
earth orbiting Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

erdumkreisend adj phys.
Abschaum m
der Abschaum der Menschheit
the scum of the earth
Amateurfunksatellit m
Amateurfunksatelliten pl
orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio
orbiting satellites carrying amateur radio
Aufschüttung f
earth deposit
Banderdungsschelle f electr.
strip earth band
Bodenabsenkung f
settled earth
Erdachse f
Erdachsen pl
axis of the earth
axes of the earth
Erdalkalimetall n
alkaline earth metal
Erdanziehung f
earth's gravitational pull
Erdarbeiten pl
earth works, earth-moving, earthwork
Erdatmosphäre f
Erdatmosphäre und Weltraum
earth's atmosphere
Erdbahn f
earth's orbit
Erdbau m
earthworks, earth-moving
Erdbaumaschinen pl, Maschinen pl für Erdbewegungen
Fahrzeug n für Erdarbeiten
earth-moving-machinery, earth-moving equipment
earth-moving vehicle
Erdbewohner m
Erdbewohner pl
inhabitant of the earth
inhabitants of the earth
Erde f, Welt f
Erden pl
Erde f astron.
Erdfahne f electr.
earth lug
Erdkeller m
earth cellar
Erdkruste f geol.
kontinentale Erdkruste
ozeanische Erdkruste
earth's crust
continental crust
oceanic crust
Erdmantel m geol.
earth's mantle
Erdoberfläche f
earth's surface, surface of the earth
Erdschatten m
shadow of the earth
Erdschicht f
layer of earth
Erdschluss m electr.
earth fault, earth-leakage, ground fault
Erdschlusswächter m electr.
earth-leakage relay, earth-leakage monitor
Erdstoß m
Erdstöße pl
earth tremor, shock
earth tremors, shocks
Erdstrom m
earth current
Erdsystem n
earth system
Erdumdrehung f
Erdumdrehungen pl
rotation of the earth
rotations of the earth
Erdumfang m
circumference of the earth
Erdumlaufbahn f eines Satelliten
in die Erdumlaufbahn schießen
(earth) orbit
to send into orbit
Erdungsbolzen m
earth bolt
Erdwärme f
geothermal energy, geothermy, heat of the earth
Erdwall m
Erdwälle pl
earth wall
earth walls
Frucht f
Früchte pl
Früchte tragen
die Früchte der Erde
to bear fruit
the fruits of the earth
Fullererde f, Bleicherde f
Fuller's earth
Geowissenschaften pl
earth sciences
Heilerde f
healing earth
Kieselerde f
siliceous earth
Kieselgur n, Diatomeenerde f, Kieselmehl n
kieselguhr, kieselgur, diatomaceous earth
Macht f
Mächte pl
keine Macht der Welt
nothing on earth
Masse f electr.
negative Masse
earth, ground Am.
negative earth
Masseband n
earth strap, ground strap
Masseelektrode f
earth electrode
Massekabel n electr.
Massekabel pl
ground cable, earth cable
ground cables, earth cables
Masseklemme f electr.
Masseklemmen pl
earth terminal
earth terminals
Masseleiter m electr.
Masseleiter pl
earth conductor, ground wire
earth conductors, ground wires
Massepol m electr.
earth terminal
Politik f
eine schlechte Politik
flexible Politik f
antizyklische Politik f
Politik der kleinen Schritte
Politik der verbrannten Erde mil.
a poor policy
flexible policy
anticyclical policy
gradualistic policy, step-by-step policy
scorched earth policy
Salpetererde f
nitrous earth
Schutzerde f, Schutzleiter m electr.
protective ground, protection ground, protective earth
Versprechen n, Versprechung f, Zusage f
Versprechen pl, Versprechungen pl, Zusagen pl
sein Versprechen halten
ein Versprechen geben (halten, brechen)
jdm. große Versprechungen machen
jdn. mit Versprechungen abspeisen
to keep one's promise
to make (keep, break) a promise
to promise sb. the earth
to palm sb. off with promises
auf prp, wo? +Dativ
auf der Erde
auf der Welt
auf der Straße
on, in, at {prp}
on earth
in the world
in the street
erden electr.
to earth, to ground Am.
earthing, grounding
earthed, grounded
festtreten v, herumtrampeln v
festtretend, herumtrampelnd
festgetreten, herumgetrampelt
die Erde festtreten
to tramp
to tramp the earth
hundeelend adj ugs.
Mir ist hundeelend.
sich hundeelend fühlen
(really) wretched, (really) awful, lousy
I feel lousy.
to feel like nothing on earth
rein sachlich, nüchtern
down to earth
umkreisen, kreisen
umkreisend, kreisend
umkreist, gekreist
umkreist, kreist
umkreiste, kreiste
to orbit
unkompliziert, bodenständig, wirklichkeitsnah, nüchtern adj
welterschütternd adj
earthshaking, world-shaking, earth-shattering
auf den Boden der Wirklichkeit zurückkommen
to come down to earth
Ackerwalze f agr.
earth roller, land roller, bed roller
Die Erde ist eine Kugel.
The earth is a sphere.
Er ließ nichts unversucht.
He moved heaven and earth.
Wer glaubt das schon?
Who on earth believes that?
Wie kam er nur hierher?
How on earth did he get here?
axis of the earth
circumference of the earth
earth conductor
earth connexion
earth current
earth electrode
earth terminal
earth wall
earth walls
earth worm
nitrous earth
keine Macht der Welt
nothing on earth
put on earth
rotation of the earth
siliceous earth
an Masse
to earth
sich hundeelend fuehlen
to feel like nothing on earth
warum um alles in der Welt
why on earth
alle Völker der Erde
all the peoples of the earth
Erde und Mond
the earth and the moon
komm auf die Erde zurück
come down to earth
zum Kuckuck
on earth
Abflachung f; Abplattung f
Abplattung der Erde; Erdabplattung f
Abplattung an den Polen
flattening of the Earth
polar flattening
Abschaum m pej.
der Abschaum der Menschheit
scum; dregs
the scum of the earth
Ackerwalze f agr.
Ackerwalzen pl
earth roller; land roller; bed roller
earth rollers; land rollers; bed rollers
Aufschüttung f; Erdaufschüttung f
filled ground; earth bank; earth wall
Aushubmaterial n; Aushubmasse f; Erdaushub m; Aushub m; Baggergut n; Abraum m; abgetragene Erde f constr.
excavated material; excavated earth; spoil
Banderdungsschelle f electr.
Banderdungsschellen pl
strip earth band
strip earth bands
Betriebserdung f; Betriebserde f electr.
system earth(ing) Br.; system ground Am.
Blitzerdung f; Blitzerde f (Vorgang) electr.
earth wire Br.; ground wire Am.
Blitzschutzerdung f; Blitzschutzerde f electr.
lightning protection earth Br.; lightning protection ground Am.
Boden m; Erdboden m; Land n
Böden pl; Erdböden pl
anstehender Boden; gewachsener Boden
angeschwemmter Boden; angeschwemmtes Land
verwehtes Land
über der Erde; über Tage
unter der Erde; unter Tage
an Boden gewinnen
auf festem Boden
ground; earth
natural ground; "the natural"
alluvium; alluvion
blow land
above ground; overground; on the surface; topside
below ground
to gain ground
on firm ground
Bodensenkung f geol.
submergence of ground; subsidence of ground; depression of ground; sagging; earth subsidence
Deckgebirge n; Abraum m min.
Abraum eines Tagebaus
Abraum über einer Seife
das Deckgebirge abtragen; abräumen
earth roof; overburden; burden; mine waste; mine spoil; capping; uncallow Br. coll.
rubbish of an open cut
to strip; to remove the overburden
Energiehaushalt m der Erde
earth's energy budget
Erdarbeiten pl constr.
earth works; earth-moving; earthwork
Erdatmosphäre f geol. meteo.
earth's atmosphere; terrestrial atmosphere
Erdaufschüttung f
filled ground; earth bank
Erdbau m constr.
earthworks; earth-moving
Erdbaumaschinen pl; Maschinen pl für Erdbewegungen
Fahrzeug n für Erdarbeiten
earth-moving-machinery; earth-moving equipment
earth-moving vehicle
Erdbebenintensität f (an der Erdoberfläche) phys.
-earthquake intensity (on the Earth's surface)
Erdbewegung f constr.
Erdbohrer m; Tellerbohrer m
Erdbohrer pl; Tellerbohrer pl
earth auger; earth borer
earth augers; earth borers
Erddamm m
Erddämme pl
earth-fill dam
earth-fill dams
Erddruck m
earth pressure; earth thrust; thrust of the ground; earth load
Erde f astron.
Tag der Erde
Earth Day
Erde f
Erden pl
Erdfahne f electr.
Erdfahnen pl
earth lug
earth lugs
Erdfarbe f
earth colour Br.; earth color Am.
Erdfehlerschleife f telco.
Erdfehlerschleifen pl
earth loop Br.; ground loop Am.
earth loops; ground loops
Erdfeld n telco.
earth's field
Erdfeld n (Antenne) techn.
earth mat (antenna)
Erdferne f; erdfernster Punkt m; Apogäum n (eines Himmelskörpers auf seiner Bahn) astron.
apogee; farthest point to earth (of a celestial object on its orbit)
Erdgeschichte f geol.
geological history; history of the earth
Erdkern m geol.
centrosphere core of the earth; central core (of the earth); earth's nucleus; earth's core
Erdkruste f geol.
kontinentale Erdkruste
ozeanische Erdkruste
crust of the earth; earth('s) crust; terrestrial crust
continental crust
oceanic crust
Erdmasse f
mass of the earth; soil mass; body of soil
Erdmantel m geol.
earth's mantle; mantle of the earth
Erdmutter f (myth.)
earth mother
Erdnähe f; erdnächster Punkt m; Perigäum n (eines Himmelskörpers auf seiner Bahn) astron.
in Erdnähe
perigee; nearest point to earth (of a celestial object on its orbit)
at perigee
Erdoberfläche f
earth's surface; surface of the earth
Erdpotenzial n
Erdpotential-Verbindung f
earth potential
Earth bonding
Erdradius m
radius of the earth
Erdreich n
soil; earth
Erdschluss m; Masseschluss m; Erdfehler m (unerwünschter Erdkontakt) electr.
ausgleichender Erdschluss
einpoliger Erdschluss
earth leakage Br.; ground leakage Am.; earth fault Br.; ground fault Am.; accidental earth Br. ground Am.; short to frame earth Br. ground Am.
earth counterpoise Br.; ground counterpoise Am.
single-line-to-earth fault
Erdschlusswächter m electr.
earth-leakage relay; earth-leakage monitor
Erdscholle f
Erdschollen pl
clod of earth
clods of earth
Erdschwerefeld n
earth's gravitational field
Erdstoß m
Erdstöße pl
earth tremor; shock; earthquake shock; seism
earth tremors; shocks; earthquake shocks; seisms
Erdstrahlen pl
earth radiation
Erdumdrehung f; Erdrotation f
Erdumdrehungen pl
earth rotation; rotation of the earth
rotations of the earth
Erdumdrehungsgeschwindigkeit f; Erdrotationsgeschwindigkeit f phys.
earth rate
Erdungsleitung f electr.
earth wire; earth; grounding wire; grounding conductor
Erdverbundenheit f
earthiness; groundedness; ties to earth
Erdzeichnung f; Geoglyph m; Geoglyphe f geogr.
earth drawing; earth figure; landscape drawing; ground design; geoglyph
Feld n phys.
elektromagnetisches Feld
erdmagnetisches Feld
electromagnetic field
geomagnetic field; terrestrial-magnetic field; earth's magnetic field
Frucht f
Früchte pl
Früchte tragen
die Früchte der Erde
to bear fruit; to yield fruit
the fruits of the earth
Fullererde f; Bleicherde f min.
Fuller's earth; fuller's earth malthacite
Geowissenschaften pl
earth sciences; geosciences
Globus m (Erdkugelmodell mit Karte)
Globen pl
globe (earth sphere model with map)
Hölle f
die Hölle auf Erden
jdm. die Hölle heiß machen
auf Teufel komm raus übtr.
Ich bin durch die Hölle gegangen. übtr.
Er hat die Hölle auf Erden durchlebt.
Die Hölle brach los. ugs.
a living hell; hell-hole
to give sb. hell
come hell or high water
I've been gone through hell. fig.
He has experienced hell on earth.
(All) hell broke loose. coll.
Kaolin n; Porzellanerde f min.
gewaschenes Kaolin
kaolin; china clay; porcelain clay; porcelain earth
decanted earth

Deutsche erdumkreisend {adj} [phys.] Synonyme

Englische earth-orbiting Synonyme

earth orbiting Definition

Cologne earth
() An earth of a deep brown color, containing more vegetable than mineral matter
(n.) The globe or planet which we inhabit
(n.) The solid materials which make up the globe, in distinction from the air or water
(n.) The softer inorganic matter composing part of the surface of the globe, in distinction from the firm rock
(n.) A part of this globe
(n.) Worldly things, as opposed to spiritual things
(n.) The people on the globe.
(n.) Any earthy-looking metallic oxide, as alumina, glucina, zirconia, yttria, and thoria.
(n.) A similar oxide, having a slight alkaline reaction, as lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta.
(n.) A hole in the ground, where an animal hides himself
(v. t.) To hide, or cause to hide, in the earth
(v. t.) To cover with earth or mold
(v. i.) To burrow.
(n.) A plowing.
Earth flax
() A variety of asbestus. See Amianthus.
Earth shine
() See Earth light, under Earth.
(n.) A fungus of the genus Geoglossum.
(n.) The world, considered as lying between heaven and hell.

earth orbiting Bedeutung

scorched-earth policy the target company defends itself by selling off its crown jewels
ground earth a connection between an electrical device and a large conducting body, such as the earth (which is taken to be at zero voltage)
worldly concern
earthly concern
world earth
the concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife, they consider the church to be independent of the world
earth science any of the sciences that deal with the earth or its parts
earth tremor
a small earthquake
a Hizballah
Lebanese Hizballah
Party of God
Islamic Jihad Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine
Revolutionary Justice Organization
Organization of the Oppressed on Earth
a Shiite terrorist organization with strong ties to Iran, seeks to create an Iranian fundamentalist Islamic state in Lebanon, car bombs are the signature weapon
the abode of mortals (as contrasted with Heaven or Hell), it was hell on earth
hell hell on earth
snake pit
the pits
any place of pain and turmoil, the hell of battle, the inferno of the engine room, when you're alone Christmas is the pits,
Earth's crust
the outer layer of the Earth
earth world
the rd planet from the sun, the planet we live on, the Earth moves around the sun, he sailed around the world
dry land
earth ground
solid ground
terra firma
the solid part of the earth's surface, the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land, the earth shook for several minutes, he dropped the logs on the ground
Earth's surface
the outermost level of the land or sea, earthquakes originate far below the surface, three quarters of the Earth's surface is covered by water
earth god
a god of fertility and vegetation
earth goddess
a goddess of fertility and vegetation
earth mother the earth conceived of as the female principle of fertility
lion's foot
gall of the earth
Nabalus serpentarius
Prenanthes serpentaria
common perennial herb widely distributed in the southern and eastern United States having drooping clusters of pinkish flowers and thick basal leaves suggesting a lion's foot in shape, sometimes placed in genus Prenanthes
yellow nutgrass
earth almond
ground almond
rush nut
Cyperus esculentus
European sedge having small edible nutlike tubers
heath pea
earth-nut pea
earthnut pea
tuberous vetch
Lathyrus tuberosus
European herb bearing small tubers used for food and in Scotland to flavor whiskey
wild potato vine
wild sweet potato vine
man-of-the-earth manroot
Ipomoea panurata
Ipomoea fastigiata
tropical American prostrate or climbing herbaceous perennial having an enormous starchy root, sometimes held to be source of the sweet potato
man-of-the-earth Ipomoea leptophylla a morning glory with long roots of western United States
earthnut earth-ball
any of various highly prized edible subterranean fungi of the genus Tuber, grow naturally in southwestern Europe
any club-shaped fungus of the genus Geoglossum
rare earth
rare-earth element
any element of the lanthanide series (atomic numbers through )
ader wax
earth wax
mineral wax
a waxy mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons and occurs in association with petroleum, some varieties are used in making ceresin and candles
earth color a colored mineral used as a pigment
alkaline earth
alkaline-earth metal
any of the bivalent metals of group II of the periodic table (calcium or strontium or barium or magnesium or beryllium)
bleaching clay
bleaching earth
an adsorbent clay that will remove coloring from oils
potter's clay
potter's earth
clay that does not contain any iron, used in making pottery or for modeling
the loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface, they dug into the earth outside the church
diatomaceous earth
a light soil consisting of siliceous diatom remains and often used as a filtering material
earth once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
fuller's earth an absorbent soil resembling clay, used in fulling (shrinking and thickening) woolen cloth and as an adsorbent
earth connect to the earth, earth the circuit
land up
earth up
block with earth, as after a landslide
earth hide in the earth like a hunted animal
sensible and practical, has a straightforward down-to-earth approach to a problem, her earthy common sense
on earth used with question words to convey surprise, what on earth are you doing?
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