
dump grate Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Kipprost-Wurffeuerung f mach.
dump-grate spreader
Kipprost-Wurffeuerung f (Feuerungsanlage)
dump-grate spreader (furnace)
auf den Markt werfen
keine Ware zu Dumpingpreisen bringen
you must not dump goods on our market
Abblasestation f techn.
atmospheric steam dump station
Absteuerbeschleuniger m
dump valve
Abzug m, Dump m comp.
Abzugsformat n comp.
dump format
Abzugsroutine f
Abzugsroutinen pl
dump routine
dump routines
Auslistung f
Austragrost n techn.
burnout grate
Autofriedhof m
Autofriedhöfe pl
car dump
car dumps
Bildschirmabzug m, Bildschirmfoto n, Bildschirmkopie f, Bildschirmabdruck m comp.
Bildschirmabzüge pl, Bildschirmfotos pl, Bildschirmkopien pl, Bildschirmabdrucke pl
screenshot, screen dump
screenshots, screen dumps
Depot n mil.
Dumpingpreis m
zu Dumpingpreisen verkaufen, verschleudern
dumping price, giveaway price
to dump
Eisengitter n
iron grate
Entsorgungsplatz m
dump, burial ground
Fenstergitter n
window grate
Kaff n, Dreckloch n, Sauladen m
Kippe f, Müllkippe f, Schuttplatz m
tip, dump
Kipper m (LKW)
dump truck
Kipprost n techn.
dumping grate
Mülldeponie f, Abfalldeponie f, Müllhalde f, Müllplatz m
Mülldeponien pl, Abfalldeponien pl, Müllhalden pl, Müllplätze pl
rubbish tip, rubbish dump
rubbish tips, rubbish dumps
Mülldeponie f, Abfalldeponie f, Müllhalde f, Schutthalde f
Mülldeponien pl, Abfalldeponien pl, Müllhalden pl, Schutthalden pl
(garbage) dump, waste disposal site, landfill (site) Am.
dumps, waste disposal sites, landfill sites
Munitionslager n, Munitionsdepot n
Munitionslager pl, Munitionsdepots pl
munitions dump
munitions dumps
Nachverbrennungsrost n techn.
Nachverbrennungsroste pl
burnout grate
burnout grates
Rollenrost n techn.
roller screen, roller grate
Rost m, Feuerrost m, Gitter n
Roste pl, Feuerroste pl, Gitter pl
Roststab m
Roststäbe pl
fire bar, grate bar
fire bars, grate bars
Rückschubrost n techn.
Rückschubroste pl
reciprocating grate
reciprocating grates
Schüttelrost n techn.
Schüttelroste pl
vibrating grate
vibrating grates
Schüttelrostfeuerung n techn.
vibrating-grate stoker firing
Schutthaufen m, Abfallhaufen m
dump, rubbish dump
Speicherauszug bei Fehlern
error analysis dump
Speicherinhalt m
Speicherinhalt anzeigen
memory content
to dump memory
Tonnenhof m naut.
Tonnenhöfe pl
buoy dump, buoy yard
buoy dumps, buoy yards
Treibstofflager n
Treibstofflager pl
fuel depot, petrol dump
fuel depots, petrol dumps
Vielkolbenunterschubrost n techn.
Vielkolbenunterschubroste pl
multiple retort underfeed grate
multiple retort underfeed grates
Wanderrost n techn.
Wanderroste pl
travelling grate
travelling grates
Wanderrostfeuerung f techn.
travelling-grate stoker firing
Wange f (Rost) techn.
(grate) framing
abladen, schütten, auskippen, fallen lassen v
abladend, schüttend, auskippend, fallen lassend
abgeladen, geschüttet, ausgekippt, fallen lassen
seine Probleme bei jdm. abladen
to dump
to dump on sb.
jdn. abschieben, jdn. loswerden
to dump sb.
abziehen, dumpen v comp.
abziehend, dumpend
abzieht, gedumpt
to dump
jdn. von oben herab behandeln
to dump on sb.
fallen lassen
to dump down, to drop down
knirschen, kratzen, quietschen
to grate
krächzen, krächzend sagen
to grate
lagern, stapeln mil.
to dump
to grate
(Käse) reiben, raspeln
to grate
vergittern v
to grate
verklappen v (Abfallstoffe)
to dump (waste)
etw. wegwerfen, etw. loswerden
to dump sth.
(jdm.) weh tun
to grate (on sb.)
Autoschütter m
dump truck, dumper
Bodenentleerer m
bottom dump truck
Hinterkipper m
rear dump truck
Kipper m
Kipper pl
dump truck, dumper
dump trucks, dumpers
Muldenkipper m
dump truck, dumper
Speicherinhalt anzeigen
unintelligente Datenstation
dump terminal
Kipper (LKW)
dump truck
window grate
Schluss machen
Abflussgitter n
Abflussgitter pl
drain grate
drain grates
Abraumhalde f; Abraumkippe f min.
Abraumhalden pl; Abraumkippen pl
Abraumhalde im Kohlebergwerk
overburden dump; spoil pile; spoil mound; mound of spoil; waste pile
overburden dumps; spoil piles; spoil mounds; mounds of spoil; waste piles
coal-mine spoil
Abzug m; Dump m comp.
Aufstürzung f; Anschüttung f; Seitendeponie f; Seitenablagerung f constr.
side piling; spoil bank; dump
Ausbrandrost m techn.
burnout grate
Autoschütter m
dump truck; dumper
Baumscheibe f (Bereich um den Stamm)
tree grid; tree grate
Bildschirmabzug m; Bildschirmfoto n; Bildschirmkopie f; Bildschirmabdruck m; Schirmbild n comp.
Bildschirmabzüge pl; Bildschirmfotos pl; Bildschirmkopien pl; Bildschirmabdrucke pl; Schirmbilder pl
screenshot; screen dump
screenshots; screen dumps
Bildschirmausdruck m comp.
Bildschirmausdrucke pl
screen dump
screen dumps
Dumpingpreis m
Dumpingpreise pl
zu Dumpingpreisen verkaufen; verschleudern
dumping price; giveaway price
dumping prices; giveaway prices
to dump
Eisengitter n
iron grate; iron grating; iron railing; iron lattice
Entsorgungsplatz m
dump; burial ground
Erzhalde f min.
Erzhalden pl
ore dump; heap of dead ore
ore dumps; heaps of dead ore
Fenstergitter n
Fenstergitter pl
window grate
window grates
Halde f
Halden pl
waste heap; attle heap; spoil bank; spoil dump; cinder tip
waste heaps; attle heaps; spoil banks; spoil dumps; cinder tips
Hinterkipper m
Hinterkipper pl
rear dump truck
rear dump trucks
Kaff n; Dreckloch n; Sauladen m pej.
Kipper m (LKW); Dumper m
Kipper pl; Dumper pl
dump truck; dumper; dumping wagon
dump trucks; dumpers
Kipprost n techn.
Kipproste pl
dumping grate
dumping grates
Kipprost-Wurffeuerung f mach.
dump-grate spreader
Klappschute f; Bodenentleerschute f naut.
Klappschuten pl; Bodenentleerschuten pl
hopper barge; self-emptying barge; dredger's mud barge; dump scow
hopper barges; self-emptying barges; dredger's mud barges; dump scows
Klapprost m (Dampfmaschine)
Klapproste pl
tipping grate
tipping grates
Körnrost m; Granulierrost m
Körnroste pl; Granulierroste pl
granulating grate
granulating grates
Mittagsdelle f; Mittagsdepression f bot.
midday dump; midday reduction (of photosynthesis or transpiration)
Mülldeponie f; Abfalldeponie f; Müllplatz m; Abfallplatz m envir.
Mülldeponien pl; Abfalldeponien pl; Müllplätze pl; Abfallplätze pl
ungeordnete wilde Mülldeponie
geordnete Mülldeponie
waste disposal site; rubbish dump; rubbish tip Br.; garbage dump Am.
waste disposal sites; rubbish dumps; rubbish tips; garbage dumps
open uncontrolled dump; uncontrolled disposal site
(sanitary) landfill (site) Am.
Muldenkipper m; Autoschütter m auto
Muldenkipper pl; Autoschütter pl
dump truck; dumper
dump trucks; dumpers
Muldenkippwagen m; Muldenkipper m (Bahn)
Muldenkippwagen pl; Muldenkipper pl
side-tipping wagon Br.; V-dump car Am. (railway)
side-tipping wagons; V-dump cars
Muldenkipper m min.
Muldenkipper pl
rocker dump car
rocker dump cars
Munitionslager n; Munitionsdepot n
Munitionslager pl; Munitionsdepots pl
munitions dump
munitions dumps
Rettungsausgabe f (automatische Datensicherung bei Störfällen) comp.
rescue dump (automatic data saving in cases of system fault)
Rollenrost n techn.
roller screen; roller grate
Rost m; Feuerrost m; Gitter n
Roste pl; Feuerroste pl; Gitter pl
Etagenrost m
grate; grating
grates; gratings
multistage grate; stage grate
Rostabschlusswand f mach.
grate air seal
Rostachse f mach.
Rostachsen pl
grate shaft
grate shafts
Rostantrieb m mach.
Rostantriebe pl
grate drive
grate drives
Rostbahn f; Rostband m mach.
Rostbahnen pl; Rostbände pl
grate track
grate tracks
Rostleistung f mach.
grate capacity
Rostschlitten m; Rostwagen m mach.
Rostschlitten pl; Rostwagen pl
grate carriage
grate carriages
Roststab m; Rostbelag m mach.
Roststäbe pl; Rostbeläge pl
fire bar; grate firebar; grate bar
fire bars; grate firebars; grate bars
Rostelement n mach.
Rostelemente pl
grate module
grate modules
Rostfläche f mach.
Rostflächen pl
grate surface area
grate surface areas
mit seinem Freund seiner Freundin Schluss machen v soc.
to dump your boyfriend girlfriend; to blow off your boyfriend girlfriend Am.
Schüttelrostfeuerung f techn.
vibrating-grate stoker firing
Schuttabladeplatz m; Müllabladeplatz m; Schutthalde f; Müllhalde f; Müllkippe f; Abfallkippe f; Kippe f envir.
Schuttabladeplätze pl; Müllabladeplätze pl; Schutthalden pl; Müllhalden pl; Müllkippen pl; Abfallkippen pl; Kippen pl
wilde Mülldeponie; wilde Müllkippe envir.
dumping ground yard; dumpsite; waste dump; dump; waste tip Br.; tip Br.; trash dump Am.
dumping grounds yards; dumpsites; dumps; waste tips; tips; trash dumps
fly tip Br.
Schutthaufen m; Abfallhaufen m
Schutthaufen pl; Abfallhaufen pl
dump; rubbish dump
dumps; rubbish dumps
Seitenkipper m
Seitenkipper pl
side-dump truck
side-dump trucks
Speicherauszug m comp.
Speicherauszüge pl
memory dump
memory dumps
Speicherinhalt m
Speicherinhalt anzeigen; Speicherabbild erzeugen
memory content
to dump memory
Teleskopvorschubrost m (Abfallverbrennung) mach.
telescoping moving-grate stoker
Tonnenhof m naut.
Tonnenhöfe pl
buoy dump; buoy yard
buoy dumps; buoy yards
Treibstofflager n
Treibstofflager pl
fuel depot; petrol dump
fuel depots; petrol dumps
Verschlussgitter n; Abschlussgitter n
Verschlussgitter pl; Abschlussgitter pl
interlocking grate
interlocking grates
Waffenlager n; Waffendepot n mil.
Waffenlager pl; Waffendepots pl
verstecktes Waffenlager
arms depot
arms depots
arms cache; arms dump
abziehen; dumpen v comp.
abziehend; dumpend
abzieht; gedumpt
to dump
fallen lassen
to dump down; to drop down
etw. kippen; abkippen; auskippen; ausschütten; abladen v
kippend; abkippend; auskippend; ausschüttend; abladend
gekippt; abgekippt; ausgekippt; ausgeschüttet; abgeladen
Abfälle verklappen naut.
seine Probleme bei jdm. abladen
to dump sth.; to tip sth. Br.
dumping; tipping
dumped; tipped
to dump waste in the sea
to dump on sb.
knirschen; kratzen; quietschen v
knirschend; kratzend; quietschend
geknirscht; gekratzt; gequietscht
to grate
krächzen; krächzend sagen
to grate
lagern; stapeln mil.
to dump
etw. raspeln; raffeln; reiben v (Käse Obst Gemüse) cook.
raspelnd; raffelnd; reibend
geraspelt; geraffelt; gerieben
raspelt; raffelt; reibt
raspelte; raffelte; rieb
geriebener Käse
to grate sth. (cheese fruits vegetables)
grated cheese
etw. wegwerfen; etw. loswerden v
to dump sth.
Abraumhalde f; Abraumkippe f; Abraumdeponie f min.
Abraumhalden pl; Abraumkippen pl; Abraumdeponien pl
Abraumhalde im Kohlebergwerk
overburden dump; spoil pile; spoil mound; mound of spoil; waste pile
overburden dumps; spoil piles; spoil mounds; mounds of spoil; waste piles
coal-mine spoil
Abzug m; Auszug m (eines Datenbestands zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt) comp.
Abzüge pl; Auszüge pl
Änderungsabzug m; Änderungsauszug m
Bildschirmabzug m; Bildschirmauszug m
Instantanspeicherabzug m; Instantanspeicherauszug m
Speicherabzug m; Speicherauszug m
dynamischer Speicherabzug Speicherauszug m
statischer Speicherabzug Speicherauszug m
Speicherauszug bei Fehlern
dump (of a data inventory at a given time)
change dump
screen dump
snapshot dump; snapshot coll.
memory dump
dynamic dump
static dump
error analysis dump
Anteil-Ramping n (Börse) fin.
share ramping; pump and dump (stock exchange)
Baumscheibengitter n; Baumscheibenrost m; Gitterrost m für Baumscheiben
Baumscheibengitter pl; Baumscheibenroste pl; Gitterroste pl für Baumscheiben
tree grille; tree grid Br.; tree grate Am.
tree grilles; tree grids; tree grates
Benzinlager n; Tanklager n auto
Benzinlager pl; Tanklager pl
petrol dump Br.; gasoline dump Am.
petrol dumps; gasoline dumps
Bergbauhalde f; Bergehalde f (Anschüttung von taubem Gestein) min.
Bergbauhalden pl; Bergehalden pl
pit heap; gob pile; residue mount; spoil heap Br.; spoil tip Br.; spoil pile Am.; spoil bank Am.; mine dump Am.
pit heaps; gob piles; residue mounts; spoil heaps; spoil tips; spoil piles; spoil banks; mine dumps
Bildschirmfoto n; Bildschirmkopie f; Bildschirmabzug m; Bildschirmauszug m; Schirmbild n comp.
Bildschirmfotos pl; Bildschirmkopien pl; Bildschirmabzüge pl; Bildschirmauszüge pl; Schirmbilder pl
screenshot; screen dump
screenshots; screen dumps
Blockschüttung f; Blockwurf m (auf einer Uferböschung angeschüttete Steinblöcke) (Wasserbau)
loose rock-dump; tipped stone; loose rip-rap (stone blocks irregularly placed on a streambank) (water engineering)
Fenstergitter n
Fenstergitter pl
window grille; window grate
window grilles; window grates
Kanalgitter n; Kanalrost m (Straßenbau)
gully grate; gully grating; sewer grate (road building)
Kipprost n techn.
Kipproste pl
rocking grate
rocking grates
Kipprost-Wurffeuerung f (Feuerungsanlage)
dump-grate spreader (furnace)
Kippwagen m; Kipp-LKW m; Kippfahrzeug n; Kipper m auto
Kippwagen pl; Kipp-LKWs pl; Kippfahrzeuge pl; Kipper pl
Vorkopfkipper m; Kopfkipper m
tipper; dumper; tipper lorry Br.; tipping lorry Br.; tip lorry Br.; tipper truck Am.; tipping truck Am.; tip truck Am.; dump truck Am.
tippers; dumpers; tipper lorries; tipping lorries; tip lorries; tipper trucks; tipping trucks; tip trucks; dump trucks
front tipper; front dumper
Kopfwipper m min.
kickback dump
Kühlkörper m; Wärmesenke f techn.
Kühlkörper pl; Wärmesenken pl
heat sink; heat dissipator formal; heat dump coll. rare
heat sinks; heat dissipators; heat dumps
Lager n; Depot n mil.
Lager pl; Depots pl
Munitionslager n; Munitionsdepot n
Waffenlager n; Waffendepot n
ein Lager anlegen; ein Depot anlegen
dump; depot
dumps; depots
ammunitions dump; munitions dump
arms depot
to set up a depot
Müllabladeplatz m; Müllhalde f; Müllkippe f; Abfallhalde f; Abfallkippe f; Kippe f envir.
Müllabladeplätze pl; Müllhalden pl; Müllkippen pl; Abfallhalden pl; Abfallkippen pl; Kippen pl
wilde Mülldeponie; wilde Müllkippe envir.
dumping ground; dumping yard; dumpsite; waste dump; dump; waste tip Br.; tip Br.; trash dump Am.
dumping grounds; dumping yards; dumpsites; waste dumps; dumps; waste tips; tips; trash dumps
fly dump; fly tip Br.
Mülldeponie f; Abfalldeponie f; Müllplatz m; Abfallplatz m envir.
Mülldeponien pl; Abfalldeponien pl; Müllplätze pl; Abfallplätze pl
ungeordnete wilde Mülldeponie
geordnete Mülldeponie f; geordnete Abfalldeponie f
auf dem Müllhaufen der Geschichte übtr.
waste disposal site; rubbish dump; rubbish tip Br.; garbage dump Am.
waste disposal sites; rubbish dumps; rubbish tips; garbage dumps
open uncontrolled dump; uncontrolled disposal site
landfill site Br.; sanitary landfill Am.
on the rubbish dump of history
Rost m; Feuerrost m; Gitter n
Roste pl; Feuerroste pl; Gitter pl
Etagenrost m
durch den Rost fallen
grate; grating
grates; gratings
multistage grate; stage grate
to fall through the grate
Schaufellader m constr.
Schaufellader pl
Fahrschaufellader m; Fahrlader m; Tunnelradlader m
Frontschaufellader m; Frontlader m
Kompaktlader m
Ãœberkopflader m
shovel loader; shovel-type loader; rock shovel loader; shovelling machine; mechanical shovel; tractor shovel; payloader Am.
shovel loaders; shovel-type loaders; rock shovel loaders; shovelling machines; mechanical shovels; tractor shovels; payloaders
load-haul-dump loader; LHD loader; scooptram tm
front-end loader; front loader
skid-steer loader; skid loader; skidsteer
overhead shovel loader; overhead loader; overshot loader; overloader; flip-over bucket loader
Schuttabladeplatz m; Schuttabladestelle f; Schutthalde f; Schuttplatz m envir.
Schuttabladeplätze pl; Schuttabladestellen pl; Schutthalden pl; Schuttplätze pl
rubble dumping ground; rubble disposal site; rubble dumpsite rare; rubble dump; rubble tip Br.; rubble heap Am.; rubble pile Am.
rubble dumping grounds; rubble disposal sites; rubble dumpsites; rubble dumps; rubble tips; rubble heaps; rubble piles
Schutthalde f constr.
Schutthalden pl
spoil bank; spoil dump
spoil banks; spoil dumps
Schuttmulde f; Kippmulde f; Absetzmulde f; Mulde f; Kipper m (offener Container für Bauschutt usw.)
Schuttmulden pl; Kippmulden pl; Absetzmulden pl; Mulden pl; Kipper pl
Einseitenkipper m
waste skip; skip; dump body
waste skips; skips; dump bodies
one-side dump body

dump grate Definition

(n.) A thick, ill-shapen piece
(v. t.) A dull, gloomy state of the mind
(v. t.) Absence of mind
(v. t.) A melancholy strain or tune in music
(v. t.) An old kind of dance.
(v. t.) To knock heavily
(v. t.) To put or throw down with more or less of violence
(n.) A car or boat for dumping refuse, etc.
(n.) A ground or place for dumping ashes, refuse, etc.
(n.) That which is dumped.
(n.) A pile of ore or rock.
(a.) Serving to gratify
(n.) A structure or frame containing parallel or crosed bars, with interstices
(n.) A frame or bed, or kind of basket, of iron bars, for holding fuel while burning.
(v. t.) To furnish with grates
(v. t.) To rub roughly or harshly, as one body against another, causing a harsh sound
(v. t.) To reduce to small particles by rubbing with anything rough or indented
(v. t.) To fret
(v. i.) To make a harsh sound by friction.
(v. i.) To produce the effect of rubbing with a hard rough material

dump grate Bedeutung

dump a place where supplies can be stored, an ammunition dump
dump truck
tipper truck
tipper lorry
tip truck
truck whose contents can be emptied without handling, the front end of the platform can be pneumatically raised so that the load is discharged by gravity
a frame of iron bars to hold a fire
grate grating a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air
pump-and-dump scheme an illegal scheme for making money by manipulating stock prices, the schemer persuades other people to buy the stock and then sells it himself as soon as the price of the stock rises
core dump (computer science) dump of the contents of the chief registers in the CPU, usually used for debugging
dump (computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device, sometimes used in debugging programs
dump routine a routine that writes from an internal store to some external medium
grate a harsh rasping sound made by scraping something
garbage dump
trash dump
rubbish dump
a piece of land where waste materials are dumped
toxic waste dump
toxic waste site
toxic dumpsite
a location where toxic wastes can be or have been disposed of (often illegally)
a coarse term for defecation, he took a shit
scratch repeatedly, The cat scraped at the armchair
make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together, grate one's teeth in anger
knock down
knock down with force, He decked his opponent
grate reduce to small shreds or pulverize by rubbing against a rough or sharp perforated surface, grate carrots and onions, grate nutmeg
eat into
fret rankle
gnaw into, make resentful or angry, The injustice rankled her, his resentment festered
fall abruptly, It plunged to the bottom of the well
dump drop (stuff) in a heap or mass, The truck dumped the garbage in the street
dump ditch sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly, The company dumped him after many years of service, She dumped her boyfriend when she fell in love with a rich man
dump throw away as refuse, No dumping in these woods!
grate furnish with a grate, a grated fireplace
dump underprice sell at artificially low prices
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Dump generally refers to a place for disposal of domestic waste. The word has other uses alone or in combination, and may refer to: