
drift Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Drift f
Eintreibdorn m techn.
langsames Abwandern
Schräglauf m
Driftbewegung f; Drift f; langsames Abwandern n; allmähliche Verschiebung f geol. meteo. phys.
to drift
Keiltreiber m
key drift
Treibeis n
drift ice
drift ice
snow drift
soil drift
Austreiber m
drift punch
Durchschläger m, Durchtreiber m
drift punch
drift apart
Durchschläger m; Durchtreiber m
drift punch
Richtstollen m min.
pilot drift
Pollenflug m bot.
pollen drift
Gletscherschutt m
glacial drift
Driftströmung f
drift current
fallende Tendenz
downward drift
Silospeicher m electr.
drift register
Strömung f
Strömungen pl
Verwehung f
Verwehungen pl
Silospeicher (elektr.)
drift register
Küstenlängstransport m
littoral drift
Driftgeschwindigkeit f electr. phys.
drift velocity
Abdriftkorrektur f
drift correction
Wasserfang m (Kühlturm) techn.
drift eliminator
Abdriftkorrektur f aviat. naut.
drift correction
Auswanderungsgrad m; Driftgrad m techn.
drift percentage
Kreiselkompass-Drift f
gyroscopic drift
Kontinentaldrift f
continental drift
Kontinentaldrift f; Kontinentdrift f; Kontinentalverschiebung f geol.
continental drift
Kontinentalverschiebung f; Kontinentverschiebung f; Kontinentaldrift f geol.
continental drift
abtreiben, vom Kurs abkommen
to drift off course
abtreiben v; vom Kurs abkommen
to drift off course
Driftströmung f (Ozean) meteo.
drift current (ocean)
Bewetterungskanal m; Wetterkanal m min.
Bewetterungskanäle pl; Wetterkanäle pl
fan drift
fan drifts
Driftfläche f (Plasma) phys.
drift surface (plasma)
Schräglaufwinkel m
drift angle, slip angle
Auswanderverlust f (Holographie) techn.
drift loss (holography)
Sauerstoffaufnahme f von Erz (Metallurgie)
acid drift (metallurgy)
Schräglaufwinkel m
drift angle; slip angle
Gesteinsstrecke f
rock drfit; stone drift
Auswanderverlust m (Holographie) techn.
drift loss (holography)
Abtrift f, Abdrift f, Versetzung f, Kursversetzung f naut.
drift, drift from course
Erdverwehung f
Erdverwehungen pl
soil drift
soil drifts
Abtrieb m; Abtrift f; Abdrift f; Trift m; Versetzung f; Kursversetzung f aviat. naut.
drift; drift from course
Ortsbrust f min.
drift face; heading face
Polflucht f
drift away from the poles
Abdriftwinkel m aviat. naut.
Abdriftwinkel pl
drift angle
drift angles
Abdrift f; Abdriften n (von Spritzmitteln) agr.
drift (of pesticide sprays)
Driftwinkel m
drift angle, side slip angle
Nullpunktdrift f; Auswandern n des Nullpunkts techn.
zero-point drift; zero drift
abweichen v
to drift
driften v
to drift
sich treiben lassen
die Dinge treiben lassen
to drift
to let things drift
Messgerätedrift f; Drift f techn.
drift of a measuring instrument
Abdrängungsschreiber m; Abdriftschreiber m aviat.
Abdrängungsschreiber pl; Abdriftschreiber pl
drift recorder
drift recorders
Nietloch n techn.
Nietlöcher pl
Dorn für Nietlöcher
rivet hole
rivet holes
Schlingerkiel m naut.
drift bilge bulge auxiliary keel
Seeablagerung f
lake deposit; lake bed; sea drift
Bewetterungsstrecke f; Wettereinzugstrecke f min.
mine air intake; ventilation drift
Düne f
Dünen pl
dune; drift hill
dunes; drift hills
Untersuchungsstollen m min.
Untersuchungsstollen pl
exploratory drift
exploratory drifts
Können Sie mir folgen?
Do you follow me?, Do you get my drift?
Satellitendrift f (Satellitentechnik)
satellite drift (satellite engineering)
Können Sie mir folgen?
Do you follow me?; Do you get my drift?
auswandern; weglaufen v (Nullpunkt) techn.
auswandernd; weglaufend
ausgewandert; weggelaufen
to drift (zero point)
Windsicherung f
wind drift safety device, anti-storm device
Eisgang m
ice flow; ice drift; breaking-up of the ice
Treibeis n
drift ice; floating ice; flow ice; floe ice
Windsicherung f
wind drift safety device; anti-storm device
Drift f (von Ladungsträgern in einem Halbleiter) electr.
drift (of charge carriers in a semiconductor)
auseinander leben, auseinanderleben alt
auseinander lebend, auseinanderlebend alt
auseinander gelebt, auseinandergelebt alt
to drift apart
drifting apart
drifted apart
sich auseinanderleben v soc.
sich auseinanderlebend
sich auseinandergelebt
to drift apart
drifting apart
drifted apart
dahintreiben v
treibt dahin
trieb dahin
to drift
Schneeverwehung f, Schneewehe f
Schneeverwehungen pl, Schneewehen pl
snow drift, snowdrift, bank of snow
snow drifts
abwärts getriebene einfallende Förderstrecke f; Einfallende f; Flaches n min.
downgrade engine road; jinny road; inclined drift
Gletscherablagerung f geol.
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacier accumulation
Driftfeld n phys.
Driftfelder pl
exponentielles Driftfeld
drift field
drift fields
exponential drift field
Kontinentverschiebung f geol.
continental drift; land shifting; creep of continents
treiben, wehen
treibend, wehend
getrieben, geweht
es treibt, es weht
es trieb, es wehte
to drift
it drifts
it drifted
Strandversetzung f; Küstenversetzung f geogr. geol.
Strandversetzung durch küstenparallelen Sedimenttransport
shifting of shores; coastal drifting
longshore drift
treiben; wehen v
treibend; wehend
getrieben; geweht
es treibt; es weht
es trieb; es wehte
to drift
it drifts
it drifted
Antigenverschiebung f; Antigendrift f (eines Krankheitserregers) med.
antigen drift; antigenic drift (of a pathogenic agent)
Geschiebelehm m geol.
(boulder; glacial; clay) till; drift clay; boulder clay
sich treiben lassen v
die Dinge treiben lassen
in eine Situation hineringeraten
to drift
to let things drift
to drift into a situation
Küstenströmung f
Küstenströmungen pl
littoral drift; shore-drift
littoral drifts; shore-drifts
Driftwinkel m
Driftwinkel pl
drift angle; side slip angle
drift angles; side slip angles
Polwanderung f
Polwanderungen pl
polar wandering; polar drift
polar wanderings; polar drifts
Wetterkanal m min.
Wetterkanäle pl
air drift; fan drift; trumpetin
air drifts; fan drifts; trumpetins
Treibnetz n, Driftnetz n
Fischfang mit Treibnetzen (industrielle Fischerei)
drift net, driftnet, drift netting
drift netting (industrial fishing)
aufdornen v techn.
to enlarge with a drift
enlarging with a drift
enlarged with a drift
Treibanker m naut.
Treibanker pl
drift anchor, sea anchor, boat brakes coll.
drift anchors, sea anchors
Treibanker m naut.
Treibanker pl
drift anchor; sea anchor; boat brakes coll.
drift anchors; sea anchors
Treibsand m; Triebsand m
quick sand; quicksand; eolian sands; drift sand; running sand; shifting sand
Sprengkammer f
Sprengkammern pl
coyote hole; gopher hole; powder drift
coyote holes; gopher holes; powder drifts
Gendrift f; genetische Drift f; Alleldrift f; Sewall-Wright-Effekt m (Evolutionsbiologie) biol.
gene drift; genetic drift; allele drift; Sewall-Wright effect (evolutionary biology)
Abdriftmesser m aviat.
Abdriftmesser pl
drift indicator; drift meter; drift sight
drift indicators; drift meters; drift sights
Pleistozän n; Eiszeit f; Eiszeitalter n; Diluvium n geol.
Pleistocene; ice age; diluvium; drift period; diluvial period; glacial epoch; glacial time
Rollsteine pl; Geröll n; Geschiebe n geol.
Ablationsgeröll n; Ablationsgeschiebe n
pebbles; rubbles; boulders; debris; detritus; drift; bowlder; slide Am.
ablation debris
genetisch adj biol.
genetischer Code
genetische Drift
genetische Karte f
genetische Struktur
genetische Variation
genetic code
genetic drift
genetic map
genetic structure
genetic variation
Schneeverwehung f; Schneewehe f; Schneewechte f
Schneeverwehungen pl; Schneewehen pl; Schneewechten pl
snow drift; snowdrift; bank of drifted snow
snow drifts; snowdrifts; banks of drifted snow
Rippelschichtung f geol.
ripple bedding; ripple drift; drift cross lamination; lee-side concentration; rolling strata
Riffelschichtung f geol.
ripple bedding; ripple drift; drift cross lamination; lee-side concentration; rolling strata
Schneeverwehung f; Schneeverfrachtung f; Schneewehe f; Schneewechte f
Schneeverwehungen pl; Schneeverfrachtungen pl; Schneewehen pl; Schneewechten pl
snow drift; snowdrift; bank of drifted snow
snow drifts; snowdrifts; banks of drifted snow
abtreiben; abdriften; abtriften v aviat. naut.
abtreibend; abdriftend; abtriftend
abgetrieben; abgedriftet; abgetriftet
to drift off; to make leeway naut.
drifting off; making leeway
drifted off; made leeway
Flugsand m
wind-borne sand; drifting sand; flying sand; drift sand; windblown sand; aeolian sand; quicksand
Wachsein n; Wachheit f med.
zwischen Schlaf und Wachsein pendeln
Ein plötzliches Geräusch riss sie jäh in die Wachheit.
to drift between sleep and wakefulness
A sudden noise jolted her into wakefulness.
Lochdorn m; Dorn m; Durchschlag m techn.
Lochdorne pl; Dorne pl; Durchschläge pl
piercer; drift; drift punch; backing-out punch
piercers; drifts; drift punches; backing-out punches
Strecke f min.
einfallende Strecke
gekernte Strecke
vorgesetzte Strecke
drift; gallery; heading; roadway; reach
dipping heading; incline
cored interval
advance heading
genetisch; genetisch bedingt adj biochem.
genetische Drift
genetische Karte f
genetische Krankheit
genetische Struktur
genetischer Vektor
genetic; genetical; genic
genetic drift
genetic map
genetic disorder
genetic structure
genetic vector
Strecke f min.
einfallende Strecke
gekernte Strecke
vorgesetzte Strecke
drift; gallery; heading; roadway; reach
dipping heading; inclining drift; incline
cored interval
advance heading
Treibnetz n; Driftnetz n
Fischfang mit Treibnetzen (industrielle Fischerei)
drift net; driftnet; drift netting
drift netting; drift-net fishing; high-seas drift-net fishing (industrial fishing)
Findling m min.
Findlinge pl
erratic block; drift boulder; perched block; glacial boulder
erratic blocks; drift boulders; perched blocks; glacial boulders
Findling m geol.
Findlinge pl
glacial boulder; drift boulder; erratic block; perched block
glacial boulders; drift boulders; erratic blocks; perched blocks
Vergessenheit f; Vergessenwerden n; Vergessensein n
Seinsvergessenheit f (Heidegger) phil.
in Vergessenheit geraten; der Vergessenheit anheimfallen
langsam in Vergessenheit geraten
etw. vor der Vergessenheit dem Vergessenwerden dem Vergessen bewahren
oblivion of being (Heidegger)
to fall sink into oblivion
to fade drift into oblivion
to rescue sth. from oblivion
folgen (von), verfolgen, beachten
folgend, verfolgend, beachtend
gefolgt (von), verfolgt, beachtet
folgt, verfolgt, beachtet
folgte, verfolgte, beachtete
jdm. folgen, jds. Argumentation folgen
dem Winter folgt der Frühling, auf den Winter folgt der Frühling
gefolgt werden von
to follow (by)
followed by
to follow sb.'s drift
winter is followed by spring
to be followed by
Meeresströmung f
Meeresströmungen pl
Meeresströmung an der Oberfläche
tiefe Meeresströmung
ocean current; sea current; marine current; drift
ocean currents; sea currents; marine currents; drifts
surface current
deep current
genetisch; genbedingt adj biol.
genetischer Code
genetische Drift
genetische Karte f
genetische Krankheit
genetische Struktur
genetische Variation
genetischer Vektor
genetic; genic; genetical
genetic code
genetic drift
genetic map
genetic disorder
genetic structure
genetic variation
genetic vector
einer Sache folgen; etw. verfolgen fig. v
folgend; verfolgend
gefolgt (von); verfolgt
folgt; verfolgt
folgte; verfolgte
auf etw. folgen
jdm. folgen; jds. Argumentation folgen
dem Winter folgt der Frühling; auf den Winter folgt der Frühling
gefolgt werden von
to follow sth.
followed by
to follow on sth.
to follow sb.'s drift
winter is followed by spring
to be followed by
Querstollen m; Quergang m; Querstrecke f; Querschlag m min.
Querstollen pl; Quergänge pl; Querstrecken pl; Querschläge pl
cross cut; cross heading; traverse heading; cross measures drift; crossway
cross cuts; cross headings; traverse headings; cross measures drifts; crossways
Torf m
dichter Torf
dunkelbrauner fetter Torf
erdiger Torf
getrockneter Torf
leicht entzündlicher Torf
schlammiger Torf
umgelagerter Torf
unreiner Torf
vergelter Torf
Torf aus Süßwasseralgen
Torf in Glazialablagerungen
Torf mit stückigen Pflanzenresten
von Gestrüpp bedeckter Torf
Torf stechen
stone turf
lard peat
crumble peat
tallow peat
dredged peat
peat breccia; peat slime
amorphous peat
conferva peat
drift peat
chaff peat
brushwood peat
to cut peat
Transistor m electr.
Transistoren pl
Darlington-Transistor m
Dünnschichttransistor m
abgeschalteter Transistor
legierter Transistor
Transistor mit exponentiellem Driftfeld
als Diode geschalteter Transistor
Darlington transistor
thin-film transistor TFT
off transistor
alloyed transistor
exponential drift-field transistor; drift transistor; graded base transistor
diode-connected transistor
Wetter pl min.
erstickende Wetter; Stickwetter
schlagende böse matte Wetter
Wetterabzug m
Wetterabzugstrecke f
Wetterbohrloch n; Wetterloch n
Wetterbrücke f; Wetterkreuzung f
Wettereinzugstrecke f
Wetterkanal m
Wetter verschlagen
air; mine air
black damp; choke damp; afterdamp; fumes
white damp
air escape
air intake into the upcast shaft
bore hole for ventilation
air crossing
air intake
fan drift
to ventilate in the wrong direction
einer Sache (geistig) folgen v (den Sinn die Logik verstehen)
einer Gerichtsverhandlung folgen können
Es ist nicht ganz einfach, der verschlungenen Handlung zu folgen.
Ich kann Ihrer Argumentation nicht folgen.; Ich kann Ihnen nicht folgen.
Können Sie mir folgen?
to follow sth. (understand its sense or logic)
to be able to follow a court hearing
The twists and turns of the plot are a little difficult to follow.
I don't follow your argument reasoning.; I don't follow you.; I don't follow.; I don't get your drift.
Do you follow me?; Do you get my drift?
das Wesentliche n; die Quintessenz f; der Sinn m; die (zentrale) Aussage f (eines Schriftstücks einer Rede eines Gesprächs)
verstehen, was jd. sagen will
Die Kernaussage der Arbeit ist, dass …
Ich habe den Beginn der Vorlesung verpasst. Was war denn das Wesentliche, was sie gesagt hat?
Mein Italienisch ist nicht besonders gut, aber ich habe sinngemäß verstanden, was er gesagt hat.
Er ist jemand, den du gut kennst, wenn du weißt, was ich meine.
the gist; the drift (of a piece of writing speech conversation)
to get catch follow sb.'s gist sb.'s drift
The gist of the paper is that …
I missed the beginning of the lecture. Can you give me the gist of what she said?
My Italian isn't very good, but I got the drift of what he said.
He is someone you know very well, if you catch my drift.
Feststoffablagerung f; Sedimentablagerung f; Ablagerung f; Sedimentakkumulation f; Akkumulation f (abgelagertes Lockergestein) geol.
Flussablagerung f; Flussanschwemmung f; alluviale Ablagerung f; Alluvion f
Geschiebeablagerung f
Murablagerung f; Murenablagerung f; Murschutt; Murgangablagerung Schw.; Ãœbermurung f Schw.
Wildbachablagerung f
die Bildung von Ablagerungen verhindern
Ablagerung terrestrischer Herkunft
allochthone Ablagerung
eisenhaltige Ablagerung
eiszeitliche Ablagerung; glaziale Ablagerung
sediment deposit; deposit; sediment accumulation; accumulation; sediment
river deposit; fluvial deposit; alluvial deposit; alluvium
bedload deposit; bedload accumulation
mudslide deposit; mudflow deposit; debris flow deposit
torrent deposit; torrential deposit
to prevent deposit build-up
earthformed sediment
allochthonous deposit
ochreous deposit
glacial deposit; drift deposit; glacial accumulation

Deutsche Tendenz Synonyme

Entwicklung  ÂNeigung  ÂRichtung  ÂTendenz  ÂTrend  
Bias  Âsystematische  Abweichung  Âsystematischer  Fehler  ÂTendenz  ÂVerzerrung  
Affinität  ÂAnziehung  ÂGeneigtheit  ÂHang  ÂLust  ÂNeigung  ÂTendenz  ÂVerlangen  

Englische drift Synonyme

drift  Brownian movement  Zeitgeist  aberrancy  aberration  accumulation  advance  aeroplane  affective meaning  affluence  afflux  affluxion  aim  airlift  airplane  alluvion  alluvium  amble  angular motion  anthill  army  array  ascending  ascent  atmospherics  axial motion  azimuth  backflowing  backing  backward motion  balloon  bank  bank up  bat  bat around  batch  be a sideliner  be airborne  be still  bear off  bearing  bend  bent  bias  blaring  blasting  blind spot  branching off  bum  bunch  bundle  career  circuitousness  climbing  clump  cluster  clutch  coast  cock  colony  color  coloring  concourse  confluence  conflux  connotation  consequence  corner  count ties  course  crawling  creeping  crook  crosscurrent  cruise  current  curve  dance  dart  debris  declination  defluxion  delay  denotation  departure  deposit  descending  descent  detour  detritus  deviance  deviancy  deviation  deviousness  digression  diluvium  direction  direction line  discursion  disposition  divagate  divagation  divarication  divergence  diversion  do nothing  dogleg  double  downflow  downpour  downward motion  drift off course  driftage  drifting  drive  drove  dune  ebbing  effect  embankment  err  errantry  essence  excurse  excursion  excursus  exorbitation  extension  fade-out  fading  fall down  ferry  fetch away  flicker  flight  flit  flitter  float  flock  flood  flow  flowing  fluency  flutter  flux  fly  foot  force  forward motion  gad  gad about  gallivant  gam  gang  ghost  gist  glacial movement  glide  go about  go astray  go the rounds  grammatical meaning  group  gush  hairpin  hang fire  haycock  haymow  hayrick  haystack  heading  heap  heap up  helmsmanship  herd  hibernate  hill  hit the road  hit the trail  hobo  hop  host  hover  hydroplane  idea  idle  impact  implication  import  inclination  inclining  indirection  inflow  intension  intent  intention  interference  jaunt  jet  kennel  knock about  knock around  lay  leeway  lexical meanin  
drift away  decline  die away  diminish  dwindle  ebb  fade  fade away  go  go away  move away  move off  pull away  recede  retire  retreat  retrocede  shrink  sink  stand off  wane  widen the distance  withdraw  
drifter  Ahasuerus  Ancient Mariner  Argonaut  Bowery bum  Flying Dutchman  Goliard  Odysseus  Oisin  Ossian  Ulysses  angler  beachcomber  beggar  beggarly fellow  bird of passage  blighter  budmash  bum  bummer  caitiff  derelict  devil  dibber  dibbler  drift netter  drunkard  fisher  fisherman  floater  gad  gadabout  go-about  good-for-naught  good-for-nothing  guddler  hobo  human wreck  itinerant  jacker  jigger  lowlife  mauvais sujet  mean wretch  mover  mucker  no-good  pauvre diable  peregrinator  peregrine  peripatetic  pilgarlic  piscator  piscatorialist  piscatorian  poor creature  poor devil  rambler  roamer  rolling stone  rover  runabout  sad case  sad sack  skid-row bum  stiff  straggler  street arab  stroller  strolling player  sundowner  swagman  the compleat angler  tramp  trawler  troller  troubadour  truant  vag  vagabond  vagrant  vaurien  visitant  wanderer  wandering minstrel  wandering scholar  wastrel  whaler  worthless fellow  wretch  
drifting  ascending  axial  back  back-flowing  backward  circumforaneous  descending  discursive  divagatory  down-trending  downward  errant  flitting  floating  flowing  fluent  flying  footloose  footloose and fancy-free  fugitive  gadding  going  gypsy-like  gypsyish  gyrational  gyratory  landloping  meandering  migrational  migratory  mounting  nomad  nomadic  passing  plunging  progressive  rambling  ranging  reflowing  refluent  regressive  retrogressive  rising  roaming  rotary  rotational  rotatory  roving  running  rushing  shifting  sideward  sinking  soaring  straggling  straying  streaming  strolling  traipsing  transient  transitory  transmigratory  up-trending  upward  vagabond  vagrant  wandering  

drift Definition

(n.) A driving
(n.) The act or motion of drifting
(n.) Course or direction along which anything is driven
(n.) The tendency of an act, argument, course of conduct, or the like
(n.) That which is driven, forced, or urged along
(n.) Anything driven at random.
(n.) A mass of matter which has been driven or forced onward together in a body, or thrown together in a heap, etc., esp. by wind or water
(n.) A drove or flock, as of cattle, sheep, birds.
(n.) The horizontal thrust or pressure of an arch or vault upon the abutments.
(n.) A collection of loose earth and rocks, or boulders, which have been distributed over large portions of the earth's surface, especially in latitudes north of forty degrees, by the agency of ice.
(n.) In South Africa, a ford in a river.
(n.) A slightly tapered tool of steel for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal, by being forced or driven into or through it
(n.) A tool used in driving down compactly the composition contained in a rocket, or like firework.
(n.) A deviation from the line of fire, peculiar to oblong projectiles.
(n.) A passage driven or cut between shaft and shaft
(n.) The distance through which a current flows in a given time.
(n.) The angle which the line of a ship's motion makes with the meridian, in drifting.
(n.) The distance to which a vessel is carried off from her desired course by the wind, currents, or other causes.
(n.) The place in a deep-waisted vessel where the sheer is raised and the rail is cut off, and usually terminated with a scroll, or driftpiece.
(n.) The distance between the two blocks of a tackle.
(n.) The difference between the size of a bolt and the hole into which it is driven, or between the circumference of a hoop and that of the mast on which it is to be driven.
(v. i.) To float or be driven along by, or as by, a current of water or air
(v. i.) To accumulate in heaps by the force of wind
(v. i.) to make a drift
(v. t.) To drive or carry, as currents do a floating body.
(v. t.) To drive into heaps
(v. t.) To enlarge or shape, as a hole, with a drift.
(a.) That causes drifting or that is drifted

drift Bedeutung

a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine, they dug a drift parallel with the vein
drift net a large fishnet supported by floats, it drifts with the current
the pervading meaning or tenor, caught the general drift of the conversation
drift trend
a general tendency to change (as of opinion), not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book, a broad movement of the electorate to the right
drift a large mass of material that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents
drift ice masses of ice floating in the open sea
continental drift the gradual movement and formation of continents (as described by plate tectonics)
a force that moves something along
drift the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)
drift a process of linguistic change over a period of time
fall asleep
dope off
flake out
drift off
nod off
drop off
doze off
drowse off
change from a waking to a sleeping state, he always falls asleep during lectures
drift be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current, snow drifting several feet high, sand drifting like snow
drift be subject to fluctuation, The stock market drifted upward
drift drive slowly and far afield for grazing, drift the cattle herds westwards
drift apart
drift away
lose personal contact over time, The two women, who had been roommates in college, drifted apart after they got married
drift cause to be carried by a current, drift the boats downstream
c roll wander
stray tramp roam
cast ramble rove
drift vagabond
move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment, The gypsies roamed the woods, roving vagabonds, the wandering Jew, The cattle roam across the prairie, the laborers drift from one town to the next, They rolled from town to town
drift be adrift
be in motion due to some air or water current, The leaves were blowing in the wind, the boat drifted on the lake, The sailboat was adrift on the open sea, the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore
drift move in an unhurried fashion, The unknown young man drifted among the invited guests
wander from a direct course or at random, The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her, don't drift from the set course
live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely, My son drifted around for years in California before going to law school
drift vary or move from a fixed point or course, stock prices are drifting higher
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