
district Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Bezirk, Kreis
Bezirk m, Kreis m, Stadtviertel n, Landstrich m
Gemarkung f, Gemeindegebiet n
Ortsteil m, Stadtteil m
coal district
rural district
ländliches Gebiet
rural district
urban district
Kiez m, Stadtgegend f
district, area
Kiez m; Stadtgegend f
district; area
Stadtkreis m
urban district
Bezirksstelle, Zweigstelle
district office
postal district
agency district
forest district
Kreisleiter m hist.
district leader
Bezirksleiter m, Bezirksleiterin f
district manager
Bezirksname m
name of district
Fernheizung f
district heating
Gau m
district, region
Bez. : Bezirk
dist. : district
district heating
Gau m geogr. adm.
district; region
Bezirksrat m
district council
economic district
Wehrbereich m
military district
military district
Abwasserverband m
sanitary district
Amtsanwaltschaft f jur.
district attorney
wholesale district
Bezirksaufdruck m
district overprint
Rotlichtbezirk m, Rotlichviertel n, Bordellgegend f
red-light district
Bezirksregierung f
district government
Regierungsviertel n
government district
Gebiet n, Gegend f
Gebiete pl, Gegenden pl
residential district
Gebiet n; Gegend f
Gebiete pl; Gegenden pl
Ortsteil m; Stadtteil m
Ortsteile pl; Stadtteile pl
Amtsrichter m; Amtsrichterin f jur.
district court judge
Gebiet n; Gegend f; Distrikt m
Gebiete pl; Gegenden pl
registration district
Kreissparkasse f econ.
district savings bank
Arbeiterviertel n, Arbeiterwohnviertel n
working-class district
Landzustellbereich der Post
rural delivery district
administrative district
Amtsbezirk m
administrative district
Fernwärmeversorgung f
district heating supply
Generalstaatsanwalt m
district attorney Am.
administrative district
Seenplatte f geogr.
lakeland; lake district
Bezirkshauptmannschaft f Ös. adm.
district administration
Revier n (Polizei-)
district, precinct Am.
Revier n (Polizei-)
district; precinct Am.
Pommersche Seenplatte f geogr.
Pomeranian Lake District
Bundesgerichtshof m für Bundesbezirke
U.S. District Court Am.
Mecklenburger Seenplatte f geogr.
Mecklenburg Lake District
Lebensraum m
life district; life realm
Bezirk m Bez. ; Kreis m; Stadtviertel n; Landstrich m
Bezirke pl; Kreise pl; Stadtviertel pl; Landstriche pl
district dist.
Bezirk m Bez. ; Kreis m; Stadtviertel n; Landstrich m
Bezirke pl; Kreise pl; Stadtviertel pl; Landstriche pl
district dist.
Villenviertel n
exclusive residental district
Wehrbereichskommando n
military sub district command
military sub district command
Seenlandschaft f
lake district; lake landscape
Wehrbereichskommando n mil.
military sub district command
Kensington n (Stadtteil von London) geogr.
Kensington (district of London)
Landbezirk m
Landbezirke pl
rural district
rural districts
vornehm; angesehen adj
vornehme Gegend
salubrious district
(Seebad) Warnemünde (Stadtteil von Rostock) geogr.
Warnemünde (district of Rostock)
Forstrevier n
Forstreviere pl
forest district
forest districts
Polizeirevier n
Polizeireviere pl
police district
police districts
Postbezirk m
Postbezirke pl
postal district
postal districts
Postgebiet n hist.
Postgebiete pl
postal district
postal districts
Abbaurevier n min.
Abbaureviere pl
mining district
mining districts
richterlich; Richter…; Gerichts… adj jur.
Gerichtsbezirk m
magisterial district
vornehm; angesehen adj
eine vornehme Gegend
a salubrious district
Abbaufeld n min.
unverritztes Abbaufeld
field; district; set
maiden field
Landgericht n, Amtsgericht n
district court Am., Regional Court
Bezirksleiter m; Bezirksleiterin f
Bezirksleiter pl; Bezirksleiterinnen pl
district manager
district managers
Bezirksname m
Bezirksnamen pl
name of district
names of district
Jagdbezirk m; Jagdrevier n adm.
Jagdbezirke pl; Jagdreviere pl
hunting district
hunting districts
Zollbezirk m adm.
Zollbezirke pl
customs district
customs districts
Reviersteiger m min.
district deputy; district boss Am.
Jagdbezirk m Dt.; Jagdrevier n Bayr. Ös. adm.
Jagdbezirke pl; Jagdreviere pl
hunting district
hunting districts
Forstamtsleiter m
Forstamtsleiter pl
district forester
district foresters
Landkreis m, Kreis m pol.
administrative district, rural district
Landkreis m; Kreis m pol.
administrative district; rural district
Bezirksversammlung f
Bezirksversammlungen pl
district assembly
district assemblies
Amüsierviertel m
Amüsierviertel pl
nightclub district
nightclub districts
öffentliche Einrichtung (als Teil der Wohnqualität)
eine Gegend mit hoher Wohnqualität
public amenity
a high amenity district
Gau m geogr. adm.
Reichsgau m hist.
district; region
German Reich province
Fernwärme f
district heating scheme; district heating
(historische) Speicherstadt f (einer Hafenstadt)
(historic) warehouse district (of a port)
Bezirksregierung f
Bezirksregierungen pl
district government
district governments
Steuerbezirk m adm. fin.
Steuerbezirke pl
assessment district
assessment districts
Wojewodschaft f; Woiwodschaft f (polnischer Verwaltungsbezirk) adm.
voivodeship (Polish administrative district)
Charlottenburg (Ortsteil von Berlin) geogr.
Charlottenburg (district of Berlin Germany)
Baufeld m min.
panel; stoping block; working area; district
Wetterabteilung f min.
Wetterabteilungen pl
ventilating district
ventilating districts
Charlottenburg (Ortsteil von Berlin) geogr.
Charlottenburg (district of Berlin, Germany)
Kommune f
local authority area, local authority district
Regierungsbezirk m (Reg.-Bez.)
administrative district, administrative region
Regierungsbezirk m Reg.-Bez.
administrative district; administrative region
Regierungsbezirk m Reg.-Bez.
administrative district; administrative region
Kohlenrevier n, Revier n
coal-mining district, coal district, coal field
Bahnmeisterei f (Bahn)
temporary way and structures district (railway)
Mittelfranken (Bezirk in Bayern) geogr.
Middle Franconia (district in Bavaria Germany)
Mittelfranken (Bezirk in Bayern) geogr.
Middle Franconia (district in Bavaria, Germany)
Fernwärmeanlage f
Fernwärmeanlagen pl
district heating plant
district heating plants
Arbeiterviertel n; Arbeiterwohnviertel n
Arbeiterviertel pl; Arbeiterwohnviertel pl
working-class district
working-class districts
Arbeitersiedlung f
Arbeitersiedlungen pl
working-class district
working-class districts
Fernwärmenetz n techn.
district heating network; district heating system
Verwaltungsbezirk m
Verwaltungsbezirke pl
administrative district
administrative districts
Amtsbezirk m
Amtsbezirke pl
administrative district
administrative districts
Bahnbetriebsingenieur m; Bahningenieur m Schw.
district permanent way superintendent (railway) Br.
Ostholstein (Kreis in Schleswig-Holstein) geogr.
Ostholstein (district in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)
Wohnbezirk m
Wohnbezirke pl
residential district, residental
residential districts
Wohnbezirk m
Wohnbezirke pl
residential district; residental
residential districts
bauliche Nutzungskategorie f; Art der baulichen Nutzung Dt. adm.
building use class Br.; zoning district category Am.
Fernwärmeverbund m
district heating grid, integrated district heating system
Fernwärmeverbund m
district heating grid; integrated district heating system
Armenviertel n
Armenviertel pl
poor district, poor quarter
poor districts, poor quarters
Armenviertel n
Armenviertel pl
poor district; poor quarter
poor districts; poor quarters
Wahlbezirk m, Wahlkreis m
Wahlbezirke pl, Wahlkreise pl
constituency, ward, electoral district Am.
Abbaufeld n min.
Abbaufelder pl
unverritztes Abbaufeld
field; district; set
fields; districts; sets
maiden field
Ortsteil m; Stadtteil m
Ortsteile pl; Stadtteile pl
district; municipal district
districts; municipal districts
Gemeindegebiet n; Gemarkung f; Markung f; Gemeindebann m Schw. adm.
Gemeindegebiete pl; Gemarkungen pl; Markungen pl; Gemeindebanne pl
communal district; bounds dated
communal districts; bounds
Fernheizkraftwerk n
Fernheizkraftwerke pl
district heating power station
district heating power stations
Abbaurevier n min.
Abbaureviere pl
mining region; mining district
mining regions; mining districts
Gemeindeschwester f med.
Gemeindeschwestern pl
district nurse; community nurse
district nurses; community nurses
Bonn (Stadt in Deutschland) geogr.
Bad Godesberg (Stadtteil von Bonn)
Bonn (city in Germany)
Bad Godesberg (municipal district of Bonn)
Jagdrevier n
Jagdreviere pl
hunting ground, hunting district
hunting grounds, hunting districts
Zustellbezirk m
Zustellbezirke pl
delivery area; delivery district
delivery areas; delivery districts
Kreisverband m
Kreisverbände pl
county chapter; district chapter
county chapters; district chapters
Gemeindegebiet n; Gemarkung f; Markung f; Gemeindebann m Schw. adm.
Gemeindegebiete pl; Gemarkungen pl; Markungen pl; Gemeindebanne pl
communal district; bounds (old-fashioned)
communal districts; bounds
Landgericht n; Landesgericht n Ös.; Kantonsgericht n Schw.; Obergericht n Schw.; Appellationsgericht n Schw. jur.
Landgerichte pl; Landesgerichte pl; Kantonsgerichte pl; Obergerichte pl; Appellationsgerichte pl
regional court; district court Am.
regional courts; district courts
Grenzbezirk m adm.
Grenzbezirke pl
border district; border county Br.
border districts; border counties
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft f; Amt n; Samtgemeinde f; Verbandsgemeinde f pol.
Verwaltungsgemeinschaften pl; Ämter pl; Samtgemeinden pl; Verbandsgemeinden pl
special administrative district; amt
special administrative districts; amts
dörfliches Gebiet; Dorfgebiet n
rural settlement area Br.; rural district Am.; agricultural district Am.
Rotlichtbezirk m; Rotlichtviertel n; Bordellgegend f
Rotlichtbezirke pl; Rotlichtviertel pl; Bordellgegenden pl
red-light district; sex trade district
red-light districts; sex trade districts
kreisfrei sein v Dt. adm.
kreisfreie Stadt; Stadtkreis m
to be independent from a district administration
independent city town; urban district
Heizwerk n
Heizwerke pl
Fernheizwerk n; Fernwärmewerk n
heating plant; heating station
heating plants; heating stations
district heating plant
partnerschaftlich adv
partnerschaftlich zusammenarbeiten
partnerschaftlich für Sicherheit im Bezirk sorgen
in partnership
to work in partnership
to work in partnership to keep the district safe
Flachsee f geogr.
shallow sea; epicontinental sea; epicontinental waters; off-shore waters; littoral area; littoral district
Kohlerevier n; Kohlenrevier n; Revier n min.
Kohlereviere pl; Kohlenreviere pl; Reviere pl
coal-mining region; coal-mining district; coal district
coal-mining regions; coal-mining districts; coal districts
Dienstbezirk m; Polizeirevier n; Revier n; Rayon m Ös. Schw. adm.
Dienstbezirke pl; Polizeireviere pl; Reviere pl; Rayone pl
police district; policing district; district; precinct Am.
police districts; policing districts; districts; precincts
Lebendigkeit f; Lebenskraft f; Leben f; Spannkraft f; Vitalität f (einer Sache)
das multikulturelle Leben in dem Bezirk
die Lebendigkeit der Figuren in dem Roman
liveliness; vibrancy (of a thing)
the district's multicultural liveliness
the vibrancy of the characters in the novel
Kohlenrevier n; Revier n min.
Kohlenreviere pl; Reviere pl
coal-mining district; coal district; coal field; coal basin
coal-mining districts; coal districts; coal fields; coal basins
Stadtbezirk m; Bezirk m (mit eigener Verwaltung) adm. pol.
Stadtbezirke pl; Bezirke pl
municipal district; urban district; municipal borough; borough
municipal districts; urban districts; municipal boroughs; boroughs
Rieselfeld n agr.
Rieselfelder pl
field irrigated with sewage; irrigation field; irrigation district
fields irrigated with sewage; irrigation fields; irrigation districts

Deutsche Bezirk Kreis Synonyme

Bezirk  ÂKreis  ÂLandstrich  
Kreis  ÂRing  
Bezirk  ÂGegend  ÂRayon  (österr.,  schweiz.)  ÂRegion  
Areal  ÂBereich  ÂBezirk  ÂFläche  ÂGegend  ÂOrt  ÂPlatz  ÂRaum  ÂRegion  
Bezirk  Gegend  Rayon (österr., schweiz.)  Region  
Bezirk  Kreis  Landstrich  
Kreis  Ring  

Englische district Synonyme

district  Kreis  abode  airspace  apportion  archbishopric  archdiocese  area  arrondissement  bailiwick  bearings  belt  bench mark  bishopric  borough  canton  city  commune  community  confines  congressional district  constablewick  continental shelf  corridor  country  county  cut up  departement  department  diocese  divide  divide up  division  divvy  divvy up  duchy  electoral district  electorate  emplacement  environs  government  ground  hamlet  heartland  hinterland  hole  hundred  land  latitude and longitude  lieu  locale  locality  location  locus  magistracy  metropolis  metropolitan area  milieu  neighborhood  oblast  offshore rights  okrug  parcel  parcel out  parish  part  partition  parts  pinpoint  place  placement  point  portion  position  precinct  precincts  premises  principality  province  purlieus  quarter  region  riding  salient  section  sector  segment  sheriffalty  sheriffwick  shire  shrievalty  site  situation  situs  soil  soke  space  split  split up  spot  stake  state  stead  subdivide  terrain  territory  three-mile limit  town  township  twelve-mile limit  vicinage  vicinity  village  wapentake  ward  whereabout  whereabouts  zone  
district attorney  AG  DA  KC  QC  SSC  US attorney  attorney general  civilian  corporation lawyer  court-appointed lawyer  criminal lawyer  defense counsel  junior counsel  law agent  leader  mouthpiece  private attorney  prosecuting attorney  prosecutor  public prosecutor  publicist  silk  silk gown  solicitor general  special pleader  stuff gown  stuff-gownsman  

district Definition

(a.) Rigorous
(n.) The territory within which the lord has the power of coercing and punishing.
(n.) A division of territory
(n.) Any portion of territory of undefined extent
(v. t.) To divide into districts or limited portions of territory

district Bedeutung

administrative district
administrative division
territorial division
a district defined for administrative purposes
border district
district consisting of the area on either side of a border or boundary of a country or an area, the Welsh marches between England and Wales
district line the boundary between two districts
city district a district of a town or city
voting precinct
election district
one of several districts into which a city or town is divided for voting, each contains one polling place
business district
the central area or commercial center of a town or city, the heart of Birmingham's downtown
congressional district a territorial division of a state, entitled to elect one member to the United States House of Representatives
territorial dominion
a region marked off for administrative or other purposes
federal district a district set apart as the seat of government of a federation
residential district
residential area
a district where people live, occupied primarily by private residences
red-light district a district with many brothels
tenement district a residential district occupied primarily with tenement houses
school district a district whose public schools are administered together
Lake District
a popular tourist area in northwestern England including England's largest lake and highest mountain
District of Columbia
the district occupied entirely by the city of Washington, chosen by George Washington as the site of the capital of the United States and created out of land ceded by Maryland and Virginia
continental slope
bathyal zone
bathyal district
the steep descent of the seabed from the continental shelf to the abyssal zone
district attorney
an official prosecutor for a judicial district
district manager a manager who supervises the sales activity for a district
regulate housing in, of certain areas of towns
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A district is a type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by local government. Across the world, areas known as "districts" vary greatly in size, spanning entire regions or counties, several municipalities, subdivisions of municipalities, school district, or political district.

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