
differential Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Differential..., Differenzial...
Differential n math.
Differenzial n auto
Differential...; Differenzial...
Differential…; Differenzial…
Schaltdifferenz f
differential gap
wage differential
Ausgleichsgehäuse n
differential case
Ausgleichsgetriebe n techn.
differential gear
Differentialform f math.
differential form
Lohnunterschied m, Lohngefälle f
wage differential
Zinsgefälle n
rate differential
Ausgleichgetriebe n mach.
differential gear
differential gear
Differenzialgetriebe n
differential gear
Lohnunterschied m; Lohngefälle f
wage differential
Stirnrad-Ausgleichsgetriebe n; Stirnrad-Differential n
spur differential
Differentialachse f auto techn.
differential axle
Ausgleichsgetriebe n; Differenzialgetriebe n auto
differential gear
Zinsgefälle n fin.
rate differential
price differential
differential timing
Differential-Anteil m
differential action
interest differential
Differentialrechnung f math.
differential calculus
Differenzdruck m
differential pressure
Differenzweg m
differential movement
Differentialgeometrie f math.
differential geometry
Wirkdruck m; Differenzdruck m
differential pressure
Differenzialzylinder m techn.
differential cylinder
differential piece work
Differentialblutbild n med.
differential blood count
Messkreuz n
differential pressure sensor
Differentialthermoanalyse f DTA
differential thermal analysis
Differentialthermoanalyse f DTA
differential thermal analysis
Druckdifferenz f
pressure differential, delta P
Druckdifferenz f
pressure differential; delta P
Saugrohr-Differenzdruck m techn.
manifold differential pressure
Druckdifferenzregler m
pressure differential controller
Differenzdruck-Messumformer m
differential pressure transmitter
Differenzdrucktransmitter m techn.
differential pressure transmitter
Differentialsperre f techn.
differential lock, differential pawl
Differentialsperre f techn.
differential lock; differential pawl
Differenzialsperre f techn.
differential lock; differential pawl
Differentialkalorimetrie f phys.
differential scanning calorimetry DSC
Anfangswert m (Differentialgleichungen) math.
initial value (differential equations)
Lohnunterschied m; Lohngefälle f
Lohnunterschieden pl; Lohngefälle pl
wage differential
wage differentials
Abblaseverhältnisdruckregler m techn.
differential by-pass pressure regulator
Differentialkalorimetrie f phys.
differential scanning calorimetry DSC
Ausgleichsfeder f techn.
Ausgleichsfedern pl
differential spring
differential springs
ungleich adj; unterschiedlich adj
differential {adj} geh. only before nouns
Differentialgleichung f math.
Differentialgleichungen pl
differential equation
differential equations
Differentialoperator m math.
Differentialoperatoren pl
differential operator
differential operators
Differentialzylinder m techn.
Differentialzylinder pl
differential cylinder
differential cylinders
ungleich; unterschiedlich adj
Ungleichbehandlung f
differential formal
differential treatment
Differentialdiagnose f med. (DD)
Differentialdiagnosen pl
differential diagnosis
differential diagnoses
Differenzialdiagnose f; Differentialdiagnose f alt DD med.
Differenzialdiagnosen pl; Differentialdiagnosen pl
differential diagnosis
differential diagnoses
Differenzial n auto
automatisches Bremsdifferenzial
automatic brake differential ABD
Differenzialdiagnose f; Differentialdiagnose f alt DD med.
Differenzialdiagnosen pl; Differentialdiagnosen pl
differential diagnosis
differential diagnoses
Hinterachswellenrad n auto
Hinterachswellenräder pl
differential side gear
differential side gears
Hinterachskörper m auto
rear-axle assembly; rear-axle differential casing
fraktionierte Destillation f; Franktionierung f; stufenweise Trennung f chem. techn.
fractional distillation; differential distillation
Ausgleichsschaltung f (Fehlerschutz) telco.
differential protective system; differential protection
Vergleichsschutzsystem n; Differenzialschutz m electr.
differential protective system; differential protection
Randwert m (Differentialgleichungen) math.
boundary value; marginal value (differential equations)
Differenzdruckmesszelle f
Differenzdruckmesszellen pl
differential pressure cell
differential pressure cells
Differenzdruckmesser m; Differentialmanometer n techn.
Differenzdruckmesser pl; Differentialmanometer pl
differential pressure gauge
differential pressure gauges
Preisstaffelung f econ.
tiered pricing; differential pricing; graduation of prices
Differenzdrucksensor m
Differenzdrucksensoren pl
pressure differential sensor
pressure differential sensors
Wirkdruckgeber m techn.
Wirkdruckgeber pl
differential pressure device
differential pressure devices
Wirkdruckverfahren n techn.
Wirkdruckverfahren pl
differential pressure method
differential pressure methods
Differenzdruckschalter m
Differenzdruckschalter pl
differential pressure switch
differential pressure switches
Differenzdruckschalter m techn.
Differenzdruckschalter pl
differential pressure switch
differential pressure switches
Differenzdruckanzeiger m techn.
Differenzdruckanzeiger m
differential pressure gauge
differential pressure indicator
Erschwerniszulage f
hardship pay; hardship duty pay; post hardship differential Am.
Differenzdruckregler m; Druckgefälleventil n techn.
Differenzdruckregler pl; Druckgefälleventile pl
differential pressure regulator
differential pressure regulators
Druckdifferenzregler m
Druckdifferenzregler pl
pressure differential controller
pressure differential controllers
Differenzdruckregelventil n techn.
Differenzdruckregelventile pl
differential pressure control valve
differential pressure control valves
Differential-Interferenz-Kontrast-Zusatz m; DIK-Zusatz m (Mikroskopie)
differential interference contrast attachment; DIC-attachment (miscroscopy)
Setzung f
fortschreitende Setzung
initiale Setzung
ungleichmäßige Setzung
progressive settlement
first weight
differential settlement
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation ADPCM
pulse code modulation PCM
adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
Schwertmesserwalzwerk n (Metallurgie) techn.
Schwertmesserwalzwerke pl
differential speed disk cutter (metallurgy)
differential speed disk cutters
Wirkdruckgeber m (Gaszähler) techn.
Wirkdruckgeber pl
differential pressure producer (gas counter)
differential pressure producers
Anfangswertaufgabe f; Anfangswertproblem n (Differentialgleichungen) math.
initial value problem; Cauchy problem; Cauchy's problem (differential equations)
fraktionierende Destillation f; fraktionierte Destillation f; Destillation f mit stufenweiser Trennung; fraktionierende Auftrennung f; Fraktionierung f; Fraktionieren n; Rektifizierung f; Rektifikation f chem. techn.
fractional distillation; differential distillation; fractionation; rectification
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation (ADPCM)
pulse code modulation (PCM)
adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM)
Pulscodemodulation f electr.
Adaptive Differenz-Pulscodemodulation ADPCM
pulse code modulation PCM
adaptive differential pulse code modulation ADPCM
Störfunktion f (Differentialgleichung) math.
disturbance function; perturbation function; forcing function (differential equation)
Setzung f
Setzung in Bergwerksgebieten
fortschreitende Setzung
initiale Setzung
ungleichmäßige Setzung
mining subsidence
progressive settlement
first weight
differential settlement
Konzept n, Konzeption f, Plan m, Entwurf m, Auffassung f
Konzepte pl
Konzept zur Luftverdrängung
Konzept zur Ãœberdruckdifferenz
Konzept zur Verunreinigungskontrolle
displacement concept
high pressure differential concept
contamination control concept
Differenzbetrag m fin.
Differenzbeträge pl
difference in value; difference; differential amount
difference in values; differences; differential amounts
Konzept n; Konzeption f; Plan m; Entwurf m; Auffassung f
Konzepte pl
Konzept zur Luftverdrängung
Konzept zur Ãœberdruckdifferenz
Konzept zur Verunreinigungskontrolle
displacement concept
high pressure differential concept
contamination control concept
Differentialprozess m; (stochastischer) Prozess mit unabhängigen Zuwächsen m statist.
Differentialprozesse pl; Prozesse mit unabhängigen Zuwächsen pl
differential process; process with independent increments
differential processes; processes with independent increments
Vorderachswelle f (Antriebswelle der Räder) auto
Vorderachswellen pl
front-axle shaft; differential car axle Br.; drive shaft Am.
front-axle shafts; differential car axles; drive shafts
Randwertaufgabe f RWA ; Randwertproblem n RWP (Differentialgleichungen) math.
Randwertaufgaben pl; Randwertprobleme pl
Neumann'sche Randwertaufgabe
boundary value problem BVP (differential equations)
boundary value problems
Dirichlet boundary problem
Neumann boundary problem
Differenzdruckumformer m techn.
Differenzdruckumformer pl
differential pressure transducer; differential pressure transmitter
differential pressure transducers; differential pressure transmitters
prozentual; prozentuell Ös. adv
prozentuale Aufteilung
prozentual am Gewinn beteiligt sein
prozentual arbeitendes Differentialrelais electr.
as a percentage; in percentages; on a percentage basis
distribution on a percentage basis
to have a percentage share in the profits
percentage differential relay
Konzept n; Konzeption f; Plan m; Entwurf m
Konzepte pl; Konzeptionen pl; Pläne pl; Entwürfe pl
Konzepte pl
Arbeitskonzept n; Werkkonzept n
Förderkonzept n fin.
Neukonzeption f
Konzept zur Ãœberdruckdifferenz
ein Konzept für die Kontaminationsüberwachung
ein Konzept erstellen; erarbeiten; ausarbeiten; entwickeln
work concept
funding concept
new concept
high pressure differential concept
a contamination control concept
to draw up; to work out; to frame; to formulate; to develop a concept
mathematischer Ausdruck m; Ausdruck m math. comp.
mathematische Ausdrücke pl; Ausdrücke pl
arithmetischer Ausdruck
Boole'scher Ausdruck; Boole'sche Größe
Differentialausdruck m
einfacher Ausdruck
Indexausdruck m
Klammerausdruck m
mehrgliedriger Ausdruck
mathematical expression; expression
mathematical expressions; expressions
arithmetic expression
Boolean expression; conditional expression; logical expression
differential expression
primitive expression
subscript expression
expression in parentheses
multi-term expression
Besteuerung f (von etw.) adm. fin.
Besteuerungen pl
Differenzbesteuerung f
Individualbesteuerung f
Istbesteuerung f; Besteuerung nach vereinnahmten Entgelten
Nachbesteuerung f
Pauschalbesteuerung f; Pauschbesteuerung f adm.; steuerliche Pauschalierung f
Sollbesteuerung f; Besteuerung nach vereinbarten Entgelten
Spekulationsbesteuerung f
Unternehmensbesteuerung f
getrennte Besteuerung; Steuersplitting n; Splitting n
progressive Besteuerung
taxation (of sth.)
differential taxation
individual taxation; independent taxation
taxation on a cash receipts basis; taxation on a cash basis
retrospective taxation
lump-sum taxation
taxation on an invoice basis
taxation of private capital gains
company taxation
separate taxation
progressive taxation
Rechenmethode f; Berechnungsmethode f; Berechnungsweise f; Kalkül m veraltend math.
Rechenmethoden pl; Berechnungsmethoden pl; Berechnungsweisen pl; Kalküle pl
Differenzialrechnung f; Differentialrechnung f
Fehlerrechnung f
Infinitesimalrechnung f; Differential- und Integralrechnung f
Integralrechnung f
Matrizenrechnung f; Matritzenkalkül n veraltend
Prädikatrechnung f
Regressionsrechnung f (Vermessungswesen)
Theoremrechnung f
Variationsrechnung f
Zinsrechnung f
method of calculation; calculation method; calculus
methods of calculation; calculation methods; calculuses
differential calculus
calculus of errors
infinitesimal calculus; differential and integral calculus; the calculus
integral calculus
matrix calculus; matrix method; matrix algebra
predicate calculus
calculus of observations; adjustment of observations: adjustment calculus (surveying)
theorem calculus
variational calculus; variantions calculus; calculus of variations
calculation of interest; interest calculation; calculus of interest
Differentialgleichung f math.
Differentialgleichungen pl
Airy'sche Differentialgleichung
Bessel'sche Differenzialgleichung
biharmonische Differentialgleichung
Cauchy-Riemann'sche Differentialgleichungen
Clairaut'sche Differentialgleichung
elliptischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; elliptische Differentialgleichung
Hamilton'sche partielle Differentialgleichung; Hamilton-Jacobi'sche Differentialgleichung
hypergeometrische Differentialgleichung; Gauß'sche Differentialgleichung
hyperbolischer Typus der partiellen Differentialgleichung; hyperbolische Differentialgleichung
lineare Differentialgleichung mit konstanten Koeffizienten
nichtlineare Differentialgleichung erster Ordnung; Bernoulli'sche Differentialgleichung; Bernoulli'sche Gleichung
partielle Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung; Laplace'sche Differentialgleichung; Laplace-Gleichung; Potentialgleichung
stochastische Differentialgleichung
differential equation
differential equations
Airy's differential equation
Bessel's differential equation; Bessel equation
biharmonic equation; bipotential equation
Cauchy-Riemann differential equations; Cauchy-Riemann equations
Clairaut's differential equation
elliptic partial differential equation; elliptic differential equation
Hamilton's partial differential equation; Hamilton-Jacobi equation
hypergeometric differential equation; hypergeometric equation; Gauss' differential equation; Gaussian differential equation
hyperbolic partial differential equation; hyperbolic differential equation
linear differential equation with constant coefficients
Bernoulli's differential equation; Bernoulli differential equation; Bernoulli's equation
Laplace's differential equation; Laplace linear equation; Laplace's equation; potential equation
stochastic differential equation SDE

Deutsche unterschiedlich Synonyme

divergent  Âentgegengesetzt  Âunterschiedlich  
divers  Âunterschiedlich  Âvielfältig  
anders  Âandersartig  Âdifferenzierend  Âdivergent  Âunähnlich  Âunterschiedlich  Âverschieden  Âverschiedenartig  Âvoneinander  abweichend  Âzwei  Paar  Schuhe  (umgangssprachlich)  

Englische differential Synonyme

differential  Hydromatic  accurate  algorismic  algorithmic  aliquot  appreciative  aroma  attribute  automatic transmission  badge  brand  cachet  cardinal  cast  categorical  character  characteristic  characterizing  classificational  classificatory  cogwheel  configuration  contrastive  critical  cut  decimal  defining  delicacy  delicate  delicate distinction  denominative  diacritical  diagnostic  differencing  differentia  differential gear  differentiative  digital  discriminate  discriminating  discriminative  distinction  distinctive  distinctive feature  distinguishing  divisional  divisionary  earmark  even  exact  exponential  fastidious  feature  figural  figurate  figurative  figure  fine  fine point  finite  flavor  fractional  freewheel  gear  gear train  gearbox  gearing  gearshift  gearwheel  gust  hairline  hallmark  high  idiocrasy  idiosyncrasy  idiosyncratic  imaginary  impair  impossible  impress  impression  index  individualism  individualizing  individuating  infinite  integral  intermediate  irrational  keynote  lineaments  logarithmic  logometric  low  mannerism  margin  mark  marking  mold  narrow margin  nature  negative  neutral  nice  nice distinction  nicety  nuance  numeral  numerary  numerative  numeric  odd  odor  ordinal  overdrive  pair  particle of difference  particular  particularity  peculiar  peculiarity  personalizing  point of difference  positive  possible  precise  prejudiced  prime  property  quality  quirk  rack  radical  rational  real  reciprocal  refined  refinement  reverse  savor  seal  selective  sensitive  separative  shade of difference  shape  singularity  smack  special  specialty  specific  stamp  standard transmission  stick shift  subdivisional  submultiple  subtle  subtle distinction  subtlety  surd  synchromesh  tactful  taint  tang  taste  taxonomic  token  trait  transcendental  transmission  trick  typal  typical  wide margin  

differential Definition

(a.) Relating to or indicating a difference
(a.) Of or pertaining to a differential, or to differentials.
(a.) Relating to differences of motion or leverage
(n.) An increment, usually an indefinitely small one, which is given to a variable quantity.
(n.) A small difference in rates which competing railroad lines, in establishing a common tariff, allow one of their number to make, in order to get a fair share of the business. The lower rate is called a differential rate. Differentials are also sometimes granted to cities.
(n.) One of two coils of conducting wire so related to one another or to a magnet or armature common to both, that one coil produces polar action contrary to that of the other.
(n.) A form of conductor used for dividing and distributing the current to a series of electric lamps so as to maintain equal action in all.

differential Bedeutung

differential diagnosis a systematic method of diagnosing a disorder (e.g., headache) that lacks unique symptoms or signs
differential blood count counting the number of specific types of white blood cells found in cubic millimeter of blood, may be included as part of a complete blood count
differential analyzer an analog computer designed to solve differential equations
differential gear
a bevel gear that permits rotation of two shafts at different speeds, used on the rear axle of automobiles to allow wheels to rotate at different speeds on curves
differential a quality that differentiates between similar things
marginal cost
incremental cost
differential cost
the increase or decrease in costs as a result of one more or one less unit of output
difference threshold
differential threshold
difference limen
differential limen
the smallest change in stimulation that a person can detect
differential calculus
method of fluxions
the part of calculus that deals with the variation of a function with respect to changes in the independent variable (or variables) by means of the concepts of derivative and differential
derived function
differential coefficient
first derivative
the result of mathematical differentiation, the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another, df(x)
differential psychology the branch of psychology that studies measurable differences between individuals
differential equation an equation containing differentials of a function
partial differential equation a differential equation involving a functions of more than one variable
differential relating to or showing a difference, differential treatment
differential involving or containing one or more derivatives, differential equation
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Differential may refer to: