
devil Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

scharf zubereiten, scharf würzen, scharf grillen cook.
to devil
scharf zubereiten; scharf würzen; scharf grillen cook.
to devil
Teufelsweib n pej.
be a devil
dare devil
kleiner Wirbelsturm
dust devil
lucky devil
ein armes Schwein, armer Schlucker ugs.
a poor devil
etw. scharf zubereiten; scharf würzen; scharf grillen v cook.
to devil sth.
devil may care
unbekümmert; forsch adj
Südsee-Demoiselle f (Chrysiptera taupou) zool.
Fiji blue devil
Teufelsgeiger m mus.
devil's violinist
hoellische Zahnschmerzen
the devil of toothache
Teufelin f
Teufelinnen pl
Kleintrombe f meteo.
Kleintromben pl
dust devil
dust devils
Teufelskerl m, Tausendsasa m ugs.
devil of a fellow coll.
Kropfeisen n; Steinklaue f techn.
Kropfeisen pl; Steinklauen pl
devil's claw
devil's claws
leibhaftig adj; in Menschengestalt
der leibhaftige Teufel
the devil incarnate
Teufelswerk n
devil's work, work of the devil
Saphir-Riffbarsch m (Chrysiptera cyanea) zool.
blue damsel; blue devil (damsel)
Saphir-Riffbarsch m (Chrysiptera cyanea) zool.
blue damsel, blue devil (damsel)
Satansbraten m ugs.
devil; young devil; cheeky rascal
Satansbraten m ugs.
devil, young devil, cheeky rascal
Tropf m ugs.
armer Tropf
twit, moron
poor devil, nebbish
Zahnschmerzen pl; Zahnschmerz m; Zahnweh n ugs. med.
höllische Zahnschmerzen
the devil of toothache
die Teufelssteinigung f (in Mekka) relig.
the Stoning of the Devil (in Mecca)
Igelkraftwurz f (Oplopanax horridus) bot.
devil's walking stick; devil's club
Den Letzten holt der Teufel. übtr.
The devil takes the hindmost. prov.
Den Letzten beißen die Hunde. Sprw.
The devil takes the hindmost. prov.
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs
Beutelteufel m; Tasmanischer Teufel; Buschteufel m zool.
Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
armer Hund m; armes Schwein n; armer Tropf m veraltet
poor fellow devil blighter Br. dated
sorgenfrei, sorgenlos adj
carefree, happy-go-lucky, devil-may-care
Mal den Teufel nicht an die Wand! übtr.
Speak of the devil and the devil shows up!
Afrikanische Teufelskrallen pl; Trampelkletten pl (Harpagophytum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
devil's claws; grapple plants; wood spiders
Leimsiederei f übtr. (Zögern)
Zum Teufel mit deiner Leimsiederei!
That took you a devil of time!
In einer leeren Tasche tanzt der Teufel. Sprw.
The devil dances in an empty pocket. prov.
Müßiggang ist des Teufels Ruhebank. Sprw.
The devil finds work for idle hands. prov.
Wenn man vom Teufel spricht dann ist er nicht weit.
Talk of the devil and he is bound to appear.
Wenn man vom Teufel spricht, dann ist er nicht weit.
Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear.
'Des Teufels General' (von Zuckmayer Werktitel) lit.
'The Devil's General' (by Zuckmayer work title)
Zahnschmerz m med.
Zahnschmerzen pl
höllische Zahnschmerzen
the devil of toothache
armer Hund; armes Schwein; armer Tropf (veraltet)
poor fellow devil blighter Br. (old-fashioned)
'Des Teufels General' (von Zuckmayer Werktitel) lit.
'The Devil's General' (by Zuckmayer work title)
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren (Märchen) lit.
The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs (fairy tale)
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren (Märchen)
The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs (fairy tale)
Teufelswerk n
devil's work; work of the devil; devilry archaic
Teufelswerk n
devil's work; work of the devil; devilry (old use)
Man weiß was man hat, aber nicht was man bekommt.
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
Man weiß was man hat aber nicht was man bekommt.
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
Schaber m (Steinwerkzeug) hist.
Schaber pl
scraper; bullet; go-devil
scrapers; bullets; go-devils
Teufelskerl m; Tausendsasa m; Tausendsassa m ugs.
hell of a guy; devil of a fellow (old fashioned) coll.
In der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen. Sprw.
In default of a soul the devil puts up with a fly. prov.
Dornteufel m; Wüstenteufel m; Moloch m (Moloch horridus) zool.
thorny devil; thorny dragon; thorny lizard; mountain devil
reizen; aufbringen; ärgern v
reizend; aufbringend; ärgernd
gereizt; aufgebracht; geärgert
to nettle; to devil
nettling; deviling
nettled; deviled
reizen, aufbringen, ärgern
reizend, aufbringend, ärgernd
gereizt, aufgebracht, geärgert
to nettle, to devil
nettling, deviling
nettled, deviled
Afrikanische Teufelskrallen pl; Trampelkletten pl (Harpagophytum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
devil's claws; grapple plants; wood spiders (botanical genus)
Muskelkaterkrankheit f; Bornholmer Krankheit f; Sylvest'sches Syndrom n; Pleurodynie f (Myositis epidemica) med.
devil's grip; Bornholm disease; pleurodynia; epidemic myalgia
Kleintrombe f; Sandhose f; Staubteufel m meteo.
Kleintromben pl; Sandhosen pl; Staubteufel pl
dust devil; dancing devil Am.
dust devils; dancing devils
Satan m; Luzifer m; der Höllenfürst m; der Erbfeind m (der Teufel) relig.
Satan; Lucifer; the Archfiend; the Fiend archaic (the Devil)
Falsches Einhorn n (Chamaelirium luteum) bot.
false unicorn; fairy wand; blazing star; devil's bit; helonias
Den Letzten beißen die Hunde. Sprw.
Devil take the hindmost.; The devil takes the hindmost. prov.
Lophius-Seeteufel pl (Lophius) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
Seeteufel m; Anglerfisch m; Lotte f; Baudroie f; (Lophius piscatorius)
lophius monkfish (zoological genus)
sea-devil; angler; fishing-frog
Dutzend n (12 Stück) Dtzd.
Dutzende pl
13 Stück
dozen doz.
baker's dozen; long dozen; devil's dozen dated
Teufelsabbisse pl; Teufelsbisse pl (Succisa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnliche Teufelsabbiss; Gewöhnlicher Teufelsbiss; Teufelswurz (Succisa pratensis)
devil's-bits (botanical genus)
common devil's-bit; devil's-bit scabious
Glückspilz m
Glückspilze pl
lucky beggar, lucky devil, lucky dog
lucky beggars, lucky devils, lucky dogs
Glückspilz m
Glückspilze pl
lucky beggar; lucky devil; lucky dog
lucky beggars; lucky devils; lucky dogs
Tollkirschen pl (Atropa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
schwarze Tollkirsche f (Atropa belladonna)
atropa nightshades
deadly nightshade; devil's berry death cherry; belladonna
Feuerhose f; Feuertornado m
fire whirl; fire swirl; fire twister; fire devil; fire tornado; firenado coll.
Dutzend n (12 Stück) Dtzd.
Dutzende pl
13 Stück
dozen doz.
baker's dozen; long dozen; devil's dozen (old-fashioned)
Dilemma n; Sackgasse f; Teufelskreis m; Zwickmühle f; verfahrene Situation f; vertrackte Situation f
in der Zwickmühle
Da beißt sich die Katze in den Schwanz. übtr.
catch-22 situation
between the devil and the deep blue sea
It this is catch-22.
Fürsprecher m; Fürsprecherin f; Verfechter m; Verfechterin f (von jdm. etw.)
Fürsprecher pl; Fürsprecherinnen pl; Verfechter pl; Verfechterinnen pl
der Advocatus diaboli (jemand der provokant dagegen argumentiert)
den Advocatus Diaboli spielen (provokant dagegen argumentieren)
advocate (of sb. sth.)
the devil's advocate
to play devil's advocate
Fürsprecher m; Fürsprecherin f; Verfechter m; Verfechterin f (von jdm. etw.)
Fürsprecher pl; Fürsprecherinnen pl; Verfechter pl; Verfechterinnen pl
der Advocatus diaboli (jemand, der provokant dagegen argumentiert)
den Advocatus Diaboli spielen (provokant dagegen argumentieren)
advocate (of sb. sth.)
the devil's advocate
to play devil's advocate
die Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera haben v
to be be stuck be caught between the devil and the (deep) blue sea between a rock and a hard place
Burzeldorne pl (Tribulus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gewöhnlicher Burzeldorn m; Erdburzeldorn m; Erdsternchen n (Tribulus terrestris)
puncture vines (botanical genus)
common puncture vine; goat's head; goathead; caltrop; devil's-thorn
Amorphophallus-Pflanzen pl (Amorphophallus) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Titanenwurz f; Titanwurz f (Amorphophallus titanum)
Teufelszunge f; Tränenbaum m; Stinkende Titanenwurz f (Amorphophallus konjac rivieri)
amorphophallus plants (botanical genus)
titan arum
umbrella arum; devil's tongue; snake palm; voodoo lily
Rohrmolch m; Molch m (Wartungsgerät für Rohrleitungen) techn.
Rohrmolche pl; Molche pl
pipeline inspection gauge; pipeline pig; pig; go-devil
pipeline inspection gauges; pipeline pigs; pigs; go-devils
Teufel m
Teufel pl
wo zum Teufel ...
wer zum Teufel ist ...
Der Teufel steckt im Detail.
where the devil ..., where the hell ...
who the fuck is ... slang
The devil is in the details.
Bremsberg m min.
braking decline; braking incline; gravity incline; go-devil incline; self-acting incline; down brow; brake brow; jig brow; ginney
Schierlinge pl (Conium) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gefleckter Schierling (Conium maculatum)
hemlocks (botanical genus)
spotted hemlock; poison hemlock Br.; poison parsley; devil's bread Ir.; herb bennet; beaver poision
Tollkirschen pl (Atropa) (botanische Gattung) bot.
schwarze Tollkirsche f (Atropa belladonna)
atropa nightshades (botanical genus)
deadly nightshade; devil's berry, death cherry; belladonna; divale archaic; dwale archaic
Steckenkräuter pl; Rutenkräuter pl; Riesenfenchel pl (Ferula) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeines Steckenkraut; Gemeines Rutenkraut; Gemeiner Riesenfenchel (Ferula communis)
Asant; Stinkasant; Teufelsdreck (Ferula assa-foetida)
giant fennels (botanical genus)
common giant fennel
asant; asafetida; stinking gum; devil's dung; hing and ting; food of the gods
Eisenhut m; Sturmhut m; Wolfswurz f veraltet; Akonit n (Aconitum) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Blauer Eisenhut; Echter Eisenhut; Echter Sturmhut bot.
monkshood; wolf's bane; leopard's bane; mousebane; women's bane; devil's helmet; aconite (botanical genus)
blue monkshood; Frair's cap; garden monkshood; aconite
wählen, auswählen, aussuchen, auserwählen, küren, vorziehen
wählend, auswählend, aussuchend, auserwählend, kürend, vorziehend
gewählt, ausgewählt, ausgesucht, auserwählt, gekürt, vorgezogen
sie wählt, er
sie sucht aus
sie wählte, ich
sie suchte aus
sie hat
hatte gewählt, er
sie hat
hatte ausgesucht
das auserwähltes Volk
zwischen Baum und Borke wählen übtr.
to choose {chose, chosen}
she chooses
she chose
she has
had chosen
the chosen people
to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea fig.
einer Sache entsagen v geh.
einem Genuss entsagen
der Welt entsagen
"Entsagst du dem Teufel und allen seinen Werken?" - "Ich entsage" (Taufgelöbnis) relig.
to renounce sth.
to renounce a pleasure; to forgo a pleasure
to renounce the world
'Do you renounce the devil and all his works?' - 'I renounce them' (baptismal vow)
wählen; auswählen; aussuchen; auserwählen; erwählen; küren; vorziehen v
wählend; auswählend; aussuchend; auserwählend; erwählend; kürend; vorziehend
gewählt; ausgewählt; ausgesucht; auserwählt; erwählt; gekürt; vorgezogen
er sie wählt; er sie sucht aus
ich er sie wählte; ich er sie suchte aus
er sie hat hatte gewählt; er sie hat hatte ausgesucht
das auserwählte Volk
zwischen Pest und Cholera wählen müssen übtr.
to choose {chose; chosen}; to chuse obs.
he she chooses
I he she chose
he she has had chosen
the chosen people
to have to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea fig.
Teufel m
Teufel pl
wo wer was zum Teufel ...
wer zum Teufel ist ...
jdn. zum Teufel jagen
Der Teufel steckt im Detail.
Sie muss der Teufel geritten haben.
where who what the devil ...; where who what the hell ...
who the fuck is ... slang
to send sb. off with a flea in their ear Br.
The devil is in the details.
She must have had a devil in her.
Neid m (gegenüber jdm.)
etw. aus Neid tun
vor Neid erblassen
jds. Neid erregen
grün und gelb vor Neid werden
Er ist ein Ekelpaket, aber er arbeitet unglaublich hart, das muss ihm der Neid lassen.
envy; enviousness (at of towards)
to do sth. out of envy
to go green with envy
to arouse stir up sb.'s envy
to turn go green with envy
He is an obnoxious guy, but, give the devil his due, he works incredibly hard.
Teufel m
Teufel pl
wo wer was zum Teufel …
wer zum Teufel ist …
jdn. zum Teufel jagen
Der Teufel steckt im Detail.
Sie muss der Teufel geritten haben.
devil; deil Sc.
devils; deils
where who what the devil …; where who what the hell …
who the fuck is … slang
to send sb. off with a flea in their ear Br.
The devil is in the details.
She must have had a devil in her.
Stechäpfel pl; Engelstrompeten pl (Datura) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Gemeiner Stechapfel; Weißer Stechapfel
thorn-apples; angel's trumpets (botanical genus)
datura stramonium; Jimson weed; devil's trumpet; devil's weed; thorn apple; tolguacha; Jamestown weed; stinkweed; locoweed; datura; pricklyburr; devil's cucumber; Hell's Bells; moonflower
einer Sache entsagen v; etw. abschwören geh.
entsagend; abschwörend
entsagt; abgeschworen
einem Genuss entsagen
der Welt entsagen
„Entsagst du dem Teufel und allen seinen Werken?“ – „Ich entsage.“ (Taufgelöbnis) relig.
to renounce sth.; to renunciate sth.
renouncing; renunciating
renounced; renunciated
to renounce a pleasure; to forgo a pleasure
to renounce the world
'Do you renounce the devil, and all his works?' – 'I renounce them' (baptismal vow)
Kalanchoe-Pflanzen pl (Kalanchoe) (botanische Gattung) bot.
Flammendes Käthchen n; Garten-Kalanchoe f; Madagaskarglöckchen n (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana globulifera)
Goethe-Pflanze f; Wunderblatt n; Lebenszweig m (Kalanchoe pinnata)
Brutblatt; Keimblatt; Knotenblatt (Kalanchoe daigremontiana)
Elefantenohr n (Kalanchoe beharensis)
kalanchoe plants (botanical genus)
flaming Katy; Christmas kalanchoe; Madagascar widow's-thrill
Goethe plant; life plant; miracle leaf; cathedral bells
devil's backbone; alligator plant; Mexican hat plant; mother-of-thousands
elephant's ear kalanchoe; feltbush
Pterois-Feuerfische pl (Pterois) (zoologische Gattung) zool.
afrikanischer Feuerfisch m (Pterois mombasae)
Antennen-Feuerfisch m (Pterois antennata)
Hawaii-Feuerfisch m (Pterois sphex)
indischer Rotfeuerfisch m (Pterois miles)
indonesischer Feuerfisch m (Pterois kodipungi)
Japanischer Feuerfisch m (Pterois lunulata)
Rotfeuerfisch m (Pterois volitans)
pazifischer Rotfeuerfisch m (Pterois volitans)
Russels Feuerfisch m (Pterois russelii)
Strahlenfeuerfisch m (Pterois radiata)
Kurzflossen-Feuerfisch m (Pteropterus brevipectoralis)
pterois lionfish (zoological genus)
frillfin turkeyfish
broadbarred firefish
Hawaiian lionfish
common lionfish; devil firefish
clearfin lionfish
Japanese lionfish; luna lionfish
lion fish
red lionfish
Russell's firefish
tailbar lionfish; radial firefish
Pteropterus brevipectoralis lionfish

Deutsche Teufel Synonyme

Antichrist  ÂBeelzebub  ÂDämon  ÂDiabolo  ÂLuzifer  ÂMephistopheles  ÂSatan  ÂTeufel  
davonjagen  Âfortjagen  Âschassen  (umgangssprachlich)  Âverjagen  Âverscheuchen  Âvertreiben  Âwegjagen  Âzum  Teufel  jagen  (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische devil Synonyme

devil  Abaddon  Apollyon  Baba Yaga  Beelzebub  Belial  Bowery bum  Lilith  Linotyper  Lucifer  Mafioso  Mephistopheles  Old Nick  Old Scratch  Satan  Succubus  Xanthippe  Young Turk  adventurer  adventuress  adversary  afreet  aggravate  annoy  antagonist  ape-man  apprentice printer  archenemy  bad boy  badger  bait  bake  barbarian  barbecue  barghest  baste  be at  beachcomber  beast  bedevil  beggar  beggarly fellow  beldam  berserk  berserker  beset  bitter enemy  blackguard  blanch  blighter  bloke  boil  bomber  booger  bother  braise  bravo  brazenface  brew  bristle  broil  brown  brown off  brute  bucko  budmash  buffoon  bug  bugger  bully  bullyboy  bullyrag  bum  bummer  burn up  cacodemon  caitiff  chap  chivy  coddle  compositor  con artist  con man  confidence man  confoundedly  cook  crone  curry  cutthroat  cutup  daeva  daredevil  demon  derelict  desperado  deuce  deucedly  devil incarnate  diablo  discompose  distemper  disturb  do  do to perfection  dog  dragon  drifter  drunkard  dust storm  dybbuk  electrotyper  elf  enemy  enfant terrible  evil genius  evil spirit  exasperate  exceedingly  excessively  exercise  extremely  fash  fellow  fiend  fiend from hell  fire  fire-eater  firebrand  foe  foeman  fox  fricassee  frizz  frizzle  fry  funmaker  fury  genie  genius  get  ghoul  good-for-naught  good-for-nothing  goon  gorilla  griddle  grill  gripe  gunman  gunsel  guy  gyre  hag  harass  hardnose  harmattan  harpy  harry  harum-scarum  heat  heckle  hector  hell-raiser  hellcat  hellhound  hellion  hellkite  hobo  holy terror  hood  hoodlum  hooligan  hothead  hotspur  hound  human wreck  imp  in hell  in the world  incendiary  incubus  irk  jinni  jinniyeh  joker  jokester  keyboarder  khamsin  killer  knave  lamia  limb  little devil  little monkey  little rascal  lowlife  mad dog  madbrain  madcap  makeup man  mauvais sujet  mean wretch  miff  minx  mischief  mischief-maker  molest  monster  mucker  mugger  nag  needle  nettle  no-goo  
devil worship  Black Mass  Druidism  Parsiism  Sabaism  Satanism  Zoroastrianism  animal worship  black magic  chthonian worship  demonism  demonography  demonolatry  demonology  demonomancy  demonomy  demonry  devil lore  devilry  diablerie  diabolism  diabology  diabolology  fetishism  fire worship  heathenism  hero worship  iconoduly  iconolatry  idol worship  idolatrousness  idolatry  idolism  idolodulia  idolomancy  image worship  paganism  phallic worship  phallicism  pyrolatry  snake worship  sorcery  star worship  sun worship  tree worship  
devilish  Acherontic  Draconian  Lethean  Mephistophelian  Plutonian  Plutonic  Stygian  Tartarean  accursed  animal  anthropophagous  arch  atrocious  bad  barbaric  barbarous  beastly  bestial  bloodthirsty  bloody  bloody-minded  brutal  brutalized  brute  brutish  cannibalistic  chthonian  chthonic  crazy  cruel  cruel-hearted  cursed  damnable  demoniac  demoniacal  demonic  demonish  demonlike  devil-like  diabolic  diabolical  elfish  elvish  evil  execrable  fell  feral  ferocious  fiendish  fiendlike  fierce  flagitious  foolish  full of mischief  ghoulish  heinous  hellborn  hellish  high-spirited  impish  infernal  inhuman  inhumane  iniquitous  knavish  madcap  maleficent  malevolent  malign  malignant  mischief-loving  mischievous  murderous  naughty  nefarious  ogreish  pandemoniac  pandemonic  playful  prankish  pranksome  pranky  puckish  purgatorial  roguish  ruthless  sadistic  sanguinary  sanguineous  satanic  savage  scampish  scapegrace  serpentine  sharkish  sinful  sinister  slavering  sportive  subhuman  sulfurous  trickish  tricksy  truculent  unchristian  uncivilized  ungodly  unhallowed  unhuman  vicious  villainous  waggish  wicked  wolfish  
devilment  aggravation  annoyance  bad news  bedevilment  bitchiness  bore  bother  botheration  bothersomeness  crashing bore  cussedness  devilishness  devilry  deviltry  diablerie  difficulty  dogging  downer  drag  elfishness  evil intent  exasperation  foolishness  harassment  harmfulness  harrying  hatefulness  headache  high spirits  hounding  impishness  iniquitousness  invidiousness  maleficence  malice  malice aforethought  malice prepense  maliciousness  malignance  malignancy  malignity  meanness  mischief  mischievousness  molestation  nastiness  noxiousness  nuisance  orneriness  persecution  pest  playfulness  prankishness  pranksomeness  problem  puckishness  roguery  roguishness  scampishness  sportiveness  trial  trouble  vexation  vexatiousness  waggery  waggishness  wickedness  worriment  worry  youthful spirits  
devilry  Black Mass  Satanism  arrantness  badness  baseness  bitchiness  black magic  chthonian worship  cruelty  cussedness  demonism  demonography  demonolatry  demonology  demonomancy  demonomy  demonry  devil lore  devil worship  devilishness  devilment  deviltry  diablerie  diabolism  diabology  diabolology  elfishness  evil  evil intent  evilness  fiendishness  flagitiousness  foolishness  foulness  harmfulness  hatefulness  heinousness  hellishness  high spirits  impishness  iniquitousness  iniquity  invidiousness  knavery  knavishness  maleficence  malevolence  malice  malice aforethought  malice prepense  maliciousness  malignance  malignancy  malignity  meanness  mischief  mischievousness  nastiness  naughtiness  nefariousness  noxiousness  orneriness  perversity  playfulness  prankishness  pranksomeness  puckishness  rankness  rascality  roguery  roguishness  scampishness  sinfulness  sorcery  sportiveness  viciousness  vileness  villainousness  villainy  waggery  waggishness  wickedness  youthful spirits  

devil Definition

(n.) A reckless fellow. Also used adjectively
(n.) The Evil One
(n.) An evil spirit
(n.) A very wicked person
(n.) An expletive of surprise, vexation, or emphasis, or, ironically, of negation.
(n.) A dish, as a bone with the meat, broiled and excessively peppered
(n.) A machine for tearing or cutting rags, cotton, etc.
(v. t.) To make like a devil
(v. t.) To grill with Cayenne pepper
(n.) Alt. of Devil bird
Devil bird
(n.) A small water bird. See Dabchick.
Devil's darning-needle
() A dragon fly. See Darning needle, under Darn, v. t.
Sea devil
() Any very large ray, especially any species of the genus Manta or Cepholoptera, some of which become more than twenty feet across and weigh several tons. See also Ox ray, under Ox.
Sea devil
() Any large cephalopod, as a large Octopus, or a giant squid (Architeuthis). See Devilfish.
Sea devil
() The angler.
Water devil
() The rapacious larva of a large water beetle (Hydrophilus piceus), and of other similar species. See Illust. of Water beetle.

devil Bedeutung

apache devil dance a ritual dance of the Apache
the devil something difficult or awkward to do or deal with, it will be the devil to solve
the acts or rites of worshiping devils
devil ray
Mobula hypostoma
small manta (to feet) that travels in schools
mountain devil
spiny lizard Moloch horridus
desert lizard that feeds on ants
Tasmanian devil
ursine dasyure
Sarcophilus hariisi
small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black coat and long tail
darning needle
devil's darning needle
sewing needle
snake feeder
snake doctor
mosquito hawk
skeeter hawk
slender-bodied non-stinging insect having iridescent wings that are outspread at rest, adults and nymphs feed on mosquitoes etc.
amobarbital sodium
blue angel
blue devil
the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate, used as a sedative and a hypnotic
secobarbital sodium
red devil
barbiturate that is a white odorless slightly bitter powder (trade name Seconal) used as a sodium salt for sedation and to treat convulsions
a word used in exclamations of confusion, what the devil, the deuce with it, the dickens you say
devil's food
devil's food cake
very dark chocolate cake
fiend demon
an evil supernatural being
Old Nick
Devil Lucifer
the Tempter
Prince of Darkness
(Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God, tempter of mankind, master of Hell
devil's advocate someone who takes the worse side just for the sake of argument
devil worshiper someone who worships devils
a rowdy or mischievous person (usually a young man), he chased the young hellions out of his yard
devil dog
shipboard soldier
a member of the United States Marine Corps
devil demon ogre
a cruel wicked and inhuman person
poor devil
someone you feel sorry for
printer's devil an apprentice in a printing establishment
she-devil a cruel woman
dust devil a miniature whirlwind strong enough to whip dust and leaves and litter into the air
virgin's bower
old man's beard devil's darning needle
Clematis virginiana
common climber of eastern North America that sprawls over other plants and bears numerous panicles of small creamy white flowers
dita bark
devil tree
Alstonia scholaris
evergreen tree of eastern Asia and Philippines having large leathery leaves and small green-white flowers in compact cymes, bark formerly used medicinally
devil's tongue
snake palm
umbrella arum
Amorphophallus rivieri
foul-smelling somewhat fleshy tropical plant of southeastern Asia cultivated for its edible corms or in the greenhouse for its large leaves and showy dark red spathe surrounding a large spadix
American angelica tree
devil's walking stick
Hercules'lub Aralia spinosa
small deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub of eastern United States
prickly poppy argemone
white thistle devil's fig
any plant of the genus Argemone having large white or yellow flowers and prickly leaves and stems and pods, chiefly of tropical America
king devil
yellow hawkweed
Hieracium praealtum
European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States, locally troublesome weeds
Bermuda grass
devil grass
Bahama grass
scutch grass
star grass Cynodon dactylon
trailing grass native to Europe now cosmopolitan in warm regions, used for lawns and pastures especially in southern United States and India
white bryony
devil's turnip
Bryonia alba
white-flowered vine having thick roots and bearing small black berries, Europe to Iran
honeyflower honey-flower mountain devil
Lambertia formosa
erect bushy shrub of eastern Australia having terminal clusters of red flowers yielding much nectar
tiger lily devil lily
Lilium lancifolium
east Asian perennial having large reddish-orange black-spotted flowers with reflexed petals
devil's weed
Tribulus terestris
tropical annual procumbent poisonous subshrub having fruit that splits into five spiny nutlets, serious pasture weed
blue devil
blue thistle
viper's bugloss
Echium vulgare
a coarse prickly European weed with spikes of blue flowers, naturalized in United States
common unicorn plant
devil's claw
common devil's claw
proboscis flower
ram's horn
Proboscidea louisianica
annual of southern United States to Mexico having large whitish or yellowish flowers mottled with purple and a long curving beak
sand devil's claw
Proboscidea arenaria
Martynia arenaria
alternatively placed in genus Martynia
wild snapdragon
devil's flax
Linaria vulgaris
common European perennial having showy yellow and orange flowers, a naturalized weed in North America
mandrake devil's apples
Mandragora officinarum
a plant of southern Europe and North Africa having purple flowers, yellow fruits and a forked root formerly thought to have magical powers
sun spurge
devil's milk Euphorbia helioscopia
not unattractive European weed whose flowers turn toward the sun
petty spurge
devil's milk Euphorbia peplus
an Old World spurge introduced as a weed in the eastern United States
spurge nettle
devil nettle
Cnidoscolus urens
Jatropha urens
Jatropha stimulosus
a stinging herb of tropical America
devil's cigar a common name for a variety of Sarcosomataceae
devil's urn a common name for a variety of Sarcosomataceae
speak of the devil mention someone's name who just then appears
devil coat or stuff with a spicy paste, devilled eggs
d annoy
rag get to
get at
cause annoyance in, disturb, especially by minor irritations, Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me, It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness, a cocktail party given by some...raffish bachelors- Crary Moore
cheerfully irresponsible, carefree with his money, freewheeling urban youths, had a harum-scarum youth
like hell
like mad
like crazy
like sin
like thunder
like the devil
with great speed or effort or intensity, drove like crazy, worked like hell to get the job done, ran like sin for the storm cellar, work like thunder, fought like the devil
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The Devil is, according to Christianity and Islam, the primary opponent of God.

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