
depression Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Baisse, Wirtschaftskrise
Bedrückung f
Senke f, Senkung f, Niederung f
Unterdrückung f
Vertiefung f
Afarsenke f geogr.
Afar Depression
Achsendepression f
axis depression
weltwirtschaftliche Depression
world depression
Geländevertiefung f; Bodenvertiefung f; Bodensenke f
natural depression
Angstdepression f
anxiety depression
wirtschaftliche Depression
business depression
wirtschaftliche Depression
economic depression
Anlehnungsdepression f, amaklitische Depression f, Affektentzugssyndrom n med.
anaclitic depression
kapillare Senkung f; Kapillardepression f chem.
capillary depression
Islandtief n meteo.
Icelandic depression
Anlehnungsdepression f; amaklitische Depression f; Affektentzugssyndrom n psych.
anaclitic depression
Anlehnungsdepression f; amaklitische Depression f; Affektentzugssyndrom n med.
anaclitic depression
Inzuchtdepression f biol.
inbreeding depression
Auszuchtdepression f biol.
outbreeding depression
Eindrückschweißung f techn.
disk depression welding
Gefrierpunktserniedrigung f
freezing point depression
Schwermütigkeit f; Gedrücktheit f; Katerstimmung f; Katzenjammer m ugs.
depression; the blues coll.
Katerstimmung f ugs.
depression, the blues coll.
Schwermütigkeit f; Gedrücktheit f; Katerstimmung f ugs.
depression; the blues coll.
eine allgemeine Flaute
a general depression in trade
Innensenke f
interior depression; interior trough
Weltwirtschaftskrise f econ.
Weltwirtschaftskrisen pl
world depression
world depressions
Weltwirtschaftskrise f
Weltwirtschaftskrisen pl
world depression
world depressions
depressiv veranlagt sein
to have a tendency towards depression
depressiv veranlagt sein v
to have a tendency towards depression
Absenkungstrichter m
depression funnel; cone of depression
Sasse f (Erdmulde, in der Hasen Deckung suchen) zool.
shallow depression; form (cover for hares)
Senke f; Senkung f; Niederung f; Muldung f geol.
Senken pl; Senkungen pl; Niederungen pl; Muldungen pl
geschlossene Vertiefung
closed depression
Senke f; Senkung f; Niederung f; Einmuldung f; Muldung f geol.
Senken pl; Senkungen pl; Niederungen pl; Einmuldungen pl; Muldungen pl
geschlossene Vertiefung
closed depression
Wochenbettdepression f; postpartale Depression f med.
postpartum depression PPD ; postnatal depression
Wochenbettdepression f; postpartale Depression f med.
postpartum depression PPD ; postnatal depression
Tief n, Tiefdruckgebiet n meteo.
Tiefdruckgebiete pl
depression, low pressure area
low pressure areas
ST-Streckensenkung f (EKG) med.
depression of the ST segment; ST segment depression
Erdsenkung f; Erdfalltrichter m; Erdfallabsturz m geol.
Erdsenkungen pl; Erdfalltrichter pl; Erdfallabstürze pl
surface depression; sinkhole
surface depressions; sinkholes
Tief n; Tiefdruckgebiet n meteo.
Tiefdruckgebiete pl
Sturmtief n
depression; low-pressure area
low-pressure areas
deep depression
Dysthymia f; Dysthymie f; neurotische Depression f; dysthymische Störung f; chronische Depression f psych.
dysthymia; neurotic depression; dysthymic disorder; chronic depression
Depression f med.
Depressionen pl
an einer Depression leiden
Depressionen haben
to suffer from a depression
to have depressions
Absenkungstrichter m geol.
Absenkungstrichter pl
depression funnel; cone of depression
depression funnels; cones of depression
Bodensenkung f geol.
earth subsidence; subsidence of ground; depression of ground; sagging of ground
Depressiver m; Mensch m Person f mit einer Depression med.
depressive; depressed person; person with depression; person subject to depression
Verwerfung f ins Liegende geol.
downthrown plane; downthrow (depression of the strata of rocks on one side of a fault)
Depression f
Depressionen pl
Depressionen haben
jahreszeitlich bedingte Depression
to suffer from depression
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Tief n; Tiefdruckgebiet n meteo.
Tiefdruckgebiete pl
Sturmtief n
tropische Depression f; tropisches Tiefdruckgebiet
depression; low-pressure area
low-pressure areas
deep depression
tropical depression
Bodensenkung f geol.
submergence of ground; subsidence of ground; depression of ground; sagging; earth subsidence
Wirbelwind m; Wirbelsturm m meteo.
Wirbelstürme pl
tropischer Wirbelsturm
Hurrikan m (tropischer Wirbelsturm im Atlantik)
Taifun m (tropischer Wirbelsturm im Nordwestpazifik)
Zyklon m (tropischer Wirbelsturm im Golf von Bengalen)
tropical storm; cyclonic storm; tropical depression
jahreszeitlich bedingte Depression f; saisonal-affektive Störung f med.
Winterdepression f
Sommerdepression f
seasonal depression; seasonal affective disorder SAD
winter depression; winter blues
summer depression; summer blues
jahreszeitlich bedingte Depression f; saisonal-affektive Störung f med.
Winterdepression f
Sommerdepression f
seasonal depression; seasonal affective disorder SAD
winter depression; winter blues
summer depression; summer blues
Niedergeschlagenheit f; Niedergedrücktheit f; Gedrücktheit f; gedrückte Stimmung f; Geknicktheit f; Seelenschmetter m Schw.; Mutlosigkeit f; Verzagtheit f geh. (einer Person)
low spirits; depression; downheartedness; dispiritedness; dejectedness; dejection; despondence formal; despondency formal (of a person)
Objektträger m (Mikroskop)
Objektträger pl
Objektträger mit Vertiefung
eine Probe auf einem Objektträger präparieren
specimen slide; microscope slide; slide (microscope)
specimen slides; microscope slides; slides
concavity slide; cavity slide; microscope depression slide
to mount a sample on a slide
Absenkung f
Absenkung der Firste
Absenkung des Grundwasserspiegels
Absenkung des Hangenden
Absenkung durch Lösung
gleichmäßige Absenkung
kapillare Absenkung
plötzliche Absenkung
settling (of a rock); downthrown fault; downwarp; subsidence
lowering of the water table
roof subsidence
solution subsidence
regular subsidence
capillary depression
sudden drawdown
gerade (besonders) (Betonung einer Konjunktion)
Gerade weil ich weiß, wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert, lege ich selbst kein Geld an.
Stimmt, und gerade deswegen will ich kein Risiko eingehen.
Während der Großen Depression legten die Frauen trotz allem, oder vielleicht gerade deswegen, großen Wert auf Eleganz und Mode.
precisely; exactly (emphasizing a conjunction)
It's exactly because I understand how the stock market works that I do not invest.
True, and that's precisely exactly why I don't want to take any risks.
During the Great Depression, women, despite all this, or perhaps precisely because of it, attached great importance to elegance and fashion.
gerade (besonders) (Betonung einer Konjunktion)
Gerade weil ich weiß wie der Aktienmarkt funktioniert lege ich selbst kein Geld an.
Stimmt und gerade deswegen will ich kein Risiko eingehen.
Während der Großen Depression legten die Frauen trotz allem oder vielleicht gerade deswegen großen Wert auf Eleganz und Mode.
precisely; exactly (emphasizing a conjunction)
It's exactly because I understand how the stock market works that I do not invest.
True and that's precisely exactly why I don't want to take any risks.
During the Great Depression women despite all this or perhaps precisely because of it attached great importance to elegance and fashion.
Heilbehandlung f; medizinische Behandlung f; Behandlung f (von jdm.); Heilverfahren n; Therapie f (bei etw.) med.
chirurgische Behandlung
Folgebehandlung f; Folgetherapie f
Langzeitbehandlung f; Langzeittherapie f
pharmakologische Behandlung
Scheinbehandlung f
stationäre Behandlung
Symptombehandlung f
Sofortbehandlung f
therapiebegleitende Maßnahmen
Therapie statt Strafe (für Drogensüchtige)
in ärztlicher Behandlung sein
die Behandlung von Krebs; die Krebsbehandlung
eine neue Behandlung von bei Depressionen
sich wegen Nierensteinen behandeln lassen
Die beste Behandlung bei einer Erkältung ist Ruhe und viel Flüssigkeitszufuhr.
medical treatment; treatment (of sb.); therapy (for sth.)
surgical treatment
follow-on therapy
long-term treatment; long-term therapy
pharmacologic treatment
placebo treatment
stationary treatment
symptom treatment; treatment of symptoms rare
immediate therapy
treatments accompanied by therapy
therapy instead of punishment (for drug addicts)
to be under medical treatment
the treatment of cancer, cancer treatment
a new treatment for depression
to undergo treatment for kidney stones
The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.

Deutsche Baisse Wirtschaftskrise Synonyme

Abschwung  ÂBaisse  ÂBörsensturz  ÂFallen  der  Kurse  ÂPreissturz  
Abschwung  ÂDepression  (fachsprachlich)  Âstarker  Konjunkturrückgang  ÂWirtschaftskrise  

Englische depression Synonyme

depression  Schmerz  Slough of Despond  abatement  abridgment  abstraction  abulia  aching heart  agony  agony of mind  alienation  alleviation  alveolation  alveolus  anguish  antrum  anxiety  anxiety equivalent  anxiety state  apathy  armpit  attenuation  bad times  bale  basin  bitterness  blank despondency  blaze  bleakness  bleeding heart  blues  boom  bottoming out  bowl  broken heart  business cycle  business fluctuations  bust  catatonic stupor  cavity  cheerlessness  cleft  comfortlessness  compulsion  concave  concavity  contraction  cooling off  couchancy  crater  crena  crisis  crushing  crypt  cup  cut  dampening  damping  death wish  debasement  decrease  decrement  decrescence  deduction  deepening  deflation  dejectedness  dejection  dent  depreciation  depth of misery  desolation  despair  despondency  despondentness  detachment  digging  diminishment  diminution  dimple  dip  discomfort  discouragement  disheartenment  dismalness  dispiritedness  distress  distressfulness  down trip  downcastness  downer  downheartedness  downturn  dreariness  drilling  drooping spirits  dying  dying off  economic cycle  economic expansion  economic growth  economic stagnation  elation  emotionalism  euphoria  evil day  excavation  expanding economy  expansion  extenuation  extremity  fade-out  fold  folie du doute  follicle  funnel chest  gash  gloom  gloominess  glumness  grief  grievousness  growth  hack  hard times  heartache  heartlessness  heavy heart  heavy weather  high growth rate  hole  hollow  hollow shell  hollowness  hopelessness  hypochondria  hysteria  hysterics  impression  incision  incurvation  incurvature  incurvity  indentation  indifference  infelicity  insensibility  jag  jog  joggle  joylessness  kerf  lacuna  lamentability  lamentation  languishment  lessening  lethargy  letup  low  low spirits  lowering  lowness  lowness of spirit  lying  lying down  malaise  mania  market expansion  melancholia  melancholy  mental distress  miniaturization  

depression Definition

(n.) The act of depressing.
(n.) The state of being depressed
(n.) A falling in of the surface
(n.) Humiliation
(n.) Dejection
(n.) Diminution, as of trade, etc.
(n.) The angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon.
(n.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree
(n.) A method of operating for cataract

depression Bedeutung

depression pushing down, depression of the space bar on the typewriter
depression sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
natural depression
a sunken or depressed geological formation
depression angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial object)
a concavity in a surface produced by pressing, he left the impression of his fingers in the soft mud
depressive disorder
clinical depression
a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require clinical intervention
agitated depression a state of clinical depression in which the person exhibits irritability and restlessness
anaclitic depression severe and progressive depression in infants who lose their mother and do not get a suitable substitute
dysthymic depression
mild chronic depression, I thought she had just been in a bad mood for thirty years, but the doctor called it dysthymia
endogenous depression a state of depression for which there is no apparent precipitating cause
exogenous depression
reactive depression
an inappropriate state of depression that is precipitated by events in the person's life (to be distinguished from normal grief)
involutional depression a major depressive episode associated with the climacteric
neurotic depression a term used for any state of depression that is not psychotic
psychotic depression a state of depression so severe that the person loses contact with reality and suffers a variety of functional impairments
retarded depression a state of clinical depression in which the individual is lethargic and slow to initiate action
unipolar depression a major depressive episode that occurs without the manic phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder
bipolar disorder
manic depression
manic depressive illness
manic-depressive psychosis
a mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania and depression
depression a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity
depression slump
economic crisis
a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment
Great Depression the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in and continuing through the s
an air mass of lower pressure, often brings precipitation, a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow
Great Depression
a period during the s when there was a worldwide economic depression and mass unemployment
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