
domestic Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

inländisch, häuslich
Hausangestellte m f , Hausangestellter, Haushalthilfe f, Hausgehilfin f
Dienstbote, haeuslich
Domestik m; schwerer Shirting m textil.
innerstaatlich; einzelstaatlich adj pol.
inländisches Recht
domestic law
Hausschwein n
domestic pig
domestic pig
domestic work
domestic bill
Hausbrand m
domestic fuel
Haushaltskeramik f
domestic pots
Haushuhn n ornith.
Domestic fowl
more domestic
most domestic
Haushaltskeramik f; Gebrauchskeramik f; Keramikgeschirr n
domestic ware
domestic trade
domestic needs
domestic order
domestic price
domestic debts
domestic sales
Inlandsabsatz m
domestic sales
Inlandsstraftat f jur.
domestic crime
Heimatfront f
domestic front
Binnennachfrage, inländische Nachfrage
domestic demand
einheimischer Arbeitnehmer
domestic worker
domestic market
Inlandsmarkt, Binnenmarkt, heimischer Markt
domestic market
domestic animal
Binnennachfrage f; Inlandsnachfrage f econ.
domestic demand
Zinsspanne f im Inlandsgeschäft fin.
domestic margin
Hauskaninchen n zool.
domestic rabbit
domestic science
Ehestreit m
domestic quarrel
Hauswirtschaftslehre f
domestic science
domestic economy
Haushaltsstrom m electr.
domestic current
Inlandskapital n fin.
domestic capital
Wohnhygiene f
domestic hygiene
Lebensgefährte m; Lebensgefährtin f jur.
domestic partner
fĂĽr den Hausgebrauch m; fĂĽr den Heimgebrauch m
for domestic use
domestic commerce
häuslicher Unfall
domestic accident
heimische Industrie, heimische Wirtschaft
domestic industry
im inländischen Handel
in domestic trade
domestic customer
Inlandskunde m
domestic customer
Dienstbote m; Hausdiener m; Hausbursche m; Hausangestellter m; Domestik(e) m hist.
domestic; servant
Haushaltsheizöl n
domestic fuel oil
heimisches Publikum n
domestic audience
domestic suppliers
FamilienglĂĽck n
domestic happiness
domestic happiness
domestic production
Eigenstomanlage f electr.
domestic supply set
domestic investments
domestic competition
domestic consumption
Haustiernahrung f, Heimtiernahrung f
domestic animal food
Inlandsgeschäft n econ.
domestic transaction
innenpolitisch adv
on the domestic front
Architektur der Bürgerhäuser
domestic architecture
Hausinstallation f
domestic installation
hausfraulich adj
housewifely; domestic
Bruttoinlandsprodukt, Bruttosozialprodukt
gross domestic product
inländischer Arbeitsmarkt
domestic labour market
Kleinvieh n
small domestic animals
Brauchwasser n fĂĽr die Haushalte
water for domestic use
Inlandsgeschäfte pl fin.
domestic banking Am.
Kleinvieh n agr.
small domestic animals
Haushaltungslehre f
domestic apprenticeship
Haushaltungsschule f
domestic science school
domestic apprenticeship
domestic science school
hauswirtschaftliche Berufsfachschule f; Hauswirtschaftsschule f; Haushaltungsschule f
domestic science school
Hauswirtschaftslehre f; Haushaltungslehre f
domestic apprenticeship
Gebrauchsgeschirr n
domestic ware, tableware
Gebrauchsgeschirr n
domestic ware; tableware
domestic: internal: home
domestic: internal: home
Nettoinlandsprodukt n NIP econ.
net domestic product NDP
Binnenhandel m econ.
domestic trade, intratrade
Binnenhandel m econ.
domestic trade; intratrade
Nettoinlandsprodukt n NIP econ.
net domestic product NDP
einzelstaatlich zugelassene Gesellschaft econ.
domestic corporation Am.
Bruttoinlandsprodukt n; Bruttoinlandprodukt n BIP econ.
gross domestic product GDP
Inlandsabsatz m; Inlandsverkäufe pl econ.
domestic sales; home sales
Bruttoinlandsprodukt n, Bruttoinlandprodukt n (BIP) econ.
gross domestic product (GDP)
Innenpolitik f pol.
domestic policy, home policy
Bruttoinlandsprodukt n; Bruttoinlandprodukt n BIP econ.
gross domestic product GDP
Innenpolitik f pol.
domestic policy; home policy
GlĂĽcklichsein n; GlĂĽckseligkeit f; GlĂĽck n
häusliches Glück
domestic felicity
Familiendrama n
family drama; domestic drama
order from domestic customers
Hausbrandkohle f
domestic coal; household coal
Haus- und Geschäftsräume
domestic and business premises
Inlandsanleihe f fin.
Inlandsanleihen pl
domestic loan
domestic loans
Inlandshafen m econ.
Inlandshäfen pl
domestic port
domestic ports
private Nutzung f; Privatgebrauch m; Hausgebrauch m econ. techn.
zur privaten Nutzung; fĂĽr den Privatgebrauch; fĂĽr den Privathaushalt
domestic use
for domestic use
Scheren n; Schur f (eines Nutztiers) agr.
shearing (of a domestic animal)
Binnenmarkt m
domestic market, internal market
Haushaltszähler m electr.
electronic domestic supply meter
Hauswirtschaft f
domestic economy, home economics
elektronischer Haushaltszähler
electronic domestic supply meter
Binnenmarktpreis m econ.
Binnenmarktpreise pl
domestic price
domestic prices
Hauswirtschaft f
domestic economy; home economics
Inlandsroute f econ.
Inlandsrouten pl
domestic route
domestic routes
Inlandsbestellung f; Inlandsauftrag m econ.
Inlandsbestellungen pl; Inlandsaufträge pl
domestic order
domestic orders
Inlandsemission f fin.
Inlandsemissionen pl
domestic issue
domestic issues
Binnenmarktpreis m; Inlandspreis m econ.
Binnenmarktpreise pl; Inlandspreise pl
domestic price
domestic prices
Eber m; Saubär m (männliches Hausschwein) agr.
Eber pl; Saubären pl
boar (domestic male pig)
Inlandsverkehr m; Binnenverkehr m telco. transp.
inland traffic; domestic traffic
Ehekrach m
domestic disturbance, marital row
Flugbetrieb m; Flugdienst m aviat.
Inlandflugverkehr m
air service
domestic air service
Nutztier n agr.
Nutztiere pl
domestic animal
domestic animals
Dienstbotin f; Hausmädchen n; Hausangestellte f; Domestikin f hist.
domestic; servant; maid of all work
Dreieckbinder m (vorgefertigter Fachwerkbinder) constr.
trussed rafter; domestic roof truss
Haushaltsabwässer pl; Hausabwässer pl
domestic sewage; residential sewage
Inlandsprodukt n; Inlandserzeugung f econ.
Inlandsprodukte pl
domestic product
domestic products
Zustellungsbevollmächtiger m (Patentrecht) jur.
domestic representative (patent law)
Eigenbedarf m (eines Landes) econ.
domestic requirements (of a country)
Inlandskunde m
Inlandskunden pl
domestic customer
domestic customers
Privatverbraucher m
Privatverbraucher pl
domestic consumer
domestic consumers
Hauspferd n zool.
(domestic) horse; (domesticated) horse
Dienstbote m, Dienstbotin f obs.
Dienstboten pl, Dienstbotinnen pl
domestic, servant
domestics, servants
Inlandsgeschäft n econ.
inland transaction; domestic transaction
Hauswasserwerk n
Hauswasserwerke pl
domestic waterworks
domestic waterworks
Hauswasserpumpe f
Hauswasserpumpen pl
domestic water pump
domestic water pumps
Währungspolitik f, Geldpolitik f
interne Geldpolitik
monetary policy
domestic monetary policy
Währungspolitik f; Geldpolitik f
interne Geldpolitik
monetary policy
domestic monetary policy
Hausschwein n (Sus (scrofa) domestica Sus (scrofus) domesticus) zool. agr.
Impfung von Hausschweinen
domestic pig
vaccination of domestic pigs
Hauspersonal n
domestic staff; house staff; house personnel
hauswirtschaftlich adj; Haushalts…; Haus…
privater Stromverbraucher m; Haushaltsstromverbraucher m
domestic; household
domestic current consumer
Hauskatze f zool.
Hauskatzen pl
domestic cat; house cat
domestic cat; house cats
häuslich adj
am häuslichsten
häuslicher Mensch
more domestic
most domestic
hauswirtschaftlich adj; Haushalts...; Haus...
privater Stromverbraucher m; Haushaltsstromverbraucher m
domestic; household ...
domestic current consumer
Heimstudioanlage f
Heimstudioanlagen pl
domestic studio equipment
domestic studio systems
Familiengericht n jur.
Familiengerichte pl
domestic relations court
domestic relations courts
Gewalt f
jdm. Gewalt antun
häusliche Gewalt
to do violence to so.
domestic violence
Dienstbote m; Hausdiener m; Hausbursche m; Hausangestellter m; Domestik(e) m hist.
Dienstboten pl; Hausdiener pl; Hausburschen pl; Hausangestellte pl; Domestiken pl; Dienerschaft f
domestic; menial servant
domestics; menial servants
GeflĂĽgel n agr.
Zucht- und MastgeflĂĽgel
(domestic) fowl; poultry
rearing and heavier poultry
Heimstudioanlage f
Heimstudioanlagen pl
domestic studio equipment
domestic studio equipments
Unfriede m, Unfrieden m
häuslicher Unfrieden
Unfrieden stiften
discord, strife
domestic disturbance
to sow discord
Kohleneimer m Norddt. Westdt.; KohlenkĂĽbel m Mitteldt. Bayr. Ă–s. Schw.; KohlenschĂĽtte f; Kohlenkasten m (fĂĽr den Hausbrand)
Kohleneimer pl; Kohlenkübel pl; Kohlenschütten pl; Kohlenkästen pl
scuttle (coal container for a domestic fire)
Tarif m; Zoll m
Tarife pl
Binnentarif m
abschreckend hoher Zoll
domestic tariff
prohibitive tariff
Unfriede m; Unfrieden m
häuslicher Unfrieden
Unfrieden stiften
discord; strife
domestic disturbance
to sow discord
Inlandsverkehr m; Binnenverkehr m (Warenverkehr) econ.
inland transport; domestic transport (movement of goods)
Haushaltshilfe f; Hausgehilfin f; Hausangestellte f; Hausmädchen n veraltend
Haushaltshilfen pl; Hausgehilfinnen pl; Hausangestellten pl; Hausmädchen pl
domestic help; housemaid dated
domestic helps; housemaids

Deutsche inländisch häuslich Synonyme

Englische domestic Synonyme

domestic  anchoritic  autochthonous  cloistered  domal  domestic servant  domesticated  domiciliary  drudge  eremitic  family  help  hermitic  hermitish  hired help  home  household  housekeeper  indigenous  inland  internal  intestine  manorial  mansional  menial  municipal  national  native  palatial  private  recluse  residential  residentiary  scullion  sequestered  servant  servitor  shut in  shut up  slavey  stay-at-home  steward  subdued  submissive  tame  turnspit  
domestic science  baking  barbecuing  basting  boiling  braising  brewing  broil  broiling  catering  cookery  cooking  cuisine  culinary science  frying  grilling  home economics  nutrition  pan-broiling  poaching  roasting  sauteing  searing  shirring  simmering  steeping  stewing  toasting  
domesticate  acclimate  acclimatize  accommodate  accustom  adapt  adjust  anchor  billet at  bivouac  break  break in  break to harness  burrow  bust  camp  case harden  colonize  come to anchor  condition  confirm  domesticize  domiciliate  drop anchor  ensconce  establish  establish residence  familiarize  fix  gentle  habituate  harden  hive  housebreak  inhabit  inure  keep house  live at  locate  master  moor  move  naturalize  nest  orient  orientate  park  people  perch  populate  relocate  reside  roost  season  set up housekeeping  set up shop  settle  settle down  sit down  squat  stand  stay at  strike root  subdue  take residence at  take root  take up residence  tame  train  wont  
domesticated  broken  brought low  chastened  crushed  domestic  dovelike  gentle  housebroke  housebroken  humble  humbled  humiliated  lamblike  made to grovel  meek  mild  pacific  peaceable  quelled  quiet  reduced  subdued  submissive  tame  tamed  

domestic Definition

(a.) Of or pertaining to one's house or home, or one's household or family
(a.) Of or pertaining to a nation considered as a family or home, or to one's own country
(a.) Remaining much at home
(a.) Living in or near the habitations of man
(a.) Made in one's own house, nation, or country
(n.) One who lives in the family of an other, as hired household assistant
(n.) Articles of home manufacture, especially cotton goods.

domestic Bedeutung

domestic flight a flight that begins and ends in the same country
domestic terrorism terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people, the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City was an instance of domestic terrorism
domestic violence violence or physical abuse directed toward your spouse or domestic partner, usually violence by men against women
domestic animal
domesticated animal
any of various animals that have been tamed and made fit for a human environment
domestic carp
Cyprinus carpio
large Old World freshwater bottom-feeding fish introduced into Europe from Asia, inhabits ponds and sluggish streams and often raised for food, introduced into United States where it has become a pest
domestic fowl
a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl
domestic pigeon domesticated pigeon raised for sport or food
domestic dog
Canis familiaris
a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times, occurs in many breeds, the dog barked all night
domestic cat
house cat
Felis domesticus
Felis catus
any domesticated member of the genus Felis
domestic silkworm moth
domesticated silkworm moth
Bombyx mori
stocky creamy-white Asiatic moth found almost entirely under human care, the source of most of the silk commerce
domestic ass
Equus asinus
domestic beast of burden descended from the African wild ass, patient but stubborn
domestic sheep
Ovis aries
any of various breeds raised for wool or edible meat or skin
domestic goat
Capra hircus
any of various breeds of goat raised for milk or meat or wool
domestic llama
Lama peruana
used in the Andes as a beast of burden and source of wool, considered a domesticated variety of the guanaco
home economics
home ec
domestic science
household arts
theory and practice of homemaking
family court
domestic relations court
court of domestic relations
a court in some states in the United States that has jurisdiction over family disputes (especially those involving children)
domestic help
house servant
a servant who is paid to perform menial tasks around the household
domestic partner
significant other
spousal equivalent
spouse equivalent
a person (not necessarily a spouse) with whom you cohabit and share a long-term sexual relationship
domestic prelate (Roman Catholic Church) a priest who is an honorary member of the papal household
gross domestic product
the measure of an economy adopted by the United States in , the total market values of goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's borders during a given period (usually year)
domestic produced in a particular country, domestic wine, domestic oil
domestic of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation, domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction
domestic of or involving the home or family, domestic worries, domestic happiness, they share the domestic chores, everything sounded very peaceful and domestic, an author of blood-and-thunder novels yet quite domestic in his taste
converted or adapted to domestic use, domestic animals, domesticated plants like maize
domestic of or relating to the home, domestic servant, domestic science
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