
eco technology Englisch Deutsch Übersetzung

Technologie, Verfahrenstechnik, Methode
Technologie; Technik
key technology
Autotechnik f auto.
car technology
CNC-Technik f techn.
CNC technology
CAD-Technologie f comp.
CAD technology
Bahntechnologie f mach.
rail technology
hochtechnisch; Hochtechnologie… adj techn.
Brunnenbautechnologie f
well technology
Kerntechnologie f; Haupttechnologie f; Grundtechnologie f
core technology
Mesa-Technik f electr.
mesa technology
Feuerungstechnik f
fuel technology
Zugmethode f
pull technology
Technologiebedarf m
technology need
Waffentechnik f
arms technology
Hochtechnologie f
Schubmethode f
push technology
Lebensmitteltechnologie f
food technology
Chiptechnik f comp.
chip technology
Brandschutztechnik f techn.
fire technology
Funktechnik, Hochfrequenztechnik
radio technology
Veranstaltungstechnik f
event technology
Metalltechnik f
metal technology
Medientechnologie f
media technology
Audiotechnik f electr. techn.
audio technology
Funktechnik f; Hochfrequenztechnik f
radio technology
Antriebsstechnik f mach.
drive technology
Antriebstechnik f techn.
drive technology
Funktechnik f, Hochfrequenztechnik f
radio technology
Wassertechnik f
water technology
Videotechnik f
video technology
solartechnik f
solar technology
Schalltechnik f
sound technology
Krantechnik f
crane technology
Raumfahrttechnik f
space technology
Lasertechnik f
laser technology
Abwassertechnik f
sewage technology
Bergbautechnik f min.
mining technology
Rührtechnik f
mixing technology
Technologiewerte pl (Aktien) fin.
technology shares
Backtechnik f techn.
baking technology
Dosiertechnik f
dosing technology
Sensortechnik f
sensor technology
Sensorik f
sensor technology
Dentaltechnik f
dental technology
Brennertechnik f techn.
burner technology
Fahrwerkstechnik f; Fahrwerktechnik f auto techn.
chassis technology
storage technology
Absaugtechnik f techn.
suction technology
Fischereitechnik f
fishing technology
Flughafentechnik f aviat. techn.
airport technology
Anzeigetechnologie f electr. comp.
display technology
Antennentechnik f electr. techn.
antenna technology
Airport Technologie f aviat. mach.
airport Technology
Reaktortechnik f techn.
reactor technology
Speichertechnik f electr.
storage technology
Systemtechnik f
systems technology
Barcodetechnologie f
barcode technology
Speichertechnik f
storage technology
Schweißtechnik f
welding technology
Barcodetechnologie f techn.
barcode technology
Batterietechnik f electr.
battery technology
Beschichtungstechnik f techn.
coating technology
Bondtechnik f techn.
bonding technology
Oberflächentechnik f
surface technology
Brauereitechnik f techn.
brewery technology
Gehäusetechnologie f
housing technology
Maschinentechnik f
machine technology
Ätztechnik f
etching technology
Digitaltechnik f
digital technology
Prozesstechnik f techn.
process technology
Schaltungstechnik f techn.
circuit technology
Fügetechnik f
joining technology
Heiztechnik f techn.
heating technology
Haustechnik f
housing technology
Displaytechnik f
display technology
Diamanttechnik f techn.
diamond technology
Medizintechnik f
medical technology
Lagertechnik f
storage technology
Schmelz-Blas-Fülltechnologie f techn.
blowfill technology
Deponietechnik f envir.
landfill technology
Karosserietechnik f
car body technology
Datenbanktechnik f
database technology
Softwaretechnologie f
software technology
Hilfstechnologie f
enabling technology
Hebetechnik f
hoisting technology
Beflockungstechnik f techn.
flocking technology
technology transfer
Entsorgungstechnologie f techn.
disposal technology
Wehrtechnik f mil.
military technology
Technologietransfer m
technology transfer
Kunststofftechnik f
plastics technology
Autowaschtechnik f auto.
autowash technology
Betontechnologie f
concrete technology
Abflusstechnik f techn.
drainage technology
lighting technology
Computertechnologie f
computer technology
Analysetechnik f electr. techn.
analysis technology
Chemietechnologie f
chemical technology
advanced technology
Aquarientechnik f zool. techn.
aquarium technology
Armaturentechnik f techn.
armature technology
Beleuchtungstechnik f
lighting technology
Drucktechnik f print
printing technology
Aufzugstechnik f techn.
elevator technology
Softwaretechnologie f comp.
software technology
Aufrolltechnik f techn.
retractor technology
Reinraumtechnik f
cleanroom technology
Schwingungstechnik f
vibration technology
Elastomertechnik f techn.
elastomer technology
Elastomertechnologie f techn.
elastomer technology
Entgrattechnologie f techn.
deburring technology
Verpackungstechnik f
packaging technology
Transporttechnik f
transport technology
Technikvorausschau f, technischer Weitblick
technology foresight
Technikvorausschau f; technischer Weitblick
technology foresight
Vermittlungstechnik f
switching technology
Entstaubungstechnologie f techn.
dedusting technology
Submikron-Technik f
submicron technology
Schrumpftechnik f techn.
shrink-on technology
Dehnspanntechnik f
expansion technology
Aluminiumtechnik f techn.
aluminium Technology
Anlagetechnik f techn.
equipment technology
technologisches Wachstum
growth of technology
Dünnschichttechnik f
thin-film technology
switching technology
Diktiertechnik f (Hilfsmittel)
dictation technology
Arealpflegetechnik f
area care technology
Befestigungstechnik f
fastening technology
transport technology
Auswuchttechnik f techn.
balancing technology
Autoglastechnik f auto. mach.
car glass technology
Reinraumtechnik f
clean-room technology
Brennerei-Technologie f techn.
distillery technology
Produktionstechnologie f techn.
production technology
Verbundschichttechnik f; Kaschiertechnik f; Laminiertechnik f techn.
laminating technology
Automobiltechnologie f auto. mach.
automobile technology
Technikgeschichte f hist.
history of technology
Schichttechnologie f
laminating technology
Kraftfahrzeugtechnik f
automobile technology
Simulationstechnik f
simulation technology
Unterwassertechnik f
underwater technology
Grabungstechnik f
excavation technology
Fahrzeugtechnik f
automotive technology
Autogentechnik f techn.
autogenous technology
Mehrstrahltechnik f
multi-beam technology
Automationstechnologie f mach. techn.
automation technology

eco technology Definition

(n.) Industrial science

eco technology Bedeutung

the practical application of science to commerce or industry
automotive technology
automotive engineering
the activity of designing and constructing automobiles
communications technology the activity of designing and constructing and maintaining communication systems
digital communications technology the design and construction of communications technology that transmits information in digital form
computer technology the activity of designing and constructing and programming computers
high technology
high tech
highly advanced technological development (especially in electronics)
rail technology
the activity of designing and constructing and operating railroads
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
an engineering university in Cambridge
engineering science
applied science
the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems, he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study
genetic engineering
recombinant DNA technology
the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism
information technology
the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information
natural language processing
human language technology
the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
Technology Administration an agency in the Department of Commerce that works with United States industries to promote competitiveness and maximize the impact of technology on economic growth
National Institute of Standards and Technology
an agency in the Technology Administration that makes measurements and sets standards as needed by industry or government programs
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