured pewee; smoke-coloured peewee
white-throated pewee; white-throated peewee
tropical pewee; tropical peewee
dark pewee; dark peewee
Tumbes pewee; Tumbes peewee
western wood pewee; western wood peewee

Deutsche Schmuckwaldsänger {m} [ornith.] Synonyme

Englische Crescent-chested Warbler Synonyme

crescent chested Definition

(imp. & p. p.) of Chest
(a.) Having (such) a chest
(n.) The increasing moon
(n.) Anything having the shape of a crescent or new moon.
(n.) A representation of the increasing moon, often used as an emblem or badge
(n.) A symbol of Artemis, or Diana.
(n.) The ancient symbol of Byzantium or Constantinople.
(n.) The emblem of the Turkish Empire, adopted after the taking of Constantinople.
(n.) Any one of three orders of knighthood
(n.) The emblem of the increasing moon with horns directed upward, when used in a coat of arms
(a.) Shaped like a crescent.
(a.) Increasing
(v. t.) To form into a crescent, or something resembling a crescent.
(v. t.) To adorn with crescents.

crescent chested Bedeutung

crescent wrench an adjustable wrench designed to fit hexagonal nuts with the adjusting screw built into the head of the wrench
almond cookie
almond crescent
very rich cookie containing ground almonds, usually crescent-shaped
crescent roll
very rich flaky crescent-shaped roll
Fertile Crescent a geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates
crescent any shape resembling the curved shape of the moon in its first or last quarters
marked by a large or well-developed chest, he was big-chested, big-shouldered and heavy-armed
resembling the new moon in shape
deep-chested thick in the chest, a deep-chested breed of dog
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115 Bewertungen 5


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In art and symbolism, a crescent is the shape produced when a circular disk has a segment of another circle removed from its edge, so that what remains is a shape enclosed by two circular arcs of different diameters which intersect at two points .

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