
dependence structure Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Abhängigkeitsstruktur f
Abhängigkeitsstrukturen pl
Altersstruktur, Altersaufbau
age structure
Beschäftigungsstruktur, Beschäftigtenstruktur
employment structure
einsturzgefährdetes Bauwerk
dangerous structure
Grad der Abhängigkeit
degree of dependence
capital structure
price structure
market structure
price structure
change of structure
Abhängigkeit f (von)
Abhängigkeiten pl
kausale Abhängigkeit
nonkausale Abhängigkeit
soziale Abhängigkeit
in Abhängigkeit von
dependence, dependency (on)
dependences, dependencies
causal dependence
non-causal dependence
social dependence
depending on
Abhängigkeitsstruktur f
Abhängigkeitsstrukturen pl
Abhängigkeitsverhältnis n
Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse pl
dependence-relation, relation of dependence
dependence-relations, relations of dependence
Ablauf- und Aufbauorganisation f
operational and organisational structure
Abstützkonstruktion f mach.
Abstützkonstruktionen pl
support structure
support structures
Adressaufbau m
address structure
Agrarstruktur f
agrarian structure
Agrarstruktur f
Verbesserung f der Agrarstruktur
agricultural structure
improvement of agricultural structure
Altersstruktur f
age structure, ageing structure, aging structure, age distribution
bauliche Anlage f
Erhaltung einer baulichen Anlage
physical structure
preservation of physical structure
Anlehnung f (an)
in Anlehnung an
in Anlehnung an, um ... zu ähneln
dependence (on)
following, in the style of
modelled after
Aufbauorganisation f
organizational structure
Aufbauorganisation f einer Firma
company organisation structure
Austenitgefüge n techn.
austenitic structure
Autoritätsstruktur f
authority structure
Baukörper m, Bau m, Gerippe n, Gerüst m, Gebilde n
Baumstruktur f
tree structure
Bausubstanz f
basic structure of a building
Bauweise f
architecture, structure, construction, construction method, construction style
Beschaffenheit f
quality structure
Beteiligungsverhältnisse pl
ownership structure
Bevölkerungsstruktur f
population structure
Biotopstruktur f
biotope structure
Blattstruktur f bot.
Blattstrukturen pl
leaf structure
leaf structures
Branchenstruktur f
structure of the branch, structure of the specific sectors
Bremsverband m techn.
brake structure
Buchhaltungsstruktur f
accounting structure
Dachkonstruktion f
roof structure, roof construction
Datenbankstruktur f comp.
Datenbankstrukturen pl
database structure
database structures
Datenstruktur f
data structure
Eigentumsverhältnis n
Eigentumsverhältnisse pl
ownership structure, ownership situation, ownership
ownership structures, ownership situations
Feinstruktur f
Feinstrukturen pl
fine structure
fine structures
Flüssigkeitsstruktur f
liquid structure
Frequenzabhängigkeit f
Gesichtsform f
shape of a face, facial structure
Gitterbau m (Kristall)
lattice structure
Gruppenorganisationsstruktur f
Gruppenorganisationsstrukturen pl
group organisation structure
group organisation structures
Holzstruktur f
Holzstrukturen pl
wood structure
wood structures
Kapitalstruktur f
capital structure
Kesselgerüst n
Kesselgerüste pl
boiler supporting structure
boiler supporting structures
Kettenstruktur f
Kettenstrukturen pl
chain structure
chain structures
Knochenbau m
bone structure
Körperschall m
mechanical vibration, structure-borne sound, structure-borne noise
Konstruktion f auto
Kristallstruktur f
crystal structure
Kristallstrukturanalyse f
crystal structure analysis
Kugelgefüge n
spheroidized structure
Laufbahn f, Beruf m
berufliche Laufbahn f
jdn. auf eine Laufbahn vorbereiten
career structure
to groom sb. for a career
Machtapparat m
power structure
Marktstruktur f econ.
market structure
Mengengerüst n der Kosten econ.
quantity structure of costs
Oberwagen m (bei Bagger)
upper structure
Organisationsstruktur f
Organisationsstrukturen pl
organizational structure
organizational structures
Organismus m biol.
Organismen pl
organism, structure
Rahmenkonstruktion f
frame structure
Rechteckstruktur f
Rechteckstrukturen pl
rectangular structure
rectangular structures
Reifenaufbau m
tyre structure
Reifenstruktur f
tyre structure
Rotationsstruktur f
Rotationsstrukturen pl
rotational structure
rotational structures
Seitenaufprallschutz m auto
lateral protection structure
Skelettbauweise f
skeleton construction, skeleton structure
Sozialstruktur f
Sozialstrukturen pl
social structure
social structures
Stahltragwerk n
Stahltragwerke pl
steel structure
steel structures
Steuersystem n, Steuerwesen n
Steuersysteme pl
tax structure, tax system, taxation
tax structures, tax systems
Struktogramm n
Struktogramme pl
structure chart
structure charts
Struktur f, Aufbau m, Gefüge n
Strukturen pl
abstrakte Struktur
abstract structure
Stützkonstruktion f techn.
Stützkonstruktionen pl
supporting structure
supporting structures
Temperaturabhängigkeit f
temperature dependence
Torfstruktur f
peat structure
Tragkonstruktion f, Tragwerk n
supporting structure
städtebauliche Umstrukturierung f
reorganisation of the structure of urban development
Unselbstständigkeit f, Unselbständigkeit f alt
lack of independence, dependence
Unternehmensstruktur f
Unternehmensstrukturen pl
corporate structure
corporate structures
Verbund m
compound structure
Verwaltungsstruktur pl
Verwaltungsstrukturen pl
administrative structure
administrative structures
Wurzelaufbau m, Wurzelstruktur f bot.
root structure
einpreisen, Preise festlegen
to set the prices, to determine the price structure
genetisch adj biol.
genetischer Code
genetische Drift
genetische Karte f
genetische Struktur
genetische Variation
genetic code
genetic drift
genetic map
genetic structure
genetic variation
hierarchisch adj
hierarchischer Aufbau, Baumstruktur f
hierarchic structure
konstruieren, bauen
to structure
strukturieren, aufbauen, regeln, gliedern v
strukturierend, aufbauend, regelnd, gliedernd
strukturiert, aufgebaut, geregelt, gegliedert
strukturiert, baut auf, regelt, gliedert
strukturierte, baute auf, regelte, gliederte
to structure
verzweigt, verästelt, gegabelt adj
verzweigte Struktur
branched structure
Datenstruktur zu groß comp.
structure too large
Aggregatebau m mach.
aggregate Structure
Akustikbau m constr. techn.
acoustic Structure
Architekturstahlbau m techn.
architecture steel structure
Abschirmbau m techn.
screen structure
Aufbauproduktion f techn.
structure production
Aufbauservice m econ.
Aufbausysteme pl techn.
structure systems
accounting structure
address structure
agrarian structure
agricultural structure
authority structure
compound structure
hierarchischer Aufbau, Baumstruktur
hierarchic structure
infra structure
Aufbau, Struktur, Gliederung
structure chart
Datenstruktur zu gross
structure too large
tree structure
Aufbau, Bauwerk
Abhängigkeit f (von)
Abhängigkeiten pl
kausale Abhängigkeit
nonkausale Abhängigkeit
soziale Abhängigkeit
in Abhängigkeit von; je nach
dependence; dependency (on)
dependences; dependencies
causal dependence
non-causal dependence
social dependence
in dependence on; depending on
Abhängigkeitsverhältnis n
Abhängigkeitsverhältnisse pl
dependence-relation; relation of dependence
dependence-relations; relations of dependence
Alkoholabhängigkeit f
alcohol dependence; alcohol dependency
Altersstruktur f soc.
Altersstrukturen pl
age structure; ageing Br. aging Am. structure; age distribution; age profile
age structures; ageing aging structures; age distributions; age profiles
Anlehnung f (an)
in Anlehnung an
in Anlehnung an; um ... zu ähneln
dependence (on)
following; in the style of
modelled after
Arzneimittelabhängigkeit f; Medikamentenabhängigkeit f; Arzneimittelgewöhnung f; Medikamentensucht f med.
drug addiction; drug dependence; drug habit
Arzneimittelsucht f med.
drug dependence; drug habit; pharmacomania; pharmacophilia
Aufbauorganisation f
Aufbauorganisation f einer Firma
besondere Aufbauorganisation BAO
organisational structure Br.; organizational structure Am.
company organization structure eAm.; company organisation structure Br.
special organisational structure Br.; special organizational structure eAm. SOS
Autoritätsstruktur f
Autoritätsstrukturen pl
authority structure
authority structures
Bartstruktur f (Zink)
whisker structure (zinc)
Baukörper m; Bau m; Gerippe n; Gerüst n; Gebilde n
Baumstruktur f
Baumstrukturen pl
tree structure
tree structures
Bauweise f
erdbebensichere Bauweise
architecture; structure; construction; construction method; construction style
earthquake engineering
hohes Bauwerk n; Hochbau n constr.
high building; high structure
Berufslaufbahn f; Laufbahn f; Berufsbild n; Beruf m
berufliche Laufbahn f
Entscheidung für eine Laufbahn
jdn. auf eine Laufbahn vorbereiten
das Berufsbild "Kriminalbeamter"
sein Hobby zum Beruf machen
career path; carreer
career structure
career decision
to groom sb. for a career
the career of police detective
to turn one's hobby into a career
Bestockungsaufbau m bot.
stand forest structure; stand structure
Bevölkerungsstruktur f
Bevölkerungsstrukturen pl
population structure
population structures
Bienenwabenstruktur f
Bienenwabenstrukturen pl
honeycomb structure
honeycomb structures
Blechkonstruktion f
fabricated steel sheet structure
Branchenstruktur f
structure of the branch; structure of the specific sectors
Buchhaltungsstruktur f
Buchhaltungsstrukturen pl
accounting structure
accounting structures
Dachkonstruktion f constr.
Dachkonstruktion f aus Holz
roof structure; roof construction
timber roof construction
Datensatzaufbau m; Datensatzstruktur f; Datensatzformat n comp.
(data) record structure; record layout; record format
Datenstruktur f comp.
Datenstrukturen pl
data structure
data structures
Defektstruktur f (Kristall)
Defektstrukturen pl
defect structure (crystal)
defect structures
Dockkörper m naut.
Dockkörper pl
dock structure
dock structures
Eigentumsverhältnis n
Eigentumsverhältnisse pl
ownership structure; ownership situation; ownership
ownership structures; ownership situations
Einsatzmittelstrukturplan m
resource breakdown structure
Erdschichtenaufbau m geol.
strata structure
Erodierstruktur f techn.
Erodierstrukturen pl
EDM structure
EDM structures
Feinstrukturkonstante f; Sommerfeldsche Konstante f phys.
fine-structure constant; Sommerfeld fine-structure constant
Festungsanlage f
Festungsanlagen pl
fortification structure
fortification structures
Flüssigkeitsstruktur f
Flüssigkeitsstrukturen pl
liquid structure
liquid structures
Fluidaltextur f geol.
flow structure; fluxion structure

Deutsche Abhängigkeitsstruktur {f} / Abhängigkeitsstrukturen {pl} Synonyme

Englische dependence-structure Synonyme

dependence structure Definition

(n.) An appendage
(n.) The act or state of depending
(n.) The state of being influenced and determined by something
(n.) Mutu/// /onnection and support
(n.) Subjection to the direction or disposal of another
(n.) A resting with confidence
(n.) That on which one depends or relies
(n.) That which depends
(n.) A matter depending, or in suspense, and still to be determined
(n.) The act of building
(n.) Manner of building
(n.) Arrangement of parts, of organs, or of constituent particles, in a substance or body
(n.) Manner of organization
(n.) That which is built

dependence structure Bedeutung

defensive structure
a structure used to defend against attack, the artillery battered down the defenses
megalithic structure
memorial consisting of a very large stone forming part of a prehistoric structure (especially in western Europe)
a thing constructed, a complex entity constructed of many parts, the structure consisted of a series of arches, she wore her hair in an amazing construction of whirls and ribbons
supporting structure a structure that serves to support something
structure the manner of construction of something and the arrangement of its parts, artists must study the structure of the human body, the structure of the benzene molecule
organic structure
physical structure
the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being), he felt as if his whole body were on fire
anatomical structure
complex body part
bodily structure
body structure
a particular complex anatomical part of a living thing, he has good bone structure
tube-shaped structure
(anatomy) any hollow cylindrical body structure
vascular structure a structure composed of or provided with blood vessels
muscular structure
muscle system
the muscular system of an organism
neural structure a structure that is part of the nervous system
cartilaginous structure body structure given shape by cartilage
horny structure
any rigid body structure composed primarily of keratin
skeletal structure any structure created by the skeleton of an organism
structure the complex composition of knowledge as elements and their combinations, his lectures have no structure
data structure (computer science) the organization of data (and its storage allocations in a computer)
hierarchical structure
hierarchical data structure
a structure of data having several levels arranged in a treelike structure
syntax sentence structure
phrase structure
the grammatical arrangement of words in sentences
morphology sound structure
syllable structure
word structure
the admissible arrangement of sounds in words
hierarchy power structure
pecking order
the organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body
class structure the organization of classes within a society
social organization
social organisation
social structure
social system
the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships, the social organization of England and America is very different, sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family
fine structure the presence of groups of closely spaced spectrum lines observed in the atomic spectrum of certain elements, the fine structure results from slightly different energy levels
reproductive structure the parts of a plant involved in its reproduction
plant part
plant structure
any part of a plant or fungus
the state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something else
dependence dependance dependency habituation
being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)
structure give a structure to, I need to structure my days
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